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baugojo · 2 years ago
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🎧YEAGER EREN! like i want you [pt.1?]
quick summary: just a quick fic about your boyfriend leaving you for your sister, Mikasa.
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you tore yourself from Eren's soft lips, smiling along with a sigh, indicating that it was time to go.
"Cmon baby, stay a little longer.." His green orbs struck at your heart-strings, while his arms still clung to your bare waist, heat rising to your cheeks.
You could feel his hands rub circles on your back, calming you. Giving you a sense of relaxation.. of redemption.
"You know I want too." You replied later, placing your hand on his cheek, as your opposite played with the nice brown hair that caused a warm smile to your face. His entire appearance being.. perfect. "But, I need to go home before Mikasa starts to wonder.."
As if on cue, Eren's eyes rolled back in what looked like annoyance to the sound of your sisters name. 
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You slightly giggle to his childish action, brushing it off as you started to remove your figure from his naked self, finding your clothes along the process. Once you noticed where your underwear had been thrown, your hands wrapped around it, looking at the still pretty soaked object that had been on your body.
Eren watched as you bore your eyes into the panties, debating whether or not your should wear them.. or if you could. This caused him to chuckle a bit before getting up as well.
He walked passed his clothing that laid on the ground, passing his underwear along the process as well, coming to a stop when reaching his drawers.
"Here." You heard from behind, turning your head.
You noticed his hands holding out a clean pair of one of your laced red panties, while also holding a large grey T-Shirt that would most likely pass your thighs. When you've been with him for so long, he kind of just keeps some of your belongings in case you decided to stay over the night or something.
"Why the shirt?" You questioned, while walking over.
"Cause you look hot in my clothes."
This caused you to burn, snatching the shirt from his fingertips, covering your face with it in the process.
Eren grinned, though it wasn't very noticeable; his hands clamping onto your chin, making you look at him with a face full of emotion. He enjoyed getting you flustered, it made him happy to see as though he was the only person who could make you feel such a way.
"Mm your cute when you get like that."
You pushed his hand away as you felt the urge to hide your face again. "Stop it Eren!" You grunt, holding in the small smile that dared to come out. His lips then plopped themselves on your forehead.
Just as you were about to head out, you felt a small tug on your shirt.. well Eren's shirt; and he pulled you in for another kiss.
His tongue easily slipping into your mouth, making your arms immediately wrap themselves around his bare neck as he remained shirtless.
Your tongues danced with one another, while feeling his hands that were once on your waist, grab on your rear; squeezing your ass.
You finally let go; removing your lips from his,the look of morning bliss on both you and him. His hands still on your ass, a smirk still on his face.
"I have to go now!" You say, pulling his hands off of you, making yourself sigh at the thought of leaving his touch.
You made your way out; turning on your heel, making a bee-line towards the front porch before convincing yourself to stay a bit longer. You could fall in love with Eren all over again.
"(Y/N)" He hummed, earning a small look from you, tilting your head back. You felt your hair turn along with your head, making eye contact with him.
"I love you."
Your heart tug in your chest, quickly, you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotion hit your face. You smiled as your eyes softened towards his tired self, giving you a small smile on return.
"I love you too you dummy."
You chuckled, fondling over his fatigue; tempted, while he watched you almost walk back into his house. He would have let you back in without hesitation, but you redeemed yourself so, running back to your car.
'I love you too' You smiled.
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"Eren—" You could hear from the other side of the wall, causing you to roll your eyes.
Your room filled with loud groans and moans as yet again, those two were going at it like animals when you were just trying to watch Glee.
You sigh as you quickly stretched a hand out, reaching for the thin remote.
You raised the volume, just wanting to hear the netflix amusement, the only thing that could truly make you smile. You started to relax again, laying your head back on your pillow as you wrapped the tinted grey sheets over yourself once more, the popcorn beside you.
"Damn it Rachel!" You screamed, covering your mouth shortly after as you remembered that your sister was having a certain intimacy with her boyfriend.
