These are just your average fanfics you find in the corners of tumblr. Fanfictions mostly for Wizardess Heart, if I have the guts to write anything else.
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So this is my secondary account and I’ve decided to merge everything over to my main @averagefanfics. plz go follow my main account. or dont. up to you
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Wizardess Heart Modern Au
So this was greatly inspired by Rayheart on tumblr, with her modern AU. I couldn’t help myself. I just had to write it. This is still Gedonelune but given a modern world instead. I am basing this off of both my high school in Australia and what my friend's high school is like for her in America. Also, Wienfix is mentioned in Sigurd's route (but I found it on tumblr). I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AMERICAN FOOTBALL, SORRRRYYYYY….
“So Liz, you going to attend the football match tonight?” Liz turned to her left to face her best friend, Amelia. They were walking together on the way to their next class, which was an elective, and the only class they have together.
“Of course! I love to cheer on the football team, especially Klaus, Serge, Vincent, Guy, and Glenn!” Liz enjoys cheering on her friends every week, either it is a home game or an away game.
“You should consider the cheerleading squad, Liz,” Amelia suggested, combing her fingers through her orange hair, trying to catch knots that didn’t leave that morning with her hairbrush.
“I don’t know… plus I have to wear those suggestive outfits, and guys already hit on me left to right.” Liz explained her reason to not join. SHe would love to cheer for her guys and be a part of a team, but with boys around the school constantly flirting with her, she doesn’t want the extra attention.
“I understand your reasoning, but in most stories, the cheerleading squad girls are the most popular girls on campus! Think of that, popular!” Amelia’s grin was spread across her face, popularity looking good to her.
“I don’t need to be popular when I have friends that care about me.”
They stopped in their tracks as Amelia gives her a big hug. “This is why we all love you, Liz.”
“All I need is my friend’s love.” Liz hugged her back before the pair started walking again to their class.
Liz had spent years of her life alone, after her and her parents were involved in a freak car accident. When Liz was only 13, they were on a trip to the neighboring continent, Wienfix, when unfortunately, a drunk man speeding in the opposite direction collided with their car. The car was severely damaged in the front, killing both of Liz’s parents. She survived in the back seat and had to live with her aunt and cousin for 4 years till she was 17. She now lives in an apartment by herself, earning her wages by working at the local cat cafe.
The first period passed as normal, as did the next 3 periods until lunch. She had cooking during the 4th period, meaning payday. This was another way to earn money. She would cook and end up selling the food at lunchtime, she didn’t ask for this, but she needs any extra money to continue living alone.
“So today I made some Yo-Yos. They are an Australian biscuit, which is also called Melting Moments. They have a cream filling and are extremely sugary, with lots of butter as well. Unhealthy but delicious.” Liz explained the contents of the biscuit.
“They look delicious, Liz.” Elias was the first person to comment on her food. Having a sweet tooth, and instantly bought some before they were gone, Klaus not too far behind.
“Just what I need before practice. Be better if I had tea with me.” Klaus bought some before more guys started to show.
“You should try some coffee, Klaus. I bet these are amazing with coffee.” Sigurd butted in. Klaus instantly scrunched his face, disgusted by even the mention of coffee.
“Keep that coffee far away from me, also Serge gave me his money to buy some for him since he is already down at the pitch. He said he needed a lot of whatever you baked.” He gave extra money to Liz to buy some for Serge.
“Tell Serge I said hi, and you're welcome for baking these.” Liz smiled, knowing how happy Serge would be for these sweets.
“Will do.” And with that, Klaus was off.
“Can’t believe he won’t try coffee… Maybe I should swap his tea for coffee sometime.” Sigurd walked off after purchasing a couple of Yo-Yos. You could tell by the concentrated look on his face, he was figuring out a way to make Klaus drink coffee.
Lunch rolled past quickly, with all her sweets being sold before halfway through lunch. Yukiya had popped in to buy 1, while other’s like Luca and Joel, bought a handful, not letting the ‘beautiful’ food go to waste.
