baffleofmorons · 12 years
And masterlists. I was supposed to do masterlists. Goddamn. I never finished last year's because I wanted a complete list, and some people never posted theirs, and a bunch of people changed their names and broke the links and I lost the will to continue. Here's hoping for a more completely listing this time around!
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
Hey guys, haven't abandoned this blog. Just been super busy lately, so need to block off some time to finish masterlists and go digging for old meme posts.
In the interest of not making this all Wheatley-dominated, if anyone knows of any projects that might have slipped under the radar that might have had a focus on other characters, please point it my way!
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
Ok, all the Wheatley Fanart Exchange posts are up! Need to get up the masterpost, and then the Christmas in July fics are next. There's only a handful so far, so it's going to be a slow trickle on that end.
Might do some random stuff inbetween.
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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Drawing for Wolveswithhats!  I wanted to thank her for setting up the Wheatley Fanart Exchange so I asked her beta reader, Honezuki, for suggestions as to what scene I should draw from her upcoming fic Between the Dim and the Dark and Honezuki recommended this.  It’s a buddy story about Rick and Wheatley and I’ll leave it up to Wolves as to what more should be said about this scene before she posts her story, though you might be able to get the general gist here…
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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‘cause YOU didn’t get a Wheatley, mang. PRESENTS 4 U as a big thank you [again] for putting together the Wheatley fanart exchange and being an awesome mod and just being a great person in general and also putting up with me bothering you so much on AIM when i’m p sure you have better things to do hurr.
SO YEAH. this was fun. drawing Wheatley in physical distress is always fun. AND DAT HAIR. this is a good watlee.
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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My piece for the Wheatley fanart exchange! I’m sorry for being late with this ;_;
I would like to make a comment on how much I love this design. I was nervous that I would get a more generic design (i.e. blond hair, tiny, wispy) and, while I love those plenty, I was hoping for something different. I got it. This is really a great representation of the voice and character traits. Scruffy, robust, and auburn-haired, all combined with this outfit (which is also very different from the norm,) this interpretation really impresses me with it’s refreshing originality. I’m so glad I got to draw it! I hope you like it!
(By the way, this artist also has a TOTALLY ADORABLE Kid!Wheats that you should go see.)
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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My submission for the Wheatley fanart swap! I got the lovely pturretdactyl :D
Omigsoh, I must say that your style is the most fun to draw in ever :D And it translated really well into matching with a pony style! I love your stuff and designs and I’m happy I got assigned you, because now I’m following an awesome artist, and I also can practice drawing in your totally rad style!
So, I really hope you like this! ^^;;; I worked hard on it <3 I did it all with pencil and pen, and then scanned and inked it with PS (using my sucky trackpad T_T I couldn’t find my tablet, so sorry if some of the lines aren’t perfect)
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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yeee *_*
For Achangedcore! Hope you like it! :D
I had so much fun with this you have no idea. This is why fanart and fandoms are awesome ;w; thanks again Wolveswithhats for this brilliant idea!!
edit: ….. … … .. it’s supposed to be “i’ve changed”, isnt it? >_>
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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Wheatley Fanart Exchange! alpineblue’s wheatley design, looking so adorkable with his lil freckles. It was fun stepping out of my usually pseudo-realistic style. especially that tweakable nose! 
my ref: 
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
I failed on this…I hope artoveli like’s it….I’m gonna go hide now…
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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” CHELL! I did it all by myself. For you!”
This is my WFE for askbeinghumanwheatley! I hope they like it. >.<
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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Here’s Ask Brilliant Blu (and Evil Blu) for the Wheatley Fanart Exchange!
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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So okay uh
This cool guy belongs to ifchellcouldtalk
Mine looks so lackluster compared to everyone else’s augh
Also as I was coloring I was thinking about the long gloves and
I’m sorry I’m a horrible person:
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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IT’S NOT WEDNESDAY HERE YET BUT I am so nervous and eager to get this thing up SO
I got the lovely atropomorph’s design! This Wheatley has such a fantastic, slick look, I hope I did him justice, he was an absolute blast to work with.
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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Whew, finished earlier than I thought I would!  Here’s my piece for the Wheatley Exchange, of baysalt’s Wheatley!  I totally spazzed when I found I had hers because it’s one of my *favorite* designs. <3 So sleek and simple and his face is so dorky, I love it! I really hope I did it justice here.
I’m sorry this idea is so friggin random, but it seemed like the kind of idea he would latch onto. Don’t ask how he got the materials for that inside Aperture or how he attached it to his management rail. The only thing that matters is he’s now zooming around the facility on his new noble steed.
I hope you like it, bay! :)
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
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Here’s my contribution for the exchange! This is Robbie’s Wheatley and I’m sorry I couldn’t do him any kawaii justice v///v
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baffleofmorons · 12 years
How can I get involved with the Wheatley Fanart Exchange? I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm relatively new to the fandom community and don't quite know my way around yet, and though I've been looking I haven't been able to figure out how to join in on the fun.
I'm probably holding off on doing another Fanart Exchange until at least January, since it looks like Vermouth will be running the Secret Santa afterall. That'll likely start sometime in November, so there's not enough time to do another FE before that starts. I don't want to overwhelm anyone with too many projects.
However, the Secret Santa is a great project to get involved with as well, especially if you're trying to introduce yourself into the community. I'd track the "portal secret santa" and "wheatley fanart exchange" tags for any future details on how/when participation starts! I'm sure stuff will be popping up soon enough. :)
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