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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz laughs along with Richard, glad he can help make light of some of Art's less terrible annoying qualities and even get Richard to join in a little. But he doesn't linger on that topic too long; it's too easy to veer into unpleasantness. Hair dye is far more fun. Whiz laughs again when Richard says he recommends the blonde energy. "I'll bet you do!" He answered, shaking his head. He lifts an eyebrow at Richard's suggestion. It's not a bad one, if May seemed interested in Whiz making an appearance on her instaowl. But pastel blue in January just feels so....not Whiz. It's a very nice aesthetic, it just feels a little too expected for him. Plus, he's trying to distract himself from May. "Yellow it is," he agrees with a smile. "But I do always appreciate your mind for strategy," he adds. "Should we give you a red, white, and blue dye job so you match Lizzie's aesthetic?"
Richard laughs at Whiz's answer. "Oh god he does make those weird grimaces when he's upset doesn't he? And well you know, you've known him almost as long as I have, he's always done it. I swear even when we were at school he was like an old bloke with a painful stick up his arse." He shakes his head. It's more fun to talk hair color. Richard laughs when Whiz musses up his hair. "I did last night that's for certain. I would recommend it," he adds about Whiz harnessing it. "I'd suggest blue, as it's a certain person's instaowl aesthetic at the moment. But she seems to favor pastels and I feel like you've got a great idea about going bold and bright. Besides who knows what sort of fun you might attract." Richard gives Whiz another cheeky wink. He does hope Whiz attracts lots of fun.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz laughs at the idea of Richard having to explain to Art why he had to fix a dorm room sink. "I'd hate that for you, but I would sort of love to see the gymnastics his face would do when you told him," he confesses with a mischievous grin. Sometimes the only thing to do about Art's stuffiness is have a laugh at it, at least when it's about fairly harmless things like hair dye stains. He laughs at Richard's comment about blondes. "Oh? Do they say that?" Whiz feigns surprise, then laughs and reaches out to muss up Richard's blonde hair. "This blonde does seem to be enjoying himself lately," he teases. "Maybe I'm trying to harness some of that energy myself. But I could be talked into another color if you had a different suggestion," he adds, curious. Richard's personal style may not be loud like Whiz's, but he still has an eye for it; his recommendations are always good.
Richard laughs at Whiz's words. They could very well be his motto. The man loves color. And he wears it well. "Yes good. I'd hate to have to explain to Art why I'm having to fix a sink," he tells Whiz with a chuckle. It would be Art too the man has taken on the roll of head of household with a vengeance that unfortunately has not calmed down since his marriage. "So we're set on neon yellow then? I think it'll suit you. And you know what they say, blondes have more fun," he adds with a cheeky wink.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz's smile brightens when Richard agrees to help with his impulsive new hair choice. Impulsive style changes are common occurrences for Whiz, but they're always more fun when Richard helps out. "When everything else is dreary, mate, there's no other choice than to go blindingly bright," he declares. It feels true though. The weather is dull and gray and so is his love life, but Whiz has never been the type to dwell. Other than indulging in moaning-on-the-sofa-with-his-best-mate sessions, which is one of the things that Whiz thinks makes them great mates. Richard gives Whiz space to feel his emotions in as dramatic a fashion as the situation calls for when he's more inclined to push them aside; on the flipside, Whiz helps pulls Richard out of his emotions when that's what he needs. "Come on, let's go to my dorm. My sink is already permanently stained with hair dye, no sense in ruining your too."
