Bianca David
29 posts
30| Scorpio Owner of Beautprism Imani's Mom
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
a song that you could SLAY at karaoke?
“Say My Name” by Destiny’s Child
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
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like this post if u save
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
Hearing the word fall from her lips Phobe couldn’t help the confusion the spread on her features for a moment. “What?” She questioned before narrowing her eyes when she began speed walking away. Finding herself attempting to catch up with her steps Phobe just kind of nodded for a minute as she caught up as much as she could. “What the fuck…” She muttered to herself for a minute as she moved to step into the building. Was this how people get kidnapped so easily?
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Grabbing one of the ipads, she placed it at the nearest table, “here take a look through everything. Honestly whatever you need just favorite it and it’s yours. You can borrow it or buy it, I’m cool with either...honestly, I am very passionate about making sure that kids have great memories.”
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
“That would be like… so fucking amazing. Like super fucking amazing.” When she mentioned a salon Phobe was uncertain on if she actually meant a real hair type of salon or what she meant by the words. Either way, if it meant free then she would gladly accept whatever help came her way. “Yeah. I totally have a few minutes. Anything with the frozen bitches she will want. I already know that.” Her eyes widened brightly at the mention of princess performers. “Please for the love of God I hope that they are not the same company I just called because those fuckers didn’t know what they were doing.” The mention of when caused her to rub her face. 
“It is like this weekend.” 
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Bianca’s eyes widened, as an extreme planner the thought of such uncertainty in such a small window of time gave her anxiety. “Bitch!!” the word stretched out and hung on her tongue, hopefully, the other knew she meant it enduringly. “Whatever you need is yours, even if you just want to borrow it. Come follow me,” she speed-walked her way around the corner to her salon. Thankfully her manager had arrived before her and opened up the gates of the shop. “Mo, are the ipads charged?” she hollered towards the back of the shop where she assumed the other was.
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
Finley furrowed a brow. “If It’s any consolation, I wouldn’t consider myself one of the good people of Santa Monica quite yet. What’s your book about?”
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“Why not, you know what don’t answer that too much nonsense happened this weekend. People deserve to have a little mystery...” she took a sip from her metal straw. Since moving to California she had slowly begun her transition to being more environmentally conscious. “I write contemporary romance books, some call it chick-lit.”
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
“Should you?” he asked, matching her light, joking tone, though his eyebrows rose up and knitted together slightly. “Sorry. I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about. I mean, I know what went down; when the cops get involved… the news tends to pick up on it, but I can assure you that not everyone in Santa Monica is ‘very much aware’ of your books,” Aaron stated slowly.
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She couldn’t help but laugh, “what I meant is that since my identity is out. The books have been wildly successful for a while now. There’s almost two dozen. But I self publish and use the pen name Veronica Vanburen. It’s more marketable than the one I have.”
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
“I’m not giving her a chance at this point to change her mind. She is getting princesses and she is going to deal with it.” Phobe admitted only to raise an eyebrow slightly when she mentioned having extra items. “Dude are you serious?” She asked before just getting straight to the point. “Yes. Dude. Honestly whatever you are willing to give or sell for cheap I will take it. Especially the stupid frozen one or the one that reads books is in there.” 
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“Yeah, I mean it’s just going to sit in my garage. I have pictures of what I have and then I can just look through my orders in my email. Do you have a couple of minutes? My salon is around the corner, you could look through it on one of the ipads and we can figure out pricing and all that jazz, I definitely have a lot of Frozen items, and Moana. My God, the amount of Moana things I bought that child. I had hired a couple of princess performers or whatever you call them, you know the ones that dress up like the princess come to the party and act like the princesses...I have a card in case you wanna hire them.”
“When is your daughters birthday?
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
Jack felt gross. After the events at the casino, he couldn’t shake off this feeling of sliminess and discomfort. The whole night had been a strange blur, going from having fun at the table games and slots to suddenly being trapped in a room full of other strangers. Everything about the event had a Saw-esque kind of feeling, having to guess such personal things about people he didn’t know, didn’t want to know, or didn’t want to know about in order to regain his freedom, and to top it all off, seeing his own secrets flash onto the screens made him nauseous–nauseous at the fact that somebody somehow managed to dig up all this information about him and broadcast it to the world. He couldn’t imagine how other people must have felt, considering he had seen worse associated with other people. His mind was still in a daze even days after, and that was easily translated when he heard the bell jingle, alerting him that someone had come into the record store. “Oh, hey. What’s up?” he greeted weakly, absently.
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“Jack?” Admittedly she hadn’t expected to see anyone from that hellhole of a casino night so soon. Granted her secrets weren't actually damning unlike those around her. A lot of shit ended up getting aired out. “How are you?”
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
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Baby girl
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
“Look. I’m trying to just order a fucking princess for a soon to be five-year-olds birthday this weekend. You’re add said that you had fucking princesses and now you are telling me that the only princess you have is the brave girl? My daughter doesn’t even understand her! What happened to those frozen bitches? Hello?” Letting out a huff in frustration she ran her fingers through her hair considering everything that she still needed to get done. After everything that had happened the entire ordeal left her further frustrated than prior before. Moving to turn she had almost completely run into someone. “Fuck! Sorry. Fuck.” 
