Oh Geez, Think of a Name Quick-
4 posts
I post things. A walking nightmare of asexuality. Surprisingly fixated on BTAS Riddler. Literally, it's a problem. I might need an intervention.
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
avaritia-cognitionis · 6 months ago
Dear Supporter,
I hope this message finds you and your family in good health. My name is Eman Zaqout from Gaza. I am reaching you out to seek your urgent help in spreading the word about our fundraiser. I lost both my home and my job due to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and we are facing catastrophic living conditions. 💔
I kindly ask you to visit my campaign. Your support, whether through donating or sharing, will help us reach more people who can make a difference. Thank you for your continued support for the Palestinian cause. Your dedication brings us closer to freedom. 🙏🕊
Note: Verified by several people as 90-ghost and aces-and-angels. ☑
My heart goes out to the people in Gaza- and I hope that your family remains safe.
28k /80k goal, let's help them out!!
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avaritia-cognitionis · 7 months ago
welcome everybody
I am Muhammad Imad Abdel Latif Sharab
First, after an aggressive war on Gaza City and its revival, we were displaced from our 3-storey house in which I and my family of 3 members live.
My father's family consists of 8 members
My grandfather, may God have mercy on him, was martyred by occupation aircraft on 12/14/2023.
The one who was martyred while he was leaving the house to check on our house next to him, which could not be reached due to a brutal enemy who does not differentiate between anyone in death, went out to check on our house, which we were not in because of my displacement to Rafah, me, my father, and our families due to the intensity of the fighting in Khan Yunis, and after that A few days ago, our store in which my father and brothers work was bombed by occupation aircraft. He was working to gather his strength from it and meet the needs of our house, which no longer exists due to the bombing. We ask you to help and contribute, even if just a little, by donating to us so that we can compensate for a little of what we lost.
Many thanks to you 😢
If you do not understand the words well, because I am not very good at English, but I ask you to help me with money so that I can compensate for even a little of what I lost, and I am very grateful to you, my dears😢🥺😢🥺😢🥺🥺😢
Here's the link to their Go Fund Me
I hope this helps, we absolutely need to help the people in Gaza in any way we can!
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avaritia-cognitionis · 2 years ago
Christmas Headcanons - Tf2
Don't worry, there's more to come. I just want to post this before Christmas. This list will be updated soon, Don't worry (:
Most mercenaries will either give a genuinely thoughtful gift, one to show that no matter how many tough times there are, they still care about them... Or it's the most traumatizing shit ever, intentionally or not. Some land in the middle, sure, but they probably swing one way over the other.
Scout and Engineer will secretly get up early in December to put up the tree and decorate it. Scout was invited once during his first years as a mercenary, and now helps do it every year. He always helped do it with his mom, and it gives him a sense of that childlike innocence he 'lost' a long time ago.
The Elf on the shelf they had was kept in storage until the first of December, and then it was let free to do as it pleases...For you see, Merasmus had cursed it and now it has a conscience until Christmas day. Honestly no one knows how it gets out every year. ( It was Pyro's doing.) But Medic's the one to always lock it back up. Eventually, they just made Sniper throw it in a river and calld it a day. Hasn't come back since, so they assume the issue has been dealt with.
Spy tries and stays locked up in his room for the duration of the holidays, but the rest of the team always breaks down the door to get him out. Spy hates having to pay for new doors.
Demoman, Sniper, and Engineer always try and play a few Christmas jingles every year. If they already did all the good songs last year, Demo will just get drunk, make up new songs on the spot, write them down, and use them next year. The problem is they don't write down any of the notes, only lyrics, some words are smudged due to booze, and it's barely legible. But they try and come up with something, and no matter how bad the results are from the last year they enjoy themselves.
Mistletoe, no matter where it is, will always be burned down by Pyro. Someone could be holding it and Pyro would just take out a match, light it and just set it ablaze.
Christmas movies are played constantly, as Pyro sits as close to the TV as possible, and Scout just tries to get even a slight glimpse of what's playing. Some of the things that play are 'Somewhere in Dreamland', 'The night before Christmas', and 'Christmas comes but Once a Year'. Before Scout could rebel and push him out of the way, Heavy not so subtly reminds him of Pyro's abilities. Besides, it keeps him from burning down the tree to watch a shiny object get even shinier.
Scout watches these with him not only to make sure Pyro doesn't get bored, but he also finds animation pretty cool. It makes him see 'how much cooler his art style is'....But no, he isn't crying, you're stupid.
Spy is the one who does all the Christmas shopping. They all just hand him a list and he supplies. Nobody knows where he gets any of it. But each and every request (within reason) is met. Meaning that soldier never gets anything off of his list. Instead, they just get him an American flag and other such patriotic frivolous items.
Heavy's tolerance for the others antics surprisingly increases, as it reminds him of how his younger siblings were around this time of year. Spy...It cannot be said the same for, the Christmas spirit has not affected him, and he grows more pissed each minute. He just sort of tries to manage through the year, but all he thinks about are less christmas-y and more gorey.
