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battlcdance · 2 years ago
&&// hey folks !! going to try & revamp & revive this blog !! look out for it !!
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
🧸 - ( i accidentally pressed unfollow while trying to get to ur ask pls ignore that aaa !! )
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@battlcdance 🐦
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
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          “ good morning everyone that MATTERS !! ”   looking right at only himself in the reflection of a pool.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
💚 (and others? uwu)
✧ send hearts ✧  //   accepting !! ( @death-from-below ).
💚 - rivals my own possible additions: 💕 - unrequited ( rakan to pyke ).
the battledancer always found himself utterly , and awfully entranced to the unobtainable. their rhythms were out of synch , one being a sonorous BATTLE DRUM , the other the fluttering of an arrhythmic heart. their auras could never mix , a GOLDEN BRILLIANCE of Helios that could never penetrate the dark murkiness of the brewing Poseidon. perhaps , most importantly , was the matter of their rivalry , a bond created over their differences , a competition forged by the sky and sea , their bond the horizon at which the two meet ( far away , oh so far away ). the lhotlan knew of the consequences : to every light there was an untouchable shadow , to every battledancer there is a bloodharbour ripper. but still , much like Icarus , the vastaya found himself chasing something too far away for him to reach.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
💛💛 plsss
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💛 - platonic.
//.         its a clash of two brilliant suns , dazzling stars that come from two different worlds , honestly !! their self - absorbed confidence , their galactic personalities , the nebulous - infectious energy would become a sort of EGO SUPER NOVA !!  while i definitely see them butting heads every once in a while ( of course , when two large personalities walk into a room they can’t help but bump into each other every now and then ) , Rakan would be intrigued and honestly find Jayce like a mirror of himself. also , there is something quite strange happening with the magic behind his hammer . . . and Rakan thinks he needs a closer investigation.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
💞 friends with benefits ; >
✧ send hearts ✧  //   accepting !!   ( @yuhl ).
💞 - friends with benefits
the first time they met , the stone - littered beach was still shimmering mirage - esque heat waves off its wave - worn surface. the sun had begun to retreat behind the horizonline , the sea swallowing the light in a brilliant orange hue. they had devoured one another upon the beach , a ravenous ,  primal hunger behind their movements. what was it that they were starved of ? who knows , but they found it within the flesh of the other. and they would continue to find it there , touch - starved and passion - wrought. the indents of rounded pebbles had remained imprinted upon the vastaya’s back , the only memory of the brief time they spend together.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
💛 platonic /💙 family ( friends to brotherly? they are the same yet oh so different? 8D)
✧ send hearts ✧  //   accepting !!   ( @charmerquilled ).
💛 - platonic.   💙 - family.
prepare for trouble . . . now make it double. Rakan hanging with himself is too powerful , so strong , the world isn’t prepared. ( insert here the “ honey , you got a big storm coming “ gif here ). listen , i have ALWAYS been a proponent for Rakan meeting himself because can you imagine the power of TWO self - loving , extroverted dancers ??  like , they would get along so well and compliment each other because practicing SELF CONFIDENCE !!  so uhm this will DEFINITELY have to be a thing.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
@oftomorrow​ has asked :
Jayce proceeds to grab the other's chin, thumb brushing over the other's chin hair with an amused smirk. "An awful look on most people. But then again you aren't like most people. It's decent on you. Nice."
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          “ because it’s MY thing , bozo , of course NO ONE ELSE pulls it off like ME. ”   his answer is boisterous despite the suddenness of this interaction , that reverberating voice loud and confident , easily responding with the blasé air of a practiced entertainer. the human tongue falls quickly off his lips , in its own dance as those ears flick forwards and back in practiced INDIGNTION , the GOLDEN feathers upon his wing in a shimmer. as he steps back out of the other’s grip , he takes the moment to give the offending human a once over. foreign and not from Ionia , ( annoyingly ) taller , a well structured face ( of course , not as well structured as his own ) , and carrying a strange beat of ancient magicks. striped feathered ears flick forward again , intrigued at the strange song but his face still carries a look of closed judgement. Rakan wrinkles his nose.   
