bao4aohao · 7 days
me when ://////
was it casual trend x pinnacle —kei tsukishima au series
[ tsukishima’s pov to you ] | [ masterlist ]
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bao4aohao · 7 days
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chap 3 - detention
-> tsukishima's yandere arc is coming -> warnings !! - none
you slammed on the desk infront of you before retreating, saying a small sorry for slamming.
you stared at the principle disapproval expression as he sighed. he placed his hands together and gesture you to sit down.
" well I'm sorry ms y/n, there were many witness of the fight. it would just be a 3 hour detention and I will rule it as self defence. " he tried to compromised.
he gave you a pity look before sending you away. you closed the door behind you as you walked out of the principle room.
Detention was not a common thing for you. Back in high school, you used to be troubled kid but it changed once you saw your mother on his death bed, fighting cancer.
you felt guilty for bring so much trouble to her but all she does is comfort you like a little child. her kindness has led a change of heart inside you and you turned over a new leaf after spring break.
your grades improved, you stopped getting into fights and more people start to approach you after seeing you become a gentler person.
you texted shoyou about the detention news and he sent you a selfie of him eating in response. you mentally want to strangle him but you knew deep down he cared for you.
walking to the classroom that you have been told to go to. you slowly opened the door peeking inside, hoping no one is there.
" oh wow look who finally arrived "
a voice echoed from the end of the seats. you followed where the voice came from and saw tsukishima walking down.
" have a seat, detention will start now " he said, placing a paper in front of you.
you sat down on the given seat and saw some math questions. however, the more you stared you realised that this are the topics not given to first years in uni but third years.
" urm sir, I don't get why I have to do this? isn't this for third years? " you genuinely asked.
he dragged a chair nearby loudly and placed the chair in front of your desk, facing you.
he sat down and said, " that's why I will be teaching you right now. don't you always wanted to be ahead of class, hmm? " he smirked, knowing my weakness.
' shit he's right..it woulddd be good to be ahead of class.. ' you sighed. you thought for a second then smiled as you bend down to dig for your materials from your bag.
when you were ready to start, he started to teach you the basics. you were surprised with the way he was teaching, usually he would glare and have no patience towards his students. To him, patience is something you earn and not everyone can do that.
somehow, you managed to pass that step. knowing how strict and scary he was, you were scared that you might get scolded
" well you have to solve the intersection before integrating the number here. that's why your answer for C was wrong. " he calming corrected. He then analyzed the rest of you equations, focusing on the paper.
you slowly glanced at his face for a second, he was holding a concentrating expression. Brows were furrowed, lips were shut tight as his eyes travelled up and down, scanning more anymore errors.
' I would tap that ' small blush crept your cheeks.
while writing, you suddenly had a crammed in your hand causing you to drop your pen on the ground.
you quickly bent to grab the pen but the blonde was having the exact same thought as you. the two of hands conisidencely reached out for the pen, but instead touched each other.
you instantly retracted your hand while tsukishima picked up the pen and passed it back to you.
you quietly thanked him before getting back on your work.
" why do you seem so tense, y/n? " he nonchalantly asked, as if nothing had happen.
" it's nothing sir.. " you replied, not looking up.
" call me kei, y/n. Let's leave the formalities shall we? I'm not too old too you know. " he casually said.
" o-ok kei..how old are you then? you seem really young for a teacher.. " you hestitately asked.
he snapped out of his concentration and chuckled before facing you.
" why don't you find out? " he mumbled.
" what was that? " you asked.
" nothing. I'm 25 if you're curious. I'm aiming to be a professor so the head of education sent me here for training as a new teacher. They say it is to test my ability whether I could teach right or not, basically. " he explained.
we carried on with the math problems and soon, I was getting tired and bored.
" well, that's it for today. Good job y/n, you lasted more than what I have expected " he patted your head as you smiled in returned
he stood up dusting his pants while packing his things. we continued the conversation as I began to ask more questions. This led to hours of talking and laughter. You were glad he wasn't a creepy old guy because imagine having a small infatuation on an old man.
