Bear Heads!
104 posts
Stuff that makes me think 'that's cool' and a brief history of my consciousness.
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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STÜSSY animal print top that you'd rock with...
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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Roshe Run orange leopard/cheetah/whatever
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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Only built 4 Cuban Linx
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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Ganryu SS13:
This is straight ripped out of but this is a collection that I really liked because of the rad use of checks throughout the whole thing - check on check is still the lick. I don't like so much the weird drop crotch trousers though, are they done now? Maybe. I like the velvet still though. The panel on panel in the look below is the one I would buy though, get that shit on and feel good.I don't even know if it's a shirt or a jacket though.
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
Oi Polloi funny fucking shit.
It’s no secret that Raekwon was partial to wearing a Polo Sport jacket, but not a lot of people know that the Ralph Lauren / Wu Tang link goes a little deeper. Just as Brian Epstein was considered the 5th Beatle, Ralph is actually the 176th Killah Bee. Operating behind a mask of smoke and mirrors, he’s the mastermind behind the whole thing, pulling strings like a shaolin puppet master. He’s fairly shady about the whole affair, but every now and again he’ll get them to drop a subliminal message in there… Protect Your Neck? That’s about rolling the collar up on your polo shirt. And C.R.E.A.M? That actually stands for ‘call Ralph everyone’s all-ruling master’.
From 'the deck out' #140
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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Louis Vuitton vintage suitcase
That you will never be able to afford or have beautiful enough suits to do just to pack inside. They're stickers from various baller hotels of a bye gone era which probably had steam boats and air travel was a novel concept. From Vintage & Modern.
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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F.Y.A.H. Fyah. So sick. Our Legacy SS13.
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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So, when B Store closed I was kind of gutted because it always made wearable but kind of directional clothes that were a nice balance between out there but not full retard. This is a case in point. You still want to be doing the whole mixed checks thing until next season but you won't be doing it in ten years time. You could, could, wear this in 2023. Maybe. Definitely in five years time and not look circa 2012. Throw in to the mix that there's small sizes available makes me wonder who didn't buy this first time it got reduced. Maybe the other store is still making it's name. I'm going to get one next week and it's going to be fucking great. Brb rolled up wider leg denim and tassled bass loafers. Straight ivy league thuggin '13 edition.
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
The cheetah is looking at me funny
Do you ever come across those kind situations where you say to the person next to you, or yourself, that 'you couldn't handle this on anything remotely hallucinogenic'? I think that I must say something like that about once a year. Anyway. This year this saying, albeit to myself, has come early:
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This t-shirt is from Katie Eary's Pop Up digital store and isn't cheap but it is fairly fucking fantastic. Look at the cheetahs! They're not looking at you but beyond you, to the next kill or carcass. Probably that guy wearing Tesco jeans! Get him! Go forth my fashion cheetahs and maul! I don't think that they actually come off the t-shirt but the hyper realism is pretty cool. So, vision quest anyone?
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
Fuck the internet babies
“Fuck the internet babies” was a standout quote from an old issue of sneeze magazine which had an interview with Keith Hufnagel or Eric Ellington. I can’t remember which one. But it’s something that’s been mirrored by Tyler Brûlè’s column for last week. I should point out that Brûlè’s point is around one to two hundred times longer and more succinctly put but the previous way said it more bluntly. It’s got that something something, that ring to it. But this idea of resisting the ever onward march of technology and having real world experiences – in the case of Mr Brûlè this counts as no phones at the table – is getting rarer and rarer. The irony that I am writing about the way technology has atrophied the volume of real world interaction that I have is not lost on me. I should mention that I am meeting a friend imminently. But pointedly doing things in the real world instead of having conversations via facebook isn’t a new idea, we’ve been communicating as a race for thousands of years, but we should be doing more than we currently are? “Fuck photos that say swag and all your apps” is a line from T-shirt’s first mixtape (which is great by the way, go download it here) which reflects the opening quote’s sentiment entirely. There’s a burger bar in Manchester that’s ‘secret’ but is easy to find online and socially conspicuous on the internet. Why not make it completely secret and don’t have a website? There’s no sign outside to show what it is, just a set of stairs with door staff outside and a small billboard on the outside but what really identifies Almost Famous to the guy in the street is the line that goes around the corner. The burgers are good, but the idea of secrecy doesn’t progress much further than marketing pretence. Obviously it works though.
Allow me to backtrack, maybe ‘resisting the onward march of technology’ is a little puritanical but I think that there’s something to having conversations on the phone or face to face rather than through the internet. Not to say that the internet isn’t a good thing, rather I’m trying to say that I think that the internet makes everything easier to locate whereas sometimes finding things by chance offline can be more rewarding. I’m just old enough to remember the slow loading times of the dial up modem when I first googled the word tits and I discovered a lot of my music taste from watching skate videos on VHS. The internet is wonderful, but all I’m saying is that there is evidence of creative backlash, however slight, washing over us: Mr Hare’s SS11 collection was called ‘ain’t no app for that!!’ and Messrs’ Huf (or Ellington) and Brûlè are proof of that.  
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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Hare Japan Prince of Wales Slipper. "Hello it's me" - fucking genius!
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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Recently acquired jawnz:
Wonderwood, Raised by Wolves & Ziggy denim.
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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Angry Me!
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
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Laurent Chehere floating house
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
Buying branded from blogs
I'm considering trying to hunt down one of these fairends x jjjjound caps on ebay, or the sufu market page:
But I’ve been thinking it over and what if the amount of effort that would be needed to find one is not equal to the pleasure that I would get from wearing it? Add to the mix that I would probably have to pay over the odds and I keep seeing douchebags in the Commes Des Fuck Down hats is making me think twice. The real issue isn’t whether or not people would see me and go “oh, he reads jjjjound, cool guy” but whether or not I’d be wearing it to get exactly that response. Flipping it around, take away the fact that jjjjound is probably the best photo blog on the internet, what does it say about me, the internet and people in general if I want a hat from a blog. Shit, maybe I’m just blowing this completely out of proportion or is it a case of the cap maketh the man?
Either way, it’s pretty hard to get hold of because they’re all sold out at the jjjjound shoppe and aren’t turning up many other places. FYI I’d have worn it like this:
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bearheads-blog · 12 years ago
Albam Car Coat
There are some jackets that can create that feeling, kind of in the pit of your stomach, which makes you slap your hands on the table and screw up your face and go "Ooohhhhh". Or something like that. This coat is definitely one that creates this reaction in me. In fact I would go as far as to say that I have stalked this coat on the internet, when I surreptitiously eye it in a tab towards the left hand side of my screen. The appeal is all in it's simplicity: black, elbow patches, two pockets, the clever use of two kinds of buttons, shearling lined and brilliantly reversible. You could wear this coat in the car sure, but why stop there? Why would you take it off? Ever?
Oh and did I mention that it's in the sale? No? Oh, it's in the sale.
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