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auclamenza · 3 years ago
|Ringmaster|• seokjin
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Summary • Lured in by the sights and sounds of the most famous circus in town, events take a strange turn once you become part of the show. Genre • Dark yandere||Explicit||Smut Pairing • Seokjin x reader TW • Non-con sexual intercourse, kidnapping, manipulation, drugging, bondage, sadistic jin, tickling kink, subtle urophilia, agalmatophilia, perversion, vomit, explicit sexual content, choking, unprotected sex, disassociation, DARK YANDERE, use of needle/drugs, controlling, non-con use of sex toy, non-con touching, non-con roleplay, obsessiveness, physical fight, mentions of trauma and mental health struggles. Word count • 10.2 k
•This is DARK yandere. Please do not read if these things trigger you. I do not condone or support these acts. My writing is purely fictional and does not truly represent any member.  
please don’t copy, steal, plagiarize, re-post, or otherwise use without permission  
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
Burn my soul
Pairing- vampire bts member× yn
Warnings- mention of sexual abuse, death, obsession, lot of angst
Pls forgive if I did any mistakes!
You saw yet another shooting star last night. Your grandma said wishing something upon seeing them makes the wish come true yet you don't see his approaching figure. She said that the  your small town holds many secrets while braiding your hair which you dismissed as folktale as a child. But now you pray for her words to come true more than anything else.
But no matter how long you look at ice caped shiny mountains they don't budge and tell you the secret they are hiding. No matter how much you look at the birds chirping they don't tell you whose sound they muffle by their singing. No matter how closely you listen to the blowing of wind they don't tell you who are they blowing away from.
It would have been better if you are not stuck in the whirlwind of your thoughts. You wanted to go back to your previous life where you going to work and taking care of your sick father filled your daily routine . But destiny had different plans. You have tried so much to forget about that day but your soul flourishes in his memory.
You feel it in your heart and your entire being. The way his aura swallow your existence in your dream till the point your body struggles to breathe and you wake up drenched in sweat. You remember hearing his voice in your dream which set every nerve of yours on fire. You remember the tug of string which seemed to connects your hearts when you were about to finally see the face of your savior in your dream.
Sometimes you can feel his presence. you suspect if a  pair of eyes watch your every move. You suspect if someone follows you from work.You suspect if someone accidentally left your favorite snowdrops on your doorstep when it was meant for somebody else.You suspect if someone whispered something in the ears of the wild dog when it was ready to prance at you when you were returning from forest late at night.
Though you vaguely remember seeing his silhouette before going unconscious, you knew he had heard your cry of help. He had sensed the danger that had befallen upon you when in an instant your senior turned into an assaulter ready to take advantage of your naive trust. You didn't expect your senior manager to physically assault you beside the river bed after you denying  his manipulative coaxing and inappropriate touches. You couldn't believe the vile words his tongue produced which once had complemented you.  It was then you couldn't fight his strong arms and his forceful lips on your neck and cleavage that you mustered all your energy and shouted for help. It was not before he laid you on ground with the help of his heavy figure preparing to take you raw while having his knee between your naked thighs you heard something coming towards both of you. It was then the bone chilling storm began to blew and  your eardrum hurt  by the animalistic roar that cracked the thin layer of blue ice covering the river.Your assaulted scurried away from you as the speed of the blowing wind only increased. Your barely opened eyes recognized a silhouette piercing through  the icy strom. Suddenly you felt rib crushing ache in your chest as you soul struggled to become free and then the last thing you remembered seeing his shiny red eyes before going into days of slumber.
As you told your experience to the concerned officials while laying on hospital bed you only saw their dismissive looks.  They shut you down as they shut others down who say having  encountered a canine human by the icy river. All the stories fall on deaf ears when they say some mythical creature saved their lives. The things you saw were termed as hallucinations.  But all those voices were not capable to answer how  the body of your accused  is nowhere to be found.
You don't why he denies coming to see you again no matter how many times you visit the place of your first encounter.  Every dawn you find yourself sitting by the river  hoping that maybe the  place is frequently visited by him.  You yearn to just take a glimpse of his silhouette again.  He never answers your endless pleas of saving your soul from the suffering of being away from him. Yet your legs walk you to river Bank believing that  one day you will hear his heavy breath along with flowing of river water.
Your teary eyes don't convey the emptiness you feel in your chest as you stare at the mountains now outside of your window guarded by long conifers. But false to your belief a pair of ruby eyes stare at you longingly from the forest as they water from guilt. His heart throbs when he remembers your soft hands slipping from his leading you to fall in the mouth of death a century ago. The longing you feel is better than again getting tangled in the black webs of his heart.  In his mind this was the only way to protect you even if it meant slicing your heart a little..
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
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Hello everyone, I'm aucla! I'm new to writing and mainly yandere theme stories fascinate me. Hope you enjoy my blog!
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
Ruin me, ravish me
Pairing-yandere prison officer skj× yn
Warning- non con, dub con, mention of physical and emotional abuse, mention of attempted rape, depression, obsession,angst, smut
Pls forgive if I made any mistakes!
Muffled approaching sounds of boots woke you up from your light drowse state. It was impossible to sleep with your aching body and being in constant terror of him visiting you. His visits have become more frequent since a couple of days are left until his dream to keep you as his becomes a reality. The event of past only made your eye scrunch more and you decided to continue your facade of sleeping.
The locks were opened with your back facing the gate and entered a slim man with his dark orbs never meeting you but anything they could find in the empty cell. Then came the lord of your agony. Chief officer Kim Seokjin himself adjusting his broad shoulders across the little gate. The younger guard left closing the gate as your prison officer took steps closer to you. It grew impossible for you to carry your facade of sleeping with the quickening of your breaths. He must have noticed your anxious state as he caressed your hair lightly and held your hand. Ever so gently he brought your hands to his plump lips kissing each knuckle.
" I hope the block caretaker isn't rude to you anymore"
How could she? Upon hearing her misbehavior with you he himself made sure she doesn't look you in eyes anymore.
"Only 3 more days, after that no one will dare to disrespect you knowing that you will be my bethrothed"
His words filled you with nausea. Even though you want to ignore the pain it brings he makes sure to remind you of the day he will claim you in front of the world. The anguish of living with him your entire life was more agonizing than the son of your madam accusing you of mixng his morning tea with rodent poison when you ran from his room in torn clothes after his forceful attempt to bed you. Your madam's wrath  was more tolerable than suffering his regular torment.
The accusation and the backtalks will be forgotten when you start a new life in your stepsister's village you thought.  But the idea of starting a new life with him after he got infatuated with you and now is adamant to free you from confinement sparks terror in you.
The lack of reaction from you all this time didn't bother the almond  orbed man as he move forward to  kiss your closed eyelids and then suck your already bruises neck. Your squirming form did get him excited everytime but your moan provoked the man to take a sweet taste of your lips.  As easy it was his hands found purchase between your thighs able to feel your growing wetness clearly defying your resistant act of not enjoying  his administrations.
You broke up from his possessive lips to gasp for air but only his scent filled your nostrils which made your body betray you even more. Your hand stopping the man's hand did barely anything as his hands fondled your breasts .The man gently toyed your clit which elicit a strangled moan. Your moans only bought you shame as it let the  other guards know of you being defiled by their senior in every obscene way possible.
He worked through the buttons of your dress, impatiently as him seeing you covering your decency in his presence was purposeless as you are already aware of his favorite daily visits to you. His fingers only generated more lewd sounds which gained his hums of approval. The man no longer able to contain himself turned you on to your side and moved you so that your cunt met his clothed crotch. His enormous stature just  bending  a little to give attention to your dark perky aerola.
Your meek hand  movements pushing him  did not  stop his calloused hand from feeling every swell of your petite body. The murmurs of your pleas finally made the man snap his eyes to your watery ones and one hand came to bruise your jaw in vicing grip and then  his lips met yours swallowing your entire being. Your moans and cries got muffled as his mouth claimed your soul .
When he detached his lips you knew he has done playing with you.You accepted your fate as his hands worked his pants to take out his ever so hard leaking manhood to corrupt you yet again. His hand guided your thighs apart and  he  sank his entire length making you cry out in pain as your walls burned to accommodate his thick length.
After sometime he opened his scrunched eyes  and changed his ecstatic expression to stoic one. Covering your throat with his large hands, his hips started pounding your heat. With his badges clinking and wet sounds of him taking you animalistically filled the cell, you knew your cries and his grunts will again be talk amongst the guards who still wonder  how your vile cunt  could enchant an officer like him. As he could no longer contain his release he rubbed your nub which caused you to  curl your toes and arch  into his hard chest. As you became undone he released his seeds to be sucked by your spasming cunt. Your little hiccups catched his attention from his panting form above you. Your  sounds only gained a chuckle from him as he took himself out of your wet heat and covered his manhood again. All the time him dressing,his eyes devoured your wrecked self and disheveled hair.
He collected both of your juices out of your leaking hole and pushed his fingers past your lips and swirled them against your tongue. Satisfied  he got up leaving your  bruised self too fragile to move. The guard opened the gate after him knocking  as you were again left alone in the gloomy darkness of your cell with nothing but you feeling his love inside your heat and your body yet again claimed by him.
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
If prof Jin was rewarding u? 👀👀👀👀👀
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Woof. This one Jin’s rewards are something else entirely.
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(Let Me Be) Good To You
Word Count: 5.5k (ish)
Warnings: Fingering, oral, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, unethical stuff (teacher x student). 
Author’s note: Purely fantasy and for my lovely friend @playmetheclassics from her AMAZING ask series about Professor Jin. (She also did the mood board for this...isn’t it LOVELY!?)
@bonvoyagenoona @purgatorywriter @skyys-universe @shesoldbutcute @btspenandpaper @weirdgirls4eve-r @1995soulm8ts @latenightsandbrightdyes 
“This professor is such a hardass..” Olivia groaned from the left as she slouched into her seat. It was certainly a good thing the two of you chose seats in the furthest row back. Even if it didn’t do much to keep you from the target gaze of the professor. Your best friend didn’t seem so daunted, glaring at the paper on her desk, marked in a score that rivaled your worst paper. 
The professor had rigid standards and he made no bones about it. Those criteria had found you in his office weeks ago, with your own paper blurring as your eyes rolled and closed while he fucked you senseless. Jin had his hard lines and you’d crossed them. 
Olivia didn’t need to find out--and something told you he wouldn’t give her that same treatment. Professor Seokjin was notorious for his lack of favoritism. As far as anyone had known. Except you. That night.
Kim Seokjin. Not-so-new professor, still determined to prove something. Hardest standards and ass in the department. 
Whose back was to the class right now. He was still droning on, broad back shifting in a simple white button up with an impeccable ass, writing yet another few lines in bright red on the white board running one end of the wall to the other. The way those slacks clung to each globe had your mouth wet. From the minute you sat down, as he’d stood. 45 minutes ago.
Hard ass, indeed. You shifted, heaving a sigh and Olivia inched upright, neck rolling on her shoulders. She was already folding the paper in a way that told you she’d never be taking it outside the room. Both of you stared ahead, watching Jin’s form turn back to the class. 
Those dark eyes, behind darker rims, stared confidently into the sea of faces. And somehow he found you, inducing a twitch between your legs. Olivia’s lower half shifted sideways and she stood. A moment later others did the same as Jin’s voice boomed. 
“Anyone due for a rewrite, I’ll expect it on my desk by the end of class this week..” Jin’s wrist lifted and his eyes went to the large watch there. So did yours. That hand, so smooth and strong, fingers lightly curled. His brow arched softly and his gaze swept over the scene again as he went on. “..That’s exactly 37 hours from now.” 
A chorus of groans and gripes littered the air in response but Jin didn’t seem the least bit moved. Of course. THAT wouldn’t change. Social pressure was nothing to him. 
“He’s tough for sure..” You mumbled, doing the bare minimum to close your notebook. It joined your pen in the messenger bag by your seat. 
“He’s a fucking asshole..” Olivia amended as she tugged her sweater on and then the strap of her bag over one shoulder. “..I should go to the dean for that...bullshit.” Not that she’d have a case and you knew it. 
Olivia didn’t wait, marching down the aisle steps. You rushed to follow, trailing her past Jin’s desk as he lowered into the seat, bodies of worried students pleading their cases ringing his space there. At least he was out of sight. You couldn’t bear it today--not the way your middle was knotted from the moment you’d passed the threshold and caught Jin’s cologne lingering. Surely it hadn’t been so obvious before--but it HAD been each damned class period ever since that night. 
Olivia’s balled up paper bounced on the rim of the garbage can by the door and spiraled into the depth as she tugged your wrist and pulled you into the stream of students outside. Instant relief came as you let yourself be pulled into the heat and warmth. 
At least here it was safer--more bodies in the way between you and what was rapidly becoming the man you wanted--to fear AND desire. You’d never felt a combination like it. Olivia faced you now, her scowl coming clear as you snapped back to attention. She tucked arms around her middle, pouting. 
“He’s a prick and a half. God. I thought EVERY Professor Kim at this college would be as decent as Professor Namjoon. What the hell is this shit? I worked hard on that paper.” She waved vaguely in the direction of Jin’s classroom door, bleeding students at an increasing rate, with more and more unhappy looking faces. 
You shrugged. Olivia really hadn’t given much effort--if you were honest. It wasn’t right to add to her misery by pointing that out. It wasn’t long ago she’d frantically typed the paper, in the computer lab upstairs the morning it was due--hours before class started. What did she realistically expect? You were shocked she’d even known the topic. It was new territory: none of her flirtation worked with this professor the way it had seemed to with Namjoon, who’s smile and kind eyes met her sob story weeks before. And she’d waltzed out with an extension. 
This… This served her right. You chewed your lip to hide a smile of satisfaction at her comeuppance. You’re lucky you didn’t have to learn the hard way--like me. But the sudden bite of jealousy in your throat at the idea of Olivia being in your position on Jin’s desk made you more than a little uncomfortable. 
“You’ve heard the rumors, ‘Livia. He’s still trying to make his mark here. It’s not easy for anyone. You saw how many unhappy people were there with us.” 
Olivia smirked, eyes roaming up and down your form as you stood, fidgeting with your bag strap. “Easy for you to say.” She nodded. “When’s YOUR rewrite due?” 
Your turn to shrug and it was weak. You hadn’t even looked at your paper when Jin swept by your desk and it slid in place there between flat pressed palms. You’d never sweated so much. The plan was to check your grade in the privacy of your apartment, where you could cry in the shower when the inevitable failure met your expectations.
“Same as yours. Don’t take it out on me.” 
“He must have failed everyone, I swear.” She glanced at the ceiling, dotting gloss to her lips, then tucking it into her bag. Already she’d spun on her heels, ponytail swaying with a plume of floral scent. “I’ll have to use a tutor. I hate that. I was going to go out tonight. Professor Buzzkill back there...fucked up my night.” 
“I’ll keep you in my thoughts.” You murmured. “Text me later. I’ll probably be up late working on my paper too.” 
“Yeah.. Wanna get together and have a drink too?” That meant she’d ask you to ‘edit’ the paper. And enlist you in re-writing. You weighed the desire to help--a flaw and strength of your personality. At the rate you saved Olivia’s academic ass you should have been a tutor. Thinking it over didn’t take long. Not much awaited you in the evening: a reheated plate of chicken and veggies. A glass of wine. Adding a plus one wasn’t so bad. 
“Bring the wine this time. I’m all out..” You smiled and Olivia offered her own returned smile over one shoulder. 
“Sounds good. It’ll give me an excuse to try some new stuff I found. ...I’ll ...uh...bring my paper too? We can look over each other’s stuff and make it go faster?” There it was, on schedule. I’ll let you have this one, out of sympathy. But after this..she was on her own. 
“Works for me. See you then..” You replied. Olivia was another form swaying through a sea of like figures down the long hall. You didn’t stare long enough to watch her go through the double exit doors before heading the other way, towards the exits at the opposite end of the hall. 
It wasn’t like you to walk and read at the same time. Doing so, as you strolled along the sidewalk heading from the building exit towards the farthest parking lot, you had enough space. 
The paper in your hands was the sole cause: your essay. Free of red. Jin’s delicate writing across the top with a simple letter grade: A. 
A few bodies moved by, giving enough space you barely murmured at the occasional close contact brush of an arm or the grunt of a student on a bike, passing you in a wisp of wind. 
You stopped at the crosswalk and turned the pages over, flipping to the back of the last page. It was a mistake. Jin had gotten your paper mixed up with another student.  You didn’t get an A. In all your student career, thus far anyway. Even if you’d done your damnedest to make this paper a world apart from the paper that found you bent over Jin’s desk before. 
Many late nights in the library and re-writes found you dreaming about this stupid topic for weeks until you’d left it on his desk days ago. A few long strides took you through the crosswalk and you stopped again. Nothing on any page was unfamiliar or out of place. This was YOUR work.
