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basicsofeverything · 5 months ago
Vocabulario - Choujin X, Capítulo 7
lograr - erreichen, bewirken - ¿Lo logré?
ligero - leicht, locker - Me siento ligero.
fluir - fließen - Puedo sentir la ferocidad salvaje fluyendo por todo mi cuerpo.
la espalda - die Schulter - ¡Por favor, súbete a mi espalda!
el daño - die Schädigung, die Einbußung - ¡Recibiste daño en el brazo y te estás frenando!
frenar - bremsen, zurückhalten - ¡Recibiste daño en el brazo y te estás frenando!
asar - braten, rösten - ¿Qué tal si la asamos de adentro hacia afuera?
aterrador - beänstigend - Tienes ideas aterradoras.
la venganza - die Rache - ¡Esto es por hacerme ilusiones!
comportarse - sich benehmen - ¿Acaso no sabes como comportarte?
adolorido - wund - Me siento un poco adolorido.
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basicsofeverything · 10 months ago
Vocabulario - Choujin X, Capítulo 6
cansarse - müde werden - Siento que en cualquier momento voy a cansarme y enfermar.
desagradable - unangenehm; ekelhaft - ¿Se siente desagradable?
el mocoso - der Grünschnabel, der Rotzbengel - Te mataré lentamente, ¡mocosa de mierda!
jugar a la cuerda - Seilchen springen - ¡Jugaré a la cuerda con tus visceras!
anteponer - voranstellen, bevorzugen - ¿Cómo puedo anteponer a otros en un momento así?
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basicsofeverything · 10 months ago
Vocabulario - Choujin X, Capítulo 5
el pico - der Schnabel - Él es un choujin con un pico.
secuestrar - entführen - ¿Debería secuestrarlo?
huir - fliehen, flüchten - Quiero que intentes huir de mi.
acabar - beenden - Tres strikes y se acabará la prueba.
tomar algo en serio - etwas ernst nehmen - ¿Puedes tomarme en serio?
subestimar - unterschätzen - Odio que me subestimen.
entumecido - betäubt - En media hora, tus manos y pies estarán entumecidos.
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basicsofeverything · 10 months ago
Vocabulario - Choujin X, Capítulo 4
las sobras - die Reste - Toda mi vida he sido un buitre que recibe las sobras del rey.
enojar - ärgern - Es normal que Azuma esté enojado conmigo.
darse cuenta - realisieren, sich klar machen - Si te das cuenta, has decidido cuanto pan darnos.
el cosquilleo - das Kitzeln - Tengo un cosquilleo.
la pista - der Hinweis - Tal vez aquí puedo obtener algunas pistas.
sisear - zischen - La serpiente está siseando.
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basicsofeverything · 1 year ago
January Recap
I started January 2024 with an obsession with BG3, and I am ending the month with an optimistic view of the coming year. Politically, a lot of things happened - the AfD rose to 23%, and is now dropping back, mostly due to what Correctiv uncovered, protests, and the appearance of the BSW. The war in Israel/Palestine has been going on for more than 100 days now, and I have reflected on my position. I have put some time into researching anti-semitism and its different forms, which has helped me understand other viewpoints. My heart is still with the people of Gaza.
Meanwhile, I had to spend my last month in Valencia studying for exams. I went out to eat Ramen three (3!) times, I bid farewell to Cory at Bioparc, and spent a lot of time in the library with Francesca and Anna Lisa. Halfway through the month I reset my copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, which I am now playing almost daily. I am also trying to not lose what little Spanish I have learnt abroad, so I am practicing in one form or another on the daily. I have also downloaded an app called “Serial Reader”, through which I am reading Pride and Prejudice in small, daily chunks.
Now I am taking a break from serious things and recharging for the coming months. I am looking forward to starting the research for my Bachelor’s thesis and getting back to work. I have also organized a meetup with Lena, Seray and Shrouk, which I am looking forward to as well.
