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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 5 years ago
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Expressing Your Emotions || 感情・かんじょう・Emotions Hey guys, today I’m going to list a couple different ways to express your emotions or feelings in conversation in Japanese! Adjectives・形容詞「け���ようし」:
Difficult (emotionally)・辛い・つらい
One adjective which might appear often in conversation is the word 「ヤバい・ヤバイ・やばい」which can be used to express a few different emotions depending on the context. I’ve heard it used to express both positive and negative emotions/feelings/thoughts like: dangerous, terrible, crap, awful, amazing, wow, cool. Nouns・名詞「めいし」:
Below I’m going to list a few examples of how to express your feelings in Japanese. It’s important to know that you don’t have to use 私は/僕は/俺は/etc. before stating your feeling because it’s obvious in the context that you’re expressing your own emotions!
Angry・Annoyed -
ひどい!・You’re awful/mean OR That’s awful!
ひどーーい!・You’re aaaawful! OR That’s aaaawful!
ムカつく!・むかつく!・I’m pissed off.
イライラする!・I’m irritated!
Confused -
どうしよう?・What am I gonna do?
Difficult -
辛い・つらい・It’s hard.
きつい・It’s hard.
Embarrassed -
あー、恥ずかしい!・あー、はずかしい!・I’m so embarrassed!
Happy -
嬉しい!・うれしい!・I’m happy!
嬉しいなあ!・うれしいなあ!・I’m so happy!
あー幸せ!・あーしあわせ!・I’m so happy!
楽しい!・ How fun!
楽しすぎる !・Way too fun!
ワクワクする !・I’m getting excited!
Jealous -
羨ましい!・うらやましい!・I’m jealous!
羨ましい―――!・うらやましいーーー!・I’m soooo jealous!
Nervous -
ドキドキする!・I feel nervous!
緊張する!・きんちょうする!・I’m nervous!
不安になる・ふあんになる・I’m anxious
Nostalgic -
懐かしい!・なつかしい!・This brings back memories.
Relieved -
安心した!・あんしんした!・I feel relieved.
あー、よかった!・I’m relieved!
Sad・Lonely -
悲しい!・かなしい!・I’m sad
泣きたくなる!・なきたくなる!・I feel like crying!
寂しい・さみしい/さびしい・I’m lonely
あーあ…・Oh well…
Scared -
びくびく・Symbolises being afraid or timid.
こわい!・I’m scared!
Shocked・Surprised -
うそ!・No way!
マジ?・まじ?・Really/No way/Seriously?
マジかー?・まじかー?・Really/No way/Seriously? (a little masculine)
えーー!うそ、マジで!?・What? No way!
ありえない!・No way!/I can’t believe it!
信じられない!・しんじられない!・I can’t believe it!
皆さん、今どんな気持ち? Everyone, how are you feeling right now?
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 5 years ago
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Common Japanese Verbs Hey guys, below is a list of what I believe to be common Japanese verbs! I’ll also be posting a list of common adjectives, adverbs, and nouns in the future too, so keep an eye out for them! There are a number of ways that verbs have been categorised in Japanese, such as Ichidan 「一段」 and Godan 「五段」, and う verbs and る verbs. I’ve listed them all in the titles for easier understanding, depending on what distinction you’re familiar with. These classifications come in handy when you need to conjugate verbs so try to remember what category they belong to! うverbs・五段「ごだん」・Class 1: To begin (something starts on its own)・始まる・はじまる To buy・買う・かう To close・閉まる・しまる To die・死ぬ・しぬ To drink・飲む・のむ To eat・食べる・たべる To end・終わる・おわる To enter・入る・はいる To give back (return something to someone)・返す・かえす To go・行く・いく To go back・戻る・もどる To have/exist (inanimate objects)・ある To know・知る・しる To learn・習う・ならう To listen・聞く・きく To make・作る・つくる To meet・会う・あう To play・遊ぶ・あそぶ To receive・貰う・もらう To repair・直す・なおす To return・帰る・かえる To ride on・乗る・のる To run・走る・はしる To send・送る・おくる To sit・座る・すわる To speak・話す・はなす To swim・泳ぐ・およぐ To take・取る・とる To take off (shoes, clothes)・脱ぐ・ぬぐ To understand・分かる・わかる To use・使う・つかう To wait・待つ・まつ To wake up・起こす・おこす To wash・洗う・あらう To write・書く・かく るverbs・一段「いちだん」・Class 2: To answer・答える・こたえる To bathe・浴びる・あびる To be able・出来る・できる To be born・生まれる・うまれる To be enough・足りる・たりる To begin (to start something)・始める・はじめる To borrow・借りる・かりる To break・壊れる・こわれる To check・調べる・しらべる To cut・切れる・きれる To exceed・過ぎる・すぎる To find・見つける・みつける To forget・忘れる・わすれる To get off・降りる・おりる To get tired・疲れる・つかれる To give・あげる To go out・出る・でる To greet・迎える・むかえる To have/exist (animate objects)・いる To help・助ける・たすける To make a mistake・間違える・まちがえる To open・開ける・あける To remember・覚える・おぼえる To see・見える・みえる To show・見せる・みせる To sleep・寝る・ねる To stop・止める・やめる To teach・教える・おしえる To think・考える・かんがえる To wear・着る・きる Irregular verbs・Class 3: To come・来る・くる To do・する
