ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
Mental health Disorder also known as mental illness is the disorders that are affected by your mood, thinking, behavior or situations around you. it can be observed when a person seems to be in depression, anxiety, mood swings, eating disorders, some behavioral changes in school, work or even in relationships.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
It is the condition when there is uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells occurs at anywhere in the body. The abnormal cells are known as cancer cells or tumor cells which infiltrate the normal cells. Cancer tissues are identified by the origination of abnormal cells like lung cancer, breast cancer etc.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
Leucoderma, in literal term means white skin, which is a skin disease which is almost similar to VITILIGO in which the skin tends to lose its natural color in patches. It is caused by the de-pigmentation of the skin which is usually seen when there is complete destruction of melanocytes in the body.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
Asthma is an illness mostly found in the patients who face difficulty in taking normal breaths. It is caused when the airways becomes narrow or swelled and extra mucus is produced which makes the breathing difficult sometimes triggering, coughing or short of breaths can be observed. It is seen in children as well as in adults. A person suffering from Asthma can affect his/her daily chores or activities.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
When the bone density is decreased in the person’s body results in Osteoporosis. During this disease the person often has the higher risk of getting fractures as the bones becomes porous and weaker. The areas of the body which are mainly affected are hip line, spinal vertebrae and some of the peripheral joints such as wrist.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
When the air is affected by the presence of chemicals from the factories, dust, pollen etc. refers to as Air pollution. It involves exposures to particulates like carbon dioxide or any other pollutants that are carried by indoor air or dust.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
Lichen Planus Pigmentosus (LPP) is characterized by oval or irregularly shaped to grey-brown macules and patches of the skin. It is a rare form olanus. It is commonly seen on the areas that are more exposed to sunlight such as forehead, neck etc. However, the patches can also be observed at the areas where skin touches or rub together like in armpits or groin.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
Kidney stone is a severally painful health condition.  However, the symptoms of kidney stone can’t be recognized until the stone starts to move down the ureters.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
BUN- Blood Urea Nitrogen, this is basically used to determine the working of the kidneys. The BUN level is normally increased when the kidneys or the liver are damaged. The main cause of high level of BUN is due to high intake of protein diet, a decrease in blood volume etc.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
Non alcoholic Fatty Liver disease (NAFLD), is a commonly found disease that is actually the build-up of extra fat in liver cells which is not caused by the consumption of alcohol.  When the liver weighs more than 5% to 10% it is referred to as Fatty Liver.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
A type of chronic disease that is occurred when the pancreas is not able to make insulin or when the body is not able to make proper use of insulin which results in the increase of blood sugar. This causes sugar to accumulate in the blood. Diabetes can lead to many health problems like heart disease, blindness, kidney failure and lower extremity amputations.
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ayurveda13-blog · 5 years
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