It was good that Whiz wasn't in a wallowing mood. Richard hoped that meant he wasn't feeling too down. He knew how much Whiz really liked May and wanted her to like him. Richard wanted her to like him too. Whiz dating May would work wonderfully. No awkwardness of having to get to know someone new. Trying to not come off as cold and distant when really he was just not able to relax around new people. Still Whiz isn't in a wallowing mood and is instead grinning. Richard loves to see it. He laughs at what Whiz has in mind. Changing his hair color has never been something that made it to Richard's what I would do if I could do whatever list. But he enjoys Whiz's daring hair adventures. Whiz is always being daring with his appearance in some way. Richard thinks it's fabulous. He always has. "Yes, of course, mate. Going neon yellow this time eh? You'll certainly stand out while we're still in this grey winter," Richard tells him as if Whiz doesn't always stand out when he wants to.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz appreciates what Richard is trying to do, suggesting May might be interested in dating him if it was a better time. "Maybe," he concedes. He does think May likes him, even has some interest--she liked him enough to kiss him at New Year's, after all. He just isn't sure she likes him enough that she'd really want to date him if she wasn't busy. Which is fine. And Whiz is used to the fact he's not everyone's cup of tea. It doesn't bother him much, except for in situations like this one where he wants to be a particular person's cup of tea. It's disappointing. Still, he chuckles at Richard's comment that he's missing out on friends with benefits. "I'll take your word for that mate." Whiz is pretty certain he is not missing out, especially with how worked up Richard was a couple minutes ago, but he keeps that thought to himself. At least one of them is having some fun right now. He considers when Richard asks what he can do to help. "Hm. I do rather think it would help to indulge in some dramatic moaning about how emotionally unavailable she is. But not right now. I'm not in a wallowing mood right now. You know what I want to do?" He asks, inspired now, a grin pulling at his lips. "Want to help me dye my hair neon yellow?" There was nothing like a fresh new hair color to boost one's mood.
Richard listens as Whiz talks. "Yeah, things seem busy for the whole family I guess." Grant was also very busy. But at least he was thinking about Richard. More than Richard would have assumed he would be last night when finding out how busy Grant was. "It does seem to me that she enjoys your company too. Perhaps it's just not in the cards right now as opposed to never," he offers. Though Richard is happy that Whiz isn't closed to the idea of greener pastures. He knows Whiz has an enormous capability for romance and he'd love for him to find someone to direct all of that energy towards. He's not thinking in terms of someone Whiz's equal because he's not sure that is possible. But it feels possible for Whiz to find someone who enjoys being swept off their feet as much as Whiz would enjoy sweeping someone off their feet. He chuckles at Whiz's comment about his joke. "You're missing out," he quips with a wink. "So tell me, anything I can do to help?" Richard knows Whiz is disappointed in things, which he can't blame him. But he hates seeing Whiz disappointed in romance.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
"Mm," Whiz hums lightly, a mild agreement when Richard says it's May's loss. "I do think she likes my company," he feels compelled to add after thinking about it for another minute. He doesn't think May dislikes him at all, and he's pretty sure she enjoyed their hangouts. "I just think she might be worried about leading me on now. And she's very busy and not necessarily thinking about me." Which stung, but it wasn't like she was doing anything wrong. But maybe it is her loss. He wrinkles his nose at Richard's addition, but laughs all the same because he knows Richard is joking. "Very much so." That's not Whiz's style at all, nor does he think it's May's.
Richard nods when Whiz says they have that in common. "Clearly." It works out better for him but he feels bad for Whiz. He listens as Whiz catches him up. Some of it he knew but not the week without a word. "Her loss," he says automatically. Because it is. Whiz is awesome to hang out with. He likes May but she's really missing out on not just hanging out with Whiz. "So I guess a friends with benefits arrangement is out of the question for you two." It's a joke. He can't see Whiz with that sort of thing. He's too much of a romantic. Grand gestures and all of that. Not tackling into bushes and late night sexting. He's not even sure he can see May doing that either. Something he thought they both had in common was a romantic personality. May's is more Mr Darcy offering his hand to help Elizabeth into the carriage brand of romance. Quieter. But he didn't think their types were clashing.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz laughs at Richard's addition about getting dick but still being up for moaning about the Bartlett-Diaz siblings, who really are emotionally unavailable. "They do have that in common, don't they?" He asks with an amused grin. "Nothing new, no. Not since we went out at the start of the semester," he answers Richard with a sigh, though he's less disappointed now that a couple weeks have gone by. "Well, after she told me she doesn't want to date in the public eye and she's not sure she's ready for anything serious I invited her for coffee a couple times, just to keep in touch, you know?" It felt like a dick move to just never ask her to hang out again because she wasn't interested in dating him, but Whiz also didn't want her to feel like he expected anything. Coffee felt like a safe choice, a casual hangout on campus. "But it's been about a week and she hasn't reached out since last time, which tells me she's not that interested in just talking with me either," he says with another sigh.