" so you skipped a few levels that's why you're so young for a teacher!? " you awed.
the two of you walked out of the classroom and headed out of the school.
" that's right dear, that's why you're only five years younger " he smirked, seeing how amazed you were definitely fed his ego, especially by you.
This detention wasn't that bad after-all. After this incident, he did proposed to you if you would like more after school tutoring with him for advance mathematics, which you agreed instantly.
before he left the premises, you shyly tugging his sleeves before he walked the opposite direction from you.
" um..would I be able to contact you since I need to know more about the details for our tutoring? " you gestured your phone to him, hoping he would take it.
he stared for a bit which caused you to retract your hand but he caught it on time.
" you don't have to! if you feel uncom- " you were interuppted with a short deep chuckle that vibrates down your skin, feeling the goosebumps instantly.
" I was just teasing you y/n "
he took you phone and tap on the keys before returning it back to you.
" you better get home, it's quite late already. " he said, checking the time on his watch.
you stared at the glommy sky which indicates it would going to rain soon. you bowed and thanked him.
his arm suddenly grabbed you from the side, pulling you close hitting chest.
" huh- " you were confused and shocked by the sudden movement. but before you could react, a few crows zoomed pass almost attacking your face if it weren't for tsukishima, or you can say kei.
" jeez y/n you really need to watch out for the crows.. "
you thanked him profusely before running away in embarrassment.
" .. since they hunt previous doves like you " he finished. he creepily smiled thinking to himself.
he slowly walked the other direction into the darkness of the night.
you settled down on the bed after a long day in school. you already changed into your pjs and done your skincare.
however a suddenly thought came into your mind.
' how did he know my age? ' you wondered for awhile. you didn't mention your age or anything personal.
you shrugged at the thought thinking you were just overthinking it.
...or were you?
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It's coming soon guys..calm before the storm hehe but how did know your age?
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© all works are done by @ bao4aohao do not copy/rewrite/steal thank you.
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bao4aohao · 10 days
First time writing a yandere book so I gotta clock in and write a good plot 😭
if anyone wants to get tagged for the next few chapters do lmk in the cmts :) and tysm for reading <3
(I need to sleep it'd 3.35am)
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bao4aohao · 10 days
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chap 2 - go for the throat
-> slight! texting chapter
-> warnings !! - violence, swearing
you're sitting on a table with some people from your class. you don't really talk to them but you'll make small conversations if you have to, so you could say they are somewhat you're friends.
you tapped your foot impatiently while waiting for your orange haired friend.
suddenly, a notification distracted you.
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you groaned as you sat with your friends who were busy engaging with their own conversations. as you play with your food, time began to pass slowly.
you start to drown in the loud atmosphere, looking left and right but no one were paying attention to you. you tried to look busy by scrolling your phone and can't help but felt a bit..sad.
you were still pissed off at your new teacher, god that stupid man!? hot but god damn annoying man?! who does he think he is? you sighed at your now mashed plate of rice which gave you another reason why you should skip today's classes.
you were about to get up but a voice from behind caught your attention the most.
" omg right! today we had a sub teacher and he's sooooo hot~ but we almost got in trouble because of a bitch who didn't paid attention UGH!
you turned behind to see a bunch of girls giggling with each other, and the one who made that comment turned to side eye you.
ignoring their gazes you pretended not to hear them. you were tired from your first class, losing anymore energy was the last thing you wanted.
the girls continued to make nasty comments about you and it was started to get to you.
you stood up, holding your tray bumping the girl's should on purpose.
" oops, sorry about that " you smiled, eyes closed.
the girls did not like it one bit.
" watch it, bitch. " she snarled back.
you laughed and turned around to out your tray back but something hit you on the back of your head.
you felt a welt sensation on your hair. you touch your hair and it was a white liquid.
