aubreypara-archive · 6 years
argument and making up ~ aubrey and dan ~ 01/14/2017
It had been a long day, full of reshoots for a few David and Lenny scenes. The scenery and lighting and intertwining acting had been so intricate, one slip and the scene would need to be redone and as tedious as it was, at least she’d been spending that long day with Dan. Rummaging through his pantries, Aubrey was on the hunt for some popcorn and snacks, the wine had already been set out on the coffee table and she had to have been at least three glasses in. She pulled out a bag of bbq chips and Cheetos, and a packet of Oreos before stepping back into his living room. “I couldn’t find any popcorn, but there’s Cheetos, I promise I won’t get my cheesy fingers on your couch again.” She grinned at him, reaching for the half empty bottle of moscato and taking a swig.
He was exhausted, the day having been long and tiresome but at least he had managed it with his best friend. They say together on his couch, drinking wine and as soon as she had returned to the living room, large grin on her face and holding up snacks, he’d followed suit. He couldn’t have been more content and as she took a swig from the bottle he laughed. “Now you’ll spill something on my carpet because you jinxed it.” He picked up the remote and said with a log suffering sigh, “I guess it’s time for me to put on the game and make you sit through it while I hope you’ll put out with no care to what you want to watch or do.” He smirked at her and added, “I know everything about sports because I’m such a manly man.”
Aubrey rolled her eyes and laughed, something bubbly and bright and usually only coming forth when she was slightly buzzed and around Dan. With both hands busy, one shoved in the bag of Cheetos and the other curled around the wine bottle, she lifted her foot and shoved his shoulder playfully. “That fucking douche.” She grinned, looking up at him with bright eyes, playful and happy. “At least I’ve got a perfect gentleman right here, huh? You care about what I want to watch and you’d earn the whole getting laid thing. You’d even put up with all the gorey thrillers I wanna watch.”Jan 14, 5:32 PM
He was buzzed, no doubt. But not even close to the level of blitzed he’d been the last time she was over. He laughed happily and grabbed her foot, lightly tickling her. “Anything gory. I’d watch you dismember a man of it meant you’d ride my cock..” and he was joking obviously, trying to get back to the way it was, but he couldn’t help the way he tensed up, wanting her and remembering how she’d arched beneath him, moaning his name. He slid closer, a smirk on his face but went back to sipping his wine and lightly trailing his hand up her calf.
She couldn’t help but laugh, despite the sexual tension between them. Decidedly one sided, because god, none of this really meant much to him anyway. And she shrugged, still drinking straight from the bottle, her wine glass had been forgotten once she finished off the fourth glass. “And that’s why I came home with you instead.” Smiling, she stretched her legs out, and wiggled her toes in his lap, “So by that logic, I guess you could have gotten some that night.”
He raised his eyebrows, his hand sliding higher on her thigh. “I could have gotten some? I wish I’d known..” he huffed out a laugh and then took the bottle from her, his lips wrapping around the glass and he chugged it back with abandon. Fuck it. Maybe she’d stop him, say she didn’t want to keep doing this with him, that she had better prospects than him, but if she didn’t, he’d get to delay the inevitable pain of giving her up, of no longer being able to recall how her lips felt and tasted on his own. He looked down at her, his hand caressing her inner thigh and he asked, voice low and rough, “Does that mean I stand a chance at getting some?” And he slowly crawled across the couch, tipsy and wine drunk and warm as he braced himself with an arm on either side of her and dipped his head for a desperate hungry kiss, his tongue sweeping along her bottom lip.
Aubrey froze, surprised by the fact that he was now on top of her. And she shifted to make room for him, to let him settle between her legs like it was the most natural thing in the world. Like they were meant to melt into each other, and then she moved, responding and her hands gripped his sides, leaning up to meet his lips, kissing him back just as hungrily. But then it hit her. And it felt like her heart was being crushed in her chest and she used her grip on him to push him back. “You can’t keep...” She paused, her eyebrows knitting together. “You can’t keep fucking doing this Dan. Make up your mind. It’s like you want me one minute and then I’m fucking nothing the next.”
He melted into her touch, a soft moan in the back of his throat as he worked a hand between them to work at his jeans but then she was pushing him back and off and he broke the kiss with a wet noise and confusion on his face. He sat back, running a hand through his hair. “What? Doing what? All I’ve been thinking about is you, and how much I want you. You’re the one who stopped wanting me. Every time, you’d push me away. I know it was a lot having everyone know.” He gave her a defensive look, his arms crossing over his chest. “And you probably made the right choice, but you’re not nothing. I didn’t want to stop,” he said voice louder and more irritated.
She pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation and looked up at the ceiling. What kind of bullshit was this? Yeah, admittedly, she’d been a little distant, but who wouldn’t have been? Who would have wanted to keep up with things when sex obviously meant nothing. And then they’d go back and forth with their playful teasing and that god damn stupid fucking sexual tension reverberating between them was the kind of awful that had her wanting to jump his bones, but knowing she couldn’t. And then the night of her date, he’d wanted her. She could have sworn he had. “Yeah, okay.” Aubrey responded, the anger bubbling up in her veins much quicker than expected. “You just wanted to get you dick wet. It didn’t mean anything.”
His eyes widened, and he stood up, the bottle of wine thudding to the floor. “What?! No it didn’t mean nothing. You’re my best friend Aubrey. It means something,” he said voice laced in astounded anger. Had she really thought he didn’t care? With the way they’d been with each other, the stolen kissed in alleyways and dressing rooms in Japan, the piggyback ride through the airport. Everything. It had meant something. He pulled at his hair. “I didn’t want to get my dick wet, I could have done that with anyone. You just wanted an excuse to not have to deal with me. Which,” and he pointed a finger as he paced, breaking into a slightly self deprecating laugh, “if you knew the things I’d done to get where I am, if that spilled, you’d be glad you had distanced yourself. It hurt Aubrey, wanting you and being pushed away.”
Her hands balled into fists at her sides and she stood up straight, glaring at him. She shook angrily and shook her head as if she was shaking off his words. Did he think she was stupid? That he could just play it off like he wanted it and just conveniently forget that they almost had sex again the night he crashed her date. “Don’t you fucking start with me, Daniel.” Stepping closer to him and her pointer finger poking at his chest, the pokes getting harder with each word. “So you could conveniently forget that we almost fucked a few nights before. Just totally go on like that never happened. And yet, you want to stand here and say you want me?”
He looked down at her, his face a combination of anger and confusion and he snarled at her, his mouth twisted into a half smirk as he asked, “what are you talking about? The last time we did anything was right after Japan. You don’t want me anymore so I stopped trying. I made you cry and I realized that was it, you were done with my advances, you were done with me!” He bit out, his voice rough and irritated. “I hate that I made you cry, because as much as I hate that you dropped me like a hot potato, I hate myself more for how much I want you still. How I could never imagine having this kind of chemistry with anyone. But that’s it. I apparently never mattered to you either.” He grabbed her wrist, gently pushing her away and moving back from her angry fingers.
She shook her head, had he really completely erased it from his thoughts? Despite him arguing that he constantly thought about her. And here she was fighting him on it, for what? “Maybe we never should have fucking done this if it was going to screw our friendship this bad, but,” Aubrey looked at him, biting back a bitter laugh and crossing her arms over her chest. She narrowed her eyes at him and her lips were set in a deep frown, “You kissed me the night of that stupid date. You kissed me and it was so fucking good it was stupid. And we almost fucked again. And I wanted to so fucking badly Dan. And then you acted like none of it ever happened.”
He felt himself deflating, his heart twisting painfully and he choked out a “What?” His voice hoarse and broken. He hated fighting with her, hated it with every fiber of his being. And he reached for her hand, cocking his head and replying less angry and more confused, but the irritation was still present, “I don’t remember. Aubrey, love, I was so drunk. I was drunk on liquor and the feeling of you keeping me from falling over a pier and the feeling of you taking care of me and knowing I was safe with you. I don’t remember that, but I guarantee I didn’t do it because I was drunk and horny. I did it because it was you and I’m sorry I didn’t talk about it. I had no idea. I’ve wanted you all week Aubrey, I’ve wanted you since we stopped. Non stop you’re all I think about.” And he was angry again, his heart shattering as he bit out, sarcastic and frustrated. “But I’m sure I didn’t cross your mind.”
Her eyes widened and jaw dropping as he just spoke and poured and poured out confession after confession. Her hand twitched in his, gently squeezing, and she closed her mouth, frowning again. She wanted to believe him, she wanted to kiss him and forget that any of this was happening. She looked at him, her expression sad when he’d come at her with his bitterness, no longer angry, just hurt. “Are you stupid?” She questioned, pulling on his hand and pulling him a little closer to her. “When you fuck someone as good as you fucked me you don’t just stop thinking about them, dumbass.” Aubrey’s eyes twinkled a bit, despite still being upset, “And if I hadn’t been thinking about you I wouldn’t have made out with you That night. Or crawled on top of you, or I don’t know, fucking got half naked for you cause I wanted you to touch me, asshole.”
He felt his breath catch in his throat, moving closer to her, his heart pounding in his ears. Had she meant it? She’d wanted him and maybe was just hurt that it had meant nothing? Except it didn’t. But wow he was a true idiot, not taking into account how that made her feel. He took in a shocked inhale, leaning close and he mumbled, voice low and still gruff and a little hoarse, “I wanted to touch you, god. You’re all I want. And I hate your stupid lips and stupid face and stupid everything because you’ve got me confused and I was so..” he made a noise of discontent. “So upset that you didn’t want me anymore. When we’d been as intimate as we were. I just want you to shut up and kiss me and show me how naked you want to be with me. I’ll be an asshole but I want to be the asshole that fucked Aubrey Plaza so good she’s ruined me for other women.” And he licked his lips, looking at hers longingly before meeting her eyes.
Aubrey bit her lip, looking up at him and her hands shook a bit as she moved them up to curl into his sides. She stepped closer to him, keeping her eyes on him and moving slowly, measured. “Yeah? Tell me how you really feel.” She snickered, “I hate your stupid eyes, your dumb ugly lips. Those stupid talented hands of yours on my body. How you feel when I’m on top of you, and your dumb shaky breaths.” Aubrey exhaled, stepping up on her toes, using her grip on him to keep herself steady. “I hate how you taste.” Her eyes fluttered shut and her lips lingered just inches above his, letting out a soft breath. “I want you to touch me and kiss me, probably fuck me.”
He couldn’t look away, his hands finding her hips and he let out a soft exhale against her lips, his entire body vibrating with energy and tension. She felt so hot, and he let his thumbs move under her shirt, slowly rubbing circles into her hipbones. He murmured voice tough and aroused, “I’ll tell you that I hate how you sound when you’re crying out my name, because I can’t stop thinking on it. I hate your nails clawing my shoulders and the way you bite your lip. I hate your smirk that’s just for me. I hate the way you shudder under me and the way you act like I’m the only one that knows how to take you.” He exhaled shakily and crashed his lips to hers, tugging her hair roughly to get a better angle. He broke away, tugging her lower lip. “I wanna kiss and touch and fuck you, Aubrey. Please let me have you..”
She hummed into his lips, smiling, leaning her body into his. She moved, walking them back towards the couch and pushing him down. Her motions were quick and easy, crawling on top of him skillfully, all without much parting of their lips. Her hands slid up his body and her fingertips tapped gently at his chin, pulling her lips away from his. “I’m not sure it’s much acting, you might actually be the only man I haven’t had to fake it for.” She smirked, caressing his skin, her fingertips slowly grazing along his scruff and leaning down to place sparse kisses on his face, messy and sweet. “Are you deaf?” Aubrey laughed, sitting back on him, her hands moving to his shoulders now and shaking him lightly. She leaned down, lowering her lips to his ear, whispering. “I said I want you to touch me and kiss me and fuck me. Are you gonna deliver, cause you fell asleep on me and left me all wet last time. I’m going to need you to make up for it, hm.”
He felt his legs hit the couch and he toppled down onto it, his hands going to cup her ass through her jeans. Everywhere she touched was like an electric current and he moaned softly, teeth clacking with hers as he tugged her in for another hot kiss, his tongue playing with hers. He broke away, wondering if this was just another drunken dream he’d had for the what? 4th time since they’d stopped. He squeezed his eyes closed. This felt real. And he wanted like he hadn’t wanted her before, all heat and teeth and skin and broken moans. He smirked, tugging her hair roughly and pulling her into another kiss, biting down hard enough to bruise. “I didn’t mean to leave you so wet. Had I known, I’d have licked you nice and clean, babe.” And he was all over her again, hands skimming under clothes and he rolled his hips up, his hard cock rubbing against her thigh even through his jeans getting some friction. “Let me fuck you until you’re a mess, shivering and sloppy,” he huffed out, so turned on that he couldn’t stand it.
Aubrey slid her hands into his hair, twirling the shirt strands around her fingers and pulling. She moaned into his lips, feeling him brush up hard against her thigh and she rolled her hips into his. She could feel her body heating up from how badly she wanted him and could hardly wait it out. Her hands moved fast, making quick work of her shirt and tossing it aside, then moving them to work at the button on his jeans. All while still rocking her hips into his, grinding onto him hard, desperate to feel him against her. And she moaned, loud and needy against his neck, nibbling and sucking at his skin. “Uh huh, yeah babe, that’s what I want. What I’ve been waiting for. Want you so bad.”
He pulled his shirt over his head quickly, his hands back on her hips, fingers gliding up her chest to play with her rosy nipples. Another kiss and he was desperately rutting against her, his hips pushing up against hers and he gripped her waist, going to push her down onto the couch to settle between her thighs. He was practically shivering, each nibble to his neck making him see stars. “Fuck babe, I want you so bad too. That’s what you’ve wanted huh? Wanted daddy taking you on the touch while you beg me for it?” And he panted, unzipping his jeans and tugging desperately at her clothes, fingers slipping under the waistband of her panties and finding her soft clit, her skin hot and slick under his touch. “I wanna fill you up, make you know how much I wanted you this week. This is so much to me, Aubrey, truly.”
She looked up at him, her eyes full of adoration and lust and wanting. And they twinkled with a certain kind of happiness that she only felt around him. Licking her lips, the lower one caught between her teeth, biting down on the soft pink flesh. Her left hand moved up to cup his cheek, her fingers skimming across his scruffy jaw and cheeks. Pulling her lips back in a smile as she felt it tickle her skin, “Uh huh, daddy.” She was breathless, rocking her hips into his touch, letting out a soft sound when his fingers found her clit, her eyes closing, mouth falling into an open circle. She moved her legs, desperately trying to shake off her jeans, to have nothing but their underwear between them... and soon, hopefully, nothing. “Ooo, daddy i want you so bad. Please.” The hand on his cheek tugged him down, leaning up to kiss him desperately.
He kissed back needy and impatient, his hand tangling in her hair, wanting to dominate her but also wanting her to take control and use him, ride his cock and force him to give her what she wanted. He couldn’t believe they’d gone without this. He never wanted to again. “Fuck,” he murmured out against her lips, pulling the last of her clothes off and shoving his own jeans down and off. Playfully, he teased her, letting the head of his cock slip along her slick folds, pushing in with the barest of pressure. But he couldn’t keep up the teasing long and he was pushing into her, a loud moan falling from his lips as he finally sunk fully into her, taking in her tight amazing heat. “I don’t want to go back to not doing this,” he admitted, his thrusts slow and steady at first but building up.
She leaned her head back, exhaling heavily tangled in heavy praises towards him. She pushed her hips into him, her legs curling around his waist and heels digging into his lower back. “Daddy please.” Barely having to get out more before he was pushing into her and she sighed, content and god, she fucking missed him. The motions of her hands were sloppy and messy and everywhere and she wanted to feel every bit of skin that she could. Her fingertips ghosted gently up his back, she felt so good. Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest, thrashing against her rib cage and she wondered if he could hear it, the way it pounded loudly in her ears and how overwhelmed with pleasure she was. How they’d barely even started and she was already melting into him. Aubrey shook her head, trying to speak but the words dying on the tip of her tongue, replaced with a moan. “Don’t want you to stop. Please don’t.”
“Wasn’t planning to, sweetheart.” He thrust faster, his breath coming in harsh pants and as he moved to get deeper, pushing her thighs gently to maneuver her back further on the couch, he lost his balance and toppled them both to the floor. He looked at her, shocked for a moment before he growled and gripped her wrists, shoving them down to the carpet above her head and continuing to thrust feverishly into her, the way she trembled and moaned and tightened around him with each deep thrust was the only the thing that mattered. “Fuck, oh god you’re so tight, so perfect. Did you pleasure yourself this week? Hm?” He panted roughly and added, “Did you think of me like I thought of you?” And he slammed his hips into hers, his knees hurting and hips hurting from the floor but he didn’t care as long as they didn’t stop. “Wanna move to my bed? I can shove a pillow under your hips, get a better angle,” and he bit teasingly on the delicate skin of her neck.
Aubrey felt her back hit the floor and she let out a shocked gasp, but her hips continued to thrust up into his. Meeting him and his rhythm as best she could. With the frantic quick and rough pace of his thrusts, she could feel her back rubbing against the carpet, certain she’d end up with rug burn on her back the next morning. But she clawed at his skin, groaning, “Fuck, you’re so sexy.” Her lower lip quivered as she nodded her head, “Uh huh, I was so wet daddy. Thinking about you.” She breathed in deep, another moan tumbling past her lips and she arched her back into him, “Tried my fingers.. my vibrators, not as good as you.” Her words were staggered between breaths, her nails clawing into his skin and dragging down his back, breathing heavily. Her skin glistened with a thin layer of sweat, and she nodded again, “anything, anything,” Her hand cupped the back of his neck and the other moved up into his hair, “Just don’t stop, fuck. Don’t stop.”
He shuddered with how much he wanted to keep going, to just hold her down and fuck her until he couldn’t move anymore, but he teasingly tugged her lower lip between his and pulled out, just long enough to pull her off the floor and playfully push her towards the bedroom. She was trembling and shaky as she moved and he realized with a sharp pang of want that he did that, he was making her tremble and moan and whimper and he pushed her to the wall, nibbling her ear and with a groan, was spreading her legs and pushing back into her. “I couldn’t make it to the bedroom, I had to have you again now,” he laughed between moans and pants as he fucked her hard and fast his hands gripping hers and holding them to the wall. “We’ll get there in a minute,” he whispered and licked the shell of her ear, one hand trailing down to tease her breasts. “How is it possible you make me more desperate than I’ve ever been? You’re like a drug.”
She shivered under his touches, the warmth of his fingertips cause goosebumps to rise on her skin. Everywhere he touched was so sensitive and she was so responsive to him. Every movement elicited a moan, a soft sound, a whimper, completely tailored to every single touch or thrust or bite. Her back hit the wall and she gasped out, her head hitting the wall and causing her vision to blur for a second. The momentary flash of pain delicious and so worth it when he was pushing back into her. “Oohhhmygod.” Her words slurred together with the sounds she made, her nails digging into his shoulders as he moved, thrusting her harder into the wall. Aubrey wanted to tell him she didn’t care where they ended up, she didn’t care if they made it to his bed or if they kept fucking against the wall, or if they ended up on the floor again. She just wanted him, needed him. “Don’t care. Just need you.” She murmured, moving her lips down towards his neck, her breath warm against him as she dragged her tongue along his skin, tasting him sweaty and delicious and completely hers in the moment.
The needy sounds Aubrey made and the way she drug her nails down his back had him gasping, her tongue along his neck like sensory overload. He bit down roughly on her neck, leaving teeth marks that he soothed with his tongue, losing himself in how amazing she felt, how desperate and delirious she was for him like he was for her. He felt close and he took a deep breath, pulling out again and picking her up, wasting no time in finally dropping her to the mattress once they reached his room. His hands smoothed across her thighs, settling between them before he was gripping her hands and holding them to the bed, thrusting into her like they’d never even parted. “Fuck fuck Aubrey, I love this. You’re so good, so fucking good, how did we go without this?” He kissed her jawline, his teeth nibbling lightly. “We’re like.. fucking fireworks.”
It was all a blur, quick and impatient, and suddenly her back was connecting with the soft plush of his mattress. And they were back it, her hands struggled in his grasp, she wanted to touch him, but had to settle with just her legs wrapped around him as he pounded into her. Panting and mewling beneath him, her wrists pulling and tugging in his grasp, not being able to just stay put in one spot. She was restless and anxious to feel him. Aubrey leaned up, desperate to connect her lips with his, to taste him. Her head fell back, thrusts becoming erratic and her body convulsing under him. “Fuck Dan, I’m gonna-“ She let out a loud moan, breathing heavily, everything feeling so hot, “Daddy, please. Fuck.”
Everything felt so hot and intense and he moaned, pressing his face into her neck and thrusting with abandon, hard enough to shove her a couple inches up the bed, her sweaty skin slipping under his. He desperately gripped her thigh, running his fingertips across her heated skin, her legs quivering and he changed the angle, pounding even deeper into her right wet heat. “Fuck I’m gonna-“ he choked out and pulled back to look at her, her hair damp and fanned out on his pillow, her lips red and bitten and her face flush with pleasure. He met her eyes and his hips stuttered as he came, still thrusting desperately. “Cmon babe, let me watch you come undone please? Just for me?” He panted out against her chest, kissing her breasts.
Her hands moved to grip at him, nails digging into his flesh. The little crescent marks of her fingernails red and angry on his skin. She moaned, feeling his cock twitch inside of her, his warm release filling her completely. She could feel his warmth trickling down her inner thigh, and her legs were shaking hard. Her hips bucked up meeting his desperately, thrust for thrust. Aubrey cried out, his name spilling from her lips like a prayer, her voice throaty and breathless. The gentleness of his lips and the the desperation in his thrusts was enough to throw her over the edge, following close behind him. She screamed, still holding onto him and her rocking her hips up into his slowly, riding out the end of her orgasm. “Give me.. ten minutes, then we’re going again. I’m not done with you yet.” She spoke softly, smirking. Her hands on his cheeks as she pulled him up for a sweet kiss.
He kissed her slowly, taking his time in relearning her taste, her lips on his, his arms shaking where he braced himself on the bed. “Damn. Yes ten minutes and I’ll have you screaming again,” he said with a huff of a ridiculously happy laugh. “Fuck. I missed you..” He looked down into her eyes, his own warm and sincere, a spark in them from how good he felt. “I missed us.. and I’m so sorry I was nasty.” He stroked her thigh, still sweat slick and sticky, just wanting to touch anywhere he could. “Though I do still hate how soft you lips are,” he laughed. “Your pretty face,” he added softly as he stroked her hair.
She closed her eyes, breathing out softly and trying to regain a steady rhythm of breathing. Her hands cupped his cheeks and she kissed him again, over and over and over. Shaking her head and shaking off his apology, making a soft sound and pressing her lips to his again to quiet him. “I’m sorry.” Aubrey murmured into his lips, her insides twisting at the thought of every cruel word she threw at him. Accusing him of only wanting to get laid and later spitting at him that she wished they’d never done this. “I didn’t mean it...” Her voice was soft and she felt the guilt clenching her heart, “I didn’t mean it when I said I wished we never did this. I’m glad we did this... I want you.”
He sighed out, his fingertips tracing patterns on her slick skin, a soft smile on his face, genuine and warm and he realized with a start that he wanted her. So much it hurt. He wanted her in his arms, wanted to never stop kissing her. He swallowed and added, a soft whisper as he stroked her hair, “I want you too. Don’t apologize.. I didn’t take into account how that gossip made you feel. I..” he rolled off laid beside her, holding her close. “You have to know it meant something. Because it did. It does. It’s the passionate sex I’ve ever had,” he laughed and gave her a genuine smile. “So I believe you when you say you didn’t mean it. I don’t know who said that but I never said that about you. I promise. I couldn’t. And I intend to keep being glad to do this. After I’ve caught my breath,” he laughed.
“Shut up.” She grinned, rolling back over him. She wanted to feel his skin on hers. Their sticky, sweaty warmth and it was so fucking good to be touching him again. And not feeling like he didn’t want her, things were back to being good, the real kind of good. Her fingertips moved along his skin gently, just barely touching him and her lips brushed against his. “Not done with you.” Aubrey mumbled, her hands trailing up his chest and moving up to his shoulders. She moved her hands up to his neck, gripping and squeezing gently. “You’re so good, daddy. Mmm.” One hand shifting off his neck to curl around his wrist and bring his hand to her waist. “Kiss me? Please. I want you so bad.”
He felt his breathing constrict at her gentle squeezes and he felt pleasure from his head to his toes. After a moment, he moaned softly, rolling her under him once more, gently pushing her legs open. “I’ll do more than kiss you,” he whispered, going on for another deep kiss, this time less bite and desperation and instead more the soft slow exploration of a lover that wanted to take his time while he drove her slowly crazy with want. “You’re so wet hm?” And he slipped his fingers into her, where she was still wet with his cum and he was already hard again, ready to go. “Just don’t let go of my neck ok?”
Her hand remained wrapped around his throat and one tangled in his hair, pulling his face closer to hers. She let out a needy sound, feeling his fingers enter her and she nodded her head. Still wet and sticky from their earlier activities, but the way he spoke to her and the weight of his body, the feeling of his fingers had her growing wetter all over again. “Anything you want.” She breathed out, slipping the hand that was in his hair back down to his neck, her eyes connecting with his in a heated glance. “You’re so good to me daddy, so fucking good. How’d I get so lucky?” She purred, her knees bending and parting further, making it more comfortable for him to settle into her. Aubrey nudged him gently with he knees, pushing her hips up into his touch, “god fuck.”
He gently slipped his fingers from her, kissing her and playfully pushing his tongue against hers, loving how she tasted on his lips. “Fuck, it’s not hard to be so good to you baby. You make me crazy you know that?” He settled into her and rolled his hips against her, the head of his cock slipping against her and he asked, breath just an exhale as he leaned into the grip she had on his throat, “Can I?” He was aware they’d already been desperate enough that he hadn’t even thought of protection, but being so warm and wet and feeling her full of his cum dripping down her thighs, it made him possessive and needy in a way he hadn’t ever been, wanting to fill her up again. “Let me have you, baby. Wanna take my time, have you shaking.”
She whimpered, feeling him just gently press against her and she was clawing at his skin again. Desperate for him to be inside her, and she nodded her head vigorously. Not caring that she’d seemed so desperate for him and his touch, she missed him and he was so good. The way he’d move against her and make her feel like she was the only one he wanted. All the special attention he’d give her and they way he’d look at her, like they were the only ones, even if it was just in that moment. “P-please.” She stuttered, surprising herself with how needy she sounded, how badly she wanted him back in her. Aubrey groaned, rolling her eyes at him, “What did you do to me?”
He laughed, soft and amused. Hearing her needy desperate moans, he pushed into her, slow and steady, his cock fully buried in her heat and he started a slow rhythm, surprised by how gentle he wanted to be, how slow and lazy he wanted to roll his hips, wanted to drag soft sighs and whimpers from Aubrey’s lips. It was so much and he breathed out against her lips, before relying, “I have no idea but I like you like this.. so needy and affectionate. Looking up at me with those beautiful eyes.” He sucked her lower lip between his, rocking his hips slowly, his hand gripping her ass and kneading her flesh gently.
Aubrey curled her legs around him loosely, her hand cupped his neck and fingers inched up to curl in the ends of his hair. She tugged playfully, tilting her head back into the pillows. Eyes shut in bliss and she snorted, her eyes popping open to look at him. Soft and affectionate, as she exhaled heavily, whispering a soft, “God fuck, Dan.” Her fingers curled into his skin, rocking her hips up into his slowly, the softness of it all feeling so good. So different, but she almost preferred it over their fast and hard fucking. “You’re so sweet, it’s stupid. It’s different. I like it.”
“I like you sweet and soft too.. it’s perfect.” And he shuddered as he found her hand, his fingers lacing with hers beside them on the mattress as he thrust deep and slow, the sweet slide of their bodies together like pure electricity. He knew he’d never feel like this with anyone else. Aubrey’s pretty face, flushed and damp from how she moved with him had him peppering kisses across her cheeks, feather light and sweet before he kissed her lips, his breath fanning out against her lips while he panted. “Aubrey, you’re so beautiful. I wanna see you like this every day.” He squeezed her hand.
Her fingers laced with his and she smiled up at him softly and dazed. Everything was so slow and hazy and she hadn’t done this before like this, with anyone. It was so soft and good, and any doubts that may have remained on him genuinely wanting her had faded. Because this was the kind of sex that meant more than just fucking, this was soft and intimate and vulnerable. And fuck, that scared her because this was new and it still felt so good, better than good. She rocked into him, her hips keeping up with his steady pace and gripping onto him, keeping him close. For a second she faltered, wondering if he’d been like this with anyone else and the thought almost upset her. She leaned up to kiss him, to shut him up, because her heart was beating so fast she could hear it, and she wasn’t sure how to react to everything he’d been saying. “How, fuck.” She moaned, softly, her lips pulling away from his for a minute, “How is it that this almost feels so much better, my god.”
He shook his head, his voice breathless and vulnerable, “I don’t know but it does, god. Fuck. You’re so good, Aubrey. Nice and soft and ..” He was babbling, meeting her eyes, his own filled with want and affection. He touched every inch of skin he could, almost in awe of her. The room filled with the sound of soft gasps and rustling sheets. So much different than the frantic fucking of before. He squeezed his eyes shut and thrust harder, getting close, still slow and deep but more urgent. His other hand moved into her hair, tugging her close for a kiss, his lips fitting against hers like they were made to be together. He never knew it could be like this.