For the rest of lunch, she sat down on the grass field, overlooking the football and the football team practicing, with Amelia. They gossiped, well, Amelia gossiped, about what was going on through school. A secret relationship was revealed when they told their friends they were dating, and one girl accidentally told another girl. That other girl had a habit of not keeping things secret, and by the end of the day, Amelia was sure the whole year level would know this. And by the end of the week, the whole school would know. That was the way it worked here at Gedonelune High School. Something couldn’t remain a secret for long.
The day quickly ended, with Liz walking side by side with Amelia, on the way to the cat cafe to attend work. The bonus of working there, you get to hang around cats. When Amelia and Liz arrived, they changed into their uniform, a simple white shirt and black skirt with an apron. It had only been 5 mins until Elias walked through the door with a book in hand, and sat in his regular corner seat.
Liz walked up to him, with a notepad to take down orders in hand, and tapped his shoulder to get him out of his book. “So what would you like today, Elias? The normal chocolate and caramel slice with hot chocolate, or would you maybe want to try our new triple chocolate cake?”
“I would like the normal hot chocolate, 3 teaspoons of sugar and 2 marshmallows, and I would like to try the new chocolate cake please.” Elias smiled as a tabby cat came over and sat on his lap. “Hello, Mr. Fluffy, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He talked to the cat, which was named Mr. Fluffy because of his large fluffy fur.
Liz walked back up to the counter and told Liz his order. “I swear, he orders diabetes every day.” Amelia laughed.
“Klaus isn’t any better. They both live off sugar, which apparently they and their older brother got from their father.” Liz laughed along as they both prepared his order. Liz working on the hot chocolate and Amelia cut a slice of cake for him. When both were finished, Liz walked back over to him with a plate in hand, and he instantly started eating.
After eating, Elias complimented her on the food. “Thank you, Liz, I deeply enjoyed the cake and hot chocolate.” He gave his fan-killing smile to Liz, which could melt anyone’s heart. “The cat’s are just an added bonus, as I mostly come here to see you- I mean eat your food! You did say you cook some of the food here, right!” He was blushing from head to toe, causing Liz to blush as well.
Liz gave a slight thank you, as she walked away to the counter, Amelia watching the exchange from her position with the widest grin on her face. “You two are soooo adorable together!” She squealed at Liz, getting excited. “I hope you two date someday!” This caused Liz to blush even more.
The next couple of hours continued, with Elias leaving not too long after the embarrassing conversation. He normally stays for longer, but the girls guess he couldn’t handle the embarrassment, but either could Liz. However, the shift continued with nothing of the sort happening again, just serving customers.
Amelia and Liz made plans that Amelia would drop Liz off at her place, as usual, but pick her up later to attend the football match. This prevented Liz from happening to walk to the school grounds at dark, even if the school is in walking distance.
An hour later, they were both at the school football field, cheering on their fellow friends. Sitting with them on the bleachers was Elias, Yukiya, Azusa, Joel, and Leon. Not too far was Cerim, Leslie, Sigurd and Mel, and Luca sitting amongst the girls, obviously with his new girlfriend, which would not last too long. God knows how many girlfriends he has had, although Amelia might actually know since she stays a top of gossip.
The game was off to a good start, with Guy being the fastest runner, scoring a goal. This continued on, with their team winning. With a combination of Glenn’s strength, Guy’s speed, their teammates, which includes Serge and Vincent, and Klaus’ leadership as captain, they were sure to win.
It was halftime break, and Amelia used this to talk to the guys sitting with her and Liz. “So Yukiya, take anymore stray cat’s home again?”
Yukiya moved his head so he was facing Amelia. “I found a stray cat on the way back home after school, but after mum’s last warning about bringing home another animal, I could only give him some leftover lunch and make a little shelter out of nearby boxes and containers.”
“Awww, that’s so sweet…” Amelia cooed.
“I could maybe take that cat home, could you show me where it is if it is still there?” Leon asked Yukiya, who was sitting next to him.
“Sure. Let’s just hope the cat is still there.”
“I love cats,” Elias joined the conversation. “but unfortunately, Klaus is allergic to cat hair so I’m not allowed to bring any home.”
“That’s a shame,” Yukiya responded.
The game then continued, with their school still in the lead. The other team was gaining up, causing a tie. Both teams were desperate to win this match, which would lead them to the finals. They had little time left and wanted to try every strategy to win. They decided on Guy going in for the final goal, and fortunately, he did it. He managed to score a goal before the end of the game, meaning that they won!
