augustslippdaway · 2 years
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Nancy + being amused by Ace
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
Niko’s eyes hurt; he tried not to think about when he last blinked. Distantly he heard the gurgle of an empty stomach, and Emma saying–something, probably nothing of import. Then a pen clattered against the monitor. Sighing, he grabbed the neon eyesore of a writing utensil and deposited it in the top drawer to join the others.��“Again? Thought we just had that on Wednesday,” He observed, ignoring the geek comment. He was hungry though… “Let’s go. But if they’re serving us leftovers, there will be a problem. Might have to take a byte or two out of their servers.”
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The pen had been thrown to gain his attention towards her and break him away from his own monitor, but he just had to steal it and her eyes narrowed as she watched him stash it in his drawer. He was the reason she had to go out and buy replacement pens on a weekly basis. Yes, she realized she could learn her lesson and stop throwing things at him but where would the fun be in ceasing tormenting him. “Do you think I remember what they had on Wednesday, pen thief?” she scoffed, but even if it was the same stuff, she was too hungry to care. “Oh, I’d love to see their golden boy actually take a byte our of their servers. I’d love to see you do anything that wasn’t sucking up to them.” That’s partly why he annoyed her so much is because they were both competing for Vanguard’s affections. She playfully rolled her eyes as she stood up from her desk and began walking to the exit of their office unit. “Come one, before either one of us starves to death.”
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
Niko’s mind was a blur of racing thoughts and insults directed at both himself and the idiot repairman. Seriously, how difficult was it to show up at a scheduled time? (And how difficult was it to stay away from the one person that could unravel years worth of work?)
At the very least, his side of the house was presentable and ready for his visitors to track a fresh round of dirt in on the floors. White floors, no less–those were getting replaced, in both units, one of his speeding thoughts decided. He moved to add that to the wipe board list on the refrigerator when the knock at the door stalled his progress. 
Marker in hand, he crossed through the kitchen, through the modest foyer, and finally the front door. He’d left it unlocked, just for her, but shouting It’s open! always struck him as barbaric and… Beck-like.
Opening the door, he greeted his guest with a polite smile and stepped aside to let her in. “It’s alright. My door is always open.” For you, though that went unsaid. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”
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Nancy normally would’ve just tried to turn the doorknob and see if it was unlocked, but that was before she died and before things became weird between the scooby crew. She didn’t know if Niko and her were even friends anymore in light of everything that had changed in the three years since she died. He hadn’t even texted her when the news broke that she was back, but then again she hadn’t reached out to him either. 
The beach bash was the first time she saw him since she’s been back. There was also the fact that Niko was working for their enemy and she wondered what they would all think if they caught her standing outside his door. Even if he was a “bad” guy now, he was still the one she wanted to go to and talk about her problems with, but now she was second guessing if she should be here. 
“Always open?” she questioned with a raised brow as she stepped past him to step inside, “I think that’s a bit dangerous and you should start locking it.” Her tone was clearly teasing as she walked over to his couch and dropped her bag down on the floor before she slumped down on the couch herself.. “I just couldn’t spend one more night in my old room. Did I tell you they kept it perfectly preserved? Like dusted and everything. It’s practically a museum of me.”
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
location: nancy’s dad’s house tag: @cordibeckett
Hocus Pocus had been Nancy’s favorite Halloween movie growing up so naturally, she was excited about the release of Hocus Pocus 2. For the first time since she had come back from the dead, she was grateful to be alive and not missing out on what was truly going to be an iconic sequel. She was still in the process of looking for a new place, so her dad’s house would have to do for the night. It was a good thing her dads were going out on a cute, little date night so her and Cordi could have the house for awhile. It was nice to see that her dads were doing well and that their relationship was still going strong, but she needed a break sometimes from their enormous joy over having her back. Nancy could hear the car pull up, so she was already at the front door and opening it up to come face to face with Beck’s little sister. “Okay, so I already have popcorn popping but I wasn’t sure which chips we might want to snack on. We’ve got a few options.”
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
location: pumpkin patch @ local Northpass farm tag: @deadgirlwandering​
Three years had gone by quietly in Northpass, three years and everyone was forgetting the slasher summer except her. While the pitying stares had stopped, she carried the memories of that night with her always. The sounds of the screams, the sight of the blood. It was hard to get over and she never forgave herself for being the one to suggest they all signup. And now those very friends she had lost were coming back and she felt guilty because she should be happy. It was a good thing they got a second chance after dying so young. 
It didn’t help that her friend kept making a joke out of the entire thing too, which tended to rub her the wrong way. She just hoped they could pick a pumpkin and get through carving without Cami losing her temper. “So, are we looking for a big one, or? What’s the carving idea? And are you sure you don’t just want to paint them.” Okay, despite the tough persona she put on, she hated the slimy guts that pumpkins held inside.