Richard is relieved when that's that. No more talk about asking Cora. No talk about maybe's. Just acceptance. Maybe he's making a huge mistake but he's grateful to Whiz for letting him make it without commentary. It's not surprising to find out Whiz isn't actively trying for greener pastures. Whiz is more of a monogamous sort of bloke then a play the field. Even if right now his attention is taken by somone not emotionally available. "Understandable," he replies, disappointed for Whiz. "Guess there hasn't been anything new on the May front either?" It's a shame they're both going through it in some way with the siblings. "For what it's worth, I might be getting dick but I'm still happy to get drunk and moan about the emotionally unavailable Bartlett-Diaz siblings," he offers. He's not going to be getting that aspect of things. Which is for the best and expected. But maybe it'll be enough to not drop their moan fests all together.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz returns Richard's smile with a small one of his own. This isn't exactly ideal, but it's what Richard has picked and Whiz just needs to figure out the best way to be supportive, which now he knows does not include any optimism about the possibility Grant might have feelings for Richard too. Which is very disappointing. Whiz's own love life is also disappointing. He lets out another sign. "Not much of a love life to talk about, mate," he says. "I wouldn't say I'm actively trying for greener pastures, but I also wouldn't say I'm closed off to them," he adds after considering it for a moment. "There's just no one new who's caught my eye yet." He shrugs.
"Exactly," Richard agrees giving Whiz an appreciative smile. It's not great. Richard isn't completely happy with it. Mostly the part where Grant snogs Cora at parties part. The part where he snogs, and more, Richard behind locked doors he's completely happy with. And that's what wins out. Maybe it's pathetic to settle for that. But it feels less pathetic then settling for similar with a bloke he's only getting off with. Grant might not love him but he does like him as more than just a dick and a willing mouth. And despite all his irrational jealousy over Cora he knows without a shadow of a doubt that if Grant had any feelings beyond physical and friendship with Cora he wouldn't be perusing this with him. He's not Tuppy. He's not going to have a public girlfriend who is clueless and a private gay fling. Grant's better than that. Which helps. Richard's not sure he could keep doing this thing with Grant if he suspected Grant might have romantic feelings towards Cora. Even with Grant's unbridled enthusiasm and his wonderful cock. "Did you want to talk about your love life," he offers Whiz feeling bad that he got so worked up about things. "I know things stalled with May but are you trying greener pastures?"
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz listens to Richard and feels even less sure about this whole arrangement than he did before when Richard first said it was just a friends with benefits thing. Mostly because Richard is still clearly bothered by the thought of the bloke he's in love with having another friend with benefits who isn't him, and also clearly upset that it's never going to be more than that, even if he's also saying he'd rather have the friends with benefits thing than nothing. Whiz can't really blame Richard for that. It doesn't seem like the smart choice for Richard's feelings long term, but Whiz would probably be similarly inclined in a situation like Richard's, where he's never been able to have what he wants and this likely feels like the closest he'll ever get to it. Whiz would want to have that too. He lets out a soft sigh. "Alright, understood. No more optimism, then. Who knows who else Grant is banging, but at least he's banging you," he settles for, trying to lighten the mood a little bit.
