beaniebonkie · 6 days
am I the asshole if I go no contact with my friend without telling her? I'd say about 4 years ago is when I pretty much became her go to for everything. she met a guy, and we will call him Steve, her and Steve ran away together. not to mention he was 18 and she was 14. Her and her mom came to an agreement that Steph would come home as long as Steve could come too, because her mom was so tired of begging Steph to come home, she caved and let it happen. so now a month or so has passed and Steph is home, and Steve lives there on the condition that he has a job and is helping, while Steve was working, he was talking to other girls, eventually Steph found out and I had to hear about that for month because she refused to break up with him but knew he wouldn't stop cuz he was a pos. So, it was really tiering waking up to her calls at 2am because she saw something on his phone every night. With them spending as much time together as they did (if he wasn't at work, they were together) she got pregnant, he got scared and left to a different town. when Steve left, Steph was absolutely crushed and I totally understand that, so then I became her shoulder to cry on during her pregnancy. after some time, things started to calm back down, and she had he beautiful son. after some time, she decided she was going to date again and she met someone we will call Kyle, that name fits better then you know. so, Steph and Kyle hit it off and its cool then Kyle goes to jail for a felony charge. while Kyle was in jail he was talking to Steph and many others so when he got out and because he's a munch he couch surfed at her house. When he was at her house, she found all the notes and things from the other girls. They started their relationship off like that. so of course, I hear about it every day and now she has beef with everyone in our small ass hometown cuz Kyle was out and about while in jail and before they met and then she puts it on me. for example, I don't even know the chick, never talked before, nothing, but if I'm friends with any of them on social media, she loses her shit on me, like I don't feel like it's my responsibility to keep track of every chick YOUR MAN hooked up with and make sure I'm not their friend like bffr. So anyways this dude hates me because I call him out on his bs and the way Kyle treats Steph because he's literally a narcissistic psychopath that won't even let her get a job to support herself or her child. He has that kind of toxic mentality, and she just takes it and then she'll come to me telling me everything Kyle is doing, and I tell Steph like "hey that's low-key abuse and you need to leave if not for you for your child" but you know "Steph knows best" so she doesn't ever listen to me or take my advice EVER. not to mention Kyle forced Steph stop taking her birth control (he literally hid her fucking pills from her or would yell at her like a crazy if he found out she was taking them) so she now has a daughter. so, with their daughter being here, Kyle now feels as though he and Steph should get married. Kyle is a felon on probation with terrible money management, no self-discipline, acts like a literal child but loves to boast about he's a "man". I told her it wasn't a smart idea because she always tells me how she wants to leave him and how she's "tired of fucking up her life", because once they get married, he's moving her across the country, and she will have none of her support systems only trapping her more. I got kind of upset with her because she's putting herself and her kids at risk and she knows it but won't listen to anyone (me and her mom, HER THERAPIST). I knew that he was planning to propose, and he did and she's trying to hide it but failed so now I know they are engaged, and she hasn't talked to me since I told her it wasn't a good idea and after seeing that I feel like the advice I give her is pointless and I'm done having anxiety and stress over someone else's life choices, aita?
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beaniebonkie · 6 days
"We need more complex female characters" you guys can't even handle Chappell Roan, Real Life Woman with Boundaries
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beaniebonkie · 6 days
Every time I hit the bong; I feel closer to mother nature because I'm using all four elements.
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beaniebonkie · 8 days
The Game.
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