Can y’all on the right uhhhh.. stop insinuating that Greta Thunberg’s climate change efforts are only valid if you can also have sex with her. The take that those who accept her as a global climate campaign leader must also assume she’s sexually mature is fucking gross and is intentionally meant to undermine her support. A girl’s or woman’s abilities are not determined by how sexually available she is to you. Moreover, not only does her intellect and courage to fight for this cause have absolutely no relation to her ability to consent to sex with adults (and it’s horrendously creepy people are even trying to make that connection), but we also shouldn’t be accepting her as our leader in climate change. I do and will continue to support her wholeheartedly. She’s inspiring, smart, and so brave. But she’s a child, filling in for adults who are doing nothing to save her and her generation! She’s made it clear she doesn’t think she should have to be in this role either. So maybe take a break from harassing and sexualizing Greta for trying to save her own life and the lives of those around her, and step the fuck up and do something yourselves.
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I’ve been using my main blog a lot more than this one lately. I haven’t used it in years until recently so all my followers are porn bots I’ve been slowly blocking lmao. It’s @a-verb-in-perfect-view if anyone is interested lol. It’s mostly just political/social issues and some memes sprinkled in 😅
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On Irish trains we have train magazines for some reason and I would like to inform u that hozier is on the cover
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My girl’s first day of preschool 😭❤️ We’re headed to pick her up now, and I hope she had a great day! She did so amazing at drop off, hugged us both and went on her way. Can’t wait to see her 🥰
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I just realized my birthday is this coming Friday and I’m gonna be alone most of the day. S will be at work all day, and T will be at preschool. Honestly I’m excited. T and I haven’t had a break from each other at all since we moved a month and a half ago. And I don’t get much alone time regardless. I’m gonna spend the day relaxing and treating myself. Thinking about getting sushi by myself and then going for a massage. I feel like the opportunities are endless 😂
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Your baby is the cutest!!
Thank you! 😊
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Um, no you weren’t born bisexual, you chose to watch Pirates of the Caribbean when you were 13 and fell in love with both Keira Knightly and Orlando Bloom. 
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We’re at the park and T’s been playing house with a little girl for like 20 minutes. I’m so happy, she never plays with anyone. We try so hard to encourage her to socialize since she has no siblings, and especially since moving now that she doesn’t even have her cousins (the only kids she’d play with before), but she only wants to play with S and I. So I’m excited for her ☺️ She starts preschool next week and I really hope she makes some friends.
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T was very entertained trying on flower girl dresses for my sister’s wedding today 😂
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It was way toooo hot for the park today so we checked out an indoor play place nearby. It was great. I love having so many new places to find being new to the area. T had so much fun!
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I love you so much, my dear 💕
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this is it, this is the funniest tweet i’ve ever seen.
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I made this original post in late 2018. At the very beginning at 2019 I started lifting like I had been wanting to, and I’ve been at it ever since. These two pictures are about 9 months apart. I’m proud of myself.
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Went bra shopping today for my new deflated post-breastfeeding boobs (which went terribly lol), but I took a picture while I was trying stuff on and honestly I’m proud of the progress I’ve made with my body. The picture in the red bikini was pre-pregnancy, at the heaviest I’d ever been. I was in college and gained a lot of weight and generally had a lot of insecurities. The second picture is about 33-34 weeks pregnant, actually 13lbs down from the first picture. The third is today, almost exactly two years post-partum, roughly 40lbs down from pre-pregnancy. I’ve put in a lot of work to lose the weight and while there’s a lot I don’t love about my mom bod, I’m still proud of what it’s done for me and what I’ve accomplished. I’m hoping to get into lifting weights soon to grow some muscle back and help get rid of my squishiness lol.
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We’re touring T’s first ever potential daycare today. Since I’m going to be in school full time again coming this fall and S will be working, we have to put her in daycare. She’s never been, as she used to come to work with me, and then two years ago I started staying home. I am sooo sad and nervous to send her 😅 And I know she’s gonna have a meltdown when I try to leave her and I’m not reading for it at all. But today is just a tour and consultation with the director. T is beyond excited to see her new school, she feels like such a big girl. Plus I hope it will be good for her, especially socially. It seems great, so I’m hoping everything goes well. If it does, she’ll start at the end of August.
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