autofictionjournal · 6 years
Now Available Online – Auto/Fiction 2:1
Auto/Fiction Volume 2, Number 1
1- A (Cyber) Damsel in Distress: Digital Memory and Self-Figuration in Mariana Eva Perez’s Diario de una Princesa Montonera – 110% Verdad Jordana Blejmar Pages 1-15
2- ‘Qui suis-je?’ – ‘Das bin doch ich!’ The Poetics of Autonarration in Breton and Kurzeck Carina Berg Pages 16-35
3-“What Follows is Substantially True and Accurate”: Autobiographical Subjectivity in David Foster Wallace’s – The Pale King Matthew Darling Pages 36- 53
4-Contemporary Lives on the Nature of Filmic Autobiographies Laura Teresa Di Summa-Knoop Pages 54-65
5- Re-thinking Desire: Constructing the Male Self in Hanif Kureishi Andreas Athanasiades Pages 66-82
6-Julien/Serge Doubrovsky: The Monster in the Mirror Pierre-Alexandre Sicart Pages 83-97
Reflection: 7-Crying Diaper Becky Mclaughlin Pages 98-115
8-My Blog is My Frame: The Unwritten Rules of the Blogosphere and How They Frame and Fracture Content Elisabeth Hanscombe Pages 116-123
Book Review: 9-Review of Narrative Imagination and Everyday Life Supriya Prasanta Pages 124-127
10- Notes on Contributors Pages 128-130
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autofictionjournal · 6 years
The Auto/Fiction Essay Prize
The Auto/Fiction  Essay Prize is a new venture  from the journal to encourage the best new scholarship in the field. While the journal publishes many articles which focus on the relationship between autobiography  and fiction, the editors are particularly keen to publish work which challenges the primacy of that relationship.  This might include essays on autofiction or work with a wider theoretical importance.
The  Auto/Fiction Essay  Prize
The winner’s prize will consist of:
* Publication of the winning paper in a volume of Auto/Fiction * A cash prize of $500.00 * A year’s free print and online subscription to Auto/Fiction
Other entries of sufficient quality may be invited to publish.
Entry requirements:
The Essay Prize is open to anyone currently registered for an Undergraduate ,  Post graduate or Research  degree in any subject within life writing  studies. The entry must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Essays are to be no longer than 12,000 words, inclusive of footnotes and references and it should conform to MLA style (8th edition). The closing date will be 30th April 2018.
Submissions for the essay competition must arrive no later than 30th April 2018. Entries must be made via the journal’s online submission system. If you have any general enquiries about the competition, please contact the Editor.
The entry requirements and rules are as follows:
The submission must be accompanied by an abstract summarising the principal arguments and making clear the relevance of the article to the competition topic.
Permission must be obtained for the reproduction of illustrations and quotations from copyrighted material.
The editorial members of the Auto/Fiction  will read all entries, which will be assessed anonymously. All entries will be subject to the normal Auto/Fiction standards of refereeing and editorial review.
It is a condition of entry that all entrants will be prepared to grant an exclusive license to the Journal, which is operated on the Journal’s behalf by the Publisher if accepted for publication.
The decision of the judges will be final.
No alternative prizes will be available.
There is no runner-up prize, but the editors may commission for publication any entries that are highly commended by the judges.
In the unlikely event that, in the judges’ opinion, the material submitted is not of a suitable standard, no prize or prizes will be awarded.
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autofictionjournal · 6 years
CALL FOR PAPERS – Auto/Fiction  Special Issue on Serge Doubrovsky
Guest Editor: Pierre-Alexandre Sicart Submission of full essays due January 31, 2019 (Extended Deadline)
Autobiography? Fiction? Autofiction. This portmanteau word, coined by Serge Doubrovsky to describe his own literary production, was borrowed by Jacques Lecarme to classify the works of other authors, such as Alain Robbe-Grillet (who accepted it nonchalantly) or François Nourissier (who rejected it violently). Since then, it has spread from the academic world to the mass media, and from literature to other arts (cinematography, painting, even music), though its exact definition is still a topic of fiery debate.