Everyone from Gedonelune High School ran down to the pitch to congratulate them on the win. Liz headed down as well, but not running like everyone else. She headed to where Klaus and Serge were crowded.
“Hello Klaus, Serge. Great job on winning tonight!” She smiled up at them as she felt happy for their win.
“Well, I couldn’t have done it without those delicious treats at lunch!” Serge hugged her, his way of saying thank you.
“Serge, I wouldn’t mind a hug normally, but you’re sweaty.” Liz pointed out. He immediately let go, now aware of how terrible he must smell.
“Those treats were delicious, Liz, and I do believe they helped us today.” Klaus butted in, obviously not happy that Serge was close to Liz.
The crowd eventually faded, and Liz was dropped off at her apartment by Amelia. She quickly changed into her pajamas, taking out her twin pig-tails held together by pink ribbon. She flopped onto her bed quite dramatically, as she felt exhausted from today’s events. She had a quick scroll through social media before falling fast asleep, dreaming about the events of the day. Selling food, the football match, and don’t forget about Elias’ blushing. That was the most awkward of today's events. She dreamed of something happening between the two, a romance.
She was happy in her dreamland until she woke up.
Word count: 1885
Yeah, so that is it. Will Liz end up with someone, since 15 guys like her? That scene with Elias though, our adorable tsundere is all grown up! If I continue this, it might have one feature guy per chapter, I don’t know. Again, thanks to Rayheart for her amazing modern AU that prompted me to write this!
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Yo I need more Wizardess Heart blogs to follow
so like if you post WH like or reblog this and I’ll check ur blog out and probs follow! uwu
extra points if you post lots of Yukiya and Elias
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Ultimate Poll Fanfiction
So on the Wizardess Heart Amino, I made separate polls for each series and put all the winners into one massive poll. The winner was Randy, so I made this story for him.
This does involve my many OC’s! And this is a Randy x OC! I am sorry if my main OC, Shaylee, makes no sense. She will in the real story I am writing.
THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. Well, Randy’s secret is in this, which most people know by now. BUT SPOILERS FOR RANDY.
“Hey, Miranda! Come here for a second would ya?” Shaylee called out to her friend. She waved her hand around, catching Miranda’s attention. She stopped in her tracks, on her way back to the dorms, to see what Shaylee wanted. Shaylee, well, she is a unique individual. Not from this world or time. ‘Modern’ is what she called her world, compared to this place. She walked into the courtyard, where Shaylee and all her other friends were gathered. They were also Miranda’s friends as well, so she didn’t have any issues.
From left to right sat Chloe, Vanellope, Shaylee, Cossete, and Charlie. Miranda felt a little excluded, but she couldn’t help it, she was older than the others, 5 years older. She also spent most of her time with Serge, though he uses the moniker Randy March. Anyway, when she got there, she stood still in front of the girls.
“Only if I can borrow a hair tie.” She eyed them. She wanted something in return, no matter how small. Obviously, she didn’t expect Shaylee to have one on her, she had short hair and hated tying her hair up, she hated it with a passion. She saw movement out of the corner of her eyes and saw Vanellope take a hair tie from her wrist.
“Why do you need a hair tie?” Chloe questioned.
“Serge needed to use a hair tie for his experiment so I lent him mine, I didn’t know he wasn’t going to return it,” Miranda answered the youngest girl of the bunch while tying her massive bunch of black hair into a high ponytail. “Now, what do you need.”
Shaylee pulled out her phone, a ‘modern’ device. It first didn’t work, Shaylee yelling about needing a signal. Later, she managed to use this world’s unique magical powers to create the signal she needed. “Well, I have this app named Amino, which allows me to communicate with the people who love the same stuff as me! One of my favorite Amino’s is the Wizardess Heart Amino. I have already explained to you all that you are all OC’s I created for the game Wizardess Heart and you are all dating characters from the game. Anyways… I decided to make polls! Polls for each group of men!”
The other girls seemed just as confused as Miranda, where was she going with this? “So pretty much, there was one winner per poll. The first poll considered of Elias, Yukiya and Luca, and the winner was Elias. Then we had Klaus, Serge, but I typed down Randy because of spoilers, and Azusa. I thought Klaus was gonna win but Serge did. Then I did Joel, Vincent and Leon and Joel won. Then Cerim, Guy, and Glenn, which Guy won. Then last but not least! Leslie, Sigurd and Mel! Sigurd won that round as well.”
