some will die in hot pursuit and fiery auto crashes. some will die in hot pursuit while sifting through my ashes. some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche, coming down the mountain.
#self pro (make me hip like badass)#//hey lol#//i'm over here#//sorry for the sudden hiatus. life and all that
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new ooc tag
ooc (gay and goth !! call that a fruit bat !!)
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WORSE FUGO !!!! // fatherdamned:
“Ugh,” Edward groaned similar to how a teenager would sound. “What is even the POINT of playing a game if it offers NO mental obstacles?! Where’s the sense of achievement??” He huffed with lanky arms dramatically prancing in the air to emphasize how PREPOSTUROUS he believed this Neopets was. Edward actually considered himself a fan of video games ( although he was not certain he’d stoop as low as to call himself a ‘gamer.’ ) But he only played games that featured challenges, especially puzzles. Edward did not believe in mindless fun.
A snort escaped Edward’s nostrils; his head swayed in thought. “Yes, yes… I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a furry! I mean… why else would anyone go around dressed as an ANIMAL? He looks absolutely ridiculous! If I were him, I’d be petrified!” He cackled loudly, a gloved hand hovering over his grin similar to a wicked witch.
Blue eyes scanned the tip of the blade entering the teenager’s mouth, teeth meeting metal & Edward’s face experienced this overcoming urge to wince. He should not be one to judge, though. Had he removed his hat, Edward would reveal a head of hair that was such a mess, even the most skilled of hairdressers would cower in fear at the thought of trying to tame it. Edward had a very bad habit of scratching & pulling on his hair… to brush it was pointless because it wouldn’t take long for him to mess it again. “I do believe they get stitches,” Edward finished. No, Edward doesn’t squeal to the pigs. But he would backstab other people.
He then leaned towards the younger one, mouth stretching ear to ear in a grin. “I’d rather be an Enigma than an orange,” he said. & it was true, if he wanted to be an orange, he would’ve changed his name to Owen Range.
Man, this guy really just sounded like Fugo 2.0 to him, right down to the aggravated tone! “ There’s like a whole community on there but I also just like having this thing to do besides protecting the boss’s daughter or whatever, ” Narancia mused as he hummed idly while watching the light catch in the blade of his knife, “ Plus, some people scam other players outta all their neopoints and neocash. Not saying that I do that, but some folks do. ” He has absolutely done it himself, at least once or twice, just for the fun of it.
“ Maybe I’ll give ya a referral for it sometime, so you can try it out for yourself! ”
“ You know, there’s this guy on the hitman team whose stand is a bodysuit sorta thing and it makes him look like he has cat ears, ” he commented with an entertained snicker and ran the flat side of his stiletto across his palm, really just because he liked the smooth texture, “ And then there’s this other guy that I’ve only really heard rumours about honestly, but apparently he like acts like a dog or something?? It’s so weird, I don't understand the other teams one bit. Anyway, I think I get how you feel with this batguy, like the second hand embarrassment ya probably get from him at least. ”
“ Yeah exactly! I’ve heard so much about people in Passione getting the axe because they babbled on too much or stuck their noses where they didn’t belong! ” the teen added, thinking back to gossiping he’s overheard about members of other teams meeting their ends when they tried looking into the boss’s identity. These rumours were absolutely gruesome, but were seemingly nothing new to the desensitized teenager who has heard to hear about those sorts of things happening since he was roughly 15. His face faltered slightly as his mind continued wandering, “ I’d actually rather not end up like them myself, ya feel me? You probably do. ”
He frowned as he grumbled, “ But I like oranges! I picked out my name because of it. They’re really tasty and my favourite! ” He would never admit that the name also made him feel a bit closer to his late mother, whose own name, Mela, meant ‘apple’. He was too embarrassed to share the sentimentality of his name to even his closest companions, except maybe with Mista. He generally made exceptions for Mista.
#fatherdamned#main verse (chasing all the clouds away)#//THAT SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT TBH#//ik more recently they made a mobile version of the site doesn't look quite right#//also tbh i am legitimately obsessed with the fact that white album looks like it has cat ears#//catboy ghiaccio..................