In Search of Healthy Masculinity - Sisyphus 55
am I too old ?? - owiebrainhurts
Part 1: Haben Polizisten diesen Mann ermordet? / Part 2: Der schlimmste Kriminalfall Deutschlands - Simplicissimus
Warum die Woken von allen gehasst werden - RobBubble
Why YouTubers Hold Microphones Now - Tom Nicholas
Future Computers Will Be Radically Different (Analog Computing) - Veritasium
It’s Okay to Leave the Kids Table - NapoleonVII
Die Geheimnisse der deutschen Superreichen - Simplicissimus
Hip Hop - Made in Germany: 2010 - bis heute: Frankfurt, Cash und Role Models - NDR
The Boy and The Heron - Studio Ghibli
Top Music:
Flight of the Crows - Jhariah
Misery Meat - Sodikken
No Nein - 1tbsp, Mietze Conte
By the end of February, I want to:
Be back at work.
Have decided on a topic for my Bachelor’s thesis.
Have kept up my streak concerning Spanish.
Have created a few more (sketch) frames in Procreate Dreams.
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basicsofeverything · 1 year ago
International Parity Conditions
International parity conditions are the economic theories that link exchange rates, price levels, and interest rates together.
Law of One Price
One assumption they are based on is the law of one price. It states that if an identical product or service can be sold in two different markets, where no restrictions exist on the sale and the transportation costs of moving the product between the markets are equal, the the product's price should be the same in both markets. If this applies, comparing prices only requires a conversion from one currency to another.
Purchasing Power Parity
Purchasing power parity (PPP) compares economic growth and standards of living in different countries with a common basket of goods approach. If the law of one price applied for all goods and services, the purchasing power parity could be acquired from just a singular set of prices. This is referred to as the absolute version of PPP theory. An example of this is the Big Mac Index.
On the other hand, relative PPP theory states that exchange rates and inflation rates (price levels) in two countries should equal out over time. Currencies that have a high inflation rate are expected to depreciate.
Exchange Rate Indices
Figuring out whether a nation's exchange rate is overvalued or undervalued in terms of PPP can be done by calculating exchange rate indices, such as the nominal effective exchange rate index (NEER) and the real effective exchange rate (REER). Both represent the average rate at which one nation's currency is valued in comparison with a basket of other currencies, weighted for the percentage of trade that each currency represents to that nation. However, while the NEER does not take inflation into account, the REER is an adjusted version of the NEER that takes into account the inflation rate of the home country relative to the inflation rate of its trading partners.
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Exchange Rate Pass-Through
Exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) is a measure of how responsive international prices are to changes in exchange rates. An incomplete ERPT leads to a deviation of the REER from the PPP. The ERPT can be calculated by dividing the percentage price change in one currency by the percentage price change in the other currency.
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Fisher Effect
The Fisher Effect describes the relationship between inflation and both real and nominal interest rates.
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The International Fisher Effect states that differences in nominal interest rates between countries can be used to predict changes in exchange rates.
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Interest Rate Parity
The theory of Interest Rate Parity (IRP) provides the linkage between the foreign exchange markets and the international money markets. It states that the difference in the national interest rates for securities of similar risk and maturity should be equal to, but opposite in sign to, the forward rate discount/premium for the foreign currency (excluding transaction costs).
The aforementioned forward rate premium/discount is calculated using the forward and spot rates:
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If the theory of IRP does not hold, it paves the way for Covered Interest Arbitrage (CIA), wherein the arbitrager exploits the imbalance by investing in whichever currency offers the higher return, while covered by a forward contract. With Uncovered Interest Arbitrage (UIA), on the other hand, the investor remains uncovered, as they do not sell the higher yielding currency proceeds forward.
Forward Rate as an Unbiased Predictor
This theory states that the forward rate should be an unbiased predictor of the future spot exchange rate, given the assumption of risk neutrality and rational expectation. The forward rate will therefore, on average, overestimate and underestimate the actual future spot rate in equal frequency and degree.