“ and . . . you are supposed to be . . . who !? ”
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
What happens to a Vastaya, or half Vastaya if forced to drink petricite? Will it kill them since they're essentially magic?
vastayan // *hc2 ( con. )
it will depend on the concentration of petricite. should the concentration be kept in miniscule dosages , then petricite can be an efficient way of masking one’s magic should you have trouble doing so on your own. however , should the dosages get any higher , there is the possibility of illness ( as vastaya struggle to maintain their natural vital functions without their magic ) to even possible death. the amount of petricite necessary to achieve illness or death is dependent on the individual vastaya’s latent magical threshold , much like how medication for humans is dependent on their mass. this risk makes petricite utility very dangerous for vastaya , and the general idea of using petricite to mask one’s magic is usually a last resort rather than the norm.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
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Never regret thy fall, O Icarus of the fearless flight For the greatest tragedy of them all Is never to feel the burning light
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
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          holds his own hand.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
💛 (and maybeee 💞 if they knew each other better?)
✧ send hearts ✧  //   accepting !!
💛 - platonic. 💞 - friends with benefits.
i am very down for this friendship !!  any ionia interactions i am always ready for , and i think giving Rakan more interactions with humans from Ionia would be an interesting development to his character. would love to explore the duality in that he loves humanity and their creations but hates the chaos they wreak on their surroundings. as for the second part , that would definitely need to be seen with interaction but Rakan is definitely someone who gets around !! 
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
💜 💛 (I'd consider others but it heavily depends on interaction <3 BUT THESE FOR SURE!)
✧ send hearts ✧  //   accepting !!
💜 - mentor / mentee 💛 - platonic
oh for SURE !!  having jez interact more with a vastaya ( and one who is proud of his heritage and thus would promote being close with one own’s magic ) would be so much fun , and i think Rakan would make an interesting ( albeit aloof and hard to catch ) mentor !!  and otherwise , i think Rakan getting a healthy dose of reality every once in a while isn’t too bad , and Jez would definitely provide that.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
What kind of relationship does your muse want with mine?
❤️ romantic 💛 platonic 💙 family 💜 mentor/mentee 💞 friends with benefits 💕 unrequited love [specify who] 💚 rivals 🖤 enemies
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
He’s quite far away from the home planet. Good. He’s a bit of an escapist— one foot out the door, suitcase packed and next to the door kind of guy— If the First Star didn’t like that, well, it only had itself to blame for giving a wandering soul literally wings to fly away. He didn’t come all the way here just to find another soul under the unfamiliar sky, this is his lonely asteroid? thank you? He eyes the stranger up and down. Tall, extra—Beautiful, the way snakes are. All glimering scales and long forms to distract you from the venemous bite. Green, too.
He isn’t afraid of snakes.
“Do I know you?” He doesn’t bother to hide the pointed, incredolous tone he usually saves for admirers who think they are closer than they actually are. He doesn’t quite upturn his nose at him, but his voice implies it just as well. Ezreal knows (from comics, mostly) that antagonists with a personal beef with the hero always get irked when they don’t recognize them. And why should he? He doesn’t think he’s ever seen this guy, and he’s got a che— face, face that’d be very difficult to forget. Keep your head in the game, Ezreal.
“It doesn’t matter.” He begins to clean the interstellar dust from his pristine white suit, eyes lowered— but he keeps the other in his perisphery. Maybe if edgy-goth-guy over here thinks he’s stupid enough to lower his guard, he’ll be sloppy. “I am not lost,” Okay, maybe a little bit, “I came here on my own accord, not that it matters to you.”
