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JayTim Spooktober!
Hey, JayTimmers! With Halloween right around the corner, we figure it’s prime time to celebrate our boys in a fun and seasonal way! To that end, we’re pleased to announce JayTim Spooktober, a month (kinda) of spooky-themed JayTimness.
Now, this will be done a little differently than your typical shipweeks—for one, it’s a month-long event, for another, it’s only happening on weekends. There are five weekends in October this year, and each one will have a different theme/prompt (see below). You’re invited to share anything you create that’s both JayTim and vaguely corresponds to the respective theme each weekend, tagging it with #jaytimspooktober so that it can be found and shared! This means fic, art, headcanons, comics, rec lists, etc.—have at! We just ask that you tag for NSFW/triggering content as needed (NSFW art should be posted on a site other than tumblr and linked to), and have fun!
JayTim Spooktober
October 3–4: Vampires
October 10–11: Zombies/Cryptids
October 17–18: Weres
October 24–25: Ghosts
October 31: Anything Supernatural Goes
We realize that many people like to create things ahead of time for ship events and that we haven’t given y'all much leeway to do that what with it already be September, but time is an illusion anyway. Feel free to post late using the #jaytimspooktober tag and we will try our darndest to make sure your contribution is seen.
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Same question: what are three fics you've recently read and loved?
so i consulted my bookmarks for this, but my last three are actually for the batman comics because i’ve been going on a binge for them
Always Been, a JayTim omegaverse AU that has some incredibly worldbuilding by @strikeyourcolors
I got you babe, a JayTim fic that involves Robin Age Reversal and alternate universes by @fatcatsarecats
Thursday’s Child, a Tim centric fic that involves his parent’s dying when he’s much younger and has really good platonic interactions with Dick and Jason by @syntactition
so, uh, sorry that they aren’t asoiaf! i haven’t really read much of it lately, actually, and i should remedy that
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Hi!! Could you recommend some Viking AU Jaytim fics????
Sure, here’s a few I found:
On Eve of Summer-clarityhiding
The longboats wait stocked and ready for all the warriors who leave come morning’s light. All except for those whose situation is such that they must stay behind.
A Call to Follow-Nanimok
A small Vikings AU with Blacksmith!Tim and Viking!Jason.
Bitter experience has taught Tim what happens when barbarians’ demands aren’t met, the destruction and bloodshed. The unrecoverable loss.
He does his duty to his people and offers up tribute.
Or: The JayTim Viking AU where Tim tries to be clever and it bites him in the butt when he plays his part too well.
A Storied Kind of Romance-njw
Chapter 3
: Viking // Bare SkinSummary:
“Bruce, what the hell,” Dick is covering his eyes with one hand and trying not to blush as he attempts to wrangle both Cass and a curious Steph into turning away from the spectacle. “Is this going to be a thing now? Triumphant raid, saving the innocent, naked celebrations to follow? Because I don’t think any of us are cool with naked celebrations as a family activity oh my gods what.”
On the Broad Loom of Slaughter-clarityhiding
There’s a devilish force moving across the land, destroying crops, slaughtering people. The Bat Clan plans to stop it, but first they need to fetch the weapon foreseen by their oracle. Something strong enough to stop the unstoppable.
Unfortunately, the owner isn’t so keen on letting it go.
*As always don’t hesitate to add to this if you know of any others!
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Do you know any supernatural AU jaytim fics???? Or like, Werewolf AU?
Here’s some Werewolf AUs:
lil’ red riding hood-WannabeMarySue
Every evening, something howled in the night, and every evening that something stood closer and closer to the circle of pale light that spilled off the back porch. Huge and black and, Tim discovered on the third night, with a shock of white fur running ragged between its glowing blue eyes.
Call to Me (You Said My Name)-chibi_nightowl
Jason didn’t move as Tim circled, teeth bare and growling low in his throat. If it wasn’t for the red glow of the wolf’s eyes, he’d believe Tim was in a normal shift.
Red was bad. Red meant the beast was fully in control.
It’s a Thing-heartslogos
“It’s going to be a thing.” Jason deadpans. “It’s going to be a thing.”
Jason gets caught up in some of Ivy’s plants and ends up stuck in his wolf form.Tim finds that Jason can be a pretty chaotic dog to look after.
