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Coping with a community crisis! When a crisis occurs in the community it can be difficult to cope. Here are some tips that may help you or a family member cope. - Make sure you know all the FACTS! Social media and the news spread word fast. Remember the kid game telephone! People can twist facts and so can the news! - Understand cultural factors! Not everyone grieves or responds the same to a tragic event. - Being angry, sad, bargaining, and denial are all common feelings. - Use your coping skills (self soothing techniques)or make some up! Not everyone deals with stress in the same way. Try and develop more than one coping skill and establish a support system. Talking to others in a time of need is important, even though it may feel uncomfortable at times it could really help release some pain. - If your child is struggling, give them emotional support! Allow your child to talk about feelings. Try and prevent your child from seeing traumatic images or hearing verbal comments that are inappropriate. If you are Struggling with depression or feelings of being overwhelmed please contact us for help! www.backcountrycounseling.com #crisis #depression #gethelp #payattention #dontwait #counseling #depressionisreal #wecanhelp #backcountrycounseling (at Grants, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrU0rFFa3O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1469ijkjv8zsb
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Mental Health and Valentines DAY! True love isn’t a fairy tale! The truth is communication is key to a successful relationship. There are many hard times in relationships but admitting when your wrong and forgiving is important. It’s hard when you tired and a relationship doesn’t last but remember that you can learn with every relationship. Don’t try and overwhelm yourself with planning a romantic night, just try and take some time to listen to each other. Your partner may be struggling with a mental illness and just need your support, that will go much further than a teddy bear. If you don’t have a partner try and do something for yourself. We can’t always live up to what’s on tv or what other people do, just be yourself this will help improve yourself esteem. www.backcountrycounseling.com #valentinesday #mentalhealth #helpanother #listen #beopen #forgiveorforget #communication #betogether #learn https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJxv3JFnQY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n60i4budigg9
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NEW HOUR CHANGES BackCountry Counseling will be open Monday-Friday 3:30pm-8:00pm www.backcountrycounseling.com [email protected] 505-225-7882 call and text is accepted! Free Consultation are still available and can be scheduled on the website! #backcountrycounseling #gethelp #counselinginnm #homecounseling #privatepay https://www.instagram.com/p/BslGW9TlsjD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hdbc18q3zr94
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New Year Resolutions To Better Your Mental Health Every new year people make goals to improve their quality of life. Many people share common goals for example exercise more, eat better, and save money just to name a few. Here are some goals that could help you improve your daily mood! - SLEEP MORE- bad sleep habits can lead to depression and anxiety. - GET A HOBBY- remember it’s never too late to try something new. You never know where a new interest will lead you. - PUT DOWN YOUR CELLPHONE- take a break from social media and the demands from every day life, make a no cell phone day! Enjoy your family and alone time! - GET A PLANNER- start finding new ways to keep track of daily tasks! It’s very easy to forget! - HELP OTHERS- take some time to help others in need. You could save a life this year, or inspire someone to be better! - BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU GOT- I know it’s always better to have more. Remember there is other people in the world that have it a lot worse. - BE KIND TO YOURSELF- give yourself a break, no one is perfect! My QUOTE OF THE YEAR! “Don’t stress about being better than others, try and be better than yourself!”- Adreanna Hunter Happy New Year! www.backcountrycounseling.com #bebetter #newyear #help another#newyearresolutions #getcounseling #freshstart #livebetter #donotstress #backcountrycounseling #timeforachange https://www.instagram.com/p/BsN5yJIl7WT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=feliy8p27o2s
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Suicide! Suicide! Suicide! BackCountry Counseling stresses the issue of depression over the holidays! If you are depressed or feeling the need to hurt yourself please seek help! Suicide is one of the leading killers in America. Please share to bring awareness to this issue, you may help someone in need! www.backcountrycounseling.com #dontwaitgethelp #depressionisreal #holidayscansuck #bringawareness #helpsomeoneinneed #youmeansomething #itgetsbetter #somethingtolivefor #counseling #backcountrycounseling https://www.instagram.com/p/BrfgQJ1liI3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ugcwmhz2i5fo
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Can Social Media Cause Breakups or Divorces!? As a counselor I’ve heard from several of my clients that their marriage has suffered because of social media. However, this topic is a matter of debate! Social Media can cause depression, anxiety, and stress.Many individuals find it difficult to stop engaging in social media because of the attention they gain. It’s important to ask yourself the point of having social media. What are your partners feelings toward social media usage? Face it! Social media can bring temptation and drama. Did you know many people find information on social media that may cause them to doubt their relationship! Many partners even hide passwords! Is social media a problem in your relationship? How do you solve it? - communication is key! - Don’t hide things from each other! - Talk to your partner about your concerns, be prepared for the conversation and stay calm. - Limit your time on social media. Social Media can come back to haunt you! www.backcountrycounseling.com #socialmedia #cheating #addictedtosocialmedia #gethelp #becareful #beaware #saveyourrelationship #counseling #backcountrycounseling https://www.instagram.com/p/BrTdz2GnPob/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=124wrkljsm7z2
