We all get to be friends now, right? Right!
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banginpianobaka · 8 days ago
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@danggirlronpa's femslash february day 22: (simulation) she stayed up all night preparing that
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banginpianobaka · 8 days ago
Okay, everyone! So we talked about everyone doing something special to fundraise our trip to Novoselic, right? So! I'm going to post the donation bar here so we can all watch as we meet our goal! And the more we raise, the more fun activities we can do while we're there, tasty food we can try, and maybe even stay for a longer trip!
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banginpianobaka · 8 days ago
*Guy who has spent his whole life locked in a room studying classical music trying to have his first human interaction voice*:
This reminds me so much of Chopin
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banginpianobaka · 10 days ago
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What: Tenkaede Icons
For who: Faerie Anon
If saving: Please like/rb, and credit if you use!
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banginpianobaka · 10 days ago
Tenko, whenever I talk to you, I get pumped up! Your students must love having you as their inspiration.
Mostly I just stuttered over my words... And maybe threw in a few "hey baby how you doin?" Type remarks.
Hey, kaede
I cannot find Himiko so I'm seeing what your up too
Hi, Tenko! I can help you look around for Himiko if you want...
Oh! Or if you want to do something fun, I still want to work on a musical martial arts showcase! We can do choreography and work on song choice. It sounds like a fun challenge! I bet that playing a song that makes me feel how you feel when you do neo-aikido would make me super pumped up!
Or we could just talk? Anything on your mind?
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banginpianobaka · 11 days ago
Do you really have a younger twin sister?
I've always wondered about that... I remember someone like that when I was very very young, but my parents said it was just an imaginary friend. But then I also swear I heard them talking about the Yakuza kidnapping her when they thought I was asleep, so...
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banginpianobaka · 11 days ago
Ugh, Tenko, I feel like you're the only one who'll get this... I keep acting like a total fool around cute girls. I feel like I already pushed Tsumugi away by being weird, and now Maki and Miu, too!
Hey, kaede
I cannot find Himiko so I'm seeing what your up too
Hi, Tenko! I can help you look around for Himiko if you want...
Oh! Or if you want to do something fun, I still want to work on a musical martial arts showcase! We can do choreography and work on song choice. It sounds like a fun challenge! I bet that playing a song that makes me feel how you feel when you do neo-aikido would make me super pumped up!
Or we could just talk? Anything on your mind?
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banginpianobaka · 11 days ago
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As your mother, my first declaration is to improve your work-life balance! It's imperative that we spoil you with treats, relaxation, and fun to make up for lost time!
pick someone on this site to adopt and tag them
…adopt? Hm… I'm unsure of who I would adopt, to be honest with you. As long as it won't hinder my ability to serve others, then i suppose i could…
If anyone would like to be… adopted, do let me know, however.
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banginpianobaka · 11 days ago
I'll turn this lie into the truth!
Kirumi Tojo, The Ultimate Maid, I ADOPT YOU!!!!
pick someone on this site to adopt and tag them
…adopt? Hm… I'm unsure of who I would adopt, to be honest with you. As long as it won't hinder my ability to serve others, then i suppose i could…
If anyone would like to be… adopted, do let me know, however.
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banginpianobaka · 13 days ago
Hey, kaede
I cannot find Himiko so I'm seeing what your up too
Hi, Tenko! I can help you look around for Himiko if you want...
Oh! Or if you want to do something fun, I still want to work on a musical martial arts showcase! We can do choreography and work on song choice. It sounds like a fun challenge! I bet that playing a song that makes me feel how you feel when you do neo-aikido would make me super pumped up!
Or we could just talk? Anything on your mind?
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banginpianobaka · 13 days ago
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Oh I see. That's the energy we're starting with today.
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Well, I just wanted to give you these...
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So, I hope you like them.
Oh miuuuuuuu
The fuck you want right now?
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banginpianobaka · 13 days ago
Ooo... Can you make maple pecan pastries??
Okay, everyone! So we talked about everyone doing something special to fundraise our trip to Novoselic, right? So! I'm going to post the donation bar here so we can all watch as we meet our goal! And the more we raise, the more fun activities we can do while we're there, tasty food we can try, and maybe even stay for a longer trip!
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banginpianobaka · 13 days ago
What if we dressed up some dummies like cool bad guys for you to fight? And we could add some background music to make it super exciting!
Maybe something like this? Starts playing videogame battle music on keyboard.
Okay, everyone! So we talked about everyone doing something special to fundraise our trip to Novoselic, right? So! I'm going to post the donation bar here so we can all watch as we meet our goal! And the more we raise, the more fun activities we can do while we're there, tasty food we can try, and maybe even stay for a longer trip!
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banginpianobaka · 14 days ago
So, here's the plan! Everybody in class, please reblog this with a short description of how you're raising funds. So far we have a talent show planned, as well as a bake sale! Here's mine for an example:
Kaede takes the opportunity to showcase some of her original music at the talent show. On stage, her demeanor is far more confident and elegant. Though her classical roots are apparent, she tried to come up with a song that really shows how the class makes her feel: fun, upbeat, adventurous, curious. While playing, she imagines everything she'll do with her friends--and the loneliness she felt before she met them. If she does well, maybe she'll bring the audience to tears--because she's already brought herself to tears while playing.
Okay, everyone! So we talked about everyone doing something special to fundraise our trip to Novoselic, right? So! I'm going to post the donation bar here so we can all watch as we meet our goal! And the more we raise, the more fun activities we can do while we're there, tasty food we can try, and maybe even stay for a longer trip!
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banginpianobaka · 14 days ago
Okay, everyone! So we talked about everyone doing something special to fundraise our trip to Novoselic, right? So! I'm going to post the donation bar here so we can all watch as we meet our goal! And the more we raise, the more fun activities we can do while we're there, tasty food we can try, and maybe even stay for a longer trip!
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banginpianobaka · 15 days ago
Every day I learn something new about you and still know nothing.
You're a tutor??
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banginpianobaka · 15 days ago
Oh I love that song! What's Danganronpa btw?
*classical music is playing* Me: oh wow, is that Claire de Lune playing? I love that song. Some Person: Wow, you know this?? You must know a lot about classical music. Me: *Sweats* uhhh…
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Me: sure
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