But you laughed it off eventually, giving no shits to your volume as there's where off the damn room.
"E-Eren—" you could hear again shortly after getting yourself comfortable, causing you to sigh in annoyance.
'Let me watch just one damn episode damn it' you huffed before putting the popcorn back in your mouth, focusing your ears and eyes back onto the screen.
"I'm c-cum—"
You turned off your Tv. At this point they were just doing this on purpose, which pissed you off even more. You sat up, stretching your lifeless body before rising with the popcorn that lay beside you in bed.
You quickly got out of bed as you threw your remote onto your grey pillow. Then, opening your door and walking out to the kitchen with the now empty bowl of popcorn.
As you sighed, washing the dishes, along with the bowl you dirtied, you could feel eyes stare at you from behind, but you chose to ignore it. you didn't want to know who it was.
You watched Mikasa enter the room shorty after, walking down the stairs in one of her tight black tank tops, along with shorts that basically had her asscheeks hanging out.
"Oh, your home?" She sighed, seeming out of breath, though you knew she knew you were home.
"Uhm yeah.. didn't you hear the Tv playing in my room?"
She shrugged her shoulders; her hand was placed on her now messy dark frilly hair. "Oh I guess me and Eren were just having to much fun—"
You were already gone.
This isn't the first time she's brought up her nice sex with Eren, and instead of sitting there and taking it you just walked away, not wanting to hear it. You really just didn't care.
"Hey (Y/N)! Where do you think your going?"
"Back to my room so I can finally watch my show."
Your sister then watched you go back up the stairs, while yelling out. "We're going out to get—" And you shut her out again, completely ignoring what words came out of those plump lips.
You darted towards your room, taking a deep sigh before opening your door and throwing your hand over your head.
'so annoying'
Just as you started to dive into your bed, your door was opened widely; without a knock or a little warning, pushing you off. And, revealing a messy green eyed boy, with delicate abs and a distorted man-bun that clearly needed to be re-done.
You then turned back to your wall, refusing to make eye contact with the male, you could feel small fist form into your hands as you tug lightly onto your shirt.
"What do you want?" You said coldly.
The audacity this man, no, boy, had; to even think about standing in front of your door, even crazier to open it without warning.
"Your sister wants us to be in the car in 5."
You threw a pair of clothing at your bed as you lazily rolled your eyes, allowing yourself to think about your own sleezy figure into it; asking yourself the ‘would I look hot in this?’ question, which is always a yes.
"Cause we're going costume shopping for tonight's party"
Eren started to feel invisible. You weren't paying any attention to him, only running around your room as you looked for your shoes. It pissed him off how you shrugged him off like he was nothing. Like he meant nothing to you.
Suddenly, you could feel a tight hold on your arm, you were swung around until your hands touched Eren's bare chest. You could feel your body heat rub against him, from such sudden touch, causing you to tense up.
You attempted to pull back, grabbing onto his arm and pushing away, but it wasn’t working.
His hand clamped onto your chin, lifting it slowly, while making eye contact with you for the first time in what felt like years.
God, there it was. Your eyes. your beautiful eyes.
"what the fuck eren! Get off of—“
"Look at me." He said coldly, watching your expressions change from ignorance, more like boldness to complete shutter.
He then let go, hearing sudden footsteps approaching your door. You immediately pushed yourself back, causing him to look at you once more before walking out of your room.
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baugojo · 2 years ago
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quick summary: humiliating him, him getting mad
word count: 457
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“Eren I-“
“-Angel, I’m driving. Do you really want me to loose my temper right now.”
you scoffed at your boyfriend. he’d only continued to stay quiet; his muscular hands revolving around the wheel.
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He had a very compassionate way of expressing how he felt towards things you did. And well yes, you both argued and bumped heads a lot.. you both also loved each other very much.
“eren” you chocked up; ignoring his previous request to keep hush. “I know you are upset, but I just don’t understand why it was such a big deal?”
sometimes you’d wondered what went through his mind; whether it was him being the reasonable one, or not.