Same name on the top. Same familiar opening you’d redone at least 3 times. This was your paper. It didn’t get more true than this moment. Hardest Professor in the ME an A? You glanced back, across the campus to the far away building you’d just spent almost 3 full hours in. Somewhere in that space Jin was still brushing off pleas and ignoring agonies from students, all the while knowing he’d dropped this bomb.
You swallowed, then headed forward, tucking the paper into your bag again. Where it’d been burning a hole until you felt safe enough to satisfy the itch and check. The warm spring breeze ruffled your hair hanging long and straight at your shoulders as you stepped into the shade of the far parking lots’ modest shelter. A few cars scattered the freshly done asphalt with bright yellow parking lines.
No one was here as your eyes scanned, then lifted to the clouds slowly drifting by overhead. The day had become downright...beautiful. You felt a thousand pounds lighter. Free. Your night--even with Olivia there--would be one less stress. She could wallow in her educational misery while you could play sympathetic and for once not have to stress.
..which Professor Jin had helpfully given you plenty of this term. Until today. 
 “Are you done for the day, then?” Jin’s voice came from just behind you. So close you flinched, going from slouched to upright as you glanced back. Sure enough there he was--arm over the top of a black sedan and tucked into the open driver’s door. You’d passed it without really noticing, of course. The naked line of Jin’s forearm was exposed by one perfect rolled sleeve- right up to that smooth elbow. You didn’t miss that he’d lost the tie and glasses.
And managed to make your mouth wet, then your core seconds later. Don’t you dare do this to yourself. You scolded your body for a response anyone would have--anyone with a heartbeat faced with someone so handsome. 
You turned your focus to the car, spotting a leather square in the backseat. His briefcase. And his blazer laid neatly along the back seat next to it. Your eyes were back to his face in time for a lifted brow and expectant smirk.
“Yes..I am.” You managed, smiling more out of confusion. It wasn’t like you could help wetting your lips. Jin drummed the car top with a few long fingers and your core ached. God those...fingers. You inhaled,deep. “Are you?” 
Don’t sound so surprised. Christ. He gave you an A.. Insult him and he’ll take it back. Jin’s glance went past you, to the campus.
“I took the rest of the day off. Something came up. It’s been..a long week.” You nodded at that. It HAD been as a student and you couldn’t imagine as a professor. Jin’s stare couldn’t have been more obvious as you stood in the full heat of it, fingers gripping that bag strap for dear life. 
Another breeze flirted with the hem of your skirt as you watched Jin’s eyes go there. His smile widened, forearm sliding off the car top as he backed up a little. “You need a ride home?” 
Where were you going anyway? Your shoulders shifted. “No.. I don’t live that far. I---”
“Are you busy then? Somewhere you need to be?” He wasn’t wasting time. And you did either, responding to his brisk energy--still snagged by his confidence and command even though there was a parking lot and car between you. 
“Good. Let’s take a drive.” 
“A drive.” His brows knitted but Jin’s smile remained. Your chest went heavy. Two fingers beckoned, then he climbed into the driver’s seat. The passenger door lock clicked, popping up. You glanced back at the campus, sure a hundred eyes would be watching this.
It didn’t stop you from opening the door and climbing in. You took a moment, laying your back across your lap when the skirt rose what felt like an immodest distance up your thighs. Jin buckled, eyes fixed ahead as he adjusted the mirror.
You did the same. Soon the car purred to life. Inside he kept his car exactly as you’d wondered and expected: leather and clean. Smelling perfectly neutral, except for a variant of leather blushed with his cologne. You’d JUST escaped that smell in the classroom and now it was wrapping ghostly fingers around your brain.
Jin’s arm slid across the back of your seat as he glanced over his shoulder and the car eased backwards. Into drive, Jin headed for the exit with foot on the gas as he spoke: confident and not at all slow. He didn’t peel out but he wasn’t creeping along. 
As he drove you kept your eyes ahead or out the window, watching the world stream by. Your fingers drew soft shapes on the canvas front of your bag as Jin’s jaw worked. Finally he spoke, easing to a stop at the main intersection down the hill from the parking lot.
“Thank you for coming along.” You nodded when he waited. He continued. “...I know it’s unusual. But so was your paper.” 
You swallowed. NOW the other shoe was about to drop. He was pissed and that fake A was only to lure you into a false sense of security. It was as insane as it sounded and made no sense, but panic did that to you. Your hand clenched, steeling against a blast of Professor Jin displeasure. 
“I’m sorry--” You whispered, eyes open wide and gazing at the blurry grey of the dash. He must wipe this space down daily. It made sense--nothing would dare mar this perfection. 
“I wasn’t done.” He interrupted, foot pressing the gas as the car lurched into motion, engine growling as the RPMs climbed. The car prowled around a few slower drivers as Jin left them behind and the force pressed you into the plush leather. “..I’m impressed. You earned that A.” 
“...I did?” You glanced over. He’d be grinning like it was a big joke. But Jin wasn’t, eyes like steel as he watched the rear view, cheek bulging again. 
“Yes. I think you remember how I treat mistakes. Exceeding my expectations comes with rewards. And you’ve earned one.” 
You didn’t mean to whimper but it passed your lips, bringing Jin’s focus there after he turned right and the car leapt up in speed. Jin’s nearer thigh swelled in those slacks, tightening in muscle as he shifted. 
“I’d like to reward you. Unless you’re only into punishments, Miss Y/n.” Your head and core ached in unison as you swallowed again. 
“No.. I like rewards.” It barely came out over the engine and Jin’s gaze dimmed. He lingered at your thighs as the car slowed, then pulled into an underground parking lot. You barely glanced up in time to see the building before it disappeared into the yellow, shadowed world below the street level. 
This was one of the better complexes in the city. He pulled into a numbered spot and turned off the car. The belt came away from his broad chest next, then Jin turned towards you. He seemed to fill up that entire side of the car--or the space was shrinking from the drug of fear pumping through your veins, funneling right down into your sex. 
You kept yourself still, barely looking to the side, at Jin. “...I never expected I’d do so well.” 
Jin’s smile fell away. He looked so serious, the hairs on your forearm stood briefly. Had you just put a foot in something and ruined this miracle moment? You weighed the possibility, waiting. Fidgeting. Praying.
“You shouldn’t be surprised. You learn quickly. I’m very pleased.” Another pause then he reached over. Your seat belt clicked open and slid free from your form. Your eyes followed. Jin tutted as you glanced your own watery reflection in the glass. You fixated on him again at the cluck of his tongue.
“I’m a hardass.” He added and you couldn’t help grinning. Had he heard Olivia or was the consensus that loud across the study body? Either way he didn’t seem bothered--it was a statement of fact. 
“That’s harsh..” You tried to helpfully soften that reality but choked when Jin’s fingers stroked the leather seat just behind your shoulders. 
“I know what people think of me. And that’s fine. Let them. I don’t care because I back it up. I think it’s clear. You, of all people, understand.” You nodded. Jin smiled again--this one washing over you. He came closer and so did his lusciousness--lips and scent inches away from your profile. 
“Yeah..” Your lids were iron curtains, pupils blown. The cinder block wall beyond the windshield went hazy as a dewy breath teased your cheek. 
“Let me show you how kind I can be, Y/n. I’ll be yours for the night..” He stroked the seam of your sweater. It was fire, even through two layers of material. “You can say No, of course.”
You knew he meant it and was serious, but that word didn’t come out. What came was ‘Yes’. Maybe too quick and moaned in confusion, but loaded with certainty. 
“I promise you’ll enjoy yourself. I’ll get you home before midnight..” His chuckle slow like honey, swirled across the shell of your ear. What if you DIDN’T want to go home by midnight? What would the morning look like from Jin’s bed? What would his silhouette look like, naked and outlined in a sunrise? It had your thighs squeezed together in undiluted need.
“Leave your bag here. We’ll collect it later.” The driver’s door came open and the seat groaned as Jin’s weight left it. He leaned down gazing across the way to your listing form. “Let’s go..” 
You finished the last swallow of water and set the thick cut tumbler down on the counter. 
This apartment space didn’t feel cramped with the minimal furniture adorning the rooms--what space you’d managed to see when you’d followed him in. And just as his office was, this whole place was neat, with everything in a particular spot.
Jin’s kitchen was no exception but it was still odd as you stood alone there. Until the floor at your back creaked. A hum tickled the nape of your neck and you swooned into a broad form contouring your back. 
The unholy heat greeting you could only be one reason, answered a moment later when bare arms looped your middle. Jin’s shirtless upper half. “Sorry I took so long.” How much nicer and sweet his tone seemed--a far cry from the unphased man at the head of the classroom, talking like it was normal to startle every student into submission.
“It’s fine…” You murmured, head craning to offer the right side of your neck to Jin’s lips as he sucked a few kisses, starting at your ear and stopping short of your collar bone. The wet trail faded in the cool air of his apartment as the seconds slipped by. 
If you stood here all afternoon and night, wrapped up and pressed back into a man wider than the mountains and harder than stone it wouldn’t be the worst reward. Jin was heads above any young man leering from across the campus quad. 
“Let’s find the right place… Come on..” 
Each methodical step took you both back through the doorway,into the living room. Shades blocked the lingering afternoon light, but a few lights in the corners bathed the room in a warm, white light. 
At the couch when you stopped Jin’s gentle push had you bent at the waist. You sputtered, looking back as he knelt behind you. A simple caress followed your calves and stopped at your hamstrings, under the skirt. 
“I’ve been thinking about how it felt inside you before, Y/n.” Jin was speaking but you understood it was merely to think out loud. Listening, your fingers gripped the back of the couch. The skirt slid higher, bunched at the small of your back.  
He traced both sides of your panties over each cheek, breath still burning hot over the cleft of ass and thigh. One panty seam, then the other was drawn inwards with his hooked finger under the seam. 
The closer those sinful, cruel lips got to your folds the more you too thought back to the way Jin’s cock filled you up. And that hard desk wasn’t giving any comfort against the impact of his thrusts into your backside. 
“..Because you did so well I’d like to indulge you a little bit differently this time. Something I didn’t get a chance to do the last time. When I’m pleased there’s nothing I love more than to give it back. I want to make you feel good.”
Your ass shifted with a wiggle and groan, nails dug deep into the sueded surface. Ten even puncture marks from your nail pressure would bring a whole other host of problems, but Jin had to know what he was putting you through. Was it a risk he’d been willing to take? 
“...You said..reward.” You offered, another whimper coming as Jin’s lips touched your clothed mound. He kissed, moaning after a deep inhale. The material was sodden in no time, with a few passes of his tongue. Your thighs trembled.
The pressure was dull through the cotton material clinging to your sex, but you pushed back anyway into the hazy pleasure radiating. Jin returned the eagerness, mouth and nose easing deeper between your folds. He met your motion, but it was short lived.
 After a moment he wrenched back, panting. “...Reward. Yes..” 
With a dim jingle his belt opened, came free from the loops, then the slacks zipper hissed in descent. Jin shed clothing piece by piece--as methodical as every word written on the whiteboard during class. “Keep your hands there. Until I’m done.” 
The panties came away from your folds. The slick painted there was so impossibly thick. You’d never felt so ready and all you’d done was take a car ride, shared the most briefest of conversations and had a glass of water. 
Jin’s tongue pushed through your seal, lashing up, then down. He prodded the long muscle into your depths, scooping without hesitation. Pleasure broke across your eyes as you squeezed them shut, head cocked back so every whine bounced across the ceiling. 
He gripped your thighs, then moved up, holding tight to your hips to pull back, bringing you onto his mouth. Jin ate like a man who wasn’t afraid and didn’t believe in politeness. His lips slipped over your clit and he sucked, seal tight and utter perfection. 
To think the same mouth that had so easily picked you and other students apart verbally could do something so beautiful to you right now.... It was beyond the pale. Your body vibrated, hips swirling counter to the tip of Jin’s tongue when he popped off your clit and chased the pearled shape. 
Heat spilled down your spine, followed by a wave of cold. Your belly clenched, the space below it contracting in warning. Jin traced your folds again, battering your clit. Two fingers, long and impossibly slender, prodded inside you, pushing to the third knuckle. The motion was frictionless as the wet sound overlapped Jin’s groan.
“…” He marveled, pumping his fingers faster. Your ass tightened, back bowed with head down, shoulders following suit. Your hair slid forward, spilling over the couch. Ass tipped up and Jin’s fingers dove down on the in stroke, the tips prodding the spongy softness at your front wall. Another menacing clench seized your insides. You gurgled, drool spilling past your lips like the wetness surging at your folds around Jin’s stuffed digits.
“That’s...please Jin…”
“Good girl..” Jin huffed, working his fingers into piston strokes. Plunging deep in and coming almost all the way out--aimed dead on into your g spot. Your shoulders shook. “So good for me. You worked so hard… And I want to feel you cum just as hard on my fingers. If you do, you'll get every inch of my cock. In my bed… Or wherever you want it..” 
Your bed.. Yes. Please. The suggestion was enough to paint the image clearly: Jin’s tight body, with miles of naked skin, splayed underneath as your pussy swallowed every inch and squeezed like never before. 
Your mind reeled as the high hit--potent and flash packed. Flooding your senses as your ass tipped as high as you could get it and Jin shoved with a grunt of force, going still when you fell apart. This orgasm spilled through every limb in one wave. After a cry of release you finally went slack, twitching in aftershocks. 
Jin’s fingers slid free and he stood, loudly sucking them clean. His touch roamed your back, across miles of sweat dampened skin. The cooling effect was almost immediate to ease the fire swept feeling radiating from your flesh. 
Minutes passed. Enough the husky chuckle of Jin’s laugh seeped through, finally. You looked up as he came into view and pulled you carefully to your feet, then tugged you closed. His hands cupped both cheeks as he lifted you off your feet. 
You didn’t pay much attention to where he was taking you, only aware it wasn’t the living room--this space was smaller. Darker, in spite of the remaining daylight just outside the window farthest from the door. 
The slide of satin sheets greeted your skin as Jin laid you out and crawled over top. What else could you do but lay there, thighs slackening wider. He stripped you carefully, cock rigid and glistening as he worked, leaning left and right and eventually peeling your top off, then your bra. He tugged the panties down, skirt following in no time. Each garment hit the floor in quick succession. Your flats were last, bare soles sliding on the bed  when Jin lobbed each shoe into something nearby--the twin thunks of impact barely registering.
You had to admit: it felt good to be naked and cooler in this new room. Your barely open eyes adjusted to Jin’s handsome face coming into view overhead. He studied you, his lips a ruddy, shining O. 
“Jin..” You started and he leaned down, mouthing along your throat, then pulling each nipple between the slippery lines of his lips. You arched and his fingers splayed along your back, pulling you higher towards his mouth. A salacious pop later, he’d let you nipple go. 
“...I want you inside me..” It felt a little selfish to hint at that right now, with what he’d just given you. But Jin’s smile widened as he gave the other nipple a soft peck, then fell onto the bed next to you, pulling you on top of him as he moved onto his back. 
It took a minute but you found equilibrium, straddling Jin’s slender hips and pinning his thick cock under your slick smeared opening. The pressure of his shaft over your clit was almost enough to consider just grinding against until the hint of a teasingly close orgasm was reality. 
...But you’d just whined to have him inside. And that was too tempting to let go of as you rose up onto your knees with Jin’s grip on your hips helping. 
You reached under to grab about of him, fingers loose as you tipped the length and set the head of his cock against that ring of muscle. The concave shape barely added pressure before you opened up and melted right down, taking every inch and coming to a stop hilted. The memory of Jin deep inside you before was distant enough but that all came rushing back.
And then some, as your hips swiveled, testing the sensation and rewarded with a mind numbing pressure. The fullness had you feeling like he was right behind your belly button and Jin’s grip clamped. He tugged you forward and back, mouth opening as a long curse spilled free.
When his hips pushed up and he pulled down, your walls rippled. You rocked forward and back, savoring the vice of his fingers sunk into the flesh at your natural waist. It wasn’t long before Jin had you going faster. You leaned towards him, palms pressed and weight boring into his bare chest. It was a marvel how there was such solidness underneath that smooth skin--zero give. 
 You rode him harder and harder and soon it was an exchange of grunts and groans. Huffing when you’d angle your hips right on the roll forward and his purr when your ass rolled back with the perfect bounce. Trading energy, the power stayed between you both. Soon there was no in and out. It was a solid grind of your mound and clit against Jin’s smooth abdomen.
He slipped a free hand up your back, fingers through your hair, and pulled your face down. When you came this time it was just after his tongue writhed past your lips. Your tongue barely flexed as you exploded on his cock, clenching so hard you went still. 
Jin didn’t let go, fingers snarled into strands of your hair and tightening as he exhaled hard through his nose. He swallowed your moan deep into his mouth. The kiss went on until you pulled away to push your face into his neck, laying your body on top of his. 
The only thing rushing through your ears was your own pounding heart beat, trying to find a calmer pace, and the sucking draw of breath after breath through dry lips. Eventually you realized, again, Jin was speaking to you but it was so quiet and pleading. 
