Feminist kite flying fangirl, stargazing animation enthusiast...holding my arms out for hydrogen
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Avatar Merchandise Giveaway on Twitter
I will be hosting a short personal giveaway on Twitter today (March 5, 2022). It goes live at 2:21pm (CST) and ends at 2:21am (CST). Yes, I chose that time to celebrate Avatar’s anniversary date of 2/21 :)
I am using my tumblr page to post the complete rules for my contest on Twitter, so this update may not really be interesting to you unless you want to participate :)
You can find me at https://twitter.com/gaangster
Much love to you all and now, the important rules...
Avatar Merchandise Giveaway is open to participants on March 5, 2022 from 2:21pm CST until March 6, 2022 at 2:21am CST.
· The Avatar Merchandise Giveaway is open to participants 13 years of age or older. (Twitter age for account ownership). Rules and instructions to participate must be followed to be eligible.
· This giveaway is not sponsored by any of the brands/manufacturers of the items awarded. Nor is it sponsored by the platforms where the giveaway is hosted. The items awarded are from the private collection of Avatar_Mom. The host/author of the giveaway is located in USA in the state of Illinois.
· By entering the Avatar Merchandise Giveaway, you agree to abide by the rules in all respects. I, Avatar_Mom, reserve the right to refuse, withdraw, or disqualify any entry at any time. By entering this giveaway, you agree that you meet the requirements, you agree to follow the rules, and you agree to accept the decisions/outcomes. You also agree not to hold the sponsor responsible for situations outside of their control.
How to Enter: Eligible participants can enter the Avatar Merchandise Giveaway by responding to the tweet entitled: “Avatar Merchandise Giveaway” on March 5th, 2022 between the hours of 2:21pm CST until March 6th 2:21am CST. This post will be POSTED ON March 5th, 2022 at 2:21pm CST.
· For organizational purposes, participants must respond 1 time to the tweet and mention the host/sponsor by using their screen name and write a short comment. The host/sponsor is Avatar_Mom @gaangster on Twitter.
Here is an example: “@gaangster, I am responding to participate in the giveaway!”
Your response does not need to be identical in phrasing; however it should include “@gaangster” with a short comment that is appropriate for general audience viewing and respectable of audiences.
Additional Rules/Details:
· Do not create or use additional Twitter accounts to respond/enter the giveaway. Doing so goes against Twitter’s rules for hosting promotions on their platform. See more here: https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/twitter-contest-rules
· Participants do not chose or have control of the items they will be awarded. I will put together a collection of Avatar the Last Airbender or Legend of Korra merchandise. The collection will include 3 items of various age, shapes, colors, sizes, and materials. Winners accept that the items awarded to them are not mint condition and their conditions may not be considered collectible.
· Winners also accept that items awarded may not be suitable for children and should follow common sense safety when interacting with items.
· Winners accept that I have not set a value to any of the items awarded as this is a giveaway of preowned items from a personal collection. There are no substitutions or other equivalents offered.
· After winners are selected, winners must provide a reliable accessible email so that I may gather an address for shipment of the prize. Failing to do so may forfeit prize.
· Host (Avatar_Mom) is not responsible for mishaps in technology or other breakdown in communication. Please be sure to provide a reliable way to contact you and an address where you can receive a boxed package.
· There is no purchase necessary to participate or win the Avatar Merchandise Giveaway
· Winners are chosen at random using https://www.random.org
· Sponsor has no affiliation with Twitter, Viacom, Random.org, or any of the producers of the items in the giveaway
Selection and Notification of Winners: The Winner will be selected by a random drawing. I will notify the winner(s) by tweet and verifying by email within 1 week of winner announcement. Again, I am not responsible for nor shall I be liable for a winner’s failure to receive notices due to email security settings that may cause notifications to be marked as spam or junk email. Nor shall I be liable for the winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If a winner does not email to confirm and provide contact information within 1 week from the time the award is announced, you will no longer qualify. Terms & Conditions: At my sole discretion, I reserve the right to modify, suspend, cancel, or terminate the Avatar Merchandise Giveaway should non-authorized human intervention, a bug or virus, fraud, or other causes beyond my control, impact or corrupt the security, fairness, proper conduct, or administration of the Avatar Merchandise Giveaway.
Privacy Policy: Due to privacy, I will not be providing the names of winners to the public or by request. I will only announce the winners by their Twitter names on Twitter. I will not share any more information than that.
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An ATLA Fan For Over 15 Years
I am a fan of many things, but nothing has inspired me the way Avatar the Last Airbender has. Maybe it was because my entire family loves the story. Maybe, as a woman, I saw strength and respect for characters I had never seen before. I can definitely say this; I am completely unashamed to say that I dearly love and continue to support the story that Mike DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko created with an amazing team of storytellers and artists. I discovered the show in my early 30s and now I am approaching my late 40s. The story continues to help me love and hope and act.