Every push and pull of his body on hers elicited a different sound. Her eyes were fluttered shut and face set in an expression of pure bliss. Aubrey’s hands moved softly along his skin, gasping out as his thrusts got deeper and a little quicker. And she felt it, weird and settled in the pit of her stomach, like a swarm of giddy butterflies. And she wondered if this was normal, if this was something just friends did; best friends. But maybe things were different for them, because their relationship stemmed from art and no boundaries, and challenge and creativity. Maybe they weren’t normal and this was just their normal, or maybe.. it was more. She raised her leg a little higher, hooking it around his waist and letting out a moan as his thrusts hit a different angle. Her hips stuttering in their own rhythm. Feeling soft and warm and she opened her eyes to look at him. Her hands squeezing a little tighter around his neck, and his flushed skin, the way he looked at her made him look so much more handsome. Those bright blue eyes clouded and hazy with lust, and it was all for her. And she leaned up, pecking his lips a few times before letting her lips linger, kissing him sweetly and dragging her tongue along his lower lip. “Dan,” She moaned, reveling in his taste and how he felt. Sighing into his mouth, she smiled, “I..” Pausing, she pulled away, looking soft and genuine and letting the moment linger between them. “I’m glad I have you, you know.”
He wasn’t expecting that, and looking down into her soft brown eyes, warm and affectionate and all for him, he felt his heart pound loud enough he could hear it. She cared about him and maybe they were just best friends, but he could honestly say he’d never felt closer to anyone, ever. And maybe this was how things were meant to be with them. They were drawn to each other on purpose, and this was what they both needed. He let out a soft sound of approval, half panting and happy and surprised. “I’m glad I have you too..” and he traced his fingertips along her cheekbone, marveling in how she beautiful she looked. With a quick inhale, he leaned down and captured her lips in a lazy kiss, his hips stuttering in his rhythm and he knew he was close, the heat and pressure building until he could feel it in the tips of his toes. “I don’t wanna stop being with you,” he whispered against her lips followed by a quiet moan.
She didn’t want him to stop. His words were ringing in her ears and that’s all she could hear besides the heavy pounding of her heart. She could feel his heat spread across her entire body and she wondered if it would ever be like this with anyone else. And then, would she even want to do this with anyone else? “You’re my best friend.” She responded breathlessly and between moans, her lips still close to his. Leaning up to kiss him, again, again, again. Never tiring of his taste or the feeling of his lips on hers. The heat that pooled low in her abdomen, becoming unbearable and her hips stuttered, body jerking towards his. Her hands gripped a little harder around his neck, tilting her head back and moaning, “Hey baby, oh god.” She groaned, feeling her muscles clench and contract, toes curling against the sheets.
Her words made him feel warm and aroused and he didn’t know if he’d ever want to hear anyone else telling him how much he meant to them. He let out a quiet moan, full of desperation and want as he thrust harder, losing himself in her feel and taste and the way she tightened deliciously around his aching cock. He was right on the edge and he kissed her, over and over, wet and sloppy. “I’m gonna.. fuck. You’re my best friend too.. you’re the best, the best I’ve ever had.” And he pulled we close, an arm around her back, keeping her hips pressed right to his as he came, his vision blurring at the intensity of his orgasm. “Aubrey, baby, fuck.”
She returned his kisses, her lips only separating with his with a needy sigh. Aubrey tightened around him, losing herself and slipping off the edge a beat after him. The feeling of his cock twitch inside Her was enough to push her over and she let out a quiet and needy gasp, leaning up to him again. And her lips found his neck, kissing and nibbling gently at his skin, loving the feeling of him pressed close to her. Their bodies sweaty and sticky and slick, all trembles and affection and she thought about how he said he didn’t want to stop being with her. The feeling mutual and she whispered, “Hey, I don’t want to stop being with you either.” Her hands cupped his cheeks and she smiled.
He grinned as he rolled to the mattress, wrapping an arm around her and feeling more cuddly and sentimental than he could remember ever feeling. “So.. we don’t stop then? We just keep doing this, Yeah? Being together and.” He huffed a short laugh, his hand going to play with her hair, “Being intimate like this. Because you mean the world to me, and I can’t almost lose you again. I thought I had tonight,” he admitted, his cheeks pink. “Who else would get drunk at a carrabbas bar with me on a weeknight? I need you.” He kissed her head, hoping she’d say yes and it wouldn’t have to hurt like the day he thought about her finding someone new.
She didn’t have to think on it, he made a mean offer and one she had no trouble agreeing to. However, realistically, she knew this would only go so far. And that inevitably, they’d split apart one day, but maybe she’d be better prepared for it then. “Pinky swear it? Till one of us, probably you, finds a boo thang, we keep doing this.” Aubrey lifted her hand and held her pinky out to him, looking up at him with a smile. “You couldn’t lose me, feo. You’re stuck with me. Even if I’m mad at you.”
He smiled softly. Until they found someone and he was shocked that his initial thought was ‘I think I already did’. He swallowed hard, not about to say that, not going to mess things up now that they were good and he finally felt like he could breathe. “You’re stuck with me too. I’m like gum on your shoe at an amusement park. Dirty, ugly, and there for the long haul.” He snickered and pulled her in for another kiss, so drunk on her affection and kissed after having gone without. “Sorry, it’s like I can’t get enough. I’m making up for lost time. Gotta make every day feel like Japan which also means I’m getting sushi soon.”
She shook her pinky finger between them expectantly, “You can’t leave me hanging.” Her face was amused and happy, and despite the fact that her body was still recovering from their amazing sex, she was relaxed. Frowning, she glanced up at him, lifting herself up on an elbow and using the other hand to give him a harsh shove to his shoulder. “You’re not dirty or ugly, you dumb fuckass.” She smiled again, leaning forward and kissing him again. Softly and slowly. “You’re more, like hot as fuck.” And she grinned, wanting to lay on top of him again, to keep touching him. “Does this mean I have to make you jizz in an alley again?”
He laughed and took her finger, curling his own around it. It felt silly and dumb but at the same time so comforting. He pulled her closer, kissing her neck jaw, down her collarbone. He snorted at her mention of the alleyway. “Only if you’re prepared to go straight back because walking around in damp boxers, not a nice feeling I’ll tell you.” He did preen under her attention however. “I’m hot as fuck? You really mean it? You’re hotter. Almost out of my league,” he said sincerely, smiling warm and amused as he rolled to the nightstand, hunting for a cigarette and finally finding one. “I’d offer you another glass of wine to unwind and bask in the afterglow but I think we destroyed the bottle. Next time, maybe slow lazy morning sex and I’ll make you a mimosa after.” He stroked her back, her skin still sweat slick. “You look so amazing when you cum,” he whispered, his lips brushing her ear.
“There we go.” She smiled, squeezing his pinky to hers. It was childish, sure, but it was them. And she’d make him promise even the littlest things, but this one meant the most to her, keeping him around. She gave him one of those looks, the kind that mimicked a cartoon when a lightbulb was going off above their head and she grinned, “Maybe, we can do it super drunk outside a bar. I’ll wear a dress and you can fuck me this time.” Aubrey nodded her head, and she rolled her eyes at him. “I’m not out of your league, stupid.” And she wasn’t, she really didn’t think so. If anything she thought he could easily score with anyone much, much prettier than her. “So you mean tomorrow morning? After we have sex... again, because we will, you’ll make me a mimosa?” She blushed, shivering at the feeling of his warm breath on her sensitive skin and she rolled over to look at him, “Yeah? You think so?”
The way she held his pinky in hers, close to her and with such a sweet smile, he felt his heart go pitter patter. She probably had him wrapped around her finger in more than one way. At her mention of wearing a dress and fucking outside, he felt his cock give a valiant effort to harden again, the arousal going straight to his stomach. “Fuck, don’t make me wanna go again. I’m not even sure if I can cum,” He snickered, rolling on top of her and smiling, brilliantly and full of adoration. “I’ll make you the best mimosa. Anything for you,” he added with a blush. “Yeah I think so. You’re so beautiful and I wonder if you know how much.” He traced her cheekbone, her skin soft under his touch.
She laughed underneath him, the sound soft and sweet, rolling her eyes. “What do you mean you don’t think you can cum again? We went three rounds in Japan, you saying you suddenly can’t keep up?” She teased, reaching her hand up to push his hair out of his face. Aubrey blushed, looking up into his bright blue hues and becoming distracted. She was lost in him and how clear and pretty and dreamy his eyes were, she almost didn’t hear his compliment to her. But when she did, she could feel her cheeks tingle with warmth, unsure of how to respond to him. Shaking her head and replying playfully, “That’s just bliss post sex Dan talking.”
He snorted. “We almost went round four in Japan. So give it a couple of hours and we can try and beat the record.” He noticed her faint blush and something about that made him feel like he had to let her know it wasn’t just post sex bliss talking. She was always beautiful. He leaned into the hand in his hair for a moment before he gently grabbed her wrist in his and brought her palm to his lips. “No, that’s what I think every day. I’m just choosing to express it now,” he said soft and shy. “Post sex Dan is more like wow Aubrey let me eat you out next. That’s that line of thought. This though, it’s a common occurrence.”
Aubrey shook her head, an amused smile on her face, “All I’m hearing is you saying you can’t make it another round. You quitter.” She teased, watching him move. His motions were sweet and gentle and it made her feel something so.. soft and pure. And she wondered if this was it, if this was what most people felt when they really felt something for someone. But she shrugged it off, this was just Dan, her best friend. “You’re dumb.. but, thank you.” She was sure her blush would have darkened if she didn’t feel like she was already so flushed, “You know, you’re pretty dreamy yourself. I mean, I call you ugly all the time, but you’re not.”
He laughed, light and happy, hitting her in the face with a pillow before he fixed her hair. “You’re calling me a quitter so I’ll work harder, I see. Do it enough and you’ll be having round the clock orgasms. I’m competitive.” At her mention of him looking dreamy, he raised an eyebrow, surprised half smile on his face. “Dreamy hm? Is it my voice, is that what does it for you?” He snorted, but blushed at her compliment. “Thank you. I’m not actually used to it. I mean from people that matter you know. Internet stans are one thing but it’s different when it’s someone you admire.” He rolled his eyes and added, “If you tell anyone I said I admire you, I’m disowning you,” he laughed. “You’ll make it sound like I’m a lovesick schoolboy.”
“Is that how this works? I’ll have to start calling you a quitter more often, then. You know, for personal gain.” She smirked and her mouth fell open at the pillow hitting her in the face, counteracting with a whack to the side of his head. Laughing, she looked up at him, her expression playful and mischievous and she leaned up and bit him. Aubrey shrugged, “That accent of yours sure does help, but that’s not the only thing.” A grin spread across her lips, wide and bright, and she rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders. “That’s the plan. Making everyone think you’re a lovesick schoolboy for me. I’m telling everyone, you couldn’t possibly disown me.”
“You utter a word and I’ll never go down on you again,” he laughed, slapping her thigh gently, his hand smoothing over her soft skin. “So the accent, what else? Tell me all the ways I make you swoon.” He grinned at her, all smug and all teeth as he trailed his fingertips across her hips. “And I’ll tell you my favorite things about you in return. I won’t even be snarky, scouts honor.”
“Your threat is so empty.” Aubrey laughed, knowing full well that even if she did tell anyone anything that he wouldn’t hold true to his threat. She made a soft mmph sound at the feeling of his hand slap against her thigh and she grinned. “Oooh, Daddy, punish me some more.” She teased, looking up at him and tapping his cheek, right below his eyes. “Well, your eyes are a favorite...” She trailed, her fingers moving to tap his lips, “Your lips.” A smile on her face as she kept going, listing off all the things she liked about him, “How stupid you are. And funny. You make me laugh, not a lot of people can get me going like you do. It’s like you know what works without having to make much of an effort...” Aubrey leaned up and kissed him gently and briefly, “You just get me. I think that’s the most important part. Oh, and you’re pretty good at it, I guess. That’s what you wanted to hear, right? I don’t have to fake it for you. Every reaction you get is one hundred percent genuine reaction. I stopped faking it for dudes, yikes... Man, imagine the kind of ego blow for the last guy, I was just like is that all you’ve got dude?”
He let out a surprised laugh, his eyes bright and amused. "Really? You stopped faking it? You must love it then, because I'm sure my neighbors think I'm shooting porn in here," he teased. His hand trailed her ribs and up to her breasts, gently caressing her body, still flushed and sticky. He loved it. "I love your eyes. The way they light up when you're amused and how you're the only one that makes me snort like an idiot at least 50 times a day." He leaned in to kiss her, speaking between gentle slow kisses. "I love your lips, your laugh, your legs," he added, voice low and practically a purr as he stroked one of her legs. "And yeah the most important thing is that you get me, and I never have more fun than when I'm with you." He shrugged. "And you're pretty good at it too. When you ride me, that's the kind of thing people have religious experiences about." 
Aubrey snorted, giving him one of those looks of hers. Rolling her eyes at him, but still, she smiled wide. “So you’re saying you’re chillin’ at the pearly white gates when I ride you, or something?” She giggled, amused with him and his gentle kisses had her laughter coming out in pauses. “Maybe I should stop that, I can’t have you dying on me half way. Deciding you wanna actually take a step into heaven and then leave me all alone like that. Do you know how traumatic that would be?” And then she stopped, the joking lilt in her voice disappearing and she thought about Max. They’d never done this, anything like this. They were never a couple, but she loved him. And he sacrificed him for her, he loved her too. It was that innocent kind of love that wouldn’t have made it in this harsh, all or nothing kind of world... and for a minute she missed him. But she knew... she knew he’d be happy that someone like Dan was taking care of her. That was what he wanted for her. “You can’t leave, alright?” She spoke softly, forcing a smile into her face.
Dan laughed softly, nuzzling against her cheek, his stubble rubbing against her skin in a comforting lazy kind of way. "Mm. It's a lot like heaven. There's a lot of praying you know? Lots of 'oh gods'. We should run sunday services in here." And he pulled back to look into her eyes, watching her expression change and the way she asked him, seemed so vulnerable. He wondered if she was really worried he'd leave. "I could never," he whispered. "I pinky swore. I'm afraid you're just stuck with me. We'll race wheel chairs in a nursing home one day," he said softly, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, his eyes moving to her lips as he leaned in for a gentle kiss. "You cant either. Alright?" 
Aubrey grinned, her hands coming up to cradle his head and practically cooing at the feeling of his stubble rubbing up against her sensitive skin. “Something tells me that’s illegal. Or some weird form of voyeurism, not sure I want people watching us fuck. That’s one of those, just us kinda things.” And she smiled, realizing that whatever she had with Dan wasn’t something she wanted broadcasting for the sole purpose that she wanted it to herself. She wanted everything he gave her to be just hers and not to be ruined or touched by the outside world. Nodding, she composed herself. Bringing herself back down to earth, back here. “Good, I can’t wait to terrorize all the nurses for you and ask them for extra doses of viagra cause unless you’re married, we’ll still be going at it like old, wrinkly bunny rabbits.”
"Its an us thing, I agree." He wondered what 'us' really entailed. He knew what he wanted it to be, but no matter what, they'd never share anything like this with anyone else, that was for sure. They'd always have this part of their lives together, and it was comforting to think about. "We'll have no schedule, we can lay in bed and have sex all day and only leave for bingo. The best part is no condoms." He snickered, and stroked her cheek. He felt his heart rate increase as he met her eyes, feeling important and needed. After a moment of collecting himself, his giggles subsiding he added, "I'll take care of you, Aubrey. Always. You'll never lose me and I mean that." 
She bit her lip, looking up at him and she wondered if he knew all the right places to strike. All the right places that would elicit some kind of feeling in her. And she felt overwhelmed. And like her heart was twisting in her chest, but it wasn’t all that bad. She hadn’t really dealt with Max’s death, she didn’t want to. Didn’t want to accept that he was really gone, even though he was. And her vision blurred, smiling weakly at him and nodding her head. She took in a shaky breath and looked away for a minute. “I’m.. uh,” Aubrey cleared her throat, begging it not to fail her, not now. “I’m glad, really.” Looking down, she reached for his hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing gently.
He squeezed her hand in return, her voice soft and shaky and he gently let her hand go, his fingertips tipping her chin to look at him, moving to caress her jaw. "Hey you," he whispered. And he wondered if she was ok, but she was trying hard to hide her watery eyes. "You ok? Did I say anything dumb? You know if I did I didn't mean to," he said with a soft smile, kissing her cheek. "I didn't mean to make it too serious, I just needed you to know I'll be making sure you take your 5 hundred pills when we're old and in a retirement village. I'll make sure you know how to play golf." He tried to get her to laugh. 
Aubrey reached up and curled her hands around his neck, pulling him down and smashing her lips against his hard. Him being so concerned for her had her overwhelmed with a feeling she couldn’t quite place. But her head screamed kiss him and she really wanted to, so it wasn’t like it was a tough call to make. “Just shut up.” She smiled against his lips and could feel a stray tear roll down her cheek, “You’re so stupid, but I like you. You’re my stupid ugly. And for the record, I’m kicking your ass at all the old people games.”
“If I’m going to be a stupid ugly, I’m glad I’m your stupid ugly.” He snorted and kissed her again, lazy and comfortable, his lips almost numb from all the kissing he’d been doing and he loved it. “Well the joke is on you, because I already know how to play shuffleboard,” he practically purred. “I know, it’s very sexy that I’m so athletic.” And he noticed the wet mark on her cheek, but then again they’d just had incredible sex and an emotional night, and she was joking and laughing against his lips, so he figured he was doing just fine. That she was happy here and now with him.
“Oh, you’re soooo sexy.” She laughed, and moved her hands, one came up to quickly wipe her cheek before she pressed them to his chest and rolled them over. Aubrey straddled him, hunching over, her hair framing their faces like a curtain and she grinned. “It’s like I can’t help myself whenever I’m around you, hm.” Her hands slid down his chest, fingers tracing the light grooves of his abdomen, inching lower and lower. “Always wanna touch you. Isn’t that something?” She sat up and tilted her head to the side, her fingers dancing teasingly along his hips, tracing that V indentation slowly. She licked her lips, her eyes still on his face, “Like I just can’t get enough of you.”Jan 17, 10:03 PM
He sucked in a sharp breath, his hand tangling in her hair softly as she leaned down, curtaining them with her long silky tresses. Her words going straight to his dick, his heart beating faster at the sight of her touching him, her nails lightly scratching against his stomach, his hips and he let out a soft needy sound, his hands going to her hips. She couldn't get enough of him and the thought made him feel more aroused than he thought he could be. "I guess it's lucky that I can't get enough of you either," he answered, his voice low and rough, his eyes darkening in lust. "You're going to kill me, you absolute minx," he breathed out, taking in her curves, her heated gaze and the way she licked her lips, wicked grin in place. "You sure you know what you're doing? You're turning me into a monster, I'll want it all the time now."  
One hand came up to curl around his neck and she squeezed hard and unexpectedly. Her lips came down, colliding roughly against his and she kissed him hungrily. Like they hadn’t been doing this all night. Like this had been the first time she’d gotten to to touch him in a long time. And her other hand slid lower, lower and she was slowly stroking him. Lazily and still grinning against his lips, her teeth clamping down on his lower lip. Hard enough to draw blood and she made a soft sound in the back of her throat at the copper taste that now stained her lips. “Might be the plan. The good kind of killing you. Not quite dead, but something.” Aubrey grinned, pulling away from him, and admiring his face, shocked and that’s what she had intended. “Think you’re ready for round three? We might just make it to four, I wanna see how long you can go.”
He groaned, jerking a little as she bit down hard enough to draw blood. With a shocked but pleased expression, he looked up at her, wide eyed. “Bloody hell.. I’m ready for round three. Never been more ready,” he huffed out, in awe of her, his fingertips sliding up her sides, ending at her breasts, caressing them slowly, wanting to touch every inch of her. And he was already hard in her hand, slick and wanting. “Aubrey, please. Be good to me ok?” And her wild sex tossled hair, and her ruby red lips swollen from kisses, he’d never seen her look better.
She leaned down, lips close to his ear and her breath fanning out against his neck. “Aren’t I always good to you, baby?” A smile, and she paused, nibbling at the skin just below his ear. “But you don’t like good girls, so I promise... I’ll be extra bad.” Her hand around his neck pushed down slightly, watching him as she sat up again. But that didn’t last too long. Not even a beat later and her mouth was back on his, sucking on his lower lip, his taste mixed with his blood had her mewling. Her hand moving a little faster, thumbing at his tip, “You’re so ready for me,” she grinned, her eyes lighting up as she leaned back a little to look at him, “Kinda like, you like the pain.” The pre-cum beading along the head of his cock made it easier get her hand to slip against him, adding a little more pressure to her movements, and she tilted her head again, smiling wide. “You want me to ride you? Or should I blow you?”
He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple against her hand and he moaned, long and low, his hips bucking against her other hand. “You’re so bad,” he managed out. “Please, whatever you want. Just don’t stop touching me,” and he gave her a needy look, blood being licked away by his tongue. Her hand felt incredible but he wanted more, his fingernails digging into the soft skin of her thighs. “Cmon, don’t tease,” he admonished, teasing smile on his face. “Just put me in my grave already. What a way to go.”
Aubrey released him, only momentarily. Only to grip his wrists in her hands and pin them to the mattress beside him. “Uh, uh, bad boys don’t get rewarded. No touching unless I give you to okay, or I stop.” She pushed his wrists down a little more firmly, reiterating her words. And then, she moved sliding down his body and her hands were curled around him again. She spit on him, watching her saliva drip down his cock and taking him into her mouth. Her tongue swirled round his tip, slowly taking him in. Her hands massaging whatever her mouth didn’t reach at the moment.
He whimpered, looking over at his hands on the mattress. “Fuck,” he breathed out, fisting his fingers in the sheets. And not touching would be so hard, but he’d do anything she asked. His cock twitched as she spit on his, the hot slick glide being deliciously overwhelming until her hot mouth was on him knowing just how to flick her tongue. “Oh god, baby. I love your wicked little mouth, so good,” He babbled, his head dropping back on the mattress and closing his eyes. He almost touched, but held his hand down at the last second. The last thing he wanted was for her to stop.
She sucked on him, her tongue massaging his tip before she released. Leaning her head down a little lower to drag her tongue along the underside of his shaft, leaving him slick with her saliva. Aubrey’s mouth was back on him, hollowing her cheeks out and taking in more of him. Her head bobbed in a steady rhythm, her hands following it as she pumped, with varying pressures. Her head sunk lower and she could feel him almost hitting the back of her throat, moaning at the taste of his precum dripping on her tongue. Licking him up carefully, her eyes fluttering shut, blissfully taking in how delicious he was and working him harder and faster, wanting to taste more.
He panted as she took him deep, knowing he’d choke her if he shifted his hips up and he tried hard to hold still, let her take him to the back of her throat. With a loud moan, he tugged on the sheets, his knuckles white. “Baby, you’re so-“ he choked off a soft whine. “So good,” and he bit his lip, tasting blood and he saw stars as she worked him faster. “Want me to come down your throat? Let you taste it?” And he was close, rolling his head to the side and biting down on the pillow.
“Mmhmmmm.” She hummed softly against him, the vibrations working around him as she removed her hands to take him in deeper. One hand gripped at his thigh and the other shifted, moving between her legs. Her pointer and middle fingers slipping between her legs and rubbing her clit at a slow pace. Aubrey moaned against him again, coaxing him to spill into her mouth.
Glancing down, he was transfixed, watching how she bobbed her head, how into it she was , her hand slipping between her legs and he moaned, his hand tangling in her hair, tugging lightly. Fuck he wasn’t supposed to touch, but it was too late anyway as he cried out, “Aubrey, oh god babe,” and was spilling into her mouth, his whole body on fire with how good it felt. He tugged at her hair again, half exhausted half desperate still, murmuring “Cmere, sit on my face, wanna bring you off too.”
Aubrey let out a low moan at the feeling of his hands in her hair, letting it slide. He was already halfway finished and she could feel his cock twitch in her mouth, taking him in as deep as she could before he was spilling his cum down her throat. Her fingers slid and slipped along her center, already deliciously wet and turned off by his sounds, how responsive he was to her and her touch. Lifting her mouth of off him, she licked him up, her tongue dragging along his skin and cleaning him up, humming a satisfactory sound at his taste. Aubrey looked up at him through thick lashes, her eyes hazy as she nodded, crawling up his body and kneeling over his face.
Seeing her eyes hazy with lust, blown wide and dark with it, he smirked, gliding his hands teasingly up her thighs as she crawled up his body. He settled her where he wanted her and lifted his head, flicking his tongue lightly against her, teasingly slow until he could take it anymore; the way she tasted, how wet she was, hot and slick from her fingers, he moaned and buried his face between her legs, his tongue lapping insistently at her, lips sucking at her skin.
Aubrey’s tilted her head back, biting down on her lower lip as he licked at her. Her hands gripped at his head immediately, fingers tangling in his hair and pulling roughly. Her hips rocked against his mouth and she let out a heavy exhale, her breathing a little shaky. “So, good.” She murmured, pulling on his hair and shamelessly riding his face. “God, you’re... a god. Fuck.”
Hearing her wrecked voice calling him a god, her hips working insistently, his tongue slipping against her, he let out a soft gasp against her, moaning with satisfaction and closing his eyes, his tongue pressing harder against her, rolling expertly against her clit and he slipped three fingers into her, pumping quickly. He wanted her so much, the way she moved, the way she sounded. He wondered if she knew how addictive this was, how easily he lost himself in her, surrounded by her heat and scent and taste and he let out another desperate sound, his other hand curling around her thigh.
Her moans increased in volume and the pace of her hips quickened a bit. The grip of her fingers in his hair tightening and yanking involuntarily as her hips stuttered. “God fuck baby shit.” A soft ooo escaping her lips as she ground her hips against his mouth. The touch of his tongue and fingers had her seeing stars and it was getting hard to stay composed, her movements becoming faster and a little more erratic as her stomach tightened, white exploding behind her eyelids with her hard release, moving to grip the headboard and brace herself.
He felt her thighs quiver as she came, her body jerking as she came, hot and wet against his tongue. Licking every last drop, he made a soft noise of satisfaction and kissed her, pressing soft open mouthed kisses to her clit, her thighs and finally helped her shift back and settled her to the bed beside him, his hands smoothing over her skin. “Mm. Fuck you taste like heaven, Aubrey,” laughed, feeling blissed out again.
When she’d settled beside him, she breathed in deep, trying to steady her breathing. Because god, fuck, he was good and it was like he knew exactly where to touch and lick and her body always felt like it was on fire wherever he touched. She smiled, her eyes shut gently before popping open and shifting again. Half rolling on top of him and she kissed him, lazy and soft. Moaning against his mouth, tasting him mixed in with her, something truly delightful and delicious. “Mmm, yeah?” She hummed out, smiling into his lips, “You taste so good... your taste mixed with mine.” Pausing, her brain went into overdrive for a minute, thinking how weird this was, but how she didn’t want it to end. “You’re so good all on your own, but mixed together, so good.”
He felt his body buzz, like the greatest drunk he’d ever been and it was purely on her, the way they tasted together. “You’re right. It’s a good taste. I could get used to it... having it for breakfast.. dinner... maybe a quick lunch,” he teased, his fingertips tracing her lower back. And he wanted her, knew he’d never have enough. “Can I ask you something?” He gave her a soft smile and kissed her lips once more.
Aubrey laughed, already imagining how out of hand they’d get. And she didn’t mind it. She’d probably be the one to seek him out on set, pulling him into a closet for a quick and desperate go, never quite behind able to get enough of him and his hands. She kissed him, soft and sweet, returning his kiss and she pulled back. An eyebrow quirked at him, curious, “Yeah?” And it was that phrase, one of those things that always made her nervous, always expecting the worst. “Anything... you can ask me anything.”
He glanced down at her lips, licking his own and asking, voice soft and a little affectionate, “Do you feel like.. electricity when we kiss? I’ve been trying to figure it out what it feels like.” He was a little nervous, but he had to know they were on the same level with how needy they’d be. He imagined taking a long weekend, fucking her slow and lazy at the beach or kissing in the grass at the park.
Aubrey smiled, sitting up and tapping her chin in faux thought. “Mmm, not sure.” She turned her head to him and leaned over, kissing him unexpectedly. Hungry, yet still soft and sweet and her hands cupped his cheeks, her eyes closed and she felt goosebumps on her skin. Of course she felt the fireworks, the jolts of electricity coursing through her bloodstream. Pulling away slowly, she let her lips linger close to his, breathing out slowly. “I think...” She smiled, “I might have felt it, but we may have to test it out a few more times.” She teased, her fingers drumming softly against his cheeks.
He nodded slowly. “I think you’re right... it’ll require vigorous study. Multiple times a day.” He faked seriousness and rubbed her back, playing with her hair as well. “I think maybe you should even sleep over often, so some overnight study.”
“You’re right.” Aubrey hummed, the smile on her face wide and their interaction crossing the border of flirtatiousness. But, they’d crossed more than one line that night and she wanted to keep pushing their limits, seeing how far they’d go. She kissed him again.. and again, and again, all smiles against his lips. “If we’re going to get the tests right...” She murmured into his lips, kissing him once more, “We’re going to have to test this in every instance, so far...” Aubrey took his hand, letting his fingers run along her goosebump skin, “It’s all fireworks...”
He shivered, his brain on overdrive thinking of all the things he wanted them to do, all the ways he wanted to kiss her; how he wanted to make love to her again. And his heart ached for it, desperate to wake up to this every day. “Hmm. Let’s test it on every surface, and every opportunity. We’ll make it a long study. As long as we want it to.” He smiled softly, lips quirked into a half smile, gazing into her soft brown eyes, so full of warmth and affection and a glimmer of flirtation. “Fireworks and hot summer days and sunsets.. that’s what you remind me of. And I like it.”
