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Birth/labor rp•21��They/Them
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bearbirth · 5 months ago
birth rp
hi y’all!! Putting my feelers out for more birth rp partners! I prefer playing the partner/other person, so I’m primarily looking for a carrier :3 but I can also do that role too if you’re really interested in being the seeder!
I’m interested in medium-longer replies and here are some things I’m interested in rping!
clothing/panty birth
public birth
vocal births (<3 this one i especially love)
egg laying
large babies + multiples
car births
And more! Im willing to discuss and you can see if it’s on the table~! If your account is blank or doesn’t have an age or if you’re rude and ask personal questions I will not be RPing with you!
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bearbirth · 5 months ago
Sheep girl who is meek and shy about giving birth so she goes to the cowgirls for help
(I forgot to turn on anon ask, sorry!)
The little sheep-girl baa’s softly as a contraction ripples through her belly. She holds it gently, rubbing circles. She hasn’t gone to get the farmer despite her water having broke an hour before. Her cervix is almost ready and her lamb wants to be born. She waddles over to the fence between them and the cow pasture. She’s been antsy since the birth started, pacing around.
“ohhhh maaaaaahhh!”
The sheep-girl holds onto the fence and spreads her legs, as a contraction hits. Her little tail wags furiously as she tries not to push. Her lamb is coming now. There’s not time to get the farmer. She slowly gets down on her hands and knees, tummy so large it’s touching the ground. She’s panting as another contraction comes. She closes her eyes and pushes. Oh god it’s coming…!
She cries as the lamb’s legs enter her birth canal. She pushes again, the head following the legs. The flock is watching her idly but doesn’t approach. She has to do this on her own.
“Hooo… haaah… oh no no…!”
The sheep sobs as the large lamb moves down with each push. It’s too big! Her legs are shaking by the time the foals legs are hanging out of her slit. She baa’s pitifully as she rolls over onto her side. She lifts her leg up and pushes.
*The head slowly makes its way out, hanging loose between her legs. She’s done this many times before and it never gets easier. The next push gets the shoulders out, spreading her legs more as the foal stays half inside her. Finally with the next push the baby slides out. She sits up and immediately goes to nursing her lamb.
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bearbirth · 5 months ago
This is one of my favourite blogs and your little labor stories are so cute! I hope you return soon - 💔
in the famous words of DBZA vegeta, IM BACK BITCHES!
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bearbirth · 5 months ago
Not now!
Spreading my legs open as I feel the babies head bulge behind my skin. I’d been ignoring the urge to push while simultaneously pushing in tiny amounts. I can’t give birth here! Not in the movie theater! I hold in my cries poorly as the baby slowly makes a tear drop with my pussy. I cover my mouth and push, sobbing quietly. My other hand grips the chair. My soaking wet pants start to bulge out as the baby comes to a halfcrown. The baby is huge. I squirm, trying not to push anymore.
finally the movie ends and I scream. My legs spread wide as I give in and push. The babies head streches to a full crown then pops out onto my pants. I cup the babies head with a shaking hand. I scream again as I push, the baby slowly turning.
The pants are keeping the baby in, making it harder to push. I scream again as the baby’s body slowly moves forward, stretching me wide open. I stop when the baby is half way out. People are watching me in awe as I shakily stand up. My pants sag down with the baby. One more agonizing push and it drops into my pants.
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
“I can make it.”
That was the lie I kept telling myself as I waited on the subway platform. I had held labor at bay all day, pretending everything was normal while the head slipped further and further into my pelvis. “Your face is a little red, are you sure you’re okay?”s and “You look like you’re in pain, everything alright?”s had been constantly asked throughout the day as the contractions got worse and worse, the head slipped lower and lower, and the pressure went up and up…
And now I was done for the day, homeward bound, where I could call my girlfriend, and everything would be okay. It was just a quick subway ride, how bad could it be?