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I’m not angry with you, I was being playful. I stabbed you with my fun knife
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Where will you go when you die?
you do not wake up anywhere. you meet death with eyes open, and death smiles at you, wordless, knowing. you take its hand, and are drawn under the sweep of a vast dark cloak. death takes you home with it. you are cradled in the embrace of a vast and incomprehensible lover. you are safe. you are loved. you are known, and you are tended to like a flower in a garden, like a beloved child, like an exquisite rarity. you doze in the curl of death's cloak and you help to soothe its melancholy, and for that you are rewarded endlessly.
TAGGED BY: @fatherdamned
TAGGING: *finger guns* steal it my dudes
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fugo but worse </3 // fatherdamned:
A part of him actually felt PITY for the teenager. Every child should enjoy OBTAINING KNOWLEDGE ! Exercising their brains ! Edward cannot BELIEVE what he was hearing ! Society has worsened since he was a child. Edward knew stupidity was a virus, but it’s spreading too rapidly ! He really needed to END THIS PANDEMIC, but a certain BAT kept preventing him from doing so. Stupid Superhero representation for Stupid People. “ You might be better at Neopets if you train your brain more often. The more you use your brain, the more it will excel. You’d be impressed by the results after solving a thought-provoking problem, & your brain would THANKING you for it. ”
Edward had no reaction to the sharp blade in his direction, he didn’t even flinch. At times, it would seem that nothing scared The Riddler – he had loaded guns pressed against his flesh & he laughed in the faces of those who threatened to pull the trigger. “ Cops never give me any trouble either. But they give many good people troubles. Therefore, I like to mess with them. Show the world how BRAINLESS & COWARDLY they really are. Instead, it’s a lunatic dressed as a bat who causes me grief. Embarrassing, embarrassing. ” Yes, if it wasn’t for that bat, Edward sincerely believed he could get away with ANYTHING. That his own city of Gotham would already be a better place.
But that damned Bat continued to allow & breed corruption.
“ There’s no point in me hiding who I am or what I do. A quick search of Edward Nigma & everyone will know about my… criminal record. I don’t really care to call it a ‘ criminal ’ record, but it’s technically the truth ! But yes… you won’t have to worry about me snitching on you… trust me, I’m no snitch. ” Not at all; Edward may want to rid the world of those he deemed corrupt… but he wouldn’t do it with the help of law enforcements. NEVER. He’d do it by his own hands.
But Edward didn’t want to hurt a child… & he didn’t know too much about Narancia’s little mafia to deem it unsavory for the world.
“ But I don’t need my brain to be trained for Neopets! I just check on my pets whenever I’m not on a mission and get in-game money from other users from them buying from my shop! ” he quipped, tensing up with an awkward snort. Now he really felt like he did when he would argue with Fugo all the times he would try to skip out on tutoring for the day because he just didn’t feel it that day.
The teenager snickered as he grinned at the man, idly chewing on the tip of his blade, an admittedly terrible habit he had whenever he started to think and had the knife out. “ Is he a furry or something? Like does he go around in a bat fursuit based around his fursona? Wouldn’t that get hot?? ” he had so many questions but the thought alone entertained him to absolutely no end.
“ A bat doing a pig’s a job... ”
He hummed to himself as he tossed his stiletto from hand to hand, essentially lazily juggling the knife. “ Good! ‘cause you know what they say about snitches! ” he chirped with an amused expression before pausing to add, “ Also you’ve got a funny name. Like, I know I have no room to talk really, given how my name just means ‘orange’ but with an n stuck in front of it but still. Your name is pretty funny, man. ”
Narancia really does need to work on thinking before he speaks, it’s absolutely going to get him killed one of these days.
#fatherdamned#main verse (chasing all the clouds away)#//an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.......#//ALSO I USED TO BE OBSESSED WITH IT TBH !!!!#//I hope they update the site soon tho bc it's in shambles and I rly want want to see someone breathe life into it so badly
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//Been a bit distracted but I think I’m gonna work on the stuff I have sitting over here now !!!!