“...Let me cum inside you.. I’m so close, Y/n…” 
Was THIS part the reward? Didn’t matter. That much you decided on the spot, brain flooding on endorphins. You nodded slowly as Jin drew in a deep breath. His grip moved from your waist to your ribs and wrapped nicely around. He still had enough energy to lift you a little, halfway up his cock. 
Then he moved. This stroke was hard. Jin, feet planted into the bed, held you unmoving as he fucked upward. The impact was mechanical and furious. No more than a few strokes and Jin faltered. You dropped back down as his hands clasped your thighs, his head, neck and chest all arched. 
Jin barked in release. That subtle twitching moved up his shaft, delivering a good load worth of cum. And it was going to feel good when that trickle ran down your thighs. Just the thought had your walls clenching again, making Jin shudder when he finally relaxed back into the bed.
This time he pulled you down firmly to lay against his slippery body. The smell of his sweat was pleasant enough and you touched lips to his shoulder. His own pressed your temple as he turned into your profile with a satisfied sigh.  
“..Professor..” You mused. Jin’s finger touched your lips. You could taste and smell yourself there and your cheeks bloomed in heat. 
“It’s Jin.”
“But--” More pressure had you quiet again. 
“Call me Jin. This is a reward.”
“Maybe..but ..You’re still my professor.” You countered, giggling when his other hand lightly kneaded, then swatted your bottom in warning. He could hit a lot harder than he was--you suspected. 
“Right now I just want to enjoy this.” 
“..Are we..done?” Maybe a bad idea to ask but the creep of doubt had started, even if the bliss still floated over everything in your mind.  
“I didn’t say that we were. Do you want to be?” 
“No..” You admitted. It was hard to admit, but the truth was hard to accept-especially when it felt so good.Your tongue traced a tendon on his neck as his shoulder shifted in response. “..even IF the reward is.”   
“Over?” You nodded and Jin’s joyful chuckle rippled under your chest, breasts warm and nipples soft. If you moved it’d feel too good. It didn’t seem to take much to get on Jin’s bad side OR his good side. And you wanted to stay here for as long as possible. 
“..On the contrary..” He went on. “...Just like the punishment, you have no idea what I’m capable of. We’re just getting started.” 
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
Sweet Tooth. KSJ (m)
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Pairing – Sugar Glider Hybrid! Seokjin x Reader
Genre – Hybrid AU, Smut, Fluff
Summary – [You have liked Seokjin for years and finally you decided to tell him how you feel. Your confession landed you in a sticky situation the best way possible.]
Warnings – adoption of an adult hybrid, mutual pining, fake dating briefly and not the main pair, jealous Jin, dom! Jin, healthy amount of possessiveness, smut, vaginal fingering, kissing, dirty talk, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, big dick! jin, cum eating, finger sucking, lots of cum, creampie kink
Word Count – (5.3k)
Author note. It’s been a while since I got this request from @jinscharms​ I hope you will enjoy this and it will come as a pleasant surprise to see this notification after a long day at school! You were so sweet and let me take my time with this. I hope you’re doing well!
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”You’re nervous.” Yoongi looks you straight in the eye and deadpans when you fix the collar of his jacket yet again to have something to do and get rid of your jitters and it’s clearly not working. You might fool the humans with your acting skills but the hybrids will smell your emotions the minute you cross the threshold. Which is the problem here. Jimin is occupied with unloading your stuff from his car so he’s thankfully out of earshot as you rumble.
The laugh you let out to dissolve the tension in your body sounds even fake to you that Yoongi’s ears flick on top of his head in your direction sending you a disapproving look. Damn those heightened senses.
”Yeah I just – I guess I just don’t want to make fun of myself you know.” You manage to shoot him a small smile. You need to calm down or the hybrids will tell that you’re nervous from a mile away and you don’t want Jin to worry about you.
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
Seokjin Masterlist
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All of my writing contains smut and is 🔞. I love sexy, funny WWH Seokjin, and I hope you enjoy reading these stories.
Cash Money rich boy! Seokjin x business owner! reader
Against your better judgement, you indulge in a Christmas eve night of debauchery with Jin.
Trainwreck federal agent! Jin x nurse! reader
Jin is a federal agent who is forced to improvise when the train he is on is hijacked. He pulls you into a dangerous situation, and now he has to get you out of it.
Launderette lawyer! Seokjin x reader
Seokjin asks you to accompany him to an event that his ex and her new fiance are attending. What starts as a casual date ends up becoming more than you bargained for. Also read Progressive, a drabble from this AU.
Double Team Seokjin x reader x Jungkook
You, Jin and Jungkook solve problems for the city's elite, albeit by unconventional means.
The Catch idol! Seokjin x childhood sweetheart! reader
Your daughter is the most important person in your life. Her father? Not so much. He's been away for years, and now he wants to come back.
Hit Play doctor! Seokjin x bereaved reader
You met Jin during a difficult time in your life, and seeing him again now reminds you of it.
Charming chaebol! Seokjin x heiress! reader. Part of the Gemini AU.
You and Seokjin are in an arrangement of convenience, one that will enable each of you to claim your inheritance in a year. You've got an iron-clad contract, one that takes into account all eventualities, including romance. What could go wrong?
You help Jin out when he needs it, because he seems like a good guy. You're not sure why he's trying to stay in your life.
©hamsterclaw 2021-2022
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
.Daddy Issues.
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Pairing: seokjin x (f) reader. (Sugar baby / sugar daddy.)
Warnings : smut, sugar baby/sugar daddy ( established but not much mentioned in the fic.) , age gap ( seokjin is significantly older by 10 years.), well our jinniee is kinda soft here, breeding kink, slight praise kink, dirty talk, oral sex?(m) receiving, and more. 18+ Minors DNI.
Author's note : I can't help but imagine jinniee as a hot and single sugar daddy, lmao. ಠ_ಠ > Please enjoy and don't forget to reblog. 🥳
" You're ruining your dress and makeup pretty. "
Life really brings the best out of you. From attending your classes at the crack of dawn and working as a waitress in your nearby expensive restaurant to this. You remember telling yourself to not get into any trouble as this job probably pays all your bills. But being a genuine trouble maker you were. You really couldn't keep the promise you made to yourself 5 months ago. 
And hence your choices lead you here - on your knees - sucking off a man who's a decade older than you in your new Louis Vuitton dress that he just bought for you.  Although you thought that you wouldn't continue depending on him financially as soon as you start making some cash but jin doesn't really favours that.
Jin wasn't a bad man, of course he wasn't. He was kind enough to take care of your all expenses like buying your course books, paying rent, groceries, wardrobe and pretty much else. And simply in return he just wants you to be present and be with him on those times when nothing really occupies his mind.
" Does it look pretty on me, daddy? "  You took out his dick from your mouth with a 'pop' sound and tilted your head innocently asking him. Jin sweared he could've busted right there and then on your pretty face but he got a grip on himself. He picked you up and made you sit on his lap. " Of course it does princess. I know what looks good on you. " He kissed your neck and snaked his arm around your waist then to your glistening cunt. He wanted to feel your wetness around his digits so badly.
Seokjin Kim is a gentleman by heart. He really is.. and it's really surprising to know that his ring finger is empty- he got the looks.. By looking at his face one could easily tell that God really took his time in creating  him, he got money-I mean so much, and charm In his grasp. He's an important man in the country and very influential too. Maybe that's why you're still not ready to let him go.
You'd dammed yourself if you do so because a man like jin is once in a lifetime experience and having yourself pampered by him is more than enough.
" Do you miss me when I'm not with you.? " He tapped his fingertip at your entrance and made circles around your clit with another fingertip. You take a sharp breath and turned your face towards his to kiss him. Soon jin pulled away and moaned inhaling your scent.
" Mhhmm. "
" Are you saying that just to make me happy? "  He flickered your nipple with his other hand. Making you hiss at the sensitivity.
" No-No.. I really do miss you...daddy." You threw your head back on his broad shoulder. He hummed at your answer and buried his finger inside your cunt. He likes it this way.. You on his lap, all spread out, head on his shoulder while he lazily fuckes his fingers into you. The sound your pussy makes while getting fingered excites him even more. He loves to play with your clit and twisting his knuckles deep inside you as you come undone on his lap. He hasn't even fucked you properly and you're so lost in your bliss that you do not notice how relaxed and comfortable you got in his hold.
He carried your limp body, he slowly placed you on his bed, eyes grazing gently at your body up and down as you catch your breath. You looked so pretty so pure to him, your eyes rolled back, mouth slight agape, your legs all spread out offering your glistening and swelled cunt to him. He walked back and started Unbuckling his belt slowly. The sound of his belt hitting the ground made you look at him. The lust filled eyes of yours was inviting him to fuck you however he wants. You were his, you were at his mercy tonight. And he completely loved that fact.
On nights during his trips when he missed you deeply he always thought of your pretty face and pretty body while fisting his cock, gripping it tight till it's tip is Reddened just so he could imagine your tight gummy walls wrapped around him. But he knew his rough and calloused palm would never compare to the feeling of your tight cunt. You were different from all, your voice, your expressions , your taste.. Fuck it's all too different from others. You were the best he had till now. He could never get tired of your sweet pussy.
He undressed himself and slowly hovered you from above. Your small petite body looked so tiny in front of his. He placed his knees in between your legs and lowered his head to kiss your already swelled lips. Your tiny hands held his cheeks as he devoured your mouth again. He was rubbing his rough knees on your folds making you moan in between  the kiss. God! He could never get tired of your moans. You only encouraged him to rip those Sluttry moans out of you even more.
You tapped his shoulder two times because you couldn't breath and he broke the kiss right away. You were gasping for air, you looked like a mess, his mess to be accurate. " I missed you too." He whispered and licked the mixture of saliva of his and yours from the corner of your lips. He then slowly came in between your legs and placed his dick at your enentrance. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck as he pushed the tip inside of you.
You groaned feeling the euphoric stretch. Jin too groaned feeling your warm and tight walls around his dick. Automatically you eyes were closed shut as you felt him deeper inch by inch. He cursed when he completely buried himself inside you. His fingers gently groped your tits and flickering your nipples with his thumb. He slowly moves letting you adjust to his size.
" Daddy will fuck you good mmhh.. " He whispered on your lips as he increased his speed. His thrusts were getting faster and rougher. He continuously kissed you in between and twisted your nipples making you cry from pleasure. You could only mumble a 'yes daddy please'. 
" I'm gonna breed you, daddy's gonna fuck his baby into your tiny pussy and make you his, kay? "  It wasn't a question. Both of you knew it wasn't. Seokjin is going to do it, he's anything but a liar. And besides you weren't going to say no to him,were you? Isn't it what you've been thinking about lately. A smile stretched upon your lips as you felt him Cumming deep inside you pussy.
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
Connexion (KSJ x F!Reader)
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pairing: CEO!Jin x brat!reader genre(s): pwp, smut (some floof at the end) au(s): sugar daddy au word count: 1.8k warnings: strip Mario Kart (you read that right), sexual tension, hickies, dirty talk, thigh riding, daddy kink, nipple play, exhibitionism, dom!jin with looong hairrrr,  Seokjin has a spending and lingerie kink, degradation, hair pulling, fingering, orgasm denial, hitting it from the back (protected sex), finger sucking, spanking, tit slapping, implied choking kink (it’s Jin duh), it gets very soft at the end (baby feels incoming) rating: 18+ (nsfw content above the cut)
summary: Stressed out and tired from your exams, you head to Jin’s place, hoping to get lucky. But he has other plans.
a/n: Seokjin was so rood at the concert this weekend and he’s just rood in general so I also decided to be rood hehe. I hope you enjoy!
listen to: connexion and windowsill by zayn
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The stress of a tired, worn-down grad student who was in the midst of finals season was unmatched during this time of year. You sighed heavily – those undergrads had it easy compared to you, partying the night away with shots and showing up hungover. After a rough day, you wanted to let loose and have fun too. But you had other, more unconventional ways of doing so. 
You’d shown up at Jin’s this evening, hoping he’d be able to coax the stress out of you with some much-needed orgasms. His eyes widened in shock when he saw you at the door, inviting yourself in. As you disposed yourself of your heavy coat and shoes, you felt his eyes behind you trained on the swell of your ass in the pencil skirt you’d worn for a seminar presentation. Smirking to yourself, you felt your anxiety ease, hoping for a good time.
However, fifteen minutes later, you found yourself on Jin’s plush white Cloud couch, your plans overturned in a way you didn’t expect.
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
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[ ! ] upcoming [ ! ] 👾 title: VIRTUAL;REALITY 👾 pairing: streamer!seokjin x reader(f) 👾 rating/genre: m (18+) ; streamer, est. rel. au ; smut, slight angst/fluff 👾 summary: all seokjin wants to do is test out a VR set for his stream tomorrow. too bad he also has to deal with you. and your bet that he won’t be able to keep the headset on. 👾 note: this is for the BANGTAN DLC collab hosted by @joonscypher @kookskingdom and @lavienjin !! thank you to all the hosts for putting this event together :D  👾 warnings: teaser has mean jin >:)) full (very.. very full) list at drop! 👾 est. word count: 5-10k 👾 est. release date: march 2022 👾 taglist form: ⇥ anonymous, no emails collected ⇥ includes optional teaser! ⇥ HERE
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
📕BTS Fic Reads - 2022 Feb
I know it’s already mid-March and I just got around compiling all the wonderful reads for the month of Feb. Sharing with the rest who usually go through archives for fic reading recommendations (though if you prefer going through archive or tags, that’s fine too! You’ll just see other fangirling content 🤭)
🌹These are not mine so please don’t hesitate in showing these lovely authors appreciation through commenting/reblogging their fics and sending them nice asks =). Thank you, dear authors! Sending you all big warm hugs 🤗💜
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Note: if link doesn’t work, click on author link and go to their masterlist
🥕 Ongoing - most recent chapter [as of date this list was posted]
🥕 Completed - drabbles | one shots | series
🥕 S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
Mostly Mature, 18+ only please
I read different members, different genres so please take note of the** tags, description per fic**
Don’t forget to reblog/comment on author’s work, too 😊
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🥕 [Ongoing Series]
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
The Masked Lover (1) | KSJ
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⚜ Pairing: Kim Seokjin x fem reader
⚜ Word count: 1.5k
⚜ Genre: smut, angst.
⚜ 18+ only
⚜ Warnings: self pleasure
⚜ Chapter masterlist
Yn passed the liquor section in the supermarket, she needed to buy the ingredients for supper that she organized for the upcoming anniversary of her mother’s wedding, she had to make up for not seeing her for a year, not that they didn’t like each other, yn simply had to leave for work to Hong Kong, she came back home three months ago and as much as she wanted a well deserved break the amount of work only increased, it was a miracle that she had cleared her schedule on Friday, her mom even told her that Seokjin was coming as well.
Yeah she wasn’t looking forward for that one.
Her technically step brother felt more like a polite stranger than family, there are a very few things that she knew about him.
First he was a fucking humble bragging prodigy, pass that mask of immaculate manners and politeness, yn just knew that Seokjin had superiority complex, afterall she attended business school here in Korea, not even in an elite sky university, rather a more budget friendly unknown university, she graduated Summa cum laude, thanks to some connections and a whole of charisma and luck she could land a pretty good job that kept her busy as hell but at the same time she felt proud of her career accomplishments in male dominated field, but her hard work often goes unnoticed when your step brother attended an elite music school for prodigies in Italy, when he has traveled whole Europe and the richest capitals of Asia playing for sold out auditoriums, he is rich and his friends are also rich, he is considered a pride to his country, hell he even has a photo with the president, yn’s mother really tries to even their attention and praise but Seokjin is on a different league.
She sighted and grabbed the most expensive wine and whiskey; it was stupid but she felt like she had to prove herself to Seokjin.
Look at me, I don’t have your fancy job nor I am that rich but I’m doing pretty good, Mr. perfect.
Yn bought steak and some other stuff and went straight to home, her apartment was well located, only people with good corporate jobs could afford to live like this with space and casual luxury, she hasn’t even reached her thirties and was able to own her home, impressive as Seoul housing market was crushing the dream of ownership of millions of young adults, isn’t that an accomplishment? But compared with Seokjin big property not only in Seoul but in Rome and Seattle that doesn’t sound that impressive.
She only paid a visit (that her mother dragged her to) to his Seattle penthouse, very modern with art everywhere and expensive furniture that was more another decorative item than a functional piece, all the time she was there Seokjin only addressed their parents making minimal small talk with her, she felt like a fucking failure next to him, she sometimes would catch him looking at her, she recognize that look, it was like: I would never acknowledged your existence if it wasn’t for this inconvenient marriage between our parents.
Yn borderline despised him.
Mimi brushed her body against her owner’s legs, yn put the bags in the floor and picked up her brown furry cat and kissed her head, the cat purred at the affection, yn put her back in the floor, taking off the heels before stepping in.
