Aylen Lavellan
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AYLEN CIRCE LAVELLAN Indie Dragon Age RP blog Semi selective Written by Mara
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
//I’ve been dead on here omg, I’m so sorry. Master’s abroad is not over yet, I should start being more active and replying actively to threads in August. Thank you so much for your patience guys ❤️
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
[ NUZZLE ]:     sender gently nuzzles their nose against the back of the receiver’s head/neck/back/shoulder while spooning.
From Yue
@dragonagedmage Warm. Cuddles with Yue were always warm, and more comforting than anything Aylen could think of at the time. Lying there together, her curled up close while he spooned her, his arms around her waist. It felt safe, it felt wonderful. She could just fall asleep there in his embrace without a care in the world...
Her eyes were closed, she was relaxed. Her ears twitched slightly though, when she felt the gentle touch of his nose against the back of her neck and the soft warmth of his breath on her skin there - she scrunched up her nose a little and smiled, letting out a little chuckle. "That tickles..." she murmured, not even sure it was loud enough for him to hear - if anything he might feel her little laugh, with how close their bodies were. She tried to look at him over her shoulder - impossible, the angle wouldn't allow it - so instead she settled for grabbing one of his hands and lifting it to her lips so she could kiss his knuckles. "I like this. A lot." She had always loved hugs, but this... With him... There was a special intimacy to it, and she absolutely loved it even if the closeness brought a bright blush to her face. Was it weird to feel so flustered but so relaxed at the same time when they cuddled like this?
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
i want to be soft and kind and happy. i want to be a small sun that warms everyone around me. i want to smile and tuck my hair behind my ear and laugh. i want to be so full of love, i can't help but spread it all around.
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
yeah, i… i have no defence nor explanation for this. i think we all deserve this kind of content tho?? so here u go, spoon pals! these can be platonic or romantic or anything at all! to be fair though, you might want to specify whether you (the sender) are taking the role of a big spoon or a little spoon. like, i’m confident i’ve worded them a certain way to make it clear, but like, i’m only one person?? who’s to say you can’t do some of these as both a little AND a big spoon?? anyway, you know the drill, DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST!
[ HUM ]:     sender begins to hum soothingly while spooning with the receiver.
[ TUG ]:     sender, sensing the receiver nearby behind them, tugs them by the hand until they’re lying behind them as the big spoon.
[ KISS ]:     sender places a gentle kiss to the back of the receiver’s head while spooning them.
[ PRESS ]:     sender nestles back against the receiver, pressing backwards so that they’re snug against one another.
[ PULL ]:     sender pulls the receiver firmly into them, until they’re pressed snugly into one another while spooning.
[ WRAP ]:     sender wraps their arms more securely around the receiver while spooning, embracing them in the process.
[ NUZZLE ]:     sender gently nuzzles their nose against the back of the receiver’s head/neck/back/shoulder while spooning.
[ BLOCK ]:     sender places their hands over the receiver’s ears so that they can’t hear loud noises nearby.
[ HAIR ]:      sender runs their fingers gently through the receiver’s hair while spooning them.
[ SHOULDER ]:      sender presses a tender kiss to the receiver’s shoulder while spooning.
[ SING ]:     sender begins to softly sing a song to get the receiver to relax while they’re spooning.
[ TURN ]:     sender turns in the receiver’s arms while they’re spooning so that they’re facing each other.
[ FOREHEAD ]:     sender presses a gentle kiss to the receiver’s forehead while facing each other during a spooning session.
[ CARESS ]:     sender gently runs their hand up and down the receiver’s arm/back while spooning together.
[ TEARS ]:     sender notices the receiver either about to or in the process of crying, and pulls them into a spooning position to console them.
[ BREAK ]:      sender begins to cry after the receiver begins to spoon with them, after having an emotionally challenging day.
[ COMFORT ]:     sender, after a really bad day, finds the receiver and lies down behind them to spoon them for comfort.
[ REASSURE ]:     sender notices the receiver having a really bad day, and offers to spoon with them for comfort.
[ NIGHTMARE ]:     sender, after a really bad nightmare, finds the receiver and and spoons with them in an effort to calm themselves down.
[ CONSOLE ]:     sender finds the receiver in the aftermath of a really bad nightmare, and pulls them into a spooning position to offer comfort and solace.
[ SCARED ]:     sender, in a badly frightened state, finds the receiver and asks to spoon with them for comfort and reassurance.
[ SUPPORT ]:     sender finds the receiver in a badly frightened state, and offers to spoon with them to provide comfort and reassurance.
[ COLD ]:     sender notices the receiver shivering from the cold, and lies down beside them to spoon for warmth.
[ SHIVER ]:     sender, shivering from the cold, finds the receiver and asks to spoon with them for warmth.