“I don’t want you around him. He just bugs me.” was his response; still concentrating on the clear view ahead of the wheel.
“but why-“
“I said no.”
and with that, the car went silent again. you’d both plucked out each others anger enough to curse under your breath; anticipating his next move.
“fine.” You hawked; turning your head to the window.. completely engulfed by the opposition of erens angelic features, ignoring his presence completely.
but when you both stop at the drive-thru of your favorite place, he’d almost always spoil you rotten.
He watched as he could tell you noticed his car suck into the drive thru, but you still ignored him and his antics.
When his car was next in the drive thru though, you didn’t even do so much as blink his direction; the lady in the Inter-com asking for his order.
“Hi! Thank you for choosing F/R! What can I get you?”
Erens voice draped around your neck, asking you the simplest question, while getting you your favorite food. ‘What do you want to eat?’
Of course you being you, you turned your head farther, as if not even acknowledging his quiet wait in the line.
He realized you weren’t budging after asking again; making him turn to the Inter-com once more and asking, “sorry, give me a moment ma’am.”
she hummed in yes form, awaiting for him to respond again; making you slightly chuckle at his embarrassment.
“Oh, so you think this is funny?” Quickly, he grabs your chin with his big hand; forcing eye contact with him, while he watched your body want to retreat.
“no. your going to order whatever the fuck you want, and then I will deal with this later.”
His lips were brought to yours, stinging his perfect serumed lips into your beautifully tainted ones. “I’m going to ask again, what do you want princess?”
let’s just say, humiliating Eren was something that would never ever happen again. at least not intentionally.
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baugojo · 2 years ago
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🎧SATORU!GOJO protective
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a/n: fluff content, got bored. and for some reason this has been sitting in my drafts for a month.
summary: your co-worker is harassing you, and when gojo finds out, he’s not very pleased.
word count: 1.15k
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“Satoru!” You knew he wasn’t really listening after the first couple of words that’d come out of your mouth, pressed firmly in between your lips; slipping out.
you’d mentioned a co-worker. In which, the co-worker had made you a bit, uncomfortable. You’d come home from work, and found yourself heading over to your boyfriends office at his work.
Gojo had a nice black tux, while his shirt was also tucked into his pants a bit, and the button up had just a few of them ripped from the side.
With is beautiful hair to conclude, he was writing a report about some of the exchanges that were misplaced during the last batch of boxes.
Your boyfriend would be fired, if he wasn’t the boss.. and owner of the estate.
His reasoning for buying the expensive million-dollar penthouse-apartment; in which he made his office, was because he simply grew bored and he liked the color.
anyhow, you had waltzed in, saying hello to a couple workers at his marketplace, and passing through towards the receptionist; who immediately recognized you.
Hands deep in the computer, she’d seen your small fragile frame, pumping tears from sides of your eye lids, and doiling them away.
Almost instantly, you’d recieved a tissue, and concealed a good amount of the tears that wanted to escape; and now here you where, in his office, rubbing your precious head in between the crook of his neck.
You sat on his lap, while your legs spread open; allowing his waist to sit in between your thighs.
“Let me see your face princess.”
But you only discouraged his request, because you were embarrassed. Usually, you’d be the one to be so hard on Gojo, telling him that you don’t need support. You were the one known for wearing the pants in this relationship; considering your boyfriend could be a five year old majority of the time.
But when he was serious, then that meant things just were simply serious. It wasn’t rare for him to be that way, but it definitely was not common.
You’d come in, watching his face whisk away from his large laptop, and change his expressions, from: focused, bored to: happy, confused.
somehow in ten seconds, you’d been coo’d into his touch, while telling him about the co-worker, and what’d happened at work.
Now, if this was simply because of just the co-worker, you wouldn’t be as upset as you were. It actually really because of what he’d said, more so the aftermath.
“he said that I was a no good nothing, and power-hungry slut.” You began, “because I’m dating a powerful man, that could do so much better; he’d gladly get rid of me.”
before you could continue, to the part that reallt upset you, your boyfriend’s jaw clenched, teething at you.