After two months of torture and being trapped in wolf form, Jason is human again.
Tim takes care of him, even though he and Jason are still mostly enemies.
Little Red Robin and Jason the Bitchy Black Wolf-Myoneloveismusic
Jason was ready to pick up everything and leave after he was turned. He didn’t think there was anything left for him and he was certain Tim wouldn’t want to stay with him now that he was a werewolf. But after a surprising turn of events and Tim’s habit of knowing what he wants and going after it, everything seemed to be working out for them. Until a new group of Weres tried to move into Gotham that is.
There’s Something About You (And About Me Too)-Myoneloveismusic,
When a rouge wolf crosses into Wayne pack territory, Tim finds an unlikely connection with Jason Todd. He never expected to have a soulmate considering his aversion to his own rut and the process of mating, but somehow Jason manages to fit all of his crooked edges. Things might just work out for them, if the Joker doesn’t cause anymore damage than the havoc his Joker Venom drugs are wreaking on the streets.
-shameless self rec time-
A Series of JayTim Drabbles-glaciya
Chapter 7
: Werewolf!Tim Part One
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The first thing Jason realizes once he gets Tim out of his clothes is just how fucking small he is. His hands are on the boy’s hips and he can almost stretch them around his entire waist. And yea, he’s got big hands, but what the fuck? How does Bruce even let Tim out of the house, much less on patrol? Jason suddenly has the strongest urge to keep Tim locked away in his safe house for an immeasurable amount of time like it’s some ivory tower where nothing can ever hurt him and Jason is the big mean dragon hell bent on protecting him.
It’s a ridiculous thought to have, because if anyone knows first hand just how well Tim can protect himself it’s Jason. Barely a week ago he’d had his head slammed into a wall a bit too hard for even his helmet to take, and he’d been able to do nothing but watch as Tim took down six mobsters twice his size with an empty utility belt and a butt-load of determination. It had been one of the hottest things Jason had ever seen, and if he hadn’t been suffering from a severe concussion at the time he probably would have kissed Tim. (He did get to kiss him later, at least, when Tim was laying with him in his sickbed at the manor after getting Alfred to patch him up. It had even made him a little less salty about Tim having taken him back to the Wayne center of operations).
But shit, the kid has to only weigh about a hundred pounds. To test the theory Jason picks him up and throws him onto the bed of this month’s safe house. Tim looks taken aback for a very brief moment before his eyes become hooded and focus directly on Jason. He practically purrs, reaching out for the other man, and shit, the nerd liked it. Well, with how easy he is to toss around there’s certainly more where that came from.
Jason climbs on top of him, pressing Tim’s petit body into the mattress with his weight and keeping him trapped there. He could just keep him like this forever, completely shielded from the world, warm and pliant in his arms. Well, until the next time some little old lady needs help crossing the street and Tim feels obligated to rush out and do the world some good, but hey, a man can dream.
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I really need some jaytim Hogwarts or Percy Jackson au fics in my life
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I really need some jaytim Hogwarts or Percy Jackson au fics in my life
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9 + 1
“Jason.” Tim utters breathlessly after their first kiss.
“Jason.” Tim screams at the gravestone for hours until his voice is raw after the funeral is over.
“Jason.” Tim mutters in disbelief after seeing the DNA test on the batcomputer.
“Jason.” Tim raged and immediately tells the ‘Red Hood’ off for leaving him and letting him think he was dead.
“Jason.” Tim says with an uncontrollable smile and happy tears streaming down his face after Jason proposes to him in the spot where they had their first kiss.
“Jason.” Tim teased after Jason quotes literature in his vows at their wedding.
“Jason.” Tim laughed almost hysterically after they were approved to adopt their first child.
“Jason.” Tim lightheartedly scolded after he shows there kid how to punch a kid for telling him having two dads is wrong.
“Jason.” Tim grumbled after he notices that someone had eaten his slice of leftover cake from the 10 year anniversary party.
“Jason.” Jason reminisces all times he heard Tim say his name in a big moment of their lives as he stares blankly at Tim’s grave. He was killed in an accident while trying to push a little girl out of the way. “Always the hero, Babybird.” Jason sobbed to a freshly dug grave with his sons and daughters hugging him in pain and the rest of the batfamily behind them.
“Tim.” Jason breathes before his heartline fades and he passed away surrounded by his kids and siblings.