Her lips pulled into a wide smile, all teeth and natural and she felt her cheeks ache a bit from how much she had smiled that night. Her hands slid from his face and she braced them against his chest, leaning down to kiss him again, sweet and brief. “Every surface, huh?” Mischief was evident in her eyes, a quick flash of it across them, and she drummed her fingers against his skin again. Moving to trace patterns on him, soft and sweet, loving the feeling of his skin on hers. “So tomorrow morning... I vote we test it out in your shower. As long as you swear not to drop me. But I’m expecting full performance levels from you.” She smirked, nodding her head in a matter of fact fashion. “I like you.” The words slipped out, before she could really think on it or retract, “I mean, you know, I like this with you.”
“What’s full performance levels? Managing to hold you up and stay awake before coffee?” He snorted, pulling the sheets over their sweat cooling bodies, both of them tacky and warm still but he was too exhausted to move, too blissed out and happy. His smile widened at her admission. “Yeah? Good. I want to do this quite a bit so I’m glad the results are in.” He kissed her hand, lacing this fingers together. “If we rest out the shower though, you have to promise we can turn the water super hot, make it steamy.”
“As if you should expect any less from me.” She snorted, referring to the warm water. “Have you not seen me emerge from your bathroom like I’m coming out of the pits of hell all steam?” Laughing, she nuzzled into him, her head resting comfortably on his chest. “Do you think this is weird?” Aubrey asked him suddenly, wondering it herself. “This isn’t a normal... you know, I mean maybe it is. I don’t know.” She rambled, licking her lips, her fingertips moving along his skin. She wanted to lean up and kiss him again, but it was getting late and with their luck they’d get called in to reshoot those tricky David and Lenny scenes they’d done earlier in the day. “Maybe we’re just weird.”
He snickered, rolling his eyes. “Of corse we’re weird. It’s how we just are.” He stroked his shoulders, fingertips gentle and slow as he explored her skin, enjoying how she felt against him, warm and solid on his chest. After a moment, he looked down at her and added, voice soft and sleep rough, “it’s probably not normal. But normal is overrated. We’re us.” He shrugged. “And I’d rather be weird and abnormal with you than any other way. It’s our normal.”
She smiled, nuzzling closer to him. She wanted to take in his warmth and she curled around him, tangling her legs with his and her arms wrapped around him comfortably. “Mmm, you’re right.” Aubrey mumbled, her voice soft and breathing evening out. “You’re so warm and comfortable, what the fuck. I hate sleeping with people but you’re so nice to sleep with. You don’t bug me.” Her rambling started to slowly die off as she fell asleep on him, grip tightening a little before going slack.
He snorted. Something about that was so nice. Being told he was comfortable and one of the only people she could stand. “I’m glad. You’re comfortable too,” he said through a yawn as he buried his face in her hair, settling in and kissing her head before he drifted off too.
0 notes
aubreypara-archive · 6 years
drunk date crashing and morning after cuddles ~ aubrey and dan ~ 01/11/2017
Not even halfway into the date and Aubrey already found herself regretting canceling her plans with Dan. Even in an awkward situation, she preferred his company. She sat up on a bar stool, leaning against the bar and nodding her head as Andrew droned on about the game that had been playing on all of the TVs in the building. For someone who’d been consistently asking her out on a date every time he’d seen her for the past month, he sure did not put any thought into what would interest her. So she sat, completely zoned out and wondering what Dan was doing, probably something much more fun than this, and for a minute she considered texting him. But what if he’d taken the canceled plans as an opportunity to hang out with someone else? She didn’t want to bother him. She adjusted her top, ordering another drink and hopping off the stool, pulling at her high waisted jeans and looking over to Andrew who was currently arguing with a man beside them about the opposing teams. “I’d almost rather be stuck in a zombie apocalypse right now.” She deadpanned, her face set in it’s neutral position, still pretty, but not as expressive. “Aw, c’mon sweetheart, smile. We’re having a good time.” He responded, which was met with an annoyed roll of her eyes and obnoxiously peeling her lips back in an ugly smile. “You’re having a good time.” She grumbled, stepping out of the bar and out onto the boardwalk. He seemed to have gotten the hint because her ran out, reaching for her hand and lacing their fingers together; walking alongside her in the cool air of the night. “So maybe that wasn’t the best place to take you, I promise I’ll make up for it next time.” He smiled at her and she just shrugged, wondering how it was that he didn’t get that there probably wasn’t going to be a next time.
Dan was bored. He was bored and lonely and couldn’t stop thinking about Aubrey. And her date. Maybe she’d have a great time and invite him home. Maybe she’d start seeing him and he’d leave her flowers at work, kissed on her cheek during down time. Maybe she’d come in with bruises on her neck from a hickey. He scowled, telling himself to stop thinking on it. Why did he care? They had so much fun together but surely she deserved a real thing. Something legitimate. And she didn’t want him anymore, he had to stop pining. Was he pining? He wasn’t sure. Was he jealous? Undoubtedly. He grabbed his leather jacket, running his fingers through his messy hair. He needed a drink and he grabbed his keys, going to do just that. After a couple of rounds at the bar, he switched from beer to whiskey, trying to enjoy the game that was on but he’d never been a sports guy, preferring to watch shitty reality tv and he sighed. Aubrey would have already ditched this place and gotten take out with him and headed back to watch a movie. He sighed, closing his eyes and running his hand through his messy hair once more. He groaned softly. “Having a rough night?” The bartender asked. He mumbled an affirmative and he pulled his phone out, checking the time. Aubrey’s stupid smile stared back at him, the picture he took of them in Japan his background and he made another wounded noise. He missed her. And she was on a date with some guy that didn’t even appreciate her. He’d taken her to a sports bar, where was it again? He stumbled off the stool and announced, “Im gonna crash my best friends date.” And he missed her, brutally honestly did and so he just made his way to the bar, stumbling only once or twice. He was about to turn around and go back, realizing how dumb he looked when he saw her outside, walking with Prick face. And he snorted at his own thoughts and made his way over. “Hey fancy seeing you here. Except it’s not fancy wow mate, you take a girl here? You went all out,” he said with a serious look and fake applause as he approached them before giving Aubrey a huge smile. “Hey, I was thinking about how you hate watered down beer and decided I did too so I left where I was and now I’m here.”
She was looking down as she walked, making her movements a little more heavy on purpose. Just so she’d hear her shoes clack against the wood. Aubrey had already pulled her hand out of Andrew’s feeling weird holding his hand when she wasn’t even remotely interested in him or this dud of a date. But she gave him a fair chance and if she was anything, she was fair. She perked up, hearing Dan’s voice and a smile spread across her lips. Aubrey lifted her head up to look at him, still smiling, the first genuine one of the night. “What are you doing here?” Her eyes trailed over him, inwardly sighing at how good he looked with his disheveled hair and that leather jacket. The stupid scruff she’d told him she liked before and his bright blue eyes. She could feel Andrew’s annoyance towards drunk ass Dan debunking his quality choices in date places, and she had to bite her lip to keep herself from snickering. “Where I take her is none of your business and she had a good time. We were actually about to start planning a second date.” He retorted, glaring at Dan.
He watched her face break into a smile, and it was the real Aubrey smile, the one that made his heart pitter patter. He looked at her, taking in her sexy shirt, low cut and displaying her beautiful olive skin, her high waisted jeans that made her look like she was painted into them and he almost groaned from how much he wanted to pull her to him, to kiss her and tell her to forget this guy and come back to his place and roll around in the sheets, ordering Chinese food and drinking wine while he traced patterns on her bare back. His smile shifted from amused to a full on mock excitement. “Ooo I love planning. Let’s go back inside, sit down for a second, have a drink and you can tell me all about the second date. Maybe I can help, since I can see she’s clearly having a fabulous time. You want to show her a good time, you have to do this thing with your tongue,” he cocked his head as he described it, sarcastic and with his hands motioning as he went, “sort of like trying to tie a cherry stem in a knot. That’s a good time. This,” He looked around and laughed. “Seems a little like where a guy who lives with his mother goes for a night on the town.” He stumbled for a second, catching himself on the railing. “I am.. very drunk,” he said with a goofy smile at Aubrey, doing anything to see that real smile on her face as she bit her lip. She was about to laugh. At his antics and it made his heart soar even if he was trashed.
Her eyes lit up watching him drag her date and if she really was interested, she might have been a little irritated. But with the way he was speaking, his words loud and determined, yet a little slurred from God knows how many drinks he’d pounded back, she found it extremely difficult to feel anything towards him but amusement. She side glanced at Andrew, watching his jaw clench and his hands ball up into fists at his side he was pissed. Understandably so, but if you’re going to take a girl out, and ask her persistently for as long as he had, at least do a little research on what she’d actually enjoy. “I think you should go, we’re on a date and you’re ruining it for her.” He snorted, moving forward to take a step closer to Dan. “Yeah, like you’d know how to show her a good time. You might wish you could, but, who doesn’t?” Aubrey’s brows pulled together, watching them closely to make sure neither of them did something stupid. She shifted, walking over to Dan and wrapping her arm around his torso. “Careful there, feo. I don’t want you falling over the railing and into the ocean. Those fishies’ll eat you.” She smiled, her fingers curling against his side and gripping onto his jacket. “How much did you have to drink?”
Her arm around made him grin, stupidly happily in her presence and he leaned in, letting her support some of his weight. The way her hand was gripped on his jacket made him relax, feeling like she had him even if he was having trouble standing upright. “The fishes will be very disappointed that I don’t taste nearly as good as you do,” he slurred. “I’ve had a few...” he drawled out, letting his head loll back and giving her a comfortable happy smile, his hand on her waist. Prick faces angry breathing brought him back to reality and he snorted hard and laughed, his eyes bright and amused, his mouth quirked to the side as he replied, “You wanna try to make her cum three times in one night like I can? We were gonna go for round four but we had to be up early,” he said, voice sing song and teasing as he leaned back against the railing, looking back confused like he forgot he was standing on a pier. “That’s a long drop,” he managed out, a huff of a laugh as he moved closer to Aubrey for support. “You won’t let me fall though right?”
She smiled at him, big and bright, and her cheeks were starting to hurt a little from the intensity of it. She almost snickered, laughing at the mention of her tasting good and her cheeks burned bright, rolling her eyes playfully at him. “I don’t think the fish wanna eat me, but they might devour drunk Dan.” Her grip on him tightened when he leaned in closer to her, his warmth extremely comfortable and it made the fact that she’d forgotten her jacket at home not much of a big deal just because she had him around. Her eyes widened as he spoke, pinching his side hard, “Dan!” Glaring up at him, “I’m gonna let you fall in if you don’t stop talking shit.” She scolded, not confirming or denying that what he’d said was true or not. Her smile still remained and she glanced over at her date who was huffing and puffing, visibly annoyed with Dan. “Aubrey, babe, you ready to go? We can head back to my place? We can call this dumbass an Uber, he’ll be fine.” He was practically pleading, hoping that she’d ditch Dan and head back with him, but from the looks of it, he was shit out of luck. Aubrey shook her head looking at him, then back up at Dan. “I’d feel better taking him home... and he’s not a dumbass, he’s my best friend. And I don’t date men who take me out to stupid fucking sports bars thinking I’m enjoying myself when I’d rather cut my own leg off. I’d rather spend the rest of my night with this one.” She said, acknowledging him more in this moment than she had the entire night. She tugged lightly on Dan’s jacket, “How did you get here? You didn’t drive, right?”
He nuzzled into her hair, closing his eyes and forgetting for a moment where he was. He opened his eyes with a shocked laugh, the way Aubrey told him off making him giggle, stupidly desperately happy that she wasn’t going home with him. The very fact that she’d rather be with him made him warm from head to toe. “Mmm. I’d never take you to a shitty bar, so don’t cut off one of your very very sexy legs, that’s a waste. He isn’t worth all that,” He slurred, a little slow but so sincere. “You wouldn’t let me fall to the fishes, you’d feel bad because you’re a demon but not that bad,” he rambled. But as she tightened her hold on him and asked how he got there, he felt his cheeks heat up and he shrugged. “I ran.. I mean it’s down the block, it wasn’t far,” he amended not wanting to sound stupid. His eyes widened comically and he added, “I definitely didn’t drive.”
Andrew’s eyes narrowed, his date had ended before it hardly even begun and he put all the blame on Dan. The second he showed up it was like Aubrey had flipped a switch and become a totally and completely different person, much brighter and not at all like the deadpan girl he’d catch making morbid jokes on set. Though, there were still traces of that girl, just brighter around Dan. “So you’re going to ditch me to nurse this douchebag’s hangover and sleep with him?” He scoffed, the anger evident in the way he spoke and moved, taking a step closer to them, “You’re a fucking tease, making me think we were going to end up fucking tonight. You need to watch it, Plaza.” She quirked an eyebrow at him, one of her hands moving to lay against Dan’s chest, holding him upright. “Yes,” Aubrey didn’t feel the need to protest or correct him, she was going home with Dan to make sure that he was alright and got back safe. Frowning, she merely just shrugged her shoulders. “I sat at the bar all night, I don’t know how that made you think i was going to fuck you? Maybe you should try to date a girl who’d enjoy a sports bar. Good luck, dude really. But there was never going to be a second date after tonight.” She turned her attention back to Dan, “I drove here, I’ll take you home, feo. Make sure you’re okay and stuff.”
He felt warm and fuzzy and happy and he practically purred at her hands on him even if it was just to keep him from spilling backwards over the rail or forward on his face. But as Prick face talked, he felt himself scowling, pushing off of the rail his jaw clenched. “Hey mate, I might be hammered but I’m not afraid to knock your lights out if you talk to her like that again, yeah?” He was puffing angrily, his arm around Aubrey’s waist. “She gave you a chance and you didn’t deliver.” He shrugged, his expression still one of irritation.
She was a little surprised when he was pushing off the rail, her fingers curling in the fabric of his shirt to pull him back to her. The anger on his face, the way he spoke to the guy with such a righteousness, defending her had her swooning. And it was weird, but angry, disheveled, drunk Dan was stupidly hot and part of her wanted to jump onto him and kiss him roughly. But.. her better judgement, mostly because she didn’t want them toppling over into the likely cold water, had her deciding otherwise. “Let him go, Dan. It’s not worth it.” She looked up at him, her hold on him firm, “Let’s get you home and in bed, alright?”
He looked down at her, deflating at her soft eyes, more concerned for him than how her date spoke to her and he sighed, leaning into her. “You’re worth it though. I just .. he can’t act like you’re some prize to be won. ‘Ooo maybe she’ll fuck me if I buy her enough shitty bud lights’ it’s not right.” He ran his hand through his hair and groaned. “I feel like I’m gonna fall. I need to sit down. Bed sounds nice. Will you stay? I missed you..” he met her eyes and cocked his head, giving her a hopeful look, eyes wide and surprisingly expressive for someone so drunk.
She smiled softly at him, her fingers loosening and smoothing our the fabric of his shirt. She patted his chest gently, shaking her head at him. “I appreciate your concern, ugly, but you don’t need to be getting in trouble over some douche.” Aubrey shifted, beginning to move, walking slowly towards her car, knowing that if she let him sit now, there was no way she’d get him back up. “My car is really close by, you can sit on the ride home.” Hearing him admit he missed her made her heart flutter, a little lame, though, considering they’d seen each other less than twenty four hours ago, but she did miss his presence too. “Yeah, I’ll stay, it’s late and I have to make sure you don’t die in your sleep. I missed you too.”
He made a soft sound of agreement as she smoothed his shirt down and he reached a hand up, playing with her hair, twirling it around his fingers. “Ok you’re right. He’s lame anyway.” He moved slowly, trying not to look so ridiculous by needing so much help. “I won’t die, I might puke but I won’t die. Did I tell you I drank whiskey? I drank soooo much,” he snickered and nuzzled his face against her cheek, his breath warm puffs against her skin before he straightened up, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. She felt so warm under his arm and she smelled so good, her outfit perfect and he felt a pang of jealousy but then he remembered who was actually enjoying this outfit. “You look sexy as hell. Like a fucking.. vixen or something.” He slurred but his expression was so sincere. He wanted her to push him into the backseat and climb on him. With a blush he realized he was half hard at the idea, the alcohol hitting his system hard.
“I can tell.” She spoke softly, carefully guiding him to the car. Thankfully he was helpful in at the very least trying to support most of his weight and trying to make it without much of her help. She was mostly there to make sure he didn’t stumble and fall flat on that handsome face of his. “You think so?” Aubrey blushed, looking down at her outfit. She hadn’t put too much effort into it, but figured she should at least look presentable. Even if she had a feeling the date was going to be a dud. She bit her lip, blushing when she’d noticed the bulge in his pants, clearing her throat and looking away quickly. She unlocked the car door and helped him into the passenger seat. “You’re going to need some water.. a lot of water when we get back. And sleep.”
He shivered as he lost her warmth, his leather jacket not holding it in as well as he wanted. With a laugh, he fell to the passenger seat, his head hitting the headrest hard and he uttered, “Ow.” With a snort he added, “I’m going to be saying ow tomorrow. I feel dumb for drinking so much but I was bored.” And as she slipped into the driver seat, he turned his head to look at her, tired and content, giving her a soft rare smile reserved for just her. “Yeah I think that’s a nice outfit. You’re very pretty. I don’t think you know how pretty you are. I hate when people tell you to smile because nothing but a real one works, you can tell. You’re prettiest when you laugh.” And he gently ran his fingertips over her leg. “Can we get food? Maybe? I just started drinking at 5 and didn’t think about dinner,” He slurred slightly.
She started up the ignition, looking over to him as he mumbled, a laugh bubbling past her lips. “If you’re not careful you’re going to be in even more than just hangover pain.” She snickered, pulling out of the lot and getting on the road. Her gaze followed his fingers, feeling his warmth burning through the thin fabric of her jeans. Blushing, Aubrey shook her head and rolled her eyes, letting out a puff of air. “You are so, so drunk.” Part of her hurt, thinking about how easy it would have been for them to fall into each other again, but he was drunk and it wouldn’t have meant much the next morning. “You’re such a dumbass, Dan. A lovable dumbass, but a dumbass. No wonder you’re so fucking wasted, you didn’t eat. But yeah, we’ll stop somewhere, what do you want? My treat for rescuing me from that awful date.”
He perked up as she mentioned that he had rescued her. “Mmm are you my damsel in distress? He looked like a troll, it’s so plausible,” He slurred, his hand sliding higher along her thigh before he pulled back. He wanted to pull her to him, to taste her lips and share her breath, to feel her laugh on his lips. He mentally groaned. He was so drunk, thinking about Japan and he pressed the heel of his hand to his crotch, willing himself to calm down. “I should say sorry but I’m not. I was looking at my phone and your face and just missed you so I wanted to see you, see how it was going. If it was good..” he sighed, “I wouldn’t have been a pest.” He looked at her, a small smile on his face. “You’re so pretty. Um. I’ll eat you if you offer. A taco.” He closed his eyes, motioning with his hands and speaking slow, trying to clarify. “I want a taco I mean. “
She glanced at him through her peripheral vision, what was his doing. Aubrey bit her lip, her hands gripping the wheel tightly. She tensed, feeling his hand move further up her leg, she didn’t want to stop them but they shouldn’t have been doing this. He was drunk. She had to remind herself that. He was drunk and the alcohol was probably turning him on and it wasn’t her. He just needed a release and she was there and god, did she want to give it to him, but she couldn’t. “You’re not a pest. I’d pick you over any stupid guy any day, I just thought I’d be nice by giving him a chance.” Aubrey made a sound, something close to a squeak when he’d mentioned something about eating her and her breath caught in her throat, navigating to the nearest Taco Bell. “Uh, yeah. We’ll grab some tacos. You need it.”
He nodded, letting her drive for a couple of minutes in quiet before he blurted out, “I’m glad you’ll pick me. Over a stupid guy. I’d pick you always.” He leaned his head against the head rest, brain fuzzy and slow as he spoke. His eyes closed and he placed a hand back on her thigh. “Did you think about me at all tonight? I kept thinking about you and wishing we were doing anything other than drinking in a terrible bar.”
“I almost texted you.” She admitted, pulling into the drive thru line, not at all surprised that they had a few cars ahead of them on a Friday night, probably some high teenagers with the munchies. “I wondered if you were doing anything fun or hanging out with anyone, I guess we both had pretty shitty nights, huh?” She looked over to him smiling, one hand coming off the wheel to lay on top of the one he had on her thigh, “But you made it better. A lot better.” Aubrey stopped short, pulling up to the window and ordering him a box of tacos and a large drink, she was going to make sure he’d stay hydrated and fed, just make sure he didn’t suffer much the next morning in general. “We’ll have a better day tomorrow. I’ll just stay the weekend... if that’s alright.”
“It’s more than alright,” he said softly, lacing her fingers in his. “I smell like a brewery. You’re a saint for this,” he added as he started sucking down the coke, spilling some down his chin in his desire to hydrate. He looked over at her, ears bright red and hoping she didn’t see it. “Didn’t know you’d be babysitting tonight hm?” He snickered. “Why are you so pretty? It’s like torture. You were designed to torture me,” He babbled, looking out the window with a sigh. “I have that picture of us on my phone and I just wanted to see you. I’m such a mess. Thank you for not leaving me alone at that bar. You’re my favorite person, I just can’t describe.” He knew he was drunk and should shut up but he couldn’t, the real honest feelings tumbling out.
She squeezed his hand, smiling, but keeping her eyes forward. She was back on the road and though she hadn’t drank much, she was still careful. His babbling was cute, a constant string of nonstop words spilling from his lips and she felt butterflies in her stomach when he’d mentioned the picture of them in japan. And for a quick moment, she wished they were back in Japan. Back where everything was easy and comfortable and where she could have just kissed him. “We’re almost there. You must be the luckiest kid on the block having such a hot baby sitter to tuck you in.” She snickered, teasingly.
He snorted. “I’d be the luckiest kid on the block not for having the hottest babysitter but because I scored with the hottest woman on the planet.” He took a bite of his food and looked over at her mentioning softly, voice sleepy, “I miss your skin on mine and the way you look first thing in the morning with your hair messed up and makeup smeared. I wish we were back in Japan. Japan was fun.” He snorted again and added, “You made me cum in my pants Aubrey that’s a feat. You’re so vibrant. Why do you get to be so amazing and nobody else knows what you look like when you smile you don’t have a single care in the world?” He was watching her, his breathing slow and eyes drawn to her face, her lips, just taking her in. “I’m drunk. I’m so drunk I’m sorry I’m probably not making sense but it makes sense in my head and to me.”
Her cheeks flushed and breath caught in her throat, she just wanted to get him home. To tuck him in and put him to sleep. He was talking crazy and she was halfway convinced it was the alcohol fucking around with his head and his hormones and for some reason that made her feel a little sad... like she actually wanted to hear him mean those things. “I wish we were back in japan too.” She murmured, pulling into his driveway and taking a minute to shut off the car. Aubrey turned her head and flashed him a soft smile, a little sad. She was quick in her movements, closing her door and helping him out. “Where are your keys? We need to get you sorted and laying down.”
He shook his head. “I think they’re in my jacket pocket.” He leaned on her as they walked, holding tight to her and he pressed his face into her neck as she tried to get the front door open. “Remember that time you were so drunk you wiped your Cheeto fingers on my couch? I still have the stain. You’re my favorite person in the world. I’m sorry I’m so clingy I just..” He closed his eyes, the world spinning a bit. “There’s nobody I’d rather be around. Thank you for this. You.. you’re staying right?” He asked quietly, following her inside and flipping on a light switch. His living room was a mess, fast food and beer bottles everywhere, an empty bottle of whiskey and it was obvious he’d slept on the couch each night. He blushed. “Sorry it’s so gross, I just didn’t have the energy to clean up.”
She reached into his pocket, fishing out his keys and swiftly opening the door. She gazed at his living room and wondered why it was that he’d been drinking alone. They were both heavy drinkers, but rarely did they ever drink alone. “Yeah, i’m staying.” Aubrey smiled, letting him lean on her and leading him to his bedroom. She leaned up and pressed her lips to his cheek, it was quick and she smiled, “Thanks for saving me from a shit ass night.” She slid her hands into his leather jacket and slowly pulled it off. “Get comfortable, it’s going to be a long night for you.”
He felt his face flush, the kiss to his cheek being something sweet he wasn’t expecting. And as she pushed his jacket off, slow and certain, he was reminded of how they’d pulled their clothes off, desperate and needy and he made a low sound of want in the back of his throat, licking his lips. “I think if you stay over, in my bed, I’m in for a hard night too,” he laughed, his hands finding her hips and trying to hold himself up, looking down at her with a mixture of adoration and pure drunken affection. “You’re welcome to sleep in one of my shirts. That looks uncomfortable,” and he let his fingertips glide over her skin, so warm and soft under his hands and he inhaled sharply, aware of how close she was.
She shivered, feeling her body heat up at the feeling of his hands on her and for a moment she questioned her better judgement and wondered if it would be okay. If she could just give in for the night and then go back like nothing had happened, one last go. For closure’s sake or whatever. “I may take you up on that after I get you settled. And don’t worry, I won’t make anything.. hard for you.” She laughed a little, moving her hands down to the hem of his t-shirt and slowly pulling it off of him, her fingertips accidentally brushing up against his skin and she blushed. Stumbling forward a bit, she’d somehow landed them both on his bed, “Sorry...” She mumbled, her eyes moving from his lips to his eyes, not moving off of him.
He shivered as she pulled his shirt off her fingertips brushing his waist and he wished she would touch him, would claw him, tugging desperately at him. He swallowed hard as she fell back with him on the bed, one hand settling on her waist, the other sliding into her hair. She was so close, her breath mingling with his and he looked up at her eyes from her lips, his own lust blown pupils wide and he pulled her down, kissing her hard and hungry and messy, teeth clacking with hers in his haste. “Fuck,” he mumbled against her lips. “You’re so perfect.”
Aubrey shifted, she knew this was probably wrong. That he was drunk, but caution to the wind. She crawled into him, straddling him and giving them a more comfortable position. She gasped against his lips, kissing him back just as roughly, just as hungrily. Her hands pressed firmly against the mattress beside either side of his head. She whimpered softly, desperate to take in his taste. Her hips involuntarily rolling against his and letting out a soft little moan.
With a soft moan, he rolled his hips up against her and gripped her hips harder, his eyes closed and he smiled into the kiss, tugging her bottom lip. He felt deliriously happy, the room spinning, his body warm and he had Aubrey in his arms, her beautiful smile he’d wanted to kiss all night finally his and he nuzzled against her face, his nose bumping hers, breaking the kiss and pressing his forehead to hers. “You’re so amazing,” he whispered. “I don’t know I can be without this,” he said, voice slurred, his fingertips restlessly playing with her shirt, wanting it off. “Without you.” And he kissed her again, slower, exploring like he’d been away for years and didn’t want to forget how she felt.
She didn’t want to respond, didn’t know how to. She didn’t want to ruin the moment, something they probably wouldn’t have again, not sober anyway. And she find herself wishing that things hadn’t changed. Wishing that the achromatic hadn’t said anything about how she.. Sex with her didn’t mean anything. She tried not to take it personally, they didn’t just single her out, it was generalized, but she shook it off. All she wanted was to melt into him and take the moment for what it was. “Dan.” His name rolled off her tongue easily, tangled in a needy moan, meeting his hips with hers and reveling in the delicious friction of their hips. Her hands moved off the mattress, sitting up for a moment, just long enough to tug off her shirt and toss it to the end of his bed. Instantly falling back onto him, her hands tangling in his hair.
The way she rolled her hips, thrusting against his hard cock had him straining in his jeans, a soft moan spilling from his lips with the friction. It was too much and not enough all at once. He ran his hands down her back, slowly taking in every inch of her skin and he unhooked her bra with surprisingly coordinated fingers for someone so drunk. He tossed it aside and let his hands wander, his fingers teasing her nipples as they kissed. He’d probably never be able to do this again, this was a fluke he thought. She felt bad for him, so drunk and clingy and stupid crashing her date. But he’d make the most of it, and he kissed slowly, his tongue sweeping across hers, his eyes closed in bliss. He took in a shaky breath through his nose, shuddering under her. It was slow and perfect and warm and his head felt fuzzy, his hands slower and more lazy.
The movement of her lips against his got a little sloppy, moaning and melting into his touch. Her hands slid down his body, dragging her fingernails gently along his skin, careful not to mark him up. Her hips moved erratically on their own accord and she didn’t want him to stop. She want him to push their limits again, to go all the way and touch every inch of her body while she drowned in the taste of his lips. She moaned into his mouth, loud and his name dripping from her lips in such a needy tone, it almost scared her how much she needed this. “Please.” Aubrey whispered, her voice faltering, “Fuck, Dan.. please.” Her hands moved back up to his face, cupping his cheeks gently as she continued to rock her hips into his, wanting him so badly.
“Mm Aubrey. Want you. I don’t wanna let you go,” he whispered against her lips as she cupped his face, his hips grinding against hers. After a moment he felt his hands go lax, his fingertips tracing lazy patterns on her skin. The world was black but white at the same time as they kissed, his eyes closed and his head fuzzier and his thoughts less coherent. Aubrey was warm and solid against him and he sighed content as he pressed his lips to hers, over and over but the pressure lessening with each one until his breathing evened out, one hand falling to the mattress and the other still in her hair.