“and then he told my boss that I’d been harassing him all year round, but had been paid to stay quiet. So I got fired!”
that was enough to make Gojo’s hands ball up in anger. Of course though, he’d play mellow with you, so he didn’t upset you.
“I’ll take care of it.” Moving you from your seating on top of him, with a smile, he continued. “Stay in my office princess.”
“satoru, I don’t want you to do anything. I mean it.” swallowing your upsetting news, you stalled.
“I’m not going to do anything.” The smile he gave almost temped you to believe those words; caressing your round cheek, that exfoliated to the touch of his cold hands.
“Satoru.” you hushed, both hands now on you, on arm wrapped nicely around the band of your hips; almost challenging you to keep eye-contact with him.
You felt his eyes roll dramatically; chucking his head back for a second; his neck bare and giving a small hitch of his throat gulping.
“alright, tell you what,” he said, “why don’t we go home princess? I’m bored here anyway.”
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The next morning, you’d been awoken by a couple missed calls from your ex-boss, and a few messages that had been disviewed as well.
you rushed the phone, double clicking the missed call button, and calling him back. He didn’t even let the phone ring, picking it up almost immediately.
“if it’s about my things, B/N, please give me the opportunity to go get them—“
“you are not fired.” he spoke, “it was a misunderstanding, really. You should have spoken up when your co-worker been bothering you about your personal relationships, instead of taking the fall.”
you retaliated; you where trying to speak for yourself, but your boss just wouldn’t let you. He’d believed everything that your co-worker had said, without even allowing you to compensate.
“Uhm, that being said, I am deeply sorry for not allowing you to explain your portion of the story.”
By the time the phone call awaited it’s ending, you’d already known what was proposed.
Gojo, never listening, must’ve taken care of it.
Part of you secretly praised and accommodated that; considering you’d never admit to the seek of needing help. But, you still felt a little gush in your stomach, turning to the thought of the co-worker, and what he said.
was it true?
“Y/N, baby.” You heard from the door-frame; instantly collecting your attention, and depriving it from previous thought. “I know what you’re thinking.”
Gojo walked over to you, while your smile seemed to drag from lip to lip, in a sort of apologetic form. But he only took you by your chin; his hand gripping tightly, and lifting you to see eye-to-eye with him.
“you do everything on your own, yu’r my independent pretty girl.” his words oozed out like marshmallow, dripping from its chocolate sandwiched s’mores.
“but, I’m going to help you, because I love you.”
You folded. couldn’t help but admire him taking charge of something you new you couldn’t carry alone. glad he knew you so well, you pecked him softly. “Thank you satoru.”
your hands rushed to his shoulders, wrapping around his neck in pleasure; taking him into you. He chuckled, his hands rubbing at your sides, gradually holding you in place.
“anything for my princess.”
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baugojo · 3 years ago
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✫ fights with megumi weren’t exactly pleasant.
✫ you both got into some huge argument over something stupid, ending up with the both of you now walking past each other in the kitchen without saying a word to one-another.
so now, you lay yourself on the couch with your feet that’d been decorated with your favorite fluffy blue socks, above the arm of the sofa, and a bucket of ice-cream in the other.
It was about time you’d finally sit and finish a couple shows anyway, so why not take your mind off things and try to ease up a bit.
✫ megumi will definitely get tired of not speaking to one another, and try to cuddle you while you watch your show; angrily chugging the spoon in and out of the bucket.
“get away from me.” you cry out, shoving spoon-full’s of ice-cream in your mouth. Megumi watched, ignoring your plead and continued to shuffle you on top of him.
✫ somehow, you end up tangled in his touch. your hands dancing on his chest; cheek laying on his breast. His legs entangled with yours, now both of you watching some dumb rom-com that could make the both of you cringe for days.
✫ “..I’m sorry.” megumi manages to cough up; surely catching your attention. and after a couple minutes of silence, you finally responded with a quiet “me too.”
