What if…
Steve was a malewife and Peggy was a girlboss
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I don’t come on Tumblr much holy shit did that Loki episode fuck me up.
When Loki was talking to Sylvie near the end and he said “I want you to be okay.” Or something like that, and I literally was like “oh yeah they really are a metaphor for self love and learning to love yourself and want good things for yourself because Loki only had negative thoughts about himself at the start of the show hidden under his ‘glorious purpose’ facade- oh wait nevermind they are kissing what the fuck.”
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Unmute this.
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Sorry it looks so shitty. But uh yeah lightings bad and the paper is recycled so hmm. Yep.
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Voltron/ Adventure Time
Okay I legit screamed when I came up with this.
I need Lance singing the song from the episode 'what was missing' (obviously) to the others.
Lance: Ill forget that I lost a piece of your hair
Keith: *sitting arms crossed with an unevenly cut mullet* I won't
Idk if somebody's already done this but whatever
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Update- I took the ticket for an emotional rollercoaster and I can't get off
Okay so its taking me for ever but I’ve finally gotten up to reading Dirty Laundry the klance fanfic.
Im like two chapters in and I completely understand Lances little sister with the animal naming thing. I named my pets Maryposa from that Barbie movie.
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Aussie Drag Queens to The Rescue
Here is another story that happened here in Australia. I saw it on the news too. Okay, so this guy is at a store right. Waiting in line for his food, when a group of drunk guys standing next to him start saying some ride things about the lgbtq+ community. This guy obviously isn't gonna just stand there and let them do that, so he says to them. "You know that's actually really rude right?" Is all he says when suddenly he's being beaten up by these men. Hes on the floor and everything. When all of a sudden, three drag queens step in out of no where and pull the men off him. They hold the guys down and wait for the police to come while making sure that the dude that was getting beaten up is okay. When me and my mum saw this on the news we thought it was the most magical thing to ever happen. Three drag queens coming to your rescue in the middle of the night. Wow.
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Same sex marriage
In Australia we're doing the vote for same sex marriage and ya know, this has people fighting with each other. For example me and this one little shit in my class.
Him: I don't support gay people
Me: why not?
Him: cause it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
The little shit starts laughing yeah, so me and three other girls just go off at him cause like no, that is actually not a reason at all for you to be against two people loving each other.
And then a couple days later I was talking about white chocolate (I don't know why okay) and like this happened.
Him: that is so racist, don't forget Brown chocolate and black chocolate. Equality!
Me: you wanna talk to me about Equality after what you said the other day, dissing people for loving eachother? After what MY ancestors did to have human rights. Bitch I am talking about chocolate!
So yeah that happened.
And then AGAIN a few days later he's talking about that airoplane that wrote vote no in the sky and he's talking about how 'funny' that was.
This girls are just like. "Your homophobic." To him
I'm like, "No, he's not homophobic. If your the kinda person whos afraid of the fact that two people love each other just because their genders the same, that makes you a straight up asshole." I legit remembered what Morgan Freeman had said and I said it in the middle of class.
But you know what.
I don't have a voice loud enough to show what I know is right, bc my classroom is full of some loud motherfuckers.
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But sometimes I wish I could this to assholes like him.
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Look what I drew!!
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Steven Universe
LarsXSadie 43ver!!!
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What's with feelings?
Why do feelings have to be so fucked up. Like one minute I'm crying because of a sad duck video, the next I'm laughing because an old person fell over. This post made me realize I'm a horrible person.
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Things I’ve heard highschoolers say
‘have you ever tried masturbating with pizza 
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in class we had to ask people we didn't know questions about eachother and a girl asked me what my favourite season was and I'm like ‘of what?’ and I just.
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my sister gets pissed off at the Mortal Instruments fandom because they love Max more than Raphael. if you don't believe me, go on insta and put in the tag RaphaelLightwoodBane and see how many actual pics of hi there are.
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I live in Australia right? And since we don't have the gay marriage thing we had a talk about it with our teacher. Teacher: why do we allow strangers to get married but not people of the same gender. She's my favorite teacher now.
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