[ RELIEF ]:     sender finds the receiver after briefly believing them to have died, and pulls them into a spooning position out of sheer relief.
[ SAFE ]:     sender wraps their arms around the receiver after (the sender) was in a very nearly lethal situation, and spoons with them out of relief for their own survival.
[ CHECK ]:     sender lies next to the receiver (who is recovering from injuries or illness) and spoons them while staying awake to make sure their health doesn’t deteriorate overnight.
[ TRACE ]:     sender slowly traces the receiver’s hands/shoulder/arm/back/etc. while spooning together.
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
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the gate to winter wonderland | itseriksen
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
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I did it :D
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
//I’m sick and can’t sleep, so I thought using leftover clay from my sculpture class was a great time to spend my time until I can actually get some sleep and
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Look at it. It’s a tiny ear. As tiny Smol Elf ear! It’s as small as 1 phalange of my pinky finger!
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
“Maybe one day,” Aylen said with a soft smile. But not today, or any time soon. There were other things to focus on, like their journey ahead of them. She glanced down at Fane, all curled up like a pup at Abzi’s feet. She gave a little laugh, with no intentions to disturb the hyena from its nap. “I suppose I can trust her on that, aye.” And she too had sharp hearing even in her sleep too, as any good hunter. She would wake if anything came close. She made sure to leave her bow and quiver at arm’s reach, then slid down to the ground until she was lying on her back. She fixed her scarf sliding it up a little until it covered half of her face, to keep her warm during the night. “You sleep too, Abzi. We’ll walk again in the morning, and then you can tell me more about you and your travels.” She glanced at him, smile only visible in the way she squinted her eyes. “Good night, lethallin.”
So his children were as old as some of her younger siblings. Not children actually, not anymore. They would have their vallaslin at that age already.
She gave a soft chuckle and shook her head, hugging her knees close to her chest while with the other hand she helped herself to another piece of roasted meat. “No, I’m not bonded yet, and I haven’t been promised either. I know I’m past the age it usually happens…” Most Dalish bonded young - larger window to try for children and help the clan grow. “I guess I just didn’t find that someone among my clanmates.” Not that she hadn’t had an crushes, but they were just that: crushes, a fleeting infatuation that lasted maybe a few weeks and that was it.
“I do want children some day. My parents built a large family, and I’d like that for myself too, in the future. It simply hasn’t happened yet.”
The Dalish people were a dying breed. Many of them knew that. Raising children in the wilderness could be dangerous. They had wildlife hunting them, and on top of that humans hunted them for sports as well. At least in some areas. It was no wonder they couldn’t keep their numbers up. So, to try and combat that, most Dalish were married off and told to bear children as soon as they were on their moon blood. 
Not all clans were like that, though. His own was a stationary clan, so they had safety and protection, and they lived long lives compared to many. It meant that their clan had become comfortable with their numbers, and their breeding. Perhaps Aylen’s was the same, considering she was near her 30th year, surely. She was well developed. 
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��A pity,” he murmured, leaning his hands behind his head as he leant back into his bedroll. “You’re a capable hunter, and a pretty young lass. I’m positive you’d make a happy wife for whoever you wish to bond to.” 
Fane curled up at the bottom of his feet. While she was more nocturnal, they had been travelling all day, so it was no surprise that she would take a nap when they settled down, bellies full. 
“We should get some rest. Fane will wake us if anything goes awry. We still have a long way to travel.” 
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
Her question trailed off, which gave the Avvar pause if he should tell her, maybe she decided she didn’t want to know. The meeting of cultures could be so odd; perhaps she thought it rude? Though he didn’t see how, but then again his people did see something differently. 
“When I was younger, my Hold was targeted by the Chantry, we settled a little too low in the Frostbacks and the Chantry thought us an easy target for their Templars. There was an old bridge that they would have had to cross to each us. I held the bridge on my own long enough for reinforcements to arrive.”
He was leaving a lot of details out, but he figured she would just want the short of the long of it. Gods he had gotten lucky that day, if any of the Templars had gotten creative he very well would have died. 
It was a fine bow for sure. He quickly went to put his sword down so he could properly marvel at her weapon. A wood that was as strong as metal? Amazing. It would seem the Dalish also have some unique crafting materials. 
“It’s beautiful. A weapon made for one’s hands and theirs alone is a fine weapon indeed. The Avvar make our own weapons as well. We don’t like relying on others.” 
Quite the man, wasn’t he? He sounded skilled and determined. The Inquisition - and the world in general - needed people like that. People who would use their strength and skill to help those around them.
She gave a soft nod in thanks and a big smile - she was starting to like him. “You sound very capable: I’ll have to see for myself one of these days.”