✫ cuddling with you on the couch; helping you dig left and right in the bowl of ice-cream, was just a better night then you anticipated.
eventually, the conversation sprung back but it was wasn’t anything like before. The conversation was smoother, of course, still a little rocky, it ended up with both of you comforting one another, as it should.
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baugojo · 3 years ago
♡XIAO!YAKSHA argument w love
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arguing with xiao is like arguing with a brick wall. your boyfriend, sometimes forgets that you, have a ton of human emotion. so right now, your hands are being thrown in the air every so often for dramatic affect; and he’s standing there, taking it.
you weren’t mad at him for an invalid reason. you actually had a good point as to what upset you so much.
when traveling all together on accident and colliding down at the bottom of the chasm, you and yanfei found a way to connect with xiao and bring him to you. but after figuring out the time-loop, and the true loss of his friend’s life; you found an exit.
yelan and xiao used the said compass to help you all get out of this mess; whilst then xiao had full control of it, and you, yelan and yanfei fought the darkness that swormed.
for some odd reason, this entire small trip of yours, with friends, and boyfriend, he was awfully admiring the thought of sacrifice. and so when the compass was breaking, he teleported all of you to the surface; allowing him to fall alone. in the dark. zhongli had a feeling this would occur, and so luckily he was there to save your boyfriend. but what if..
“xiao, you could’ve died!” your voice on the cusp of a screech, you continued. “what then huh?”
“you were safe. that is all that mattered to me.” he defended, “I am an adeptus, it is my venture to protect liyue and its people.”
“what about being my protector? I don’t care if I’m stuck with you for eternity down there! sacrificing yourself is never the answer xiao!”
“it is when it was the only option for your safety!”
“no it isn’t!”
this argument was pointless. you were getting nowhere. you couldn’t really understand why xiao spoke so much about sacrificing himself earlier in the chasm, because you thought you’d made him a little less miserable. the moment you felt yourself touch the air above, when your feet hit the ground, you were quick to try running back into the chasm. but yelan held you back.
“I’m going to bed.” you mumbled; because after a long and complicated discussion full of yelling, how could you not be tired? in fact, xiao should be resting much more than you. but you weren’t going to push him right now.
you slush yourself into the shared bedroom in the teyvat building, knowing well that the wangshu inn walls were top quality, and still, verr could probably hear you both. you weren’t going to hear the end of it tomorrow.
fluffing your pillow now, you got yourself ready for bed. you couldn’t fight him anymore. like said in the beginning, it was like arguing with a brick wall. not because xiao could care less about you, or your feelings, no. xiao loves you, and for that, he’d do literally anything. but more so because xiao cannot comprehend the way he makes people feel sometimes; how he makes you feel, making poor decisions such as this.
he worries you. you felt your heart pound out of your chest, reliving the moments where you really thought you’d lost the love of your life forever.
as if on cue to the small twinkle of water that melted off the side of your face, your boyfriend wiped the tear from your stained cheek. he felt bad, slightly coming to an understanding on how you felt. I mean, you are his world; what if you were to do the same? what really got to him, was the spoken liquid that laced your beautiful complexion.
“please don’t cry my love.” xiao could feel your discomfort, hurt, fear, causing him to wrap himself around you, enclosing you in his body, as your head measles it’s way into his soft abed chest. still wanting to hit him and fight him, for now, you’d except the comfortable aura that now served the room. “I’m sorry.” xiao’s voice whispered; whilst his chin rests upon your head of hair, comfortably. “though as an adeptus I swore to protect the people of liyue, as your partner I also swore to protect you.”
“I love you.” his hands drabbled along your sides, now resting his head in the crook of your neck; allowing you to swirl your pointer-finger around in circles with strands of the green-blue locks combed through. “I love you.” you replied, still wrapping his hair around your digits, falling asleep in what felt like seconds after; satisfying xiao. and now he, can also rest.
as you predicted, you didn’t hear the end of it when trying to leave wangshu inn discreetly, verr was just waiting for you to try and leave without her catching sight of you.