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Write for 365: Day 63
Werewolf!Jason AU Part Six
Blood spurted from the thief Jason sank his teeth into, then continued to fling around as Jason jerked them around. When he finally let go of the now limp person, their body went flying into a nearby tree with a sickening thud. Before he could even consider calling Jason off from attacking the next, he had his jaws clamped onto their thigh and began to furiously claw at any part of them he could reach. If he weren’t used to the sight of blood and viscera, he might’ve thrown up at the sight of the destroy body falling to the ground.
While Jason focused his attention on a thief that had the brains to attempt an escape, Tim finally snapped out of the stupor he’d fallen into at the sight of Jason’s furiosity. Before one of the other thieves could disappear into the shadows, he threw several of his magic knives in their direction. The first embedded into their right shoulder, the next into their left, and the last right in the middle of their spine. Their body crumpled to the dirt in a motionless heap that Tim knew he’d have to deal with at some point, but now wasn’t the time.
After doing a quick scan to make sure none of them got away, he turned his attention back to Jason. The werewolf ignored him moving to stand over him and the shredded corpse that used to be a person he was still ripping into. Tim let out a heavy sigh at the thought of the blood-stained grass he’d need to clean up, but couldn’t fault the werewolf for going above and beyond to protect his pack. It wasn’t like Jason had ever been in the situation before and his reaction was typical of a werewolf new to an attack while turned. All he could do now was filling the discussion of excessive violence for later date and calm the almost feral werewolf down now.
“Jay, they’re dead. You did your job. They didn’t get what they came here for and they won’t be able to try again. Leave it be. The sun is about rise.” The low growl he got in response had him thinking he’d have to force Jason away from the body, but the snort immediately following it put Tim at ease. “Let’s get you washed up. You’re not going inside like that. I just cleaned and blood is ridiculously difficult to get out.”
Before they could reach of the bucket of water Tim now kept on hand for instances like this, the first streams of daylight shone through the leaves. With a sigh, Tim turned on the spot in time to see the last stages of the shift. Jason smirked at him as he rose to his feet without a care in the world that he didn’t have a stitch of clothing on him. The red from the blood stained his mouth and hands and various parts of his chest and legs that must’ve been splashed as he tore into the thieves.
“You’re a mess.”
“I don’t think you care.”
He didn’t even get a chance to stop Jason before the werewolf smashed their lips together into a bloody mess of a kiss. In retaliation, Tim pushed back enough to firmly bite Jason’s bottom lip-almost hard enough to draw blood. A tongue darted out to run along his top lip, surprising him enough to pull a gasp from him and free Jason lip. Lips crashed over his once again with a hunger that had him struggling to keep up as they devoured him. His hands buried in Jason’s hair to give him something to keep him grounded as the werewolf took what he wanted.
Unexpectedly, because his head was too busy spinning to focus, hands clamped the bottom of his thighs and lifted him off the ground. On instinct, he wrapped them around Jason’s waist and trusted the werewolf to keep him from falling as he felt them beginning to move. He gasped in surprised as his back slammed into something hard enough to knock the air from his lungs. The lips that had been on his lips made their way to his neck to nip and bite at the sensitive skin.
With a moan, he arched into the heated touch of Jason, so he could feel every inch of the werewolf pressed against him. A particularly hard bite had him reaching his hand back for something to cling to and bring him back to reality. When he found nothing, he dropped his hand across Jason’s shoulder and dug his nails into the tense muscles of his back. Jason bite him hard again, then pulled away with a pleased smirk on his face.
“Look who’s a mess now.”
“Shut up and keep going.”
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Write for 365: Day 17
Werewolf!Jason AU Part One
Despite the fact he should be concerned, all Tim could think about was the sound of Jason’s agonizing screams as their captors forced him to transform into his wolf form. Without the full moon to smooth the transition, it’d been extremely painful as his bones elongated and snapped and twisted. The screams eventually turned to whines that Tim may have found odd coming from the fierce werewolf he knew, but he couldn’t get the screams out of his head. They echoed in his mind on an endless loop he knew he wouldn’t soon forget.