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basicsofeverything · 1 year ago
The Foreign Exchange Market
The Foreign Exchange Market is a global OTC market for the trading of currencies. It is the world's largest financial market. The main motivations behind participating in the market are seeking liquidity or seeking profit.
Forex Transactions
There are 3 different types of exchanges on the foreign exchange market:
spot transactions, with delivery and payment taking place "immediately" (on the second business day)
forward transactions, where the exchange rate is established at the time of the agreement, but delivery and payment happen in the future
swap transactions, where spots are traded against forwards, or forwards against other forwards with a different maturity
Cross Rates
Since many currency pairs are only inactively traded, their relationship is determined through their relationship to a widely traded third currency. Such an exchange rate is called a "cross rate". Cross rates can also be used for intermarket arbitrage.
Bid & Ask
There are "bid" and "ask" prices. Banks and traders get their profit from buying foreign currency at the bid price and selling it at a slightly higher ask price. From the perspective of a private investor, this is the other way around:
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While spot rates are typically quoted on an outright basis, forward rates are usually quoted using points.
If the bid points of a forward quotation are less than the ask points, the base currency is at premium and the bid points are added to the spot exchange rate. On the other hand, if the bid points are greater than the ask points, the base currency is at discount and the bid points are subtracted from the spot exchange rate.
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basicsofeverything · 1 year ago
The Global Currency Market
Currencies on the Global Market
Currencies can be sold and purchased on the financial market just as any other type of asset. They are always "quoted" against another currency, most commonly the dollar. The "top" currency is then called the "quoting" currency, whereas the "bottom" one is referred to as the "quoted" currency.
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The current amount one currency will trade for another currency is referred to as the "Spot Exchange Rate". A percentage change in the spot exchange rate is calculated with the following formulas:
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The "ideal" currency
The "ideal" currency would have 3 defining attributes:
exchange rate stability,
full financial integration,
and monetary independence.
However, having all three is impossible. All countries have to decide which one they want to give up:
Full capital controls bring monetary independence and exchange rate stability, but at the cost of full financial integration.
A pure float exchange rate brings monetary independence and full financial integration, but at the cost of exchange rate stability.
A monetary union brings full financial integration and exchange rate stability, but at the cost of monetary independence.
This is referred to as "the impossible trinity".
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basicsofeverything · 1 year ago
"Eiszeit" - Was ist das eigentlich?
Der Begriff "Eiszeit" ist nicht klar definiert.
Ein Eiszeitalter ist ein Zeitraum, in dem mindestens einer der beiden Festlandsbereiche einer Polarregion vergletschert beziehungsweise mit einem Eisschild bedeckt ist. Wir befinden uns derzeit also in einem Eiszeitalter - dem Känozoischen Eiszeitalter.
Nach einer enger gefassten Definition tritt das Eiszeitalter erst dann ein, wenn auf beiden Polen der Erde ausgedehnte Vergletscherungen auftreten. Nach dieser Definition sind wird im Quartären Eiszeitalter.
Die Eiszeitalter wechseln sich mit sogenannten Warmklimata ab. Der letzte solche Wechsel fand vor ca. 34 Millionen (bzw. 2,6 Millionen) Jahren statt. Zum Vergleich: Homo erectus lebte vor ca. 2 Millionen Jahren, der Homo sapiens sapiens betrat vor ca. 40.000 Jahren die Erde).
Innerhalb eines Eiszeitalters gibt es Schwankungen. Man bezeichnet diese als Kalt- und Warmzeiten. Diese sind noch gröber definiert. Eine Warmzeit (Interglazial) ist ein Zeitraum mit durchschnittlich höheren Temperaturen zwischen zwei Zeitabschnitten mit durchschnittlich niedrigeren Temperaturen. Umgekehrt ist eine Kaltzeit (Glazial) ein Zeitabschnitt mit durchschnittlich niedrigeren Temperaturen zwischen zwei Zeitabschnitten mit durchschnittlich höheren Temperaturen. Warmzeiten sind meist kürzer als Kaltzeiten. Die jetzige Warmzeit, das Holozän, begann vor 11.500 Jahren. Die letzte Warmzeit dauerte 11.000 Jahre.
