bad-moon--rising · 15 hours
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Camille Rankine, "Tender", Incorrect Merciful Impulses
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bad-moon--rising · 15 hours
Restless, the wolf under his skin found this pointless, not in words but in that little itch that felt too much like exasperation in the back of his mind. But it was unavoidable, if he'd refused to come that day it was suspicious. Saying it was cooperation was a stretch, but it probably wasn't this guy's fault just because he was the one asking questions.
"Lucian Doyle," he watched the shuffling of the pages, the faintly acidic scent of ink and the drier smell of paper catching his attention as the motion stirred them. "The forest," Lucky paused, added, "Enchantra, I mean; pretty far ways off from town an' th'trails, don't like t'bother the fairies if I can avoid it."
Given his own choice in the matter he preferred the farmlands, but folks got a bit uncomfortable about that sorta thing and the moon had been playing too much with his senses that night, the forest stretched on much further without folks around.
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My, What a Deep Voice You Have || Horseshoe
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
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Happy werewolf Wednesday 🌕
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
Cadpig: Do you realize what you’re doing? Lucky: Making a series of bad decisions? Yes, I’m aware.
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
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By Walt Peregoy
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
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colder by nina nesbitt
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
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#a thrilling saga
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
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Concept art for 101 Dalmatians (1961) by Ken Anderson
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
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for my beloved (x)
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
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Cinema History:
Opened in 1982 under the ownership of Mrs. Andrea Marsh, a Gifted Magick transplant from London.
Taken over by Mr. Godfrey and his late wife Beverly in 1987.
Aside from some revisions and repairs after various disasters, the theater hasn't had any major renovations since the Godfreys bought it.
Shows movies primarily from the 1930s-1950s (this will be subject to change when the theater is revamped later in.)
Theater Prices:
Adult Ticket: £8.00
Child Ticket: £5.00
Pride U Student Discount: £7.00
Other Discounts (military, senior, etc.) - £1.50 on price.
Business Hours: (will be subject to change/open on Sundays when the theater is updated later)
Thursday thru Saturday: 10:00am - 11:30pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: 11:00am - 10:30pm
Movie runtimes:
Thursday thru Saturday: 11:00am - 10:30pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: 12:00pm - 10:00pm
Job Info/Employee Info
Cinema NPC Info
Cinema Pinterest Inspo Board
Cinema HCs
Overall the place has that old movie theater vibe; the red carpet, red chairs, brown tile floors. But one distinction is how, while the exterior of the building is concrete/brick the interior walls are wood paneling and the lights are track lighting so it does give a bit more of an older, glamorous look to the place. The appearance has been well maintained, it just isn't very modern.
The building has two floors, it's not a multiplex but it is a large space; the first floor is the business itself, upstairs is a large unused space and the apartment the Godfreys built there, now occupied by Lucky and Scott.
Honestly the place seems bigger on the inside than it should be for the space but people don't question it much and when they do nobody gets a real answer.
There is an ancient, huge popcorn machine that doesn't work but has been around so long nobody wants to get rid of it. So it just takes up a corner of the concessions area and everyone calls it a decorative piece. (It can be fixed but we haven't gotten that far yet.)
Employees have noticed on occasion when they lock up the lobby for the night if they happen to miss one of the doors and go back to check they're always locked. And oddly some have said when they've accidentally let the backdoor shut behind them taking out the trash it seems to stick for some reason so they can get back in.
Sometimes lights around the screening rooms and lobby will turn off when an employee is closing up before they can get around to it. Everyone who has been around a while jokes that it's just Mrs. Godfrey looking after the place.
Event Information
The cinema will host events on occasion; interested parties are encouraged to contact the manager to set up a time to discuss plans. These events can be as small as birthday parties to larger town events because the lobby space is large enough to accommodate fairly well. (please give events to host at the cinema, thanks)
Event coordinating should be handled at least a month before the event. Use of screening rooms, the kitchen/concessions area and the overall lobby space is open to plans. (IC note: if you want to have something small like a birthday just give me a heads-up, bigger events please DM just to sort out the hosting situation/that's the only part I'll be involved really unless you want more involvement from the cinema staff)
Technically since the second floor has a large amount of open space events are possible there too, if you want to plan something large.
Concessions Info
I just took most of these prices from a few current cinemas in the UK and purposely made them lower because Mr. Godfrey hasn't updated things in years.
