barkintwins · 21 days
For every 🎵 sent I'll list a song my muse likes.
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barkintwins · 1 month
“It’s our birthday today!! We’re officially a year old- officially teenagers!”
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barkintwins · 1 month
Why do people love you? (Dallas.)
because you make them laugh
you're a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine. people always have a good time with you, forgetting all their troubles and wrapping themselves up in your love. you remind them of warmth and sunshine and make them feel adored. you have a tendency to use laughter to cover your pain, but remember it's okay to show some of that darkness once in a while. it makes you human.
Why do people love you? (Amberly.)
because you nurture them
you take care of people's souls. people are drawn to you because you make them feel fulfilled. your love is tender, constant, and whole. however, you often forget to nurture yourself in the same way, finding yourself burnt out and empty. save some gentleness for yourself. you deserve it.
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barkintwins · 3 months
Use letters from your muse's first name to describe their personality!
Tagged by: stole it from one of my other blogs!
Tagging: whoever!
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barkintwins · 3 months
(🐕) I HAVEN’T ABANDONED THIS BLOG! XD I’ve just had more muse for other characters.
I’ll try to be a little more active here!
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barkintwins · 3 months
1. does your muse enjoy watching the stars? & 13. what is the strangest / least comfortable place your muse has slept?, from the random headcanons meme. For both of the twins ^^
1. Both Dallas and Amberly enjoy watching the stars! I think Amberly would enjoy it a little bit more than her brother would, simply because he gets bored pretty quickly, but they both do it!
13. For Amberly, the strangest place she’s ever slept would probably have to be an alley on Earth; as a Guardian Angel in-training, her first mission was to help guide a little runaway girl back home, and she slept in a “gross, dirty alley” her first night on Earth. XD
For Dallas, I’d have to say… I’m not quite sure! He’s slept in Heaven every night he’s been alive, so far, so I suppose I can’t really say he’s slept anywhere uncomfortable/strange!
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barkintwins · 4 months
random headcanon asks
1. does your muse enjoy watching the stars?
2. does your muse have any long-term, life plans?
3. how does your muse manage strong emotions?
4. how many blankets does your muse sleep with?
5. has you muse ever experienced sleep paralysis? 
6. what style of music does your muse like the most?
7. what’s the furthest from home your muse has traveled?
8. does your muse have any unusual fears? what are they? 
9. is your muse / would your muse be active on social media?
10. does your muse get sick often? what’s their go-to remedies?
11. is your muse quick thinking? are they able to focus when stressed?
12. what is your muse’s most helpful coping skill, healthy or unhealthy?
13. what is the strangest / least comfortable place your muse has slept?
14. where does your muse’s strength lie? physical strength? mental? emotional?
15. if your muse had the option, would they prefer to go to space or explore the ocean?
16. how skilled is your muse in the kitchen? what is the most complicated dish they know how to make?
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barkintwins · 6 months
📦 + From the Spaniel girls: a pair of fluffy, squeaky dog toys, one for each puppy. The toys are shaped like distinctive, if stylised, animal designs: an elephant for Dallas and a giraffe for Amberly.
Dallas and Amberly both stared in surprise at the gifts, but then, at the same time, they both became incredibly excited!
“Yaaaaaaaay!!!!” the twins cheered in sync; Amberly grabbed hers with her paws and hugged it tight, while Dallas gripped his in his mouth and shook it from side to side, growling playfully.
“Thanks so much, guys! You’re th’ best!!” Amberly exclaimed, tail wagging just as fast as it could.
Dallas offered a muffled “thank you”, too, but held the toy in his jaws at the same time. He let it go and grinned. “Merry Christmas!”
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barkintwins · 10 months
Bold what your muse likes.
