aurites · 7 years
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Look how precious these babies are!!! The little Sakura hair clips though!!!! 
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aurites · 8 years
( @serurianburu is not paying attention to me. explain. )
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   the ARROGANCE was shown on his expression, arms crossed at the height of his chest as he sat next to the dirty blond. why was he approaching in first place? well maybe he was OFFENDED because he didn’t welcome him back. was perhaps this the result of spending too much time with akoya? probably. “ahem.” a faked cough, head turning around.
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aurites · 8 years
( @ateraurom is alive i can’t believe it. )
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   SQUINTS at the other, since it was like taking a look in the mirror. kind of DISTURBING if someone asked him. the HORRIBLE purple lipstick over his lips. what was he thinking? oh god, thanks it was a PHASE. because it was, right? “i got over that, i don’t need that kind of negativity in my life anymore.”
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aurites · 8 years
( @kurrygawa is stunning wow. no homo tho. )
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   “it’s good to be back.” the white-haired said with  smile upon his lips, he meant it. after long of being who knows where he finally got to be home. somehow, he felt kind of nostalgic not only seeing atsushi but binan in general. this was definitely where he belonged. ‘but did you miss me?’
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aurites · 8 years
( @sebec is not fucking wiping my floor. )
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   “can you PLEASE put away that mirror for once?” ibushi is not here, he feels like everything goes wrong. how is he supposed to handle all the work with only akoya? this dude didn’t even move his finger to make tea. he wanted ibushi shitty tea but instead he got akoya being akoya. not that it bothered him but you know, he gets easily stresed.
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aurites · 8 years
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Is he in a fashion show or something
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aurites · 8 years
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okay pages are updated so why don’t you like this for a starter? 
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aurites · 8 years
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hello! i’m a blog for kinshiro kusatsu from boueibu. i play him since the series started i just died for a long time but now i’m here again, probably remember me for my old url ‘thegoldenchevalier’. i need to update my rules && his relationships were reseted so it is as if i was starting again.
so i was wondering... can you please like/reblog if you are interested in interact with a tsun magical boy? i’ll check your blog out!  i’m oc && multi-muse friendly.
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aurites · 8 years
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   Kinshiro was pretty sure he was being like this on purpose. Couldn’t say that he wasn’t used already but it kept bothering him a little. “You can still be yourself looking like a decent human being. After all that won’t change your annoying personality.” He replied rolling his eyes. “Your mom is a wise woman, then.” 
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   💦 █ :: ─── A full blown grin was now on his lips. He was being such a pain on purpose and he knew it. ❝I have to be me, don’t I~?❞ the dirty-blonde shouldn’t be such a smartass either. Maybe it was due to missing messing with the shorter one. ❝Oai, You’re beginning to sound like mom.❞ En could hear her voice too.
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aurites · 8 years
    Indeed it was strange, but not because he called the other enemy once. It was simply because Kinshiro’s nature was awkward. He was bad with people, with words. He never really understood how to be social. Kinshiro barely talked to Atsushi and the Council, with the others he was just plain serious and autonomous, being ‘scary’ as some could describe him, as a defense mechanism. 
   Ryuu and Kinshiro were literally opposites, but was it a sin to try and talk? Probably, because he was regretting it right now. Maybe he was too dependable of Atsushi--no, it was a fact. But deep inside he knew he couldn’t leave forever with that deendence on Atsushi or even Ibushi. At the mention of Io, he sighed. Why he didn0t approach Io first? Pretty sure they have more in common that they thought. Yet again, he is already here. 
   “I don’t want to--” The president stopped, letting out a huff and a soft frown over his face. If you noticed carefully you can even say he was pouting as well. Without saying anything, he just sat down crossing his arms over his chest. 
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   “Just this time.”
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          He supposed it was only natural to feel a little awkward around someone you had called an enemy just a few days ago. Rivals didn’t just spring right into a friendly conversation after a long, drawn-out series of battles like the ones they had. But, it had all been a set up. So the blame shouldn’t rest on the president’s shoulders more than it did on Ryuu’s. At least that was how the pinkette saw things.
         Setting his phone down in front of his lunch tray, Ryuu decided to oblige him. It would only make things more weird if he acted like they were strangers. Kinshiro was Atsushi’s friend, so unless there were a good reason for them not to be, the two of them could be friends as well.
