I am an avid knitter and collector of beautiful yarn. I do everything from simple to complex depending on my mood, and what new yarns I fall in love with.
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I have a group of fabulous knitting friends, and with the Holidays coming up I wanted to get them each a small gift, but I didn’t want to break the bank. Last week I reached out to @purlsmith with my idea and budget. She jumped on my idea, got them made, packaged (beautifully) and on there way (with a personalized note). I am so thrilled with the result. I have kept the color covered because a few of my friends are on here and I don’t want to spoil the surprise. #knit #handknit #christmas2019 #stitchmarkers #purlsmith #purlsmithcustomorder https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VHUXKp8J4/?igshid=mmh3njuk4dco
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Working on my daughter’s #floozycardigan. Finished the body, and about to start the sleeves. I decided to knit the main body in the round. I added some stitches to provide room for a steek. #knit #handknit #knitcardigan #handmadewardrobe #2019theyearofthesweater #firsttimesteeking https://www.instagram.com/p/Byk5KRpp-Xg/?igshid=1goukro5dnp3l
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Finally finished knitting the Cat Cocoon. I will try to get it felted this weekend. My kitties already love it, and it was a struggle to get a photo without one or both of them in the photo. 😂🤷♀️ I guess there are worse problems than them wanting what you took the time to knit. #knit #catcocoon #felting #catsofinstagram #mycatsaremybabies https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx1AWVnJDo2/?igshid=3vfyi436u3qa
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Finished knitting my #reagansweater by @lilalu72 . This is a fabulous design!! It is an interesting sweater construction that I will definitely be trying again. Additionally, it is very easy to modify to fit any individual. Tomorrow I will wash and block, and hopefully I will get some finished pictures next week. #knit #sweater #handknitsweater #silk #mineallmine #myhandmadewardrobe2019 https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BxWJBMVJifj/?igshid=1j4old41685gr
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Making progress on my #reagansweater by @lilalu72. I honestly could not love this yarn more. I actually modified the sleeve cuffs to make them longer and add a thumb hole. This yarn is so soft and squishy. #knit #handknit #silk #knitsweaters #myhandmadewardrobe #nowihavetopickupamillionstitchesforthelace #yesiwillbehidingthisfrommydaughter https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BxIMumSJyf9/?igshid=1lwlgwbua5ufn
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Almost finished with the stockinette section of the back of my #reagansweater by @lilalu72. I am absolutely in love with the color and feel of this yarn. #knit #handknit #silk #2019theyearofthesweater #myhandmadewardrobe https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/Bw5yqJCJSbf/?igshid=qgey6pk9bf0j
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Working on my swatch for my next sweater. I am going to make the #reagansweater by @lilalu72 for myself. I am using #kfiluxurycollection #mulberrysilkyarn. #knit #handknit #2019theyearofthesweater #myhandmadewardrobe https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/Bwz8DhKp0uI/?igshid=1cpzqmi8a4o0l
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Working on my first cat cocoon. I am not sure where I found the pattern or who wrote it, as there is no markings. It is a cute easy to follow pattern (so far). I am about halfway through. #knit #handknit #catcocoon #theyareknitworthy #myrescuecatsstolemyheart #itsuglybuttheyarnwascheapandmykittenswontcare https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BwyH8LApvCS/?igshid=19sbt9vnupb91
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Making progress on my mother-in-law’s #nightshiftshawl by @dreareneeknits. I used up all of the butter color I was using as the main color, so I am going to start using the dark green in that place. It has flaws, but it is so soft and warm and lovely. The yarn is from #ladroguerieparis and was picked by my daughter during our January 2019 trip to Paris. #knit #alwaysknittingforothers https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BwmgKCFJASZ/?igshid=y2lqs5s2vu63
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Finished up this #testknit of the #tidebreaktee for @tifneilan_handknits. I chose to knit this version in linen (#knitonecrochettooyarn in their #daiseyyarn and #junipermoonyarn in their #pollackyarn) for my mom. This is a great tee and I have already picked out the stash yarn I am using for mine. 😍🥰 https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BwkSJWgpY-2/?igshid=17f8s94fp33dp
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Progressing along with my #tidebreaktee #testknit for @tifneilan_handknits. I am planning to give this to my mom for Mother’s Day. #knit #handknit #myhandmadewardrobe https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BwZxUk9J1VS/?igshid=qadwzx0coo87
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I got a good amount of work done today on my #tidebreaktee #testknit for @tifneilan_handknits. I am using @knitonecrochettoo #daisyyarn as well as #junipermoonyarn #polldarkyarn. #knit #handknit #linen #myhandmadewardrobe #2019theyearofthesweater https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BwNxyo-Jbbg/?igshid=1jg5l5vk6azer
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I made a lot of progress today on my #tidebreaktee by @tifneilan_handknits. Next up is the colorwork, so I put it to bed for the night. Colorwork will require all of my attention and a fresh brain. So far it has been a great knit. #knit #handknit #myhandmadewardrobe #testkint https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BwLWvu8pwIS/?igshid=5we6r8z5p5m2
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Getting ready to start swatching some yarn for a new #testknit of the wonderful #tidebreaktee by @tifneilan_handknits. I am thankful to have been chosen. I am using #knitonecrochettoo #daisyyarn in #violettulip from #loopsclub. It is being paired with #junipermoonyarn #pollackyarn in #greyedrainbow. #knit #2019theyearofthesweater #myhandmadewardrobe https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BwKJEbKl5IS/?igshid=1shqjyu3z74h7
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I have been busy working on baby presents that haven’t been gifted, so I couldn’t post on here. Now I am back to work on my mother-in-laws #nightshiftshawl by @dreareneeknits. This is some lovely and warm yarn my daughter picked from @la_droguerie during our January 2019 trip to Paris. I know there are some errors, but honestly she will not care and likely will not notice. #knit #handknit #alwaysknittinggifts https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/Bv6yifClz9w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=b5h9p1gc4oeq
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Another great pair of socks by @ambroseknits complete. These are her #littlepaddockssocks from her #missmarplecollection. I used a nice basic sock yarn I found on sale at #websyarnstore. This is #valleyyarnshuntington in brown sugar. It is a little 50g skein which makes one pair of socks for my daughter’s tiny feet. #knit #handknitsocks #aubreyshandmadewardrobe2019 #boxofsocks2019 https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BvcOeVWFLis/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5uwhpej73pd8
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I got some good progress on the #littlepaddockssocks by @ambroseknits. The yarn is #valleyyarnshuntington in brown sugar. It is a nice soft yarn that I got on sale @websyarn. Nothing fancy, but sometimes that is what you want in an everyday sock. #knit #handknitsocks #valleyyarns #alwaysknittingsocks #missmarplecollection https://www.instagram.com/knit.unto.others/p/BvVYATgFw_M/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qedk9ecb9es
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