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avaritia-cognitionis · 2 years ago
Hi, hello, I really need to get these ideas stuck in my head out, PLEASE IF YOU TAKE INSPIRATION OFF OF THESE PLEASE TAG ME IN IT I'D LOVE YOU FOR LIFE.
Batman Drabbles/Headcanon/Oneshot/Random Ideas Dump
Soon to come up with idea dumps for other fandoms too. Please, tag me, like I said above. I'd love to see if you've written something based on any of these. But you don't have to, I'll find it eventually as I scroll through tags of the same characters and fandoms over and over.
Most can be X Readers, Headcanons, or some other stuff. I'll label it if it could be offensive, like yandere works or possible smut, don't worry, but you can totally make any of these have smut/yandere if you so choose. Also, this idea dump thing is a work in progress, and I'll (hopefully) add more later on. And unless I specify a version of the character, it's all up to you!
Normal Prompts/Ideas
Whichever Scarecrow/Johnathan Crane has the Grandma issues, I need a lil thing of some sweet old lady thinking that he's her grandson. Even though he's like, in full scarecrow gear. And this little lady keeps saying he should eat more, cause he's looking thin, or that he's such a ladies man, giggling to herself. He doesn't have the balls to tell her that he's not her grandson...Or that he's a villain. But eventually, he spills the beans that he's not actually her grandson, and that his real granny was a jerk (still won't say that he's the Scarecrow however). And she's just like "I'll be your new grandma, don't you worry sweetie, now come inside, and tell me more about yourself." And this man Is on the verge of tears. After, he now 100% calls her grandma, and will not take shit from anyone about it. Calls often, and always leaves her house with a full stomach and a smile on his face.
Okay, but imagine being someone watching over the Riddler as his probation officer, essentially making sure he doesn't go back to his evil ways, as well as help him rebuild his life. Edward, however doesn't. And slowly, but surely, the two start to bond. Could be platonic or romantic.
Batman dealing with an assassin for hire, not knowing who they are or who hired them. And once he defeats them, he has to hide the look of horror on his face as he takes off their mask and it reveals the identity of his dearest friend. It only dawns on him the next day he hears their name on the news, only confirming that his worst dream has become a reality. So he visits you, not as Batman, but as Bruce. He sees your reasoning, and he can only hope you get better. He doesn't want to have to fight you once more.
Any Villain hunting a security guard down during an Arkham breakout, for whatever reason of your choice. But luckily, another villain, who they have grown close to, comes and saves the day. The only thing they ask for in return, for a place to lay low...AKA, their apartment. Could be platonic or romantic.
A heartbreaker breaks the heart of whichever villain you choose, and a local bartender (who really doesn't care that their main clientele are villains), tries to ease their woes with some comforting words and booze. Could be platonic or romantic.
BTAS Riddler during his rehabilitation meeting an interviewer, of whom he finds their questions unique and refreshing compared to the others. Luckily he sees them at the celebration between Wacko Toys™ and The Riddler, interviewing a few guests. Riddler tells them to relax and let loose a little, and to get off the job and dance with him. Luckily, they're more than happy to oblige.
Song Inspired prompts/Ideas
Once again, if you like the song/idea but not the character, you can totally change it, it's your story not mine. And if you think a song doesn't match the prompt, then I literally don't care, cause I'm not seeing you write a fuckton of Batman shit. /j (I do actually care, just please don't say anything)
Arkham Riddler - Best Friends, right? (Amy Winehouse)
Riddler and the character have a rocky relationship/friendship. Things never get physical, obviously, it's normally quips at the others intelligence or deep rooted insults. But you slowly start to realize it's his way of keeping you out, he's afraid to trust you. To let you in. It's up to you how the story goes. Could be platonic or romantic.
Any Villain - Hold Up (Beyoncé)
Any villain helping a friend (or crush, depending on the kind of story you want it to be), beat up an ex of theirs. Imagine them ranting to them about how bad they were to them, and they're just like "Fuck them! We should jump them!" And they're just like "FUCK YEAH." Could be platonic or romantic.
Capullo Riddler - Year Zero (Ghost)
If you read the comic Zero Year, you'll know that he calls his reign on Gotham city "Year Zero", so whenever I hear the song I think about him promising how great his reign will be to his partner in crime, promising them how unstoppable they'll be, just him and them on the top of the world. Could be platonic or romantic.
Riddler - Me and Your Mama (Childish Gambino)
I don't know, whenever I hear this song I just feel like it's repressed feelings coming out. So I thought of Riddler and whomever getting high with each other, having a good time, then he started to reveal his feelings for them. Honestly, you can totally switch Riddler out for someone else, it's up to you.
TW/Not for everyone
Including the song fics, and normal Prompts.