Richard knows he's being stupid to still be this worked up over the snog. But it hurt. And nothing that's come out since has made Richard feel like the snog was anything else then what it looked like. "I appreciate you trying to be optimistic. But weird or not no one snogs their just mates. Certainly not their just mates they used to date. That's probably why they find all the over the top flirting funny." That feels like them, find it hilarious people wonder if they're dating when they're just hooking up. "The reality is Grant is very comfortable with friends with benefits arrangements. It's not going to do anyone any good letting out that I've got more than friendly feelings for the bloke. It's not a fairy tale, princes don't get happy endings, especially not gay ones. But they can enjoy themselves with someone who gets that a relationship can't happen. Like really gets it. Who's not into the idea of banging a prince. Or pissed off because he's got to sign a small book worth of paperwork to do it. There's nothing to be optimistic about. It is what it is." And all Richard wants to do is enjoy what it is before it isn't even that. Grant might not be expecting a relationship to build, or be upset over paperwork. But at some point he'll probably get tired of Richard being moody and disappearing for a day or so. That's how this will fizzle out, unless of course Grant meets someone else instead. There's no way Grant would ever fall in love with someone like him. Which is good because that would just mean heartbreak for both of them. Richard would rather not be the one to do the heartbreaking.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
"Alright," Whiz says when Richard repeats that he doesn't want him talking to Cora. Maybe it was a stupid suggestion, since Cora is the person Richard is worried Grant is sleeping with, and she's also the most likely person to know that Grant and Richard are hooking up, if Grant has told anyone. If he is hooking up with Cora, Whiz hopes he's not hiding the Richard hookups from her. Even if it's an open sort of thing that would feel a little iffy, as would Grant not being forthcoming with Richard about the fact he's sleeping with someone else. He's a little taken aback again that Richard seems to think Whiz doesn't believe him, and maybe a tiny bit hurt that Richard thinks he's being dismissive. But clearly this is a sensitive topic, which is already a very red flag in terms of how this is all going to end for his mate. But Richard has also very clearly taken that red flag and attached it to his sailboat as the main sail, so they're just going to have to follow the course it sets. "I believe you," Whiz tells him honestly. "I would agree there's at least attraction there if they snogged. I'm not trying to say your worries are invalid, mate. They're not. There could absolutely be something going on there. I was just trying to be optimistic, suggest some alternate reasons for the snog that maybe you hadn't considered yet." Usually Whiz is pretty good at seeing the difference between 'I want some helpful feedback' situations and 'I just want to vent my feelings' situations, especially with his best mate, but this whole Grant thing is a new situation with a lot of complicated feelings. He and Richard have talked through a lot of bloke stuff, but Richard had never been in love with any of those blokes, let alone in love with them and pretending to just be friends with benefits because that's all it can be. It's clearly going to take some navigating to figure out how to be supportive in this situation.
Despite Whiz's words Richard still doesn't feel like Whiz does believe him. Not completely. "I don't want you to," he says as if he hasn't made that very obvious already. "You wouldn't have had to mention me, she's not dumb. Even if Grant hasn't told her we're hooking up she'll know you asking has something to do with me." Maybe he's just being paranoid here but Cora just seems like she'd know. Know and find it funny probably. He likes Grant. Okay, he loves Grant. But sometimes he doesn't really like the things Grant and Cora find funny. He certainly doesn't want to be one of those things. "I know they're weird. But I don't know why your'e so dead set against believing me about this stupid snog. I know you say you do, but you clearly don't. I'm not saying they have some romantic feelings towards each other. He wouldn't be getting blow jobs from me if that was the case. I'm just saying you don't snog someone like that if you aren't attracted to them. There's clearly something still there. It wasn't fake. You can't even use the it's just for show excuse because if that was it they'd have snogged earlier when people were paying attention. Everyones snogging at midnight." The only person paying attention was him. And by god he wishes he hadn't been. He can't forget the look on Grant's face after or the feeling like he'd been punched in the gut. But the worst part now of the snog is that it's felt like from the moment he told Whiz about it Whiz had tried to downplay it. It feels like Whiz thinks he's being an idiot about it. And yeah, he probably is, but he knows what he saw. That was not a fake snog.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz isn't exactly surprised that Richard isn't into the idea of him asking Cora about her situation with Grant, though Whiz still thinks it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But he's a little taken aback by just how upset Richard is about the idea. "I never said you're being irrational, mate," Whiz says gently. "I believe you about the snog. They're just both just so bloody weird I'm not convinced a snog means they're hooking up currently. But--I won't ask her if you don't want me to," he adds quickly, holding his hands up in surrender. "And, for the record, even if I did ask her I wouldn't have mentioned you." He already knows Richard surely knows that, but a reminder feels needed here.