" fuck it- "
you stomped your way back to their table and smack that bitch's face with the tray. hair was something you cherish and no one touches it. not even your family except for you.
" THAT WAS MY HAIR YOU BITCH-UGH LET GO OF ME " you yelled as the girl pulled your hair when you pounced on her. you then grab a chunk of her hair and pulled tightly, making her scream too.
a crowd began to form quickly around us while a few people tried to separate us.
you pinned her down and got on top on her. you didn't know why but you started to clog her but choking her.
" that's right choke on my fingers BITCH " you cackled. you felt your inner demons coming up until a voice called your name.
" Y/N! Y/N! I'M HERR-OH GOD " you heard shoyou's voice for a second. this led you to hesitate for a moment and the next thing you know, you had losing your grip and something hit your eye really hard. then, you fell back and it turned dark.
you had blacked out.
' ughh ' you groaned, opening your eyes slowly to find yourself in an unfamiliar room. you peeked to your right and you saw the last person you wanted to see. Tsukshima fucking kei.
you felt a swell in your left eyelids and you felt a slight bump. you then recalled what had happened an the fight you had gotten into before you blacked out.
' great. first a black eye and now I have to see this shitty teacher ' you rolled your eyes as you tried to sit up. tsukishima was standing and looking out of the window before hearing the shuffling noises behind him.
he turned around and saw you groaning due to the pain while trying to get up from the bed. he immediately went to grab your arms and tried to help you up, but that made you felt even weirder.
" I-I can get up myself! I don't need your help since you gave me enough about the essay " you looked at him in the eyes, clearly pissed at his presence.
he stared at you for a moment and chuckled for a few seconds before smirking at you. ' what the fuck..why's he smirking at me like that..' you thought, confused.
he replied, " don't worry y/n, you don't need to write the essay since you're..injured.. " he eyes you up and down before tossing the stack of notes on your lap.
" here, I don't need them anymore. neat notes by the way, although under the uniform circular motion on page 15, you missed out that the velocity vector is always tangent to the path of the object. " he proudly said.
then, he swiftly left the room leaving you in the empty and quiet sick bay with the sound of the fan vibrating on the top corner of the room.
the door suddenly opened, his head popped out.
" but you will repay back in a different way, I'll let you know "
then he closed the door back. It irked you as he seemed to think punishing you was funny to him. you felt like punching his face the next time you see him again.
you didn't waste time and slowly stand up to compose yourself. you tried looking for your phone and bag but they were no where to be found.
you panicked and speed walked out of the room only to see shoyou carrying your bag with one arm and on the other holding some food. you didn't know why but you ran up to him and gave him the fattest hug you have ever given to anyone.
" thanks for bringing me here " you said, grateful for his help. you let go to see him red as always.
" i-it was nothing, I swear! all it matters you're okay now..HERE! this your favourite matcha latte right?? yachi told me you liked matcha soooo I gottem hehe " he beamed as he passed you your drink.
you thanked him and chugged it like there's no tomorrow. you didn't know how thirsty you have gotten and you didn't bother about the brain freeze that hit you almost instantly.
you just felt a sense of comfort. beating up that bitch was definitely something you did NOT regret. it was like a small burden off your shoulder.
just then, when you two were about to leave, shoyou spoke up.
" uhh y/n..the person that carried you here actually wasn't me...well I did told the nurse about your injury but.. " he awkwardly dragged the words.
" who was it then? I need to thank them hais.. " you sighed, knowing you made a stranger carried you was kind of embarassing.
" it was our new teacher, Mr tsukishima. " he said.
you looked at him and his face shows he was telling the truth.
" deadass? " you asked, he nodded back.
' this is so weird, why would he do that? doesn't he hate me or something? ' you questioned yourself and wanted to kill youself right there.