I found an old photo of me from the beginning of my fan experience to compare to me now. If “growing up” means moving away from things that bring you joy, count me out. I would rather collect things that I love instead of lamps that match the sofa ;)

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katara is a supportive little sister and sokka tries to paint the people he loves so that he never forgets what they look like again
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Avatar Fan Tips 1#
This is a fun post about how to covertly find fellow fans out in the real world... the world outside of the internet...
Over the years, I have observed that Avatar fans have become conditioned to respond to certain cues and situations. So, if you are in public, and you are looking for other fans, instead of yelling, “are there any Avatar The Last Airbender fans around?!”, try these examples and you may find a friend in the crowds... in a slightly less conspicuous way ;)
In the super market, hang around/pick up a few cabbages and wait for someone to exclaim, “MY CABBAGES!” This works with papaya too ;) I can report this has happened to me a handful of times.
In any crowd/environment, say the word, “secret” in a sentence and wait for a fellow fan to exclaim, “SECRET TUNNEL!” Heck, say the word “tunnel” and the same thing will happen. True story, I once said “we are approaching the subway tunnel” to my teen, and a stranger on the train said, “Secret TUNNEL!” Good times...good times...
In a Zoom meeting, try to sneak the words “everything changed” into a sentence. If there is a fan in your meeting, you will see them silently mouth “when the fire nation attacked”. Or even better, they will private message you with those very same words.
Final tip for this post (but truly not the last), the word “honor” is a powerful lure for any Avatar fan. Use it wisely, because it seems to find Avatar fans as quickly as a can opener gets the attention of kittens.
For me personally, I always try to be a good fellow fan and answer these cues in the wild... especially in Zoom meetings ;)
Share your own covert tips with me :D
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Nostalgia Bending Time warp to SDCC 2007!
Kevin Coppa of Puppetbenders shared footage/interviews from his first trip to SDCC in 2007. The event happened before fans knew the release date of season 3.
It’s amazing to look back and visit with fans that traveled to SDCC for the first time. Many fans attended the convention only to experience more of the series and meet the creators and cast. If I recall, the Avatar the Last Airbender panel was hosted in a room that probably only held 1000 fans (though, thinking back, I really feel like it only held 800 or so).
Its also amazing to remember that this was the first SDCC that had sold out and it was still walkable! It was not rib crushing and packed like it has been for the last 5 years! The lines you see in this 2007 video are nothing like the overnight lines that are common now.
One of the interviews is with voice actor Greg Baldwin who voiced Iroh for season 3 and the special shorts. I love how Greg talks about his love of theater and musicals.
“Other kids my age were listening to KISS, I was listening to Pacific Overtures...” Greg Baldwin
Enjoy the newest video!
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Avatar_Mom joins Nostalgia Bending for a fun Avatar merchandise video by our friend, Kevin Coppa!
Kevin Coppa invited me to reminiscence with him during his latest Avatar Merchandise video. I have a super extensive collection (not complete, by any means!), so I was happy to swap stories and geek out about old and new merchandise from the series.
Oh gosh, if you all know me, I am super self conscious about appearing on video or even as the Moderator for the awesome Avatar Legacy Fan Panel. But, this fandom fills me with determination, so I summoned all my resilience for our fan friends.
It’s really exciting to know that they are now offering the female characters in their merchandise lines (thank you Diamond Select!) as well as many more characters from the show. Like IROH TEA SETS!!!! (thank you Boxlunch!)
Pssst... Diamond Select... if you are reading this... i would throw my money at you if you created a Freedom Fighters or a Kyoshi Warrior collection. I want a Smellerbee action figure more than you could imagine!
Check out Kevin Coppa’s newest video and please forgive my awkwardness. I am just made of pure awkward <3
#avatar the last airbender#the legend of korra#puppetbenders#the avatar legacy fan panel avatar_mom nostalgia bending
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Puppetbender Bloopers! XD
Awww yeah!
Kevin Coppa uploaded bloopers from the making of the Korra Puppetbenders! Omg, late night filming can cause some pretty silly goofs ^_^,
https://youtu.be/Hji0JmeN_jE #AvatarTheLastAirbender #TheLegendOfKorra #puppetbenders
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New Puppetbenders videos from creator, Kevin Coppa!
Many of you know that I'm in love (obsessed) with Avatar the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. My AMAZING friend Kevin Coppa has been creating puppet videos of the characters for years and now has a new series to share. The series will answer questions he has received about the Puppetbenders, fandom nostalgia, and more. I’m really excited he decided to do this. There are so many new fans that will love learning about the early days of the series in a more intimate way then a bullet list put out by random websites for clicks.
