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The Sir sits, while the girl kneels.
We are not equal. Men and girls are different at their core. For us girls the kneeling position is so much more natural than sharing furniture with our Sir. Kneeling in front of a Man is a sign or respect and love. We girls show our love by being obedient, so this position is like the foundation of an happy evening for two.
Even while watching TV or eating, this position is what you all should go for, because a girl is happiest when she is on her knees - and a Sir is happiest when he sees his girl obey him.
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Honour and Obey
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Honoring your husband means respecting his opinions, even when they differ from yours, and engaging in conversation—not argument. Honoring your husband means asking him for what you want, not just complaining when he didn’t read your mind.
Your respect for your husband will encourage him to fulfill his duties as the head of the family. He gains the confidence that he can measure up to your expectations and you are always there to support him.
Find out your husband’s primary love language and then find a way to display love to him through that language.
Ask him what he’d like to do…after supper…tonight…this weekend…whatever the situation…and then do your best to make sure he has the time to get it done.
Thank God for him every time you think of him.
Refrain from undermining his authority in front of the children.
Tell things to your husband in a factual way (without the fluff or emotion).
Respond to potentially argumentative conversations with self-control.
Celebrate your husband’s successes.
Answer a perceived insult or accusation from your husband with one of these responses - “What can I do to improve this behaviour ?” “Let’s discuss this together and come up with a solution” “Please, allow me to be better for us.”
Wear clothing that flatters your body but does not flaunt it in front of other men.
Do something your husband enjoys doing with you.
Keep his secrets.
Ask for forgiveness.
Give forgiveness.
Iron his clothes.
Spend his hard-earned money wisel. 
Focus on what he’s doing right.
Be happy and positive when he is home.
Speak honorably about him and to him in front of the kids.
Humbly admit your mistakes.
Avoid nagging.
Refrain from placing the blame on him when something goes wrong.
Respect his stuff; ask before moving or throwing away something that is his.
Work to keep yourself in shape and attractive
Stop what you are doing and look at him when he talks
Refrain from interrupting him when he’s talking
Pray over him when he is going through some tough decisions or stressful situations
Smile at him
Tell him something you admire about him.
Ask him about his day.
Talk positively about him to others.
Thank him for something he’s done.
Give him a space of his own IN the house.
Dress in a way that makes him feel he’s worth it.
Let him pack the car for vacation.
Ask, “what can I do for you today?”
Let him drive.
If going to the store, ask “is there anything I can get for you while I’m at the store?”
Stop what you are doing and welcome him home with a kiss.
Give him a kiss as he walks out the door in the morning.
Get his input on big decisions.
Honor his requests
Let him know you like your life with him
Encourage him in his line of work
Avoid the use of sarcasm when speaking to him.
Say “yes” in bed.
Initiate love making.
Let him know what you like most in bed.
Compliment him often.
Make his favorite meal.
Avoid complaining.
Write him a love note.
Avoid criticizing him…especially in front of others.
Respond to his thoughts and advice with enthusiasm.
Respect his likes and dislikes.
Refrain from comparing him to other men.
Ask for his help.
Kindly try to understand his reasons, even when you don’t agree.
Give him space and time to spend on his hobbies.
Focus on what he’s doing right.
Be happy and positive when he is home.
Speak honorably about him and to him in front of the kids.
Buy his favorite brand of personal care products.
Let him open his own mail.
Laugh at his jokes…or at least smile.
Give him advance warning of family activities, schedules, and events.
Show an interest in topics, hobbies, or occupations he enjoys.
Carve out time to spend with him apart from the children.
Give him time to unwind after work before bombarding him with home life.
Touch him with affection.
Talk together about your family’s goals and how you can achieve them together.
Let him do his “to-do list” in his own time…even if his timing is not your timing.
Defend him if others speak disrespectfully about him.
Send him an encouraging email or text.
Surprise him with a gift of something he’s wanted for some time.
Meet him at his work for lunch.
Meet his co-workers and speak kindly of both him and them.
Reserve some energy for him at the end of the day
Get up when he gets up.
Go to bed when he goes to bed.
Be kind and thoughtful to his parents, siblings, and relatives.
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girls should never cum unless they're told. Here's why:
1. Edging makes you perma-horny which makes your body always wet and ready for cock. 2. female orgasms belong to Men, not to the female themselves. 3. female orgasms should happen for MALE pleasure, ego or enjoyment rather than for female pleasure. 4. It’s rude to cum when you’re not told to. 5. It teaches self control. 6. It keeps you humble. 7. Denial makes you appreciate release. 8. The focus of sex should always be Male pleasure. 9. Deciding if/when you cum brings Him enjoyment and shows Him He’s in total control. 10. Only orgasming when commanded to demonstrates respect. 11. Because He said so.
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I absolutely do 🥰
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#me Snapchat
Fazla yükselmişim galiba
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Reblog if you suck cuck I’ll call you are a faggot cuck sucker
Dm Skype: live:.cid.7c64d525d2f08448
Telegram Goddessnelley99
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Tfw when he makes you his girlfriend!! 🥰💞
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Dating Boys means finally feeling desired!! 🥰🎀💞
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For those sissies still pretending to be “straight”, acting like they don’t enjoy sucking cock at first is just how they instinctively cling to that tiny shred of remaining masculinity… but at this point, it won’t take much longer for her to finally let go! 💞🤭🏳️‍🌈💞
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How else am I supposed FINALLY to have a sex life?! #PussyfreeProblems 💞😭🏳️‍🌈💞
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Pussyfree Beta 😭 🤞———> Snowbunny Sissy 🥰♠️🐇
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Actions have consequences sissy!! 🎀🤭🍆💗
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