Popcorn (sm/med/lrg) £4.00/4.50/5.00
Typical movie popcorn w/butter, in paper cartons or standard white and red striped refillable plastic versions.
Sodas (fountain drinks) (sm/med/lrg) £2.00/2.50/3.00
Again, just typical in either disposable waxed paper cups or plastics refillable. Behind the counter, employee-served.
Sodas (bottled) £2.00
Kept in a standing glass cooler next to the counter, self-serve.
Water (bottled) £2.00
Kept in the standing cooler with the bottles of sodas.
Candy (Pre-packaged) £3.50
Kept behind the glass counter, various prices, various types because I'm not going to list all of them.
Ice Cream (Pre-packaged) £2.50
Small standing freezer by the counter, various types, self-serve.
Ice Cream (Machine) £3.00
Cones or bowls, not particularly exciting (vanilla or chocolate) with toppings of various candy, chocolate sauce or caramel.
Nachos £4.00
Basic nachos with the option of jalapenos or not.
Pizza £4.50
Cheese, veggie or pepperoni, those single serve microwave frozen type.
Pretzels £4.00
Large soft pretzels that come frozen and are kept in a warmer in the kitchen, comes with butter or cheese. Also not overly exciting.
Town Disaster Protocol
Whenever safe to do so, evacuation of the cinema to nearby safe spaces is encouraged, this includes both customers and staff. The cinema is not a magic warded safe house currently. When possible staff should lock up before evacuation but if it's a question of safety this isn't an issue; it's always better to leave things unlocked and evacuate from a dangerous situation.
When evacuation is impossible or not advised shelter in place; screening rooms one and two are used for this purpose as they have direct access to restrooms but are still a contained space away from windows, but do include exterior exits if needed.
In case of flooding or other issues where higher ground is safer, evacuation to the second level of the theater will be open to everyone; emergency supplies are stored both there and the first level to shelter in place for extended amounts of time. (But you're going to be eating a lot of candy and popcorn.)
During a shelter in place situation if staff isn't on hand emergency supplies (bottled water, first aid supplies, nonperishable food, blankets, flashlights) are stored in the staff break room, kitchen, and upstairs; notices that explain these locations are posted in the kitchen and break room.
Cinema Floorplan (ignore my awful scaling here):
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Ground Floor:
1. Ticket Booth
Standard front window enclosed booth with registers and information about movie times on the back wall.
2. Concessions Area
Tile countertops and glass front cases with prepackaged candy and snacks, equipment on the back counter includes a sink, popcorn poppers, soda machines and a heating case for warm food. The kitchen to the right is fully functional for heating/preparing food.
The kitchen also holds first aid supplies.
3. Staff Break Room
Has tables and a couch, a staff fridge and access to the kitchen if the staff wants to use it. Not anything overly unusual about the space, just a place for breaks/meals.
4. Main Lobby/Event Space
Open space most of the time but it's large enough to host events and does from time to time.
5. Back Restrooms
Basically just what it says. Male/female/gender inclusive areas.
6. Front Restrooms
Same as the above, with the addition of a family/accessibility inclusive restroom.
7. Screening Room One
Smallest of the screening room; 30 seats total in the space.
8. Screening Room Two
Slightly larger screening room; 50 seats total.
9. Screening Room Three
Largest screening room in the cinema; 110 total seats.
10. Screening Room Four
Standard screening room, 90 seats total.
11. Screening Room Five
Standard screening room, 90 seats total.
12. Projector Booths
Situated in the back of each theater and accessible by the staircase in the hallways between rooms for the larger screening rooms and directly in the back of the smaller ones, overlooking the screening room itself and where the projectors are kept and run.
13. Cinema Office
Mr. Godfrey's office next to the back stairwell upstairs.
Upper Floor
1. Upstairs Apartment
Accessible via the stairwells inside the theater. Was formally the living space of the Godfrey family since buying the theater but now Lucky and Scott live there since Mr. Godfrey has moved to Castle Suites. Most people (for plot sake this means anybody not specifically told) aren't aware the apartment is there and just think it's a separate storage area. Although it is listed as a residential area with the town board like the other business-linked apartments in town.
2. Storage Area
Mostly general storage for the theater, also where film reels are kept between seasonal runs.
3. Storage/Open Space/Future Plot Things
Yup. Potentially a business collab space after the theater is revamped.