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ CAMILA ESCARRA is a HUMAN and has been told they look a lot like [ JENNA ORTEGA ] and according to their driver’s license, they’re a TWENTY-ONE years old FEMALE. They’ll tell you they’ve lived in Northpass for FOURTEEN YEARS and you can find them working as A CLERK AT SCOOP FULL OF SUGAR. They’ve always just been: FEARLESS, DEPENDABLE, SULLEN, AIMLESS. ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ SIE , 28, SHE/HER, CST
NAME: camila escarra
AGE: 21
DATE OF BIRTH: may 4, 2011
ETHNICITY: mexican, puerto rican
OCCUPATION: clerk @ scoop full of sugar
LIKES: skateboarding, video games, playing loud music over her headphones, pizza, oversized hoodies, rock climbing, true crime, staying up late at night
DISLIKES: boy bands (secretly likes nsync), therapy, 1% battery on her phone, being told no, sharp objects, being alone
her parents got divorced when she was eight and her mom took her and moved to Northpass where her aunt lives and she never saw her dad again.
she had grown up in arizona so it took her awhile to adjust to the coastal town, especially since it is a lot colder. she still hates seafood but she likes the ocean.
she found her dad when she was a teenager on social media and saw that he had an entire new family, so it’s safe to say she never wanted to see her dad again.
she had a small group of friends since she was eighteen years old and it was actually bittersweet to be graduating. she was afraid she’d never see many of them again, so yeah, she did suggest being camp counselors. she thought it’d be a fun way to have one final memory together.
she regrets ever suggesting it now considering the summer trip turned into a bloody nightmare where the group of eight lost four of their friends.
she still deals with a lot of survivor’s guilt for being the one to suggest the trip and being one of the survivors. her mom wanted her to go to therapy but she quit after a week.
she didn’t care about going to college anymore and she’s been working at the local ice cream parlor called scoop full of sugar for the past three years.
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
location: niko’s duplex tag: @nikomura​
Her dads just weren’t listening to her and what she wanted and this time she had enough, packing a bag and not telling them where she was going. She knew that was petty and she knew why they were concerned considering they had lost her once, but right now, she felt drastic actions were the only way she was going to make them listen to her. She didn’t want to pretend like everything was normal and she needed some time to breath, so she sought the company of one from her group of friends. Although, she probably would’ve moved onto the next if he had said no. 
Of all of their friends, Nancy didn’t know why she had texted Niko or perhaps she knew exactly why, but she just didn’t want to acknowledge it inside or outside of her head. It didn’t stop her heart from racing as she stood in front of his door. She couldn’t quite bring herself to knock or pull out her phone and text him. The redhead was half tempted to turn around and just sleep in her car or something, but she took a deep breath and knocked on his door. “Hey, it’s me. Sorry, I kind of sprung this whole can I sleepover on you,” she called out as she waited for him to open the door. Why was it easier to talk through the door or through text than it was in person? 
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
location: vanguard offices tag: @nikomura
Emma had been staring at her computer screen for too long and she had completely lost track of time. The only way she knew it was around lunch time was because of her stomach growling. Her head tilted to the side of her computer and her blue eyes peered across the way at Niko. He seemed to be engrossed in coding too, so it was up to her to make sure they both ate. “Hey, geek,” she called out, tossing one of her numerous pens at his desk.“Do you want to come to the cafeteria with me? It’s orange chicken today or something, I think.” The HR department usually sent out a monthly lunch calendar but she liked to be surprised. 
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
imessage 📲 niko
Niko: Cross that bridge when we get to it, at the very least they could waive the labor fees...
Niko: I'll be here. We can look at some listings
Nancy: I'm sure we can talk them into it
Nancy: I appreciate it
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
As soon as he saw those eyes he felt it. A feeling that had been snuffed out of his chest so long ago, suddenly flickered back to life between his lungs and stole the air right out of them. It was… surreal, staring back into her blue eyes–her lively blue eyes. Seeing her here, in the flesh. Not on a monitor of the medical ward, or in glossy autopsy photos. He opened his mouth and–
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Everything worthwhile he’d rehearsed, or even contemplated over the past month, vacated his stream of conscious in a flash and left him actually speechless, dumbfounded even. (A lot like how imagined the inside of Beck’s flighty brain was like–but even he’d been able to face Nancy, like actually face to face.)
“Yeah, that sounds familiar, that might be her. Truth be told, I haven’t seen her in so long I can’t quite recall…” Niko tried again, clearing his throat and quickly looking anywhere that wasn’t the redhead. “You haven’t seen anyone around here like that, have you?”
Honestly, the reason she hadn’t reached out to Niko was because it was a lot harder for her find the words to say to him than it was for Beck. Nearly an entire month had passed and she still couldn’t figure out what to say and she didn’t think she’d ever find the right words, especially not now that she was face to face with him and the moment he spoke it felt like all of the air had been knocked out of her lungs.
