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Current mood: Where is the sarcastic deathmachine
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But what if one day Kiibo gets sick of Ouma’s shit and Kiibo just pulls out his ahoge and sTABS OUMA
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When you're taking a test and you're the only one in the class who doesn't know the answer to a question
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It's time for a rant break
So let me tell you why this is bullshit. If this FCC thingy happens our economy is going to go down hill. These days, our economy relies on the internet to do things like marketing and promoting. Which means small businesses ( like hometown businesses) could close down. The education system also relies on the internet. There are websites out there that help with education. If this rule goes into effect, our children will not get that push they need to do amazing things when they grow up. If we lose our net neutrality, we could also be blocked from “controversial” websites. This means there would be hardly any safe spaces for POC, LGBT, women’s rights, etc. Before we had net neutrality, Verizon blocked texts messages from NARAL, a reproductive rights group, because according to Verizon, they were “controversial” (source: ACLU). Without net neutrality, we would also have less access to the pleasures we have. Like YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, twitter etc. Which means you wouldn’t be able to interact with your internet friends. That’s just some of the things that could happen without net neutrality. We need to fight as hard as we can for it.
If I missed anything or messed up on something PLEASE let me know. I know this may not do much but I wanted to put my two cents into this.
If you read all of this, thank you.
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finals week is homophobic
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me trying to not be negative in 2016:
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me: im so happy with my life right now
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I can’t do justice to one of the weirdest camp stories I know. My friend tells it so well, and I can offer only a pale shadow of his story.
Last summer, he was working with one of the younger units comprised of ten year old boys. They had spent the night camping on another beach and were just readying themselves to depart. “Make sure you have all your things!” called my friend. “Don’t leave anything behind!”
One small boy came up, dragging a massive tangle of decomposing seaweed behind him. “But… what about me boy?” he asked, lip trembling.
“…what is ‘me boy’?”
The child held up the stinking wad of bull kelp. “This is him. This is Me Boy.”
“Me Boy is not coming back with us,” said his counselor. “You’re going to leave Me Boy behind on the beach where he belongs.”
The campers loudly mourned the loss of Me Boy. They insisted on giving him a Viking burial at sea, which just consisted of pushing him solemnly off the back of the rowboat into the water and watching him drift away in the surf.
That was only the beginning. Me Boy would be back.
The campers, in true camp fashion, possessed some kind of cultic hive-mind and a predisposition for bizarre memes. Me Boy would not be forgotten. They started telling each other stories about Me Boy and how he would one day rise again. There were warring factions with contradicting dogmas about Me Boy. Only when the gardener allowed them to take home a zucchini she had harvested did they find their god, born anew.
Me Boy, The Zucchini That Was A God, became the whole unit’s mascot. The kids would bicker over who got to carry him. They built nests and carriers for Me Boy and brought him to different activities, fiercely defending him from those that would do him harm. One child appointed himself the Voice of Me Boy and would translate the zucchini’s divine wishes into human speech.
It got out of hand. Me Boy had become a distraction, a fixation, a violent controversy. Something had to be done.
My friend, their counselor, took it upon himself to kill Me Boy. The children wailed in despair as he chopped their God into refreshing slices. With this sudden turn of fortune, followers of Me Boy turned to theophagy. “We must eat him to preserve his power!” they cried. Boys who would otherwise never have touched a vegetable ate greedily of this sacrament, eager to let Me Boy live on within them.
For a time, it seemed that peace and order had been restored, and the religion had already faded into its silver age. But only for a time.
In the last few days of camp, the religion of Me Boy splintered into several denominations. Every meal yielded new vegetable matter said to be a reincarnation of Me Boy, only for opposing groups to dismiss these as false prophets. Some believed that Me Boy was gone. Others believed his spirit lived on, intangible, omnipresent. Some believed he had found a new vessel inside a carrot, a pear, a slice of cantaloupe… even inside a child. There was chaos, and strife, and heartbreak without the guidance of Me Boy.
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when you hear someone talkin’ shit
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You would not believe your hands
if 10 million enemy stands 
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So since the FCC bullshit is taking place today (I think?)
Imma spam some memes becasue we need to see the light for once.
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this is EASILY my favorite Leon crit quote
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🏳️‍🌈This blog supports all sexual orientations and gender identities
Reblog if yours does too.
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