The only thing that allowed him to shake the screaming was the knowledge Jason counted on him to get him back to his human form. He’d be devastated if he finally came back to himself, only to find Tim injured or worse because of him. The guilt would eat away at him endlessly and Tim wouldn’t allow that to happen while he was capable of doing something to prevent it. Their captors my have thought they’d doomed Tim to death and Jason to a lifetime of misery, but he’d find a way out of this mess for them.
A snarl and gnashing of teeth pulled Tim’s attention to the werewolf glaring at him from his chain prison across from Tim. All it would take was a little yanking and Jason would be easily freed of the chains binding him-their captors had made sure to make it easy for him. Knowing that, Tim shifted himself around the best he could, while his own chains made things difficult, to be kneeling with his head down in a submissive position. He waited for Jason to let out a pleased grumble, then lifted his head back up to look him in the eye.
“Jay, I know you’re in there. It might be hard to think clearly because of the magic they used on you, but I need you to fight through it. I can change you back. It’ll be painless. I just need you to get me out of these chains. Can you do that for me?”
Jason let out a low rumble in acknowledgement, but continued to sit across from Tim without so much as a flick of his tail. He appeared content to watch Tim with his large blue-green eyes and listen to him talk. On any other day, it might’ve been flattering to see Jason acting so relaxed around him in his normally more feral and impulsive wolf form. Unfortunately, sitting there wouldn’t help them get out of their prison.
“It’s really sweet that you love me so much you don’t go feral on me while you’re in wolf form, but sitting there isn’t helping us get out of here. Break out of your chains, then break mine for me. I’d like to get out of here before I get grey hair like you.”
Between one breath and the next, Jason broke from his chains and leapt across the small cell to stand snarling over Tim. Saliva dripped from one of his enormous teeth onto Tim’s shoulder, which only sent mild disgust rolling through Tim. Getting used to saliva came with dating a man that transformed into a werewolf on every full moon, as did remaining calm in situations where said werewolf could tear him to pieces. Instead of backing down like before, Tim kept his head held high and let out his own snarl. At first, Jason continued his threatening growl, then the ferocity drained from him and he nudged against the side of Tim’s head with his muzzle in acknowledgement of his mate.
“Thanks, Jay. I love you, too. Now, chains off. Let’s go back home.” With one swipe of his large claws, the chains fell away from Tim’s body, freeing his hands to do magic and run his fingers through soft fur as a thank you. “Not even a scratch and you’re always so worried about hurting me. Maybe, you’ll believe me the next time I tell you that you’re as harmless as a puppy to me in this form. Hold still for a second. I’ll fix this right up.”
After taking a deep breath, Tim laid his palms flat on either side of Jason’s neck and let his magic flow freely. It tingled at his fingertips for a few seconds, then pushed through to Jason with a little encouragement and a spell whispered under his breath. As he coaxed Jason’s body into transforming back, he made sure to siphon off the pain to keep the process as pain-free for Jason as possible. In no time at all, a very human and very naked Jason sat before him looking slightly dazed.
“Tim?” Before Tim could speak, the exhaustion of using so much magic hit him hard and he dropped forward into Jason’s scarred chest. “What’s wrong? Where are you hurt?”
“Not hurt. Tired. Need to get of here.”
“We… we got ambushed?”
“Did they-”
“Yes, but you didn’t hurt me. Transforming you back exhausted me.”
“I’ll carry you. Can you get the door for us?”
“Then let’s get out of this cell. I have some mages to kill.”
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Write for 365: Day 96
Werewolf!Jason AU Part Eleven
As he let out a groan, Tim arched backward until he heard the satisfying sound of his stiff spine cracking. With that taken care of, he returned to an upright position, so he could collect the supplies he’d been using to put away. While he would normally put them back without the use of magic, the stress of the week made him feel justified in his decision to levitate them to their rightful spot. A flick of his wrist later the last of his work disappeared from the floor, leaving it pristine.
Before he could decide whether to curl up on the floor or trudge to bed, a black wolf nosed their way into his workroom. Typically, he didn’t allow Jason in here during his transformation, but he couldn’t help the smile on his face. The wolf came to a stop before him, then audibly plopped onto his behind and tipped his head to the side in question.
“Why are you looking at me like that? You’re the one that isn’t supposed to be in here.” The whine that left Jason sounded so pathetic he almost felt bad for him. “It stinks in here. It has to be worse for you. Let’s get out of here.”