She put the groceries in place and took a hot shower, the stress though didn’t evaporate away, so when she was finally in her room, yn search in the night cabinet for her precious vibrator.
She spread her legs while she placed the gadget on her clit.
Her mind went to think on her last lover, Min Yoongi’s tongue licking and sucking with delicious intend, his fingers going inside her with a singular motion reaching that sweet spot that made her scream, soon her orgasm arrived leaving like a trembling mess on her bed.
Yn pouted again at the thought of her ex lover, she should kept quiet and dissipate any feelings that she once had for him, keep it casual and fun, but no, she caught feeling for the king of no compromised sexual encounters, and Yoongi reminded her every time, as much as she wanted to ignore her heart sinking when he stated the nature of their relationship.
Now that she actually got over him, she missed more than ever his touch and his aggressive way of fucking, she wanted someone to grab her neck while fucking her core so hard that she forgets her own name.
Her last sexual encounters were not exactly what she is looking for, and she wasn’t willing to be intimate for more than two times with the same guy fearing of getting attached and then tossed away.
She fell asleep melancholic wishing for the embrace of Yoongi.
The next day passed quick and in a blink of an eye she found herself finishing the steaks in the oven while she ripped off the apron, she saw her reflection in the mirror of the living room fixing her lipstick and passing her hands through her dress trying to ease any wrinkle.
They’ll be here at anytime now
Soon she opened the door giving her mother a hug and greeting her husband, no Seokjin on sight which relieved her, they gifted her an expensive looking gift basket while she gave them some gifts from Hong Kong.
“Mom, I missed you and Jihoon ssi, happy wedding anniversary!” yn expressed putting the basket on the kitchen “This is my new home, is not finished yet but I’m very proud of it” you said.
Your mom looked around smiling while her husband followed behind.
“Please take a seat on the table I’m about to serve the food” you told them while taking the stakes out the oven and placing them on the plates.
“you decorated the table so pretty, yn ie” said Jihoon looking at the flowers and decorations “if you come to Seokjin house you couldn’t feel this cozy, he doesn’t bother because he almost never there” he commented, once again reminding you than Seokjin didn’t need to even use the expensive house he bought on the hills, after all is a symbol of status, when he was spending a season in Seoul he rather be at hotels or his other rich friends proprieties, making you want to roll your eyes.
“thanks, i was looking forward to Seokjin oppa visit, too bad he didn’t come” you cringed at yourself calling Seokjin oppa but you had to use the term out of politeness even if you wanted to puke.
“Oh but he is coming, he told us on the phone he is just a little late, I gave him your code” your mother told you serving some wine on her glass.
Your smile faded.
“wow that’s great, I will be serving the food thought since I don’t want steak to get cold” yn brought the plates to the table when the door opened with an well dressed Seokjin carrying a bouquet of flowers and other stuff.
He made eye contact with you before being interrupted by your parents.
“Seokjennie you made it!” Jihoon greeted his son.
“im sorry for being late” he bowed “The traffic was such a nightmare this evening”
He came closer to the table, giving you a second look that lasted longer, you started to get nervous thinking that something must be wrong with your lipstick or your dress.
“yn, long time no see…” he said without breaking eye contact “Your apartment is so…homely”
There it is, of course.
“that’s what I said to her” his father added
“I brought some gifs since the occasion calls for it” he presented the boxes to her mom and his dad, then he got closer to you giving you the bouquet and a small box his fingers brushing yours.
The touch made you uncomfortable, your physical contact with him is virtually zero you maybe had shook his hand once or twice and that´s about it, the sudden touch of his fingers caressing for a few seconds your palm was so unexpected that you had you apart your hand quickly.
“Okey, now that everybody it’s here let’s eat”
The rest of the evening was formal as usual, with the invisible distance that you and your step brother implicit pact had put.
He is apparently going to stay in Korea for a while, not that you’d be spending the time together anyway.
You said goodbye at the end of the night, he cold as ever only thanked you for the dinner from the distance and bowed very briefly before not looking back.
In the card attached to the bouquet said written by hand:
To my only sibling, from your oppa with love
You wanted to roll your eyes but you decided to open the small box.
A modest diamond necklace, very subtle and elegant.
What the hell.
I mean, it was a very nice necklace, but this something that she saw her girlfriends receive as gift by their boyfriends on Valentine's Day or anniversaries, this one was even fancier looking.
It must be a message of some sorts.
In her previous birthdays, he has sent some generic gifts that his assistant obviously chose or some reservations for a dinner in an exclusive restaurant.
This one is different.
Whatever yn thought, she would only wear it maybe once when he is present, not a big deal.
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
-Fracture in a Fairytale-
Pairing: Politician!Seokjin x Fem Reader
Genre: Slight Yandere; Smut; Angst
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit consensual sexual content, yandere/toxic Seokjinie, tiniest hint at pregnancy kink, manipulation, emotional abuse, time hopping (flashback sequence), mentions of divorce.
Summary: Your love had been a whirlwind. Something right out of a fairytale. Funny thing about fairytales, when you look hard and pick them apart, how ugly they can be.
Requested by: Anonymous
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You crawl into bed next to Jin, who is flicking through last-minute emails on his phone. You’ve spent the evening fundraising for his next campaign, and you’re exhausted emotionally. You don’t hate his job, necessarily, but you do hate what it requires of you. The tiny little box it confines you in, a box that the 20 year old version of yourself would wretch and gag at, she’d question every decision you’ve made, ask you what the hell you were thinking - what happened to her plans? Her dreams? Who even are you?
Your head has barely hit your pillow when Jin stiffens next to you.
“Why did you say that tonight? To the Parks?”
You know exactly what he’s talking about, the moment the words left your lips over your champagne flute you knew they’d come back to haunt you this evening. Still, you play dumb. It’ll be easier, you think, if you just act clueless.
“What was that?”
“Mrs. Park asked when we’d have children and you said that we didn’t have plans for any.”
“We don’t have plans right now,” you shrug. Keep it light, keep it innocent.
“But that’s not what you said, you said we didn’t have plans for any. Period. That’s where you ended the sentence,” he continues.
“Oh good God, Jin. Is it really a big deal? The old bird asked an absurdly personal question and I blurted out the first thing I thought of.”
“I see,” he nods, “so the first thing that comes to mind when you think of our children is to not plan for any?”
“And if it is?” you challenge, it’s a bold move. Although Jin is in a particularly good mood thanks to the success of the evening you’re pushing boundaries. Part of you doesn’t care. Part of you stopped caring a long time ago.
Jin slams his phone down on the mattress and rolls over to pin you down.
“Then you can rethink your position on it,” he nips around the flesh of your neck, and it gives you goosebumps, “I’ll fuck my semen so deep in that little pussy you won’t have a choice.”
He’s skirting the trim of your underwear, rubbing and pinching all the spots he’s memorized. All the spots that make you weak. So, you’re not surprised in the slightest when he finally makes contact with your slit and his fingers slide around in a slick mess.
As cheesy as it sounds, as overused as it is - if you were Superman, Seokjin would be your kryptonite. He weakens you, he drains the life out of you, turns you into a malleable object that he gets to control.
“If…mmm…if you mean to do it tonight you won’t get very lucky,” you pant as he adds one, then two fingers. “I still have my coil in.”
“Oh I’ll change that,” he growls as he fingers and rubs at your heat. “I’ll call Dr. Jung tomorrow…fuck you’re so wet!”
He sits up on his knees between your legs, pulls your underwear down your legs and throws them to the side. He shimmies his pajama pants down so his cock bounces freely. You moan as he drags the head of it up and down your slit, coating himself in your sex.
“Jin…” you whisper his name and he grins as he rocks into you, both of you moaning at the sensation. You don’t have the heart to tell him you don’t want kids, you don’t want any of this anymore.
Without even asking, without having even discussed it - you know he wants a son. Maybe a few. Then a little girl to round it off. You can see the photo opportunities flashing off like bulbs in his brain, the image of the lot of you, dressed to the nines waving to constituents. It makes you nauseous.
“Just you wait,” he grunts, “gonna fuck you full of my babies. Gonna watch you get so fucking big,” he licks at your nipples and you gasp, “gonna get those pretty tits full of milk, you’ll be so full baby.”
“Wait, stop, let me…” you squirm over onto your tummy, urging him to sink into you from behind. This way you’ll get off better, and he won’t see the tears brimming your eyes at the thought of bearing his children.
“Oh fuck baby, so fucking good, this how you want it when we start really trying? My dirty girl,” he gasps as he fucks into you, palming and pinching your ass as he watches his cock disappear into your pussy.
“Mmm,” is all you muster up. You scrunch your eyes shut, meeting his thrusts with a grind of your hips to push yourself to the edge.
Jin grabs a fistful of your hair, steadying himself as he goes deeper, you’re right there, and you angle your hips just a bit so he hits your gspot, you cum with your fists around your pillow, tears still threatening to spill over your lids as you wait for him to reach his own orgasm.
“You came?” he asks, after spilling into you. He’s breathless and before you can respond you feel his hands come down around your arms, flipping you over mercilessly.
“Good. Now that it’s out of the way,” he cups your jaw painfully, “Do you think I’m stupid?”
“What? No! What are you-,”
“Do you remember when we met? Hmm?”
You nod, tearfully. Happy memories of meeting him three years ago, on the beach while you were on holiday. You fell in love with him so fast, too fast. In under a year you’d quit your job, moved to Seoul to be with him, and married. Those first few weeks though, those were the memories that you bottled up to keep forever.
“I knew when I looked at you that you were the one, and I made it my sole priority to make sure you had everything, and now…you’ve been sulking around the house for months, it’s fucking insufferable!”
You hadn’t been very subtle, in all honesty.
“I just don’t want this anymore. I’m not the wife you wanted Jin, I can’t check your perfect little boxes!” you sob. “I’m just not what you wanted.”
“Shut up!” he barks, “if you hadn’t been what I wanted I wouldn’t have asked you to be my fucking wife!”
“Stop yelling in my fucking face!”
He narrows his eyes at you, but relents his hand around your jaw. His thumb brushes gently across your bottom lip.
“You think you’re going to pull away from me? You think your going to distance yourself? God forbid, you think I’ll divorce you?”
You snivel and more tears stream down your face, “I don’t want that, I never wanted it, but-,”
He tuts, “There is no ‘but’ Princess, that’s just never going to happen. You remember what I said when I asked you to marry me?”
You look up at him with blurry eyes trying to recall.
“Marry me.”
“Don’t make jokes, that’s not fair. You know I have to go back home.”
“I’m not joking. Come back to Seoul with me. You can move in, we’ll plan the wedding - make things official. I love you, I know I do.”
“You’re making my head spin with how fast you’re going right now.”
“Do you love me?”
“You love me. You do, I can feel it. I feel it when we’re fucking, I see it when you look at me, when you grab my hand. There’s so much love there I can actually feel it. We are in love, I know it.”
“It is different, with you. I feel so different with you Jin. But, don’t you think we should go slow? I mean, my God, marriage is kind of extreme.”
“No. It’s not when it’s real. This is real.”
“What about your career? Don’t you think it will look bad for you? Marrying a woman you met at a resort in Jeju?”
“They’ll love it. They’ll love you. I am part of the liberal party after all - they’ll see it as progressive and romantic. My constituents love that shit.”
“That’s a bold risk you’re willing to take.”
“There’s absolutely nothing I wouldn’t risk to keep you with me forever.”
You stare at him.
“The second you put that ring on you became mine and you’ll stay that way, forever. You do understand that right?”
“That’s delusional, if it’s not working then it’s just not work-,”
“Oh it’s working Princess, and if it’s not you’ll make it work, do you understand? You don’t check my boxes baby? Then just fucking check them!”
“I can’t Jin,” you wail, “I can’t be your perfect little housewife, I’m so tired of trying, I’m so burnt out.”
He shakes his head, burying his face in your neck, “No, it’s not that you can’t, it’s that you won’t, but you will baby because there’s not a chance in hell that I’m letting you ever walk out that fucking door.”
He starts kissing your neck, moving across your chest, pulling the nightgown you wear underneath your breasts. He takes a nipple in his mouth and you’re so tired of fighting that you don’t fight it all. It’s the only part of him you’re not tired of so you cling to it. You cling to him as he pushes the hem of your nightie up, settling himself back between your legs. You hold on tight as he rocks into you again, his hands in your hair, cementing you to the pillow while he fucks you.
“Fuck,” he moans into your ear, “I love you so much…my Princess isn’t going anywhere, right?” He hitches your thigh up higher on his waist, his cock pushing deeper into your aching cunt, “Right?”
You nod, your fingers digging into the small of his back.
He brushes your hair back out of your face, pressing his forehead to yours and snaps his hips sharply, you cry out against him.
“Say it for me Princess, wanna hear it,” he coos in your ear.
“I…” you sniff, “I’m not going anywhere Seokjin, not ever.”
“Good, that’s good baby. You know if you’re not with me I’m not going to let you be with anybody right?” he growls as he quickens his pace in your pussy. “You’re mine, and I’m yours and we’ll both be six feet under before I let anyone else have you.”
A new wave of tears flush your cheeks, and you open your thighs up to let him hit you where he needs, where it feels good. He groans when you angle your hips up, and you try to focus on his dick, try to cum again but he spills into you, breathless, before you get there.
“I love you Princess, you know that right?” he kisses you, and you pretend you’re back on the beach with him. When it was all laughs, smiles, sex, and endless possibilities. If you focus on those memories you can pretend everything’s okay. You have to.
“I love you Seokjin,” you whisper against his mouth.
He sighs happily as he settles into the bed beside you, briefly stretching his arm out to shut the lamp off. He scoops you up in his arms, pulling you close, and you lay against him suffocating in his body heat until you force yourself asleep.
When you dream, you dream of sunny beaches, tropical drinks and you’re completely alone. Paradise.
1. I ended up scaling back a lot of this story. Mainly because I just don’t have the time to edit a gigantic story and still have had this out in a timely manner 😬. To the anon who requested it - I hope this is satisfactory. You said you wanted to see if I could write yandere Jin and tbh I don’t think I did that great 😂
2. I’m going to take a step back from yandere/darker stuff for a tick lmao 😂 like I just want fluffy, healthy BTS for a minute. I still plan to write a quick drabble for “Make Me Lose My Mind” OC & JK but if I put anything out between it’s gonna be lighter. I’m just not very confident in my ability to write toxic and authentically yandere things. Which…in a way is good? Haha.
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
honey, m | ksj
pairing(s): seokjin x reader — mentions of husband!yoongi x reader
summary: "Please let me borrow your husband." "You can if I can borrow Seokjin." And so Kim Seokjin agreed to this wife swap but... Min Yoongi's wife is scary. Very attractive, though. Extremely, mind-blowingly hot and she knows it, sitting calmly in her living room with her cup of tea. But scary...
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; you are married to Yoongi and you're about his fuck his hyung while he fucks he's hyung's wife, yup; tiny bit of crack + fruity flirting(???); slight D/s smut (fem reader, spit kink, nipple play, bondage, m-receiving oral, cowgirl); non-idol!BTS - dom!reader x not-your-husband, sub!Seokjin
"So... what happens now?"
If you didn't know what was going on, you would think Kim Seokjin was about to be executed with how rigidly he was sitting on your sofa. Still good-looking, even though he refused to look at you. His eyes shifted in every direction except, well, the person who had replied to his question.
You were sitting right next to him.
You patiently let his eyeballs explore your plethora of home decor that included a violent amount of gaming memorabilia, your hobby, and just as many guitars, your husband's hobby.
"What do you think they're doing?" Seokjin gulped uneasily.
He was talking about your husband and his wife.
"Fucking, probably. That was the point."
You took a calm sip of tea as Seokjin had a (very handsome) mental breakdown in silence.
You savored the light flavor of peach white tea for a moment. Refreshing, with only the slightest hint of specialty honey your husband had purchased from abroad. The wistful taste of spring turning into almost summer, of lighter fabrics and colorful clothes, of waking up to the soft sunrise and Min Yoongi’s sleepy half-smile that he thought you couldn't see because you continued to pretend that you were asleep.
You placed your clean white cup on the black slate coaster in the middle of the coffee table. It was shaped like the head of a cat. You reached for your smartphone at the edge of the dark wood as you spoke.
"I could call Yoongi right now and tell him to stop."
"N... No!"
Seokjin's hand shot across the air and landed on your wrist, tightly gripping it and pulling your hand away.
"No... No, it's okay. I'm fine. It's fine," he coughed awkwardly, immediately letting go the second you turned your head to glance at him. Still not directly looking at you. Ears very red. He tucked back his long black hair, exposing his forehead and covering the tops of his tomato ears. "I agreed because I was okay with it. It will make her happy."
"If it doesn't make you happy, your wife won't be happy either," you said quietly, keeping your gaze on him. "We can stop all of this at any time, even if she's in the middle of orgasm." You smirked. "She might like that."