( repost, don’t reblog! )
Taste:  Sweet | Salty | Bitter | Umami | Sour | Chocolate | Bacon | Vegetables | Fruit | Berries | Carrots | Cake | Cookies | Pretzels | Pasta | Tomatoes | Applesauce | Sauerkraut | Pickles | Olives | Potatoes | Ice Cream | Pineapple | Pineapple on pizza | Fish | Beef | Garlic | Spinach | Mushrooms | Cheese | Milk | Juice | Marmite | Beetroot | Anchovies | Gefilte Fish | Peppers | Whole wheat bread | Marshmallows | Mango | Broccoli | Peanut butter | Nutella | Mint and Chocolate | Cashew nuts | Tofu | Brussels sprouts | Grape | Chicken
Touch:  Soft | Rough | Smooth | Sticky | Slimy | Hot | Cold | Damp | Wet | Clammy | Coarse | Fur | Velvet | Silk | Lace| Hot metal | Cold metal | Paper | Plastic | Bubble wrap | Wool | Wood | Tree bark | Hot asphalt | Leaves | Wicker | Sand | Rocks | Rough rocks | Smooth rocks | Hair | Skin | Tight hugs | Gentle hugs | Lip kisses | Skin kisses | Holding hands | Rough touches | Gentle touches | Scratches | Bites | Sunlight | Light sheets | Thick blankets | Baggy clothes | Dried petals
Scent:  Flowers | Sea water | Chocolate | Fish | Cooking onions | Cleaning products | Citrus | Lemons | Grapefruit | Oranges | Rain | Freshly cut grass | Wet dirt | Wood | Cologne | Perfume | Fire | Smoke | Gasoline | Tires | Paint | Chlorine | Pools | Fresh bread | Cooking bacon | New books | Coffee | Linen | Vanilla | Cinnamon | New car | Coconut | Sunscreen | Nail polish | Mint | Cigarette smoke | Leather
Sound:  Loud sounds | High pitched sounds | Low pitched sounds | Quiet sounds | Loud voices | Soft voices | High voices | Deep voices | Morning voice | Snoring | Rain on windows | Fire crackle | Crickets | Frogs | Typing on a keyboard | Horse hooves on gravel | High heels | Laughter | Deep laughter | Giggling | Purring | Dog bark | Howling | Car engine | Distant chatter | Bird chirps | Classical music | Pop music | Folk music | Rock music |Country music | Klezmer music | Violin | Piano | Frying food | Nails tapping
Sight:  Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | Purple | Pink | Black | White | Silver | Gold | Shiny | Dull | Shapes | Orange lighting | Natural lighting | Seaside scenery | Forest scenery | Field scenery | Patterns | Clear skies | Cloudy skies | Night time | Day time | Sunrise | Sunset | Stain glass windows | Old buildings | Stone buildings | Wood cabins | Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter | Brick buildings | Moss | Flowers | Gardens | Hedge mazes |Corn mazes | Lakes | Rivers
Taste:  Sweet | Salty | Bitter | Umami | Sour | Chocolate | Bacon | Vegetables | Fruit | Berries | Carrots | Cake | Cookies | Pretzels | Pasta | Tomatoes | Applesauce | Sauerkraut | Pickles | Olives | Potatoes | Ice Cream | Pineapple | Pineapple on pizza | Fish | Beef | Garlic | Spinach | Mushrooms | Cheese | Milk | Juice | Marmite | Beetroot | Anchovies | Gefilte Fish | Peppers | Whole wheat bread | Marshmallows | Mango | Broccoli | Peanut butter | Nutella | Mint and Chocolate | Cashew nuts | Tofu | Brussels sprouts | Grape | Chicken
Touch:  Soft | Rough | Smooth | Sticky | Slimy | Hot | Cold | Damp | Wet | Clammy | Coarse | Fur | Velvet | Silk | Lace| Hot metal | Cold metal | Paper | Plastic | Bubble wrap | Wool | Wood | Tree bark | Hot asphalt | Leaves | Wicker | Sand | Rocks | Rough rocks | Smooth rocks | Hair | Skin | Tight hugs | Gentle hugs | Lip kisses | Skin kisses | Holding hands | Rough touches | Gentle touches | Scratches | Bites | Sunlight | Light sheets | Thick blankets | Baggy clothes | Dried petals
Scent:  Flowers | Sea water | Chocolate | Fish | Cooking onions | Cleaning products | Citrus | Lemons | Grapefruit | Oranges | Rain | Freshly cut grass | Wet dirt | Wood | Cologne | Perfume | Fire | Smoke | Gasoline | Tires | Paint | Chlorine | Pools | Fresh bread | Cooking bacon | New books | Coffee | Linen | Vanilla | Cinnamon | New car | Coconut | Sunscreen | Nail polish | Mint | Cigarette smoke | Leather
Sound:  Loud sounds | High pitched sounds | Low pitched sounds | Quiet sounds | Loud voices | Soft voices | High voices | Deep voices | Morning voice | Snoring | Rain on windows | Fire crackle | Crickets | Frogs | Typing on a keyboard | Horse hooves on gravel | High heels | Laughter | Deep laughter | Giggling | Purring | Dog bark | Howling | Car engine | Distant chatter | Bird chirps | Classical music | Pop music | Folk music | Rock music |Country music | Klezmer music | Violin | Piano | Frying food | Nails tapping
Sight:  Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | Purple | Pink | Black | White | Silver | Gold | Shiny | Dull | Shapes | Orange lighting | Natural lighting | Seaside scenery | Forest scenery | Field scenery | Patterns | Clear skies | Cloudy skies | Night time | Day time | Sunrise | Sunset | Stain glass windows | Old buildings | Stone buildings | Wood cabins | Spring | Summer | Fall | Winter | Brick buildings | Moss | Flowers | Gardens | Hedge mazes |Corn mazes | Lakes | Rivers
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barkintwins · 10 months
Amberly grinned. “Yeah, Veterans Park! We’d like that- right, Dallas?”