Since Jason sat so close to him, he used the wolf’s body to help get to his feet, then pressed a kiss to the top of his head as a thank you. His tail wagged excitedly at the simple praise and he kept his body as close to Tim as possible without tripping him on their way out of the room. After making sure the door was shut and locked behind him, he made his way further into the shared living area to find a mass of blankets of pillow in the middle of the floor. While he knew wolves were fond of creating spaces to spend with their pack during the full moon, Jason had been content to spend his time as a wolf curled up against Tim’s side in his bed.
“Guess this means we’re sleeping out here tonight. Can I at least wash away the day and change before we settle down?”
The wolf bobbed his head up and down, causing his tongue to loll out when his mouth fell open in the middle of a nod. Tim rolled his eyes fondly as he tugged on the tongue with a little smile, then ruffled his hand through Jason’s fur. A curious expression appeared on the wolf’s face, but it quickly disappeared when Tim began making his way to his bedroom. While his magic filled the tub, he collected some clothing for bed and place them on the bench Jason built for the bathroom.
Once he was in the bath, Jason plopped next to where his hand dangled over the edge to wait for him to finished. After taking a few minutes to let the warm water relax his muscles, he quickly went through his usual routine. He knew Jason possessed the patience to wait as long as need be, but Tim preferred to not keep the wolf waiting. Sacrificing his usually longer bathing time for one night a month wasn’t a big deal, especially when his reward for doing so was warm cuddles.
After shooing Jason out of the way to prevent him from getting wet, he stepped out of the bath and reached for the towel on the bench. With a little added magic to speed things along, he dried off his body, then pulled on his sleepwear. Jason’s large shirt swapped his upper body and one shoulder kept slipping down, but he knew Jason felt closer to him when he wore it. Luckily, he didn’t have to wear pants as well or he’d trip over the hem every few steps.
“Time for bed.” Just as always, Jason followed him without any coaxing to the living area and sped ahead of him to settle onto the pile. “Someone’s excited. We could’ve done this sooner. All you needed to do was ask.”
Once he was sure the wolf was settled, he stepped onto the pile to get a little closer to Jason before sitting down. He stretched out next to Jason with his head resting against a perfectly placed pillow, then waited for the inevitable invasion. Sure enough, the previously relaxed wolf shuffled even closer to him and rested his head on Tim’s chest. After a little wiggling, he freed the hand trapped under Jason, then run his fingers rhythmically through Jason’s fur.
“Night, cuddly wolf.”
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More werewolf!Jason
Tim stumbled back into his apartment and placed a hand on the wall to steady himself as his other hand pressed more firmly against his bleeding side. He sucked in a breath, fighting against the pain and dizziness. He’d gotten hit in the worst possible place, far from any safehouse he had access to, leaving him to trek back across the rooftops towards his place.
Gritting his teeth, he pushed off the wall and shuffled across the carpet towards the bathroom. He knew Jason was still out on patrol since it was the early hours of the morning. He sagged against the door of the bathroom and flicked on the light, bracing a hand against the sink counter before reaching underneath for the extensive first aid kit they kept underneath.
He flipped open the lid before working his domino mask off and tossing it onto the counter. He unclasped his cape and let it fall to the floor in a pile. Tim sagged down onto the closed lid of the toilet seat, gripping tightly to the counter to keep himself from wavering.
It was a slow process getting his uniform off and he could feel the blood sliding down his side with each movement he made.
“Damn that’s gonna need stitches,” he muttered into the silence.
He fumbled for the disinfectant, loading a cotton square with it. He grit his teeth and braced for the burn that came with pressing the cloth against his side. When he pulled it away it was striped red with blood. He tossed it into the garbage and pulled out another cotton square, pressing this against his side to reduce the bleeding.
When it had finally stopped enough where it wouldn’t mess up his stitch job, Tim thread a needle and clenched a wash cloth between his teeth. He pressed the needle into his skin and winced, biting harder into the cloth as he stitched up the hole in his side.
Tim dropped the wash cloth from between his teeth and sucked in a gasp of air after he made the last stitch. He tied off the end with sluggish fingers and dropped the needle back into the kit. He grabbed another cotton square and doused it in antiseptic, giving his injury one last swipe.