Nah, she wouldn't, but Yoongi and you would be highly amused. Perhaps inappropriately, but it was the truth.
Seokjin's large brown eyes darted back and there was a single millisecond of eye contact before he immediately abandoned that concept and stared at your empty cup instead. His full lips twisted slightly in a contemplative frown. "You're not worried that Yoongi might fall in love in my wife?"
You burst out laughing.
"S-Sorry," you got out, buttoning up your chuckles as Seokjin glared at you indignantly. You gave him a cunning half-smile. "No. I'm not the least bit worried about my husband. He wouldn't have married me if he wasn't serious about going to the grave with me," you purred slowly, dangerously sweet like dripping honey that came with thousands of bee stings. Ah. He was looking at you now.
Seokjin blinked quickly.
Your smile grew.
"You won't fall in love with me, right?" you mused.
The dark-haired man huffed childishly, planting his hands on his waist with a tight shake of his head. "Of course not. I pinky-promised. And anyway..." He trailed off. His dark brown eyes slid away from you again.
You raised an eyebrow along with the corner of your lips.
Seokjin gave you the side-eye squint.
"You're scary."
You reciprocated with a smirk he knew very well. It did, after all, perfectly match your husband’s.
"Yoongi doesn't think I'm scary."
"That's because Yoongi is scary," Seokjin retorted.
"He's just a soft kitty cat."
Seokjin pretended to gag. "Don't talk about my friend like that."
"Why not? Your wife talks about you like that. She calls you her dinky-donk–"
In record-breaking panic, Seokjin's hand flew out once again and slapped over your mouth.
"Anyway!" he wheezed out shrilly.
You blinked once and let your eyes lock with his shaking brown orbs. Seokjin froze up instantly as soon as he realized how close he was to you. So close that you could admire the way black strands brushed against his dark brows. His black hair was cut similarly to your husband, a longer, mullet style. There was more wave to Seokjin's hair due to the thickness. Yoongi had straighter, sleeker strands. Seokjin was handsome in the classic sort of way – symmetrical face, chiseled jaw and neck, large eyes, all complimented by his superstar-glowing skin, plush pink lips, and a lively demeanor.
You inhaled lightly, pinpointing the scent of his cologne. Oh? Quite a manly scent. Spicer and stronger than you expected, accented with a hint of sweetness. Was that fig? How delicate.
Seokjin was staring at your collarbones.
Or your tits.
Both were well-shaped, so he couldn't go wrong with either.
You nudged his bare knee with yours. He jumped, but didn't move his hand away from your mouth, looking down. Possibly contemplating his choice of ripped jeans with huge holes in the knees that allowed the skin-to-skin contact. Or maybe his sudden bulging eyes were glued to your juicy thighs threatening to explode the hem of your black miniskirt.
You were sitting down, after all. These things were bound to happen.
Seokjin wasn't looking at your face.
Your tongue wiggled out from between your lips and you licked his palm.
"What are you doing? Yah!"
Seokjin shrieked and tumbled back, attempting to fuse with the couch instead of trying to leave it, gawking at you bug-eyed as you pushed your hair back, parting your lips and extending your tongue, curving it slightly before it touched back to your teeth, tracing them slowly as you looked down at him.
“W-W-Why do you look like that…?!”
You didn’t move closer. You just let your hands waterfall down your chest, playing with the black ribbon tie of your white blouse, the tip of your tongue balancing on the corner of your lips. There were too many places to look. Seokjin’s poor eyeballs were working overtime. They stopped moving the second they reached your waist, cinched in tightly by the thick band of the miniskirt.
Slowly, Seokjin looked back up at your face.
You winked at him.
“You… You said nothing was going to happen,” he squeaked.
You shrugged casually. “Nothing was because you didn’t want anything.” You stroked one of the ends of the ribbon, humming thoughtfully. “You know, Yoongi wasn’t interested at first either. Not because he doesn’t like your wife. He thinks she’s funny.” You chuckled, unable to hide your small grin. “But he didn’t see the benefit for him.”
It seems like too much work to deal with a pillow princess like that.
You don’t have any emotional attachment.
Of course not.
No, silly, you don’t have any emotional attachment, so do me this favor and fuck her up. I would like her to feel completely and utterly destroyed. Also, she asked me if I could ask you to choke her.
You remembered Yoongi’s eyebrows shooting upwards. Ah. You’re having fun orchestrating this.
I said I wouldn’t ask. I’m just going to tell you to do it.
If there was something Yoongi liked, it was watching you enjoy being a mischievous, alluring, devious little fiend. Mostly because he was one too.
Hm, in that case… I wonder if you can seduce hyung then.
“I convinced him to think about it a little more.”
You tilted your head, letting your hair cascade over your shoulder.
“It’s fun sometimes, to do the wrong thing and get away with no consequence.”
Seokjin’s wide brown eyes got wider.
“I was wrong. You’re scarier than Yoongi,” he whispered.
You paused a moment, leaning back against the sofa. Hm. This wasn’t exactly going how you planned. Was it your approach? Or maybe Seokjin was simply not interested at all. Well. There was no reason to press if that was it. You would just have to take the L and deal with Yoongi’s know-it-all smirk later. Ah, what a pain in the ass. Your pain in the ass. At least he was cute. Yoongi acted tough on the outside, like the resilient rind of a recently ripe tangerine, but deep down he was soft, refreshing, and deliciously juicy in more ways than one.
He would hate it if you phrased it like that.
Therefore, you kept a mental note of it.
“What kind of fruit do I remind you of?”
You jerked your head at Seokjin’s abrupt question. “What?”
He shrugged. “I dunno. You remind me of a pineapple.”
You blinked at him.
Not a question. Only confusion.
He sat up halfway and molded his hands in the air in a vague pineapple shape. “A distinctive and noticeable appearance, tough on the outside, prickly. The fruit inside tastes really good, but if you have too much, it hurts, so only certain people who love it can have lots of it,” Seokjin explained, leaving you both informed and bewildered at his sudden fruit personality analysis.
You blinked again, but slower this time.
Seokjin shrugged his broad shoulders once again. “So, what do I remind you of?”
Well, if he wasn’t going to stick his dick in you, you might as well give him a fruit.
“A peach.”
He blinked rapidly. “Eh?”
You half-smiled, raising your hand with outstretched fingers to list your points. “Pretty looking. Well-liked. Soft and fuzzy appearance. Bruises easily if dropped carelessly.” Seokjin scrunched up his face as you lowered your thumb to give him the final point. “And a large, hard pit at the center where you hide all your negative emotions that you don’t let anyone see, especially the people you love, because you want them to always be happy, so you always give them the best of you and do dumb shit to make them laugh.”
Seokjin un-scrunched his face and stared at you.
You lowered your hand, placing it on your thigh. He might be older than Yoongi, but there was an unmistakable youth to Kim Seokjin, in both mannerisms and curiosities. Something endearing about his shamelessness and something confusing about how handsome he was regardless of the moment, even right now, on his elbows and half-laying on your black leather couch, in ripped blue jeans and an oversized white dress shirt with exaggerated lapels, the first few buttons undone and exposing that artfully sculpted neck. The work of genetics or gods, possibly both considering the result. His big brown eyes were as wide as his mouth was open.
Like a fish.
You raised your eyebrows.
Seokjin seemed to realize his super tuna state and closed his mouth.
Seconds passed.
You watched his eyes. They darted away slightly and came back to you.
“Do you like peaches?” Seokjin asked quietly, as if it was a secret.
“I do.” Faint quirk of the corner of your lips. “One of my favorite flavors.”
Eyes quickly darting from side to side. Then back to you. Seokjin still hadn’t sat up from your couch cushions. How curious.
“I…” Awkward gulp. “I like pineapples, but… they’re not that easy to get…” His eyes locked onto yours, chocolatey brown orbs quivering.
You felt your smirk widen.
Involuntarily, of course.
"You think so?"
He pulled an annoyed face, looking around him, as if the very objects around him reminded him were mocking him for his indirectness. "Well, yeah, no one in our friend group was crazy enough to approach you. Then we all find out that somehow Yoongi got you to sleep with him and we were all confused as shit. I thought we all agreed you were hot as fuck, but too hot to give anybody the time of day, and suddenly Yoongi is telling us you are off limits before anyone even had a chance to breathe next to you."
His eyes came back and you granted him an enigmatic smile.
"But I wouldn't date you. Too scary."
Seokjin stressed the word, determined for you to know he was not interested in wife-stealing, because he would surely be gutted by your husband who also happened to be his one fishing buddy and Seokjin took fishing extremely seriously.
"Mhm," was your calm hum of a response.
Eye shift to the left. To the right.
You did not offer any assistance as Seokjin struggled.
"I mean... I can't really do anything if you..."
He stared at you, trying to prompt you to take the bait.
You raised your eyebrows.
"I will allow you to breathe next to me until my husband is done fucking the brains out of your wife."
Seokjin glared.
You grinned devilishly. "Not the answer you wanted?"
He puffed his cheeks into two mounds of bread. "Are you an idiot or–ahhh!"
In lightning speed, you twisted off the couch and planted your hands right under the open spaces by his armpits, prompting Seokjin to screech, but unable to scoot away without touching you. His body froze up the second your face stopped centimeters from his. It took your hair a moment to catch up from the speed of your movement, slowly tumbling down your shoulder and feathering against his neck and collar, covering you both in half-shadow.
"Now, Kim Seokjin," you murmured, low and dangerous, inhaling his shaking exhale with ravenous zeal. "Do you really want to be calling Min Yoongi's wife an idiot?"
Seokjin would, very firmly, call anyone an idiot if they were indeed an idiot, regardless of who it was, but he knew time and place and the correct ears to make such declarations to. You tilted your head. Slowly and with the malice of a predator.
He made a strange noise between choking and squeaking.
You didn't move.
You let him make the first one.
"Ahaha... y-you're just t-trying to scare me again... you wouldn't do anything crazy, r-right, ah, w-well, maybe I misunderstood, maybe you're actually demurer–mmphf!"
You grabbed Seokjin by the hair and gave him a kiss that said, with all due respect, shut the fuck up. Forceful, oppressive, overpowering. The kind of kiss where you worked your fingers into his dark locks, releasing him from the pain but not from the possession, drinking in his whimpers with flitting tongue.
Enjoy your evening.
You don't think you'll enjoy yours?
Ah, he's too faithful. Too much of a good boy. We'll probably just drink tea and chat.
Hmm. Yoongi had tilted his head at you. I wouldn't be so sure.
You had wondered what he meant, but that was before you tasted those soft, pillowy lips and then, well, it was obvious what Yoongi meant.
Damnnit, you could hear your husband snickering in your head at your realization.
You couldn't, but you could.
You know?
Fuck you, Yoongi.
Because you had certain interests and Yoongi knew all your, ah, interests, and your interests included a handsome face making desperate noises while shivering under your fingertips as you traced his collarbones and down his chest, toying with the first button blocking your path. Your interests included duality, dichotomy, juxtaposition, a strong presence paired with the softness of his taste, melting under your aggressive presence, and you could tell from his sound that this was a vulnerable part of him that Seokjin didn't want just anyone to see, especially those he loved most.
He wanted those he loved most to have the happiest parts of him.
His shaking breath leaked between your open lips.
"This shirt... is e-expensive..."
You cocked an eyebrow.
"You can bill my husband."
You gripped the front of his shirt and Seokjin's hand shot up, wincing as he caught your wrist, as if him tightening his grip hurt him more than it hurt you.
"Let me take it off," he mumbled. "I don't need Yoongi glaring at me when I ask."
To be honest, you were completely joking, but you played the part, slowly unclasping your hand with a pointed glare that made Seokjin frown, and yet there was a playfulness to it because it was a childish pout that contrasted his nervous unbuttoning of his white, clean-cut dress shirt. It would be a lie if you said you didn't want to rip it off him, but only because he was so cute.
You know, that unexplainable feeling of wanting to destroy something perfectly innocent.
You would never describe your husband as perfectly innocent but he shared your sentiments.
Besides, making deals with the devil was much more fun than frolicking with angels, in your flawed and incredibly biased opinion.
You could be overbearing at times, but with more life lived you realized the importance of balance, of juxtaposition, of surprise as you leaned in and gently kissed the exposed skin. Soft gasp and warm skin under your lips, Seokjin's pitch hiking as you drew patterns with your tongue, hurriedly fumbling with the pearly buttons as you pushed aside the fabric, tongue and teeth and lips collecting moans like bees surrounding a pretty flower to gather the sweet nectar.
"Don't bit–ah!"
You placed your tongue around his nipple and flicked the other, making Seokjin buck into your couch, and there was nowhere to go, nowhere to escape, no one to stop you except him pushing you away, yet those hands were doing anything but, grabbing your hips and squeezing them in his large hands, gasping no and his body saying yes, grinding his crotch into your black miniskirt. Was he talking to you or himself? It didn't seem like the no was directed at you. In fact, you heard him mutter, Seokjin, don't freak out, she's crazy but this is Yoongi's girl, Yoongi wouldn't try to murder you, and you almost laughed.
Almost, if you weren't so focused on dripping saliva all over that carved-out-of-marble neck, blowing on it, savoring his bewildered shiver and hasty blink before you licked it all up and spat it back out on his chest.
He shot you a slightly judging look.
You smacked your palm down and smeared your spit all over his chest.
"What the–"
You snaked your other hand around his head, his holding you up as you kissed him again, silencing those meaningless protests as your slick fingers slid against his hard muscle, down and around his side, sinking your nails into his broad back. Slow smirk at his gasp that was swallowed by your hunger, whispering darkly into those pretty lips.
"Just be glad I'm not spitting into your mouth," you chuckled, low and devious. "I'm sure your wife asked Yoongi to do that after I told her about our interests."
Seokjin was observing you under lowered lids and elegant lashes, enviable lips dark pink and swollen by kisses. His black hair a mess in your hands, breathing hard, pupils blown-out.
He almost seemed drunk.
You hadn't even given him a single sip of alcohol.
"S... Spit in my mouth, then."
"... Hah?"
His eyebrow ticked upward. Half-smile.
"I like the taste of pineapple."
You know.
This, er, fruity flirting should be a turn-off, but this was Kim Seokjin asking you to spit in his mouth, and maybe this was actually a galaxy brain move on his part, maybe you were under his weird spell or some shit, because you leaned forward and held his head, pushing it back, Seokjin's mouth opening a little too much (this isn't an eating contest, you thought amusedly), but that was easily corrected by your nails raking across his spine. Soft yelp and clutching your hips tightly. His jaw relaxed, a spark of flitting fear in hazy eyes consumed by lust.
You spat in his mouth.
Seokjin flinched.
You removed your nails from his back and shut his jaw.
His wide brown eyes bulged out at you.
"Swallow," you growled.
He immediately did so. Loudly.
And that.
That was the moment.
Because before that, it was testing the waters, it was uncertainty, it was maybe-we-don't-actually-have-any-chemistry, thoughts buzzing around incessantly like bees in a beehive, but now, now all was silent, gazing at each other with honey in his eyes and dripping between you and him, shallow breath and excitement, your hand turning on his jaw, framing that chiseled shape, leaning in, your hair tumbling down, kissing that work of art, a marble statue on your sofa in your living room, taking his exhale like you owned it, at least for tonight, like you owned his blood, sweat, and tears.
Something like that.
Very dramatic.
Seokjin yanked up your miniskirt.
You raised an eyebrow.
Seokjin shrugged exaggeratedly with a pout. "Your thighs looked like they were suffocating."
He wasn’t wrong.
You straddled his waist and began to remove your blouse. Seokjin jumped and you squeezed him with your thighs warningly.
“W-Wait, um–”
You snapped your teeth and he cowered. Not before shooting you an indignant look though.
“What?” was your deadpan reply.
Seokjin coughed. “Shouldn’t we, uh… move to the bed?”
The corner of your lips lifted to a sly smirk.
Kim Seokjin was learning things about your relationship today.
“This isn’t…”
Like how you had an iron ring bolted to the back of the headboard so you could tie up his arms above his head while you climbed on top of his naked body. Not an everyday thing. Just a sometimes thing, when you or Yoongi were in the mood.
Or when talkative mouths were too squirmy.
“I didn’t exactly agree.”
“You didn’t try to run away when I went to get the rope either. You also raised your hands when I came back.”
“Well, aren’t you supposed to listen when someone tells you to do something?”
“Did I ask?”
He gave you his shifty gaze once more. “It was obvious. You were talking with your eyes.”
“You talk with your mouth, Seokjin.”
He gave you this look. The look of, do you just dad joke me while we are both naked, and, are you serious right now, and, hey, that’s my job, you can’t just take my job, which all disappeared when you leaned down and slurped his already hard dick.
You weren’t sure what he expected but you didn’t care either, this is very clearly happening and it was going to happen right now. There was enough stalling against your will.
You curled your tongue around the dark red head, keeping aggressive eye contact.
“C… Could you stop staring at me like that…?”