Realizing he’d fallen asleep, she sighed and sat up. She half considered waking him up, but he looked so peaceful and content beneath her, she didn’t want to disturb that. Besides, it was probably for the best that things didn’t go all the way, no matter how badly she wanted it. And how hot her skin was, burning and aching for his touch. Aubrey leaned down and kissed him softly one last time, smiling at him before getting up and looking for a t-shirt and towel. After a nice cold shower, she snickered at the comical sight of his legs dangling off the bed and that blissful, goofy smile on his face. She wrung her hair out in the towel before moving him, settling him a little more comfortable and settling into the bed beside him.
He felt himself being moved and he opened his eyes blearily at Aubrey, his smile still content and blissful. He’d have time to feel shitty tomorrow, he was going to enjoy every second with her. Oh that was right she was staying. She was wet, her skin damp and hair dripping as he was maneuvered into the bed better. He sighed, burrowing his face into the junction of her neck and shoulder, his breath warm puffs on her skin. Everything was fuzzy and spinning and he wrapped his arm around her, sighing softly. “Thank you,” he breathed out and promptly fell back asleep, his grip on her waist light but insistent that she stay with him.
Aubrey sighed, she was happy by his side. Things were comfortable and though she couldn’t quite fall asleep yet, she was content in his arms. Her fingertips traced shapes along his arm, moving along his skin and she wondered if this would ever be something normal for them. Did she want that? Dan was her best friend, of course she loved spending time with him.. but this, this was different. It was the kind of different that she wouldn’t share with other friends, the kind that was reserved for just Dan. And as her thoughts continued to weave in and out of different scenarios with him, her breathing slowed. Rolling over, she laid her head on his chest, inching closer into his body heat and practically laying on him, falling asleep.
He woke up the next morning, his head pounding and eyes dry. He tried to move and groaned instead. Did he drink the whole bar? The nights events started coming back to him slowly. He remembered drinking heavily, and then Aubrey. Oh god Aubrey, he thought as he looked down, her face so sweet and serene in sleep, nuzzled into him and he played with her hair, desperately trying to remember what he did. She was in one of his shirts but looked pretty well rested. And clothed. He closed his eyes, thinking hard. He had crashed her date. She’d laughed in that gorgeous ethereal way of hers, her eyes bright and amused at his antics. She’d brought him home. And put him in bed? He didn’t remember much after she tugged him away from the rail at the bar. He sighed and kissed her hair, his fingers threading through her hair. Nothing happened. He was drunk and she was amused by him, wanted to thank him for saving her evening. He gazed at her, wishing more had happened.
Aubrey stirred in her sleep at the feeling of his fingers running through her hair, but she was still tired. Not quite ready to move. She nuzzled into him, her fingers twitching against his chest and she tried to find sleep again. Her legs tangled in his, she wanted to keep him there, keep his warmth close to her body. She let out a content sigh and breathed out, holding him close to her. “So early, still sleepy.” She murmured, feeling herself drift back.
He chuckled at her, so sleepy and soft and clingy. He could stay wrapped up with her like this all day. If he didn’t feel like he was dying. With a groan, he pulled her closer, his nose buried in her hair and he kissed her head once more, sleepy and content. Maybe she would stay in bed all day with him. Maybe they could relax and shed play with his hair and rub his temples and make him hangover food. And he could kiss her and touch her and.. and he had to stop. That wasn’t what this was. She was taking care of him and he had no doubt she’d do all of those things, but the line had to be drawn at kissing because even if she allowed it, he knew there would be no coming back from it. He’d want and pine and hurt again. So he had to keep his hands to himself. Let her be and find someone nice. Her date was a fluke but she’d have others. But he didn’t want her to and that thought scared the shit out of him. He wanted her to stay with him, to smile at him with that bright amused open smile she only gave to him. Fuck. His phone buzzed on the nightstand and he looked down at a text, asking him to come in and re shoot a scene. Something had gone wrong with the lighting and it wasn’t working. He groaned. His body hated him. He hated himself for the bender he went on. But as he looked down at Aubrey, warm and soft and cuddly on his chest, he didn’t regret it. Not one bit. He sighed and kissed her cheek, settling her back into bed as he searched for his clothes, his stomach painfully nauseated. Finally he was ready and he ran his hand through her hair, nuzzled against her face, his nose brushing her hairline before he placed a kiss to her lips, short and soft, just a brush of lips. “I gotta go. You can stay ok, love? There’s coffee and you can use my shower,” he whispered, unsure if she was awake enough to grasp it. It broke his heart to leave, looking once more longingly back at the bed and his best friend before he was out, locking the door behind him.
She stretched out, her brain hazy and fuzzy, but well rested. Aubrey yawned, curling into the pillow and hugging it close to her chest. She reached for Dan, missing his warmth and wanting to pull him closer, popping an eye open when she didn’t feel him. She lifted her head and frowned when she noticed he wasn’t there, slowly bringing herself to sit up in bed and look around. Her bra and top were carelessly discarded onto the floor in the same way that it had been last night and she wondered if Dan just didn’t want to face what they’d done last night. She could have sworn she’d heard him speaking to her earlier, telling her to stay and make herself at home, but maybe it was just a Dream. She swung her legs off the bed, feet hitting the soft, plush carpet and she padded her way into his kitchen, making coffee and something to eat. She moved towards one of his bookshelves, a coffee mug in hand as she browsed the various titles, picking up one that looked interesting. One from his horror collection, and sat at the table with it, her legs pulled up to her chest and she drank her coffee and read, hoping he’d come back from wherever he was soon and that maybe he’d still be up for their day together.
Dan groaned softly as he finished his scene, his head pounding, ready to go. He wondered if Aubrey had gotten up yet or if she was maybe staying out at his place. Or if she wanted to leave and go home. He sighed and grabbed his phone, texting her a quick. “Are you up?” He almost vomited in a bush as he went back to his car, wiping at the makeup they’d put on him. He hoped she’d stayed, that she was maybe still lounging in his shirt and he’d get to see her cute ass under the hem, maybe a cute pair of black lacy underwear peeking out. He pulled at his hair. He had an issue at this point and his issue was that he wanted Aubrey badly, and no matter how hard he told himself no it wasn’t enough. He’d always want her. He let his head hit the steering wheel with a loud thud and an “ow.”
Already well into the fifth chapter, engulfed completely in Dan’s book, she felt her phone vibrating on the table. Glancing at the screen she read over Dan’s message, smiling to herself. She set the book down, responding with a “No” and the skull emoji. Tossing her phone back down onto the table and picking the book back up. She was a reader, not as much as Dan, but she understood why it was so easy for him to get pulled into some of these books. Aubrey twisted her hair into a messy braid, becoming restless, she texted him again, “Where are you?”
He looked at his phone and smiled softly at the skull emoji. She was making him feel stupid and sappy over a goddamn emoji and her sarcasm, what was wrong with him. He replied back, “I should be the one making the skull emoji. I feel like I’ve been hit by a semi truck. I’m leaving set, I had a reshoot.” He followed it up with a sick face emoji. “Are you still at my place? I need my bed and you if that’s possible.”
Aubrey snickered, going for another mug of coffee as she read his texts. She wondered if he’d be disappointed if she said she’d left. Not that she would have, weekends usually had her reduced to a pile of lazy bones and she had promised him they’d have the weekend to themselves. “You disappeared, i left.” She responded, quickly downing the rest of her coffee and cleaning up any evidence that she’d been around. She took the book with her and ran into his bedroom, crawling back under the covers.
He was driving, trying not to go too fast or he’d be sick, his stomach in knots and he adjusted his sunglasses as he looked down at his phone. And... oh. She’d left. And it hit him with a pang of sadness, his breath leaving him in a whoosh. Why did he care so much? With a soft groan, he pulled into his apartment complex and made his way slowly to his apartment. After a moment of fumbling with the keys he pushed open the door. He smelled coffee and his shampoo and she’d obviously been here, had probably waited a while for him and left when he hadn’t texted her. And he cursed himself. “Stupid arse, good going. Couldn’t even text her and now look. You’re alone and miserable and probably going to puke in your nice white couch and have nobody to give you shit about it,” he said animatedly, making a cup of coffee. With a sigh, he made his way to the bedroom and flopped down on the bed with a groan. “My sheets even smell like her, why must you torment me so, lord? What being I did so cosmically piss off for this karma?”
She felt the mattress sink under his weight and had to keep herself from cracking up. She wondered what he meant for a minute, if it was even a good thing that his sheets smelled like her... maybe, he didn’t like it. But she shrugged it off, all in good fun and popped up, sitting up straight in the bed behind him. Aubrey threw her arms around his neck, resting her chin on his shoulder. “Excuse me, but I’m a gift to your life and you love me very much, hangover boy.”
He jumped, spilling his coffee in his lap and squawking as he did. “Jesus Christ, Aubrey.” He laughed, happy and delighted to see her even if his jeans were now soaked. “As much as I love you, you just ruined my hangover cure for me. I need more coffee now and possibly a new cock because this one is scalded. I guess I’m done at 3 children.” But he leaned into her as she rested her chin on his shoulder, rubbing his cheek against hers, his stubble catching lightly on her soft skin. “You said you left. You’re a filthy liar,” he teased with a soft huff of a laugh.
She landed into a fit of laughter, her arms around his neck tightening slightly. “There’s the magic number, I guess.” She shrugged, the smile on her face widening and her laughter turning into giggles. His scruff tickled her cheek and she loved the feeling, apart from it making him look extra hot, it had its perks in the way that she liked the feeling he left behind when his scruff grazed her skin. Aubrey leaned back, pulling him back onto her, her elbows resting on his shoulders now. Her fingers tangled in his hair and she massaged his scalp gently, “Shh, just relax into my magic. I’ll make up for my lying.”
He groaned softly, a pathetic needy noise and he sighed, closing his eyes. “You’re so magical. I’m already forgiving you for making me panic that I’d have to spend a day hungover without your wit and humor to lessen the blow.” He leaned back, practically purring as he let his hands slide up the sheets to her thighs, gripping lightly, just holding on and wanting to be close. “You sure you wouldn’t rather go to massage school? Leave acting behind?”
She felt good, feeling his body melt into her as she moved her fingers deftly. She gave a few tugs to his hair teasingly. “I’m so horrible, leaving you with my smelly smell in your sheets. Is it really that awful?” Aubrey questioned, her tone joking as she gave his shoulder a light push. “Lay on your stomach. I’ll work magic better that way.” Laughing, she shrugged her shoulders, “I tried that, but I liked acting better. But.. my dad wanted me to have a backup plan.”
He blushed, hard realizing she’d heard him. He thought about teasing her, saying she was actually smelly but even joking he couldn’t bring himself to do it and he sighed softly, shifting onto his stomach. It was strangely erotic, her massaging him and he let out a soft moan at her nimble fingers. “It’s actually the opposite. You smell so good that I know my detergent will never live up the smell when you’ve slept over,” he said softly with a chuckle tacked on. “Did your dad support you in acting?” And he realized he’d never really talked about her family with her, not on a super personal level.
She moved with him and when he’d laid on his stomach, she placed herself so she was sitting on him comfortably. Her pointer and middle fingers rubbing circles against his temples. And then her hands moved slowly, rubbing his neck, his shoulders, kneeding between his shoulder blades. Aubrey applied pressure and rubbed out all of the knots in his muscles, wondering why it was that he was so... Tense. “Uh huh, good save. You think I’m smelly, but good save.” She kept up with the movements of her hands on him sighing. Anything pertaining to her father and his approval of her profession of choice always brought her back to Max. Her father always knocked her down a couple pegs pertaining to her talent, always claiming that he was preparing her for the hurt and disappointment that’d come, that she wouldn’t always be thin and pretty, that Hollywood was destructive, and in a way he was right. But Aubrey was willing to risk it and Max had always been so supportive, she owed it to him to keep going. “Uh.. my dad is very, old school.” She laughed, “He thought I was good, that i was pretty and fit for it, but that I wouldn’t always be fit for it. So a back up plan was something he encouraged. A lot.”
“I think you smell like honey and lavender,” he blurted out and blushed. He’d put a bit of thought into what she smelled like on his sheets. As she continued her excellent ministrations, he groaned softly. His shoulders were so tense and he knew a lot of it was stress about her date.. and about the realization that he didn’t want her to date anyone. It was a lot all at once to come to terms with. “If you want my opinion, you’ll always be beautiful and have a place in acting. The way you are, how vibrant and fun and witty you are, it’s your best qualities. You’re beautiful sure, but inside counts too and I think you’ll always be successful. But that’s just me. I’m an optimist and I also fucked up my backup plan so maybe I just want you in the boat with me,” He snickered. “Thanks for last night. And for staying.” He felt shy and unsure, not remembering much. What if he’d puked on her and that’s why she’d showered?
She laughed, her body shook above him and she was cracking up at his sudden blurting out. “At least you don’t think I stink.” She smiled, leaning into him as she kept on rubbing his shoulders, inching a little lower down towards his middle. The motions of her hands faltered a bit, listening to him. His words brought a smile to her face and made her feel warmer, her cheeks undoubtedly pink. “I really.. I’m glad you think so. I mean, he’s proud of me. He just always thought it’d be best if he was the one breaking my heart with critical advice than come across someone who’d do it without second thought and tear me down for not being able to do whatever for a role or something.” Aubrey shrugged, trying to deflect all of the emotional weirdness of her childhood and how her relationship with her father hadn’t always been good. “You saved me. Don’t thank me. That guy was a dick, I’m glad you showed up and that we kicked off our sleepover a day earlier.”
He couldn’t help but frown, wanting to look at her and make sure she was ok. That seemed like a lot for a dad to do. But he was sure he thought it was best, but he couldn’t imagine breaking her heart on purpose. “I guess that makes sense in a way but.. you can do anything you set your mind to. That’s my critical advice to you.” He coughed to cover up the seriousness in which he’d said it. She didn’t need to know he felt any certain way about her. “Oh yeah I think I was calling prick cunt or something in my head. The second he told you to watch it, I thought I was gonna drag him over the pier.” He remembered that much. “I’m glad I showed up too, even if I did drink way too much and I’m a snooze fest of boringness today. Anything to see you smile though.” He looked back at her and sighed. “Is it too early for Chinese?”
She tapped her fingers on his back, smiling. She was appreciative of his kindness to her and how good he was to her. “I hope we work together more.” She admitted, shifting on his back, “work with my best friend is always fun. And you always bring out a lot of my good creativity.” Aubrey thought about last night, she thought about how she’d fallen on him and how his hand had curled around her waist and the other in her hair. She thought about how their lips crashed together hard, their teeth clashing together and how badly she wanted to taste his lips. She thought about how he felt, their hips rolling together again and how wet he left her that night before falling asleep without release and she almost groaned. “I don’t think anyone would have missed him if you had, but I didn’t want you in trouble.” Aubrey laughed lightly, moving off of him so that she was sitting on the bed beside him. “It’s never too early, but.. how are you feeling?”
“I would have called my fish friends like aqua man to keep us from drowning. I’d have just roughed him up a bit but good call. Though if he gives you shit at work there’s no guarantee I won’t lay him out in catering.” As she shifted to lay beside him bits and pieces of memory hit him, her sliding his jacket off, but it was fuzzy. He felt warm all over at the idea of her hands smoothing across his chest. “I feel like death. But it’s my own fault. I should slow it down. I’m not Jesus and water into wine is not how all days should go.”
She shoved him playfully, laughing. “You’re so dumb.” Aubrey felt something... unsure of what when he spoke about defending her. Not that she needed it, but it was flattering. She frowned, wondering why he hadn’t talked about last night. About how he was kissing her hungrily and rough, and how she’d kissed back just as passionately. She wanted him so badly last night and part of her still did. “Maybe, but Drunk Dan is a good time. You’re always a good time.”
“So are you. I hope I get to work more with my best friend also. You make it worth it. And help me wreak havoc like toilet papering an entire set.” He wished he’d remembering laying down with her, the feeling of tension leaving his chest when he’d put his arms around her. He had a flicker of a thought, like he remembered staring at her lips, wanting her on the car ride. And that he’d been hard in the passenger seat. He was actually half hard from her wonderful hands working his muscles and he didn’t want to roll over yet. “Drunk Dan is more fun with drunk Aubrey. Get on my level next time, we can wander the streets together and avoid shitty sports bars.” He snorted. “Did he even ask you where you wanted to go?”
“We’ll torture everyone we work with together.” She grinned, and wanted to lean forward and kiss him. She wanted to do everything with him, to roll him over and crawl back on top of him and let their bodies do the talking. But for some reason, he seemed to want to forget how passionate they were with each other last night and that had really backed her drunk theory. He just needed a release and she was there... it stung a little to think about, because she wanted him. But for her it meant a little more than just some fuck, it was just.. sex with her best friend. “No, he had it all planned out. I just rolled with it. I wasn’t expecting it to be great, I don’t really do the dating thing. But I didn’t think it would be that bad.”
He made a soft noise of discontent. “I didn’t think it would be either. I’m sorry,” he said sincerely, really truly sad this guy hadn’t put in the effort she deserved but also glad because it meant he didn’t have to let his heart get broken too quickly. His breathing picked up, his heart pounding faster at the thought that oh.. she was going to find someone one day though and it was going to cause him pain and he didn’t want to imagine it. He felt it tugging at his heart hard and like a panic attack coming on. “Im not sorry we had a better time though. At least until I left because driving was not fun. Plus I was stuck behind an old lady that didn’t know how to use her blinker and road rage while hungover is the 8th circle of hell.” He looked up at her pleadingly, wanting his heart rate to slow. He figured he could feign feeling very sick. “Cmere? Lay down with me for a while? I feel really sick. My heart is flying and my hands are sweaty. I feel hot.” And it wasn’t a lie, it was all true. Just the reasons withheld. “Fuck. Aubrey,” he said pitifully and closed his eyes, a grimace on his face as he was hit with an actual wave of nausea. “I’m never drinking again.”
She shrugged, leaning back against his headboard and stretching her legs out. “It’s not a big deal. I didn’t like him. So, it’s not a big deal.” She smiled at him, thankful that he’d cared so much, even if it hadn’t meant much to her. Aubrey looked down at him, watching his features change from somewhat relaxed to that look he’d get when he was overly nervous. She slid down and laid onto the bed with him, pulling his head onto her chest and cradling his head in her arms, running her fingers through his hair. She urged him to wrap his arms around her, and she placed her palm on his forehead, his skin sticky and warm. “You know that’s not true. You’re going to drink again.” She smiled, “Hey babe, you’re warm though... are you okay?”
He felt his head throb as she pulled him to lay his head on her chest but the soft feeling of her fingertips in his hair made him sigh. He didn’t want to give this up, and he tightened his grip on her, his fingers bunching in the fabric of her shirt. Well his shirt he supposed and that sent another pang of longing and helplessness to his heart. The soft ‘babe’ had set his brain on fire and he cursed himself for how weird he was making it. “I.. I feel sick. It’s my own fault I suppose,” he drawled, stalking and unsure what to say. ‘Hey I’m only acting like this because the idea of you holding someone else like this makes me want to throw myself out that window?’ He groaned and buried his face in her chest. “At least I’m comfortable. Don’t leave ok? Just let me use you as a pillow. A wonderful boob pillow.”
She frowned, knowing he wouldn’t be able to see her, but she wanted to do her best to make him feel better. “Do you need any Tylenol or water? Or something? Maybe tea?” She questioned, her tone dripping in concern as she continued to softly card her fingers through his hair. Aubrey laughed, trying to keep it short so her body wouldn’t rattle him too much from its movement, taking in a deep breath, she just made a noise of amusement. “Don’t worry my tiny boobs will be your boob pillows until you feel better.” His skin felt warm and clammy and she wondered if he was actually getting sick or if something was wrong. “Are you sure you don’t need anything, though. You dummy.” She shifted slightly to lean over and press her lips to the top of his head.
“I just need you.” He said pitifully and clung tighter. “And a few more hours of sleep. And I’ll be ok.” And he hoped he would be. Somehow a few hours of sleep didn’t seem like it would help him from worrying about her with another man, would heal his heart at the thought of her finding someone and falling for them, dan just being a memory of someone she had fun with. “And your itty bitty boob pillows. I need that too.” He sighed and closed his eyes, drifting off to her fingers in his hair. She seemed concerned and genuinely cared. He told himself as he fell asleep that she’d still always be his best friend, even if she found someone and it was a comforting thought.
0 notes
aubreypara-archive · 6 years
reunion, panel, and lunch ~ aubrey and dan ~ 01/10/2017
It had been a few days between their weird.. whatever it was and Aubrey had decided that she was over it. Maybe she was just ghost PMSing or something and was just overly emotional. Maybe she would have cried either way, regardless of what Dan had said. Stepping into the convention center, she’d caught up with most of the cast. Things were back to a sort of comfortable, already having spoken to him and made plans, plans she had to cancel. Running up to him, she jumped onto his back, pulling her dress up a little and grinned, setting her chin on his shoulder. “Hey dude, I’m going to have to raincheck on tomorrow. I can come over Saturday? We can hang out all day.”
Dan had been moody and admittedly drunk for a few days. It was maybe the first time he’d shaved and attempted to clean up nice since their weird night at his apartment. And the drunk texts he tried to pretend he hadn’t sent like a needy clingy boyfriend. But they’d made plans to see one another, and things were at least comfortable. He was walking away from their group, needing a smoke and he grabbed his pack of cigarettes to head outside when he felt his best friend launching herself at his back. He let out an ‘oof’ but as she spoke, he felt the smile slip off his face. She was ditching him on Friday? But wanted to see him Saturday? He scoffed, trying to not let it hurt that she was canceling and asked, “You got a hot date or something?”
“Actually...” She trailed, letting out a heavy sigh. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go... she just, wasn’t quite sure it’d end up in her date’s favor. Considering, most of her dates didn’t really. “You know that guy from editing? Andrew? The one that’s been asking me out on a date almost every day on set for the past two weeks?” Aubrey asked, tilting her head a little to catch a glimpse of his face. He was so handsome it made her heart feel like it had fallen a couple stories, feeling her cheeks burn at the thought of all the things they’d done that was long stamped away as history now. “He keeps asking and I feel bad, you know.. he’s persistent, I might as well give him a go, you know?” The grip her legs had around his waist tightened, not wanting to slide off his back just yet. “But, I figure Saturday would be good for us, you know? We could hang out all day, maybe a sleepover. Maybe, I don’t know. It’s up to you. Do you have anything planned?”
He felt his heart drop into his stomach at the thought. He had been kidding but she really did have a hot date. He swallowed hard, looking down at the ground and faking a laugh, but he was sure his face gave him away. His laugh held zero mirth and he shrugged, feeling her shift in his back. He looked up at her, taking in her pretty eyes and lips and longing to kiss them, remembering how it felt to be with her, happy and carefree in Japan and he struggled, licking his own lips. It was all he thought on lately. But now someone else would be kissing her and he felt jealous? Jealous wasn’t it was it? He just missed her company that was all. “Yeah.. well. I hope it um. Goes well for you. He unconsciously ran his hand down her calf, wrapped around his middle, his fingers tapping restlessly against her skin. “Saturday is fine. Sleepover sounds fun. I’ll uh. Get snacks and everything. Rent a movie. I have zero plans at all, just the ones with you.” And he looked down again, not able to meet her eyes because it stung damnit and he didn’t want her to notice he wasn’t exactly 100% ok.
She smiled at him, despite the fact that things felt a little tense. But they were okay, or at least working on it, and that’s what mattered. She didn’t regret any of their time together, it was good... a good run, but he was her best friend and because of that she wanted to mean something. If Dan wanted meaningless sex, he could find it elsewhere. Their friendship was more important to her, more important than how good it felt to feel his fingertips trailing up her thigh, or how heated their stolen kisses were. She bit her lip thinking about the alleyway and the dressing room, and the way his fingers curled tightly around her neck. His fingers drumming against her skin brought her back down to earth, smiling softly at him. “We’ll see, you’ll be first to know come Saturday. I’m not counting on anything, you know me.”
He nodded, his throat tight and he realized he couldn’t talk. Didn’t want to. He clenched his jaw and gently pushed at her legs, shifting her to get down and he smiled softly, just the corner of his lips quirking up. Just feeling her legs around his waist had him thinking about Japan and the cast party and how desperate they were for each other, how he’d felt her legs quivering. He couldnt stand it, needed her to not be touching him or he’d just miss all of it. She was stunning, be thought as he got a good look at her dress. He’d never be able to look at her the same, he realized with a start. And oh. Yep. That was it, she’d know if she looked too hard at his face that he was faking it. And he suddenly really needed that cigarette. He quickly pulled one out and shoved it between his lips, masking his hurt as withdrawal. “I gotta smoke, I haven’t all day and god knows when I’ll get another one.”
Her heels hit the floor with a soft click and a hurt expression flashed across her face for a brief moment. Very brief. Things were still weird. And there was somewhere deep inside her that ached a little and she wondered if he felt something similar... probably not. All of it probably meant more to her than it did him anyway, and that in itself was weird. Breathing in deeply, she smiled at him, wide and all teeth. “I’ll come with you.” Her arm looped through his, taking in his warmth again in the most innocent of ways. Her fingertips drummed along his arm and she just wanted to touch him. To be close to him in a way that was more acceptable for them. “I miss hanging out.” Aubrey spoke, so casually, like they’d both just been merely too busy to spend time with one another, not going through some not breakup breakup.
And the way she linked her arm in his, he felt a pang of something and he had no idea what it was. But he had been longing fo this for days, for her to just want to be in his presence and he smiled softly, genuine for the first time since she walked out of his apartment. This was comfortable, this was as close as she’d let him and he had to be ok with it. He’d missed her so much he actually shocked himself when she’d spoken at how fast he replied, “I missed you. A lot.” And he lit his cigarette, pulling it to his lips and taking a long drag, his ears turning pink. He kept her arm in his, just wanting to stay close. But then he thought of her with someone else, arms around their neck and kissing her passionately and he paled. “We’ll make a good day of it.” He wondered if she would think so or maybe he’d be a let down after her fun night on Friday. But he was determined not to make it weird, to just enjoy whatever closeness she wanted.
She hugged his arm close to her, leaning her head against him. Her eyes shut, just taking in the moment. This was good, like nothing had happened. Pretty soon things would snap back and they’d be able to continue their playful banter and teasing. Everything back to normal, right back to your scheduled programming. And she wanted to laugh, giggle at her thoughts. But she was happy. Warm and fuzzy, just standing next to him. He was someone she knew would stick around, no matter what kind of weirdness happened, she hoped they’d work it out and that he’d stick around. Aubrey bit her lip, looking up at him. “It’ll be a good day, dummy. Any day with you is a good day.” She found herself wanting to lean up and press her lips against his cheek, to kiss him, something sweet and innocent. But she shook it off then, they weren’t doing that anymore. “Man, I can’t wait for this whole thing to be over. We should grab food after?”
He smiled, soft and fond as she giggled. ‘any day with you is a good day’ and he felt his laughter bubble up as he exhaled, blowing smoke out in a huff. “Any day except when we’re hungover as fuck, then it’s just one step above the seventh level of hell even if the company is ideal.” Maybe this was ok. This is what their relationship had to be. The intimacy they’d had, it wasn’t meant to last he supposed and he’d have to be content to just look at her soft lips and imagine losing them until they were red and swollen and soft, puffy against his from kissing. And he felt it again, that desperate part of his heart clawing at him and he stamped it down. What was wrong with him? He wanted things normal and they were close, but he couldn’t just forget how she’d cried out his name, her lower lip bit in pleasure and her hair splayed on his pillow as she whimpered. But he’d learn to be ok with this, to have her affectionate and warm against his side. Because she was his best friend and he never wanted to imagine life without her, if the last few days taught him anything. He smiled, soft and hopeful. “Yeah, let’s grab a bite. I’ve been eating leftover pizza and I’m about done with that,” he laughed.Imagine kissing* them
She tilted her head back, laughing so hard she almost snorted. Her hand sliding down his arm and maxing her fingers with his. “Even our hungover days have their perks, you know? There’s no one else I’d rather be cursing party goblin Aubrey with.” Her hand squeezed his, It was something of a habit, she’d always have the urge to pull him in close to her. She wasn’t someone who was typically touchy, but she was comfortable with Dan and it translated in the way she was different with him than with anyone else... and for a second she wondered if he noticed that. If he knew that she was a different version of herself around him, a more free version of herself. “Why don’t you love yourself?” She questioned with a laugh shaking her head at him, “My tummy hates me, I didn’t have time to eat breakfast this morning and I might not make it to the end of the panel. I might die.”
“If you die, do you come back stronger like the last boss in a video game? You’re like the evil demon trying to destroy the world.” He finished his cigarette, putting it out and he looked down at her, her laughter so genuine and her smile downright he almost couldn’t take it. He wanted to kiss her, to taste her smile and he almost groaned as he stopped himself. His hand squeezed hers tighter, and he told himself like a mantra ‘things are normal again. Before Japan. We’re normal Aubrey and Dan.’ He tugged her closet and motioned to the building. “Let’s head back in? By the way, there’s nobody I’d rather be hungover with either. I like knowing you’re in it with me.. that you won’t leave. You know. Like we’ll be 80 and still partying in a nursing home.” And it was his way of ensuring she’d stick with him. That they’d make it through anything.