“You have plans to stay long? Creators know we need as many hands as we can get, the way things are right now... And if you and your people are willing, I would happily accept any help you want to give. And of course compensation can be arranged too.” She knew not everybody did things for free, especially when it came to things like risking one’s life fighting demons and strange rifts in the Veil like the Inquisition was doing.
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
Oh she loved that purring sound. She felt it vibrate in his chest against her body, deep and comforting, which caused her to let out a soft laugh as she buried her face in his chest. Yes. She was staying. "But don't stop holding me..." She mumbled against his tunic. She wanted to stay in his arms. "Please," she added more softly.
Creators! She couldn’t hold back a squeak that quickly turned into laughter that sounded much like birdsong in the spring, as she clung tightly to him while he spun her around. He lifted her so easily, like she was almost weightless to him! His enthusiasm was adorable - and it matched her own, to the point that when he stepped back she went right back to him to press her face against his chest and let out a muffled laugh. More than nice. Amazing. Sweet. Right. He was warm. He smelled familiar. She just wrapped her arms around his waist and stayed close like that, finally unburying her face from his chest to look up at him with bright green eyes. “Can I…” Maybe it was too soon? But she was completely in the moment, happy, after such long days missing him… She blushed, but asked again. “May I stay tonight? I just… I’ve missed you.”
That laugh! That smile. Her embrace. Her excitement. He couldn’t recall a time they’d both seemed so happy. Close, but not to this sort of intensity and warmth. He hadn’t thought they’d be anything more than friends. Had considered just keeping his feelings secrets for fear of rejection. For fear of making their close friendship awkward.
Stewed over thoughts that she would never return his feelings.
And yet. Here they were.
“Of course.” He pressed his cheek against the top of her head, a deep rumbling purr sounding in his chest as he held her to him.
“You need not even ask. I would be…It would make me quite happy to have you stay tonight. With me. Here.” He was rambling again, but he hoped that she understood through his nervous words and his strengthening Nevarran accent.
“I’ve missed you too, Aylen.”
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
//I know I’ve been very quiet around here: I’ve been focusing on my master’s and getting used to living in a whole new city/country, making friends and stuff. I still miss home and my family terribly, but all my master’s course stuff has been so much fun and I have such a great group of classmates too :)
I’ll get some replies done hopefully this week <3
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
The curious spark in Aylen was ever evident as she asked about his son. “He is, along with his sibling sister.” Speaking of them did make him miss them. He hadn’t been an absent father, but he also hadn’t been there all the time for them, especially when they mother had died. Being this far away and for so long, though? This was new to him.
“He is in his 23rd year, his sister 20,” he informed. “And you?” he asked, looking at her curiously. Aylen was of age to bear children. The Dalish were a dying breed, so bonding was important, as was trying for children as soon as they were old enough.
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“Do you have any children? A lover back home?” 
So his children were as old as some of her younger siblings. Not children actually, not anymore. They would have their vallaslin at that age already.
She gave a soft chuckle and shook her head, hugging her knees close to her chest while with the other hand she helped herself to another piece of roasted meat. “No, I’m not bonded yet, and I haven’t been promised either. I know I’m past the age it usually happens...” Most Dalish bonded young - larger window to try for children and help the clan grow. “I guess I just didn’t find that someone among my clanmates.” Not that she hadn’t had an crushes, but they were just that: crushes, a fleeting infatuation that lasted maybe a few weeks and that was it.
“I do want children some day. My parents built a large family, and I’d like that for myself too, in the future. It simply hasn’t happened yet.”
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
Damn it, I just wanna sleep curled up in someone’s arms.
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
Raserei’s men offered her a polite bow and broke off to tend to what was needed of them. Their shamen preparing a circle rite to summon and commune with any spirits that might be nearby. They would wait, of course, still to preform the rite, not wanting uneasy eyes upon them.
“Don’t worry,” Raserei started, a powerful hand rubbing the back of his neck, “about being an elf with them. One of the heroes to all Avvar had a lover who was a spirit that took the form of an elf.” 
Pale eyes looked down at Aylen, “She was also a mage, so you know everything the Chantry would hate. Don’t worry about weapons, You will find some most of us are…particular about our weapons. Some of us are have earned a god’s blessing and a weapon came out of it. Also we hold our weapons close.”
The Vashoth held up his hand gesturing her to wait and he sprinted off to one of the larger fur tents. He returned moments later with a grand greatsword that looked for cut from ice far up in the mountains. When closer it even gave off a cool winter chill. This weapon clearly was magical. 
“Weapons like this aren’t given lightly, or sometimes summoned without reason. You Lowlanders give medals, our gods with us these.”