You continued staring into his big brown orbs, licking down the length, fanning your fingers over his thighs, your manicured nails pricking at his skin. Never looking away, firm wet muscle dripping saliva, lewd loud kisses all the way to his balls, watching his chest shudder and his lips tremble, drinking in the fear, maybe too cruel to some, but you could see the pleasure in his glassy gaze, hear it in his gasping whimper, and Seokjin had every opportunity to look away, and yet he didn’t.
You tilted your head ninety-degrees and licked up and down, letting him see the flexibility of your tongue curl around his girth, sinking your fingernails into his abs and dragging down, leaving the red marks of a predator.
He squeaked in pain, handsome face contorted in mild agony, and yet he didn’t look away.
You wondered who else he gave this fear, because you knew he wasn’t giving it to his pillow princess.
You admired his body under you, tied up and pretty and well-sculpted.
Simply naturally beautiful.
“You know, Seokjin.”
You were on a time limit because of his tied-up arms.
“I always liked the taste of peaches.”
You rose slightly, extending your right hand, palm up, reaching out to him.
“Guilty pleasure, I guess.”
You saw Seokjin’s brain attempting to figure out what four-dimensional chess these statements were supposed to mean. He became further confused as you smiled sweetly at him.
“Spit in my hand.”
Invisible question marks popped up around his head. “Hah?”
“Seokjin, spit in my hand.”
He blinked rapidly. You raised an eyebrow.
You stared at the meager volume and lifted the other eyebrow. Did you actually need to repeat yourself? Thankfully, he got the hint and forcefully spat out a larger amount, slick and watery.
Good enough.
You brought your hand back and forcefully shot out another spray of spit onto your palm.
“Why did you make me do it if you were just going to – oh, fuuuck!”
You shut him up real quick by winding your fingers around his twitching cock and stroking him, slowly, dripping honey-like saliva all over him, mixing his and yours. The bedroom exploded into contained sound, pitched moans and choked gasps, one hand on his cock and the other scooping up his balls, covering them with the fluids and your mouth, both of them at once. The headboard was rattling, but it didn’t matter how much his upper half moved, it only mattered that your body pinned down his legs as you sucked on his balls and jacked him off, building the pace, faster, rougher, slippery. Tongue swirling, manipulating the position of his balls with only your mouth and expert precision. Lips sucking onto the sensitive skin, sliding up and down, peering up at that handsome face with his spit and your spit stuck to your cheeks and nose.
Arrogant smirk and shifting the way you stroked him, focusing more on the head and faster now.
Seokjin groaned out your name and his head hit the headboard.
You popped your mouth off his nuts. “Careful.”
He whined and snapped his head back down, black hair flaring about, his forearms smacking the padded headboard and rattling the bed. “D-Don’t stop with the mouth, please.”
You released his throbbing length.
You swallowed his cock.
“Oh, fuck!”
You didn’t need to reply, just licked him from his wet balls to the underside of the head. He was so hard that you needed to change the angle of your head to swallow it all, but that was no problem, gladly adjusting before moving up and down, lapping at his balls with every descent. Slow at first, and then a quick glance and you saw Seokjin was writhing, pressing the top of his head into the black leather of the padded headboard, hands in fists, arms flexed and straining, uncontrolled moans and rolled-back eyes, so you skipped the slow and grabbed his hips, focusing instead on achieving the depth without tightening too much. He was strong enough to thrust up from your hold. You used it to your advantage, tongue rubbing against the stiff length and pushing the engorged head to the roof of your mouth, then sliding it down your throat, blocking your own breathing, but he was close, so close, your name tumbling from Kim Seokjin’s sinful lips in the shared bed of you and your husband, surrounded by a mess of wrinkled sheets and saliva.
Seokjin jammed his cock all the way into your throat and came with a choked wail.
You felt it shoot into the back of your throat, filling up the tight space with his strong, salty taste. Swallowing fast and Seokjin gasped sharply, sensitive, please, ah, and you glossed your tongue over his length, smaller gulps and accepting the small perverse pleasure of his whimpers. He knew you had to swallow to even breathe, but he was in too much ecstasy to move, apologizing under his breath despite keeping his still-hard cock stuffed down your throat.
You didn’t mind.
“Hah… ah… wow…”
Leisurely, with languid licks, your lips parting. His cock slid out and painted your chin with your own saliva.
Seokjin watched every second, big brown eyes glued to the image.
“You… You’re crazy…” he wheezed.
You grinned. “Nah. I just like fruit.”
Seokjin coughed. Maybe regretting the fruit conversation now. “Er, yeah, me t–eh?! Your hands are wet!”
You ignored his protests as you climbed up his body, grabbing his face fiercely and consuming him with suffocating kisses, distracting him with your hungry mouth while one of your hands left Seokjin’s jaw to tug on the ropes, undoing them with one hand. It took practice and some preplanning for you to be able to do it one handed, but thankfully Yoongi was a participant.
A willing one?
Marriage was compromise.
Just kidding, Yoongi let you practice as long as repaid the favor and you always did.
“Mmphf? Oh, thanks–”
You shoved your nipple into his open lips and reached over to the nightstand, pushing one of his hands down and massaging his wrist. Despite his protests, his lips instantly wrapped around your left nipple, rubbing it with his tongue and sucking on it, surprisingly with some intensity. You smiled, mischievous and amused, switching hands and rubbing his other wrist, rolling your chest into his face.
He moved over and you twisted your body, inhaling deeply as your felt the pleasure snake through you, feeling his hand raise and his fingers tug at your now wet nipple, gently at first, and then, with your encouraging noises, harder, a little rougher, focusing intently on your pleasure, closing his eyes as you rubbed your thigh against his crotch.
Still hard and getting harder.
You ran your fingers through his hair, burying one of your hands in those long black strands, breathing his name, soft and sweet.
He had some confidence to his actions now, firmly holding you against him.
Until you ripped open the condom right next to his ear.
You slid back, tossing away the wrapper, sliding down his torso.
“Should I move or–?”
“Just lay there and look handsome.”
“I’m good at that, that’s an excellent choice, maybe you should get a mirr–oh my God…”
This was a very different pace than usual. Much more talking, but for some reason you didn’t find it troublesome. It was simply part of the unique experience, and there was a distinct satisfaction in cutting Seokjin cut off with your pussy steadily sliding down his hard length, savoring it centimeter by centimeter, adjusting your hips to find the right angle for his cock. There was no need for words on your part, only the patient listening of Seokjin’s panicked gasps, wait, you’re so tight, are you okay, do you need help down there, hello, ignoring his quips and gradually massaging his length with the controlled pulsing of your walls.
“Do you need to be more turned on, I can–”
You reached up and placed your hands on your breasts, trapping your nipples between two knuckles and pinching them, sighing contentedly, rolling your hips to find your sweet spot.
“Hello, I have feelings, I’m not just a dick, could you at least tell me if you are enjoying this–”
You made pointed eye contact.
Seokjin shut up immediately.
You began to ride him.
Toying with your hard nipples, leaning forward to achieve that depth and the friction against your clit, ah, yes, right there, feeling Seokjin’s hands sliding up your thighs, familiar touch in an unfamiliar place, familiar position with an unfamiliar face, familiar lust shared by unfamiliar eyes, and yet you lowered your hands, leaning down, breezing kiss, tasting it, the flavor of Kim Seokjin, roughly slapping hips to crotch, gazing into dark brown orbs enamored by your strong passion, his fingers sinking into your thighs, imploring you to take it, to have a bite and let his peachy flavor seduce you with his sweetness and of course you allowed yourself be seduced.
You couldn’t resist it, couldn’t escape anymore, for he was too sweet, too sweet.
After all, forbidden fruit always tasted sweeter.
“I love your lips,” you breathed, filling yourself up with his rock-hard length and clenching all around it, watching those plump lips form the soft moan, glossy and pink, looking back up to those half-lidded eyes, glassy and pupils dilated from the mood.
Seokjin winked and kissed the air.
Wonders never ceased with this man.
You gave him an open-mouthed smirk.
Your hips shifted and you slammed his cock into you.
“Sorry,” you murmured in your least apologetic voice. “Another guilty pleasure of mine.”
“Hearing me scream?” Seokjin snapped.
You grinned like voracious sin.
All irritation vanished from his expression.
You waved your entire body and smacked your hips against his, earning a sharp yelp, and whatever restraint Seokjin previously had now dissipated at your declaration, grabbing fistfuls of sheets and making every noise that came to mind, mostly breathless moans with some squeaky gasps in between. Your hands were now on the bed for leverage, staring down at him, and Seokjin’s gaze jerked up, acting as if he hadn’t just closely watched at your pussy swallowing his dick instead of looking at your face. You cocked an eyebrow and didn’t look away. Firm, measured slaps and tightening your core, looking down at his handsome features, feeling the power mixing with the adrenaline race through your veins, closer, rapid breath and breathless need, closer, one of your hands flying up and gripping his chin, pushing his head back into your pillows, snarling in your throat.
“Don’t close your eyes.”
Closer, closer, louder, harder, whimpers between fingers, there.
Seokjin didn’t close his eyes.
They rolled back into his head as he scream-choked your name, gargled from your strong grasp on his jaw, pretty face all messed up from the peak of orgasm and it was too much, too much for you too, feeling the violent rush and the pulsing clench around his throbbing cock, feeling every jolt pump his cum into the condom as your walls closed in, tight and unforgiving and delicious. Every shudder and shiver from the inside and against your thighs, yes, this, sweet and perfect and devoured, leaning down, kissing those plush lips once more, tasting him again, too sweet, too sweet, but it was a wonderful flavor in small, pungent doses.
“You actually did it.”
“I’m just surprised as you are. He started randomly comparing me to fruit.”
A brief silence. “Huh.”
“His wife kept offering me tangerines. Said they reminded her of me.”
“Huh. Guess they are meant for each other.”
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
Shore Enough | KSJ
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Summary: Somehow, everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and when you told the concierge that you had a room booked under your name, they said to you that they had no rooms available. Well, that was until a handsome man in a three-piece suit decided to be your “husband” and told you you could room with him in his presidential suite, and you chose to say “screw it”, why not right? What’s the worst that could come from rooming with a handsome stranger?
🔞 (Minors DNI) | 💔Angst | 💘 Fluff | 😈 Smut
Word Count: 22583 words
Age: 18+
Pairings: Seokjin x Reader
Warnings Strangers to Lovers AU! Seokjin is smooth like butter (like a criminal undercover). Smut, angst fluff, the holy trinity. Yelling, swearing, crying, arguments, Seokjin being a tsundere? Sorta? Smut, unprotected sex (don’t do this). Fingering, oral (male and female receiving) shower sex, multiple orgasms, squirting, overstimulation. Mentions of cheating for like one sentence. Hair pulling, face fucking, throat fucking. Name-calling, (he calls her a brat like once). Rough but passionate sex. Biting, hickeys. Spanking. Public sex, fingering and nipple play. Pussy slapping. Sex massage therapy? Idk, it’s for like a minute. Sauna sex idk they’re fooling around. Idk this got out of hand. Face sitting, whoops.
Authors Note 1: This is my part of @btshoneyhive “Spring Breaking the Rules” Collab. Check out the masterlist here! 💕
Authors Note 2: The only rule to follow: don’t fall in love with Seokjin.
Authors Note 3: Huge thank you to @hobeemin​ Beezy, I love you so much for reading this EVEN IF I TOLD YOU TO REST BUT ILY BEEZY 🥺💖 Thank you to @missgeniality​ for offering to beta this even if I keep deleting the document 90 times and being so patient with me ILY 🥺 and thank you to @jeonjcngkook  @sublimebangtan​ & @sugakookitty betaing the old smut I wrote in 2020, and that I was too scared to read again 🥲 y’all saved me with this fic thank you guys so much 🥺💕
Banner Credit: To the lovely @eerieedits​ I don’t know how you do it each time Val, but you make the most incredible banners, thank you for this 💕
Taglist: @namjooningelsewhere @bonvoyagenoona @purgatorywriter @thehorizon19 @mochilatae @skyys-universe @gukkmoans @bringmetheksj @evanssgi @jayhopely @taeshobipop @rosiekook @raplinesmoon-main @kygsluvr @angelseokjinnie @shatzkrinslinzki​ @sunshinerainbowsbts​ @constantlydelulsional @kookiecrumb​ @merlinkgeorge​​
© playmetheclassics 2022. All rights reserved.
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
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PAIRING. kim seokjin x fem!reader SUMMARY. there’s a new criminal in gotham — and batman can’t tell if she makes him angry or aroused. WARNINGS. smut, batman!seokjin, catwoman!reader, robin!jungkook, lowercase intended, they literally start fucking right away, porn with no plot tbh WORD COUNT. 3,254
authors note. HELLOOOO! this is my first work on tumblr EVER, so i’m quite nervous to post this but still very excited to share this with you guys. also, disclaimer, i’m more of a marvel girly so idrk anything about dc, but if this offends u dc fans i’m sorry! 😭😭
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word got around that there was a masked criminal in gotham. apparently, sneaky was her middle name since no one could catch nor find any tracks on her. all anyone knew was that the suspect was a female and she went by the alias ‘catwoman.’ so like usual, seokjin took the matter into his own hands like he always did because apparently gotham couldn’t do shit on their own without having to rely on him.
he resorted to throwing a party in his humongous home where almost the entire city would attend and perhaps it'd be easier for him to find this unknown female. the mansion was full of wealthy people wearing dresses, suits, and jewelry that costed a fortune — that'd catch her attention right? she had to be here to steal at least a rolex.
“hyung, half the city is here right now. how do you expect to find one person out of all of these people?" jungkook asks, fidgeting with the crotch area of his black slacks. "and these pants are uncomfortable! they're actually hugging my balls."
"do you ever shut your mouth?" seokjin scolds. jungkook listens obediently, yanking his hands away from his pants to his sides and standing tall. the younger boy was always quite intimidated by the elder, trying to keep his stupid jokes to a minimum so he wouldn't get scolded by him like he just did now. "just keep a close eye on anyone that looks suspicious."
jin leaves jungkook's side, walking away to converse with some of his guests. he tries not to make it obvious that he's on the edge. he so badly wants to find this masked criminal that gotham's been looking for for months now, and tonight was going to be that night. he was sure of it.
"ah mr. kim!" a man says in a loud, cheerful voice, standing right in front of seokjin's path. if there weren't so many people talking, jin was sure the whole town could hear this man.
"sir," jin politely greets. he doesn't show the annoyance of this man's awfully loud voice that makes his ears ring.
"this is quite the place you've got. seriously, it's as big as the town!" he laughs, playfully slapping seokjin on the shoulder. jin laughs along with him, in attempt to be nice. all he really wants to do is find her.
her, her, her.
meanwhile, jungkook tries to keep his hands away from his crotch, trying to look as classy as everyone else in the room. it'd be inappropriate for him to be pulling at his pants right where his groin was but it was quite hard when they were just so tight. if it were up to him, he would’ve attended this party in a baggy shirt and jeans paired with sneakers. however, he still obeyed his hyung after being told to ‘dress appropriately.’
his doe eyes scan the room. he sees nothing but a bunch of old people who all seem to know one another and it seems like they're just here for champagne and small talk.
that is until he sees you — the woman in red. red lipstick, red dress, red heels, red handbag. next thing jungkook knows, his feet are taking him towards you.
"hello," he greets. though he’s completely starstruck by your beauty, he remains calm.
you smile widely at him, holding your hand out for him, "hi!"
jungkook takes your hand, hesitantly. he doesn't think the masked suspect is you, but then again he could be wrong. "what's a beautiful young woman like you doing in this nursery home?"
you laugh, and oh it sounds like music to jungkook's ears. "my dad," you say, turning your head to find him. obviously your non-existent father was not in sight, so you improvised, "ah, seems like he ran off somewhere. that man. he dragged me along with him, i don't usually like these kind of things."
“seems like you and i have something in common. i was forced by my own will to be here as well. leave it up to me, i’d be upstairs on my ps5.” he chuckles, showing off his bunny-like smile.
“oh, you live here?” you ask.
"oh, yeah, kim seokjin is like my brother basically so i live here with him. don't ask him if that’s true though, because he'll just call me his colleague. he’s not the sentimental type." jungkook shrugs.
you chuckle, "noted. well, i'd love to stay and chat with you but i should really go find my dad." jungkook doesn't show it, but he's quite sad that you had to leave. "uh, what was your name again?"
"jungkook," he says.