She couldn’t admit it out loud but she could feel the way her stomach felt like it was doing somersaults as she stared into those brown eyes. Nancy didn’t like to “stalk” online, but there were some sleepless nights that she had found herself scrolling through his socials and then dreaming about those eyes. There was something about him that made her weak and it was hard for her to deal with things (like feelings) she couldn’t rationalize. She didn’t know what to do because she was afraid if she hugged him, she might collapse into him and never let go.
All she knew was that she was glad that he hadn’t been in the car with her, she was glad she had spared him of everything she was going through now that she was alive again. It seemed they were both speechless though as she watched his mouth open and it seemed to take the words a minute to catch up. “Hm, I think I might’ve seen someone like that looking a little lost in this crowd. She might’ve been trying to head somewhere quieter like the bonfires.” Oh, it was so easy to play this game, to pretend she was an imaginary figment of a person instead.
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
imessage 📲 niko
Niko: Very good timing, I requested only the hottest repairman, shouldn't be too hard to feign attraction for either of us lmao. And yes of course.
Nancy: you would and this could be dangerous. what if they start to think we want a threesome or something? thanks, i appreciate it. i'll be there soon and i think i need to find my own place asap
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
imessage 📲 niko
Nancy: you're trying to extort money from me now? what broke? and thanks
Niko: Ferrets aren't cheap Nance. It's the dishwasher, damn near flooded the kitchen this morning. See you in a bit.
Nancy: you would know and maybe this is good timing and i can flirt with the repairman to get you a deal. is it cool if i bring an overnight bag?
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
imessage 📲 niko
Nancy: how exactly do you convince them to race? so, you're at your place then?
Niko: You'll learn nothing until you front the buy-in, but yes just waiting on repairman. Come over whenever.
Nancy: you're trying to extort money from me now? what broke? and thanks
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ EMMA WEBER has been told they look a lot like [ MILENA TSCHARNTKE ] and according to their driver’s license, they’re a TWENTY-SEVEN years old FEMALE. They’ll tell you they’ve lived in Northpass for THREE YEARS and you can find them as an IT & CYBERSECURITY SPECIALIST at VANGUARD PHARMACEUTICALS. They’ve always just been: RESOURCEFUL, COMMITTED, THOUGHTLESS, AND ASSERTIVE. ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ SIE, 28, SHE + HER, CST
NAME: emma weber
AGE: 27
OCCUPATION: IT & cybersecurity at vanguard pharmaceuticals
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ NANCY MALARKEY has been told they look a lot like [ KENNEDY MCMANN ] and according to their driver’s license, they’re a TWENTY-FIVE years old CISFEMALE. They’ll tell you they’ve lived in Northpass for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS and you can find them working as AN INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST at NORTHPASS NEWS. They’ve always just been: OBSERVANT, CURIOUS, BLUNT, AND SINGLE-MINDED. ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ SIE, 28, SHE + HER, CST
tw: surrogacy, death, car accident, parental loss, illness
NAME: nancy jane malarkey
AGE: 25 (28)
DATE OF BIRTH: august 31st, 1994
ETHNICITY: scottish/dutch
OCCUPATION: investigative journalist @ northpass news
LIKES: sudoku, puzzles, escape rooms, listening to podcasts, watching true crime
DISLIKES: trust-building exercises, surprises, adhering to a reasonable sleep schedule, listening to authority, awkward silences
she was raised by her two dads who had her via surrogacy
she met her surrogate mother and the two were close before her surrogate mother fell ill and passed away when nancy was a teen
she always trusts what her gut tells her for better or for worse
if someone says nancy no, she usually hears nancy yes
some times she can hyperfocus on one thing and forget to even eat or sleep
she was an investigative journalist before her death and now she's mostly editing other people's work as she reacclimates back
her death is shrouded in mystery and no one has an answer for her but the truth is she was murdered
she started looking into the pharmaceutical lab but once she started asking questions and trying to gather evidence she received an anonymous warning to stop
she doesn’t remember much about why she died except for she’s been told it was due to a car accident. what no one knows is her brakes were tampered with before she went to talk to the local water company
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
imessage 📲 niko
Niko: Oh just organizing an illegal ferret race. You want in?
Nancy: how exactly do you convince them to race? so, you're at your place then?
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augustslippdaway · 2 years
Location: the beach ; coastal craze Tag: open for anyone!
Emma felt out of place coming to the beach bash because, despite the fact that she had lived in Northpass for three years, she still felt like an outsider. She wasn’t a native of the small town and she worked for the big pharma company in town so it felt like two strikes against her. Still, she wanted to belong and come to the event anyway. It turns out she wasn’t as cold as her icy exterior would have you believe and she just wanted to make some friends. She didn’t know what she wanted to do though but it was hot so she found herself drawn toward the snow cone food truck. “Have you tried the pineapple one? Is it good?” she asked to no one in particular, but she figured someone standing nearby would hear her and if they were kind enough offer her some advice.
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