There's more he wants to say. A lot of it focused around Richard's worry that Grant might find out he's jealous and decide he's too high-maintenance to keep being friends with benefits with. There's a lot packed into that Whiz doesn't like. If Grant thinks that Richard having feelings about Grant possibly fooling around with multiple people at the same time means Richard is too high-maintenance, maybe it's best this thing run its course quickly and be done. But that doesn't feel like what he should say to Richard right now. He doesn't want Richard to feel like he can't talk to him about this stuff. It's probably just going to get more messy if this is where they already are. So he leaves it there for now.
"Yeah, I don't begrudge you not paying attention to my fancy and his ex over your fancy," Richard tells him. It would have been easier if Whiz saw the kiss. "But you don't need to have seen it to because it was a proper snog. It was not a friendly kiss. A flirty kiss even. It was a full on snog in the middle of the dance floor that he looked very pleased with after." And Richard was totally over it. Mostly. Richard's eyes went wide in horror when Whiz offered to ask Cora. "No!" He didn't shout but his voice was louder and his tone incredulous that Whiz would even suggest doing such a thing. "Do not ask her about it! Don't talk to her about any of this!" That was nightmare fuel just the idea that Whiz might bring this up to Cora. "Please do not!" Richard can't even believe Whiz thought it might be a good idea. "My god. I don't want him to find out I care about what else he gets up to. It's not that sort of arrangement. He'll decided I'm a bloody high maintenance nightmare. And I don't care. It's not like whatever he's doing with Cora impacts what he's doing with me." The idea of Whiz just casually asking Cora that freaks him out. "I know you just want to help Whiz but that will not help anything. Can't you just take my word for it that it was not a bloody friendly kiss on New Year's? I'm not being irrational here. Yes I was jealous over it but that doesn't change the fact that they snogged. You don't just snog someone you don't have at least a physical attraction to." He's certain that it would lead back to him being a jealous idiot over the bloke he's meant to be in a casual no strings not a thing with. Not to mention the humiliation of it. Because he's certain Grant and Cora would have a laugh at it all. They never seem to take anything serious when they're together. Grant's not malicious but that doesn't mean he mightn't trample all over Richard's feelings unintentionally. Especially given he doesn't know about Richard's feelings. Richard would like to keep it that way. Grant would likely not be all in for a no strings attached thing if he knew Richard actually had feelings.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz wrinkles his nose when Richard brings up Grant kissing Cora at New Years. "Hm. It's a shame I missed that kiss, I'd like to be able to weigh in on that. Except also not a shame because I was otherwise occupied kissing Lizzie's lovely but emotionally unavailable sister," he adds with a soft sigh. He's really thought that might go somewhere when she agreed to go out with him right after New Year's. It was disappointing that it wasn't really, but Whiz had moaned enough about that to Richard. He nods when Richard says he understands the press intrusion keeping someone from dating. "Do you want me to find out if he and Cora are friends with benefits? I could ask her, I wouldn't mind." Whiz enjoyed a good bit of gossip and he knew Cora did too; he felt like they had a good enough rapport he could ask her about that. She'd probably find it funny.