4. Storage/Open Space/Future Plot Things
Once again these are future plot points. (But pls offer suggestions if you have an idea!)
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bad-moon--rising · 8 days
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a playful pack of wolves in Denmark for my June postcard art also happy Pride month!
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bad-moon--rising · 11 days
It wasn't where Lucky wanted to be, mind you, and it was stirring up that itch under his skin that had become difficult to ignore. He didn't like it, but it was unavoidable. Because it wasn't like he could just ignore the situation, he'd been trying to do the exact opposite in fact and gaining little purchase on finding out the truth, and if he'd refused to show up and go through the whole question ordeal it would just end up worse.
He couldn't afford worse right then, worse had already begun to snowball into Scott's anxious state and Jasper's tension. And even Mr. Godfrey was starting to notice he'd become more focused on the uncomfortable mystery of that attack.
It wasn't true, no, that he could just have a chat with the man across from him, but Lucky was going to try to treat it that way and hope things stayed civil.
"M'good, but thanks," no use in not being polite, even if he was a little wary given everything, and the fact that police hadn't, historically, meant great things for himself.
After all, he'd come to town with one very public instance in his past and Lucky wasn't stupid, he knew that was very easy information to find. But the important part was staying calm, the curse liked to get riled up when he was and the last thing he needed was that.
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My, What a Deep Voice You Have || Horseshoe
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bad-moon--rising · 1 month
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NAME: Lucian Doyle
AFFILIATION: Alumni (2010-2016) Alumni chair 2022 - current
SPECIES: Demigod
ABILITIES: Tychokinesis
(CW: war, death, PTSD)
The universe always had a funny sense of humor when it came to Lucian, which he never found particularly funny at all.
He felt a bit like an outsider from the start, his half siblings never made it a big deal but everybody else did. Everybody around town always had a word or two about his dad's stepping out on his momma. Strangers didn't just show up one day, baby in hand, then disappear again without it being just what it seemed like. Funny thing was, it wasn't even the only time it'd happened. Lucky still felt awfully guilty about it anyway, as he got a little older.
Wasn't much point in arguing after his first run in with a big ugly something he didn't have a name for and maybe it really was dumb luck that got him out of that one. But it was common sense that told him he had to leave with the one who came seeking him, even being just a kid he still knew. Pepper had left too, hadn't she? Not too long before him.
Camp at least put him on even footing, sorta. Lesser gods weren't as important but he got by fine. Didn't bother him much anyway, Lucian didn't depend on other people anymore. But damn if they didn't depend on him when the cards weren't turning in their favor. He couldn't say no, didn't seem right to.
But people, they never suck around. They left, they lost their lives, and when the war happened a lot of them never came back. Lucky did, his mother was looking after him, just like always. But he shouldn't have been there, not so young.
Fortune favors the bold.
The universe tilted in his favor, it was never his doing, was it? But it helped a few people who might not have come back otherwise. He took the stupid risk to go because children, even teenagers, believe they are invincible, and sometimes they believe that it is their job to save, if not the world, the people in it they can.
Why worry about himself? His mother wouldn't let him fail. He believed that with the devotion of the child he still was.
Lucian went home after the war, after a few years at camp to heal the wounds burned into him. Aching, haunted and too young still for the life he'd seen. He worked in his uncle's repair shop, felt a little better using his own hands to fix things for a while. Dreamed of bigger things but left the dreams alone because when they came so easily they didn't feel like dreams at all, put them off until later, later and later. Then the monsters came nosing around again and he didn't have enough of his mother's gift to risk staying and thinking it wouldn't end badly for people around him.
So he didn't stay. He was fine on his own anyway.
Fortune favors fools.
Lucian always got by. Never one place too long though, the higher powers didn't care much about him but sooner or later something with teeth and claws always came lurking around. Lucian was tough, the scales tipped, he always got away and counted his scars after.
Just one more lonely year to add to the stack of em.
He'd be around long after most people, he figured, and he certainly doesn't want for much. Life is easier for him than most, and he isn't responsible for anything but himself. Everything is just in reach; money, distraction, all those shiny things, but reaching isn't much fun these days. He makes friends as easy as breathing, wonders in the next breath if those friends even remember his name when their good fortune takes them to bigger places because Lucian always looks after his friends, always tips the scales when he can, for them.
He gets his answer most of the time, a lot quicker than he wished.