Dallas wagged his tail. “Sure, sounds good. Anything ‘ta spend time with you girls.”
His sister rolled her eyes once more, shaking her head. Then, straightening, she beamed. “Wanna go now? We’ve got all day ‘ta hang out, but now I’m excited!”
The white-furred puppies started off for the park. “Let’s go!” Dallas prompted. “I wanna see what’s at the park.”
Amberly watched her brother confidently lead the way, and she whispered over her shoulder to the girls, “he’s too cocky for his own good.”
“I dunno,” Amberly said. “Maybe he did, but… he’s never talked about her. So prob’ly not.”
Dallas continued to try and look cool, sitting tall with his chest still puffed out a bit. However, to the girls, it likely just seemed that he was trying too hard. “Y’know, Dad told me an’ Amberly about this park downtown… you ladies wanna head over there?”
Amberly rolled her eyes at her brother’s behavior. “Ignore him. He’s just try’na to steal your attention. He always does… but we can go to the park if you guys wanna! We’ve never been there before, but maybe it would be fun!”
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barkintwins · 10 months
I don’t know if this contradicts anything I’ve said before, but Amberly is one minute older than Dallas!
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barkintwins · 1 year
“I dunno,” Amberly said. “Maybe he did, but… he’s never talked about her. So prob’ly not.”
Dallas continued to try and look cool, sitting tall with his chest still puffed out a bit. However, to the girls, it likely just seemed that he was trying too hard. “Y’know, Dad told me an’ Amberly about this park downtown… you ladies wanna head over there?”
Amberly rolled her eyes at her brother’s behavior. “Ignore him. He’s just try’na to steal your attention. He always does… but we can go to the park if you guys wanna! We’ve never been there before, but maybe it would be fun!”
Continued from:
Dallas puffed out his chest, loving the attention, and Amberly giggled. “Thanks… you guys are really pretty! I like your collars!”
Dallas smirked, making him look an awful lot like his father despite the difference in fur color. “Thanks,” he replied, trying too hard to be cool in his young puppy mindset, “but, gee, Amberly’s right- you’re all real pretty.”
The puppies wagged their fluffy tails and studied the triplets. “So,” Amberly began, “you three are the Tramp’s pups, aren’t you? I think our Daddy used ‘ta be friends with him!”
“Yeah!” Dallas added. “Dad’s talked about his pals before. Tramp sounds super cool! I think Mom used ‘ta know him, too.”
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barkintwins · 1 year
The wolf dropped Dallas and reared up on his hind legs, shaking his head to make Carrie let go.
Dallas and Amberly dashed off to hide in the tall grass. “Who’s that?!” the female pup whimpered, trembling.
“I don’t know!” Dallas whispered back.
The wolf shook Carrie off, and, deciding it wasn’t worth fighting such a small dog when he could easily harm her- and badly- he ran away.
Dallas poked his head out of the grass, blinking t owlishly, and hurried to meet Carrie. “Y-you saved us!” he exclaimed as Amberly reached his side. “Are you alright?”
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Carrie had spotted some newcomers while taking a hike in the woods. Two small puppies... and one big wolf!!
She walked back and forth while whining nervously. What could she do? She was so small too!!
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barkintwins · 1 year
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
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barkintwins · 1 year
Send ‘ 🌙 ’ for my muse to talk about their father.
If you cannot see the symbol, send ‘ Daddy Dearest ’.
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barkintwins · 1 year
Dallas snarled fiercely at the wolf in front of him and his scared sister, his fur bristling. “Leave us alone!” the puppy snapped. “We didn’t do anything to you!”
“You invaded my territory,” the wolf growled. “That’s a good enough reason to attack…”
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Carrie had spotted some newcomers while taking a hike in the woods. Two small puppies... and one big wolf!!
She walked back and forth while whining nervously. What could she do? She was so small too!!
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barkintwins · 1 year
Turning to the two Buddy patted the grassy spot beside him. A small smile on his face.
"You guy's wanna stargaze w' me?"
He lazily lifted a hand from his position on the ground to point at the sky above them. A dark abyss illuminated with pin-pricks of stars.
The puppies both wagged their tails. “Sure!” Amberly said, trotting up to Buddy’s left side. Dallas sat at his right, looking up at the dark sky.
“Gosh, it’s pretty,” Dallas murmured, his blue eyes wide.
“Yeah,” Amberly replied. “It sure is…”
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