Well, fifteen minutes into waiting for the seemingly late subway, I found out just how bad it could be. I knew I couldn’t sit down or else I’d never get back up, so I started leaning on a support pillar about five minutes in. No one paid me any attention, and I was grateful for that small blessing. I don’t know what I’d do if someone noticed I was deep into labor. I tried just rubbing my belly, seeing if I could soothe my muscles. No use.
Now, here I was, harsh cramping every few minutes and a head grinding into my pelvis. I don’t remember when I started panting, nor did I really care. I was just glad the noise of the underground station drowned out my occasional whimper. I tried to keep it to a whimper at least, but as time went on, everything got worse. Soft whimpers turned into middling whines as cramps turned into true contractions. I could feel the peaking pressure that I felt all day bubbling in my hips, threatening to make me pop all over this platform. Just a few more minutes, and the train would be here. I can make it.
Another fifteen minutes and the contractions had become unbearable, forcing me to whimper into my arm to keep quiet. There was no way in hell I was going to let out all the groans and screams bubbling in my throat. That would attract attention, and attention was not what I needed right now. Right now, I what I needed was relief. Less pressure, lighter cramps, calmer baby, anything.
Maybe squatting would make the pressure better? Yeah, no harm in a little squat. Just sliiiide down the pillar… There we go, slowly, slowly… Ignore the rising contraction… Just like that…
I let out a small groan as some of the pressure dissipated. Squatting was looking like it was a good idea until I felt the trickle of water running down my leg. My eyes shot open, looking down. I stretched my neck forward, trying to look past my bump. Sure enough, gathering between my feet was a tiny puddle. My breath hitched in my throat as I extended a shaky hand down to my crotch. It hovered there for a moment, scared to reach up and touch my lips underneath my pants.
I didn’t need to, as the rest of my water gushed from me a second later, cascading through my pants and pooling underneath me. I had barely registered that my hand was now covered in fluids that had formerly been in my womb before the urge to push hit. And it hit hard. I let out a choked gasp as I suddenly found myself pushing. I slapped my dry hand over my lips to stop any noises, but I had a feeling it probably wouldn’t do anything.
I could feel the head descending from my cervix, sliding into my canal. I wasn’t used to things being that deep into me, much less things with that kind of size. I let out a sound that was between a whimper and a groan as my canal stretched around the big head. It hurt. It hurt more anything I had ever felt before. But what hurt more was that I was alone. I was giving on the verge of giving birth, and my girlfriend had absolutely no idea.
Of course! My girlfriend! My soaked hand dove into my pocket as soon as the contraction faded, fishing for my phone. I’d call her, she’d come get me, and I’d probably give birth in the car, but at least I’d be with her. I grabbed it as I felt the next contraction start to build, mere seconds after the last had ended. I fumbled with it for a moment and successfully turned it on…
Only to see that I had no service. A muffled sob made its way through my hand as I stared at those two words in the corner of my screen. Okay, that’s fine, maybe there’s a payphone down here. I’m pretty sure I had money. I glanced up, and my heart sunk. Somehow, the amount of people had multiplied from the few dozen that were down here when I had last looked. There was no way I was making it through the crowd.
My body didn’t want me to either, as I found myself bearing down without even thinking about it. The head stretched my tight cunt out as it descended. I wasn’t ready for this. I hadn’t even thought about how my tightness would impact my labor. I was a lesbian, so that meant I had no boyfriend to stretch me out. And I almost never used dildos, so I was as tight as could be.
The tears started almost right after I stopped pushing. It hurt, I was alone, I wasn’t ready, and now people were starting to notice. I saw someone jab his friend in the arm, looking at me and whispering. The next thing I knew, there was a phone pointed at me as I slid down the pillar into my own mess. I whimpered as someone else looked too, pulling out their own phone.
I didn’t have time to consider the consequences of giving birth in public, the contractions were nearly on top of each other now. Again, I made a noise between a whimper and a groan as I bore down for the internet to see. I bit into my hand as the head traveled further, nearing my exit.