Yay Kevin!!! https://youtu.be/n5tvDqH3DD0
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The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel Comic-Con @ Home Update 6/14/2020
Hello Friends! First, thank you to everyone sharing and posting my initial posting about the online panel. I am truly grateful <3
I have good news and not so good news. I can now announce that we were accepted to participate in the Comic-Con @ Home event for SDCC. I am truly grateful that SDCC continues to support our fan community. They always give us the best feedback and praise! The not so good news... I have not received any communications of interest from a potential fan artist, and only one invited panelist can attend our panel. Due to the extremely tight timeline I have a few options:
I can drastically change the organization of the panel to try to produce something for the fans for SDCC ... or
I can contact Comic - Con and withdraw the panel and cancel the event. This gives another panel the opportunity to join SDCC. It was my understanding that panel selection would be very difficult and somewhat competitive.
If I cancel the panel, we may still be able to host an online cospaly contest. But honestly, no one has contacted me about the cospaly contest either. So I may put out a poll to see if fans would want me to continue the cosplay contest.
**If we continued the cosplay contest, it would be judged by fans only. (I would change the rules to reflect the new judging)**
Thank you all for inspiring me to host a panel. I know that these are challenging times and we want to put our energies toward bringing change and supporting each other. If the panel doesn't happen this year, we will find a way in the future. Keep being amazing, strong, and passionate! #cantstopwontstop
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The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel SDCC 2020 News
Hello Friends! This is a LONG update. I hope everyone has enough energy to get through it all.
The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel put in a proposal for Comic-Con @ Home 2020!
If chosen, we will need to produce a Zoom/digital panel for SDCC to host online. Our production will be due by mid-June (June 20th or so). GASP! That’s only 2 weeks to create/plan/organize/ and produce a digital panel! The panel will not go live until around the usual time of SDCC in July. If chosen, SDCC will announce the actual day our pre-recorded panel will go live on their channels/site. We will update you if we receive that information.
In the meantime, the proposal I submitted to Comic-Con @ Home 2020 included everything our panels are known for. Our live fan panel format always includes a Fan Artist Spotlight, comic reading with cast and crew, cosplay contest, and a Q&A. A few of these sections seem very ambitious for a virtual panel ( and honestly, might not happen…), but we are up for the challenge! Besides, this online format gives us the opportunity to invite participants from all over the world!
Now, to make the most out of the precious little time we have, I need to get started ASAP. So today (June 8th 2020), I am putting out the 1st update to the fandom. More details and updates will follow soon! Please share this message and encourage others to share and follow for updates. The planning will roll out in phases.
Phase 1: Plan/announce the possibility of a panel
Phase 2: Assemble/organize resources for all areas of the panel
Phase 3: Record/edit panel and submit to SDCC
Phase: 4 Compile/announce final votes for the winning fan favorite cosplay
Welcome to Phase 1! In this phase we are not only communicating the possibility of a panel, but we are also broadcasting a request for participants!
We need:
A Fan Artist!
The mission of the panel is to celebrate the passion of the fans. This is why we always include a fan artist in every panel. Fan art is much more than 2D drawings. We welcome sculptures, animation, textile art, mixed media art, paper art, game art, writers, musicians, metal smiths, costume makers… oh gosh! If you are not sure if your art could be considered, just email me to ask! Also, you do not have to be an amateur. The series has been around for over 15 years and has inspired so many professionals.
The fan artist who joins us should have many examples of Avatar the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra fan art. The artist should also be willing to appear on the digital panel and share how the series has inspired their craft. To apply for the Fan Artist Showcase, please email me @ [email protected], subject line, “Fan Artist Showcase”. I will respond with some questions and details.
Cosplay Contestants!
We love Avatar Cosplayers. The fandom is never afraid to try new ways of interpreting characters or engineering cosplays for challenging characters like Appa or the Water Spirit! We know that there is nothing better than seeing a cosplay live and in person, however, that’s not the world we live in right now. So, we are asking hopeful contestants to create a 1 minute video of your cosplay and send a zipped MP4 version to us via email.
If your video passes our content screening, we will assign your video a number, add your description, and then host the video on our YouTube channel for fan voting. For more information and contest instructions, click on the following link: Cosplay Contest Rules: Avatar Legacy Fan Panel. Please follow the link for more information about the process. If you submit a video, I will assume that you have read the requirements and agree to the terms of the contest. Because there is a short time frame, I ask that you contact me with questions before you submit. [email protected]
Tips for creating your cosplay video:
1. Make sure the video allows viewers to see the entire cosplay
2. Be sure to record in a well-lit area.
3. It’s ok if your video goes under a minute, but do not go over a minute.
4. You only have 1 minute, so use it to show not only your cosplay, but also your character’s personality. Example: If you are cosplaying the Cabbage Merchant, say something or act like the Cabbage Merchant (MY CABBAGES!!!).