He took a moment to catch his breath before pushing himself up off the toilet seat. He looked down at the pieces of his uniform, but the thought of bending down to pick it up seemed like too much work. Instead, he shuffled down the hallway towards the bedroom. He grabbed a pair of boxers before he sat down heavily on the edge of the bed.
Somehow, he managed to get his uniform bottoms and jockstrap off and pull his boxers on. Tim crawled across the comforter before slipping underneath the blanket. His eyes slid shut and he sagged into the mattress, hoping he wasn’t about to bleed out in his sleep.
The first thing Jason smelled as soon as he got back in the apartment was blood. He stopped in his tracks, feeling everything inside of him freeze at the smell of Tim’s blood.
“Tim?!” he called, breaking himself out of his haze. He vaulted over the coffee table in his haste to get further into the apartment and find Tim. He caught sight of a streak of blood on the door frame of the bathroom and whipped around it, expecting to find Tim bleeding out in the bathtub.
Instead, he found Tim’s uniform in a pile and several bloody cotton squares in the trash. The first aid kit was still open on the counter.
He stumbled backwards into the hallway, turning towards the bedroom where the door was ajar.
“Tim?” he asked, practically tripping over his feet as he hurried down the hall. He pushed the door open and found Tim curled up in their bed, eyes cracked in the darkness. “Tim,” he sighed, hurrying forward to his boyfriend. His mate.
He pulled off his helmet and knelt on the bed, reaching out to cradle his face.
“What happened?” he asked.
Tim pushed at the blanket draped over him and shoved it down around his waist, revealing the angry stitches on his side.
“I got cut in the side. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
Jason grit his teeth. Everything inside of him was seeking blood. It wanted the head of the person who hurt Tim. It wanted death.
“Who?” Jason asked. “Who did this?”
Tim shook his head against the pillow. “It’s nothing you need to worry about.”
He shook his head again. “I’d rather not worry about that. Can you just change and come to bed? Please?”
Jason stared down at him for another moment. He sighed and nodded. “Okay,” he conceded. He pressed a kiss to Tim’s forehead before sliding off the bed as reluctant as he was to put space between them.
He changed quickly, not even bothering with a shower before he was crawling back into bed and pulling Tim against his chest. Tim sighed and pressed into him, calming the blood lust inside of him. It wasn’t enough to put the Were completely at ease, but now Jason was getting an idea of just what Dick meant when he’d said they couldn’t work together on missions in case Tim got hurt. Not when he wanted nothing more than to ensure Tim’s safety and rip the head off whoever caused him harm.
If you enjoy my work, please reblog or consider buying me a ko-fi!
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REDROBIN nail art
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Title: Waynie and the Hood.
Fandom: DCU- Batman.
Rating: PG-13.
Genre: Light humor, crack-ish in parts, romantic in others. Fluff.
Wordcount: 2893.
Characters/Pairings: JayTim.
Warnings: none.
Summary: Maybe it was because he didn’t have time to read the gossip columns; maybe it was because he seriously underestimated the audience’s power to “Ship It”, but Bruce didn’t immediately cotton onto the fact that his scheme made half the country think that his son was in love will, well, his other son.
AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6656404
* * * * *
The first time it happened, it wasn’t planned.
Timothy Wayne was attending a charity event, when a masked man with bombs tied around his waist and chest burst in, screaming threats at the top of his lungs.
It was instant chaos. Panic swept like wildfire through the crowd. People began to run, panicked and directionless, pushing the slower out of their paths and crashing against the locked doors in screaming, begging waves.
Outside, the Police gathered quickly, but unless the madman agreed to talk, there was nothing they could do. Commissioner Gordon was hesitant to move, afraid for the hundred or so people kept hostage. Even Batman did nothing but linger on a rooftop for long minutes, assessing the situation and planning carefully his next move.
And then…
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pokemon ROBINS Vol.2
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Each of Jason's thrusts are a question: Am I good enough for you? Tell me you want me. Tim's moans are pleading: Don't leave me. I can't be lonely any longer.
They hadn’t even bothered taking off all their clothes thistime. Jason had given him a leer and a biting comment from the window ledge,and then it’d been a blur of hands tugging and lips searching for answers tounasked questions.
“Timmy,” he’d said,leaning in close like he had a secret. “You’re nothing special.”