I opened my eyes once the contraction had faded and froze. Everyone was looking at me. A small quarter-circle had formed on my right side, with the tracks on my left. I’m pretty sure there was someone behind me and on my left too. I sobbed, managing to choke out a plea. If anyone heard it, they’d didn’t move.
Again, I didn’t have time to worry about the people staring at me, as another contraction soon fell upon me. My whimper-groans turned into full groaning, only partially muffled by my hand. I squeezed my eyes shut again, bearing down as hard as I could. My crotch suddenly began to burn, causing me to yell, but I couldn’t stop pushing. I doubted I could stop pushing even if I tried. The burn spread, worsening as I continued to push. I half-heard whispers from the small crowd and picked out the words ‘crotch,’ ‘bulge,’ ‘baby,’ and ‘birth.�� Someone whispered behind me, but all I heard was the word “crowning.” Someone else said something in response, and this time I caught it.
“Holy shit, she is crowning!”
My eyes flew open as I stopped pushing, looking down at myself. Idiot. My belly, still big and firm, blocked my view of my crotch. But sometime after I sat down I had spread my legs open subconsciously. It was probably for the best, but it now meant everyone could see what I couldn’t; the small bulge of my baby’s head straining against my pants.
Frantically, I reached down to pull my pants down and to give my baby room, but it was useless. My legs were spread too wide, and the baby was too low to close them again. I groaned out loud as I pushed into my pants, feeling the tight fabric strain against the head. Hey, at least I wasn’t wearing jeans.
My groans got louder and more animalistic as the ring of fire got worse. My pussy wasn’t ready for this, it was still tight as a virgin’s. But my body didn’t care, and my baby didn’t care. I continued to push, my noises echoing around the underground space.
I had lost count of how many contractions I had pushed through. I had lost track of time. All I knew was that it was only getting worse. I screamed, abandoning my goal to keep quiet. The head stopped moving when I pushed. I tried pushing again, but still no movement. I started panicking, wondering if the baby was stuck. That was the last thing I needed right now. I grabbed my thighs, trying to spread my legs apart further as I bore down. Then I remembered. I never took off my pants. I was still pushing into them.
I sobbed, on the verge of breaking into tears as I cried out for someone, anyone to help. The burn was at its worst, and it wasn’t getting any better. Nor was my progress. The head had completely stopped in my pants. It was a push, maybe two, away from fully crowning, and I could do nothing. Nothing. Nobody in the growing crowd moved to help me as I started to beg, tears flowing my cheeks as I desperately bore down. Nothing. Nothing at all.
I was about to burst into tears when the head moved just a tiny bit forward, and I heard a pop from my crotch. Immediately I assumed the worst, that my tight pussy was starting to tear. Slowly, a hand moved from my thigh to my crotch. I almost vomited as I felt around my bulging labia, looking for the tear in my skin. I started pushing, babbling that my baby had to wait, that I didn’t want to do this. But I bore down nonetheless. I heard more pops, and with each one the head moved forward the tiniest bit. My hands grabbed my thighs as my instincts demanded I spread myself open as wide as I could. I screamed as I finally crowned, blonde head bursting out of my pants.
I sat there in shock for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. First, and probably most importantly, I didn’t tear. That I was sure of as trembling hands felt around my burning lips. Second, I had crowned the head. Apparently the pops I heard wasn’t me tearing, but seams in my pants tearing. My panties were somehow still very much intact, despite being soaked with birthing fluids and close to tearing themselves. Third, I was now soaked from the waist down with my own fluids.
I sat there, stunned as the body slowly rotated so that the shoulders could pass. I heard shutters, and I saw flashes, but I didn’t notice them until a moment later. I yelped, trying to cover my throbbing cunt and the head hanging out of it with my hands. Of course, it wasn’t any use, and the pictures had already been taken. The tears returned as I begged people not to look. Again, if anybody heard me, they didn��t move.