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Have You Ever Thought About Or Attempted Suicide? If you have your not alone. We are all human and we can all hit an all time low. Most people will experience depression or sadness in their lifetime. It’s important to seek help before things escalate. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in America. It can be hard to remember even when we are down, there is always something to live for. You may not know it but you may have or will impact someone in a positive way. Don’t let your emotions control you, control your emotions! If you are struggling with depression please seek help from a professional or contact us for an appointment. www.backcountrycounseling.com #livelife #suicideawareness #livebetter #gethelp #depression #sadness #itwillgetbetter #takecontrol #trauma https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-HVE0Fh5k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17c5lmzw5skcx
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Thanksgiving can be Depressing! Thanksgiving brings families together. Many times thanksgiving is the only time you see extended family members or friends. However, there are many individuals that Dread the holidays. Thanksgiving can be a reminder of family members who passed. Maybe your children just moved out and it’s your first Thanksgiving without them! Sometimes family members don’t get along and it can be a day full of drama and stress. New Mexico ranks number 1 for hunger, so there are many families who do not have food to eat. Suicide rises during the holidays, and is the 10th leading cause of death in America! Alcohol and drug usage rises during the holidays as well, many people use this to cope with feelings of depression and anxiety. Counseling can be beneficial to help cope with any stressful feelings during the holidays and help prevent suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling call us for help. Please feel free to leave comments of resources families can use for food or other resources in your area! www.backcountrycounseling.com #suicide #thanksgiving #anxiety #depression #helping others #counseling #hungry #needhelp #holidays #beingwithfamily #backcountrycounseling https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqcp79wlUlw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=180u0vw0som54
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Thanksgiving can be Depressing! Thanksgiving brings families together. Many times thanksgiving is the only time you see extended family members or friends. However, there are many individuals that Dread the holidays. Thanksgiving can be a reminder of family members who passed. Maybe your children just moved out and it’s your first Thanksgiving without them! Sometimes family members don’t get along and it can be a day full of drama and stress. New Mexico ranks number 1 for hunger, so there are many families who do not have food to eat. Suicide rises during the holidays, and is the 10th leading cause of death in America! Alcohol and drug usage rises during the holidays as well, many people use this to cope with feelings of depression and anxiety. Counseling can be beneficial to help cope with any stressful feelings during the holidays and help prevent suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling call us for help. Please feel free to leave comments of resources families can use for food or other resources in your area! www.backcountrycounseling.com #suicide #thanksgiving #anxiety #depression #helping others #counseling #hungry #needhelp #holidays #beingwithfamily #backcountrycounseling https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqcp79wlUlw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1obqwmon0y5lj
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Fear of SPIDERS! (arachnophobia) Do you have a fear of spiders? If you have any of these symptoms you could have arachnophobia! - overwhelming fear of being bitten or poisoned - Anxiety and panic attacks - Feeling like you may faint - Avoidance of places that may have spiders - An increase in heart rate and blood pressure There is no particular cause for this phobia however, cultural and personal experiences can contribute. Getting over the fear! One way to overcome a fear is to come out of your comfort zone. In counseling we call this process systematic desensitization, this is gradually exposing yourself to the phobia in a controlled therapeutic setting. A counselor will help prepare you with coping skills and self talk to help anxiety. From there the counselor will work with you on gradually overcoming this fear physically. This type of therapy can take time and is dependent on the severity of the symptoms. If you suffer from a phobia and need help please contact us today for help! www.backcountrycounseling.com #counseling #phobia #backcountry #backcountrycounseling #makeachange #overcome #fear #nomore #gethelp https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp2yQ5jlm9v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1skqv3qgr0gxu
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Think before you react to a difficult situation! You never know how your reaction may impact youself or others. #thinkstuffthrough #criticalthinking #makinitcount #helpinothers #helpinyourself #counseling #mentalhealth www.backcountrycounseling.com https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp10S-7ldr_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6rwd1uk7plbm
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Can Halloween Costumes Trigger Emotional Distress? Imagine you are driving home and you see your neighbor dressed in a costume that reminds you of a traumatic event. Your neighbor probably didn’t mean to cause harm but it did. Imagine you go into a haunted house and you witness a haunted house scene and it brings back painful flashbacks. There are some costumes that may offend those who have suffered from mental health problems such as dressing in a straitjacket, please be sensitive to those stereotype costumes that may seem harmless. Mental Health Awareness! Today mental health is on the rise but still doesn’t get enough credit. People who suffer from mental health problems may be good at hiding it. If you have suffered from a traumatic event please try and prepare yourself for some things you may see during Halloween. If you have any questions please contact BackCountry Counseling. #halloween #traumaticevent #PTSD #depression #anxiety #beaware #besafe https://www.instagram.com/p/BpkCU4kl6VB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e7thsfqqnktn