Tim could spot the lie while the words were still clawingtheir way out of Jason’s mouth. He’d seen the signs, earlier in the day, whenJason had sauntered into the manor like he’d never been gone.
He’d walked in on Dick leaning over Tim while he sat at thecomputer, the older man’s hand resting on his shoulder as he pointed atsomething on the screen. Tim had smiled when he noticed Jason, but it quicklyturned to an ache in the pit of his stomach when he’d seen the tense set of Jason’sshoulders and the way his fingers were itching at his sides like he we waslooking for a weapon.
Tim shrugged off Dick’s hand with a frown, and he hated howit made him feel like he got caught doing something wrong. Dick gave hima searching look, and then Jason distracted him, because he got so cruel whenhe was hurt.
Tim left them to it and went upstairs, because he didn’tknow two people who could rip each other apart with words better. Dick was aknife—quick and sharp, but Jason was a scalpel, capable of cutting with deadlyprecision.
When Jason got his blood surging at just the right levelbetween pleasure and pain, he came looking for Tim in his room—just like Timknew he would. But by that time, quiet fury had begun to twist up between the spacesin his bones, and he didn’t so much as look at Jason—taunts and all.
Then Jason had taken it just a little too far, and itwas like a bloody wave had breached the surface between them, tilting theroom’s axis and pulling them together with the strength of its wake.
It wasn’t nice—Jason and Tim did little in their twisted,strange lives that could be described by such a simple word.
But Tim was powerless to stop the onslaught of Jason’s roughkisses and the way his large hands rubbed every inch of his body like he wassearching for battle wounds.
They both knew he didn’t need a weapon to make Timbleed.
Still, he moaned into Jason’s mouth when he pressed him intothe mattress and pushed his shirt up so that he could bite at Tim’s nipples andleave teeth marks around his collarbones.
It was dirty, but Tim got hard when Jason marked him andwhen he used him like his fucking toy, like he was made for Jason’s pleasure. Even more so when he heard the sound ofJason’s belt and the sound of a zipper between them.
“You want this?” he asked, pushing Tim’s hand to palm histhrobbing cock.
“Jason,” Tim gasped, pressing up against him. “Yes.”
“You feel how hard you make me?” Jason hissed against histhroat, sucking in the sensitive flesh there and leaving a bruise.
Tim couldn’t answer, because Jason had just hooked his thumbinto the warm heat of his mouth, pressing down against his tongue.
“You want to make a mess in your pants for me?” Jason asked,taking out his thumb and brushing his wet fingers against Tim’s lips.
“Jason,” Tim said breathlessly, a helpless mewl ripping fromhis mouth.
Something in Jason’s face changed, a cloud clearing from hisblue eyes, and he cupped Tim’s face in his hands. They stayed staring at eachother, Tim rubbing his thumb against the pulse racing in Jason’s wrist whilethey held each other and breathed the same air.
“Touch yourself,” he whispered and pushed away, giving Timroom to move. “Get yourself wet and ready for me.”
Tim’s hand only shook a little as he reached into the drawerby his bed and pulled out a bottle of lube. He prepped himself as Jason hovered over him, and he knew that whatever they had started wasn’t over,but they didn’t seem to be having the same conversation anymore.
“I know how you want it, babybird,”Jason said with a filthy grin. It didn’t quite meet his eyes, but there wassomething very close to adoration floating in his icy blue of his gaze.
When Jason entered him, he had one hand perched behind Tim’s knee and the other hand was twined with his, their fingers tight and twisting intothe sheets.
Each of Jason’s thrusts was a question: Am I good enough for you? Tellme you want me.
“I want you, Jason,” Tim moaned into the other man’s neck, hisvoice stuttering in and out. “I want you so much, I can’t think straight unless your touching me.”
Jason squeezed Tim’s hand and hit that spot inside him thatmade his vision blur and his teeth catch on his bottom lip, tugging hardenough to draw blood.
Tim hoped Jason couldn’t hear his pleas in the echoes of his pleasure.Don’t leave me. I can’t be lonely anylonger.
“I’m not so easy to get rid of,” Jason grunted into his neck.“So don’t get any fucking ideas, babybird.”
Tim smiled into Jason’s shoulder. It wasn’t an apology, but it was a start. He threw his head back and let the pleasure consume him, burning bright and fast under the fire of Jason’s touch.
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