Not only did he punished you in front of the all class, he ALSO carried you to the sick bay and stayed until you woke up. guilt started to build up in you.
sure he scolded and humiliated you in front of t he whole class but THIS? you felt as if now you owe him a favor and you know it's going to be something bad seeing his personality.
all you could do is pray for the best and continue to focus on your studies as exams were coming up.
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I tried making y/n a real one here, the intrusive thoughts ykwim.
something uploaded the fight on twitter, a certain someone was abit too excited about it
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© all works are done by @ bao4aohao do not copy/rewrite/steal thank you.
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bao4aohao · 12 days
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chap 1 - normal day
-> lowercase intended, 3rd pov -> warnings !! - none
You HATED physics but sadly you majored in physics, ironic isn't it?
you just hated it.
physics wasn't hard, in fact it was pretty straightforward to you if you actually studied and revise the topic. although the subject by itself wasn't hard, classes were worst. period. you dreaded it every second as you continue to hit the keys on your laptop, rushing to type in every second you got.
blaming on the boring talks and lectures, you often found yourself revising and writing your own notes before class. Then, staring on new ones during class. To you, the teachers wasn't as effective and felt it didn't benefited you at all so you decided to be one step ahead as a academic achiever you are.
walking into class as per usual, you got to your seat at the back. you put down your matcha latte that you had purchased, on your desk before starting your notes for the next week. Students started pouring in and soon the class was full.
you felt a tap on your shoulder and saw your best friend. you can't NOT notice that orange hair in the crowd of people. The cherry friend sat beside you as he smiled, radiating that natural happiness you needed.
" shoyou! so glad to see you bruh, I thought you wouldn't make it " you pouted, but giggled as you hugged him which he returned.
He laughed, " wellllllll..I wassss going to skip but something tells me I shouldn't skip today's class heh " he sheepishly rubs his head.
just then, the door slammed opened revealing a tall blonde male. Everyone looked at the unfamiliar male as he walked towards the board and wrote down his name.
he then turned around with the most resting bitch face and introduced himself, " my name's tsukishima kei but just call me sir to make things more easier. I'll be assisting takeda-sensei as he is away for whatever reasons. "
he slammed the books on the table and glared at everyone in the room before continuing, " also, I don't care what you do as long you're in my classroom, you listen when needed, speak when allowed and NO distractions. "
" did I made myself clear? "
the class nodded as the room became cold instantly. everyone could tell by the way people started looking in different directions hoping to not meet the scary eyes from the front, some were fidgeting with their hands or notes while others just try to look busy.
even shoyou stopped smiling and proceed to sink his seat, whining about his lost privileges of playing his mini games on his laptop.
' we're so dead ' the class thought in unison.
while everyone was doing different things, the blonde looked up and ended his speech with a short sentences that made everyone shiver.
" well, I hope we get along....really well " he smirked.
as if time stopped, you peaked for a second from your laptop. coincidence or not, your eyes met 2 golden orbs just staring or rather glazing at you as if you are his prey in the wild.
almost immediately, you broke contact and focus back on your notes. blush made its way to your cheeks as you try not to think about the moment you had awhile ago.
you can't deny the blonde wasn't extremely handsome. His tall structure and slender fingers delicately sway as he starts to teach the class about the first topic. everything about him just screams neat and polish, like a very high class person that eats caviar for breakfast.
3 hours soon passed and you were starving. you looked back at your freshly done notes in front of you as you smiled with glee.
however, you failed to notice tsukshima kei walking to you from the side and eventually towering over you. let's just say, he did not look too please.
he looked at the notes, knowing you didn't pay attention to his class at all he snatched it from your desk and loudly announced, " well done to everyone who paid attention except for miss- " he glanced at my name from your notes " -y/n here. since she is too busy doing other things, before tomorrow's class I expect everyone to write a 1000 word essay on why PAYING attention in class is important. "
the sounds of groans and some glared at you causing you to die inside, as you panicked seeing everyone in trouble because of you.
he smirked and leaned near your face as you move backwards until you hit your seat.
he whispered, " I'll keep these for now..see me after your last class here to get them back.." he pulls away as he turns around to leave but you caught his sleeve, begging.