She shrugged her shoulders, “Maybe, should we try to find out?” looking up and catching a glimpse of those bright blue eyes of his, she nearly sighed. His eyes were arguably one of her most favorite things about him, physically, at least. She bit her lip mid smile, wondering how many times she’d done that around him today. And if it was just a side effect of remembering what it was like to kiss him, or maybe it stopped her from wanting to. Something like the snapping of a rubber band against one’s wrist to snap them out of a bad habit. “Your eyes are so... pretty.” She blurted, though it came out kind of staggered and breathless and in slow motion. At least, that’s how it felt in her head. Quickly shaking it off, regaining composure she nudged into him, grinning wickedly. “Ugly. I can’t wait to get food.. maybe some drinks. But mostly food because I’m starving and I don’t think I’m going to survive but I sure hope i do.”
She was looking at him, biting her lip and his eyes immediately fell there, wishing it was his teeth teasing her instead, tugging as he let his hands wander and he quickly shook his head. But as she commented on his eyes, sincere and honest he had to stop himself from leaning forward, kissing her and tangling his hand in her hair. He squeezed her hand again, to keep his composure and not. He was doing good to be normal, now he just had to keep it that way. “Well. Your face is pretty so..” he murmured and smiled, shy and nervous as he ran his hand through his hair. “But thanks.” He held the door open for her, rubbing her arms briskly as they walked back inside out of the cold. “I think you’ll survive. You’d be the one to have on your side in the apocalypse. Though you seem the type to cannibalize us all if you were left here without any other option so trust me we’ll get food. What kind? No pizza.”
They shared a mutual sort of wanting for a moment, something she wasn’t aware of. But there was a voice in the back of her head yelling, ‘kiss him you dumb girl!! That’s where all those cheesy fireworks you wanted when you were little are hiding!!’ And she shook it off, she wasn’t that kind of girl anymore, she didn’t long for fireworks, she was sharp teeth and claws and she ran from anything soft, but she had to admit... there was an element of soft with Dan. And that was something she couldn’t, no, didn’t want to run from. Lost in her thoughts, she followed him in. It was almost mechanical how she moved, letting him guide her. And her cheeks flushed at his compliment, the usual witty and a little snarky ‘I know’ lost to her, instead she murmured a soft ‘thank you’. Listening to him, she smirked, their easy teasing coming back to her. “I’d eat you first,” She licked her lips and hated her teeth at him, laughing. “Sushi!! There’s an all you can eat sushi and hibachi joint a few blocks down that I saw on the way here. I hope I don’t wilt away before that.”
“You won’t wilt you delicate flower,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. Before he could stop himself the words had left his mouth: “I’d rather eat you first if we’re gonna go down that route. If I’m being cooked for stew, at least give a dying man his last supper. One final wish.” He realized that maybe they weren’t there, maybe it wasn’t ok to make sex jokes yet; especially not when he wanted to push her up against the wall, kiss her until he felt his heart explode. He took a sharp breath in and laughed, a little nervous but hopeful she wouldn’t shut him down. At least give me this, please. Let us go back to normal even if I want more than normal, she doesn’t have to know. He looked down at her, nudging her with his elbow lightly. “Someone’s stuck on sushi now. I knew going out for sushi for a week was a bad idea. But delicious.”
Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink, but she rolled her eyes and gave him a playful push nonetheless. Despite her thoughts going back to his hotel room in Japan, she simply nodded. “I can do that. It’s only fair, you know? If it comes down to survival and I’m obviously going to be the one coming out alive, then yeah, it’s only fair. Whatever you want.” Her final sentence was a bit staggered, coming out a little slower than the rest of her words as she thought back to how good it felt to have his mouth on her. “Dan. You and I can both agree that sushi is one of the greatest seven blessings of this world. Literally. One of, if not the greatest.”
He could only think of how her hands felt wrapped around his neck, his cock slipping against her as she teased him ‘anything you want’ he’d promised just as long as she touched him. It was too much and he didn’t want to stop thinking about her but he was going to have to let her go. “Your pussy is the first greatest blessing.” He blurted out. His ears turned pink and he immediately gave her a look that was part surprised and part embarrassed and he laughed, looking down at his feet and said, “I don’t actually know why I said that but I mean. It beats being the sixth blessing of the world?” He shrugged and leaned in close, this urge to be near her and see her smile overwhelming. But as he did, a crew member came over, a radio in hand. “You’re ready in 5 minutes.” Dan nodded and cocked his head, looking at her again. “So we good on sushi? Maybe a couple drinks? And uh. Saturday right? All day?”
Aubrey froze, looking up to him with her mouth parted in a perfect ‘oh’ shape. For once she didn’t have any sort of witty banter prepared, didn’t have something playful to retort with and that was in part because she was too busy thinking about Japan. Her face relaxed, smiling at him and letting out a laugh. She chalked his response up to being a man, I mean, that’s mostly what they thought of anyway, right? It’s not like it meant anything more than that. She was just... a good thing while they were doing it. Shrugging her shoulders, “I’ll take second place, I already said sushi was the best.” Watching the crew member move past them, she wondered if they had heard their conversation. “Time to talk about David and Lenny.” Aubrey smiled, knocking into him playfully. “That’s the plan. I’m ready. Super excited. Especially for food and drinks, like right now.”
“Me too,” he said, voice soft and genuinely happy. He could do this; he could be them again and pine for her in secret. She didn’t have to know he thought of her kiss, her hands tangled in his hair and the soft noises she made against his lips every time she was in the room. It would be just for him; a memory he’d hold onto even if that’s all it was. “I’m excited. I missed you. I know it was just a couple of days but..” and he reached a hand out, ticking her hair behind her ear. “I did.” The crew member poked his head in once more. “Come in guys, it’s time to go.” And he leaned forward and kissed her cheek, his hand finding her hip, and he squeezed gently. “I’ll try my best to make it through without falling out on the floor from hunger. But then I’m falling out on the floor after a couple drinks.”
Aubrey looked bored. And it wasn’t that she was, not entirely, just that these things dragged on longer than they needed to at times. Especially when they weren’t at liberty to really discuss too much. Rachel had been seated between them, which didn’t really make much sense to her, Dan should have been in the middle. And maybe that was why she was a little bored, she didn’t have him next to her to play off of. That and she was hungry. The promise of food had her day dreaming of sushi rolls and various flavors of sake and plum wine, nearly drooling at the thought. When the panel had ended, she waved to the audience, and quickly caught up with Dan to weave her arm through his. “Come on! I’m hungry and I’ve been thinking about sushi and plum wine all panel. I don’t know, I might be the one falling out from all the drinks. Will you carry me home? I think I might need you to do that for me.”Jan 10, 8:50 PM
Dan has been bored but he plastered on his fake smile. Rachel had been in some kind of mood and he’d wished he had Aubrey to poke and prod and tease. But it was over mercifully soon and he stood, waving bye. It was an immediate relief in his chest as she linked her arm with his. This was the second time she’d sought him out today and made the nights of drinking and moping in bed somewhat better. He smiled warmly at her and zipped up his jacket but something about carrying her home made him sad. The thought of bringing her home and tucking her in and knowing she’d not want him to stay and sleep with her, that she’d wake up tomorrow and get ready for her date. He pushed down the disappointment, not showing it on his face. “I’ll carry you over the threshold like a new bride. Scare all your neighbors while I talk about our Vegas wedding.”
Aubrey groaned, her head falling back as she let out a whine. “I am so hungry, move faster. Gizmo is impatient.” She could hear her stomach protesting and grumbling, and she actually cursed herself for not even grabbing a snack before leaving. She sped up a little, her hand slipping into Dan’s and tugging him along to where the cars to take them all back to their respective destinations were parked. Her movements mimicked the cast party a bit, except their roles were reversed and she wasn’t pushing him into the backseat with her lips attached to his, though, for a second she thought about it. Leaning forward, she tapped on the driver’s shoulder, giving him directions to the restaurant she had seen on her way in, asking him to please drop them off before she died in his backseat. “I don’t think we’ve been gone long enough for my neighbors to believe a Vegas wedding, and you gotta buy me a ring first.. Come on now, what kind of wedding would it be without a big cheesy ring.”
He snorted. “A vending machine ring it is. I’ll even make it superhero themed.” He leaned his head on tops of hers, shifting closer. A completely unbidden thought occurred and he remembered their desperation in the backseat, hands all over each other and the way she squirmed, his fingers buried deep in her as she threw her head back and came after the cast party. He sighed softly, his hand on her knee and he slid it up her thigh before stopping, pulling his hand back and sitting on it. “Who knows though you could have totally gotten married in Japan. Your husband is just an anime character so it’s sorta long distance.” He kicked his lips and looked at hers. “His loss.”
“I call batman ring, you can have a green lantern one. It’ll be symbolic of our love hate for one another.” She grinned, leaning her head on his shoulder and nuzzling into him. Maybe it was her lack of food that made her a little groggy, less energetic than she normally would be, or maybe it was just Dan’s presence that always made her so blissfully relaxed. She certainly was a different person around him. A lot brighter and a little less stoic. “But I thought the story was us getting married in Vegas? Make up your mind, Dan. Are you my husband or not?” For a moment she thought she’d caught him looking at her lips and she shook it off, that wasn’t it. “Yeah? You think so? So, does this mean you’re taking over as husband?”
He felt his heart rate pick up as she relaxed against him and he wondered how many people had ever seen her cuddly and snuggly. He figured it was a small number but he was once included and was still being included and that was an accomplishment. He watched her for a moment, rambling on her voice soft and content and couldn’t help it, he kissed her, a soft kiss to the corner of her lips, his voice soft. “I’ll take over being your favorite person to spend time with, hows that?” And the Uber driver cleared his throat. Dan blushed and paid the guy, helping her out. “I’m still down for a Vegas wedding though. I’ll wear all white you wear black, it’ll be so fitting.”
She was thankful for the driver interrupting them, otherwise she would have leaned into him and kissed him. Her lower lip quivered in the slightest when he’d pulled away, feeling the heat of his lips still on the corner of her mouth. Aubrey sucked in a breath, following him out and quickly masking the sudden urge to kiss him with relief of finally being able to get food. “I’m so fucking ready.” She grinned, “For the food...” She cleared up, but flashing him a smile anyway, “also for the wedding, though. So when’s it gonna be? I thought I’d be getting married in a pikachu onesie? Or is that only reserved for an instance where you aren’t the groom?”
He thought for a second maybe she’d kiss him and the flicker of disappointment came and went, carefully schooled into nonchalance. As they found a table, he sat and leaned in close, his eyes bright as he answered, “you can wear the onesie as lingerie. You still have it? It was very fetching. Definitely what I want to see you wearing for me on the wedding night.” And he picked up the menu, finding a drink to try and sighing. “I’ve drank so much this week. I was puking on Monday night actually.”
Her finger tapped at the menu, looking over the various sushi rolls. Mouth practically watering and she was almost considering ordering half the menu, it was all you can eat after all... and she could probably pile in most of them. Besides, she had Dan to help. “Oh yeah, it’ll be totally sexy. Yeah, I’ve still got it, why wouldn’t I?” She lifted her gaze to him, frowning at his admission, and letting her hands drop into her lap. “Why’d you drink so much, dummy?”
‘Because I’m an arsehole and made you cry’ he wanted to say but instead he looked down, thumbing at the menu and shrugged, a soft laugh spilling from his lips as he said “Because I’m an idiot.” He gave her an apologetic look, hoping maybe shed get it. That he was just an idiot for how he upset her. But he was interrupted by the waitress and he placed an order for a tempura roll and a beer before he leaned back and said with a smug look, “I’ll drink you under the table Aubrey. First beer, you have to chug it.”
She gave him a soft smile, shaking her head. Her heart felt tight in her chest and she just wanted to reach over the table and hug him... maybe, kiss him. “You’re not an idiot.” She murmured, her hands gripping at the plush seating beneath her and looking down at the menu again. When the waitress had stopped by she ordered a couple rolls and a beer, also asking for a water for both Dan and herself, not wanting them to completely suffer when they managed to get out of here. “Yeah right. I’ve got all my rowdy teen years under my belt and you’re a dad.” She laughed, “You’re on.”
He sucked in a shape breath as she told him he wasn’t an idiot and his heart felt lighter, a little less fragile and guilty. He watched her face as she ordered, looking excited about the prospect of the rolls and he felt himself mirroring her smile. “Oh yeah? I may be a dad, but it just means I’ve leaned how to drink a lot really fast because you have a small window between the time they go to sleep and when you have to sleep. Try me.” He gently nudged her foot with his and he playfully teased her calf. “You’ve got a lot of good things going for you under your belt though I’ll admit.” And he thought about how if they were still a .. thing.. he’d have probably been slipping his hand under her dress under the table.
“That doesn’t mean you can hold all those drinks, ugly.” She grinned, leaning forward over the table a bit. Her arms were crossed beneath her and she tilted her head to the side, smirking at him. “Oh yeah? Lot of good things? Like that? My ability to be a total demon, yet still the best person you’ve ever known or?” Aubrey kicked him lightly under the table, still smiling at him. “I don’t know how hungover I can let myself get tonight.”
He leaned forward, face close to hers as he raised his eyebrows and laughed. “I can hold em. If I remember I was the one coordinated enough to get us back to my place after the cast party. I was very coordinated.” He tapped his fingers restlessly on the table, thinking about how coordinated and well.. flexible they’d both been that night. “But yes I guess you do have that innate ability to be a total monster and yet my favorite person. What does that say about me? Am I the kid in school who’s parents warn him not to see that rowdy girl?” He smirked. However her admission that they couldn’t get shitty hit him like a ton of bricks and he felt his face fall, his heart sinking. Her date, that’s right. She couldn’t do much tonight. Technically they weren’t even planning Ming to have done anything and he wondered if she would have been home planning her outfit, maybe picking out some lingerie and he coughed, looking for his cigarettes. “Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll cut you off so you can be refreshed tomorrow.” He smiled softly, not mean or sarcastic but sincere. She was his best friend, and if she wanted to go on a date he’d not make it bad for her if he could help it. “I’m going to run and smoke real quick and I’ll be back in time to eat ok?”
She studied his face, his handsome features. The slight scruff and how bright his eyes were and his lips. So soft and pillowy and she found herself smiling softly, a little dazed thinking about how nice it was to kiss him. Inwardly scolding herself, she rolled her eyes, sitting back and looking up at the ceiling. What they had was done. It was a fling that meant nothing, they just needed to get their frustrations out, that was all. “You might have been like a ghost hunter in your past life. I’m the ghost you ended up becoming friends with and here we are now, reborn and best friends in the land of the living.” She laughed a little, their banter was always childish and stupid, unless it veered into sexual, which was... fairly often for them. “My hero. Though, I have a feeling you may cut me off too early.” She watched him get up to step outside, involuntarily frowning, but taking a quick swing of her drink to cover it up. Aubrey nodded, “I can text you when it gets here.”
He realized how shitty it was of him to leave and go outside and just let her sit there alone. So he shook his head and said, “I’ll be back, five minutes tops. I just need a quick drag.” He gave her a soft smile as he went outside, lighting up and sighing, his hand in his hair and he put his head in his hand after a moment. “Get a fucking grip. She doesn’t want you anymore. You’re her friend now, that’s all. You fucking idiot,” he told himself, mumbling and groaning. He took a few more puffs, the nicotine hitting his system and putting him less on edge. He made his way back in and stepped behind her, covering her eyes with his hand. He could do this. He’d not pout that she wanted another man. He just wanted her somehow anyway she wanted him. Her skin felt so soft against his fingertips, and he thought immediately of how he’d pushed his fingers into her soft mouth, how she felt and tasted. He shivered but mentally pushed it down. “Boo. I figured if you were really a ghost that I met in a past laugh you’d know the local language.” He snorted and sat down giving her a shy smile. “Sorry, it’s such a bad habit,” he said and motioned to his lighter. “You’re more of a poltergeist though. You’d hide my car keys for eternity, that’s the kind of petty you are.”
She shook her head waving him off, “No it’s fine.” Smiling at him as he walked off, and then, let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in. Things had been better today, an on and off in the realm of awkward and it was much, much better than the days they’d spent not speaking to one another. Aubrey had swapped to her water, taking slow sips and chewing on the straw as she thought. She wondered why he kissed her earlier, if he’d meant to or if she had just been talking too much and it was just a spur of the moment kind of thing. Regardless, she found herself wanting to kiss him back and she would have, had they not reached their destination. She felt the familiar warmth of his hands covering her face and she couldn’t fight the easy smile that rugged at her lips, “Is that fuck You in ghost? That might be one of your favorite phrases to throw at me.” She teased, her eyes lighting up with how good it was to fall back into their playfulness. “You’re right, I would make life increasingly difficult for you. As I do now.”
He snickered and kissed the top of her head, affectionate and grateful to be back on this sort of footing with her. As he sat down, he sipped his beer and shrugged. “You make life easier if I’m being honest. I know I tease that you make it harder but ..” he gave her a soft smile. “You make it easier to enjoy, and easier to just stop pretending to be someone I’m not.” And with that he held his glass out, touching hers to it and said, “So cheers to being my best mate.”
0 notes
aubreypara-archive · 6 years
movies with the kids and hanging out ~ aubrey and dan ~ 01/08/2017
Dan glanced over at Aubrey, eating popcorn and talking to his son. She had seemed short with him, and he swallowed hard. He just wanted things to be normal again, or at least as normal as they could be considering they’d crossed that line and sexed it up for days. And it was like a switch flipped after they were outed and he sighed, leaning over to whisper in her ear, “Want a twizzler?” His hand found her leg and he let his lips brush her ear gently, then a small kiss right below her ear before he nibbled her neck. He huffed a soft laugh against her skin, thinking of Lenny and David with the twizzlers.
Aubrey tensed under his touch, the theater was dark enough and on a normal day, she’d have played along with his advances. But the entirety of the last two days her mind had been caught up in what the achromatic has said about Dan... How they’d known about Maxton. Everything had to be true if they knew about Max. Her eyes were wide and she inched away from him slightly. “Dan...” She trailed, looking over to him and scooting a little closer to Aubrey, thankful that the children hadn’t noticed and were sucked into the movie. “You can’t do that.”
His eyes widened in what could only be described as hurt and rejection. He sat back and glanced over at her, giving her a soft shy look. “Why not? They won’t notice. They’re into this movie. Just a kiss.” He smiled softly. He wanted so badly for her to smile and kiss him,, and he had no idea why he needed that so much.
Aubrey sighed and shook her head, she rolled her eyes at him. A little irritated with how much he’d been pushing her through the duration of the movie. And she wasn’t sure if it was that she didn’t want to or if she was mad that he couldn’t make up his mind. One minute he was equally as desperate for her as she was for him and then the next, it meant nothing to him. “We’re out in public, with your kids.” She hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. “I don’t want to confuse the kids...” She crossed her arms, turning her attention back to the movie and hoping that he’d drop it, if for nothing else, the sake of his children.
He sighed. She had a point, it wouldn’t do to confuse them especially if they weren’t dating. He smiled softly with a whisper of “ok” reaching for her hand, nothing naughty just wanting to feel close to her. He laced their fingers together and hid it under his jacket. “That ok?” He asked quietly, offering her a coke.
She glanced over to him momentarily and decidedly gave in. Holding his hand wasn’t that big of a deal and it’s not like she was hurt or anything. She was just... annoyed, because maybe he should have told her that it didn’t mean anything himself rather than her have to find out via the gossip clan. Not that it really was supposed to mean much, but it would have been nice to know. Their unspoken ‘no strings attached’ policy was meant to cross into the romantic territory, not their friendship; that was supposed to mean something. Aubrey gave him a tight lipped smile, reaching over for the Coke with her free hand and whispering, “Thank you.” She looked over towards the kids who were engrossed in the bright colors of the movie, catching Willow singing along to one of the songs and smiling lightly, nudging Aubrey’s side and singing softly in his direction, urging him to join her.
Watching Aubrey playing with his kids, singing along made his heart race. He wanted to see it every day and the thought utterly terrified him. So he swallowed hard and held himself in check, at least for a while. What if he’d ruined things by letting them get caught? Could she still really be mad at him for getting them outed? Or was she upset that she seemed like a throwaway fuck? She was his best friend. She had to know she was more that that right? He leaned over towards the end of the movie, kissing her head softly and whispered, “Thanks for doing this. They’re happy. It’s good to see.” He looked down at her, expression open and sincere.
She turned and gave him a smile, a real one, and the first one of the evening since they’d been out together. She helped Dan scurry the children out of the theater and right before they walked out, she knelt down to Aubrey’s level and placed a kiss on the little boy’s cheek, leaving behind the red print of her lips. Standing up straight again, she turned her attention back to Dan, “You don’t have to thank me, you know.. I like hanging out with them. You know that. They’re sweet kids. And I’m actually not all that bad and really do like kids.” She scooped Eden up in her arms and bounced her on her hip, cooing softly at the little girl. “Did you guys like the movie?”
Seeing a real smile made his heart melt a little, feeling a hint of relief. Maybe they’d be ok. As they left and made their way to the lobby, he laughed, watching his son smile at the red print on his cheek. “That’s how you know you did good,” he said as he winked at him. “Maybe you’ll get another, who knows.” Listening to her sincere admission that she liked spending time with his kids, he smiled a little goofily and added with a snort, “Youre basically a terrifying heathen child at heart, it makes sense.” Eden babbled at her, eventually getting out a ‘dada ‘ reaching for Dan with a smile. He moved closer and held her little hand, pressed close to Aubrey. Close enough that he could kiss her while he leaned in to play with Eden. But he didn’t. “We loved it!!” Aubrey and willow shouted. Dan laughed and admitted with a shrug as he dug out his keys,” Yeah it was definitely good. Did you have fun?” He asked only Aubrey, giving a hopeful look.
She breathed in deeply, a little tense that he was so close, but she was trying hard to shake it off. She didn’t want to feel upset, she wanted things to be normal, so what if it didn’t mean anything to him... That just meant that maybe it just wasn’t working out, maybe it just wasn’t as good as she thought. “Something like that, really. I mean, I’m like... Rumplestiltskin stealing children but I’m not gonna eat them or anything.... That’s what he does, right?” She was laughing now, a little more relaxed than before, walking alongside him and Aubrey on her opposite side holding her hand that wasn’t holding up Eden. “We could do this more often.. Maybe plan out a day once a month and we can go to the movies or something, I think that’d be pretty cool.” Aubrey smiled down at the kids, “Or we could do like a theme park or something, it’d probably drive your dad crazy though, I don’t know if he can hang, he’s old. But I can party!”
He snorted and rolled his eyes. “I’m two years older Aubs. Ok not exactly a dinosaur.” Maybe things would be tense for a while and they’d even out. Or maybe she was really pissed. Or worse, maybe she realized fucking him wasn’t worth ruining her reputation or her time. And suddenly his heart sank, wondering if maybe she just didn’t think he was all that hot. Maybe he was good, but not enough to deal with his self esteem issues, and his baby momma, and his many many flaws. He didn’t blame her when he thought about it. He tried to smile and he gave her a look. “I think you’re thinking of slender man.” He took Eden in his arms and put her in the car seat, getting everyone situated. “But yes definitely, once a month. Make a day of it. You can ride rollercoatsers while I cry at the bottom so I dont have to deal with heights.” He laid his hand on Aubrey’s lower back as he led her around to the passenger side.
“That exactly makes you a dinosaur.” She smiled, tilting her head to the side as she teased him. She was going to sweep things under the rug for the time being. Aubrey knew that children were sensitive to things and she didn’t want the kids feeling any sort of discomfort, so she eased herself back into her playful banter with him. “Is that the one? I’m not all that hip with the times. But.. I am less of a dinosaur than you.” She grinned, looking back at the kids and she got into the passenger seat. “I bet you guys agree. I’m much cooler than daddy over here, huh?” Aubrey side glanced at him, smirking a little. “Wow, Dan. You’re weak. You really wouldn’t ride a roller coaster with us?”
“If im a dinosaur I’m those cool raptors you don’t get to train because you weren’t asked to do Jurassic park,” he teased. “Sorry I’m cooler than you now.” And it felt normal again for a moment, enough that he almost forgot as they got back on the road. But the ‘daddy’ coming from her lips suddenly made him swallow hard, his hand gripping the wheel a little tighter. “I would ride the teacup rides. And a carousel. The ultimate theme park mom. I’ll wear a fanny pack too.”
“Low blow..” She glared, stopping herself from calling him an asshole. Though, she was certain he knew that the word would have been quick to tumble past her lips should the kids have not been in the care. “That doesn’t make you cooler, I’m married to the man who trains those cool raptors.” Aubrey grinned, rolling her eyes up to the car’s ceiling, and smiling at him for a moment. “You’re lame. Tea cups? Carousels? No roller coasters. If you’re the theme park mom does this mean I’m like... the dad?”
He gave her a teasing smile, knowing she wanted to call him names but she couldn’t and he was smug about it. “You’re the theme park dad that has to carry all kids while I shop in the souvenir store.” He snickered but Willows whisper from the backseat made him turn slightly and look at her. “You ok darling?” And she tugged his jacket and whispered, not very subtle, “Wait is she married? So she can’t be your girlfriend?” And she looked so serious he almost laughed and he looked over at Aubrey, a blush on his cheeks. “No it was a joke. But we’ll talk about the other part. Later.” He coughed. “Much later. Like when you’re 25.”
Aubrey snorted upon hearing Willow’s obnoxious whisper that was meant to be only heard by her father. She turned towards Willow, smiling at her, “I’m not really married,” lifting her hand up to show her that there was no ring on her finger, “Just fake married, like on tv. My good friend Starlord, I was married to him on tv. He was much more round and fluffy when we were married, though. And now he has abs and lots of girls love him because he’s a superhero.” Aubrey laughed at her somewhat childish explanation of her fake marriage, completely ignoring the girlfriend thing, though... it did give her a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach that she couldn’t quite pin down.
Willow giggled; Dan tried to suppress a pang of jealousy. “I know starlord! He’s such a cool hero. He was your husband on tv? She looked star struck. Then: “Dad was fat too, he used to be squishy so maybe he can be a hero too.” And Dan blushed again, running his hand through his hair. “I’m already a hero, I just have tickling as my secret power. You hate it don’t you?” Willow squeaked “Don’t tickle me I’ll kick you.” He rolled his eyes. “I can’t now anyway princess, I’ll drive into the median if I try and our night would be a little more on the ruined side.” He absentmindedly reached for Aubrey’s hand, before pulling back, just touching her hand with his palm. “I think Edens asleep, can you help me get her out so I can unbuckle them?” He pulled in our front, the light already dim in the sunset. It was a pretty view and he sighed, wishing he was home more to enjoy it, or to have them come around every night. And Aubrey, he thought. She could come more and do this often.
Aubrey nodded her head, a little proud of her friend and former tv husband. “He’s pretty cool, but you know, your dad is going to be a really cool sorta hero... I mean, your dad and I are like, something.” She laughed, a little unsure of how to describe the relationship between David and Lenny. Once they pulled up, she nodded, “I’ll grab her.” Getting out of the car, she moved slowly and quietly over to where Eden’s car seat was strapped in and pulling her out carefully. “Shh, shh. Go back to sleep, baby. Shh.” She placed her hand on the back of her head, patting her back gently and rocking her back to sleep. “Are they staying over?” She asked him quietly.
He unbuckled the kids, helping them out of his ‘dad suv’. He looked over as Aubrey got Eden out, her hands cradling the little girl and he smiled softly. It was sweet, seeing her with kids. Eden tangled her hand in Aubrey’s hair and sighed, drooling slightly as she went back to sleep on her shoulder. He focused his attention on what she’d asked him as the kids made their way inside and he sighed sadly. “No they’re going home soon. Susie’s on her way to pick them up. It’s a school night after all and it’s not my week.” He ushered her in and started the coffee pot with a sigh, cracking his neck to the side as he pulled off his jacket. “I’ll take her if you go on coffee duty. Don’t make mine black like your soul Aubrey, you disgusting alien.”
She pressed her lips to the small girl’s head, feeling warm and fuzzy when she nuzzled into her. It was weird, how her motherly instincts kicked in with Dan’s kids even if she wasn’t entirely sure that she wanted any of her own. Aubrey was reluctant in handing Eden over, nodding and making her way towards the kitchen, smiling to herself at him. “You’re the weirdo. Black coffee is the good kind.” Snickering, she mumbled an okay, that she’d make him his basic white girl coffee, and leaned against the counter waiting on it to brew. “Does she not trust you to drive them to school in the morning?” Her eyebrow quirked as she watched him get them settled to wait on their mother.
He watched her hand Eden over, the way she held her close and kissed her head and he felt a tug at his heartstrings, settling Eden into his arms before he leaned against the counter with a sigh, his hip pressed to the marble and he bit his lip. bouncing his daughter in his arms, he replied, voice low so he wouldn’t be overheard by the kids, “ She doesn’t trust me to take them anywhere. Like I’m going to run off with them or something. But no, she’s very picky about when I can keep them overnight and it’s usually only if she has a hot date. Which the doctor she was fucking behind my back,” he snorted. “It’s alright, I’ll get them next week. “They love you, you know,” he said with a warm smile at her. “Here, I changed my mind, you hold her, I’ll make the libations.”
Happily, she pushed off the counter and carefully transferred the child into her arms. Cradling her and rocking her gently as she stirred from the sudden movement. Aubrey hummed a lullaby softly in her ear, swaying and spinning around slowly. She rolled her eyes as her talked about Susie and how awful she was to him, despite everything that had been going around between them in the last few days, Dan didn’t deserve her bullshit one bit. And that was something she stood by. “Mm, well, she should count her blessings. There’s not many men out there who want to be prominent parts of their children’s lives.” She stood close to him, smiling gently. “I love them too. And you’re a good dad, seriously, don’t forget that.”
