bakedpotathoe · 3 years
i was wrong
my one true love is my very real best friend
maybe my one true love is an unobtainable fictional character and that’s just something I have to live with
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bakedpotathoe · 3 years
i should be holding the beautiful love of my life in our bed, kissing her forehead until she falls asleep.
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bakedpotathoe · 3 years
i miss my girlfriend :(
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bakedpotathoe · 3 years
i want a kiss from my girlfriend
i want a kiss
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
current status: having a full breakdown while listening to hot in here by nelly
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
I feel numb and right now the only thing that would make me feel better is driving in my car until I end up at a Denny’s in the middle of nowhere at 3 am
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
instead of doing my assignment that’s due in less than three hours I took a long nap and did a full detailed drawing
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
‘til paul do us blart
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
is it wise to have a crush on someone who lives all the way across the country ? no. do i have one anyways ? yes.
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
I have no friends at school and the only way I can think of getting some is to be talkative and outgoing which is really unlike me but now I’m scared people won’t like me based off the new persona ive created ,, buuut if I act as my typical introverted self it’ll be even harder to meet new people
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
within a couple of days I managed to create a new personality while simultaneously over sharing too many personal details .. and it’s only the first week of college
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
maybe i can do this
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
Good news for you, this August 23rd.
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
imagine having a plan for the future
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
my coping mechanism is taking impossible scenarios and writing them as stories that I know I’ll never finish
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bakedpotathoe · 4 years
why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why
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