bastard-demon-blog · 9 years
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“Guess who’s back,        kinda back,             Bastian’s back....                                            Alright not completely...      ...I must wrestle some sway over mun from Matt.”
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bastard-demon-blog · 9 years
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“Awww looks like someone is turning into their father. I’m so proud.”
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“Dragon age verse me is turning into ‘Bastian. God help me.”
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bastard-demon-blog · 9 years
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bastard-demon-blog · 9 years
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The 13th icon in your folder is your muse’s reaction to meeting a God
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bastard-demon-blog · 9 years
[ *shit Matt & ‘Bastian would do drunk* ]
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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Problem 1: I need to study 3 hours a night. Problem 2: In terms of RP this means I get on at 6pm my time when everyone is asleep. Problem 3: Whenever I get home from school I kind of just wanna throw myself off a cliff so doing 3 hours study is really hard on my mental state. Problem 4: If I get a rank score of under 250 I can’t get into the uni course I want. (Which means I need at least ten excellence credits if the rest are Merit.) Problem 5: Just did a Chem Internal worth 3 credits and am re-submitting for Merit. (Which means I got Achieved and I cannot fucking afford to get achieves.) That means my total rank score is standing at 9 points.   Anyway, I leave you with this scene from red dwarf ( 11:38 - 12:52 ) to describe how I feel about the study I’m doing right now..
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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-literally screams at loud large bugs and sprays it while pose eccentrically-
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
Sitting on the floor on the other side of the coffee table he shrugged, “I’ve probably seen all of them at some point in my life. Technically. Not that I could tell you the plot of each of them. Between alternate dimensions where deleted scenes made it in and me just not recalling them right.”
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“You go ahead and choose, I honestly don’t mind.”
Mara didn’t really catch them, but they sort of just hit her hands and slid onto her lap. She tentatively reached for the chips, munching carefully on one while she  examined the movies.
"Bad movies are totally the best movies!" she agreed, "Definitely the way to go."
She set them in a straight line, like she had to really think about it.
"Have you seen all of these?"
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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“Why is Matt getting to have more fun than me? I'm feeling neglected."
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
[[ So I found that piece of writing, from the original roleplay Matt was created in, where ‘Bastian ‘breaks’ him. I can’t be fucked editing this piece of writing cos it’s from two years ago so I apologize for the grammar and stuff. This is a major moment in Matt’s character existence because it defines a lot of his personality going on in mainverse, especially towards ‘Bastian. Note that one of the major horrible things here that ‘Bastian does is the memory dump thing, despite knowing the fact that doing this memory thing a the human literally want to kill themselves, because it doesn’t physically harm Matt he defines it as not falling under their oath of protecting each other. (Plus the oath stops Matt from committing any acts of suicide.) So yes, this can be added to the 100 reasons why ‘Bastian is a major manipulative abusive asshole. ]]
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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//Mortal Matt + Immortal Matt = A highly traumatised mortal Matt.    Mortal Bastian + Immortal Bastian = A lot of mass murder and church burning. 
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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Due to school and general non-motivation of wanting to do things both my blogs ( unfxrtunxte and bastard-demon ) will be semi-hiatus. This doesn’t mean goodbye. This is more along the lines of I’m going to be increasingly non-responsive and selective. Some days I’ll probably go through and finish all my drafts ( oh the dream ) while on others I’m just not going to do anything and draft everything. I am going to continue doing ask prompts and banter regularly but just. Ugh. Schoooooool. I’m trying to get into either Engineering or medical I need my attentions focused on that. I WILL TRY TO BALANCE MY ACTIVITY OVER BOTH BLOGS THO.  I’m so sorry to all those I owe replies to with ‘Bastian, you’ve been waiting like a month. I have two drafts and I see some of yall on Matt’s dashboard and really want to roleplay but I’m on the wrong account and just. I am so lazy. But just, yeah. FEEL FREE TO CONTINUE PESTERING ME WITH STUFF WITHOUT PRIOR WARNING COS I ENJOY IT, but like. Don’t expect me responding quickly cos I just. *deepest sigh of them all*  *melts* So much to do that I ain’t getting down.
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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"Hella homo."
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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{{ Fuck. I have 8 drafts. Someday... I am so sorry for not being active. You two I've tagged it's an offer for skype since doing quick banter on there seems to be all I'm managing currently.}}
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
{{ Over the course of hiatus I have so far lost 5 followers on this blog. Friendly reminder that 'Bastian's bf Matt has a blog here. Though his DA verse is currently the most active lmao. His DA verse persona is actually quite a lot like 'Bastian so that's amusing.
ALSO muns skype is sacanamara (for both rp and ooc chat), mutuals are free to add if you let me know who you are.}}
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bastard-demon-blog · 10 years
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I'm sorry I vanished everybody! 'Bastian is still my favourite one of my OC's so trust me THIS ACCOUNT IS NOT GOING TO DIE.
But I will be cutting back on the time spent on both my OC accounts. Sorry that I've neglected so many responses in favour of mucking about with Matt, but what can I say the DA fandom has dug it's claws into me and won't let go.
Now schools starting up and ????!!!!!! 
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So yes, I should try checking in but I think the main point of this notice is
I have one with witch-house-blues that has been half written in drafts forever so I will keep that & the hogwarts AU with incursu is also drafted so both of those will happen eventually when mun stops being a little shit.
If you cannot find me or want to chat I'm on unfxrtunxte (the Matt account) & virulent-devil (personal). Also my skype is Sacanamara if you ever wanna chat or roleplay over that. Just make sure to send your url with your contact request otherwise I'll be very confused who you are.
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