する verbs: する verbs are made by adding する to a noun. To ask questions・質問する・しつもんする To be surprised・びっくりする To call・電話する・でんわする To do the cleaning・掃除する・そうじする To do the washing・ 洗濯する・せんたくする To get married・結婚する・けっこんする To go shopping・買い物する・かいものする To have a meal・食事する・しょくじする To reserve・予約する・よやくする To study・勉強する・べんきょうする To take a walk・散歩する・さんぽする To travel・旅行する・りょこうする
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 5 years ago
gentle reminder for when you feel demotivated
there’s nothing wrong with feeling demotivated, so please don’t punish yourself for that – everyone, even the most successful people in the world, can fall into a slump
you can do it
i believe in you
it’s not going to be as bad as you think
don’t place too high expectations on yourself, especially when you’re feeling low
set small and specific goals – little steps are always important
print out or write down what you need to do and put that note where you know you’re going to see it
set yourself a specific time for when you’re going to start working on something, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself if you’re unable to
see what others are doing and achieving, and use that as motivation instead of comparing yourself to them and putting yourself down
call for help from others to cheer you on when you can’t do it on your own
counter your negative thoughts with positive ones
think about the benefits of doing the task, instead of the difficulties it will take to get there
take deep breaths and take a step back when things become too overwhelming or the stress takes over (here’s a written breathing exercise, or a gif you can breathe along with)
take breaks, don’t overload yourself
if you think that your schedule is becoming more and more of the same thing every single day, that can heavily impact your motivation - so try your best to try something new, or even just do something that you would usually do in a different way, or with a different outlook; it doesn’t matter if the change you make is big or small, because every attempt goes towards progress
when you’ve completed what you needed to, or even just worked at it a little bit, make sure to congratulate yourself, because you’re trying and i’m so proud of you for that
try your best, because your best is good enough
you got this
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 5 years ago
When your head hits the pillow tonight, remind yourself that you’ve done a good job. You are headed down your path at your own pace, and with every obstacle you are trying your utmost best. Be patient with yourself, and remember that big things are achieved not all at once, but one day at a time.
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 5 years ago
Wake up early and happy!
I like to wake up almost unnecessarily early. Why? Because I simply love calm mornings. I get to relax and get ready for my usually very busy day. Here are some tips how to wake up very early:
Prepare everything the evening before. Clothes, school bag and even food, if you can
Put your phone/alarm clock as far from your bed as you can so you gotta get up to turn it off.
Snooze button is not your friend BUT if you have trouble waking up right away, have a three alarms set. Firts one 20 minutes before the time you want to wake up, second the time you want to wake up and the last twenty minutes after. The first one will wake you up a little and if you fall asleep for 20 minutes, it won’t be a deep sleep. The last one is to make sure you don’t oversleep.
Brush your teeth and wash your face immediately after waking up. It will make you much less sleepy.