For this special issue, however, we will gladly consider any paper on Doubrovsky—who, before he won awards as an author, was better known for his scholarly work on, notably, Corneille, Proust, Sartre, and psychocriticism. The proposals submitted for this special issue are not required to even mention autofiction. A Corneille scholar, for instance, could choose to look back at Corneille et la dialectique du héros: Is this work still relevant today? Is it still read, and if so, how, and by whom? In retrospect, how much of it reflects Corneille, how much Doubrovsky, and how much a certain chapter in the history of literary criticism?
Even scholars more interested in Doubrovsky’s autofictions should not feel compelled to make autofiction the topic of their article. Other aspects of Doubrovsky’s literary work can and should be explored, such as how he represents (his relationship with) women, masculinity, aging, or death.
Finally, we would be interested in reading articles on the last book published under Doubrovsky’s name. Between 1970 and 1977, Doubrovsky typed around 9,000 pages of a “novel” that Grasset rejected until successive cuts left us with the 460 pages of Fils. Thirty-seven years later, thanks to Isabelle Grell, the original typescript was published as Le Monstre, but to this day, few scholars have dared wrangle with it.
How does Le Monstre differ from Fils? What did Fils lose and gain from the cuts? Is there a pattern as to which passages were removed? Do those passages shed new light on Fils? on Doubrovsky’s whole creative production? Do they foreshadow the autofictions that followed Fils? Conversely, do they sketch stories or initiate themes the author never touched again? Is this huge book the one that “says it all” about its author?
Proposals/abstracts of around 200 words should be sent to [email protected] before 31 August 2018. Once a proposal is selected, by 30 September 2018, authors will have until 31 January 2019 to submit an article of up to 10,000 words, notes included. (No lower limit.) All contributions must be in English, must adhere to the MLA style sheet (8th edition), and must be saved as .doc or .docx.
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autofictionjournal · 6 years
What’s your story? Calling all Autofiction bloggers
Whether you have reflections, thoughts on the field of autofiction as a whole, or a compelling narrative that is crying out for an audience, we want to hear from you. We want to use our social media platforms to encourage discussion within the broad community of autofiction.Part of encouraging that discussion is asking you all to contribute your thoughts and experiences.
We are looking for posts between 500-800 words or 15-20 minutes of audio or video. These are rough guidelines, however, so we are open to negotiation in terms of media and format. We should also stress that while we welcome posts that showcase a particular project, we can’t serve as landing page for kickstarter or similar funding sites.
Please direct any questions, pitches, or submissions to [email protected]. You can also message us on Twitter or Facebook.
We look forward to hearing from you!
http://autofiction.org.in http://facebook.com/autofictionjournal http://twitter.com/autofictionj https://publons.com/journal/52655/autofiction
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autofictionjournal · 10 years
CFP Auto/Fiction 2:2 ( open issue )
The issue is open to all kinds of applied and theoretical papers on autofiction. Contributions should be written in English and may vary in length from 3000 to 12000 words. Reviews should not be more than 1000 words. In addition to scholarly papers, we invite contributions in the form of book reviews, calls for papers, announcements of conferences etc. All contributions must adhere to the MLA style sheet (7th Edition) with an abstract and keywords.All methods and approaches are welcome.Potential themes include but are not limited to:
Fact, Fiction & autofiction
Autobiographical novel
Autobiography and autofiction
The self-fictionalization
The author and his/her double
Frontiers of the writing itself
Narrative and fiction
Narrative analysis
Narrative and autofiction
Theories of autofiction
 Self-representational Writing
Online Writing of the Self
Fake Autobiographies
Autofiction in Cartoons
Autofiction in Dance and Film
Indigenous autofiction
Autofictions of ‘ordinary people’
Autobiography in Translation
Autofiction and the body
Autofiction and the law
Autofiction and human rights
Autofiction and sexuality
Visual autofiction
Cultural analysis and autofiction
  Deadline for proposals: Jan 31, 2015
Deadline for full-length texts: April 15, 2015
For more information, please feel free  to contact: [email protected]
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