It's not surprising that Whiz is hesitant to accept the Cora friends with benefits thing. But then Whiz didn't see that kiss at New Year's. "You wanna talk romcom plots, kissing your ex at New Year's? I mean come on." Maybe Grant just had a thing for romcom plots without the romance. "There's being flirty and over the otp to mess with people and then there's having your tongue down someone's throat. Not the same thing. You don't kiss someone like that without something behind it." Richard is pretty sure that something is not lingering romantic feelings. There's nothing standing in the way of actually dating for them. He doubts Grant would have done what they did last night if he still had feelings for his ex girlfriend he could easily get back together with. Instead it's obviously a sexual thing. Richard is jealous because they can do things like kiss in public. And maybe a little or a lot because no feelings on Grant's side or not he'd like to have Grant to himself. At the same time it's probably good that Cora is such a visible reminder that Grant is very serious about no feelings just sex. Richard doesn't need to get ideas in his head. He just needs to enjoy this for hwat it is. And it's clear this sort of thing is easier for Grant now thanks to his elevated profile. "Yeah. If anyone can understand no dating because of the press intrusion it's me." Even if Richard has another layer to it. Grant does too though. Sure he could date girls with only that issue but it's clear that a bloke would cause more issues for Grant as well. It sucks but it's their reality.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
"That's true, maybe not," Whiz agrees when Richard says that if Grant had any close frustrated gay mates in high school they may not have kissed him in frustration. He's more interested in Grant's apparent friends with benefits experience. Especially when Richard says--"Him and Cora? Do you think? Really?" He asks. They did kiss at New Years. And they do flirt quite a lot, though Whiz hasn't seen much of that since the start of last semester. Whatever that relationship is, it's a weird one. Whiz is surprised to hear Richard knows a little more than that about Grant's dating history. It was clear they got close last semester, this just makes it clearer how close. And it makes sense that he'd have stopped having girl friends and switched to more casual flings after he got thrown into the spotlight. Whiz nods. "That's fair enough." It's a little sad, in the same way it's sad Richard can't date the way he'd like to.
Richard laughs when Whiz points out that someone else would have likely kiss Grant in frustration if he had. "Maybe. I guess it would depend really. I don't think I would have in high school." Which to be fair Richard isn't sure how good a measuring that is. Pre actually snogging Grant he wouldn't have thought he'd get so frustrated he'd do that. That was part of his freak out, just complete shock that he'd done something liek that. "No, I don't think so," he says when Whiz ask if he's Grant's first. "After that kiss at the party I'm fairly certain there's some kind of arrangement between him and Cora. I think now that his mum is president he just finds it easier not to date." Richard is not going to be jealous over whatever Grant and Cora have going on. Clearly it's not filling all his needs. And just mates don't get jealous. "We talked some, well he talked I didn't actually share, obviously, about it last semester. He had a few girlfriends in high school but things are different now. As much as they like ot play it up I get the feeling that it was a bit of a shock how invested strangers were in what he was doing with Cora." Richard has always known his dating would be very public knowledge. But even with that he can imagine how insane it would feel to have that happen suddenly.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz laughs when Richard says he hopes no other blokes Grant flirted with suffered as much as he did. "I'd hope not, surely one of them would have also planted one on him in frustration if they did," he quipped. He laughs at Richard's addition. "Good point." Grant didn't seem to have a wide circle of close friends, similar to Richard. He most likely didn't have a string of 'very close mates' he was getting flirty with without realizing it. At least Whiz hoped not. It seems unlikely there's a bunch of blokes who thought he was cheating on a girlfriend with them either. Though what Richard adds last about the friends with benefits thing being recent catches his interest. "Oh? Like, you're the first?" Whiz isn't sure what to make of that. "And you've talked about his dating past?" He adds, because he's curious about that too; both about Grant's dating past and the fact that he's apparently told Richard all about it.