Make your bed. It will make returning into it a bit harder.
Put on something warm (hoodie and socks) and the stretch and move around
Good breakfast! Take time adn eat something you love! Warm meals will get you bonus points.
Read, meditate and relax after you made sure you are not sleepy anymore.
Listen to uplifting and upbeat music.
Include pets into your morning routine. Trust me.
Include people if you want (I personally don’t want to but yya know…)
I hope I was helpful and good mornings!
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 5 years ago
20 important study skills/tips i’ve learned from my professors
1. start studying a week before every quiz/test. seriously.
2. watch youtube videos/ted talks on the topics you are learning about.
3. get lots of sleep! sleep helps you process the day’s events, including what you learned.
4. write out your notes. it’s proven that handwritten notes help you learn better than typed out notes.
5. don’t just read what your professor gives you. find academic journals, books, etc. that correspond with your subjects.
6. read the news! especially in the social sciences/humanities, connecting concepts with current events helps you understand and process more easily.
7. exercise! this doesn’t have to be going on runs or lifting weights, it could even just be going for a 20 minute walk. just get your blood pumping, it’ll help you focus.
8. study at your desk. it may be tempting to study in bed, but your brain connects your bed with sleep, so you’ll get tired more quickly.
9. reviewing notes doesn’t have to be something you sit down and do for an hour. skim through them and test your memory while eating breakfast!
10. expand your study time throughout the day to avoid burnout. for example, rather than studying for 5 hours straight, study for an hour here and there in between your activities.
11. make your notes organized and easy to read, but not distracting. bright colors and flashy notes may seem better, but can sometimes distract from the purpose of the notes.
12. use apps such as quizlet. this way, you can go through definitions while waiting in lines or walking to class.
13. it’s more important to know concepts rather than facts. for example, you should be able to take what you know and apply it to different situations, not just the situation the textbook gives you.
14. just because the professor doesn’t require you to read textbook, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. it helps explain concepts in a different way than your professor, and a lot of times hearing two different explanations for the same concept helps you understand it.
15. read in advance. read the textbook before your professor begins going over the chapter, so when he/she does, you can easily follow what they are saying.
16. do any extra credit work that comes your way. even if you don’t need the extra boost now, you might later.
17. go to class!! if you always skip class and show up at office hours completely lost on the concepts, they’ll laugh in your face. they’ll take you 100x more seriously if you show up.
18. however, if you are sick, take a day off. it’s more beneficial to you in the long run. 
19. learn how to say “no”. if you have an 8 am the next day, don’t stay out until midnight with your friends. 
20. don’t stress too hard over quizzes. if you expect them to go horribly, they will. you got this.
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 6 years ago
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 6 years ago
you’re getting there.
everytime you try again, you’re getting there.
everytime you get up and face another day, everytime you find yourself smiling, everytime you get through a rough patch, everytime you encourage or help someone else, everytime you do something you love.
you’re always getting there.
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 6 years ago
Self Care Tips
Make time every day for some “me time” or make a dedicated day or two each week for this time.
Have a shower every day!
Brush and floss your teeth 2-3 times a day.
Use a soft bristle toothbrush: hard bristle toothbrushes can damage your gums and teeth.
Exfoliate 1-2 times a week if it suits your skin type.
Wash face and moisturise 1-2 times a day if it suits your skin type.
Do not wash your face in a hot shower: it will dry your skin out and will damage it.
Do something you enjoy and relax.
Get outdoors and get some fresh air.
Regularly exercise!
Eat a well-balanced diet.
Drink plenty of water!
Maintain healthy friendships.
Make some plans to look forward to.
Try meditation.
Get plenty of sleep.
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 6 years ago
You are working so hard and I’m proud of you! Take it easy, stretch for a bit, drink some water, eat a snack and remember: You are loved and you will get through this~
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 6 years ago
Be happy for people. Especially the ones you love. No one is taking what is yours, whatever they have is theirs. The things that are meant for you, find you. Work to find them by all means. But jealousy will never bring you something that isn’t meant for you, nothing will x
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 6 years ago
How to Accept Yourself
1. Focus on your positive qualities. It’s true that we can all improve in some ways – but start by finding your good qualities – and recognise that these are a major part of who you are.