Heute beträgt die mittlere globale Erdoberflächentemperatur etwa 15°C. In einer Warmklimaphase beträgt sie hingegen durchschnittlich 20 bis 25°C. Im schlimmsten Fall könnte die Erde durch den derzeitigen Klimawandel also aus dem Eiszeitalter heraus in eine Warmklimaphase katapultiert werden.
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basicsofeverything · 1 year ago
Vocabulario - Choujin X, Capítulo 3
alivio - Erleichterung- Es que puedes levantarte, que alivio!
lesionar - verletzen - Estás lesionado.
comprobar - feststellen, untersuchen, kontrollieren - Hay que comprobarlo en el hospital.
cansado - müde - Debes estar cansado, no es así?
husmear - schnüffeln - Los tipos raros pueden estar husmeando.
dar hambre - hungrig machen - Me pregunto si aún me dará hambre en esta forma.
fiebre - Fieber - Me acaba de dar un poco de fiebre.
fingir - vortäuschen - Yo fingiré estar enfermo y descansaré por tres días.
tienda - Lebensmittelgeschäft - Voy a salir por un rato, pasaré por la tienda.
jeringa - Spritze - Te estoy preguntando quienes usaron las otras dos jeringas.
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basicsofeverything · 2 years ago
Vocabulario - Choujin X, Capítulo 2
crecer - aufwachsen - Ely Otta creció un poco lejos de Yamato en un pobre pueblo agrícola en otra prefectura.
apodar - einen Spitznamen geben - Los tomates cultivados por la familia fueron apodado "Bumbums".
disfrutar - sich erfreuen, genießen - Ellos disfrutaron de cierta popularidad en la comunidad local.
despertar - aufwecken, aufmuntern - Estás despierta?
posada - Gasthaus - Necesitaba registrarme en la posada.
salvaje - wild - Eres como un mono salvaje, no es así?
luego - nachher - Te lo pagaré luego.
derrotar - schlagen, besiegen - Nadie pudo derrotarme en tractores por cierto.
romper - zerbrechen, kaputt gehen - Voy tan rápido que se va a romper.
fallo mayor - schwerwiegender Fehler - Este es un fallo mayor en el diseño del teléfono.
qué/quién carajo - was/wer zum Teufel - Quién carajo son estos tipos?
hacer escandalo - Krawall machen - Por qué están haciendo escandalo a estas horas?
vecindario - Nachbarschaft - Son molestias de vecindario, eso está claro.
estiércol - Dünger - Estos tipos ni siquiera harían buen estiércol.
resbalar - ausrutschen - Crees que puedes hacerme resbalar?!
merecer - verdienen - Te lo mereces.
engullir - verschlingen - Una extraña nube ha engullido al avión.
enseñar - unterrichten, beibringen - Te enseñaré todo lo que hay que conocer.
bromear - scherzen - Tienes que estar bromeando.
malhechor - Übeltäter - No eres nada más que un malhechor!
indomado - ungezähmt - Parece que los monos indomados necesitan disciplina.
acaparar - horten - Deja de acaparar el baño!