"cute," you say, jungkook tries to hide his blush. "i'll see you around, jungkook."
he watches you wink before walking off. jungkook let's out a deep breath he didn't even know he was holding, before bringing his cold hands to his red ears, trying to cool them down. "fucking hell.”
jungkook was quite the eye candy you thought, but you were going to leave this place with a few things and a man was not one of them. you check the area around you and you’re surrounded by a bunch of people, no one noticing your presence.
you purposely collide your back with a man who had a glass of champagne in his hand. he doesn’t even look back to see who bumped into him, too distracted with the woman he spilt his drink on. she’s squealing, complaining how expensive her dress was, screaming at the man to get a napkin. rich people — how pathetic. he’s in a state of panic at the woman’s obnoxious squealing and trying to find a napkin simultaneously. she’s catching everyone’s attention, all eyes are on her, this is your chance.
you successfully managed to snatch a few watches, unclasp a few chains, steal a woman’s shiny hair clip you had been eyeing the whole night. you quickly put the items into your handbag before escaping from the chaos you created. you ran up the stairs, heading into the first door you found.
it’s a bedroom, it’s humongous — maybe even bigger than your apartment alone. it looks like a hotel room. the huge four-poster bed is on one side of the room and a bathtub is on the other, completely embedded into the ground. whoever lived here was one lucky person if they got to sleep in this room everyday. you wondered if this was jungkook’s room or maybe the infamous kim seokjin.
your admiration was interrupted when you heard the door being open. there was no escape besides the windows, but you wouldn’t make it out in time without them seeing you. you cursed, preparing to come up with some shitty excuse.
the person slams the door harshly and you turn to face whoever it is. you’re met with a beautiful, beautiful man. he had fluffy jet black hair and plump lips. he had an irritated expression plastered on his gorgeous face as he walked in. when his eyes found you, they widened in surprise. sure you knew who kim seokjin was, he was the talk of gotham. you’ve seen pictures and you’d be the biggest liar if you said he wasn’t attractive. however in person, he was godly.
“what’re you doing in here? this room is out of bounds to guests, get out.” he says.
“well maybe you should lock your doors next time, mr. kim.” you tease. “nice room you got here.”
“thank you,” he says, insincerely. “now out.”
“wow, not even a ‘hello?’ you just gonna get rid of me that easily?” you tease.
“yes i am, now for the last time — out.” he says sternly.
you chuckle. the man was easy to grill up, you were having a bit of fun. you inch closer and closer.
“i am heartbroken, pretty boy. it’s such a shame you wanna get rid of me this easily. i could think of a few things i’d like to do to you on that bed.”
“oh yeah?” he perks. seokjin is captivated by your beauty and your flirty attitude put him in a mood. so he played along, “maybe i’d let you if you weren’t so stubborn.”
“what’s the fun in that?” you ask, getting closer. his figure is so tall he’s bending his neck lowly to contain eye contact with you. you two are extremely close he can feel your breath on his neck. his eyes flicker to yours, then your lips, then back and forth.
there’s no clues, seokjin just trusts his gut when it screams that you’re the suspect. despite the desire to finally get you locked up so the police department could shut the fuck up and stop bothering him about you, he remains clueless, trying to keep his identity a secret.
you had your fun, so you walk past him towards the door.
“have a nice night, pretty boy.” you say, opening the door, and then you’re out.
seokjin’s left alone in his room, he slams the door you left open, he yanks his tie off, “FUCK!”
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“she was here?” jungkook asks, eyes seconds away from popping out of their sockets.
minutes after jin had suspected you were the masked criminal, he cleared everyone out of his home. he told jungkook that ‘the catwoman’ was here and you were in his bedroom, speaking to him, face to face.
“yes! she was here!” jin shouts, frustrated at himself for just letting you go like that. he downs the last of the liquor in the glass before slamming it against the table.
“well, what’d she look like?” jungkook asks.
“she was… beautiful. she was wearing all red-“
“red?” jungkook cuts him off. jin nods. jungkook starts pacing. “oh my god! i was talking to her! sh- she told me she had to go and look for her dad, i thought she was being serious! shit! how could i be so stupid!?”
“okay, calm down!” jin yells and jungkook stops. “so we know it’s definitely her, that should make this easier. did she tell you her name by any chance?”
“n- no?”
“shit,” he mutters under his breath. “looks like we’re back to square one. let’s just call it a day, we’ll start looking for her tomorrow.”
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it had been a whole week after the encounter with seokjin. you wished you could see him again, the closest thing you ever gotten to that were the dreams you had about him. the things you’d do to him if he were here right now. it was ridiculous you think, but his beauty was out of this world. he was quite literally the most handsomest man you’ve ever seen.
you click your tongue, calling your cat over as you’re pouring the food into the cat bowl. your cat immediately obeys, crawling joyfully towards you. she dives her snout into the bowl, licking at the food. as she’s eating, your cooing at her and caressing her soft, grey fur.
you stand up, letting her eat. you walk towards your couch, attempting to get back at your book. you’re startled, you jolt and gasp at the figure standing on your balcony. you unlock the door before stepping outside, feet met with the cold cement and body cold by the breezy wind.
“batman,” you playfully bow. “to what do i owe the pleasure?”
he remains silent, standing before you. it’s clear he knows that you’re the woman under the mask. he doesn’t move one bit — doesn’t even look like he’s breathing. “so you just came to visit? you know, if i had known i was going to have guests, i would’ve worn more clothing.” you say, referring to the little amount of clothing you were wearing.
you notice the batman’s eyes flickering towards your frame. you’re wearing nothing but matching red, lacy bra and panties. you notice something else, his lips. those plump, pink lips. so, so, so familiar. how could you ever forget who they belong to?
“you always walk around outside naked?” he asks, however his voice isn’t the same as it was the last time you saw him. he was forcing a deep, husky voice. it was quite sexy.
“what would you do if i said i did?” you ask, walking closer to him.
“watch it, kitty. i don’t mind punishing bad girls.” he says.
“i don’t mind being punished like a bad girl.” you propose, wrapping your arm around his neck. next thing you know his lips are attached to yours, and you two are aggressively making out.
you’ve been dreaming about this, what his soft lips would feel like. they feel like clouds, and you can’t get enough of him.
he pulls away, you’re confused. he reaches for the hem of his mask, yanking it off his head, and your revealed with the man you’ve been craving.
“i knew it was you.” you say, going back for more. your hands are gripping his soft hair and your lips are attacking his. he struggles out of his suit, not taking his lips off of yours. once he’s out, in nothing but his boxers, your clinging onto him like a koala. he carries you by your thighs, inside your home. he finds your bedroom before laying you down onto the bed, hovering over you.
his hands are all over you as are yours on him. his fingers are cold against your skin, and they make you shiver slightly.
he tugs your panties off before his fingertips are touching your clit. you moan into his mouth at the friction as he starts rubbing small circles around your sensitive bud full of nerves.
“you have no idea how many times i’ve dreamt about you.” you moan.
he chuckles, watching you unfold underneath him. “yeah? doing what exactly?” as much as his batman voice turned you on, you loved his normal voice just as much.
“this,” you moan. “you touching me, you fucking me hard.”
he slips a finger into your hole and you grip onto his hair.
“we met once before this and you were already thinking about my dick, huh?” he teases. you moan in response. “so needy.”
you were fed up with his teasing. you pushed him by his shoulders. now the positions were switched, he was under you and you were sitting right on his crotch. his hands went to your thighs, and he groaned at the contact. you start rocking your hips, grinding your bare heat against his clothed cock.
“not so dominant now, huh?” you smirk.
he rolls his eyes playfully, “just pull me out already, fuck. need to feel you so bad.”
“so needy.” you tease, mocking him.
“baby-“ he moans, practically begging you to take off his last article of clothing that’s blocking him from feeling you. feeling all of you.
you lift your hips off of him, scooting down. you pull his boxers off of him and your met with his long, hard cock. you give it a few tugs before the man is stopping you, you look at him, confused. “just- save that for another time. i need- i need to feel you now.” he moans.
you’re sitting above him again, lining his tip with your entrance. you sink down, and you both moan at the feeling. his hands are gripping your waist, lifting you up and down his cock. you reach behind your back, unclasping your bra. you let it fall and seokjin’s hands immediately leave your waist, reaching for your breasts, cupping them with his huge hands. you wrap your hands around his wrists and you ride him, moaning at the amount of pleasure flowing through your body. your legs start burning at all the work you’re putting into riding the man.
next thing you know, your positions are flipped once again. this time seokjin flips you on your stomach, pulling your ass up by your hip bones before he’s ramming his cock into you. your face is shoved into the mattress under you, and you moan into the sheets. the man is thrusting into you vigorously, and you’re moaning so loud you’re sure the whole town could hear you. his thick length stretches you and it burns slightly.
“jinnie, i can’t-“ you whine.
“you can and you will, this is what you get for causing chaos around town, you bitch. you know how long i’ve been looking for you.” he spits. as harsh as the name was, you liked the way it rolled off his tongue. “i’ve been thinking about what you’d feel like for so, so long. you feel so good.”
you moan at his praises. you can feel his fingers digging into your sides as he relentlessly rams into you, and it hurts so good. you feel one of his hands leave your hips before a loud smack fills the room and a slight sting stings your asscheek. he rubs his hand on your flesh, soothing the sting. his hands are back at your waist, pushing your body down so only your ass to sticking up as he continuously shoves his length in and out of you.
“fuck kitty, taking my cock so fucking well. such a good girl for me.” he praises.
the bed is rocking with his movements, the frame hits the wall repeatedly. the lewd sounds of skin slapping and loud moaning fill the room. you two are being loud and you’re positive you’re going to get a noise complaint later, but you’re too fucked out to even care. seokjin’s hitting you in the right spot so good and you’re close.
“fuck! m’gonna-“ you slur, too fucked out to even come up with words.
“gonna cum, kitty?” he finishes for you. you bite your bottom lip, nodding. “c’mon, cum for me.”
and so you do. the knot in your stomach snaps and your shaking. you feel him come undone as well as he shoots his thick white ropes of cum into you, groaning.
he pulls out of you, and your fragile body falls down onto the bed. you’re a sweaty mess, hair sticking to your face, legs shaking uncontrollably. seokjin lays down next to you, pulling you into him. your face is in his chest and he pushes your hair out of your face before caressing his hand up and down your back.
“if that’s how you’re gonna punish me all the time, i’m afraid i’m gonna keep being a bad girl.” you say, breathlessly.
seokjin chuckles. his hair is perfectly sat on top of his head and he’s barely sweating compared to you. it doesn’t even look like he was just pounding into you maniacally a few seconds ago.
“watch it, kitty.” he warns. “you look like you just ran a marathon and you haven’t even seen what else i can do in bed.”
“maybe you can show me next time?” you perk.
“maybe,” he says, pecking your soft lips. “you know, i don’t even know your name.”
you both erupt into a fit of laughter.
“y/n y/l/n.” you say, holding your hand out.
he takes it, “kim seokjin.”
“this is great pillowtalk. you’re pretty good at it for the non-sentimental type.”
“who told you i was non-sentimental?” he asks.
“your brother.”
“brother?” he asks, genuinely curious.
“jungkook.” you answer, chuckling. you thought he was joking.
“he’s not my brother, he’s my colleague.” he says. you’re burying your face into his chest, chuckling even more. “yah, what’s so funny?” he asks.
“jungkook said you’d say that.” you giggle.
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© 𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐊𝐆𝐈𝐒𝐌 2022. all rights reserved.
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auclamenza · 3 years ago
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genre : angst, smut , bit of fluff
pairings : assassin! seokjin × assassin!reader, f.
description: the guy you've had your rivalry mutual with, you find yourself grinding on his cock the day you were supposed to kill him. or, maybe it was him who was supposed to kill you? both of you find your heart in a contradiction to your duties, so would you follow your heart or you duties?
WARNINGS : crime!au, non-idol!BTS au,, angst, big!dic seokjin cause wbk, dry humping, teasing, degrading, slight mentions of gore, teasing, oral ( f ) hitting it from the back, pussy slapping, ass spanking, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you dig in,!) , multiple orgasms, overstimulation, various positions, dirty talk,Dom!seokjin, sub!reader, dirty talk, marking, fluff, seokjin is a gentleman awh
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no excuses but i wrote this flith out of pure horniness, ugh sorry for the drama lol i mean what else can you expect.. whether you like crime au or seokjins big d, or if you want to fuck wwh, you decide lol
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“stop ...stop before i fuck you dead against this wall, right here, right now..”
it was his voice. shaky, needy and desparate.
who would've thought that the man you're supposed to kill, order to sizzle in bullets right inside his skull. or the man who was supposed to kill you were in such a position where you're needy for his meat, hard and struggling in his tight slacks in between his thighs were grinding so painfully yet so deliciously against the bundle of nerves in between your legs, a lewd breath leaving your lips at the blissful friction.
“ i'm not complaining..” you taunt back, eyes narrowed slightly, pushing your hips even more to the extent. playfully, just to hear more of his guttural groans which sounded so sexy, so sexy to you. as if it wasn't making the arousal in your panties basically gush out of your hole, the slick against your clit making the grinding even more smoother.
a smack directly landed on your ass, you welped slightly at the sudden harsh pain, as soon as you felt his large hands grope your ass, stopping you in place. his almond eyes were as far you remember were a chocolate brown, but now we're of the darkest shades of black as you're seeing in this dim litted room. how were the strands of his hair illuminated halfly from the broken, flickering lights outside the old garage, or maybe from the moonlight from the full moon shining outside. how his perfectly chiseled jaw clenched, how his scar seemed to be pulsing from the sheer amount of swear covering his face.
how fucking sexy...
his voluminous lips were slightly parted, low pants heaving out. his thick black eyebrows were furrowed slightly, his expression was saturated with anger and lust.
just as how you imagined kim seokjin to be.
“ if you want to get railed before dying, i wouldn't mind drilling my cock inside your hole, you fucker ” his voice was trembling at this point, dropped down octaves. sheesh, this voice literally made you shiver, as you pressed your lips together in anticipation. “ i, you know..” you begin, your nimble fingers running through his smooth, silky brown hair, as you take care of the roots to the bottom, his long mullet was so,so attractive, you had failed to keep your hands within yourself, “ have always hunted for mad adventure..” at this point your voice is just, just teasing, so teasing that his expression gets unbearably hard, you see a muscle around his eye twitch. “ irritated, hm? ” you pass a small wink, your lips curling so slightly. you definitely enjoyed teasing this man hovering over you.
untill you found yourself lifted over with a grip on your waist, a yelp making its way to from your mouth, you realised he has thrown you over his shoulders. “ s-..jin!! ” no response came back, only the grip on your ass tightens, as he takes quick, heavy steps outside the garage, the dark area. “ seokjin!! put me down!” “..argh, you asshole, put me down!! i have two proper working limbs to walk!!” you were trashing around, wiggling under his tight grip, and soon began punching his ever so broad shoulders.
a hard slap landed on your right buttcheek, and the effect it had came ringing down as waves of pleasure straight up to your dripping cunt. a silent cry left your swollen lips, “ stop trashing around, i promise i’ll fuck this attitude out of you, just wait till we reach a safer place, brat ” soon before you know it, you've reached his car,the black shiny vehicle glowing through the moonlight, as he opens the door and throws you inside, careful enough to not to hurt you.
getting inside the car, he took off his coat and threw it in the backside of the car, his rushed movements suddenly ceasing. his eyebrows are furrowed, as you gulp down, looking at him. was he really planning to fuck you right in this car? even if he did, you didn't mind, not at all. hands on the steering wheel, the thick silence wasn't inviting : it was haunting.
the silence which reminded you of each time you took lives away from those rough hands of yours, having watched pools of blood covered around those lifeless bodies. those innocent souls which haven't even have shed a single strand of anyone, yet however..they had to go. the silence which you faced when left alone at your apartment, having nothing but trouble in sleeping when all those instances of flashbacks play in your mind, those blown out pupils of those betrayed expressions, of dalliances, or so called... friendship.
the same silence which haltered for seconds which seemed like fire after the immediate bang of a bullet being fired from a gun, the silence which followed your internal scream after taking innocent lives helplessly.
the silence where you'd lie down on the floor without any feelings, feeling lifeless as you let all those thoughts gulf you in its darkness, of now miserable you were of killing souls of your own kind.
we all have to die..right?
a sudden shake to your shoulders pull you out of your trace, “ are you okay? ” seokjin’s worried face comes in your vision as you shake aside all the memories. “ can..we go to a safer place..? p..please? ” your last plea came out as a mumble, cause you yourself fell in a pit of guilt, pain and self consciousness. how silly of you. as if you haven't been doing this ever since you held that big hands in your smaller ones, ever since the time you were a barely a teenager, and have been continuing this reckless circus of taking out souls of innocence, out of the pull of duty. seokjin seemed to understand your hesitation, as he pulls off the car away to a place.
heavy, but light breaths came out of your nostrils. you were completely blank by now. turning your head to the window, you see all the trees swaying silently in the breeze outside, the stars mingling with the milky clouds and the moon being seated on the throne as everything seemed to be moving along with you, just as how fast you moved on from accepting all the truths of your life.
that you could never, ever breathe freely, even if your lungs yourself worked for you, the pang in your chest abhorred you, despised you to your core.
were you this heartless?
untill, the car suddenly halts causing you to suddenly pull yourself out from your zoned out self, as you look back to seokjin. his concerned eyes are already set on you, as if he was really worried. his voice comes out softly, but rigidly. “.. we' it's safe, the motel is safe..and cozy ” ..his plush lips curl to a warm smile, and suddenly the emptiness seemed to fade away. “'s already..there?..” you mumble again, only to have him nearing closer, “ of course, you never really paid attention to your surroundings. very..unlike you. ” a snort leaves your nose,“ yeah. because i know, if i die, i would atleast die having a dick stuffed inside me, for damn’s sake..”
you weren't lying. for a while, it seemed like being with him erased your worries.
a clear, ringing laugh echoes in your ears as he takes your own hands in his larger ones. wow, his hands felt warm or were your hands so cold that this warmth felt so strangely inviting? you weren't sure.
this warmth was something you've never felt, and this ride of your life feels different. how do-to much contradictory to your feelings inside. as if seokjin was your friend, you've been for..years? different. or was seokjin acted different? was..was he going to kill you after having you in such a vulnerable state, this warmth and all these endearing behaviour..being just to lure you? if that was the motive, his charms have succeeded, because you no longer were in the trance of killing him, or even scared. because if you die, you wouldn't care, you deserved it either the way. whether you die today, after getting killed by this man who's dick temped you to a trial or by that old man, who was your boss, after being completely disappointed because you've lost their biggest of the targets. you didn't care. you just wanted to get laid, real good. or, was he really being honest because seokjin has been a gentleman to you regardless of being rivals, he never really has harmed you in any way, let aside those little bickerings. he has been feline to you, never crossing his line when you have seen men turning to animals for their need, bastards. it always dawned on your in such a questioning way that has seokjin been always having such a soft place for you? you never could really figure out why was he always.. gentle? to you when his other mates from The Regiment were simply blood thirsty fuckers, hungry for blood. even though it supposed to be either his death or your own, you two finally let go of those grudges and gave in to your hormones.
because enough of that damn vibrator.
of course, you weren't complaining but you were sure that his cock can and would bring more, so much more out of you than that plastic thing ever could. being in such a feild where you have to get a hold of whoever else's information you've been in contact with, shamelessly about everything, so you've been known that seokjin had a nice heart but also a huge dick. how, the moment you saw that 9 inch, your eyes had widened so wide that you felt as if they would leave their sockets, 9 inch..was WAY too big, heat till scrambles upto your face everytime you remember that. doesn't matter if you know the guy or not but for sure you knew that his dick was really something. he knew damn well how to rile you up, he did..