I got maybe a minute to breathe and ‘relax’ before the shoulders were in place and ready to go. I was exhausted, humiliated, horrified and numb at the same time. I was done with this, and something inside of me took over. I screamed as I pushed, feeling the burn that announced the head return. It was worse, way worse, even with the extra space given to the shoulders and the stretching from the head. My voice started to crack, then quiet. I bulged out, shoulders just behind my lips.
With a silent cry, one shoulder popped out of my abused cunt. Things started to blur. Someone was starting to yell. It might’ve been me. I blinked, trying to keep my eyes open as I began to push again. Things got blurrier. Everything started to quiet suddenly. My pussy strained, trying to close even as I tried to push. It was right there…
I felt the second shoulder pop out of me, the body sliding from my burning pussy, the last of my fluids adding to my mess. Seemingly automatically, I reached down and picked up the wailing newborn between my legs. I felt empty. Everything started to fade as I held my daughter to my chest.
The last thing I heard before I passed out was the subway, pulling up beside me.
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
Since you like it, I need more cow girl birth!!!! But this time In the farm, like, it's her first time birthing, and the others cow girls are helping her, she is in a barn or something like that. It can be difficult or easy, long or short, you decide, just need more about COW GIRLS! MOOOO!!!
I’ll do you one better. In the spirit of Christmas, here is a reindeer girl birth out in an open field~!
Oh god…! When I hooked up with that buck last head I hadn’t expected this. Snow is falling on the ground and. My little brown pattered mini skirt is only doing so much to hide the labor. I push a little, groaning. I’d been in labor for a full day and had started to push an hour ago. I was in denial until tre urge for so bad and I could feel the baby inside me stretching myself open for its enterance into the world. The other reindeer around me have noticed my plight. Some of the other girls have come over to check on me but I insisted I was fine.
My little tail wags hard as I try to push the head out. I can feel little horns prodding at my birth canal. The bells on my halter jingle as I bend over with hands on my knees. I’m puffing air out. The baby is coming too fast x I’m not ready. The eldest of the group finally comes over she has me gets down on all fours. Soon my legs spread on their own and I cry out. The head pushes open my entrance just a little.
“O-Oh.!!! Oh marshmallows it’s..! It’s commmMmmiNNGGG MROOOOOOO!”
I bellow loudly as my hips dip down. The head forms a tear drop then sinks back in. I pant hard. The herd of reigndeer girls is around me, petting me, offering food, and support. I just grunt and heave. Another contraction and I push as hard as I can. The head begins to come out without falling back in all the way.
“OH ITS HORNS!! Help!! Please it hurts!! No don’t touch- HHRGGGGGG!! AH ahhhhh!”
I strain again, then gasp for air. The horns pop out, holding the head at the beginnings of a crown. The girls are oooing at my progress. I just push my hips down and bare my teeth. The head pops out suddenly. I scream. It hurt so bad…!! The head is now lifting my skirt up for everyone to see the calf I’m birthing.
“N-No! No don’t look!! Oh gumdrops…!!!”
I sob loudly. My hips are shaking. It’s too big! I’ve never had a baby before! I cry in pain as the girls help the baby turn inside me. My bells jingle as I fall forward, leaving my hips up.
“hooo… one more…! Come on baby!”
I close my eyes and push. And push. The babies shoulders slip out. The rest is left inside me. It’s dangling out. One more…
“MMMMMMMHHH-OOOOOOORRRR! Aaaah! Oh! Oh my calf!!”
I grab the baby that has just been born into the snow. The other girls quickly usher me into the barn where my traditional reindeer equipment is taken off. Seems like I won’t be participating in any reindeer games this year!
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
I’m sick
apologize everyone for the lack of replies in rp’s and asks! I will be trying to get to them! I got sick the day after my kitten got fixed and then ended up with a very high fever for a day! I’m better now but still not 100% and I’m resting up! Stay tuned for more birthing~!