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basicsofeverything · 2 years ago
Vocabulario - Choujin X, Capítulo 1
caer - fallen - Se te cayó este tomate.
por su cuenta - allein, auf eigene Faust - Estás viajando por tu cuenta, pequeña?
herida - Wunde, Verletzung - Ella tiene una herida en su espalda.
renombre - guter Ruf - Si ganas, tu producción tendrá un renombre y eso significa más órdenes.
conseguir - erreichen, gelingen - Si me vuelvo rico, conseguiré lindos trabajadores.
estar apurado - es eilig haben - Lo siento, estás apurado para ir al baño?
golpear - schlagen - No debes golpear a las mujeres mayores.
embobar - verblüffen, faszinieren - Estás embobado con el cielo de nuevo.
prestar atención - Aufmerksamkeit schenken - Eso es porque no prestas atención.
como sea - so oder so - Como sea las clases son inútiles.
hongo - Pilz - A quién le dices así, hongo?!
estrellarse - zerschellen, scheitern - Un avión de pasajeros se estrelló.
esconderse - sich verstecken - Sabes por qué las cochinillas se esconden debajo de las rocas?
comprar en línea - online einkaufen - No puedo comprar en linea con estos yesos.
pegar - ankleben - Tal vez se te pegarán sus cualidades.
salvar el trasero - den Hintern retten - Te ha salvado el trasero muchas veces.
asombroso - erstaunlich - Es asombroso que hayan doscientos sobrevivientes.
quemar - verbrennen - El casco es la única parte que se estaba quemando en realidad.
sacar a alguien de quicio - jemanden aus dem Häuschen bringen - Él dijo que le saco de quicio por alguna razón.
adinerado - vermögend - Mi familia no es exactamente adinerada.
eludir - ausweichen - Eludir la justicia es cobardía.
vencer a - besiegen - De ahora en adelante tú puedes ayudarme a vencer a los tipos malos.
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basicsofeverything · 2 years ago
Rechenregeln bei Vektoren
Für Vektoren gelten gesonderte Rechenregeln.
Addition und Subtraktion
Haben zwei Vektoren beide n Koordinaten/Komponenten, so können diese zwei Vektoren komponentenweise addiert werden:
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Das Gleiche gilt für die Subtraktion.
Multiplikation mit einer Konstante
Multipliziert man einen Vektor a mit einer konstanten reellen Zahl c, wirkt sich das auf alle Komponenten gleichermaßen aus:
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c nennt man einen Skalar. Es gilt das Distributivgesetz. Es seien a und b Vektoren, und c und d Skalare:
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Zwei Vektoren, die beide n Komponenten haben, können auch miteinander multipliziert werden. Ist der erste Vektor ein Zeilenvektor, und der zweite Vektor ein Spaltenvektor, so bildet das Ergebnis eine einzige Zahl - das Skalarprodukt.
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Dabei werden die jeweiligen Komponenten miteinander multipliziert, und die Produkte dessen am Ende aufaddiert.
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basicsofeverything · 2 years ago
Vektoren sind in der linearen Algebra Elemente, die im Vektorraum anzeigen, auf welche Weise ein Punkt verschoben wird. Im zweidimensionalen Raum ℝ² braucht ein Vektor zwei Koordinaten:
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Addition des Punktes Q( 1 | 1 ) mit dem Vektor a verschiebt den Punkt nach R( 4 | 5 ).
Im dreidimensionalen Raum ℝ³ braucht ein Vektor drei Koordinaten. Ein Vektor mit n Koordinaten befindet sich dementsprechend im n-dimensionalen Raum ℝⁿ. Dies ist nur schwer zu visualisieren, was auch für die Anwendung von Vektoren nicht notwendig ist.
Vektoren werden in der Regel als Spalte dargestellt, können jedoch auch "transponiert" werden:
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Für Vektoren gelten gesonderte Rechenregeln.
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basicsofeverything · 2 years ago
What this blog is.
So, whenever I am learning stuff, I get motivated by thinking "Oh! I could teach this to someone!" A lot of the time I feel like there is an easier way to explain things than how they are explained to me in the first place. So, this blog is for me to
get motivation for teaching things to myself by explaining them on here
understanding those topics with more depth by having to explain them and make connections between them
I do not know yet whether I will be using English or German - maybe both.
Under the read more are links for the tags that I will use on here, so it's easier to find the stuff you're looking for.
Announcements and stuff
Lineare Algebra
Management Science
International Finance
Finance Theories
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