Well, they did seem very respectful of her - a little too much even, with all the bowing. She was no one to be bowed to in such manner, just... someone who happened to be at the right place at the right time - or wrong one, depending on who you asked - and technically happened to become the leader of a whole organization mostly by accident, and a little bit of luck.
Oh? She looked to the weapon Raserei offered for her to see: an enchanted greatsword it looked, it’s icy material almost a light blue in the light - she could feel the cold from it just from standing close. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, but she didn’t reach to take the greatsword from him: it was *his,* and also she was too small to lift a greatsword anyway.
“That’s fascinating. How did you...?” Was that something that she was allowed to ask? How had he been ‘blessed’ with it?
She looked up to him and reached for her bow at her back - she didn’t go anywhere without it -, and offered it to him. “We Dalish craft our own weapons, and sometimes the Keepers will infuse them with magic. Not this one, but this bow is made of ironbark, rare and strong as silverite, to fit my hand alone... Carved by the craftsmaster of my clan.” Her father. He had made it for her. She had even named it. Her own weapon wasn’t magical like Raserei’s, but it was made for her... And as long as she wielded it, she never missed a target.
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
Creators! She couldn't hold back a squeak that quickly turned into laughter that sounded much like birdsong in the spring, as she clung tightly to him while he spun her around. He lifted her so easily, like she was almost weightless to him! His enthusiasm was adorable - and it matched her own, to the point that when he stepped back she went right back to him to press her face against his chest and let out a muffled laugh. More than nice. Amazing. Sweet. Right. He was warm. He smelled familiar. She just wrapped her arms around his waist and stayed close like that, finally unburying her face from his chest to look up at him with bright green eyes. "Can I..." Maybe it was too soon? But she was completely in the moment, happy, after such long days missing him... She blushed, but asked again. "May I stay tonight? I just... I've missed you."
Oh, that felt warm. The kiss - a proper kiss now -, his arm around her holding her close. The look on his face when they pulled from the kiss left her feeling a little silly and flustered, her cheeks flushing a dark red and unable to hide a smile of her own. “That was…” Was she supposed to say what it felt like? She couldn’t’ stop blushing and now she wasn’t even sure she could find words to describe it. Her smile grew though, green eyes gleaming with it as they met Yue’s blue again. She still had her hands grabbing his tunic, like she didn’t want to move away a single inch.
Once he’d pulled back a bit to get a better look at her he really just couldn’t help himself. His expression lit up into the fullest grin the other elf would probably ever see from him. He well and truly can’t help himself as he picked her up and spun her around with a laugh. Its the most light and happy he’s felt in a while.
Its a moment later when he sets her back down quickly, steps back give her some space. Rather give himself some space, quickly composing himself with a clearing of his throat. Trying to maintain some look of composure and grace.
“Ah…yes. That was very…” Exhillarating. Delightful. Exciting. Thrilling.
“Nice.” Smooth, Yue. Very smooth.
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
Kaaras laughed in his sandwich, imagining poor Aylen being chased by an angry bird, and Maker knew they could be angry! Hens were no different, especially when they were brooding. Thankfully, their eggs weren’t fertilised. Nothing worse than a little surprise in his eggs, Kaaras thought. Then again, hunting for Aylen was different than the farm foods Kaaras had grown up on. Life would be tough in the wilderness. 
“I’ll teach you all I know,” he promised. “My parents were terrible at the start, too. But look at how the farm is now. My mother’s put her heart and soul into keeping it running.” If his mother could do it, someone from the Qun who hadn’t the slightest in farmwork, then he was sure Aylen could pick it up with ease. 
“Mostly once they’re settles, they get into their own routine. It’s all the upkeep that keeps you busy.” 
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Kaaras swallowed his food before he spoke again, washing it down with some of the water they had. “Southron Hills was always difficult to grow, but here? I think we’ll have good soil, enough for fruit and veggies, herbs as well.” He looked out at the open field, the ground much more level here. 
“I think we’ll do marvellously.” 
“And the forest is not far, I’ll be able to hunt for the rest we need,” she commented after a bite of food. They were really going to make a life here. It sounded like a dream right now, but... They were making it true. Building it with their own hands, all their hard work would pay off soon. “I think so too,” she agreed with a big smile, eyes glowing with joy and enthusiasm. “We’ll make it our home.”
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aylenlavellan · 3 years ago
I arrived to Spain safely! I’ve been getting settled in the flat, getting to know my flatmates and the city slowly :) It’s strange being on my own in a complpetely new city but I’ll get used to it eventually. <3
OOC - Today
Today I’m moving to Spain to study for a year! My flight is this evening, I’m nervous and excited at the same time and just hoping everything goes well. My activity will be a little spotty at first (it already is with trip preps, I know), but hopefully once I get all settled you’ll see more of me again :)
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