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
Is your RP still open?
they are! I however, prioritize RPS with people with their age in bio/intro post, and people who don’t have blank accounts! I am also busy sometimes as I have a lot of pets and I’m in school, so if you want to RP just keep in mind that you may not get a reply every day! But I do try to reply when I have time and I’m on frequently!
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
For the build a birth 0: 🤰(male but we dont havw the male.pregnant emoji aa) 4️⃣🚗👖🧠
I had always had a bit of a chubby belly.
Unfortunately this fact led to this fateful night. I didn’t think I could get pregnant as I had been told I was infertile years ago by some bullshit doctor. I hadn’t seemed to notice my belly getting slightly larger over the months. It hasn’t popped however.
The last few days I’ve been having some issues with cramps. I had thought maybe it had been something I ate. Oh how wrong I was. I could never have foreseen having four babies inside of me all this time.
It’s a Friday and I’m driving back to visit my family for the weekend. I’ve been in some pain all day but I’ve pulled through even when a tums didn’t help. I breathe out as another cramp rocks my body and I shift forward in an attempt to alleviate my discomfort.
I let out a groan. The pain has been getting worse. I put a hand on my belly and rub it, trying to sooth the pain. I grip the wheel tighter. The pain subsides again and I sit back with a sigh.
“Fuck…. Ohhh god another….”
The next cramp comes so soon. I strain a little, feeling the urge to push. I just assume I have to use the bathroom. I’ll need to find a rest stop quick. The pain peeks then dies down again. But once more it starts up after just a few breaths.
I cant stop myself. I’m pushing the head down my birth canal. I’m panting hard as I lift my ass up a little when the pressure suddenly intensifies. How could a man be pregnant without knowing?
I cry out in pain as something nestled behind my entrance. I grip the wheel, sobbing as I push hard. With a scream and another push the head gushes out of me and into my jeans. I scream again, is that a baby?! Oh god it’s baby! I’m giving birth! The head turns and the baby rushes out of me and into my tight pants with a gush. I yank the wheel and pull over. I unzip my pants and shakily draw out the baby who has already started to cry.
I stare at it in shock, but I don’t have time to think. Suddenly I scream, there’s another. I place the first baby in the seat next to me and I sit back, my legs on the dash board. I sob as I try to pull my pants down a little but I’m having to push.
“NO I CANT BE PREGNANT!! OH IT HURTS SO BAD!!” My legs shake as I try to get the baby out faster. Suddenly the head shoots out then the shoulders and body. But as soon as it’s out I’m pushing once more. I grip the seat. I don’t have time to get the first baby out of my pants. The next baby is smaller and has already started to crown.
“AGGGREREGGGG AAAAAAH!!!! GET OUT OF ME!!!!!” I screech as the baby slips out into my pants next to its sibling. Finally I’m done… or so I think. I lower my legs and get the baby’s out. There’s a little twinge of a contraction but I ignore it. I call 911, and as I’m explaining what happened I have to push.
I scream down the phone. The baby forces its way down me. I half stand up, pulling my pants down just as the baby crowns. It shoved my boxers down as it moves out painfully.
Suddenly the baby pops half out. I’m sobbing with the baby half in me when the ambulance finally reaches us. They watch me give birth again as they pull open my door.
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
You know those agricultural expos where you can watch a cow give birth? What if that, but a cowgirl instead? And she's enjoying all of the attention *very* much. All of those people, here just to see her have her calf? She'd better give them a good show~
I just saw this and it’s been on my mind all day!! I love cow girls~! Let’s do this!!