5. Check out videos from our past panels to see how contestants showed off their cosplays for our panelists.
Vote for your favorite! Voting will be open from June 8th - July 27th at 1pm 2020 (CST). To vote, go to The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel YouTube channel. We just updated the channel, so it’s squeaky clean and ready for contest videos. In the beginning of the contest, there may only be a few videos uploaded. We will do our best to receive, screen, and upload entries as soon as possible. Be sure to subscribe to the channel for updates.
When videos become available, browse and enjoy your fellow fans as they celebrate their wonderful cosplays. To vote for a video, click the video’s thumbs up/ “like” icon under the video. We ask that you only vote for your favorite. However, if you cannot choose, feel free to like a few more. Please try not to like them all (even though I am sure they will all have exciting merits!). If you change your mind later, you can change your vote up until July 27th at 1pm (CST). Comments on all videos will be turned off. We will stop accepting and uploading videos after we receive 35 qualifying entries. The contest ends July 27th at 1pm 2020 (CST). If there is a tie, we will use additional YouTube data or have a special run off to break the tie.
Questions for the Q&A!
We know one of the best reasons to visit a panel is to ask questions of people you admire. What was their inspiration? What was their process? How do they improve their craft? Because the panel will be pre-recorded, we are asking that fans email questions after we announce the guest line up. We will be accepting questions for only a few days after that announcement. Then we will hunt through all the fan questions and pick out a handful that we feel will add to the theme and tone of the panel. If your question is chosen, you will be contacted and given the opportunity to receive a small prize. We do not have the final panel line up yet, so keep us on your radar. We will announce the line up when everything is approved and ready!
Whew... that’s it for now ;) Thank you for reading through all of that. Cross your fingers and wish us luck! We have NEVER done anything like this before. Going digital with this panel gives us the opportunity to finally realize a dream of a cosplay contest judged by panelists AND fans (something that has been difficult to do on location). Also, the fan panel’s cosplay contest can include contestants from all over the world! If it goes well, we will definitely consider including a virtual cosplay contest component for all future fan panels.
The best part is that the panel will be available for EVERYONE that has access to the internet. It breaks my heart every year when fans are turned away because we have a 500 capacity room, but 800 fans waited in line to enter. Thank you all so very much! You are all incredibly special to me and I am wishing you health, strength, and peace <3
p.s. if there were typos, i will fix them later. hehehe...
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New Avatar Action Figures selling online on GameStop
hi ATLA fandom! if you were not able to score the new actions figures on Diamond Select's website, they are being sold on GameStop! No need to spend $80+ on ebay! https://www.gamestop.com/search/?q=avatar+the+Last+airbender&lang=default
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Avatar the Last Airbender turns 15!
listen and enjoy the first advertisement trailer for Avatar the Last Airbender. originally set to premier Nov. 2004, it was well worth the wait! it's official premier anniversary is this Friday, February 21st! https://youtu.be/Rz7EsOua-D4
do you remember waiting for the premier? what was the first episode you saw?
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all the love I have for this story is still so strong. I am beyond excited for the future!
I’m so excited we can finally announce what’s in the works! Bryan and I are currently developing this new live-action version of Aang’s story. It’s going to be an epic ride!
“We’re thrilled for the opportunity to helm this live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender,” DiMartino and Konietzko said in a release announcing the project. “We can’t wait to realize Aang’s world as cinematically as we always imagined it to be, and with a culturally appropriate, non-whitewashed cast. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to build upon everyone’s great work on the original animated series and go even deeper into the characters, story, action, and world-building. Netflix is wholly dedicated to manifesting our vision for this retelling, and we’re incredibly grateful to be partnering with them.”
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my heart... MY HEART!!!

BIG NEWS. Very excited to be able to share this. And very excited to be working with Mike again on this simultaneously new and old adventure. Give him a follow too if you haven’t already, as we chronicle this journey: @michaeldantedimartino
Here’s our quote from the press release: “We’re thrilled for the opportunity to helm this live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. We can’t wait to realize Aang’s world as cinematically as we always imagined it to be, and with a culturally appropriate, non-whitewashed cast. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to build upon everyone’s great work on the original animated series and go even deeper into the characters, story, action, and world-building. Netflix is wholly dedicated to manifesting our vision for this retelling, and we’re incredibly grateful to be partnering with them.” — Bryan Konietzko & Michael DiMartino
Huge thanks to John Staub for this beautiful concept art. https://www.artstation.com/dustsplat
More later, but for now: https://deadline.com/2018/09/avatar-the-last-airbender-live-action-series-netflix-1202467089/
Love, Bryan
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for anyone that’s having a bad day, here are pictures of animals sniffing flowers
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