“So yeah,” Gauntlet ready and charged, itching for a reason to shift away. “Good talk. See you never, hopefully.”
lips split to reveal fangs at the other’s impetuousness. how could he know not of who he was , the great RAKAN !?  but upon second thought he should have expected as much , there was much the little fox didn’t tell him either when he still was under similar delusions. still , the sting of unrecognition hurts , and it was something the dark guardian was not enjoying receiving from such an insignificant star. unfortunate that any threats Rakan could make were empty as Zoe was clear he was sent to merely capture any stars that make their way near his grasp, else surely he would once again be suffering the nightmare she inflicts on those that oppose her  ( and he should know , when he first was stained this hue he had rebelled so many times against her before realizing its hopelessness , after all ).  he raises his hands as the other raises his gauntlet , all CHARISMA and shimmering GLAMOR once more , the only thing belying his true intent being the tail swaying agitatedly behind him.
          “ woah now , let’s not get hasty here , little star , just want to know what happened is my friends is all !!  i won’t hurt you , ”   for now , at least ,   “ and besides , aren’t you curious about this whole GUARDIAN GETUP in the first place ? who the First Star is , how your powers work , that sort of thing ? ” he smiles , venturing to take a step forward and raises his wing to reveal his form.   “ nothing hidden under my cape , promise that. let’s talk. ”   under the guise of conversation , proximity makes it all the easier to CHARM him , of course. nonetheless , Rakan’s own curiosity played a factor in this as well  ( such as Ahri’s abandonment , the new stars that had taken flight , and so much more )  but all in good time. baby steps , and while long before his current form patience was a weakness of his , years spent embedded in darkness has taught him how to wait.
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battlcdance · 4 years ago
Well what ever reason she had been sneaking about was absolutely, and most annoyingly lost.  The rabbit took off from its position, and Jez slumped down onto her rump with a heavy sigh.  She should have anticipated an interruption sooner rather than later given how long it had been since she’d seen the Vastayan man.
“Always.” she remarked with a hint of annoyance to an otherwise even tone.  The origami crane fluttered its way onto her shoulder, hopping about excitedly for the encounter with the infamous RAKAN.  It was always happy to meet with Vastayan.  They were the closest thing it, and Jez, had to any sort of family.
…well, as far as the crane was concerned.
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Jez may have a few choice words about those who INTERRUPT her attempt at catching a meal, though.  Yet she bit her tongue, too tired to bother trying to conjure up words to describe her feelings.
“Killing Noxians?” the woman inquired with that unfortunate, posh Noxian accent still making her sound the part of something she isn’t.  It would take time to run that into the ground.  Something that wasn’t overly her focus at the moment.  The skull would be tipped up, violet eyes shimmering, but narrowed at the male.  “You scared off my meal.”
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          feathers ruffle in a most bird - like manner and his ears twitch accordingly as the brush parts and a rabbit runs past him. he watches impassively before tilting his head , a wrinkle in his nose and a crook taking on one of those well groomed brows.   “ ick , rabbit. too lean for me , i only partake in the most decadent of foods. for example , have you ever heard of CHOCOLATE !? ”   he shifts his weight as the large wing behind him lifts in brightness at the mere mention of that human - made food.   “ while humans do a lotta things wrong , they get one or two things right once in a while. chocolate is one of ‘em. ”   he glances towards the paper crane that flutters about his acquaintance’s shoulder and grins , stepping closer to listen to its magic. as LIVELY as ever , and as PURE as ever , just another reminder of the origin of Jez’s strange song.
however , at the mention of Noxians those striped ears immediately flatten upon pale locks of hair , a rare steely glint briefly glimmering through the lake within his eyes. he huffs , settling upon his feet as he taps a finger upon the tree next to them , feeling for the thrum of life to calm the angry rush of DRUMS in his heart. a low rumbling growl finds its way from the base of his stomach to his throat , eyes narrowing to slits as images of red find their way to the forefront of his mind.   “ death isn’t enough for some of them. in all my moons and seasons of life , the way some of those heretics disregard the magic is unforgivable. ”   he shudders before that anger fades away as easily as the stream , shoulders dropping as he winks , once again the very image of CHARM.  “ not all of ‘em , of course , but can’t help to generalize !!  anyways , if you still are lookin’ for food why not go to a human settlement and get some there !? ain’t it easy , you can blend in and stuff !! ”
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