“Mooooooo!” I can hear labored mooing and moans in the stalls next to me. I’m a breed cow girl, made to birth stronger cows for farms. Most of the other heifers don’t enjoy giving birth, but secretly I do. My short brown hair contrasts nicely with my white ears and tail. I have on a skimpy little cow print bikini and that’s it. My large belly is swollen with a calf that is too large for a normal human to carry. I rub my belly gently, I’ve been in labor since the night before. I walk around my pen, doing little stretches as onlookers watch.
I moo out in pain as a sudden contraction hits me. I lean up against a mount made for me to hold onto. As I breathe through it, my water pops. A fluids trickle out of me but I don’t seem to notice at all. I’m too into the process. The calf is coming NOW. The people watching start to gather when they realize what’s going on. It won’t be long till I’m pushing out a huge calf.
“Hoooo… hooooooooo…”
Half an hour after the water broke and I’m breathing hard. The half’s head has passed through my cervix. It’s massive. I’m blushing so hard as people take photos. I’m waddling around, mooing and moaning loudly. My tail flicks happily as I’m watched. I just love the attention birthing gets me.
“MOOOOOOOO!!!!!” I bear down again, the body coming down now. With how large the full sized calf is the head is forced to my entrance. My skin bulges out and I am now forced to squat while holding the bar. My legs shake, I’m excited. More people are watching.
“M-Mroooo! MOOOOOOOO MROOOOOOOOO!!” I push again, mooing as the snout of the calf pushes out. The head follows fast as it crowns causing me to scream my moo’s instead. I look back, seeing everyone watching my entrance stretch. “Mmhhh~! Mooooooo!!!!” I give it another push, wiggling my little butt like I’m trying to get the head out. It’s so painful~! It slips out with a gush of fluids. But that was the easy part. A contraction rips through me soon after and I squat again. The body is massive. I sob and cry, my hips bouncing which makes the bell collar I have in jingle. The body slowly begins to stretch me open. But it’s slow and painful. People are filming me and praising me for my work. I can’t help but push again even without a contraction, my tail moving up to show the body slipping out.
“NNNNRRROOOOOO MRRRRHHHH GAHHH!” I yelp as the massive calf slides out of me. People are cheering. I turn around and do a little polite bow, smiling happily as I sit down to nurse my new calf.
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
Send your asks in!!! Anon is on as well~!
Build-A-Birth Prompt!
send an ask with a string of emojis from below to build a birth prompt! will update this as time goes on and feel free to add your own!
🤰🏽 female 🫃🏽 male 🫄🏽 nonbinary
1️⃣ singleton 2️⃣ twins 3️⃣ triplets 4️⃣ quadruplets #️⃣ custom number
🏥 hospital 🩺 birth center 🏠 home 🏫 classroom 🏖️ beach 🏙️ public (specify) 🚗 car 🚎 bus ✈️ plane 🚜 farm 🌲 forest ℹ️ other location (please specify)
🛑 birth denial ✋ pushing the baby back in 🦶 breech baby 🍳 posterior baby 👖 clothing birth 🩲 panty birth 💦 orgasmic birth 💧 water birth ⌛ overdue 🧠 didn't know they were pregnant
Feel free to add any other details!
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
If I just ignore it, it will go away
I hadn’t seemed pregnant. It must have been one of those cryptic pregnancy things… I hadn’t had any bump, or not a large one. I thought I had just gained some weight. Who knew a one night stand would lead to something like this. But I didn’t know. I went to my job as a school teacher like normal that day. I had been having some abdominal pain but I had attributed it to my period or something other than a looming due date. The pains had been getting worse and worse as the day progressed.
By the 3rd period, I was groaning softly. I had gone to the bathroom half an hour before thinking I had peed myself. Darn bladder issues. I’d been having more and more of these accidents lately. Little did I know it had been my water breaking. Soon enough the pressure intensified. I’m leaning on my desk, panting softly as I try to ignore it to teach my class. I’m shifting back and forth, just trying to get though the period.