Richard laughs when Whiz calls him a numpty and swats him with the pillow. Despite himself he can't help laughing at Whiz's comment about Grant flirting and not realizing. While Richard is the lucky bloke who got to be Grant's sexual awakening and all the fun that's coming out of that. He thinks it was exactly that luck. As much as it's still a little painful there's clearly nothing special there. Grant's interested in him sexually and as a mate, nothing more. So clearly it's all down to luck that he is Grant's first. "All I can say to that is I hope none of those poor bastards suffered like I did. Confused and frustrated by all the mixed signals." Thankfully Grant is not giving mixed signals any longer. "Though from what I know any flirting was likely brief in duration. It's not like the bloke is making friends with frustrated gays and leaving them more frustrated," he adds with a laugh. Grant is like him in the fact that he doesn't have a lot of close friends. Maybe some of those on the periphery have been flirted with but likely not a whole lot because they're not around Grant much. "He also dated a fair bit so there's either a bunch of gays who think he's a cheater or maybe no one else realized it was flirting. It seems to just be recent that he's decided on friends with benefits." Richard doesn't mean him recent, because after New Year's he's fairly certain there's something like that with Cora. It seems to him that it's more like a since his mum became president recent thing.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
"I know, mate," Whiz tells Richard with a laugh when he feels the need to clarify that he's only interested in White House sex because Grant lives there. Grant clearly has Richard interested in a lot of new things, which Whiz doesn't necessarily think is a bad thing. It's nice to see Richard looking so pleased and happy, even if there is that underlying knowledge that he thinks it will only ever be friends with benefits. Maybe it could turn into more than that, still. Instead of asking about that, though, Whiz wants to keep things light. And he's still processing the fact that apparently Grant, who'd been flirting blatantly with Richard for months, didn't realize he was into blokes. Truly remarkable. "Not wrong?? I was right, you numpty," Whiz answers Richard with a laugh and another swat of the pillow before laughing when Richard says Grant was embarrassed and Richard found it cute. Of course Richard found it cute. "Good! He should be embarrassed, he was flirting like a man who's been flirting with men his whole life. Which maybe he has been and just didn't realize," Whiz adds with a chuckle. "Truly remarkable."
Richard laughs, a touch sheepishly, when Whiz says he was thinking more other places not White House. "I'm only interested because that's where Grant lives," he feels the need to clarify. Least Whiz thinks he has some kink for sex in historic places. It's not his fault if a lot of his encounters have been in historic places. Kind of hard to avoid when you live in one. Tippy too. But Richard can't help getting a little dirty when talking about immobilizing Grant through the power of a blow job. And he's pleased with the reply he gets, laughing delightedly at it. Whiz's take on it, especially the kissed the bi right out of him, makes him grin. Richard's never thought about being the person to make someone aware of their sexuality. But he's chuffed to have this be the outcome of that kiss. Richard laughs and pops Whiz with the pillow when he says he was right. "I wouldn't say you were completely right. Not sure it counts as flirting. But you were not wrong about a lot of things," he concedes with a grin. "And yeah, I guess that's the reason for the confusion. I mean I still don't quite get it. But he was being truthful about it, I could tell. He's actually rather embarrassed about not catching on and being confusing. It's cute." Grant probably wouldn't agree but Richard thinks so.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz laughs at Richard's quit about not secret White House sex. "I was thinking secret not White House sex, but I don't judge," he teases back with a grin. Laughing again at Richard's addition and that little grin that accompanies it. "There's a plan, you naughty boy!" He answers, smacking Richard with the pillow again. "Bloody hell. So the reason he was being so damn confusing was because he didn't know he was into blokes until you kissed the bi right out of him, eh?" Whiz adds, coming back to that part because it's a doozy. "Amazing. So I was right the whole time," he can't help adding with a cheeky grin.
