banitzata · 10 years
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Police state #bulgaria #ДАНСwithme 344. The saga continues
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banitzata · 10 years
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Gone fishin' Младост 1.
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banitzata · 10 years
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banitzata · 10 years
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България в Европа
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banitzata · 10 years
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Old and new architecture #progress #bulgaria
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banitzata · 10 years
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2014 - the 'IKEA' apocalypse consumes (post)socialist furniture competition
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banitzata · 10 years
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Never forget how #Russia 'won' the 'battle' vs the 'fascists' in #Bulgaria in 1944. #fakehistory
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banitzata · 10 years
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Vodka #USSR (1 litre) - £5, reminiscent of a time when life was good and the booze was flowing. #communism #utopia #sofia
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banitzata · 10 years
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Vodka USSR (700 ml) - £5, reminiscent of a time when life was good and the alcohol was pouring #sofia #communism #utopia
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banitzata · 10 years
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(Post)socialist realism #sofia
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banitzata · 10 years
What's left when you are (far) right in Bulgaria?
The far-right in #Bulgaria is closer than may at first appear to the Kremlin
originally published on openDemocracy
Politics has been in a sorry state in Bulgaria for the last 14 years. For a country that was still in its dressing-gown while its Central European neighbours were fully-dressed and on the streets in 1989, Bulgaria managed a rather quick catch-up. By 1997, it was on its way to enforcing much-needed political and economic reforms, joining NATO and setting the…
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banitzata · 10 years
Образи на българския комунизъм
“О, другари чилийци!” Историята на едно чилийско семейство избягало Пиношет и дошло в Пловдив през 1977 годинa
oт Неда Генова
Вариня Канто Вила е моя колежка в Goldsmiths College в Лондон, където учи Изкуство и Политика. Тя е танцьорка, работила е в Германия и Белгия, а по произход е от Чили. През 70-те години родителите й заедно с четирите си деца бягат от диктаторския режим на Пиночет през Париж към България. Остават за две години (между 1977 и 1979) в Пловдив като политически бежанци, а по-късно се…
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banitzata · 11 years
160 години от началото на Кримската война
160 години от началото на Кримската война - световният ред тогава и сега. Статия на @asmilkov за Banitza
Преди почти 200 години, във Виена се провежда конгрес, чиято цел е била абсолютното преначертаване политическата карта на Европа и усвояването на работеща и легитимна система на международно право. След Наполеоновите войни, Великите сили (Русия, Франция, Великобритания, Австрия и Прусия) се нуждаят от нов ‘баланс на силите’ в Европа и споразумение, чрез което да се предотвратят бъдещи революции и…
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banitzata · 11 years
Notes From Istanbul - March 21, 2014
#Istanbul is transformed amidst a vibrant municipal elections campaign. But is #Turkey really a democracy?
Stacy Topouzova 
As anyone walking the streets of Istanbul will immediately recognise, the city is in the midst of a vibrant and increasingly contentious municipal elections campaign. Bright signs and colourful flags adorn the city’s streets, candidates’ head-shots hang from the side of buildings, and vans equipped with megaphones slowly circulate whole districts to loudly proclaim candidates’…
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banitzata · 11 years
Ukraine’s place in Russia’s World
With rising unrest in Donetsk and Kharkiv, how far will #Russia go and is #Ukraine able to govern these regions?
by Ellie Knott
For Ukraine, its relationship with Russia in recent months has seemed much like a Thomas Hardy novel where, no matter how hard you try, you cannot escape your roots. As Putin said in 2013, before Ukraine decided not to sign the EU Association Agreement, wherever Ukraine goes “we’ll still meet sometime and somewhere” because “we are one people”. Hence, as is argued in one Chatham…
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banitzata · 11 years
Taking Refuge in Communist Bulgaria, Part II
Taking Refuge in communist #Bulgaria - Part II. "Is this real socialism?"
Last week, I had the pleasure of finally being introduced to Varinia. She seemed somehow taller than I had pictured her from Neda’s conversation. Imagination is a very interesting force that continues to pursue you even when reality has taken over as the dominant perception. 
When we met, there was so much that I wanted to ask her – do you have any pictures from when you lived in Plovdiv in 1977?…
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banitzata · 11 years
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Before, clock-towers were the face of the establishment Today it's CCTV #London
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