He's made a game of stupid choices, reckless chances, let's see how long his mother will lend her gifts before she grows tired of her wayward son. But she never does, and Lucian shrugs and laughs, time and time again. One day the house of cards will fall, but he hasn't seen that day yet; he's still coming out on top, somehow.
Returning to Camp Swynlake he doesn't see that much has changed, he laughs about that too, because why not? What ever really changes? The universe’s plans sometimes glimmer before his eyes, pretty and perfect, he can guess the odds. Sometimes that's the worst thing in the world to know, when you know someone's luck has run out.
He was made to be a fool anyway, no point in being upset about it anymore. It's a hell of a thing feeling like chance can't get too much of a grip on you. Wanting too much is the biggest joke when you could have just about anything.
Except when what you want money or luck can't get you, at least not for very long.
0 notes
bad-moon--rising · 1 month
It didn't settle easily, not in the pit of his stomach trying to knot up or under his skin where the restless, wilder thing lived quite comfortably alongside the rest of him. Most of the time Lucky couldn't tell any line between the two, when something had been with you from the start it wasn't an intruder, it was just an extension yourself.
But every so often when he wasn't certain the wolf kicked around a bit, gnawed on his bones, tugged at his nerves, reminded him that he was fretting over things like a human rather than listening to his instincts.
It was true, that unsteady feeling was very human, and Lucky didn't mind feeling human at times, but it seemed like those times were always the one where he was reminded that the curse was a very human thing and he couldn't shake it either.
"It's not just-" Lucky began, more than anything he tried to avoid that truth because folks already didn't trust what he was - most of em anyway, Ms. Rabbit and those around the Court were an exception - but adding that to it was the fastest way to have somebody turn cold. And he didn't want that.
Thankfully she was speaking and pushing that paper towards him so he had an excuse to keep that secret a little longer. "Not a lot around here that's unfamiliar t'me," he replied; aside from the themed nights the Court had a certain feel to it that reflected in the music, especially the sort of music Ms. Rabbit gravitated to. People who could sing could sing most anything, but everybody who sang had a voice for a certain style of music.
We Can Duet Together || Royle
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bad-moon--rising · 1 month
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Lucky's Statistical Matches
Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)
Jack Twist (Brokeback Mountain)
Jack Pearson (This Is Us)
Jamie Fraser (Outlander)
Benjamin Button (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)
Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Christian (Moulin Rouge!)
Miguel (Coco)
Augustus 'Gus' Waters (The Fault in Our Stars)
0 notes
bad-moon--rising · 2 months
"Yes ma'am," Lucky replied, but he didn't really care for the tired edge to her words, knowing how hard she did work to keep everything held together there. It was hardly an easy job with so many moving parts.
"But I also know all tha' isn't as easy as ya make it sound. I've been there on occasion, things changin' last minute ain't simple when it shakes up th' whole feelin' of goin' into things." He added, mm musicians were not immune to the fatigue of sudden changes, at least not in his experience; when someone had been set on a feel to a performance and that got drastically jostled it took a bit of the energy out of it.
Ms. Rabbit was a professional, far more so than himself with all her years of experience and his shorter ones in comparison, so maybe it didn't hit her as hard, but the hint in her voice made it seemed like even she wasn't fully immune.
It was the sorta thing Lucky couldn't feel good about, because if he wasn't such a damned coward he could have helped. But music was one thing; how was he supposed to know if he'd freeze if that old sensation of being on stage crept up on him?
Making it worse wasn't what he wanted to do.
Jared must have thought otherwise or he wouldn't have sent him along over to her, the way he often did when he thought Lucky was just stuck on his own troubles and hanging onto them.
"Jared ran m'off," he was tempted to chuckle, of course he did; he wanted him to get himself together. Jared wasn't wrong, just awfully good at knowing how to pick up on how a person worked, and how to press it.
Of course Lucky felt bad; Ms. Rabbit had given him every opportunity and a spot he felt comfortable in there in town.
"S'been a while since I've been up there," he cast a long glance at the stage, "singin' I mean." He knew that fact wasn't one he talked about directly but things tended to get around, especially when a person's career had been such a public one. "Wouldn't feel right not offerin' t'help though," he felt the words as he voiced them, a flickery, instead little sensation.
We Can Duet Together || Royle
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bad-moon--rising · 2 months
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Sorry I’ve been so inactive but I promise that I will post more!!! HOWS EVERYONES DAY?🩷🩷
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