He stopped his somewhat restless movements as he made their coffee, turning and looking at her, his expression soft and grateful. “You think so? It means a lot. From you,” and he leaned in, about to try and kiss her when the door pushed open and Susie looked up from her phone, taking a second to register how close they were and Eden in Aubrey’s arms. He pulled back and looked down at the floor, immediately cowed by her. He cleared his throat. “They’re getting their things. Just a couple of minutes.” As much as her anger usually had him submissive, he unconsciously moved in front of Aubrey, wanting to keep her out of the wrath of his ex. “Why does your girlfriend think she can hold her?” He glared. “Because I told her to.”
Aubrey looked from the woman to Dan, raising an eyebrow as he moved in front of her. She frowned a bit, shifting on her feet and handing Eden to Dan. “I’m not here to step on any toes.” She told Susie carefully, her voice flat and even. “I’m also not his girlfriend.” She looked at the woman, not intimidated in the slightest by her, though in did piss her off that she treated Dan like a rag doll she could toss around and abuse as she pleased. Keeping her voice low, she narrowed her eyes at Susie, “Just so you’re aware, he’s their father and gets a say in what goes on with them. Specifically because he’s not some deadbeat who’s going to abandon his kids.” And with that she turned quickly, listening to the children shuffle around and pick up their things. “Here, let me help.” She said, helping them pack up their backpacks.
The kitchen was an awkward silence, Susie not sure how to respond considering she’d never had someone stick up for Dan in her presence. And Dan for his part, bit his nails as he watched Aubrey getting the kids ready. The coffee pot beeped and he turned, making coffee as he tried to ignore his ex. “You got everything?” He asked the kids as they grabbed their bags. “Yeah, thank you Aubrey,” they said in unison, giving her a hug. He led them to the door, bending and hugging them both, clinging for a fraction of a second too long and his ex sighed. As they left, he looked over at Aubrey, an apologetic smile. “It’s always awkward when they leave, I’m sorry. Even without you here I promise. They had fun though,” he said as he pressed the mug into her hand and made his way to the living room.
Aubrey said goodbye to the kids and watched them walk out the door, glaring at Susie’s back as she left with the kids. She turned to Dan and raised her eyebrows at him, “Why do you let her treat you like that?” She took a sip of her coffee, genuinely feeling awful that she would treat him like that, especially in front of their kids. “You don’t deserve that, Dan. You’re better than that and you know it. Why let her treat you like you aren’t?”
He shrugged, his cheeks pink honestly not sure why he let her always make him out to be a piece of shit when she was the one who’d left him. “I don’t know,” he breathed out and took a sip of coffee. “It’s fine. I’m used to it. I’m sorry she went off on you, but I refuse to let it ruin an otherwise great day,” he said with a soft laugh. “Aubrey had a fantastic day. He’s gonna have a thing for you now, watch out. Want pizza? I’ll order. Just hang out for a bit, watch trash tv.”
She couldn’t leave him now, even if things felt weird. She felt bad that Susie was such a bitch to him and she knew that even if he didn’t show it, it hurt him. “Yeah, sounds good. I’ll stick around for a little.” Aubrey nudged him and nodded her head over towards the living room, laughing at his mention of his son’s crush on her. “It won’t last long. He’ll move on to someone younger and prettier.” She grinned, plopping down into his couch and pulling her legs up.
“Someone younger and prettier for him means they’re not born yet so.” He snorted , thankful that she’d agreed to stay with him for a while. It always hurt when the kids left and nothing really filled that gap, but the last couple of times it at least helped to have her company. “Willow is gonna sleep on her panda bear every night by the way.” He ordered the pizza on his app, knowing her favorite kind already, and leaned over on her, his arm around her shoulders and his head on hers. “You know. The kids are gone. Nobody to confuse..” He gave her a smirk, before sipping his coffee. “Of course we don’t have the romantic affects of a children’s movie playing but we could make do.”
She had to laugh, she really did and it was soft and bright and genuine. She found herself leaning back into his touch involuntarily and she wanted to kiss him. But she shook it off quickly, he had to make up his mind. Snapping back into reality, Aubrey shook her head, turning around to playfully poke his chest. “I’m gonna have to call a no go on that.” She grinned, looking up at him, her expression a little softer than usual. “We really gotta be careful when we’re out. People will actually, probably think we’re dating for real.”
He looked down at her finger being pressed to his chest. She was turning him down again and he didn’t know how to react. It stung and he tried to push it down. So he plastered on a fake smile, trying not to let it upset him. She probably wanted to stop things, save her career and reputation and god only knew how bad it would suffer if it ever got out what he’d done to get where he was. She’d be a joke. So he decided he’d go along with it, pretend they weren’t a thing. That they’d never done.. all that.. shared all that intimacy. If it was best for her. He’d do whatever she needed. Her words though cut through his rejection though and for her sake, he decided to drop the romantic bullshit since it wasn’t going anywhere and he laughed, leaning his head back on the couch, giving her a bright smile. “Us dating? I don’t think anyone would believe that.”
She looked at him, an eyebrow raised and suddenly she could feel he heart tighten in her chest and she wasn’t sure how to react. Aubrey swallowed hard, her vision beginning to blur as she tried to process what exactly it was she was feeling. She bit down on her lower lip, willing, practically begging herself not to do this. Hoping to god that she wasn’t about to cry over him pretty much saying that them together would be something more of a joke than anything. She stood up, quick and swift and turned her back to him. She cleared her throat, making a quick grab for her keys, “I have to go, Dan.”
As he looked at her, his smile slowly faded, his brows knitting together in concern. Her eyes were wet, her lower lip quivered and he realized, a sick feeling in his stomach that she was upset. He sat up, giving her his full attention but as he opened his mouth to say something, to put a hand on her shoulder, to try and comfort her somehow, she was already standing up. He sat dumbfounded for a moment, finally saying pleadingly, “Aubrey, wait. What’s wrong. Darling, talk to me ok? Don’t leave.” And he moved off the couch to follow her across the room, to try and get her attention.
Aubrey stopped in front of his front door, her hand already curled around the handle. She shook her head and for a minute she wanted to laugh at how dramatic this was. How stupid it was that she was about to cry over the thought that he’d think they were a joke. Over the possibility that everything the achromatic had said about them was true, that is wasn’t going to amount to anything. And Aubrey had to wonder if she did want it to amount to anything. A thought she’d end up shrugging off because even if she might had, it wouldn’t be. “I don’t want to talk to you right now, Dan.” Her grip on the handle tightened and she wondered if he’d run after her or just let her go. “I’ll see you later, alright. I’ll call you tomorrow or something.” She opened the door and walked out. Her pace quickening, just in case he’d try to stop her.
Dans heart shattered at her words and he knew he’d somehow messed up, badly. And he wondered if she was upset that he’d laughed, that maybe the thought of her being dateable was laughable. She had to know she was a catch, that any guy would be happy with her, right? That she wasn’t whatever he’d made her think. Undesirable or ugly or hard to be with. He felt all the breath leave his lungs and he chased after her, catching up to her outside and trying to reach for her hand. “Aubrey, sweetheart I didn’t mean to offend you, I didn’t mean you weren’t a catch. You are. I’m sorry, just please come back inside? Talk to me?” And he stopped, realizing she wasn’t going to. And he huffed out a breath, feeling helpless and stupid and like an utter asshole.
She heard his footsteps chasing after her, picking up her speed. She was going to cry and she didn’t want him seeing that. Didn’t want him thinking, not even for a minute that she was one of those weak girls that cried over a man, because who needed one of those anyway? So what if he was her best friend? He was still a man and she wasn’t about to cry over him, except she was. And she stood in front of her car, pausing for a minute, debating on whether she should pull it together and go back inside or just go. The latter was ultimately her best option. Aubrey sped out of Dan’s neighborhood, an odd sound, something between a whimper and a sob escaping her lips and she could feel how heavy her heart was in her chest. Something she hadn’t felt in a long time. “Stupid fucking Dan.” She grumbled, gripping the steering wheel and blinking quickly in attempts to even out her eyesight, a few tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Fucking shit. I’m such a fucking arse!” He yelled loudly, his hands in his hair as he sighed, glaring down an elderly neighbor that had looked at him having a breakdown in the driveway. “What? You never seen someone yell about how fucking idiotic they are before?” She’d cried. It was obvious and knowing her, she was trying to not let anyone know. But it was unmistakable. Even if he’d never seen her cry and that’s how he knew he’d messed up; she’d never shed a tear around him in almost 2 years. He walked back inside, making himself a strong drink and tossing it back. The doorbell rang and his heart lept, quickly opening the door. “Aubrey, I’m so—“ and he stopped himself, the pizza man staring at him. “That’s uh. 20.58 man” he said, confused. Dan grabbed the pizza and sighed handing him the money and he locked the door closed, considering tossing it in the trash. He didn’t feel like eating, but he thought of Aubrey and how she’d probably be mad he wasted good food so he took a bite, flopping down with a scowl, drinking alone again for another night.
0 notes
aubreypara-archive · 6 years
japan adventures ~ aubrey and dan ~ 01/01/2018
Aubrey and Dan had reconvened the next afternoon, giving herself a little bit of time to cover up the mess that was her hangover. Groaning, she clutched a cup of coffee she had picked up from the hotel lobby, making way to where she and Dan agreed to meet up at. She had sunglasses on in attempts to shield herself from that god awful light endured headache and she spotted Dan. Power walking over to him, she tapped on his shoulder, quickly moving in front of him when he’d looked back. “Boo! Saw you kissing someone last night, how’d that go?” She questioned, feeling an odd pang of jealousy.
Dan had maybe overdone it the night before, ditching out of the party after a while to smoke a joint with Brendon and Frank, grabbing a bite to eat. But he would admit that it had helped his hangover that he’d gotten something greasy late at night. He pulled his beanie on, his scarf and his sunglasses and made his way to the spot he’d said he’d meet Aubrey. He’d missed her in the chaos that was New Years, but he was happy they spoke most of the night and they’d be hanging out today. A sappy part of him thought of her and his brain yelled at him that’s my best friend I love her. He blushed at the idea that she’d become so important to him. He was taken by surprise as she tapped his shoulder and moved in front of him, but he beamed at her nonetheless. “God, I’m too hungover, don’t you ‘boo’ at me, you monster.” He took his hand through his hair and laughed softly. “I did yeah. But he was so unresponsive it was unreal. He wasn’t into it, I wasn’t into it. It was a clusterfuck. I might as well have kissed a statue. At least they’d be a little hard. I saw you kissing someone too. How was that?” And he hoped she’d say something like ‘not as good as you’ and he internally chastised himself. He’d been jealous all morning even if he’d tried telling himself he wasn’t. He wanted to be the one kissing her at midnight and ruining that lipstick.
Aubrey shrugged her shoulders at his question. “Eh, it was a kiss.” She laughed, a little relieved at the mention that he and Alex hadn’t hit it off like that. And for a minute she wondered if it would have been better if they kicked off the new year kissing each other. Shaking the thought off, she eyed him, tilting her sunglasses up to get a good look at him. “You look awful, like you got hit by a train awful. What the fuck did you do last night?” Maybe he had gone out with Alex... maybe the kids hadn’t been great but maybe other things had been great. She almost regretted heading back up to her hotel room with two bottles of champagne stashed in her purse and spending the rest of her night alone with both said bottles.
“It was just a kiss?” He almost laughed in relief. “Well at least I’m still the champ at messing up that red lipstick.” He snorted and shrugged. “The honest truth? Don’t judge me ok? I smoked a joint with Brendon and Frank and went on the hunt for greasy food with them which is probably the only reason I’m up right now because I was double fisting wine glasses last night. Then I passed out in my contacts, hence why I look like one of your evil minions from the underworld today with this bloodshot mess.” And he pulled his glasses off and winked at her. “Sexy huh? This pink eye get you goin cause darling I’ve got plenty of it.” He snorted and offered his arm out to her. “I wish I’d have woken up in your bed, I could have scared you looking like something from the exorcist.”
“You got high? And without me?” She placed her hand over her chest dramatically, an overly animated display of faux betrayal. She clutched her chest, one hand coming up to press against her forehead making a disappointed sound. Standing straight she approached him, her hand fisting in his sweater and the other coming up to pat his cheek. ��But the most handsome evil minion.” Aubrey laughed, taking him in, in his glasses. He was kinda cute. “Uh, I’m glad you didn’t, I was really living up to my demon self. I toughed our the contacts and makeup for you.•
He snorted. “I’m sure you can think of a way for me to make it up to you.” With a smirk, he couldn’t help but place his hands on her hips, his fingers dipping under the waistband of her pants while he tugged her close. Her hand in his sweater made him suck in a breath while she complimented him. “Handsome hm? I thought I was feo,” he joked. “You didn’t have to tough it out for me, I think you’re gorgeous no matter what you have on. Don’t forget, I’ve seen you in every manner of made up and undressed now.”
“Yeah,” She leaned up on her toes, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, “You can eat me out.” As soon as the last word left her lips, Aubrey stepped back, a wide grin on her face. “It is ugly, feo. But sometimes I gotta be nice to you. I can’t always be an abusive bitch.” She slid her arm through his, a soft blush dusting her cheeks as he spoke. She wasn’t sure about this banter between them, or how many lines they’d cross with each other but she found herself wanting to push the buttons more and more. “Not quite everything. You haven’t seen everything until you’ve seen me puking in the toilet or fuck, like what if I was coked out? Imagine?”
He swallowed hard, imagining shoving her down on the hotel bed and eating her out, her legs over his shoulders and her hands fisted in his hair. “Yeah? Well I’ll make sure not to order room service tonight if I’m gonna eat that well.” He laughed, his ears pink and he started off in the direction of food and adventure. He gently laced her hand in his. This relationship had changed, they weren’t just friends holding hands anymore but maybe that’s what made it so exciting; he was holding her hand and talking about all the filthy things they could get up to behind closed doors. “I’ve seen the puking. But not the coked out. Good lord, imagine. The whole town would be up in flames,” he teased. “But it could be pretty fun in bed,” he said fake thoughtful as he stroked his chin.
She smiled, shrugging her shoulders lightly. “I don’t think I’ll have to remind you, I think you’ll be looking forward to it.” She teased, her body becoming a little warmer at the thought. Her fingers laced easily with his, It was comfortable, and if anyone questioned them, they were just best friends. Which, they were, just a different kind of best friends... the kind that couldn’t keep their hands off of each other and she began to wonder when exactly their resolve broke. “Maybe not coke, babe... maybe something more psychedelic. Anyway, if you really wanted to go that way I know where we could get some good stuff from.” Aubrey smirked, her hand tightening in his.
He bumped her shoulder with his and gave her a surprised look. “Wait you know where to get psychedelic drugs from? And I’m just now being told about this? You’re awful, holding out on me. And here I thought we were friends.” He found an alleyway between buildings and tugged her into it with him, pushing her against the brick wall and kissing her roughly, his hands wandering before he pulled back. “Sorry, I had to. I think I’m good now,” he said with a lick of his lips before he heard his phone ringing in his coat pocket. He didn’t want to pull away to answer it, keeping her pressed to the wall instead.
Aubrey merely shrugged, smiling softly. She wasn’t about to tell him that Jax dabbled in creating his own heavy psychedelic drugs, but she did have an in to the good shit and could provide. “I’ve got an inner circle or something like that. Been running with ‘bad’ crowds my whole life.” She glanced up at him momentarily before she was gasping into his lips, her hands instantly moving to grip at his clothing and pulling him close to her as she moved her lips against his. Aubrey groaned audibly when he answered the phone, smirked, she leaned up pressing her lips to his neck, nipping at his skin. “Pay attention to me. You can’t get a girl excited like that and leave me hanging.”
He groaned softly as he looked at the display on his phone and realized it was his ex wife. He answered it, but kept Aubrey pressed up against the wall, rolling his hips lazily against hers, his other hand slipping under her coat and shirt. “I’ll still give you plenty of attention, don’t worry,” he smirked and then said, voice dropping it’s low aroused honeyed quality, and veering into exasperated, “No, not you. What do you need?” After a beat, he sounded a little more concerned. “Are the kids ok? Ok good.” He managed to slip his hand under her bra, casually rolling her nipple under his thumb. “Then yes I’ll call them in a few minutes to FaceTime. Tell them I love them. Ok.” And he ended the call and stuffed his phone back in his pocket, his attention back on Aubrey and he kissed her again, desperately and rough. “Sorry, now what’s this about getting you excited?”
She bit her lip, letting out a loud and obnoxious moan, the minute she realized it was his ex wife on the line. A playful, mischievous glint in her honey brown eyes, leaning her head back against the wall behind her. “Mmmm, Dan.” Aubrey panted, her voice raising a few octaves in pitch, smiling brightly at him. She licked her lips, then threw her head back in laughter when he’d hung up on her. Pushing her hips up into his, “I said,” Aubrey leaned up, pulling his lips back to hers, “That you can’t go getting me all excited and not deliver. That’s not how this works.”
He snorted and mumbled against her lips, “She heard you, you know and I for one am proud.” With a smirk, he let his lips trail down her jaw, to her neck and he bit down gently, teasing her as he rocked his hips into her. “And how exactly would you like me to deliver hm? You want me to fuck you against this wall?” And just as he was getting into it, his phone rang again. “For the love of Christ, what does she want now?” He was tempted to not answer, instead continuing to roll her rosy nipples under his fingers, letting it ring.
“It’d be too cold, teenager way It this go.” She mumbled, rolling her hips into his. Internally cursing the biting cold weather and the way she’d had to wear layers and pants. Aubrey tugged on the belt loops of his pants, an annoyed sound escaping her lips when she felt the vibration of his phone pressed against her. “Answer her and tell her she doesn’t own you anymore. Fuck.” She rolled her eyes, tugging roughly on his clothing. She leaned up again and kissed him hard, a little peeved that his ex had been calling him non stop.
He snickered against her lips and pulled his phone out. “I was planning to hit ignore, but would you like to do the honors and tell her yourself?” He let her tug his clothes and he felt an even harder pang of lust in his stomach. “Fuck,” he breathed out against her lips and rocked his hips harder to hers, embarrassingly turned on by dry humping like teenagers after school.
She exhaled heavily, blindly reaching for his phone and answering. She pulled the phone away from her ear upon answering, his ex already shrieking expletives into the phone. Aubrey rolled her eyes, a whimper escaping her lips as he rolled against her harder. “Can you, fuck...” Aubrey breathed out, biting down hard on her lower lip, no doubt her panties already soaked from the rough friction. “Dan, shit. Hang on...” she shifted, parting her legs and closing any space left between them. “Hey lady, can you like... let him fuck me. He’ll cal you back when he’s done.” Aubrey hung up quick and slid the phone into his back pocket and pressing her lips to his neck to muffle a moan.
His eyebrows raised and he gave her a sharp laugh, his eyes bright and mischievous before she pulled him into a rough kiss. “I can’t believe you told her to let me fuck you, you’re fucking amazing,” he muffled against her lips in a deep kiss, his tongue playing against hers and he tugged her bottom lip hard. The new angle, pressed up against her as close as they could get was amazing and he felt his cock dripping through his boxers, no doubt smearing a wet spot on the front. “Fuck, I could literally cum like this babe,” he breathed out and his hips stuttered in their rhythm, just desperately rutting against her his hand tangled in her hair and his lips smashed to hers.
She laughed into their kiss, her fingers carding through his hair, tugging roughly at the strands. Her tongue played and moved alongside his, humming lightly at his delightful taste and warmth. “She’s going to know it was me... probably.” Aubrey breathed out, moaning as he rubbed against her. The rough fabric of their jeans rubbing against her, and pulling a pleasured cry from the back of her throat. “She keeps fucking bugging you, it’s annoying.” Her hand traveled between them, rubbing against him and feeling a damp spot in the front of his jeans, “Cum for me, Dan, come on.” Aubrey pulled back, tugging playfully on his lower lip. “Come on Daddy, then we can explore and eat lunch and you can have dessert and play with me later.”
Her fingers in his hair was pure bliss and he moaned harshly as she tugged, the action going right to his cock and he didn’t care if his ex knew it was her. He didn’t care if anyone knew it was her making him desperately claw at her hips, holding her tight to the wall as he listened to her moaning and gasping and crying out with each roll of their hips. Her hand against his sensitive head, even through the fabric of his jeans was hot and amazing and he pressed his face into her neck, muffling a moan at her words. ‘Come on daddy’ he clenched his fingers in her jacket. ‘We can explore and eat lunch and you can have dessert and play with me later’ and that was all it took, the promise of having her to himself for the afternoon, of being out with her and teasing her and playing with her and her pretty smile while he fed her dessert had him coming hard, his legs shaking with the effort of keeping them upright. “Fuck Aubs,” he panted against her neck, his hair a little sweaty and his eyes closed.
Her hands were quick and they moved everywhere. Something people wouldn’t expect from her at first glance, she was very touchy. She she dragged her pointer finger from his chest all the way up to his chin, her fingers gently gripping at his jaw and turning his face up to look at her. “Better, Daddy?” She hummed, her eyes still lit up mischievously and that wide smile etched onto her face. “Hmm? Later, back at the hotel, you can have dessert,” Aubrey winked, letting go of his face and moving her hands to tug at his sweater and adjust his clothing as best she could before moving to fix her own a little. Her expression and tone of voice regaining its usual ‘in public’ look, running a hand through his messed up hair. “I’m gonna need you to get it together, babe. And probably call your ex again so you can talk to your kids. Got it?” One of her hands came up to pat his cheek a little roughly, something between a pat and a smack, leaning up to kiss his lips briefly before spinning out from between him and the wall.
He sighed softly, looking down at his jeans. “Much better but I can already tell I’m gonna be sticky and uncomfortable but It was worth it.” Her light smack to his cheek had him smiling at her, goofy and stupid as he gently ran a hand through her hair. “I’m gonna be holding you to the hotel thing.” He pushed his hair out of his face and grabbed for his phone, groaning as he did. “I’m calling back, I just don’t wanna hear her banshee wails.” He snorted as he held the phone up to his ear. “Yes hi. No, I don’t wanna speak with you, put my children on the phone.” A beat and his face looked angry. “No I’m not doing this right now, switch to FaceTime and give the kids the phone.” He rolled his eyes and snorted again as he took Aubrey’s hand. “Hey kiddos!” He said excitedly as he switched on FaceTime. “Guess who I’m playing in Japan with? “ and he turned the phone to Aubrey, listening to the happy chaos as they tried to say hi.
“Have I ever let you down?” She gave him a look, rolling her eyes at him playfully. She cringed a little at the sound of his ex’s voice coming through the speaker, loud enough that Dan didn’t even need the speakerphone for her to hear the woman complaining. “Why does she wanna hear about your sex life so bad, damn. If she didn’t give it to ya good while she had you.” Aubrey rolled her eyes, leaning against the brick wall of the alley, and taking his hand, pulling him out towards the shops. She smiled when he had brought her up to the kids, watching how his face instantly lit up speaking to them. It was kinda cute, seeing how happy and committed he was to those tiny lives her helped create. Aubrey heard her name from the three kids, screaming hellos her her and she smiled brightly, waving at the three. “Hey guys!!! It’s so cool here. Your dad and I are gonna bring back so much good sh-stuff! Any requests?”
He snorted as she tried to stop from cursing. He held her hand tighter, her hand so warm and soft in his while they walked. It was adorable really, to watch them so excited to talk to her. And to see Aubrey do good with them. He didn’t know what the weird feeling was in his chest but he quickly stamped it down, something fuzzy and warm and domestic. He shook his head and leaned into the frame. “Yeah what can we bro g you back?” He watched willow co wider it and she yelled out “A panda bear! I want a panda stuffed animal.” He beamed at her. “You have so many, you sure you want another stuffed animal?” She nodded.
Aubrey turned to glare at Dan and shoved her hand in his face. “Of course we’ll bring back a panda bear. Your dad is being a party pooper. I’ll bring you the biggest panda bear.” She grinned, turning her attention back to the phone as she walked off with it, turning the camera away from her face and towards the street. She showed the kids the little store fronts and displays that were around explaining what each one was to them. “There’s so much cool stuff in these stores!” She exclaimed, bouncing on her toes, the phone shaking lightly in her hands. She turned the screen back to her, turning around and looking for Dan. “I think I lost your dad.”Jan 2, 9:39 PM
He watched her run off with his phone, promising her a giant bear and he rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t have hid his smile. She was going a lot faster than he could walk and he tried to keep up but he gave up and laughed, stopping at a street vendor to get hot chocolate. He finally found her near a little niche shop full of souvenirs and he caught up to her, saying as he panted slightly and handed her a cup, “you stole my children and ran off. If I didn’t k ow any better I’d think you were trying to become the favorite. And just leave me in your dust.” He wanted to say more but he caught himself, remembering to keep the teasing PG.
“There he is!” She grinned, turning that she could get Dan in the frame also. Graciously accepting the warm cup of cocoa. Taking a sip, she smiled, handing the phone back to him and shrugging. She leaned into the frame, still speaking to the children, “You don’t know better than...” Aubrey rolled her eyes at him, shoving him gently. “I am trying to become the favorite and leave you in my dust. Is it working, kids?” She pointed to the phone, in his son’s general direction, “Hey name twin we got a movie date when we get back from tour!” She hopped excitedly, moving out of the frame to take a seat on a bench nearby.
“Yay!” Aubrey yelled excitedly that he was getting his ‘date’. Dan snorted and added, “Hey you wanna be a real gentleman and I’ll even give you the money to buy her popcorn and a drink. Ladies love it.” He was beaming at them, couldn’t stop smiling and he wished so much that they were with him and Aubrey, holding hands and exploring each store. He wanted custody more than he could ever remember wanting it. “I love you guys. Very much. And I miss you,” he said softly. “I’ll bring back as much as I can fit in this suitcase and I’ll buy a second one if I can. We’ll take you here one day.” And he pointed the phone at Aubrey again. “You ready to find this bear you promised? I hope you know she’s holding you to it,” he laughed. He sat next to her and placed his arm on the back of the bench around her shoulders. “Anything else you wanna add before we go on the hunt for souvenirs?”
Aubrey shook her head, waving goodbye to the kids and blowing a kiss at them. She’d only really spent that one night with them, but she had so much fun with them and Dan that she found herself wanting to hang out with them more and more. “I promise I’ll get that bear, scouts honor!” She grinned, leaning her head on Dan’s shoulder. She sipped at her hot chocolate, content with just sitting and resting against him for a moment. “You think she’d let you bring them to Japan... I mean, it’s awfully far from home. She’d probably request coming with.”
He sighed softly as he put his phone away. “I don’t know. I hope she would.. I mean if it’s my week with them I can’t see why I wouldn’t be allowed. I want custody, Aubrey. I really really do,” he said softly and looked down at his hands, his mouth turned down into a small frown. “She can fuck off, she’s not coming to Japan,” he said after a moment, voice deadpan and he looked down at Aubrey, breaking into a soft laugh. “Can you see me dealing with that? I’d go find that forest that people go to around here to hang themselves. At least if it was with you, I’d have a blast. I know they’d love it. So no if I do it, it’s gonna be with someone I actually want to explore with.”
“I think if you work at it, you’ll get it. Besides, he’s not very attentive of them anyway.. I’m sure you could build up a case against her. I mean, Christmas was a pretty shitty time for her to just abandon them like she did.” Aubrey’s voice was soft and serious, and her free hand patted his thigh, giving him a gentle squeeze. She hated seeing Dan get so upset, but he had his reasons, valid reasons and she’d do whatever for him if he’d ask. “I think she’d just want to make sure you’re not screwing random girls in alleyways.” She laughed, shaking her head. “We did kinda piss her off back there... but then again, she shouldn’t be calling you so much. She’s ex wife, not current wife and doesn’t need to be all up on your dick all the time.” She shrugged, frowning a bit, “Mmm, definitely can’t let you go there, nope. So I guess no ex wife allowed.”
With a soft laugh, he replied, pulling her closer and gently kissing her head, quick and subtle. “We pissed her off sure, but she pissed me when I walked in on her and someone else when I came home early from filming so I think we’re even.” He laughed, obviously not actually bothered by it, having not really cared all that much when she had done that. At least it was the confirmation that they needed a divorce. “I’ll fuck you in an alley any day.” Her hand on his thigh was nice and comforting and he placed his hand on hers. “Thanks. I’m glad you won’t leave me alone to wander through a different country with a banshee. And for the pep talk. I think I’ll call my lawyer when I get back and see what I can do.” He gulped his hot chocolate and asked, “so are you finding this bear? You have a big task you’ve taken on. I don’t know if you can handle it.”
Aubrey wondered for a minute if it was still something that hurt him and if his anger towards his wife was just built up hurt. And for a second she felt her chest tighten, only to relax when she heard him laugh. “She had the nerve to cheat and the she gets mad when you’re having sex with someone?” She found it a little bit ridiculous, how much this woman had wanted to control Dan when a, she was in a relationship and b, she’d cheated on him. It didn’t make sense to her and she wondered if there was any intention of getting back with him if she could. “I wouldn’t let you suffer at the hand if another woman, that’s my job.” Aubrey grinned, scooting forward and hopping off the bench, her hand in Dan’s tugging him up with her. “There’s nothing i can’t handle. I’m gonna get her the biggest bear. You watch.”
“Does this suffering you’re saying is your job also involve stepping on me in a pair of stilettos? That’s the kind of suffering I’m here for.” He gave her a playful nudge with his shoulder as she pulled him up, wrapping his arms around her for a moment and pretending to topple them over. “So you’re saying you can handle big things. Good to know.” He straightened up and took her hand again, grabbing his coffee and walking with her towards the shops. “You’re good with the kids.” And he wasn’t sure why he blurted that out, maybe he just wanted to let her know that she was good for them or maybe he wanted her to stick around for them. But he swallowed hard and shrugged. “They like people alright but they don’t take to anyone really. Her boyfriend especially so it’s nice that they have at least one parent that surrounds themselves with good people.”