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“Don’t even worry about it. I have a four-year-old. With all of the shit we see on Pinterest, our kids' parties become a huge fucking production. I ordered a bunch of princess-themed decorations and other things for her birthday next month. But like any child, she changes her mind like she changes her shoes. And now after watching the Wizard of Oz with her grandmother, that’s what she long story short I have a lot of things that I’d be willing to either sell or giveaway to you depending on the item.”
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
“Well...since the good people of Santa Monica are now very much aware, does anyone want to buy any of my books? I should probably do a signing,” she joked lightly.
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
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NAME: Bianca David GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female, She/Her DATE OF BIRTH: October 24th, 1988 BIRTH PLACE: Chicago, Illinois  CURRENT RESIDENCE: Mid-City OCCUPATION: Owner of Beautprism FACE CLAIM: Karrueche Tran
trigger warnings: death
Nancy Tran and Henry Thomas were two people whose love story must have been written in the stars. They met while on deployment in Greece, she was a nurse and he was a clumsy overly exuberant soldier whose own arrogance led to him landing in the medics tents. After that the rest was history, the two hit it off and were soon married. Eventually the Thomas’s decided on starting a family, Nancy’s tour ended earlier than her husbands so she decided to settle some roots in Chicago, her hometown.
After returning to civilian life, her mom worked at the general hospital while her father decided to open up several stores, he had saved the majority of his military pay during his enlistment, leaving him a nice chunk of change. He purchased a beauty supply, a chain restaurant and an event hall. He wanted to be able to work from home, spend time with his family and live out the american dream, he and his wife had served their country; it was time to reap the benefits of what they fought for.
A few short years after returning home, the Thomas’s businesses were remarkably successful. They had reached the point of being self opporational. Once Nancy found out she was pregnant with Aisha, she decided it was time for her to stay home and raise her daughter. Soon after that Bianca was born.
To say she had an easy childhood was an understatement, her family wasn’t rich, but they were wealthy and lived extremely comfortable lives. Bianca found her passion when she was six years old in her family’s beauty store, when one of her aunts was doing someone’s hair in the back of the store. Bianca sat in awe, at the way the woman’s appearance had been transformed as well as the immediate joy in the woman. She wanted to make people happy, she wanted to make them look as beautiful on the outside as they felt inside.
Like all 80/90’s parents they encouraged their children to go to college, just to have a degree under their belt. Bianca thought the idea was pretty backwards considering she knew exactly what she wanted to do, but ultimately agreed because it was a free education and the only way her father would agree to pay for her cosmetology schooling as well. So she went to Northwestern for her family and during her last year, her father kept his promise and paid for her night school; cosmetology school. It was difficult to juggle at first but she made it work. At twenty-three she had her bachelor’s in business, and had a wall full of cosmetology related certificates.
While she was applying to work at various salons to get the experience she needed, she walked back to her car and found a beautiful parking ticket on her car window. In the middle of her profanity filled outbursts, she unintentionally grabbed another officers attention. Once they made eye contact, they were like magnets. No one in the history of the world ever loved someone as much as she and Matthew David loved one another. They were married within a year of meeting. Their wedding was the kind of wedding that made every pinterest lover swoon.
Shortly after that the new David’s welcomed a healthy baby girl named Imani. Life was great, almost perfect. She had started scouting for locations to open up her very first salon. And began exploring the idea of moving out of Chicago, now that they had started a family they wanted to move somewhere with milder climate and safer streets. The life of an officer was particularly dangerous in their home city and things were only getting worse. But no day will ever be worse than July 3rd 2017 when Bianca received news that shook her to her core, he husband and been shot on duty. The wounds were so fatal his death was announced on arrival.
After grieving for a few months, she knew what she had to do. She would live out her husband’s dream. She packed her bags, sold her house and restarted her life in the sunny state of California. She opened up Beautprism in January of 2018, living out Matthew’s wishes of provide their daughter with a safer environment.
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beautbybianca ¡ 6 years ago
Liv wasn’t a stranger to gambling by any means, silly bets placed here and there while she was in college but she had never been in a casino before, and she was pleasantly surprised by what she saw. Taking it all in, she weaved in and out of the crowds, careful of her dress not ending up a destination for someone’s drink, she took her own drink and made her way over to the roulette table, vaguely knowing how it all worked. Sliding in to an empty spot, she watched the table with a smile. “So, how is your night? Win big yet?” she asked the person next to her, sipping her drink lightly. “When you win big, gotta remember who your friends are.” she finished with a wink and a small laugh.
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Her nerves had calmed down, although admittedly that was courtesy of the free unlimited drinks. She had gone from frantically checking her phone to only checking it every few minutes. She stood back for a second sort of just people watching as she finished her Hennesy and coke. The woman next to her caught her attention before she started speaking, she was at least six inches taller than her and had such unique features. "I haven't won big yet, but it's going surprisingly well. What about you?" she laughed lightly. "You know, you have a great face for makeup, your features are breathtaking. You have to let me do your makeup. I own Beautprism, it's a gorgeous salon. Please next time that you have a big event, or just feel like getting your face beat to the Gods, just come in, I'll do it for free." She searched her small clutch for a business card.
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