aureliusv-blog · 9 years
A card and small package had shown up for Aurelius - delivered to him by hand by one of what Night Vale assumed to be postal workers dressed in floral tunics and knit caps bedecked with tiny ceramic horses. Upon opening it, the package would reveal itself to be a small plastic container of what appeared to be homemade cookies and a hand-written note. "Aurelius - we know this must be a difficult day for you. We want you to know we are always here for you, if you need someone." - S.V. & Co.
Aurelius feels his tongue go numb, sitting on the edge of his borrowed bed on the second floor of the tattoo parlour; he re-reads the note, his chest feeling tight.
It’s not money. It’s not some token effort to buy him, the way he received packages full of cash on his birthday every year with no return address. This was... someone had taken time, and energy, to think of him... to do something personal for him.
Those initials... hadn’t Cerise warned him about someone with those initials...?
It didn’t matter. He hated Father’s Day, but a stranger had just done more for him than any father he’d had. He stayed quiet, eating the cookies and savouring every bite, staring out the window as he thought about getting on his bike and going somewhere... sunnier.
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aureliusv-blog · 9 years
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NEED! Sterling Silver Amour Ring.
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aureliusv-blog · 9 years
... So I heard there’s a party at a billionaire’s house this weekend? Anyone else goin’?
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aureliusv-blog · 9 years
Calling All WtNV Blogs!!
Ok, since I’ve responded to multiple people wanting WtNV blogs recs (and subsequently only answered a handful of them), I’m making a WtNV blog masterlist.
What I need you to do is reblog this post and put in the tags how much you actually post WtNV-related stuff. And yes, there is a fun little system! Ready for it? Here we go:
Keep reading
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aureliusv-blog · 9 years
Aurelius lifts his hand from the leather upholstery of his cycle’s seat in a short bout of surprise, only to relax almost instantly, taking a moment to stare in mild bewilderment at the stranger who responded to his self-directed question.
“Night Vale,” he parroted, scratching the back of his neck; the desert heat was dry and unfamiliar, but he was glad for his aviators blocking out the harsh midday light. He glanced up at the shop sign. A tattoo parlour...?
Well, when in Rome, or whatever.
“Sure,” he said with a shrug, leaving his helmet tucked under his arm as he made his way for the doorway. “I could go for a coke.”
Welcome to...
“…How the hell did I get here…? I was on my bike, and then… how did I reach the mainland on a fuckin’ bike?”
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aureliusv-blog · 9 years
“…How the hell did I get here…? I was on my bike, and then… how did I reach the mainland on a fuckin’ bike?”
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aureliusv-blog · 9 years
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♦ Well I'm afraid of saying too much and ending a martyr But even more so, I'm afraid to face god and say I was a coward. ♦   
Aurelius Vansten; The Bastard Son
Marcus’s firstborn // The Family Calling or Curse // Trouble // Apathy Prince Asks open | Mun 21+ | Mature themes
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aureliusv-blog · 9 years
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Aurelius Vansten–firstborn bastard of Marcus, and bearer of the Vansten family calling curse. 
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