“Hooo…. Hooo… and so- hooooooo…”
My class seemed to notice something was up. The head was coming through my cervix. I had started to push. It was so painful. I just wanted to scream. But instead I told everyone to start their readings prematurely. I sit down, spreading my legs under the desk. I push hard, despite the urge in the back of my brain not to. What if I was about to push out an organ! It hurt enough to be that and I felt like I needed to poop something out.
“nnhh… oh god please… I can’t afford to go to the hospital.”
I mumble under my breath between pushes. Another half hour goes by and now it’s too much. The head starts to spread me open and I stand up shakily.
“Oh…! OH GOD!!! Oh god IT HURRRRTS!!” I scream.
my students look up fearfully as I lean over my desk and push. The head is bulging under my my skin. I scream in pain as it begins to form a tear drop shape. “NO NO PLEEEEASEE AAAAHHH!! NNNGHHHHH NNNNHHHH!!”
I grip the desk hard. I’m shrieking as the head crowns. My hips and legs shake as the burning pain intensifies to an ungodly level. Suddenly with a gush and a push, the head comes out between my legs. Finally the pain stops and I sit down.
“S-Sorry class. Continue your reading… Mmghh…”
I reach down and cup the head. Now I would just have to keep the body until the school day ended.
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
Hi!!! I’m back (hopefully regularly now!) my kitten for no reason (all tests show nothin), got sick last week and before that I had a family emergency!! Thankfully all is cleared up now and kitten is doing good on some meds! Regular birth content will commerce shortly!
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
deer centaur alone in the woods crying in early stages of labor from how agonizing the contractions are, unable to walk with the unbearable pain and weight low in their pelvis x werewolf in rut who finds them from the sound of their cries and knows they're the perfect hole to breed
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
So like... what do I have to do to get a man to call me his good girl and hold the head in while he tells me he knows I can hold his big babies in just a little longer while I wail that it's coming out now I have to push oh god?
Asking for a friend.
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
Just thinkin bout birthing and the head is starting to come out and the stretch is so intense you don’t want to push cuz you feel like you’re gonna split but the contraction starts to come and the urge is getting too strong so you groan out a pained noooooooo!! as you open wider and wider into a huge painful full crown
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bearbirth · 1 year ago
Super sudden egg-pregnancy- as in like, you start to feel pains, while out shopping, ten minutes later you’re rushing to try to get to a bathroom, anywhere, while your stomach swells and swells.. eventually you lock yourself in some random fire escape you’ve found, and struggle to get your clothes off but you can’t get your pants off. The eggs are starting to become too large to keep inside you and your pants are soaked with fluid and you desperately try to get them off as the eggs start pushing out, you’re not in control.
oh god oh god…! The first egg is ready at my entrance. I hurry out towards the exit as I try to beat the time between my contractions. I knew this experiment was a bad idea before I had to go shopping. I feel my belly contract and cry out. “N-No! No please wait just a LIIIIIITTLE longer!” I push a little, the egg just starting to bulge out inside my soaked underwear.
I get outside, an alarm buzzing behind me. That’s when I collapse onto my hands and knees. I’m pushing, the egg crowing in my pants. “OHHHHHH GOOOOD!!! ITS HUGE!! ITS STUUUUCL HEEEELP!” I scream as the egg is stuck crowing as my pants keep it in. I try pulling them down but I’m weak, pushing, and my legs are spread. I read back as someone comes out, gasping when they see me giving birth. Suddenly I scream, pushing again. “ITS COMINGGGGGG!!” The egg spreads my slit wide open, then slips out into my underwear. I’m sobbing as the person tries to help get me up. I don’t have time. The next egg comes down and I’m pushing again. “NNNGHHHH!!! HOOOO HOOOOOO!! GGRHHHHHHHHH!!” Im pushing the next egg into a crown within seconds. “GAAAAAAHHHH OH GOD IT HURTS MAKE IT STOP!!” I scream in pain as the egg pushing out and slides into my pants as well..
Only 5 more to go!
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