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an: I cried playing the perilous quest lmao.
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baugojo · 3 years ago
♡SATORU!GOJO midnight snack
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you never really had trouble sleeping, nor did you when a sudden change in sleeping arrangements occurred (your boyfriend). but at this very moment, for some odd reason, you could not sleep.
Funny because the one thing you’re well known for is sleeping, even though you are a dependable person. Yes, you enjoy helping others and taking care of people; but you also enjoy taking care of yourself. In other words, sleeping. so you not being able too do that, irks you. You watch the man sleeping beside you, looking all peaceful in rest; ugh, you envy gojo right now.
slushly, you arose from the king sized mattress, quietly slouching off gojo’s heavy arms that wrapped around you for support. as much as you hated him at the moment for sleeping easily, you couldn’t bring yourself to wake him up. once you left the shades bedroom carefully, you decided on a midnight snack that would subdue perfectly. “mmm but what to eat..”
you mindlessly search through cabinets,drawers, and even the fridge; but come to hault when finding nothing to munch on at two in the morning. you scramble through more boxes of groceries, staring at nothing that could satisfy your desire for a two am breakfast. but what you didn’t expect, was a hand crawling it’s way down to your sides, finding its position.
you woke him up.
“oh satoru, I’m so sorry.” you patted, white strands sticking out in opposite direction of his floppy bed-headed hair. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
His head plopped itself onto your shoulder, lips brushing over your neck in comfort. “mmm” he groaned. Gojo was okay with being woken up in the middle of the night, if it was you who were awake. Though he also enjoyed sleep, he knew something had been bugging you.
After all, he did watch you look through every space in the kitchen, for what was wanted to be a “midnight snack.” he only then removed himself from you, looking for something as well. holding back a smile that dared to come out, you surveyed your boyfriend, who continues to shuffle around the kitchen, until it all came to a hault.
“c’mere baby.” Gojo latches on to you the second you retrieve your old positioning beside him; observing you in awe, whilst his eyes still shut occasionally. he had found the last pack of little bites that had your stomatch rolling like barrels. you could only wonder as to where this man found such thing. you swore you looked everywhere. you turned to look at your leach-like boyfriend, shooting a smile towards him. knowing gojo was tired, still, he found the snack you desired at two in the morning.
“thank you, satoru” you hummed; his nodd was recieved, though barely visible. “are you coming back to bed?” gojo mouthed, making your head bobble in yes form before speaking, “let’s go to bed.”
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baugojo · 3 years ago
megumi and friends to lovers🥺 including neck kisses🥺
♡MEGUMI!FUSHIGURO friends to lovers
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“Megumi..” you complained; your back pressed firmly on the bed you both laid upon, soaking in the sheets. you watch as the boy that laid next to you, your best friend, ignored you and continued to read the book your teacher had given you both.
It was a study review for the exam tomorrow; but you’d already been studying for three whole hours. You couldn’t do it anymore. “I’m so bored.” you whined; but megumi didn’t even look towards you.
“So go and do something.” He replied, bluntly. In which you sighed in dissatisfaction.
Truth is, you’d been crushing on this boy from the day you’ve became friends. The reason for this being because, when he met you, you both were much younger; and you tended to have little crushes on friends that are always there for you. no but this was different. It wasn’t just some little crush anymore. Now it was a full blown out feeling you got in your chest when you’d think of him being with anybody else.
you sighed, your lips forming in a frown. “Megumi, can we do something else?” practicality begging, but he didn’t budge. he did notice you staring at him a couple times, bored out of your mind; but all he could think about when pretending not to notice, was the cute faces you made when dissatisfied.
“Fine. C’mere.” He chatted, grabbing both of your arms and pulling you closer. He figured since you want to have a little bit of fun, but still need to get a good grade, he’d try something out. he sat up, leaning against the bed frame, pulling you in between his legs that spread open. his arms allowing you to now hold the study book in hand, as he made sure you propped up against him comfortably.