#ooc (jer the cryptic alien)#//been dealing with some stuff along with focusing on another blog but i didn't forget about nara <3
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this has been in my drive since december
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//Activity is gonna be lower than normal here for a bit (just for the rest of the Halloween season) since I’ve gotten a job but I’m still going to try and be active when I can !!
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by Nick Tomchik
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | baking | beachcombing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | embroidery & sewing | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Tagged by: @fatherdamned
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆: @vitriolicotta and anyone else who wants to yeehaw
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huge nerd // fatherdamned:
“If you don’t get it, then you’re simply not thinking too hard about it !! You can do better than that. ” Had Narancia been older, Edward would’ve been going on about how much of an IDIOT he was. But… Edward was a bit more tolerant toward younger people – particularly children & teenagers. Even if the latter could be nightmares. The name ‘ Fugo ’ was not familiar to his ears. But Edward would not ask who he was. Because that would technically be admitting he didn’t know something – & while it was logical for Edward to not know who a random person was, it didn’t set well with his stomach.
“ Any coward can rob a bank & leave with millions. But to steal millions, inform the police, & get away with it ? That takes brains & also a testament that I EARNED the money if I could outsmart the police. ” Actually, it was mostly because it’s a compulsion he cannot shake off. How ironic, a COMPULSIVE TRUTHER for a criminal. But Edward was not going to get into his CHILDHOOD TRAUMA & MENTAL ILLNESSES with a random stranger; he certainly didn’t want to get into with himself. “ Doesn’t that make it more FUN ? More like a GAME ? To make crimes more challenging to commit, & to make the police look like fools as you do so. ”
“ I don’t wanna think too hard about stuff! ” Narancia admitted, continuing to fidget with the stiletto in his hand, “ Unless I’m dealing with a fight or Fugo’s tutoring sessions, I don’t like thinking too much. It’s just too much of a hassle really. ” This preference mostly arose more out of the fact that he now had the option to not have to think all the time, a luxury he didn’t exactly have when he was (not much) younger and living as a street urchin. “ I’d honestly rather put the brainpower to something more fun and important, like Neopets, ” he added with a wide grin, pointing the knife to Edward as he spoke, not really intending it as a threat just more so to gesture to him.
He snickered to himself as he thought a bit more on what the man said, “ While I like games a whole bunch and I love making fools of cops, the cops never really give us too much trouble and the team I’m on has never really been the robbery types, probably because Passione has a hold on the banks already. Just mafia things I suppose! ” Narancia immediately hesitated for a moment after the words carelessly fell from his lips before adding, “ I’m not sure if I should be telling you that, but it’s fine, you told me you rob banks and stuff so I know you won’t snitch to the boss or Bucciarati. If you did, I might have to kill ya! I don’t wanna do that though, you seem like a fun guy! ”
He says this all so casually and with a wide, carefree grin plastered to his face, but he knows full well that he isn’t making empty threats. He knew he should probably work on his habit of rambling, he was just glad he didn’t spill too much information about his team. Fugo would really have his head for that, if he did.
#fatherdamned#main verse (chasing all the clouds away)#//AGHDHJHDFJHDFSJ WE WILL SEE HOW LONG THAT TOLERANCE LASTS#//Also Nara playing Neopets is my favourite idea bc he v well could within canon#//He also just keeps rambling bc he likes to talk !!!
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a sibling relationship is just “i love you beyond my own life but i’ll never say it” plus “i’ll kill you over a stolen shirt don’t even fucking test me” plus “inside jokes and secret language” plus “i literally do not understand the dark recesses of your mind what the fuck are you made from” plus the occasional “oh my god please don’t eat tha - spit it OUT SPIT IT OUT”
#musings (things are never what they seem)#pannacotta fugo (never judge a book by its cover)#//I NEED TO MAKE A TAG FOR THESE TWO'S SIBLING SHENANIGANS
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I am a simple boy. I see other boy in crop top and go feral.
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