barbie-hybrid · 5 years
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barbie-hybrid · 5 years
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
Reblog if you're Dean Ambrose trash
Cause I know I fucking am
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
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Tell him
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
Don’t get me wrong  Fandango makes a sexy as hell cop but I feel like this screams Samoa Joe. With that said you know I’ll read this no matter who you put in it.
I want a plot where there’s a hard ass cop, and he always sticks by the rules and works hard and his work is his life and all that blah blah, but then one day he makes a huge bust in an underground sex ring and carries a girl out, and the media dub him as a superhero, and he feels strangely protective over this girl. So he goes and visits her at the hospital, and she lights up as soon as she sees him and just thanks him continuously, and he starts smiling a bit more, and she doesn’t really talk to anybody except for him because she doesn’t trust anybody except him.
Cue her having trouble sleeping at night because of bad dreams and memories, so she calls him to help, and he does, he always does of course. And she calls him when her car breaks down in the middle of the night and she’s terrified, and he literally drops everything for her, and its so obvious they like each other, but he doesn’t know how to do relationships and she’s just a mess from everything thats happened to her, and so much angsty fluffy goodness of them two being awkward and shy dorks at times but also staying up and telling their entire life stories to each other soreOUHUHEFTSOV
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
I think my thing is that I like being outside if I’m gonna do something (I would much rather just stay in my own house) but since it’s coming into winter now it’s too dark before and after work and I just always feel like people are judging me cause I like to do weights and I know they aren’t and if they are well f them but you know
Can you give me some motivation to go to the gym cause I need it haha
Sheamus’ workout videos!!! Those have been my motivation, plus the far fetched dreams of being a wrestler one day! Just whatever you do, do it for YOU! For health, looks, whatever you want. 😄
Also, this lovely body helps motivate me 😍
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
Yeah I just always feel bad cause I’m good on the weekend I go to boot camp and I often go on a hike and then the rest of the week I’m just like yeah I’m gonna blob haha but I mean Elias is very good motivation.
Can you give me some motivation to go to the gym cause I need it haha
Sheamus’ workout videos!!! Those have been my motivation, plus the far fetched dreams of being a wrestler one day! Just whatever you do, do it for YOU! For health, looks, whatever you want. 😄
Also, this lovely body helps motivate me 😍
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
All I wanna do is sleep
But this stupid storm is just getting louder like excuse me can you come back in like 8 hours please and thanks.
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
Reblog if
You need more pro-wrestling friends
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
Gah stupid shitty fathers I think all my friends bat one that have kids have fathers that still think they are 16 and that one doesn’t...well let’s just say what he does in his spare time isn’t legal but yeah I love aj’s insta with his kids and being all cute but I’m happy to just watch from a far.
Because someone has a drill in this building and it’s driving me up the wall I shall distract myself with your blog soooo... Elias or Seth?
Oh that sucks! But I’m honored you came to my blog for distraction!! But… you are evil AF!!!!! This is such a hard choice!!!!! 😭😭😭 ugh…. I guess….. I guess Seth? Because I’ve been a fan longer?? Also because of his love for dogs 😅
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barbie-hybrid · 6 years
Yuss I’m actually not a huge fan of kids (only child syndrome has made me selfish) but a guy and a cute baby definitely makes me want to have kids. Also on a high note I am now done with work so no more drills!
Because someone has a drill in this building and it’s driving me up the wall I shall distract myself with your blog soooo... Elias or Seth?
Oh that sucks! But I’m honored you came to my blog for distraction!! But… you are evil AF!!!!! This is such a hard choice!!!!! 😭😭😭 ugh…. I guess….. I guess Seth? Because I’ve been a fan longer?? Also because of his love for dogs 😅
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