bayleiim · 5 years
If I used the shattered remains of my heart to cut yours into pieces, would it be some kind of poetic justice?
I wanna hurt you back
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bayleiim · 5 years
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bayleiim · 5 years
Reality check to myself: You don’t love him, you’re just codependent.
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bayleiim · 5 years
Watch as I step to the side and let your desires stride ahead of me.
Lay your dreams down and I’ll make them a reality using any resource possible. Even if that means my dreams are left in the dark.
I will fight for the happiness that is so longed for, if not for me, then for you, always.
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bayleiim · 5 years
Hate moving on… like bitch I wanted to be wit u
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bayleiim · 5 years
“Does it hurt you when we go weeks without talking?”
-It hurts me
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bayleiim · 6 years
If this wasn’t love would it be this heartbreaking? Would my heart be tortured as if a thousand fingers were pulling and tearing it apart whilst you stood there watching my demise? Not watching, No, causing my demise. If this wasn’t love would I long for you the way I do now at 2:46 in the morning? Would my chest collapse at the every mention of your name? Would the memory of your smile be so deeply ingrained in the back, front, center, side, whole unit, of my mind? If this wasn’t love what was it? What game am I a pawn in, if this wasn’t love?
If this wasn’t love. (B.M.)
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bayleiim · 6 years
I want to be the reason you can’t sleep at night.
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bayleiim · 6 years
Every time I exhale when thinking of you I feel a hole in the middle of my chest. Which is strange because of the immense amount of pressure that I also feel, like a ton of bricks waiting to suffocate me.
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bayleiim · 6 years
If I didn’t love you and you didn’t love me then why does it hurt so fucking bad?
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bayleiim · 6 years
It’s always the people that I want the most that I mean the least to.
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bayleiim · 6 years
You shouldn’t waste your time on people who do not understand the kind of love you carry within your bones.
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bayleiim · 6 years
Remind Yourself;
People leave
Life goes on
It is what it is
Everything is temporary
Don’t over think, and;
Let it go
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bayleiim · 6 years
“Everything heals. Your heart heals. Your mind heals. Wounds will heal. You may be sad right now, but your happiness will always come back. Bad times don’t last.”
— @cwote
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bayleiim · 6 years
I wanna tell you that I miss you but that would look pathetic.
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bayleiim · 6 years
I carelessly ran threw a dark hall, crashing into everything in my path, leaving shattered fragments lain throughout the room. I didn’t realize there was no light in my life until one day there was. One day you smiled down at me and my heart attempted to leave my body and I knew then that my time spent wrecking everything and everyone I came across was over. Now I had you. I had a light in the darkness. Little did I know that in your mind you were running through a dark hall and I was just another obstacle in your way. Little did I know that even though you were my light, she was yours.
I wish I could be her
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bayleiim · 6 years
All I wanted was to make you happy but I don’t have that capability.
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