2. Be aware of, and fight against, your negative self-talk. Negative self talk can quickly snowball and become an angry tirade against yourself – so you become your own worst critic and your own worst enemy. Instead, choose to respect yourself, to love, affirm and believe in yourself.
3. Don’t dwell on things you know you cannot change. We all have imperfections, weaknesses and flaws. They’re really not that crucial, and they’re not that big a deal. Try to keep them in perspective – and change what you CAN change.
4. Make your own decisions – don’t always look to others, and think that they know better … But choose to trust yourself.
5. Always try to do your best – as that’s all that is required. You’re a normal human being who’ll sometimes get it wrong. When you do, just forgive youself, then get up and move on.
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 6 years ago
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Learn one Kanji a day with infographic: 度 (do)
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 7 years ago
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“A Thread of Tips” by Shelby
• #16 is missing but to find out more tips, follow her on twitter; be sure to thank her! 😁
disclaimer: check sites and tips before using at your own discretion.
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 7 years ago
here’s some more lil tips 4 u all
1. this might seem obvious, but wash your pants too. if ur like me and rewear those same leggings for 3-4 days in a row AND wear thongs or lace undies or bikini cut or really any underwear… just fucking wash your jeans trust me.
2. seriously just use moisturizer. ik ur reading this and just had a thought starting with “but…” girl there is no excuse for you not to. i’m a greasy ass italian bitch who sweats every fucking day and the right moisturizer changed the game for me.
3. be patient with skin products/regimes. shit doesn’t change overnight, but it works. although if you do experience redness or dryness stop using that product immediately.
4. just go to the doctor. if you have insurance or are still on a parent’s insurance, visit the doctor any time there’s even the slightest issue. they can help with mental health as well as physical health fyi.
5. treat the doctor like your best friend. don’t hold back. if your pussy hurts, speak the fuck up. if you’re smoking hella weed and it’s causing u issues, just tell them. some of them can be assholes but generally speaking they’re really there to help and will appreciate the honesty.
6. don’t freak out over a pimple. this isn’t just a “ohh ur still beautiful!!” thing it’s also a “the more u think about it, the more you’ll subconsciously touch it, the more it’ll get irritated” thing.
7. excercise. walk. get out in the air. offer to go grocery shopping with ur parents. walk around the block. exert yourself just a tiny bit every day, you’ll sleep better.
8. if your sleep schedule is off, don’t try to pull an all nighter to fix it. you will fail. work it back up to a normal time hour by hour daily.
9. busty ladies, invest in a nice bralette or other wireless bra from an online vendor. i’m a size 38F so finding them in stores can be tricky but they’re worth it. on days where i wanna just be casual and comfy but like yaknow in a cute sexy way, they’re perfect.
10. be confident & be unique! don’t sweat it if u are or aren’t atm, just find the things about yourself that make you YOU and go fucking HARD on that one thing (or few things). don’t be afraid to stand out, but also don’t be afraid to be misunderstood.
11. soap. cleanser. exfoliator (twice a week MAX). toner. moisturizer. in that order.
12. go to a movie alone. pretend nobody else is in the theater. react like you would at home watching a movie on netflix (with your parents or roommates home so that u don’t talk loudly in a theater).
13. go vegan. even if you don’t care about animals (lord knows i don’t), it’ll encourage you to eat better by boxing out bad foods. somebody brings in cookies to work? tell them you can’t have any cause you’re vegan. they’ll respect it or fear you’ll start ranting to them if they push you anymore.
14. go a little while without shaving your pussy, see what happens. if you don’t like it, shave it again and you’ll have a smoother-than-normal downstairs :)
15. have a go-to mindfullness place. an image in your head that doesn’t remind you of anything that causes worry. mine is an imaginary field in the middle of a forest, and i pretend i’m a big grizzly bear feeling the grass on my back. try to really make this image come to life in your mind. think of this when you’re suffering from insomnia, when you’re panicking, when you’re sad, when you’re alone.