Whiz is enjoying this too much. Richard can tell by that gleeful laughter. But it really does sort of feel like the kind of thing Grant would enjoy. Or would if his mum wasn't the president. Richard feels like that would have to make it weird. But he's not 100% on which would win out. Scandalizing old presidents, and maybe current racists, or it being his mum's current office. He almost wants to ask except he does not want to end up giving Grant a blow job in Grant's mum's office. Now his bedroom...Richard wants to give Grant a blow job there. But the subject is snooping so Richard will have to indulge thoughts about how good Grant gets while he goes down on him later. For now he's laughing at the hot steamy secret White House sex. "As opposed to hot steamy not secret White House sex? Fairly certain secret is the only way to go there," he quips with a laugh. "We'll have to see if I'm in the snooping mood. And I'm not convinced Grant will just lay there and allow it. Maybe directly after he did seem a bit immobile there," Richard adds with another naughty grin.
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz can't help the way he cracks up even more when Richard goes a little pale and response very unconvincingly that there's no way Grant would want to bang him in the President's office. Whiz figured he'd called that one right and Richard is confirming that. "I hope you're right!" He says through gleeful laughter. He grins when Richard admits he's excited to see Grant's bedroom; of course he is. But he frowns when Richard says no sleeping and that Grant apparently made that very clear. He doesn't ask though, not wanting to bring the mood down again. "Then I guess you'll just have to snoop while you're both awake, after you have hot steamy secret White House sex."
Richard laughs and shakes his head. He is absolutely not living out a romantic comedy plot. But Whiz clearly won't be moved. But he pales a little at the idea that Grant might be into the idea of having sex in the President's office. Surely not. "No way," he replies not convincingly. It's his mum so he's sure that's a no. But it's Grant and he'd probably be tickled by the idea of all the past presidents rolling over in their grave that a First Son would be getting a blow job from an English Prince. He's not so certain he'd have the willpower to say not to that. Even if it's a terrible, horrible idea. At least Whiz is moving away from that so Richard can stop thinking about it. He laughs and shakes his head again. "I am excited to see it," he admits. "But I told you, he was very clear there's no falling asleep. So no snooping. Sorry to disappoint."
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auntiewhiz · 8 months ago
Whiz just laughs when Richard swats him again and acts put upon by Whiz's teasing, which is very much called for. At least Richard admits it's because of the cock. And if it is that good, who is Whiz to judge? That won't stop him from teasing though. It's not nearly often enough that he gets to tease Richard about bloke things in a way that feels normal. He lets out a loud, exaggerated sigh at Richard's insistence that there's no romance. "Oh, hush you, that's not what I meant! It's all well and good that there's no romance, that doesn't change the fact you're living out a romantic comedy plot," he says, because they are absolutely living out a romantic comedy what with the running encounter last night and now the secret White House hookup they're planning. "It's all very juicy," he adds with a grin. He laughs at Richard's addition about where else they might hook up. "Unless you want to hook up in the President's office you probably should never mention that idea to him. I mean, hopefully he wouldn't be into it what with his mum being the President, but he also seems like the sort who would be into something like that." Whiz is only partly teasing. "Anyways, don't pretend you're not excited to see his bedroom. Maybe you can stay until he falls asleep and do some snooping, I'll bet you find way more interesting stuff there than what we found when we snooped in his dorm room."
Richard swats Whiz another time at his answer, but he's laughing with him. Just not as hard as Whiz because Grant's mum finding him would be embarrassing. "Yes, fine, go on tease me. The cock was that good," he replies with more laughter. It's not a joke either. He'd risk having an awkward encounter with Grant's mum. He just hopes he isn't actually risking it. Richard rolls his eyes when Whiz says it's romantic comedy of him. "Without the romance," he feels the need to interject. Which is fine. He knew romance was not reality for him. He just needs Whiz not to go down that path again. "And of course it's in Grant's actual bedroom. Where else in the White House do you think we'd meet up? His mum's office?" Not even Grant would be crazy enough to suggest they meet up elsewhere. It's also a good pivot away from talking about romance.
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