“Now we study.” He said, as if this was not a big deal at all. And maybe it was not; to him at least. You were nervous. It isn’t necessarily the first time you’d both been close like this; but it definitely felt different this time.
“But I don’t wanna study anymore-“
You were cut off by something you’d thought you’d never get from a guy like megumi. your face plastered with embarrassment; the expression giving you away, you couldn’t help but feel slight nurishment when his lips pressed onto your skin. he’d become very found of you now, leaving small but perfectly placed kisses on your neck; surprising you.
“M-Megumi what are you..”
“do you want me to stop?”
the room went quiet; mainly because of your exaggerating tone when informing him not to stop giving you affection. In other words, you yelled. but today is full of surprises, cause he just laughed at you. He didn’t call you weird or push you away; he just laughed.
“then I won’t.” His small chuckle still wrapping around your ears, as his hands did too. as claimed, he continued to give you the sweetest, softest pecks with those glossy lips, while you read the next couple chapters of the unit aloud.
and after another hour of what felt like endless reading for you before, was just peaceful reminiscences of your favorite person, loving you.
you closed the book, turning around to face him. He was always so pretty, at least that’s what you thought. he looked back at you with a, “hm?” knowing you have something on your mind. So with all force and closed eyes, you kissed him. your lips clashed together with his; feeling a slight taste of your lotion after his mouth was all over your neck.
before even opening the crack of your lips, the kiss was over; you pulled away faster than you went in for it. Covering your face; you hid yourself from such a man.
“why are you covering your face?” He slid his hands in between yours, breaking the mask you’d formed for yourself. his hands then worked towards your checks, them resting on your jawline. His face fumed with pink of the very ends of his cheeks; though he acted as if he was unfazed.
Was the kiss unexpected? Slightly; but don’t get it twisted, he loved every little second of it.
“C’mere, do it again.”
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baugojo · 3 years ago
Hey! do you do matchups?
hi! I’ve actually never done a match-up. They just aren’t really my thing, but if you have a specific preference [like race or skin color] I could do that with the characters I know best to write. Hope that answered your question im sorry!
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baugojo · 3 years ago
♡GETO AS A BOYFRIEND- [ scenario ] [f!reader] [nsfw/fluff]
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♡beach day, a beach day with Geto would be the nicest thing ever. When going to the beach, you'd get a nice sunblock rubbing from your boyfriend; and he'll get to see you all buttered up. He'll whisper into your ear while holding firm on that ass, "you look beautiful (y/n) before smacking a bit more cream onto your back. Geto would definitely quick fuck you under the shade of the umbrella. He is passionate, but if he wants it now, he gets it.
♡shopping, going shopping with your boyfriend Geto is actually very much fun. He will carry your load of bath and body works, while you run along the mall with him following behind. When shopping with Geto, he is very cautious of the space around you. He will obliterate anybody who even considers looking at you the wrong way. Not that you'd notice, you'd be having way to much fun purchasing things you'd never use!
♡shower-time, showering with Geto isn't always just sex. Yes, it happens quite often, where it leads to it but sometimes not. The both of you enjoy one another's presence and like to indulge upon that. So, When you get in the shower, you find your boyfriend getting in with you after hearing the water fall to the ground from the kitchen. He will most definitely bathe you. He also really enjoys when you bathe him. He likes to watch you get all embarrassed, scared to rub him in the wrong ways.
♡sex, boyfriend Geto will fuck you raw. As said before, he is a passionate lover. But, when tempted, there's a change of tune. When he sees your laced panties covering up your pretty cunt, he just has to have a piece of you. While preping you, he has already enjoyed watching your pussy eat away at his fingers; soaking them with your juices. He watches you struggle to speak when asking for his cock, which gives him so much more of an arousal. "speak up.” He'd say, sloshing his fingers faster, around your precious kitty, waiting to put himself inside you. All you had to do was say it clearly. And which you did, he was happy to oblige. "That's a good girl, now behave."