“Wow, calm down, where the hell is this going?” Miranda asked, looking dumbfounded.
“Shh… just listen.” Shaylee took a breath then continued. “I created an Ultimate Poll for each winner, and guess who the winner was! Your boyfriend! Serge!”
“You know I don’t care right?”
“Whaaaatttt? But I thought you would care. He is your boyfriend after all.”
Miranda wasn’t happy. How dare those people on the other side like her boyfriend! She was boiling with jealousy. She walked off from the group, but not towards her dorms like her original plan. She was going to find her boyfriend.
After walking for about five minutes, she had cooled down only a bit, her jealousy still raging in her body. She heard screaming from a couple of meters away, and immediately tried to duck for cover as a fireball we being hurled in her direction. There was no cover, as she looked around and found herself in the botanical gardens. She had to dispel the fire.
She whipped out her wand from her pocket and shouted “Aqua!”. The fire was dispelled and replaced with a falling Taffy. She caught the teddy bear in her arms as he cried. “What’s the matter Taffy, why are you crying and why were you on fire?” She asked the little fuzzball. He only continued to cry even harder and snuggled into her chest.
“Taffy! Taffy where did you go?!” She heard screaming from a distance, and from the bushes was a pink haired idiot. She gave out a long sigh, relieved that she didn’t have to journey the entire campus with a crying Taffy just to find him. “Miranda!” His face lit up as he noticed her standing there.
As he runs closer to her, he pulls her into a tight hug. “I missed youuuu, Mirandaaaa.” He holds the last notes.
“Haha, I missed you too Serge.” She quietly laughed. He let go of his tight hug and Taffy jumped into his arms.
“Masterrrrrrr…” Taffy continued to cry.
“What happened to him?” She asked Serge. She decided to continue walking down the botanical gardens, and Serge walked beside her as he explained.
“Experiment went wrong, as per usual.” She gave a small giggle, covering her mouth. Serge stopped walking and pulled her hand to make her stop. “Why do you always cover your mouth when you laugh or smile?” He questioned her.
“You know why, Serge. I hate my laugh, and I hate my smile.” She explained, her expression saddening.
“But I love your laugh and your smile, I love everything about you.”
“Why would you love me when there are so many others out there that love you…” She was on the brink of tears.
“What are you talking about?” He grasped onto her shoulders, bending down a tiny bit to look her right in the eyes. By this time, Taffy had left to leave the couple alone.
“You know we are apart of a game, right?” He nodded his head. “Well apparently, on one of Shaylee’s apps named Amino, you are their favorite character. I don’t like it how there are so many people who love just as much as I do. I just don’t want to lose you.”
There was a slight pause before Serge started laughing. “Why are you laughing?!” She screamed as he continued to laugh.
“Is that what you are so worried? That people out there in the ‘modern’ world steal me away?” She nodded her head slowly, tears escaping her eyes. “There is no reason to be jealous, Miranda, because I love you, and only you.”
He leaned in and kissed her softly. She closed her eyes and let him continue kissing her. She started to kiss back, and they would have gotten further if a voice wasn't yelling out to them. “Miranda! Serge!”
Shaylee and the other girls from earlier were walking their way, well, they were all walking except Shaylee was running toward them. “Mirandaaaaaaa!!!” She continued to run and rammed straight into Miranda, engulfing her in one big hug. “Are you okay? You didn't look happy. Was it my fault? It was definitely my fault!” She talked extremely fast.
“It's fine, Shaylee. How about we head back to the dorm for dinner?” Miranda suggested. Shaylee shook her head rapidly, before letting go of Miranda. Serge stood there awkwardly. “I’ll see you tomorrow Serge.” She smiled up at him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow too, but now I must go and find Taffy. Goodbye!” He waved before running off from the gardens, on a search for Taffy. Shaylee linked her arms with Miranda as she watched his disappearing figure. She realized that she didn’t need to worry about other fangirls, because he was all hers.
Because he loves her.