(TW: YANDERE) Whichever villains you desire all talk about their obsessions, how they make them feel ect, but as each person talks about their obsessions, they slowly start to realize they are all obsessed over the same person. Whether they team up or not is up to you, but there is definitely tension in the room when they all figure it out. And the first person to figure it out is now looking among the group as they speak about the same person in shock, rage, and more or less, well, dying on the inside. UGH THE DRAMA!
(TW: POSSIBLE/IMPLIED SMUT) This was originally made to be a headcanon thing, but it could be anything of your choice! (within reason, cause not all of them would do this) any villain as a "paypig" (also known as someone who likes someone dominating them financially, like taking their money. While some just give them the money not expecting anything and simply find that hot, others can want to be degraded or publicly humiliated.) I was thinking it could mostly be any version of the Riddler (Looking at you BTAS and Paul Dano Riddler fans) or the Penguin, but feel free to choose any villain. Whether they leave it for them in their apartment or send it to them online, depending on when the series takes place, is all up to you. Go ham with it.
(TW: YANDERE) Dealing with Two-face as a new employee at the asylum, specializing in anger management, exclusively for him, funded by Bruce Wayne. And while to them it seems to not be working at all, to Harvey it's a different story. You've caught their eye, and they're gonna hunt you till the ends of the earth, whether you want them to or not. (And then I added a quote because I thought it up just now, pretty swag if you ask me)
"This wasn't chance this time, no, it was fate. You came to the asylum just to help little old us, and then you start to grow on us. And I know we started to grow on you. This was more than luck, no, it was destiny, my love. We belong together."
(TW: THIS COULD BE CONSIDERED YANDERE, IDK THOUGH) Riddler keeping his eye on a little private detective, impressed that they were smarter than the average Gothamite. Soon, before he can give them a real challenge, he finds out they're leaving town, never to return. He doesn't understand, you'd never be out of a job in a city like this! That was until he heard that a certain villain tried to nab them, to get rid of the only interesting thing in this god-forsaken place. No, this will not STAND! Now, he's going to give the little detective a letter, if they're as smart as he hopes, then they'll know where to meet him. He hopes to make you... Reconsider your plans on going. Could be platonic or romantic.
(TW: YANDERE, ATTEMPTED SUICIDE) This was made to be Headcanons, but do what you will with it. Any villain/hero finds their kidnapped 'partner' with a gun, threatening to kill themselves if they don't get out, or at the very least be able to go outside more. The character of your choice will have to try and coax them out of it, how they do it and how it ends is entirely up to you.
(TW: HOLY FUCK, SMUT) Okay, here me out, I'd love some mutual masterbation between Young Justice and his partner....Then again, it's more that he jacks off and says out loud what he's thinking about, and they just listen with great interest about how much he wants to please them, to hear their breath quiver. His whimpers of excitement when you get closer to him are heavenly. Yeah, just a thought.
(TW: YANDERE) Look, I love Scarecrow as much as the next. But it's honestly weird how much of his yandere stuff is that he's fallen for an ex-student of his. I mean, yeah they're consenting adults, but geez, kinda weird. To me, a more viable way for a teacher scarecrow to have a person of interest is another teacher, or if you like it, a student-teacher. Think about it, for a normal teacher, he sees that they are more favored than him by students, so he cares to ask how to make his class more engaging. Romantic tension ensues, but nothing becomes of it because they want to "be professional", too bad he's anything but. And for a student-teacher, It'd be that they're learning how to be a responsible teacher, and have great interest in the subject of fear, although that is not what they will be teaching. Scarecrow considers them to be his assistant, and decides to get to know them more. Too bad he's gotten a bit attached. Either way, both of these ideas end the same way in my head, the ex-teacher, Jonathan Crane, revealing his new identity, the Scarecrow, to the public. And he's made sure his lovely little teacher has front row seats~ (P.S. Please don't attack anyone who has written scarecrow x student stuff, obviously they are both adults, and have the right to say no. This is not shade to them. I just wanted another option for those who feel uncomfortable with that, but like teacher Scarecrow. Thank you ^^)
Song Inspired
Scarecrow - Tonight you Belong to Me (Patience & Prudence)
(TW: YANDERE) I have two ideas for this. 1) he chases a victim of his down, but they don't know how much he knows about them. Or 2) Dancing with a kidnapped victim significant other of his to this song, humming the words of the song in their ear, trying to be romantic and ease their nerves, but it doesn't help at all.
Any Villain(s)- Back to Black (Amy Winehouse)
(TW: DEATH) The villain(s) of your choice go to a good friend's funeral, saddened by their recent departure, and decide to attend undercover. Sadly, not many arrive at the funeral, and even worse, they are asked to say a few kind words for the departed. Now it's just got a bit more complicated than just grieving, do they decide a lie about how they knew them, bend the truth? It's all up to you. Meant to be platonic, but could be romantic repressed feelings.
Anyone - This Year (The Mountain Goats)
(TW: IMPLIED DEATH/BREAKUP) Any person of your choice dealing with the first year without their significant other, made to be headcanons, but honestly you do you.
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