♡after care, after completely abliterating your cunt, Geto will do nothing other than baby you. Your boyfriend will cuddle with you for as long as you'd want, if you needed something, he'd get it for you, and he'll make sure you feel like a Princess. "Suguru." you'd moan a bit, because he loves to make you feel good, even after sex. He'll give you kisses and small pecks on your jawline leading all the way to your collarbone. It's his way of showering you with his love, because in all actuality, he loves you very much.
♡lazy day, Suguru will have his lazy days with you. Whether it's binge-watching stranger things, or scrolling mindlessly on your phones; he doesn't mind a day like that. He'll have his phone on one arm while your waist is interlocked with his other. He will watch or scroll through his feed while in between your legs, chin resting on your stomach. He likes it very much when you play with strands of his hair while doing so.
♡period/cramps, being a girl can seriously suck. Our monthly visits can be so painful, it's hard to describe. Your boyfriend Geto, makes it his mission to make you feel as comfortable as possible. When you want to eat out instead of home food, he'll take you to whichever you call for. And if you'd want home food, he'll make you the best meal of whatever you'd like. When it comes to cramps, he'll run kisses on your stomatch, inferring that it will be over soon.
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baugojo · 3 years ago
♡𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐄𝐍- [ scenerio ] ft itto, childe & diluc
summary: what turns them on.
[f!reader] [m!dom] [nsfw]
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itto! itto would politely pound you in his t-shirts. If there was one thing that really turned him on, it’s when he catches you wearing them. Itto is more of a cuddly type rather than a fucking you raw kinda guy, but the second your found wearing his clothing, his kindness has been replaced by dominance. “Itto—“ you moan. You could feel your walls begin to suck him dry, clouding your mind. His hand interlocks with yours, while his cock continued to pounce your precious cunt. “you look so pretty in my shirt precious.” Pulling in and out of you, his finger grasped at your chin, forcing eye contact with your sloppy image. “So I just couldn’t resist.” He will fuck your perfect clit, until he finds himself satisfied enough with the view of you cumming in his t-shirt. Your hands lazily clinging and tugging at Itto’s hair, pressing lips while you cum again. Once he is finished, and all is said and done, after a couple minutes of laying there, all cuddly, he will go right back to whatever he was doing before fucking you senseless.
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diluc! Diluc is a very calm and collected man. Therefore, he has great composure. But if/when he sees you taking charge of things, or trying to tell him what to do.. it gets him going alright. He likes to see you attempt to take control, knowing damn well he will always have it. Your hands pressed hard against his chest, lazily holding your upper body as you slide yourself into his warm cock. You winced, feeling the sock of pleasure hit your entire body all at once. “Cmon, darling, your almost there.” He said teasingly. He was fucking with you. You pulled yourself down faster, moaning at the feeling of his hard figure now inside of you. Your body began to then sway back and forth, still getting used to the motion. “I will have to show you who is in charge.” He bucked himself back and forth while you did the same now. Diluc’s hands found placement at your hips, moving quicker and lower into you. “and who isn’t.”your sopping cunt couldn’t get enough of him, making him only want to fuck you even harder. He could feel your orgasm; the cum seeping out of your hole. But even if dominating you, he will still place loving kisses on your forehead.
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Childe! anything turns this man on. You could literally be cooking in the kitchen, and he’ll just be noticing how pretty your ass looks in those pants. However, one thing that really gets him, is calling him by his real name. “Ajax” his fingering only circling faster around your clit. He could feel the liquid start to drool down to his arm, making him smirk in delight. “Say it again.” He said, still licking on your cunny, thus fingers dug in deeper. He knew you were barley able to mouth words, and he hasn’t even put his cock in yet. It pleased him so very much. “A-Ajax!” You moaned, desperate to rock yourself into his wet tongue, but he already told you not too; and if you did, there would be consequences. He smiled, watching you shiver in pleasure, wanting no.. needing more. But the way his name fell out of your mouth made him so fucking hard. He removed his tongue and his fingers from your cunny, looking at its soppy self; wanting to cum so badly. “That’s it. Now let me fuck you girle.”
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