" p-please don't punish the class! I'll take full responsibility for it!..just don't make them write the essay..please sir " you begged, already embarrassed by the negative attention you were receiving.
" fine since you asked so nicely, everyone don't need to d the essay. YOU shall write a 2000 essay instead " he grinned, finally walking to his desk in front. your jaw dropped at the arrogant blonde as you watch him say bye to the rest of your classmates and when he see you again, he smirked.
' that evil bitch ' you gasped, angerily forced your laptop and things into your bag as you stomped out of the classroom.
all the good thoughts about him vanished from your brain as all you thought was plotting his murder. too blinded by rage you even forgot about shoyou who was trying to catch up from behind.
one thing you knew you could never change is your anger issues. once you're mad mad, rage is all you could think of throughout the day. this eventually caused people to avoid you as you would glare or ignore them.
the first class was suppose to be a good start of the day, why did you have to end up like this?
you knew the only thing that can reduce your anger was food. that's why you walked quickly to the caferteria hoping to enjoy a good meal to calm yourself.
intro | next | main pg
shoyou was still trying to catch up FML bro was thinking how you can walk so fast
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© all works are done by @ bao4aohao do not copy/rewrite/steal thank you.
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bao4aohao · 12 days
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Introducing to you...
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tsukishima kei | 25 | assistant teacher
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l/n y/n | 20 | student
" beware of those crows, they hunt precious doves like you "
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© all works are done by @ bao4aohao do not copy/rewrite/steal thank you.
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bao4aohao · 12 days
about me
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hi guys I'm bao :3 I love hq, bnha and many others and I started writing since 2021 on wattpad but I recently moved to tumblr so wattpad was getting lil boring so here I am! I started posting memes but I suddenly have a motivation to write again so :p also my english sucks so bear with me T-T
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tsukishima kei, all the setters + spikers (I can't choose LOL)
bakugou katsuki, shinso hitoshi
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© all works are done by @ bao4aohao do not copy/rewrite/steal thank you.
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bao4aohao · 13 days
meme list
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tsuki nendriod this MIGHT be coach ukai
kenma done with kuroo bullshit
suna era rip aran 2024 kita's 13 reason (bro's tired)
training camp
the MEAN girls
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feel free to like/reblog/share the memes :)
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bao4aohao · 13 days
teacher's pet
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-> yandere fanfic! this is a teacher!tsukishima x reader story, based on uni au so both people are above 18+ -> warnings !! mention of blood, physical/mental abuse, vomit, violence, manipulation, abuse of drug use, use of weapons + harmful toxins, stalking, kidnapping -> status - ongoing
1. normal day
2. go for the throat
3. detention
4. physics
5. locker rooms
6. creepy letters
7. after school lessons
8. stalker
9. paranoid
10. comfort
11. kidnapped
I may change some chap names but this are the generic ones
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© all works are done by @ bao4aohao do not copy/rewrite/steal thank you.
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bao4aohao · 13 days
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about me | masterlist | dni | meme list
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teacher's pet - t.kei (yandere!teacher x student)
die with a smile - b.katsuki bookshop - t.kei
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© all works are done by @ bao4aohao do not copy/rewrite/steal thank you.
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bao4aohao · 22 days
Every inarizaki practice, no one:
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half the time is bc of the twins (bro's tired)
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bao4aohao · 25 days
when kenma is done with kuroo's bs :
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this is so kenma coded
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bao4aohao · 25 days
" All trios don't work! "
The trio:
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bao4aohao · 25 days
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this gets me everytime..same face and everything
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bao4aohao · 25 days
fml I love them sm
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he’s the most dramatic ever
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bao4aohao · 25 days
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HE'S SO CUTE BRUH AIUDWHA need to buy this asap
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bao4aohao · 25 days
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this MIGHT be coach ukai😕
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