{+} Sarkis
27K posts
OFFICIALLY MOVED TO SARKISMS rp blog for my OC sarkis, the twenty-something programmer who accidentally created magic and helped build a/the universe current m!a: none, accepting rules on mun page!! and top sidebar art done by vilu!!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
banhammered-blog · 8 years ago
ayo wassup sluts day reblog for yall
hey everyone who somehow still follows this blog!!
so i dont use this blog at all anymore, obviously, but i figure with 560 of you still following this maybe some of you will see it
i have finally begun sarkis’s comic! you can find it here at tapas you can also find me here @sarkisms where i am limiting my rp currently or @bellumiart where i will try to be more active with art and such! and if youre willing to support my comic and sarkis and/or commission me all that good shit (and possibly get a cameo) hmu on my patreon!! id appreciate the support if yall dont mind reblogging this or heading to bellumiart and reblogging things from there, the blog’s not done but hey, its a start!! smooches all
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banhammered-blog · 8 years ago
hey everyone who somehow still follows this blog!!
so i dont use this blog at all anymore, obviously, but i figure with 560 of you still following this maybe some of you will see it
i have finally begun sarkis’s comic! you can find it here at tapas you can also find me here @sarkisms where i am limiting my rp currently or @bellumiart where i will try to be more active with art and such! and if youre willing to support my comic and sarkis and/or commission me all that good shit (and possibly get a cameo) hmu on my patreon!! id appreciate the support if yall dont mind reblogging this or heading to bellumiart and reblogging things from there, the blog’s not done but hey, its a start!! smooches all
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
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                             { and the UNIVERSE s a i d;; }
“ i am all that was, is, and ever will be –                          and all i fucking want is a nap, y’know? “
                                                                                           previously x                                                                                                {+} written by bel
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
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                             { and the UNIVERSE s a i d;; }
“ i am all that was, is, and ever will be –                          and all i fucking want is a nap, y’know? “
                                                                                           previously x                                                                                                {+} written by bel
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
rumbles this blog is officially an archive now i guess??? previous posts link to new blog as does the info in the sidebar feel free to follow me over there guys pls do b/c i love a lot of you i am just garbage and needed a slightly new starter
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
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                             { and the UNIVERSE s a i d;; }
“ i am all that was, is, and ever will be –                          and all i fucking want is a nap, y’know? “
                                                                                           previously x                                                                                                {+} written by bel
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
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                             { and the UNIVERSE s a i d;; }
“ i am all that was, is, and ever will be –                          and all i fucking want is a nap, y’know? “
                                                                                           previously x                                                                                                {+} written by bel
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
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                             { and the UNIVERSE s a i d;; }
“ i am all that was, is, and ever will be –                          and all i fucking want is a nap, y’know? “
                                                                                           previously x                                                                                                {+} written by bel
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
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                             { and the UNIVERSE s a i d;; }
“ i am all that was, is, and ever will be –                          and all i fucking want is a nap, y’know? “
                                                                                           previously x                                                                                                {+} written by bel
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
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                             { and the UNIVERSE s a i d;; }
“ i am all that was, is, and ever will be –                          and all i fucking want is a nap, y’know? “
                                                                                           previously x                                                                                                {+} written by bel
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
uuuuu before i delete them all (i have them saved on my laptop now but don’t feel like replying to each one individually)
thank you to @peaceific @sassmergency @nobiscum @howl-the-great-wizard @hxwlscales @huntedbymany @theoblivionbrothers and all the anons and ALSO all of the people who have previously messaged me with just nice things??? and comfort and. for just being really kind when i am absurdly sad and stressed ok. i really appreciate it and i love you all for it so much more thank i think you understand like??? i know i need a lot of validation but when i get it it is SO IMPORTANT and i basically have 13+ messages hoarded just because they’re so nice ok. thank you friends i hope all of you have nice days n nights and something rad happens to you ok kisses everyone’s beautiful faces
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
hello sarkis here is your portion of angel snugs i don't have an excuse em doesn't have an excuse but he'll flop on u and snuggle u before he disappears again. he'll leave a cup of tea behind. because get this. hug in a mug. yeee
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who said em was allowed to leave???
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
...HONKS THE BARA TIDDY BUTT. Yes, very nice~
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
i saw this cool rock and it made me think of you
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
gonna clear out my inbox  that is productive while i wait for laundry right
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
friendly reminder if you followed me recently the reason is: i've been planning to move blogs obvs i will probably follow you on the new one ok pls try again i am sorry for ignoring everyone
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banhammered-blog · 9 years ago
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                             { and the UNIVERSE s a i d;; }
“ i am all that was, is, and ever will be –                          and all i fucking want is a nap, y’know? “
                                                                                           previously x                                                                                                {+} written by bel
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