banishedbandit · 10 months
Joey: Mrs Joneson, my little sister would not do something such a thing therefore after 
Joey, angrily under his breath: Annie did you do fuckin’ do that therefore after??
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banishedbandit · 2 years
I have to be at work in 5 hours so the drama shall have to be put on hold for the night, I'm afraid ahfhfhsnb
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banishedbandit · 2 years
Kisa hugs Annie tight, nothing is better than a sister. The shadow people could be scary- Annir doesn't know the half of it.
Her hero.
Annie brandishes her bat at anyone even looking at Kisa funny and holds her tightly with her other arm.
"Don' worry, Kisa," she says, grinning at the younger girl, "No one's gonna get'cha while I'm here!"
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banishedbandit · 2 years
Hurried footsteps approach as Yuugi throws leaps into action. He pounces on the thing grasping his daughter and claws at it, trying to rip it away.
"Let her go!"
Whatever the creature is doesn't seem to care for Yuugi's intervention and there's a room-shaking screech of rage when the man's hand is grabbed tightly by Annie's free one. She grasps his hand like her life depends on it, halting the creature's decent into shadow, and it writhes and bellows out, blasting their ears with noise so sharp it physically hurts and causes Annie to shriek herself, and thrash harder.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
[Blindfold Anon] The creature clutching her hisses in pain, but the shadows continue to expand over her, until the light in her chest is smothered by darkness. "Shut up just shut up, it'll be over soon, just shut up and cooperate," it growls at her, moving faster as it finally touches the shadows and starts sinking into them along with her.
Annie screams as loud as she can, though barely a peep makes it through the shadows gagging her. Her free hand claws at the murk, slipping through it like slime only for any wounds she makes to quickly fill back up again.
She cannot see what's happening or where she's going, but she can feel it. She can feel the bone-deep chill slowly crawling up along her body as she starts sinking into wherever she's being dragged.
Her hand flails, lashing out, grasping for anything to grab onto.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
can u imagine the stress of caring for and protecting two children who the shadows seem determined to devour?? i could never sdfgdfghdg
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banishedbandit · 2 years
[Blindfold Anon] Whatever is grasping her arms expands like some kind of liquid until it covers her mouth, muffling her screams. "Shut up shut up shut up-" it chants as she drags her kicking and screaming towards the dark shadows of the room.
Her screams are cut off, leaving her blinded and silent, unable to see or call for help, and she can feel the blindfold from this stupid game starting to get soaked with tears. Her struggles don't cease, however, and as she fights against it a subtle glow starts emanating from her chest, her heart.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
[Blindfold Anon] The touch becomes more solid, wrapping around her upper arm until it's constricting. "I have you now," it mutters, not truly speaking but not silently either. "Your power is mine... MINE!" With a final scream that shakes the room, whatever is wrapped around her arm yanks hard, toppling her and dragging her backwards.
Annie yelps as the grip becomes painful and tries to pull away, but it holds fast and her small body doesn't have the physical strength to fight it. Her heart is now pounding in her chest hard enough to hurt and when it screams in her ear and then starts yanking her away, she screams in terror and kicks out.
"PAPA! DADDY!!" she shrieks, flailing about with her free hand to latch on to whatever she can.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
[Blindfold Anon] There's a whisper of wind and breath in her ear, the barely-there touch of something not quite solid brushing her shoulder, and a pervasive cold starts to surround her.
Annie shivers and her heart beat picks up pace. There's something distressingly familiar about this sudden presence and she whimpers slightly in fear.
"Wh-who's there!?"
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banishedbandit · 2 years
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banishedbandit · 2 years
[Blindfold] “You are one of the best parts of my life. I’m so lucky and privileged to be here and watch you grow up into the incredible person I know you’re going to be. Thank you for being you.”
Annie's face turns red in embarrassment and she shuffles awkwardly. "Ohmigod Papa stop that's so mushy!"
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banishedbandit · 2 years
You. That's right, YOU.
My muse is blindfolded and listening. Go on anon and whisper something into their ear. It can be anything you like, a confession, a secret, a memory – there are no limits.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
Annie crashes through the door with a blanket tied like a cape around her neck and a Fat Albert wiffle bat brandished like a weapon in both hands.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
He stares. “You already got into mine, didn’t you,” he says, and he’s not mad. He’s not. Just disappointed.
Annie's lips thin, the corner of her mouth lifting in a grimace, and her eyes look off over Joey's shoulder.
A bead of sweat rolls down her cheek.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
[luckyredeyes - feel free to disregard!]
Joey plunks down just the biggest tub of cheese balls you’ve ever seen in front of his daughter. Her name is sharpied on the lid.
“These are yours. The ones in the TV room are mine. Got it?”
Annie stares up at him. Looks at the gigantic jar and then back at him.
And then looks away. Guiltily.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
Annie’s been avoiding the dueling circuit for a while. Her battle with depression has been uphill and difficult at the best of times, and more than once she’s fallen back on bad habits.
In the last year and a half she’s jumped from therapist to therapist, failing to find one that clicks with her just right until the last two months. In that time, and with a new alteration to her medication, she’s finally started to show improvement. 
She’s started going out more, she’s started reaching out to old friends and engaging in old hobbies. She’s managed to get a part-time job to take up some of her excessive free time. She’s starting to eat... better, she’s starting to lessen her addiction to some of those bad habits, replacing them with better, more productive or healing ones.
The thought of dueling still causes her extreme anxiety and distress and she cannot bring herself to touch her duel disk or deck, and keeps them locked away in a box in her closet, but slowly she is starting to improve.
She still has bad days, she still has insomnia she can’t seem to get over(something she and her therapist are trying multiple things to solve), and she still has next to no appetite that she’s struggling through but she is getting better and she is proud of that.
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banishedbandit · 2 years
It's been hours. It must have been hours. It was only lunch time when they'd left the school yarc, and now the sun is starting to set. The shadows between the buildings are growing longer, the alley they're sitting in growing darker.
They'd stopped walking when Kisa had gotten too tired, and Annie too sore, to keep on. Besides, it would be easier for their dads to find them if they stayed in one spot.
But its getting late and the people passing are starting to stare.
Annie keeps Kisa tucked into her side, somewhat behind so she's not directly in view of anyone walking past, and glares at anyone who looks like they've got something to say.
"They'll be here soon," she says to Kisa, trying to stay positive. It's a promise she's made multiple times for the last few hours since they'd stoppes. "They'll find us, we'll be home soon."
@luckyredeyes / @mutogamingco / @lil-kissy
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