           ❝All right, Kusatsu-senpai. Io’s running a little late today, but if you want, you can feel free to sit down. We can always pull up another chair if it gets too full.❞ 
         It felt a bit odd to talk to someone while they stood a ways away.
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aurites · 8 years
( @ichizunakoi && atsushi. )
   He was seriously wondering what was he doing. Deep inside he knew this was wrong, very wrong but he couldn’t hold it anymore. In a blink of the eye he was already on the plane back to Japan. It’s jsut a few days he told to himself trying to calm down during all the trip. 
   The real reason behind his rebellious behavior was Atsushi. He probably was going to regret this later, no-- he did know he was going to do it. But it was now or never and it didn’t matter if it was just a few seconds or a whole week. He missed Atsushi and wanted to see him face to face, not behind a computer screen. 
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   It was late, one in the morning but he didn’t care. He was sleepy and really tired but even if his house was next to Atsushi’s, he had priorities. But were his parents there? He couldn’t knock the door at this hour what if he woke them up. To hell. He lost count of the days he was out of the country and now he was truly desperate outside the door. Phone out of his pocket as he dialed Atsushi. 
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aurites · 8 years
Date someone who looks at you like Atsushi when he sees Kinshiro naked.
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aurites · 8 years
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[Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! LOVE! CM]
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aurites · 8 years
   “I miss you too. I-I mean all o-of you.” He was frustrated to see how timid both of them were. Sure, it was hard to fix that gap they had created for ten years but it was even harder to let out his real feelings without being embarrassed. 
   The karmin red quickly spread all over his face, his hands went to cover his face. He wanted to break down in tears right there. He was seeing him but it wasn’t the same. He wanted to hug him, to kiss him but it was so hard to say that out loud. 
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   “I miss you, At-chan.” He mumbled softly. 
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(ง⌐□ل͜□)ง   Atsushi had to chuckle when Ibushi left in such a hurry, but politely hid his mouth so Kinshirou wouldn’t see. He brought his laptop with him to his bed, and dove under the covers. 
“School feels empty without you. We all miss you, all three of you.” There was sadness in his voice. His cheeks reddened, he didn’t mean for his emotion to slip out like that. 
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aurites · 8 years
   Kinshiro could feel how the heat on his cheeks was starting to appear. It really seemed decades and he just wanted to see Atsushi again. When the blue-haired was in the screen, Kinshiro didn’t hesitate in glaring at Ibushi who just replied with a simple ‘Akoya is calling me.’ God to know he understood. 
   Trying to regain his composure because he didn’t want to make a fool of himself, Kinshiro cleared his throat before speaking.
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   “Good. I mean, the dorms are okay. It’’s a boarding school though I kind of feel... strange.” 
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(ง⌐□ل͜□)ง   It felt like years since the student council had left. Atsushi was trying to stay positive, listening to En when he said they’d be back in no time. But, it hurt a lot more than he thought it would. Not seeing Kinshirou every day left a void in his heart. Not that he’d let his friends know how sad he was, he was good at hiding it.
Skype chirped at him, and he answered the call before checking to see who it was. Atsushi was fresh from a bath, skin still damp, and wearing some hideous boxer shorts. 
Suddenly it was Ibushi’s voice and Atsushi’s heart started racing. Then Kinshirou spoke, and he thought his heart would explode from his chest. No, no. He had to act cool.
“H-Hello, Kin-chan and Arima-san! How are you settling in?”
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aurites · 8 years
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aurites · 8 years
( @ichizunakoi && that curry fucker. )
   This seriously was hell, all he wanted to do was to talk to Atsushi but he had no idea how this worked. He pressed the keys over and over again, but he couldn’t understand why this didn’t work. “ARIMA!” the President yelled at the verge of desperation. “This doesn’t work, THIS DOESN’T WORK!” And of course the taller HAD to help him because otherwise he had to deal with a whiny Kinshiro.
   Actually it was pretty fast, just thi and that and the skype call was already working but Kinshiro was already complaining in his emo corner. “Oh hi KInugawa-san how ha--?”
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    But before he could continue he felt how he was tackled by the white-haired.
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