beanxsi · 9 years
you can now find lydia here
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beanxsi · 9 years
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uh. hi. long story short: i really haven’t had a computer for the past few months. when i brought it to get fixed, it got worse. they couldn’t fix it (for free) and it wasn’t worth repairing because it was 6 years old. so here we are now. with a  new macbook. 
i’m in the process of making new themes for ruby, chelsea and devony. i have to fix all of their pages, too. when it comes to lydia--- i’m not sure what’s going on. i love writing lydia, don’t get me wrong. but  i wasn’t thoroughly inspired to  write from this half a season. if  anyone wants to do a noncanon thing, i’m always down.
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beanxsi · 9 years
werk. I'll be mobile.
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beanxsi · 9 years
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               she snaps her book shut with a disapproving grunt, leaning back in her                chair as she shifts to better face him. it’s RARE to see a look like that                when she’s voiced her disinterest; it seems to get under her skin, ever so                slightly. the strawberry blonde chuckles, shakes her head.
                         “ and YET, here you are. i’m sure there are plenty of other girls                             who would fawn over you with big doe eyes. ––– you’re not my TYPE. ”
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              he WONDERED what exactly lydia had on her mind. if only he could read               actual thoughts, right?  CLEARLY, as anyone could see, disinterest was               expressed. funny. a confused look showed as a first response on his face,                followed by a smirk. 
                         ❛ an opinion like that is expected from you. ❜
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beanxsi · 9 years
                       truemccallpha | continued. 
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             Lydia is sure he can SENSE the change, the way she tenses ever so              slightly as he leans in close. You can’t play games with a werewolf.              Her smirk fades, petal pink lips drawing a thin line across her face as              she studies him. And here she had assumed this game was OVER.
                “ Then again, I’m not the sort of girl to send a naked SNAPCHAT or                    late night text. I think you know where you can find your jacket. ”
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beanxsi · 9 years
"Did you take my jacket?"
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              “ You know, Scott, you should PROBABLY keep a better                  eye on your things. ”
        She smirks to herself, a swift hand slamming her locker shut as he advances.         The banshee is calm and cool, turning to face him with a FAMILIAR sparkle         in bright green eyes. It’s a familiar scenario. One she’s glad to easily take the         UPPER HAND in. She leans back against the smooth metal surface of the         lockers, a well groomed brow raising at him.
             “ It’s SENIOR YEAR. Don’t you think if I wanted your attention I’d have a                 better way of getting it by now? ”
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beanxsi · 9 years
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Tyler Posey Strips Down @ MTV Fandom Awards
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beanxsi · 9 years
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              “–––– HUH.”
             the banshee tips her head to one side, then the other, looking him over.              CRITICALLY. one corner of her lip pulls, a hint of a chuckle rolling in              her throat.
              “you know, i don’t see what the FUSS is all about.”
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beanxsi · 9 years
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                               ––– I’M NOT LIKE YOU GUYS !!
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beanxsi · 9 years
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             like for a small thing.              also accepting plots.
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beanxsi · 9 years
shippy angst starters.
"You're an idiot if you thought I cared about you."
"You took advantage of my feelings for you."
"Fuck you, fuck your boyfriend/girlfriend and fuck everything about you!"
"I'm in love with you and I'm sick of having to hide it."
"You were supposed to be different."
"You were the one, I can't just move on!"
"I loved you, and just because we broke up doesn't mean I can turn it off."
"I love you too much and you don't love me at all..."
"I would've done anything for you..."
"You left me. You don't get to come back."
"I want you to hurt like I do."
"That's it? You're just giving up on me?"
"I never thought we'd end like this."
"It's such a shame to let you walk away."
"Love isn't a three-way street!"
"Is this goodbye?"
"I would have followed you anywhere. "
"Do I even matter to you?!"
"My back has turned on you."
"I should have known you'd break my heart."
"You're gone and I'm haunted and I bet you are just fine!"
"Goodbye, my almost lover."
"It's over."
"I can't do this anymore."
"I'm leaving you."
"I'm done crying over you."
"I have to let you go."
"You said you loved me..."
"I LOVED you. Past tense."
"I don't believe in love."
"I never loved you."
"I hate you."
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beanxsi · 9 years
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           “ in that case, wouldn’t it be more PROPER to say that              it SHOULDN’T be possible, rather than it being impossible?              CLEARLY: it is possible. “
     steve hums, shifts forward to drag the shield to the edge of the table,      turn it over to ghost his fingers over the chipped paint. thumb and forefinger      rub the edge, a sigh breathing from his lips as he replaces it on the table.
           “ i can bench press up to 2,000 pounds, ma’am.              very little seems IMPOSSIBLE to me anymore. “
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                  painted lips part but a reply falls short. he’s CLEVER. certainly more                   clever than some she’s used to. his correction isn’t terribly incorrect,                   and maybe that’s what’s driving her crazy. her gaze follows the shield                   as he drags it back to him, observing the way his fingers seem so tender                   with the hunk of metal. her lips purse.
                         “ you realize MA’AM is generally used for women in armed forces                            or women who appear as though they may have children.                        — ma’am me again and i’ll show you what I can do. ”
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beanxsi · 9 years
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                 At some point the scale has to tip                                 one way or the other.
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beanxsi · 9 years
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         “ considering it EXISTS, i would say it’s not. “
     he watches the girl handle his shield, fingers twitchy & more than prepared      to reach out and reclaim it. truthfully all he has left from 1945, a certain      attachment is held for the discus.
         “ it’s VIBRANIUM; real strong, real rare. “
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                 “ mr. rogers, might i remind you of the world we live in. just                     because it EXISTS doesn’t mean it’s not impossible. it’s just—                     it SHOULDN’T exist. ”
            she sets his shield down on the lab table, delicate and careful with             something that seems ultimately indestructible. the strawberry blonde             can’t wrap her brain around the discus. she can’t figure out most of what             she’s seen recently.
                 “ you throw it around like a plastic FRISBEE, and bullets bounce                     right off. you can’t tell me that doesn’t blow your mind a LITTLE. ”
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beanxsi · 9 years
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beanxsi · 9 years
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            her lips are drawn up in a grin, coated in a thin sheen of sparkling CRIMSON,             verdant hues bright and wild, full of MISCHIEF as she looks up to him. thin             porcelain fingers trail up his arm, catching the collar of his shirt. she wants             off the leash, but the last time she left, she tasted death; it SCARED her. it’s             safer when she’s with him, even if she refuses to admit it. so she nags, and             bats her lashes at him.
                            “you’re missing all the FUN. c’mon–– i bet i can find a nice                              cute girl for you.”
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beanxsi · 9 years
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                     ❝  Don’t you understand yet? I’m not                                          the bad guy here.  ❞
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