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I hit 700 followers a few weeks ago and I’ve been trying to figure out what to do to say thank you because I still can’t believe you all follow me. So, I decided to do a birthday page because who doesn’t like getting presents on their birthday?
must be following this goblin (me)
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send me an ask (off anon) with your birthday (just month and day) and your name or nickname. This way I can keep an organized list.
a spot on my birthday page
a present from me on your birthday every year (fic, edits, moodboards, posters, whatever you want) and a very enthusiastic happy birthday message.
I don’t know, I thought this was a super cute idea and I love the idea of being able to give you all things on your bdays. If no one is interested then I’ll just delete this and we’ll pretend it never happened.♡
#700 followers#celebration#can i say how much I love this person#her stories are amazing#her writing are fanfic goals#amazinggggg
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Haha... this introvert has no idea how to start a blog... yep... just gonna, leave this here and hope someone finds it.
Liz/Amelia from Wizardess Hearts
Amelia confesses to Liz. Amelia’s POV.
“Come on Amelia! You can do this! Just go up to her and say it!” I stood in front of the mirror, prepping myself for the hardest moment of my life, confessing to my friend that I like them. Don’t say it is easy to go up and say to someone that you like them, because it is not, especially when you love a girl! Most people believe loving the same gender is evil, wrong, and just plain hideous! “But I am different,” I talk to myself in the mirror. “I am bi-sexual and I love my best friend!”
I exit our cozy dorm room, and make my way to the dinning room in the dormitory. As I walk down the stairs, I spot the girl I am hopelessly in love with, Liz Hart. She is the most beautiful but simplest girl in the entire dormitory. Her chestnut brown hair were placed in their normal two pigtails, with two pink ribbons holding them in place. While she chatted away with her other friends, her bright pink eyes sparkled in the remaining light shining through the window, just before sun down. She had the kindest soul, helping those in need, and caring for those that are hurt.
I loved everything about her.
When I first met her, it was when she was a provisional student, and became my room mate. We instantly became friends, and not too long before best friends. I was so excited when she became a proper student of Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, because we could stay together.
I pulled myself back to reality, and to the situation at hand. The plan was to ask Liz if we could talk somewhere private, and confess my feeling to her there. Simple plan, not! But I couldn’t back down now! I walked over to the table where Liz sat confidently, and ask quietly if we could talk somewhere private. She answered with “Sure.” and then we started walking away from the other girls.
I decided the best place was outside, since most would be inside eating. After exiting the building, we walked around for a little bit, chatting about the weather and how classes have been, since we are apart of different classes.
“Was there a proper reason why you asked to talk alone?” I was glad that she picked up on the real purpose. I stop walking and take a deep breath. Now or never.
“Look Liz... I... I like you,” I take a slight pause. “I liked you not too long after you first came here. I thought you were the most beautiful person in the world, the most loving and caring person I could ever meet. I realized that I had proper feelings for you. It’s okay if you reject me, since we are of the same gender.” I take short breath, trying to calm down my beating heart, but to no avail. I look at Liz straight in the eyes, and saw her crying. Oh no, I made Liz cry? Is it really that horrible to love someone of same gender.
I shut my eyes tightly, as I was about to burst out crying too, but before I could, I felt a soft presence on my lips. I opened my eyes in shock, to see Liz, right in front of my face, kissing me?! Was this a dream? No, it was too real for a dream!
We slowly broke apart as Liz spoke to me. “I love you too, Amelia.” Those words made my heart feel so light, knowing a heavy weight was lifted of my shoulders. She loves me? Is this mutual love?
“But- but you were crying!” I suddenly burst out, tears streaming my face, happy tears of course.
“I was crying because I was happy!” Liz smiled at me, the smile that makes any heart melt. I engulfed her into a big hug, before walking back to the dorms, hand in hand.
Before going to sleep, I whispered back to her, “I love you too.”
Awwww wasn’t that sweet! I totally ship it! Probably terrible writing though, meh. Well, kudos to whoever found this and actually read this. Who knows, if you came this far, request something for me to write? Starting a blog is hard!
#Amelia#Liz#Amelia/Liz#Wizardess Heart#Wizardess Heart fanfiction#fanfiction#totally an introvert#even took the MBTI test#meh#first post#probs sucked
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