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the moment was short lived when seokjin’s gaze followed down to where your gaze trailed off. to his crotch area, your eyes were glued there, as if you could bore holes in his already burning hot skin, he wouldn't really mind if that actually happened, his dick was painfully hard buy now but he did not wanted to rush things especially without your consent. he always knew consent is the most important thing besides the safe word and even if you wanted him to stop, he would gladly let you go; letting you live despite knowing that his teammates would despise him again because just as how dangerous this girl can be with her tactics, she was one of the more renewed targets for The Regiment, whose dead body was keen to thousands of eyes.
Maybe you've really succeeded to seduce him, so that you could directly stab him in his heart, killing him and would've swiftly went away having finished your deal, perhaps even not. but he was ready to risk it all, because..
in the glints of tease and lust, he found sincerity, lonliness saturated with bitterness that her face while they left the garage showed that she wasn't okay, however, he knew that he barely knows her, despite knowing everything, he knew actually nothing. The most wanted agent from The Robins, the one who could never be trapped or not even a stain of her presence was left behind after her work was done ever so swiftly and smoothly. but however, each time she had finished her assignments, seokjin had trapped her in the most weird of places.
well known, the places were not at all weird for a normal human, but for someone like you who always was hanging at such danger, could have your throat snapped in two the moment you slip, but however you always did and he saw you spending time alone, alone.
you weren't like those others.
unconsciously seokjin himself had developed a soft spot for you, untill today finally when he got the taste of your lips, hearing your sighs, he knew you were actually something dangerous, yet so adorable.
sometimes he wondered if he was a hopeless romantic for having a crush on someone who could actually kill you, jokes aside, but hello, he had the same power and what if she was thinking the same, so he looked back at you, this time his eyes misting with teasing glints.
“ what? ” he asked, his tone playfully light. “..,, never told me, your dick is literally big..” her voice trails off, and he feels blood rushing to his cock again, seeing her slightly flustered cheeks and parted lips. slightly nearing you again, almost hovering over you, he smirks. that shit eating grin. “ there wasn't any need of it, as if you didn't know about him? ”
“ well, wasn't for that. do all of your teammates have such big dicks? ” you cock a brow at him, enjoying how his eyebrow twiched, maybe in..jealousy? “ why do you ask? ” “ because, i haven't got to see their medical reports, yet..” you're teasing him even more, really enjoying how his face twiches. “ are you interested only in dicks, huh? ” his tone is lower and raspier, you feel a delicious shiver run down your spine. “ meh.. ” “ or do you wanna fuck each of us, hm? ” now it was him cocking his brows at you, he's now so close you can smell his manly scent mixed with his Cologne, hating how your body reacts at that mere smell. “ But im gonna fuck you, not only because you have a big dick, but also a pretty ass face..” He laughs lowly, shaking his head. “ tell me something i don't know..?” “ well, about that...i care about dicks and hearts. so i can say you've passed both, so i—” mmph!!!
your sentence is cut midway, as he smashes his plump lips on yours, catching you off guard. the feel of his soft, pillowly lips makes you want to whimper as you clutch onto his shoulders. he doesn't seem to have any intention to stop kissing you in any way, but there there..
you didn't had any plans to die suffocating. no, you didn't. so you slightly push him away to gather some oxygen for yourself, as he asks you with a worried tone if everything was okay. however, you respond with a kiss and tell him that you want to continue this in a more, comfortable place.
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soon you both are stumbling back to your booked rooms, the receptionist of the motel looked quite intimidating to hear seokjin’s deep voice, you felt that poor man was trying his best to keep his voice stable. lips on your own, his hands groped everywhere his hands can reach, but however you were far too clothed for his hands to come in contact with any skin, as he groans in frustration into your mouth, his tongue dancing with you.
your back hits the door or your locked room, and the eagerness of unlocking is too much. you just don't want to part ways from his mouth, because its way too addictive, fuck it, so you simply push your hips forward to feel a bit of his erection, to soothe the fervour in between your legs.
his moments suddenly stop, as you feel his mouth leaving yours, a whine leaving your lips at the loss of contact, but soon the whine becomes a loud moan.
his knees press firmly in between your legs, pressing tight circles and you bet you feel your arousal dripping down your thighs. the friction at your clit is way too overwhelming, you gulp down, shutting your eyes close as he puts even more pressure to your core.
you hear his breath at the shell of your ears, as he lowly says, “ how about i fuck you nuts right over here, so that all of these people know how much of a greedy slut you are..? ” his motions don't stop, as you whine loudly, tears making its way to your eyes. your core is burning, and this friction is way too much. “ bet you'll love that”
he breathes out, and suddenly you're pushed back, your eyes widening and body flinches as a reflex. you don't even realise that he has already opened the lock of the door while you were whining for some better kind of friction,,er, no, finding a way to just release our your tension. he swiftly kicks the door, locking it, as he throws away his shoes. your breaths are strangled as he pushes you down on the bed, your self bouncing due to the plush cushions, gasping. after a long tiring day, you're getting pleasured by this extremely handsome man hovering over you, kissing you like a wild animal, taking off your clothes in such a rush as if there was some kind of apocalypse..
his lips never leaves yours, as you desparately try to get him undressed too, only if he wasn't totally eating you up with his lips, your pussy throbbing in need and nipples perking up from your bra when he literally tears away your shirt, your tits pushed up, sweat glistening in your skin from the mad makeout session. his hands don't stop yet, pulling down your leather slacks as goosebumps floods your skin, and you kick away the clothing.
his fierce gaze makes me whimper, you attempt again to rub your thighs together, the arousal now getting too much to hear when his hot lips press against your bare skin, to anywhere they reach, and soon they're above your bra, when you feel him licking above the fabric, your mouth falls agape, impatient. “ jin..please..” you plead to him, arousal and the need to release making you submit to him, or there's no way you're begging him like so.
calloused fingers unhook your bra open, just as the cold hair hits your buds, they turn hard, and suddenly he wraps his lips around them, sucking gently. his tongue, you must say is so skilled, licking and sucking all around your tits, marking slightly painful purple marks around them, as he fondles with another one, saliva smeared all over your tits, as he leans back and smirks at the art he created, your face has pleasure written all over it. he slowly moves down to your navel, gently kissing every part of it, as he finally kisses the area right above your heat, and you're squirming in this grip.
“ stop squirming” he orders, holding your sides so tightly that it made you stop, frustrating you.
“ your dick size is a lie,” you begin, as you see his eyes darkening once again, silently pleased with yourself. “ if you got that dick, you wouldn't have made me beg this much, small dick” you emphasize on the word small on purpose, despite knowing that none of them are correct. he's just teasing you back, or prepping you up for what more has to come, but you're too horny to think straight.
“ you can't imagine the way i’ll ruin you..” his voice is hoarse, as you give him an open mouth smirk but that too is taken aback by a loud sigh and a buck of your hips when you feel his tongue snake around your swollen nether lips, suddenly thrusting inside without a warning. “ h-holy shit !! seokjin!!” you gasp loudly at the sensation, not expecting the sudden but this blissful pleasure that took you off guard.
he keeps on thrusting in his wet muscle inside you, holy shit, you just moan louder and louder, his nose slightly brushing in your clit, making you shudder. god, you've met so many people, many sexual encounters, people with amazing mouths, skilled tongues, but tonight, seokjin outdid them all, and you barely last even ten minutes. you come hard around his tongue, whining so loudly. he just hums and laps up all of your release, and you jerk a bit due to the stimulation, but he doesn't pull back ; ”s-seokjin..i can't..wa— aaaah !” you cry out when his lips wrap around your engorged clit, sucking softly but eventually putting in so much pressure that despite the overstimulation, you're again lost in ecstasy. ohmygod, you come again in seconds, as he finally pulls away, your release smeared all over his chin, and that shit eating grin back in his face, as if mocking you for your former words, because goddamn, you were sure you looked like a fucking slut.
he was so fucking fine. god, hadn't you ever noticed how beautifully was his face carved? as if he..damn,you've met varieties of men, with various dick sizes, but seokjin, here is Kim fucking big dick seokjin- god's favourite. god really has her favourites and she really took her to carve him out of a marble sculpture, cause goddamn, his almond shaped eyes..his soft features along with that jaw and those thick black eyebrows knitted slightly together, sweat covering his skin being the cherry on top.
much to your surprise, he wipes off your juices, only to lick them off lewdly from the back of his hands. “ are you okay? ” he asks while he kneels up to you, slight concern on his eyes. “ y..yes..” you begin, your eyes darting to his erection hidden underneath his slacks. “.. i've never cum so hard...before” you confess, as he takes off his trousers, now left only in his boxers, as your eyes widen at the sight. that dent was..quite big. you crawl back to him, gripping his meaty thighs, eager.
he opens off his boxers too, and his erection nearly slaps your face. cocky. his mouth instantly waters at the sight of his thick, long and veiny cock, with his tip being an angry red and pre cum already leaking from its tip, has seokjin being this patient with you?
just as you are about to grab his length, he suddenly shoves you back to the pillows, a disappointment sigh leaving your lips, more as a whine as if the lolipop from a child was snatched away. your face in the pillow, ass high up, you clutch into the sheets, waiting, when suddenly a slap lands down to your ass again, causing you to jerk forward, your pussy ringing in arousal.
“ small dick, huh? ” his mocking tone rings clearly in your ears, causing them to heat up, “ then why are you crying as if you wanted to gargle on my cum?” you couldn't just muster to answer him, instead, you just pressed your hips back to his erection, causing another hard slap to land again. “ answer me! ” he growls in your ears, as you slightly mutter, “ no..i was wrong” “ what did you say? can't hear you, baby” he again rasps in your ears, his hands doing nothing but ghosting around your swollen folds. “ i was wrong!!! Your dick is so big, oh god, Seokjin fuck me already!! ” your voice is impatient and indignant, as you feel his palm soothing circles at where he slapped your ass previously, as he hums. “ better.” he hums, but suddenly, he freezes, as if time stopped, you turn your head to look at him. “ condoms, shitt..”
“ am on pills. you clean?” you ask him and he hums, “ yes. tested a week ago, clean” there wasn't any ways you couldn't trust him, because his medical reports were completely fine, so it was.
“ then what are you waiting for? ”
“ ready?” you just push back your hips again as a response, as he hises, and within a swift moment, he's inside you, inch by inch, feeling the delicious strech stretching the real fuck out of you, untill you find him hitting a spot while entering you, causing you to moan loudly and him to groan.
“ fuck,'re so..t-tight..” he hisses out, clearly pleased by how your walls clench around his length. “ m..move” you say, eyes fluttering shut, as he begins his pace, slow at first, but suddenly picking up his face, his hips slamming into your ass as he gripped tighter down on your hips, your moans and his grunts filling the room, the scent of sex mingling around with the heat.
even if you died after getting fucked so good, you wouldn't mind, you got the honest, and the best fuck of your life, as he drills his cock inside you, and you soon feel your lower stomach, that bubble inside tightening. it felt so, so good, his cock touching places you didn't even know that those existed, sending you to cloud nine.
all of his thrusts were deep and rough, as if it was his last fuck of his life.
a sudden deep thrust has you seeing stars, and without even you being aware, you clench so tightly around him, that he moans and that was enough to send you over the edge. you scream out loud, and you're sudden you see flashes of white in your vision, mouth drooling off from the strong release.
his breath shudders, but he has his actions halted, not properly stopped, but he helps you ride your orgasam out of you, as you sigh contently, his cock still buried deep within you.
that's when he gently flips you over, reaching out for those strands of hair which sticks to your skin die to sweat, softly moving them away as he leans down to peck your lips.
“ you good? ” his voice is soft. even if you said him to stop, he would immediately stop; sex was all about feeling good without any uncomfort and even though he hadn't got his release for now, he was happy he got you your seeked orgasm of the night.
“ jin..” you cup his cheek, look directly at his face. jin has been so, so considerate, and even if you felt too fucked out for any more orgasms, but since jin has handled you so well, pleasuring you and tearing out the best orgasms of your life, you don't mind getting another one in the process while he seeks for his own. another orgasm won't really hurt.
“ use me ” your almost plea, and his eyebrows scrunch slightly, as if afraid to hurt you. “ are you..sure? i don't want to hurt you”
“ i said, use me. ”
“ as you wish, baby..” he smirks, as his features glow out even more, suddenly pulling you on his top, with his cock still glued inside you.
“ have your best ride, baby..” he smirks, and what. you've got your ride, and there was no more words needed as despite your fatigue, you begin riding him, suddenly leaning down to his neck. fuck, why didn't you pay any attention to this marble sculpted thing? it looked so delicious, that you had to lean down and mark bruises all over his smooth, porcelain skin of his while grunts and groans left his throat while your hips move quickly and desparately, your pussy clenches a bit more, indicating your own release, again.
“” he groans out..
“ too..let' that together, shit!” by this time your thighs were burning, so he began rutting his hips and drilling himself inside you, this action having you clenching so hard that it triggers his own orgasm. he reaches down for one of your nipples and his fingers rub tight circles around your clit, and before you know it, you're screaming again, your orgasm washing over you so hard that soon you feel hot spurts of his cum inside you, and he nearly bites your nipples. you don't mind, this adds more to the bliss, as you both, worn out, finally collapse down.
a few seconds pass, seems like minutes, in silence.
“..are you going to kill me?” both of your voices matches at the same time, surprise now written in your faces.
he chuckles a bit, removing a strand of hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ears, his lips curling to a smile which felt as warm as fresh pumpkin bread.
“ ..if that what my plan was, i wouldve done that the moment you walked out of The Robins...”
you are about to speak, when he cuts you off.
“ ..and i'm sure, that's not your plan, too..”
“ yah, i would've done it in the most classic way without riding your dick..”
“ yeah, because who knows, what if you turned out to be some hunter who will dagger in my chest right after you got the control..” he laughs out lowly, reaching out of the bed.
“ yah..”
“'re leaving already? ” disappointment was clear in your voice, but he had the right to leave, because hey , he wasn't your boyfriend, but however your heart was a bitch, aching to hold him for a bit longer as if you weren't doing so a few moments ago.
“ yes, to grab a towel to clean up us, because me thinks that washing would be wiser. what say? ” he leans close to you, his arm snaking around your waist, his cheeks puffing again as he lightly smiles. “ i'm not leaving you. ”
you giggle, pulling him close to press your lips together, now that he was with you, worries were really nothing in this world.
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WHEW! be honest, it was supposed to be a pwp but my brain got the best of LOL. sooo.. XD
all rights reserved to © allorarever 2022
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