16. speaking of depression tips! go buy a journal right now. when you’re having a meltdown, open up the journal and start listing things you love. this includes (but is definitely not limited to) mundane things like socks or hardwood floors. it forces you to be in a mindset that thinks positively about things and simultaneously reminds you of the good in the world.
17. are you sad? put on fun/goofy music and deep clean your room.
18. wash your pillowcases you dirty bitch. i know you drool in your sleep. and your nasty face is rubbing all on it all the food you ate today is just rubbing all over that motherfucker ew just wash your pillowcase.
19. hate prepping for extended-family holiday visits? ask for lush spa giftcards for christmas. and if they think that’s too impersonal, just tell them to order whatever at all from their website. you can’t really go wrong with lush products.
20. make a playlist that makes you feel sexy and put it on. listen, dance and wiggle in your bed or chair, and then masturbate for the best nut of your life!
21. do rituals. something that makes you feel like you’re in control of the universe. it can be as simple as lighting a candle and thinking really hard about the same sentence over and over. it’s hella empowering.
22. binge watch 2 shows at once. one for comedy/lighthearted fun and another that’s maybe more serious but something you’ve wanted to see for a while. switch them out as you see fit.
23. listen to audiobooks! find a use for them, whether it’s sleeping, walking around, or just mindless daily tasks.
24. don’t over caffeinate if you are prone to anxiety. if your absolute maximum is 4 cups of coffee per diem, start replacing your regular daily coffee intake (let’s say it’s two cups) with 4 cups of black tea. don’t drink any caffeine after 6 unless it’s a special occasion.
25. nobody is staring at you. and if they are, it’s because they’re trying to fully process all the uniqueness that they see in you, and that’s a good thing. no exceptions.
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 7 years ago
A list on saving Money:
Make a weekly budget for things you need
Stop Carrying your credit card everywhere(The more accessible it is the more likely you are to use it on dumb stuff)
Always eat before you leave the house
Get into the habit of taking a trip to the grocery store and buying yourself snacks for the week there.(It works out so much cheaper than eating out if you shop correctly)Carry those snacks with you when you leave the house. (You know how much money you spend on food) These snacks at home will also stop you from ordering out.
Look at fliers. Compare prices. Don’t let people make fun of you for it. The only dumb thing you could do is buy unnecessarily expensive things for appearances’ sake.
Invest in a travel mug. Take tea and coffee from home. (You can even get one at the dollar store)
Say no to going out every once in a while. There’s no shame in being broke. I deadass tell people that I have no money so that we can either reschedule or plan to do something free.
HAVE A GOAL! Are you going on a trip? Do you want a car? Getting a new place? Need money to pay for college? Know what you are saving your money for.
Set an amount that you have to put away every month. This is your responsibility.
Don’t buy clothes out of habit. Evaluate whether you really need them or want them. It’s not a sin to buy clothes you want, but, if you’re doing this on a weekly basis then you might have a problem.
Stay out of malls if you don’t need to be in them. Being there will encourage you to spend.
Delete your online shopping apps, try to limit yourself to one tops. Then hide those notifications for that app. The more we have access to ways of spending out money, the less money we’ll have.
Don’t gauge other people’s spending habits as a guide for how yours can be. Just because people around you eat out on the daily and buy the most expensive shoes doesn’t mean that they can necessarily afford to. Neither can you.
The quicker you learn that there’s more to life than brand names and there’s nothing wrong with thrifting, your life will be so much easier. Dress to impress yourself because you damn well know that soon whatever’s in right now will be out and you’ll be left chasing the next hottest item. 
And lastly: Know how much money you’re allowing yourself to spend when you leave the house. 
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be-the-study-4-my-blr · 7 years ago
Skincare tips + some myth busting (acne edition) -pt1.
These are not your usual “drink water, moisturize, get plenty of sleep” shit. These are real stuff that worked for me, and they could work for you too. Keep in mind that everyone is different tho. Ur skin might not react as well as mine did.
1. It does not matter which cleanser you use
As long as it doesn’t irritate you and isn’t overly drying, it ok. Don’t bother investing in cleansers with active substances such as benzoyl peroxide or glycolic/salicylic acid, cleanesers simply do not sit on your skin for long enough for those to work. Save that money.