“Oh so that’s how you wanna go? Being stepped on in a pair of stilettos.” She laughed covering her mouth and muffling the sound. Glancing over to him, she just shook her head. Their playful, flirtatious banter was fun and them. And she enjoyed it, despite not being the overly affectionate type, it was different with Dan. “I thought you knew this? Thought we tested that theory already?” She was tugging him along, stopping every now and then to look in the window of the toy shops, peeking in to see if she could spot a bear she deemed big enough for Willow. Aubrey’s cheeks turned a little red, feeling the warmth from his sudden compliment. “I.. uh, I like kids. Your kids are pretty cool, too.” She shrugged, playing it off as if it wasn’t something that was much of a big deal. “Kids are smart. They know who really cares and who’s just pretending for the sake of it. You can’t fool a child.”
“You definitely can’t fool mine. They’re very smart. Did you know that Willow won her school spelling bee and that Aubrey can read at a third grade level?” And he blushed realizing he was gushing. He smiled down at her and added, “Sorry, I’m being a total nerd.” He finished his hot cocoa and squeezed her hand gently. “You’ll understand when you have kids one day, it’s like part of you turns into this mush machine.” He snorted and stopped in his tracks. “That’s a pikachu onesie and I really have this weird urge to see you in it..” he said with a confused sort of smile. “I have no idea why I just think you’d be the most adorable, yet terrifying pikachu?”
Aubrey watched how he lit up talking about his kids. Brining up Willow’s spelling bee victory and Aubrey’s impressing reading level. His smile was infectious, as was his mood, and she couldn’t help but grin alongside him. Listening intently to all of their accomplishments. She nudged him with her elbow, smiling up at him. “They’ve got a pretty smart dad, it’d be a shame if they didn’t inherit any of his brains.” She laughed a little, walking alongside him comfortably and contently. “Seriously, though. They take after you a lot. They’re good kids.” Aubrey’s gaze followed his, landing on the assortment of cartoon themed onesies and laughing. “If anything I’d be charmander because he’s fuego, come on, Dan. Or maybe hello kitty... it’d match my panty choice of the day.”
Her compliment made him blush and he swung her hand as they walked. His brain short circuited at the idea of hello kitty panties. “You’re wearing hello kitty panties?” He snorted and leaned close to whisper, “I bet they’re wet now though. Did I help with that?” He held up a onesie. “Try one on, babe. I want a picture so I can show everyone at work what you’re like when you’re being a dork. Don’t even try to hide it, you’re a raging nerd and wanna be a Pokémon.”
“Yeah, wanna see?” She teased, her snickering stopping once he’d questioned if they were wet. “Mmm, they are. But you’re gonna fix that later, right? Clean up the mess you made?” Aubrey was determined to keep the ball in her court, to maintain the upper hand on him. She was a little caught off guard at him calling her babe outside of a sexual setting, raising an eyebrow at him, but smiling nonetheless. “Not unless you try one on with me.....” she paused, smirking. “Sneak Into the same room.”
He pet the soft onesie in his hands, his fingers tightening on the material when she asked him if he’d clean her up later. “Only if you let me clean up with my tongue.” He swallowed, his heart beating a little faster at the thought. She was definitely the one in control, as suave as he tried to act. One sentence and she had him practically drooling like a damn dog. He snickered. “You just want me to look like an idiot. If I go in there with you, you’ll just strip down and tease me mercilessly. I know you.” But he snorted and placed his hand on her lower back, playfully pushing her to the dressing room. “But I’ll do it anyway.”
Aubrey took the onesie from him, turning and allowing him to push her off in the direction of the fitting rooms. She shrugged, tossing a wink over her shoulder. “You know me so well. I will strip down and tease you mercilessly, but I’m also going to put on this thing for you.” She laughed, holding up the plush pikachu onesie. She waited for the lady to have her back turned to her, and pulled Dan in by his jacket, “which one did you grab for yourself?” She began pulling off her jacket and tossing it to the floor.
He snickered, tryin to be quiet as she tugged him into the room too. “I think it’s a cow,” he said as he looked at the spots on it. “Fitting. I used to be a cow,” he laughed and ran his hand through his hair. He watched her stripping down, and he couldn’t look away, his fingers fumbling with the onesie before he started tugging his own jacket off. “Am I really putting this thing on, babe? I sorta just wanted to watch you change like a pervert.”
She rolled her eyes at him, laughing a little at his self depreciating humor, but still giving him a hard shove. “Shut up and pit the thing on.” She stripped down to her plain black bra and cheeky hello kitty undies, turning around slowly in front of him, “I wasn’t kidding, they are hello kitty.” Aubrey tugged at the lace elastic band up top, still holding the onesie in one hand. She bent over, being obnoxious about the whole thing and slipping her legs into the outfit before pulling it up all the way, not yet zipping it shut. “Nope, babe... or perv, whichever, you gotta put it on too. What you thought I’d let you take pictures at no equal cost?”
With a mock sigh of exasperation he started pulling his jeans down, and his sweater off, down to just his black boxers and grey T-shirt. He was a little embarrassed that his boxers were now stained and he blushed bright red, holding the onesie up in front of him. He turned to watch her changing, his gaze falling to where she was cheekily playing with her panties. She definitely put on a show and he stared open mouthed as she bent over. “You’re terrible. I feel like I should be slipping a single into your thong.” he quickly pulled the onesie on, hiding his semi boner. “I look like an idiot. Here,” and he pushed her lightly up against the wall, his arms around her as slowly pulled her zipper up. “You look stunning.”
Aubrey looked him up and down, a smug look on her face at the stain on his boxers, her hands curling in the fabric of his t-shirt for a moment. “Did I do that, hm?” Her tone airy and light, stepping away from him, and laughing as he slipped on the onesie. “It’s cute, you have to get it.” She giggled, the giggles turning into full blown laughter when he told her she looked stunning. “Stunning?” She snorted, catching her breath. “So I make a hot pikachu? Is this one of your fantasies? A hot pikachu?”
“A hot mess pikachu is definitely up my alley. I didn’t star in the worlds biggest furry film for nothing.” He laughed and took a step back, pulling out his camera. He laughed hard, before trying to school his features into mock seriousness, placing his hand over hjs heart. “You’re honestly truly a vision. You should wear that to your wedding actually.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I envy the man that gets to stand opposite you at the altar.” And he was joking but then suddenly it seemed like he’d blurted out something weird, even for him and he coughed, babbling quickly to cover it up. “The honeymoon would just be playing Pokémon go for a week.”
She laughed, leaning against the wall opposite of him, shaking her head, “I wonder if they have any beast onesies... if those exist you should get one, or the next closest thing, Chewie.” She posed obnoxiously for a few shots before unzipping the onesie, still dressed in it. “Yeah? So I should trade out the traditional wedding dress for this? Sounds fitting. I could work it.” Aubrey paused, not sure how to respond to what came out of his mouth next. It was rare that Dan would leave her without a witty remark, but this was one of those moments where she really wasn’t sure what to say to him. “Yeah, my hypothetical husband would spend a week in a cliche place like fucking, Hawaii or something chasing after a ‘jiggly butt’. I’m sad this didn’t exist when Andy and April got married, this would have been very much their brand.” She laughed, reaching for her clothing to change out of the pikachu wear.
He felt a pang of jealousy for some reason but he had no idea that was what it was, thinking of her marrying Chris. It was his character, Christ almighty but he was jealous. Which led to him saying more that he’d get to feel weird about later but he played it off, teasing and stupid like he always did about sex. Besides, it was hypothetical right? “Nah I think it’s better for it to be saved for your hypothetical wedding in which I’ll crash it and run away with the bride in matching onesies. Except I’ll be charmander and you can deal with exceptional amounts of jealousy that I won’t switch with you.” He held her shirt up and hid it behind his back. Looking down at her smugly. “I don’t think you should get dressed. I think,” and he leaned forward, capturing her lips in a soft kiss, sweeping his tongue against her lower lip. “You should kiss me instead,” he mumbled against her lips.
“How could you!” She clutched her chest in mock betrayal, smiling at him. “You won’t let me be charmander? Even when you’re kidnapping me on my wedding day? Some best friend you are.” And she laughed, her face bright and happy, as it was often times when she was around him. Aubrey furrowed her brows, reaching forward for her shirt and watching as he inched closer to her, closing in on her space. “Mmph.” Her arms involuntarily reached up to wrap around his neck, pulling him down into her. Her lips stretching out into a smile as he kissed her. “Bold. Kissing me half naked in a public dressing room.” She grinned, her teeth grazing his lower lip.
He smirked against her lips and slipped his hands into the onesie, slowly pushing it off her shoulders, his fingertips tracing patterns on her ribs and her sides, inching slowly up her chest. “No, rutting against you in a public alley was bold. This is just sneaky.” And he leaned into the kiss, only pulling away when he realized he wouldn’t want to stop if they kept up. “You might be the best kisser I’ve ever kissed,” he said as they broke apart for air. “And I’m not even being an arse. I mean it,” and he traced her lip with his thumb, slowly pushing it into her mouth, the pad of his finger on her tongue and pressing down softly.
She leaned forward, a frown on her lips when he pulled away from her. Trying to go in for another kiss, but quickly becoming distracted by the gentle motions of his thumb tracing her lower lip. Aubrey gazed up at him through her lashes, her eyes bright and doe eyed as she sucked on his thumb. Her hand coming up to curl around his wrist and her tongue swirled around the digit, sucking lightly. A soft sound escaping her as she pulled back, pulling his thumb out of her mouth with a definitive popping sound. “I want to go back to the hotel.” She whispered, her hand still curled around his wrist, using her grip on him as leverage to lean up on her toes and kiss him hard. “We kind find the bear later, I want to have sex with you now.”
He couldn’t stop staring her soft pink lips wrapped around his thumb as she sucked, looking up at him with his long thick lashes and big bright eyes. His own were half lidded, his breathing coming harsher as she wrapped her hand around his wrist, and he thought about those long sexy nails clawing his back. He groaned softly and kissed back just as hard and needy, his other hand slipping beneath her bra and caressing her breast. “I agree, we can find a stuffed animal before we go home, I wanna pound your cute little pussy,” he whispered against the shell of her ear. “Cmon,” and he quickly undressed, pulling his clothes back on and adjusting himself with a heated glance at her. “I’m coming back for that onesie too, you looked adorable in it. Good for cuddling,” he said with a shrug before he was slipping out of the dressing room with a wink, pretending to have been waiting outside the whole time.
“Mmm, can’t wait.” She grinned, watching him redress and slip out the door. She quickly organized the onesies they weren’t purchasing, leaving them neatly folded on the bench in the room. Making quick work of sliding back into her clothing and multiple layers, ready to brace the cold for their short walk back to the hotel. Aubrey slid her hand into his, pulling him out of the store with a sudden urgency. “I want you to eat me first, can you do that, Daddy?” She tugged him along, taking the lead and expertly moving across the crowds of people. Almost as if she’d been there before and wasn’t just extremely impatient to get back to the room.
“Did you even need to ask?” He said, voice low and rough with arousal as she tugged him along back to the hotel. He was laughing as he pushed her into the lobby, slapping her ass lightly when they were out of view of the front desk. “I want to make you cry with how good I’m going to eat you, love.” he fumbled with the key card, handing it to her. “I promised to clean you up good didn’t I? And what kind of promise would I keep if I don’t lick every last inch of you?” He smirked and leaned on the doorframe.
Aubrey was already dripping with excitement and anticipation. Her hands shook a little and she fumbled to open the door, hardly waiting for him to shut the door, already pulling at her clothing when she made it inside. She tugged off the jacket, tossing it to the floor and stepped out of her boots, kicking them aside. Her sweater came next and then her jeans, remaining in just her panties and bra, urging him to come closer to her. “Don’t make me wait more, please. I’m so fucking wet and hot.”
His eyes widened at how fast she was undressing and it made him so hot and bothered that she wanted him, needed him so much. He tossed his jacket across the room, his jeans following and he kicked off his shoes as he made his way to her, just as desperate for her. But he could tease, considering she’d done it to him all day. He smirked and pushed her back towards bed, gripping the backs of her thighs and tugging, causing her to fall back onto the mattress. “Yeah? Tell daddy how bad you want it and I’ll consider it..” He gently urged her to spread her legs, crawling onto the bed between them, his hands kneading her thighs.
Immediately she leaned up on her elbows, looking down at him. He looked so good between her legs and she could really only think about how good it felt to have his hands gripping at her skin. She threw her head back with an irritated groan, her legs spread for him and no doubt noticeably wet. “But I’ve been so good.” Aubrey whined, slicing her hips further down on the bed, bringing them closer to him. “Please daddy, eat me. Please.”
He looked up at her through his lashes, his pupils dark with excitement as he dipped his head, pressing soft little kisses to her, the fabric of her panties damp against his lips. He took a deep breath and with a half smile, teasing and amused, he pressed a sloppy open mouthed kiss to her, sucking through the wet fabric, making it damp and hot with his mouth. “You want these off, sweetheart?” And he tugged her panties over her hips slowly, dragging it out before he couldn’t take it and urged her to put her legs over his shoulders, he stroked her thigh, as he buried his face against her, nuzzling and licking. “Don’t hold back either, wanna hear you. I want the whole hotel to hear you.”
Her fingers curled in his sheets, her head lulled back against the mattress whining at his teasing. “I made you cum earlier asshole, quit teasing and eat me.” Her legs snapped shut on his head lightly, digging into his shoulder blades with the heels of her feet. Aubrey parted her legs again, her fingers still gripping tightly at the sheets, sucking in a breath as he pulled off her panties and moved his lips on her. “Aw baby,” She groaned, “Don’t you wanna keep all my sweet sounds and moans all to yourself?”
He closed his eyes, making a soft moan in the back of his throat as he flicked his tongue in expert circles against her clit, his lips sucking against her in eager excitement. “That’s mine,” he breathed out, watching as she gripped the sheets hard and he grabbed at her hand, placing it in his hair. “That’s better. You taste so good,” he said with a soft desperate sound as he slipped his hand between her legs, sliding two fingers into her and curling them. He was rock hard and he couldn’t help the roll of his hips against the mattress. “You like that hm?”
“All yours.” She moaned out, her fingers curling into the strands of his hair and giving him a harsh tug. She was so responsive to his motions, moving from carding her fingers though his hair and giving him tugs. Aubrey’s hips bucked up against him, moaning loudly and calling out his name. Her lower lip caught between her lower lip, whimpering lightly. “God. Fuck.” Her feet digging into his shoulder blades and pulling him closer. “Babe you’re so good, fuck.”
Her compliment encouraged him. With a wet sloppy kiss, he pulled back, a trail of saliva between them and he wiped at his mouth, continuing to pump his fingers steadily. “You want me to make you cum like this first or you want me to fuck you? Your choice, love.” He smiled, his lips quirked into a smug little half smile and he dipped his head before he licked a hot stripe against her clit, meeting her eyes with a heated gaze. “You’re so fucking sexy, Aubrey. I don’t think you know,” he murmured and suckled at her. “Tell me what you want?”
She held herself up by her elbows, watching him move against her and it made her heart thump wildly in her chest. Her elbows shook beneath her weight, moaning out his name with a string of expletives tangled in between her moans. “Like this.” Aubrey’s arms gave out, landing into the mattress and sinking into the cushion. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red at his compliments, feeling the rest of her body heat up and flush. “I want to cum like this and I want you to fuck me daddy.”
He growled low in his throat and he dove back in, burying his face against her, sloppy and wet and he grazed her very very lightly with his teeth, his fingers curling against her and searching for the spot that would have her hips coming off the bed and her legs quivering on his shoulders. He licked and sucked desperately, his other hand smoothed across her stomach up to her breasts and teasingly played with her nipples, loving the sounds she made and the way her fingers twisted in his hair. “Cmon babe, cum for daddy.”
The minute his lips connected back with her, she was back to writhing and moaning beneath him. His hot tongue making her stomach tighten and her fingers tugging roughly at his hair. One of her hands moved up to slide over his, moving his hand a little harder against her skin. She lifted her hips, rocking them into his mouth, desperate for more. Aubrey’s toes curled, her legs shaking and she was panting. Her chest heaving and feeling the warmth in her stomach spread along her entire body, his name spilling from her lips in a loud moan, close to a scream.
There was nothing better he thought as he watched her coming undone under his tongue and fingers and he moaned loud and harsh as he licked her through her orgasm, laving her with desperation and he pulled away, looking up at her flush chest and face and quickly pulled his shirt and boxers off, tossing them over the side of the bed and grabbing the condom he’d tossed on the bed next to her. He rolled it on with a groan, before he was on her again, holding her wrists above her head and he bit her lower lip, murmuring a “Turn over. Bite the pillow, darling.” And he smacked her hip lightly, a smirk on his face and he urged her to turn over, shoving a pillow under her hips.
Aubrey rolled over, obeying almost instantly and eagerly. She’d let him take control, and settled herself comfortably. She gripped a pillow, bringing it close to her face and lifting her ass up ever so slightly to give him a better angle. Her legs still shook, body still sensitive from the aftershocks of her first orgasm. His warm skin on hers making it feel like electric currents dancing along her skin. “Mm, daddy. Please. Please, be rough on me.”
He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “tap my arm twice if it’s too much but can I choke you?” He let his grip stay loose on her throat, his fingers restlessly tapping along her skin and he guided his cock to her slick pussy, slipping in easily and groaning as he did. “You’re so fucking.. tight.. Jesus.” He bit down on her shoulder blade, his teeth sharp and not that gentle. He started a steady pace, fucking her deep and hard, his lips smoothing over the bite mark he’d left on her shoulder. “Aubrey, fuck. I love fucking you, god,” he said his voice rough and low. “So good.”
She nodded her head, licking her lips and exhaling as he slipped into her. Groaning loudly at the feeling of his teeth sinking into her sensitive skin, her own teeth biting down on her lower lip. She clamped down hard, the pale pink skin turning white beneath the pressure. Aubrey pushed her hips back against his, her eyes rolling shut from the pleasure, a consistent string of ‘yes’es tumbling past her lips as her hands grilling tight against the pillow. For a split second she’d wondered how they hadn’t done this before, how they hadn’t known how sexually compatible they were. “Harder Daddy.” She moaned out, grinding her ass back against his hips.
The way she rolled her hips back against him with each deep and steady thrust, he was so aroused he didn’t know what he wanted, just everything all at once and he tightened his hand on her throat, sure he’d leave a bruise, her skin hot and pliant under his fingertips. She was so into it and he couldn’t believe he was lucky enough to be fucking her, that they finally took that step. Somehow he knew all along they’d be fire if they ever actually got in bed, the way they knew each other and the others wants and needs so well would translate to sex. He moaned harshly and bit down on her neck, then nibbled her ear, and the hand around her neck moved to tug her hair, pulling her into a deep kiss, awkward from the angle but hot and erotic. “You love it? You love how I give it to you?” He snapped his hips hard and fast, the bed frame creaking with the effort of fucking her. He was going to cum soon as much as he tried to hold off. “Aubs,” he whispered and moaned, a sharp needy sound.
“Spank me.” Her voice was soft and raspy and her hands stretched forward, clutching tightly at the sheets. She rocked back, bouncing her hips back against his and rotating them in a circular motion, desperate to build up more friction. Aubrey wanted more from him, she wanted the pleasurable and painful sting of his hands tightened against her or smacking against her soft skin. Her eyes rolling shut and lips parted open in a perfect circle, moaning out his name and nodding her head at his words. “I love it so much, daddy. You fuck me so good.” Her head resting against the pillow, eagerly spilling praises for him.
Her soft request had him sucking in a shocked breath, his hips stuttering before he regained composure. She wanted him to spank her and he had no idea he could be so turned on. He let go of her hair and pushed up, gripping her hips hard. She looked so needy and desperate, wanting him so much and he pulled his hand back, smacking her left cheek hard, not holding back knowing she’d say of it was too rough. He moaned softly, fucking her slower, deeper as he focused on landing another smack to her other cheek, a red print appearing. “You’re such a fucking gift you know it?” He laughed softly and smacked her ass again. “How many was that? Wanna go to five?” He rubbed her heated skin and picked up the pace, slamming into her.
Aubrey was coming undone beneath him, nothing but a mess of tremors and moans. She kept her hips moving, the coil in her stomach tightening and she nodded her head vigorously. “Yes, daddy. Please, more.” Her voice squeaked a bit, completely vulnerable and soft when they were like this. She pushed back against him, urging him to hit her again. Tilting her head back she exposed her neck to him, practically begging him to squeeze harder, to block her airways just a little bit. Her thighs were slick with her wetness, only growing wetter with each touch and pull, “More, please. Ohmygod.”
“Fuck, yeah whatever you want baby, whatever you want.” He bit down on her shoulder again, leaning on his elbow and wrapping his hand around her neck and squeezing harder, knowing he was blocking her airflow and she’d be purple under his fingertips. But at least he’d have marked her somehow. He landed another slap, this time even harder and adding to the red print on her cheek. Her skin was hot to the touch and he kissed below her ear, nuzzling his face against her as he pumped his hips faster, another smack resonating. “Fuck how have we never done this before now? You’re like my fucking kink queen right now.” He moaned out her name and bit his lip. “Cmon babe, you want more? Think you can handle another slap?”
Her lips parted and she gasped out for air, the pressure of his hand around her neck was painfully delightful. She struggled to take in gasps of air, rocking her hips back into his, desperately trying to keep up with his pace. She bit her lip, managing to let out another strangled, “Yes daddy, more.” Practically begging him to leave his fingertips and handprints marked onto her skin. She wanted to feel sore the next morning, to stay wrapped up with him and not have to do anything besides lay in bed taking in his warmth. “Don’t... know.” She moaned out, her legs beginning to quiver and falter in holding her up. “So good, don’t think I want you to stop fucking me.” Aubrey admitted from underneath him, her eyes rolling back. “Daddy I’m gonna fucking cum. Oh god.”
“I don’t wanna stop fucking you either baby, fuck.” And he could stay wrapped in her warmth all night, buried in her and his arms around her, his slick wet thighs sliding against him and her taking him in over and over for hours. He moaned loud and wiped at his sweaty hair, panting softly as he pulled his hand back and hit her red skin once more, soothingly caressing her cheek after and whispering “shh shh come on you can come. Come on, love.” And he pulled her back for a sloppy kiss, muffling his moan as he came hard, his vision blurring for a moment and his hand clenching on her throat. He came to and slipped his hand to her clit, stroking her hard and fast to bring her off. He just wanted to hold her through her orgasm and watch her shake in his arms, holding her under the sheets close to him until morning.
Aubrey’s lips smashed against his, so hard they hurt and she could barely tell of it was from all the rough kissing or how hard she had been biting down on her lower lip. Regardless, the plump pink flesh was undoubtedly a darker shade and swollen, but she didn’t mind it. Her mouth hung open, her tongue sliding out to swirl around his, taking in his taste and any bit of air that she could manage. The feeling of his cock pulsing and throbbing inside of her as he reached his climax, coupled with his fingers moving swift and hard against her clit had her letting out a scream, his name following close behind, panting hard as he legs shook and gave out beneath her. “Fuck Dan.” She murmured, her face muffled in the pillow. Body glistening with a thin layer of sweat, shaking in his arms as she tried to catch her breath.
He tried to catch his breath, letting go of her neck and flopping to the mattress beside her. With a soft laugh, he closed his eyes and let out a groan. “I’m gonna be sore tomorrow. And you’re gonna be bruised. And I need a smoke.” He fumbled on the table for a cigarette and a lighter, lighting it with shaky hands. “Goddamn Aubrey, we really went there,” he huffed a laugh around his cigarette. “Fuck. I think that’s the most intense sex I’ve ever had. I’m not even kidding.” He shakily exhaled and offered her the cigarette and gently rubbed her back where she laid in the mattress. “Here.” After a moment he asked with a little bit of shyness in his voice, “uh. Are you on birth control? I think we might have broke the condom..”
She clutched the pillow close to her, breathing out and trying to regain some sort of composure after that. Aubrey knew her body was going to ache the next morning. And that she’d be bruised all over, everywhere he touched, but she didn’t mind. There was makeup for that and scarves, thankful for Japan’s cold weather. She shook her head, declining the cigarette, not wanting to move. Especially not now that his hands were rubbing her back. “I’m pretty sure that was the hottest sex I’ve fucking had. I didn’t know you had it in you.” She teased, practically purring underneath his touch. “Mmmm, Yeah. We’re good. Double duty protection.” She snickered, stopping for a moment to move her head to face him. “How the fuck did we break the condom?”
He breathed out a sigh of relief. “I have no idea how we managed it. I guess too much friction?” He snickered and took a long drag, blowing it out and then playfully draping himself over her and continuing to run his fingertips across her back, pressing into her bruises. “Maybe we melted it.” He kissed her shoulder blade and sighed, lazy and content. He just wanted to hold her, loving how she felt pressed to his sweaty body, like warmth and a little sticky and she smelled like sex and was undoubtedly erotic. “I didn’t know I did either. I sort of though you might have had it in you, but I guess having me in you brought it all out.” He snorted. “I really didn’t wanna stop,” he whispered with a smirk.
She groaned, feeling him roll over onto her again, playfully lifting her hips off the mattress and pressing her ass up against him. “Is this how your babies were made? Lack of birth control and hot fast sex, like fucking flash melt the condom fast?” She teased him, relaxing back into his warmth and settling comfortably beneath him. Her body still shook a little, still regaining her composure. Aubrey was slick and sticky between her legs, the rest of her body hot and sweaty, and flush against his. She snorted, “Shut up.” Laughter poured from her lips and she reluctantly rolled from underneath him to deliver a playful punch to his shoulder. “We can go at it again later, whaddya say daddy?” Wiggling her eyebrows, she teased him with a smirk, continuing to call him ‘daddy’ just to watch his reactions.
He snickered and let her roll out from under him, smiling affectionately at her. “I don’t think I’ve ever had sex that intense ever so no they definitely weren’t made like that.” Her teasing lilt to her voice, the way she said daddy had his heart racing faster, his eyes lighting up with excitement and he laughed, taking another long drag on his cigarette. “Fuck,” he said as he blew smoke up into the air. “Teenage me is congratulating me right now on the possibility of fucking you three times in one day.” He pulled her into a lazy kiss, his tongue playing slowly against hers before he added, “adult me is congratulating me on having you screaming out ‘daddy’”
“Believable.” She looked up at the ceiling, drawing in a deep breath and exhaling slowly. Turning to him with a smirk on her face as she shifted to wrap herself up in the sheets. “Because real talk, if you would have fucked your ex like that she probably wouldn’t have let you leave.” Shrugging her shoulders she had a thought, she wouldn’t have let him go. And then she wondered how they’d break this new habit of theirs that was beginning to form when one of them did become involved with someone... or the achromatic. They had eyes everywhere and somehow, they knew there was something between them. How’d she stop him after last night? Aubrey hummed into his lips, leaning up slightly into the kiss, not wanting him to pull away. “Uh huh, well, not to inflate your ego or anything but that last go is going to be hard to top. For anyone.”
He snorted at the compliment and shrugged. “Well I didn’t want to fuck her like that. Just you. That list of Aubrey related kinks is just getting longer,” he laughed, his fingers tracing the bruises on her neck that were starting to form. And he thought about how it really was just her he wanted to fuck like that. He’d certainly never been that passionate with someone else. He kissed her again, languid and easy, not wanting to pull away. “Mmm. Well too late my ego is as big as a house but I think we can work on topping it. Even if it’s going to be hard work. You’re good with hard things, we’ll manage it.” He snorted and rolled on top of her, putting out his cigarette on the side table ash tray and then nuzzled against her neck. “Mm. You’re warm.”
She felt her cheeks heat up, the blush traveling up to her ears, thinking about how odd it was that he only wanted it this way with her. However temporary it might be, he only wanted these moments with her. Aubrey shrugged it off as an ‘in the moment’ kind of thing. She moved when he rolled onto her again, shifting so that she could pull his body between her legs and she leaned up, meeting him halfway. “Uh huh.” She murmured, agreeing with his comment about her being warm, mostly because his skin was so hot against hers, it was comfortable. “Just kiss me, stupid.” She smiled and attached her lips to his again, her tongue sliding across her lower lip and her hands moving up to curl around his neck.
He smirked into her lips, his hands going to her hips. “Yes ma’am. You make a convincing argument.” He laughed and moved his lips to her jaw, trailing kisses down her neck, loving how hot her skin felt on his lips. “You should boss me around more. Next time just step on me, slap me around a bit until you get your way,” he told her with bright, amused eyes.
“Yeah?” She pulled her mouth from his, a little breathless. Her eyebrows furrowed and nose crinkled, Aubrey lifted her hand to deliver a gentle slap to his cheek, “That what you want?” Her other hand slid from his cheek to his chest, giving him a hard shove and rolling out from underneath him, pushing him down and straddling his waist now. The hand that slapped him moved to curl around his neck, and she lowered her lips to his ear, “You ready for round two or you still gotta rest old man?”
The sudden switch had him gasping as she pushed him down and straddled him, his eyes wide and surprised. As she whispered in his ear though, he let out a breathless “Im rested. Please.” And he let his hands slide over her thighs, kneading her soft skin. His face was warm and tingly where she’d slapped him gently, and he bit his bottom lip, a small moan in the back of his throat.