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Why Does My Child Act Out In School?! Do you often gets calls from the school about your child’s behavior? Does your child have trouble interacting socially? Does your child cry and complain about going to school? Does your child have trouble focusing and sitting still? It’s common today for a child to struggle in the school setting. There are many reasons your child may be struggling in the school setting. Let’s talk about it! - Anxiety! Your child may be nervous and some children have high expectations of themselves which may impact how they focus and interact with others. It’s important to remember our children don’t understand things like adults. Children often view things in black and white. For example children don’t think about the what if’s? - ADHD- ADHD is a common disorder among the young. There are many distractions in a school and if a child is suffering from ADHD it impacts behavior and academics. A child who has ADHD has to have special accommodations to help them get through the school day. - Depression- children don’t show depressive symptoms like adults, they may be aggressive or easily annoyed. It’s important to understand your child’s environment and identify possible stressors for their behaviors. - Fear- some children are scared of interacting with others, some are shy and some lack social skills. Some children may be scared they will disappoint others. Help! Remember children act out because they are unable to manage their emotions. Not all reinforcements and punishments will work for every child. It’s important to focus on the child’s strengths and talk to them about possible consequences. If your child is struggling in the school setting or another setting please contact BackCountry Counseling today for help! www.backcountrycounseling.com #schoolstress #childactingout #strugglinginschool #parenthelp #teacherstress #complaintsfromschool #needhelpwithchild #depressioninchildren #fearinchildren https://www.instagram.com/p/BpPls0FBFn8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qvivsxdrva2k
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#counseling #backcountrycounseling #grants #gallup #therapy #privatepaypractice https://www.instagram.com/p/BpNkiQzBJfS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ofr3xj8b6anp
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CHRONIC MIGRAINE & DEPRESSION/ANXIETY Do you suffer from chronic migraines? If you do you probably feel as if not many people understand your pain. Migraines can cause an individual to struggle with daily activities. Migraines can be very painful and can last hours, days, and weeks. Chronic pain can cause a person to become depressed and if the pain is severe enough the person can become suicidal. If you experience migraines you may experience anxiety because migraines can be random and may ruin your day. TREATMENT: It’s very important to screen an individual who has migraines for depression. It’s important to see your primary care doctor to identify medical reasons for your migraines, and possibly obtain medication. Counseling can help an individual identify triggers to migraines and learn coping skills. Daily exercise and a healthy diet can help decrease the frequency of migraines. If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, or moody behaviors due to migraines or other chronic pain please contact us today for help! www.backcountrycounseling.com #migraines #chronicpain #gethelp #backcountrycounseling #icanrelate #stopthepain #medicalpain #depression #anxiety #counseling #yournotalone https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9H1eznliQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1865u08yzaoio
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Video or Telephone Counseling is AVAILABLE Do you have a busy schedule? Are you looking for confidential counseling? Video and phone sessions can accommodate your busy schedule, no matter where you are or how busy your daily schedule is. BackCountry Counseling helps children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families that are in need of mental healthcare. Call us today or send a message! This service can be utilized if you reside in New Mexico. www.backcountrycounseling.com #counseling #gethelp. #gallup #grants #videocounseling #phonecounseling #backcountrycounseling #makeachange https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZQ3WdnXBt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m0q9721z04sb
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ANOREXIA EDUCATION Anorexia is a eating disorder that is characterized by extreme efforts to lose weight and control body shape. Symptoms: - Extreme weight loss - Thin appearance - Fatigue - Skin and hair problems - Low blood pressure - Blood problems - Swelling of arms and legs Behavioral Symptoms: - working out excessively - Restricting food - Self induced vomiting after eating - Denial - Social withdraw - Mood swings - Decreased interest in sexual desire Many people who suffer from this disorder don’t get help and often it results in health problems. Many people feel they have to keep up certain body images due to environmental pressures and social life. This disorder can occur in both men and women however, it is most common in women. If you or someone you know is suffering from a eating disorder please contact us for help it can lead to extreme health issues and other mental health/substance abuse disorders. www.backcountrycounseling.com #eatingdisorders #Anorexia #mentalhealth #mentalhealth #nofood #extremehealthissues #gethelp#helpsomeoneinneed https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJ-hEFHCGb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=56chw4b8f6nz
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