2. You don’t really have to change your pillowcase everyday, ya kno.
Acne bacteria are anaerobic. They won’t survive on your pillowcase anyway. Same goes for your pijamas, bra etc. if you have back acne.
3. Speaking of back acne, wear cotton and try not to carry too heavy rucksacks.
And for the love of god, don’t wear synthetic clothes AND carry heavy luggage at the same time. Will irritate you af. Synthetics do not absorb sweat so it just accumulates on your skin the whole day. Icky.
But not the mechanical kind. Damages skin. Get yourself a good enzyme or acid peel, or a cream that contains them. Makes your skin so soft and nice and really helps with getting rid of blackheads and preventing blocked pores. As a bonus, gets rid of flaky skin, if you have it. There are many kinds of acids used for chemical exfoliation, mainly categorized as alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids. They say alphas are gentler, and therefore better for sensitive skin, but also less effective for acne. I’ve tried and liked both, since I don’t have sensitive skin. Both worked for me. Do some research on this to find the best acid to use on your skin. Very important: exfoliate at night and use sunscreens!!! Exfoliating substances make your skin more sensitive to sunlight!
4. Invest in a chemical peel.
Get it performed by a dermatologist. For me, doing it once a month for three or four months saved my skin FOREVER.
5. Ditch lemon on your face…
…and apple cider vinegar. And baking soda. And sugar scrubs. And olive oil. The first two are too acidic. Baking soda is too basic. Sugar scrubs are too abrasive. Olive oil’s chemical composture isn’t suitable for acne prone skin (too much oleic acid. Ur oily skin already has enough of it. Search for oils high in linoleic acid if you want to use oils as moisturizers). Raw honey is good, apparently. Cinnamon and turmeric too. Stay vary with turmeric because according to some studies it makes skin more sensitive to sunlight.
6. You don’t really have to use toner. Invest in some hyaluronic acid serum if you want a middle step between cleansing and moisturizing.
Hyaluronic acid is an amazing humectant, and makes skin sooo well hydrated. I prefer to first apply hyaluronic to hydrate and then seal that water in with some oil-based moisturizer. That + regular exfoliation = soft skin!!!!
7. Retinoids
I used Differin on my back and it cleared me up sooo well and also got rid of my hyperkeratosis pilaris. I had quite bad bacne, and after three months they are pretty much gone. Unfortunately I’m still waiting for post-inflammatory erithema (red marks) to fade buuuut hey, I have no more acne! You should also probably go to your dermatologists to get more information on which retionid you need. Don'tforget to wear sunscreen while you’re on it. Also: you don’t have to exfoliate while on retinoid. You can, if your skin is not sensitive, but it’s not particularly necessery.
8. Topical antioxidants
Literally the most important and least known thing on this list. Lemme get a bit scienc-y.
All acne begin their journey as blocked pores. Blocked pores are those white, bumpy, skin-colored little shits below the skin surface. The most important thing you can do to prevent your acne is to prevent blocked pores. Pores are blocked as a result of sebum oxidation and consequent formation of squalene peroxide, the most comedogenic substance on earth. Bam. You have clogged pore, the perfect breeding ground for acne bacteria, which then triggers inflammatory response by your body and you get a red zit.
But this red zit would’ve never happened if your sebum never oxidized. Substances that prevent oxidation are - you guess it - antioxidants. So get yourself a good product with vitamin c, vitamin e, niacin(b3), or green tea (green tea is especially good, because it also reduces sebum output. It’s not enough to just place teabag on your skin, it wil just sit on your skin and won’t penetrate. Buy a cream). This is where you splurge, ladies. Antioxidants are also good as an anti-aging agent and serve as a protection from envirotmental pollution. Pays to invest in them.
Bonus tip
Sudocrem + tea tree oil = spot treatment!!!
Ok so this is it for now. I hope some of you will find this advice useful. I wanted to include diet/supplement tips in this post too but since this text turned out to be hella long I decided to leave it for another time. Stay happy pals!
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