badmedstudent · 7 years
Two Words: Drug. Lunches.
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Literally the only time I eat lunch.
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badmedstudent · 7 years
When someone pages me as soon as I’ve fallen asleep
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badmedstudent · 7 years
Basically how residency has gone so far...
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I would kill to have only put on the freshman 15. Is there such a thing as the “PGY1 Ton”?
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badmedstudent · 8 years
What you tell the people at the office you’re doing this weekend
So they don’t think you’re super lame:
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in reality: 
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I’m tired okay? 
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badmedstudent · 8 years
Basically everything in life
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Surprise! Tequila is my other spirit animal
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badmedstudent · 8 years
My life summed up in one gif
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Mindy Lahiri is my spirit animal... and Mindy Kaling is my idol. 
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badmedstudent · 8 years
When you get in with all the nurses
and they start to  tell you all the hospital gossip 
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badmedstudent · 8 years
When you start residency
and you neglect your tumblr because your priorities are all out of whack 
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badmedstudent · 8 years
What I try to tell my patients...
When they tell me about how vaccines cause autism
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How is this STILL happening? Ugh. 
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badmedstudent · 8 years
When I start getting a paycheque
After 9 years of school:
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... but then I remember I’m 6 figures in debt...
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Just kidding. I spent it. It’s too late to pick it up. 
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badmedstudent · 8 years
This is so beautiful
You know I love ZdoggMD’s music videos – he’s a master of medical satire and musical parody.
But this song dives way deep. Wow.
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badmedstudent · 8 years
What you think finally being a doctor will be like...
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What it’s actually like 
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150 notes · View notes
badmedstudent · 8 years
The first month of residency
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badmedstudent · 8 years
Found: Actual footage of me at my grad
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badmedstudent · 8 years
When you graduate tomorrow...
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... Does this mean the blog needs renamed?!
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badmedstudent · 8 years
Ohhh.. that’s done already... Oops. 
Thanks!!! xx
When you finish your last exam of med school!!!!
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badmedstudent · 8 years
When you finish your last exam of med school!!!!
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