Aubrey’s hand around his neck tightened slightly. Smiling down at him as he spoke, or well, tried to really. The words coming out soft and breathy and she realized she liked hearing him sound like that. “Tell me what you want.” She rocked her hips against him, the hand that wasn’t wrapping around his neck gripped against his shoulder, her fingernails digging into the soft flesh. “Maybe I’ll be a good girl and deliver.”
He looked up at her, biting his lip and he swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing against her hand. “I want you to ride me, slap me, choke me..” he whispered and tilted his head to expose his neck further. “I want whatever you wanna do to me but please don’t be a good girl.” His voice was rough from arousal and the way she gripped his throat. “Please.” He added for good measure. He liked seeing her in control and he was definitely excited in a nervous thrilling way to have her holding him down.
Watching him give up control like that underneath her was enough to have excitement bubble up in her veins. Everything was fair game, anything she wanted. Aubrey dragged her nails across his skin, the hand on his neck tightening further. A Cheshire like grin spread across her lips as she leaned forward and kissed along his jawline. Her hand loosened a bit, allowing for him to breathe, not exactly aiming to kill him. “Where are the condoms?” She asked, not quite ready for them, but still wanting to know where they were as to not interrupt their moments later on.
The smirk that spread across her face as she realized just what kind of control she had made his cock twitch, decidedly ready to go again and he gripped the sheets, not her hips. He was going to try not to touch and see how long he’d last. He whimpered lightly at her nails on his skin and her hand on his neck. He was floating, he thought and almost didn’t hear her question. “Bedside table.. top drawer I stashed some..” he practically shivered in anticipation. “How are you so hot submissive and dominant? It’s a fucking gift,” he breathed out.
Aubrey reached over him, pulling the drawer open and plucking a condom out between her pointer and middle fingers. She grinned down at him, one hand tangling in his hair and her lips moving across his neck, nibbling and suck on his skin. She trailed her lips lower, lower, moving to his shoulders and her hand that had strands of hair curled between her fingers tugged forcefully before returning to his neck. Her lips moved back up to his, hand tightening around him and her hips rocked against him again. Her free hand placed the condom beside him, and shifted to trail her hand down his chest, moving to trace her fingertips along his hips. “You’re so good, you know that? So sweet.” She licked her lips, speaking close to his ear.
He shifted, gripping the sheets tighter, his fingers bunching in the fabric as he rolled his hips up against her, wanting more heat and friction. With a soft moan, he pressed his head back into the pillow, letting her tug his hair and suck a bruise on his neck. Her fingertips on his hips made him shiver. “Yeah? You think so? I’ve never been called that before,” he managed out before swallowing hard again, feeling wonderfully submissive. She was in her element, he thought, watching her tease and take control the smug smile on her face and he groaned with how much he wanted her. “Please? I wanna feel you so tight hot and hot on my cock, I need it, babe.”
“Mhmmm..” She hummed lightly, her lips dragging along his skin. The hand that was playing against his hips reached for where she’d placed the condom, sitting up to tear the package open. “I want you to tell me how much you want it, Dan.” Aubrey slid down his body, her hand curling around his shaft, thumb rubbing roughly against his tip. She licked her lips, watching him twitch in her hand and lowered her mouth to him just barely.
He sat up on his elbows to watch her, his eyes dark with lust and his mouth slightly open. If someone had told him a month ago that he’d be watching Aubrey slink down his body, fully naked, to mouth at his cock he would have laughed. But he couldn’t help himself and he tangled his fingers in her hair, gently tugging and begging without words for her to wrap her lips around him. “I.. “ he groaned softly and shifted his hips up. “I want it so bad. Please. I’m so hard it hurts. Just need you, your lips, anything.”
She wasn’t completely satisfied, she wanted more, wanted to hear more. Licking her lips, she wrapped her mouth around his head, licking lazily at his tip before pulling her mouth of him again. “Mmm. I want to hear more.” Aubrey continued to thumb at him, glancing at him in almost a predatory way. “I’m not completely sold, Dan. Come on, Daddy, I want to ride you but you don’t have me all that convinced that you want it.” Her lips were close to him, blowing out a warm puff of air against him as she teased, leaning forward expectantly.
He groaned and bit his lip, tugging her hair and rolling his hips, wanting more of her lips and tongue but practically whimpering as she pulled back, her thumb keeping him on edge. “God fuck fuck I want it Aubrey. I want you to ride my cock, your perfect,” He panted softly and closed his eyes, “cute little tits bouncing while you fuck me. I want you, I’ll do anything you want if you just hurry up and get on my cock.” And he slipped his thumb against her lips, groaning at how soft they were. “Please,” he added as a last ditch effort to convince her.
Her face lit up, watching him beg for her was pleasing and she could feel the way it made her skin tingle. Watching him squirm beneath her, desperately begging for her. “I’ll hold that anything to you later.” She chuckled lightly, her more playful side returning for a split second as she rolled the condom on him, shifting and kneeling, hovering above him. Her hands curled around his base, guiding him to her entrance and slowly sinking down onto him, biting her lip as she went painfully slow. “I want to hear you, Dan. Got it? Don’t hold back.” Her hands moved, digging her nails into his shoulders as she started up a languid pace. Her lips crashed onto his to muffle a moan before pulling back, wanting to hear every sound that came out of his mouth.
He let out a soft sigh of pure pleasure as she sunk down into him, his hands gripping her hips, his thumbs running circles against her hips bones. “Oh god yes thank you whatever you want.” He kissed back, his lips chasing hers as she pulled away and he looked up at her through his dark lashes desperately wanting to kiss her again. He moaned softly, not holding back, the soft whines and harsh breaths spilling from his lips. “Aubrey, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered as he watched her move, the teasing look on her face making everything that much better. He met her thrusts, shifting his hips up and gently urging her to go faster. “You’re so good at this, I never thought we’d be here ,” he admitted with a huff of a laugh.
She let out a low moan, her eyes closing as she moved. She continued that slow pace for a minute, up until he pushed up against her, hitting her at just the right angle. Her hands moved messily, everywhere. Aubrey leaned down again moving to place her mouth at the juncture between his neck and shoulders, biting down and she shifted to bounce a little fast on him. Her moans were muffled in the crook of his neck, his name falling from her lips over and over, dripping in heavy praises. Her fingers curled against his sides, her long nails biting deliberately into his skin. “So good that we are.” She responded between breaths, their chemistry unbelievably explosive. She sat up, biting her lip as she threw her head back, rocking her hips and bouncing faster, harder. “Fuck Dan-daddy, you’re so big. You fill me up so good.”
He moaned and gripped her hips harder, his nails digging in and as she bit down on his neck, he swore he saw stars. He’d never been with anyone as incredible, that knew all his buttons to push and seemed to know what he needed better than himself. He whimpered at her praise, the part of his brain that could still focus making him feel floaty and unbelievably aroused knowing she was doing all this for him, that he filled her up so good. He panted hard, his hand finding her hair and yanking her down into a harsh messy kiss. “I’m gonna cum babe, fuck keep doing that, don’t stop.”
Aubrey moaned when he’d yanked on her hair, pulling her down hard against him. Her lips collided hard with his, her teeth knocking against his accidentally. She bit down on his lower lip, pulling back for a minute before going back in to kiss him again. Her pace faster and more erratic, hips stuttering a little in their movements. “Fuck, god.” She tilted her head back, hands moving to his neck and squeezing hard. “Come for me, baby.” Feeling her walls clench around him, legs quivering as she moved.
As she bit down on his lip, he gasped, the pain amazing and he thought she might have drawn blood. With a loud moan, he slid his hands up her trembling thighs, his thumb playing with her clit as she moved. He felt the warm coil of climax creeping up and when she squeezed hard, his vision blurring with the pleasure and need for air, he came with a choked off moan of her name. “Fuck,” he gasped, coughing and he slapped her ass, grabbing the warm flesh of her backside as he urged her faster to her release. He panted, his nails clawing at her skin and he whimpered out “Cmon, love.”
Aubrey’s body fell forward at the feeling of his thumb rubbing against her clit and his hand landing hard and harsh against the soft skin of her ass. Her forehead resting on his shoulder as she panted, feeling the hard waves of her climax crashing into her, panting. His name tumbled past her lips and her hands gripped tightly against his skin, nails digging deep into his flesh. Her body rocked against his, shaking and her thrusts messy as she rode out her orgasm. With a strangled moan, she stilled, her body collapsing atop his, catching her breath.
He gasped in a much needed breath, his breathing harsh as he coughed, his throat sore in the best way. He pulled her or his chest, his hands coming up to rub her back, her skin hot and slick against his hands. Running them across her shoulders and down her hips, just hypnotically almost. “Fuck baby. That was amazing,” he laughed lightly and smiled, bright and content as he kissed her hairline, his fingertips brushed her hair out of the way. “You’re shaking,” he whispered with an amused smirk.
She hummed lightly against his skin to acknowledge him. Still trying to regain her breath and compose herself but this between them was way too good. She smiled against his skin, lifting her head up to look at him, “Three rounds in one day,” Aubrey grinned, pressing her lips to his and kissing him softly, briefly. “And if i wasn’t shaking like a little bitch we could probably shoot for four, but I think we should work up to it, penis angel.” Snickering, she shook her head at the amused look on his face before rolling off of him and collapsing on the mattress beside him. “If sex was ever a competitive sport, we’d win.”
He snickered and looked over the alarm clock. “I think we’ve had three rounds in less than 2 hours if we’re honest.” He didn’t want her to move, to lose her heat off his chest and to pull out and leave her trembling body. He managed to shift, rolling her to the side slightly and he trailed lazy patterns on her shoulders until she pulled away and flopped to the mattress. He laughed and rubbed her back with an amused smile. “We’d make the other teams our bitch. Get the biggest trophy. We’d need a team name like that show on Nickelodeon, the blue barracudas.”
“Oh my god.” She groaned against the pillow. Despite the cheesiness in his joke, she laughed. The two had similar senses of humor, which made everything so much more easier between them. They were basically one in the same, sans being opposite genders and minor differences. “You’re so stupid, feo. God.” Turning her face to him, she smiled, signaling that she was kidding around with him. “This could be a record. Three rounds in less than two hours. We really are pros. Fuego!”
He laughed, his smile bright and content and sleepy and a little adoring all rolled into one. Just watching her groan and laugh at him had this glittery feeling in his chest that said things were good, perfect in this moment. “You know what they say. Tales one to know one so you’re stupid too,” he said as he stuck his tongue out. With a happy sigh, he pat her ass, her skin still hot. “We’ll break the record next time. Go full on pro with it, enter a contest. Make a porno. Something like that. Your ass is like fire,” he laughed. “You’re gonna have handprints. Good thing we can just lay around because you’ll be squirming when you sit down.”
He was always so amusing, no matter how dumb the things he said sounded, he always managed to get her to crack a smile. A task that wasn’t easy, but he had a knack for it. “More like i’m with stupid. You just attached yourself to me and now I’m stuck.” She groaned, a weird moan tangled in between the sound she made when he’d patted her ass. The sting still present on her skin. “Honestly, that was fucking good. Next time you want me wet just put my over your knees and spank me.” Aubrey smirked, curling her body into his and laying her head on his chest, “I’m not moving from here tomorrow. Our bear and souvenir hunting will have to wait till after.”
He shrugged and looked over at her with a mock sweet expression. “You’re stuck. I just imprinted on you like a baby bird. I even rely on you to food me and let me eat all I want.” He waited a beat and then laughed. “That was an eating out joke.” He loved watching her face as she laughed at him, knowing he sounded dumb but with her he knew she genuinely enjoyed all the dumb things he did. He didn’t have to hide it. As she settled on his chest, he stroked her hair, playing with the soft tresses. “Mm. It was really really good. And the next time I want you wet I’ll spank you in a school girl skirt.” He sighed. “We can shop later, the bear can wait; this couldnt. I can’t believe I came in my pants in alley before we brought this back to the hotel,” He snickered.
Aubrey cuddled into him, it was a littler weird. Considering the first time she told him she hated cuddling because she’d always get hot and end up pushing her partner away, but with Dan it was like she actually wanted his body heat. “I couldn’t be stuck with anyone else, I’d kill them... then again, sometimes I wanna kill you.” She smirked, lifting herself up slightly to half lay herself on top of him. Biting her lip, she smiled down at him, one of those rare appreciative looks on her face. “Hey... you up for a quick shower? I’m all sticky and yeah, it was for a good cause and as comfortable as I am, I won’t be able to reach maximum comfort levels unless I’m no longer sticky and.. we might as well do that whole water conservation thing.”
“You wanting to kill me is a compliment. It means you’d put in the energy to strangle me.” He snickered and as she laid on him, looking down at him with this smile he rarely got to see, he felt himself smiling back, stupidly, happily easy. “Yeah let’s shower together. Save the whales and all that.” He kissed her once slow and lazy and rolled over, patting her thigh as he went to turn on the shower. He leaned on the doorframe and mentioned, voice rough and a little sleepy, “You make a beautiful picture laying there. Like a debauched angel.”
“You’ll orgasm right into the clutches of the Grimm Reaper.” She laughed, carding her fingers through his hair lightly. The thought of hopping into the shower with him in itself got her giddy. She found herself wanting something more intimate and sweet with him rather than just rolling around in bed, he meant more to her than just that. Aubrey stretched out when he got out of bed, sitting up with her knees hugged to her chest, flashing him a smile, “Yeah? You like corrupted angels? Angels you can choke and fuck into your mattress? Too bad you got a demon instead, huh?” She slid off the bed, slipping past him into the bathroom and hopping into the shower, sighing contently when the warm water hit her body. “It’s so warm in here.”
He watched her slip past him into the shower and he smirked, gently patting her ass as she stepped in. “Demons are more fun though. You know all the sinful shit,” he laughed. He watched as she stood under the spray, something sweet and domestic about it and he felt his heart flutter at the sight. Being this close to her, playing under the water was a kind of intimacy he hadn’t had in years, even with his ex wife and he suddenly felt a little shy but it was a good feeling ; she was his friend and more than just a quick fuck. This would be as comfortable as anything else with her. He stepped in behind her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her shoulder lightly. “It’s hot in here actually but only because you’re in here.” He snorted, his hands playing across her hips, the water making the slide fun and playful. He nuzzled into her hair, the spray hitting him as well and he sighed. “This is nice though.”
Aubrey stood under the stream of warm water and sighed contently. Her eyes closing and head tilting back as the water cascaded down her body, the heat loosening up her muscles and she let out a pleasured groan. She leaned back into him, almost instinctually, settling back into his hold. The way his hands danced along her slippery skin made her giggle, the softness of it tickling her a little. “Mmm, you’re right, it’s all my fault. I’m conjuring up the flames from hell into this shower.” She snickered, standing up straight and moving away from him to find the floofy sponge and body wash. “We’re going to end up snuggled in your hotel bed and not getting out, sounds nice, though. Good relaxation time.”
“I meant less ‘flames of hell’ heat and more your body is smokin hot.” He snorted and grabbed the sponge from her, gently running it over her shoulders and down her lower back. “I don’t mind spending time cuddled with my wuv bug,” he laughed, bringing back up the dumb name he’d given her the first time they cuddled. “I’m up for some relaxation especially since it feels like we just did a triathlon. You’re going to smell like men’s body wash,” he said as he brought the sponge lower and caressed her legs.
“That’s post sex cuddly Dan talking.” She laughed, surprised when he’d taken the sponge from her and began to wash her. Tensing for a moment, she relaxed under his touched, her muscles flexing and softening, relaxing wherever he moved. She almost let out a moan with how good everything felt. The warmth of the water and his gentle motions, it was all new to her, new with him, but it felt good. “Yeah that’s right, bitch. Make me not sticky.” Aubrey laughed, her head tilting back and resting against his shoulder. “That was some workout, yeah. Tomorrow we’ll eat our weight in food and regain those calories we burnt.”
He shrugged and said, “I’ll eat my weight in sushi soon, this was probably a good preventative measure for weight gain.” He kissed her shoulders again as he rinsed her off. “I’m a bitch now hm? I was daddy a few minutes ago.” He turned her gently to face him and lathered her chest, working the sponge in slow lazy circles. “Why haven’t we done this sooner? We’re so compatible. It’s like.. the only word that comes to mind is ‘fireworks’ when I touch you,” he said with a soft intimate smile that he rarely gave, adoring and a little shy at the same time. “It’s this undeniable chemistry, like an explosion of sensations and I would equate it to a blind person seeing for the first time; sensory overload,” he snorted and blushed as he ran his hAnd through his wet hair. “Basically we’re too hot. We’re going to melt more condoms. New pack, I’m picking them,” he joked.
“By soon you mean tomorrow, right? Because that sounds really good right now.” Everything was so overwhelmingly domestic and she couldn’t decide if this was nice or confusing or scary or a combination of all three. When he turned her, she looked up at him with wide eyes, her lower lip caught between her teeth, smiling. Fireworks. He was right, every time they touched it was an explosion and her skin danced with tiny jolts of electricity anywhere his touch moved. Aubrey moved forward, her movements were quick and unexpected, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him hard. “If I wasn’t so tired I’d tell you I want you to fuck me here and now, maybe next time.” She grinned, and then stepped back, almost slipping but catching herself before going down. “Yeah, but that’s because you don’t have any lady body wash.”
The way she kissed him had his eyes fluttering shut, letting out a soft moan as he wrapped his arms around her. As she pulled away, he smiled down at her, amused and smug. “Rain check? We’ll definitely try shower sex at some point. I have a better one at home.” He reaches out, trying to catch her just in case and he sighed in relief that she didn’t go down. He grabbed the shampoo and lathered it in his hands, gently tugging her hair and working it up into a lather, his nails on her scalp lightly massaging. “You’ll also smell like guy shampoo. I don’t have lady anything except tv preferences.” He snorted and leaned forward, kissing her gently. “We’ll go grab all you can eat sushi tomorrow. Hate ourselves after.”
“It might be dangerous, I mean, I almost just died two seconds ago in here and we’re not even doing anything strenuously physical.” She laughed, poking fun at her clumsiness. Though, if she had fallen she would have blamed it on how slippery it was from the shower gel and water. Aubrey nearly moaned as his fingers skillfully massaged her scalp, her eyes closed and melting into his touch. It all felt so good, almost as good as getting your hair washed and scalp massages at a hair salon. “If acting doesn’t work out... you could be a professional hair washer.” She teased, a wide smile on her face. Her hands came up from her sides, fingertips tracing the soft grooves of his abdomen and trailing up bus chest blindly, “Sounds like a plan, but we gotta do it here, before our flight back home. I want real sushi. Not our delicious American bullshit.”
“It’s ok, I’ll hold you up. You won’t even have to slip if I just press you up against the wall,” He snickered and gently rinsed her hair, his fingers working in circles. “I tried cosmetology once. I helped a friend dye her hair and sorta liked it. But I was more into theatre.” He shrugged. “But I’ll be sure to open my own salon; Dans hands where I just wash hair and that’s it and you pay me astronomical amounts while I drink wine. I’ll run it from my living room. You can be my regional manager.” He practically purred as she rubbed his chest, his eyes closing. “We’ll do it here. Get the full Japan experience and get toasted on sake.”
“A knight in shining armor, you are. Always making sure the princess stays safe.” She laughed, liking the feeling of his arms around her. Shaking her head, a slew of laughter tumbled past her lips, already imagining what it might have been like if Dan was a hair stylist or makeup artist instead of an actor. Looking up at him, she gave him a bit of a faux sad expression, “I’m glad you stuck with acting. I wouldn’t have met you otherwise, and then a piece of my dark, black hole of a soul would be missing.” Aubrey reached for the discarded sponge and body wash, starting to rub the sponge along his chest, smoking at him. “Well, I’m not going out with someone smelly so I guess we have to get you all washed up too. Mhm. That means no sticky round four in the morning. Sushi, sake, and then airport. Maybe we can actually do the mile high club thing on the way back.”
He looked down at her, his ears turning pink. She was glad he’d picked acting; because he filled part of her soul and he knew she was teasing but he felt warmth all over, just thinking about how he’d become important to her and she’s definitely become a fixture in his life. He didn’t want to imagine one without her stupid jokes and eye rolling and banter. He leaned into her touch, enjoying the way she washed his chest and he sighed. “You mean I can’t just go for round 4 in the morning and then go for sushi? It’s a workout and a meal, that’s the healthy way of doing things.” He pulled her close and kissed her head. “I suppose you’re right though, we can always do the mile high thing at some point and that thought will have to keep me strong.”
She shook her head, rolling her eyes at him. And smiling a bit at the fact that they were all suds and naked bodies underneath the stream of warm water and she wondered if this really was a normal friendship... or just a Dan and Aubrey thing. Probably the latter. His silly stupid responses never failed to make her laugh or bring a smile to her face, despite the fact that she’d prided herself on her signature deadpanned features. Her hands trailed down his chest gently, the sponge still clutched in her fingers as she lathered a little lower down his body. “Uh huh, messy, sloppy, nasty fuck in the airplane will keep you strong, I bet it will.”
0 notes
aubreypara-archive · 6 years
plain ride to japan ~ aubrey and dan ~ 12/28/2017
Aubrey stopped at the Starbucks at the airport, grabbing herself and Dan a coffee. Already having done most of the boring work and just waiting around at the gates. The airport was filled with celebrities and musicians alike, all excited to finally be making their way to Japan for the music festival. She flopped down onto one of the couch like seats, stretching her legs out and sinking into the cushions. “I actually might hate you this morning... like, you’re great and all, but I might really hate you a little bit.”
Dan was playing on his phone, watching as Aubrey bought them drinks. He didn’t feel much like moving; his arms were a little sore, his legs and hips a little sore. He figured when you go a long time without getting laid, it’s like a workout. He smiled happily up at her, pushing his glasses up his nose and accepted the coffee. “You only say that because you can’t walk. You were screaming my praises last night.” He slowly pulled her feet into his lap, massaging her calf with one hand as he sipped his coffee. “You don’t hate me.” He said smugly. “The only part of that sentence I’m taking seriously is the ‘you’re great and all’. Really gets the blood pumping, the ego inflated.”
Aubrey snorted, rest her legs comfortably in his lap and letting out a little pleasured sound at the feeling of his hands on her skin. “I guess I’m like the embodiment of that Ariana Grande song now.” She laughed, sipping on her coffee and giving him the side eye. “Yeah and since you made me suffer and incapacitated me, now you have to suffer and carry me around everywhere. What happened to your promise last night? Come on now, Dan.” She grinned, picking up a magazine that was sitting on the table beside him and tossing it at him.
“Wait which Ariana grande song?” The it dawned on him and he gave her an incredulous smile and laughed, tossing the magazine back at her playfully. “I’ve got you walking side to side? Well it really does sound like I thoroughly fucked you last night hm?” He sipped his coffee and ran his hand along her calf, a little higher this time. “I guess since I incapacitated you, I can always carry you around but if someone asks why I’m giving you a piggy back ride you have to tell them it’s because I’m an amazing lay,” he snorted. “We have some time to kill, wanna go to that bookstore a little down the terminal?” He pat her leg. “I’ll carry you, you massive child.”
She caught it before it could really hit her, her reflexes kicking in at the last second. Aubrey laughed, quickly regaining herself and giving Dan a look. “I have an image to maintain, you can’t go making me laugh like that.” Still, she shot him a smile, wiggling her toes in her sandals as he moved his hands up. “Watch it, there are eyes everywhere.” Rolling her eyes, she shook her head at him and stuck her tongue out. “You’re carrying me, but I’m not telling anyone shit. That’s our little secret.” She winked.
“I live to make you laugh just like that. Your image just has to suffer with me.” With a wink he replied, “But I’m so proud. Fine, yes, our secret. Our very dirty one. Never thought I’d get you to call me daddy in any serious way but I’m glad to be proved wrong.” He laughed and gently moved her leg out of his lap and stood, stretching, his arms still a little sore. He adjusted his black cable knit sweater and gave her a bright smile. “Alright hop up. If you spill your coffee on me I’ll drop you.”
“Yeah, watch yourself or it won’t happen again, Daddy.” She jokingly threatened, whispering ‘daddy’ low and her tone dropping a few octaves to mimic that of a seductress in a movie. Her body still ached, but it was the good kind of ache, the kind that she’d definitely go for again sometime in the future. Aubrey clutched her coffee tightly in her hand, standing on the seats and transferring herself to Dan’s back. Her legs and free arm wrapping around him to support herself. “Onward my noble steed, maybe I’ll do some other kind of riding when we get to Japan.” She grinned, her lips close to his ear.
He felt a shiver go through him at her teasing and he pretended to drop her, catching her at the last second. “Will it involve ropes? Because if so, tie me up cowgirl. Though I might try and convince you to join the mile high club instead,” he laughed and carried her easily, sipping his coffee as he made his way to the bookstore amidst stares. And older couple looked at him and smiled, and he laughed, tilting his head back to look over his shoulder. “I think they’re jealous you get to be hauled around by such a handsome specimen don’t you agree?” He went straight for the comic books, turning her so she could see. “The best section of the store.”
Aubrey glared at him, moving quick to clutch her coffee cup. Her hand instantly covering the lid on the travel mug. “If this spills its no one’s fault but your own.” She warned, giving him one of those faux glares of hers. Rolling her eyes again, she snorted, imagining the two of them in a cramped airplane bathroom. “I can’t say I’m going for the idea of that. Those bathrooms are cramped and there’s only like, one on the plane. I’m going to feel bad if someone shits themselves cause we just had to fuck.” Aubrey rested her chin on his shoulder, baring her teeth at the older couple. Making a face at them as Dan maneuvered them to where they needed to be. “Check if they have any redhood back issues, I’m behind.”
“I, personally, would love it if someone messed their knickers because I was busy messing yours up.” He snickered and started sorting through comics, holding a couple up to her. “You have this one yet?” And he grabbed a couple that he found interesting. “Here’s one,” and he handed her another. “If you want it just let me know, I’ll get it. You got coffee..” he murmured distracted as he was reading a graphic novel, placing his coffee in the shelf and his free hand gently rubbing her thigh where she was still wrapped around him.
“That would be awful, I don’t want poopy underwear on my conscience. I’m gonna have to hard pass on that one.” She laughed, looking at the book that he’d been holding up, she didn’t recognize the cover and was looking at the issue number before realizing that had been the one she’d left off at. “Check what the most recent is.. I want that one and all the ones in between.” Aubrey smiled, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his cheek as a thank you, her legs tightening around him at the gentle touches. “I’m gonna read about my amazon wife Artemis and sweet, sweet Jason.”
He blushed lightly at her kiss to his cheek and he tore his attention from the comic he had picked up and started flipping through redhood. “Here’s some,” he said excitedly and handed her about 5 issues. “Your amazon wife,” He snickered. “You’re such a nerd. You know...” he said after a moment. “Were the only nerds in this section of the bookstore,” he mentioned, voice low and private and he looked back at her with a smirk. “Maybe we could sneak a kiss in. Like a real one.”
Aubrey tapped her chin as if she had been considering it. And she was, for a moment she really was. But the airport was too crowded, regardless of if they were the only ones in their area for the moment. With their luck someone would pop up with a camera mid kiss and ruin the entire experience for them. “Not that I don’t want to kiss you...” She paused, looking at him and hoping that he knew that she did, really did want to kiss him. “But you know the moment we do, cameras are gonna come flying in out of nowhere. So, I’m gonna have to say we might have to wait until we actually get to Japan.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he said softly with a small smile. He looked back down at the comic in his hand and leaned his head against her cheek, nuzzling against her for a split second before he pulled back. It was weird and not like him to be so clingy but he guessed part of it was due to the fact that they didn’t have the luxury to lay around in bed and cuddle like they had a few days earlier, wrapped up in each other all day. “If I wasn’t dreading the long ass flight before, I am now,” he laughed. Looking down at the shelf once more he grabbed one more comic and handed it to her. “This is you as a superhero,” he snorted, trying to change the subject from how much he wanted to kiss her. It was a “squirrelgirl” book and he giggled, waiting for the slap. “I’ll get it for you, take pics and put it on Instagram tagged as you.”
Aubrey felt it, warm and fuzzy, in her chest when he’d nuzzled against her. Knowing well enough that they’d end up in some form of cuddling on the plane, asleep and leaning against one another as best they could. She was looking at the covers of the issues he’d handed her, examining the artwork before lifting her gaze to what he’d been talking about. She flicked the side of his head, laughing a little. “You couldn’t say I was Typhoid Mary or something? At least she fucks Deadpool. I had to be squirrel girl? ... if people start making squirrel girl fan art of me I’m going to kill you. Before being Lenny I was thoroughly enjoying them fan casting me as Kate Bishop.” She giggled, “But if I’m squirrel girl you’re fucking bouncing boy.”
“Bouncing boy?! What is wrong with you. That’s just horrible.” He laughed and tickled her leg where it was wrapped around his waist. “Oughta make you bouncing girl in my hotel room.” He smiled wickedly at her and handed her He comic. “I’m getting it am starting an internet trend. You as squirrel girl.” He picked up his coffee and asked, “anything else from this section you want?” He couldn’t believe he was still carrying her but honestly he was having a lot of fun.
“Keep it pg, bud.” She laughed, still rolling her eyes at his comment. Aubrey eyed the comic, holding it gingerly in her hand. “I’m not squirrel girl!” She squirmed in his hold, gripping her arm tightly around his neck to keep herself from falling. “Dan! Stop! You’re gonna drop me!” A fit of giggles tumbling past her lips in between her words. Her legs tightened around him, and she squeezed her arm around his neck a little tighter, “drop me and I’ll make you pop a boner, right here, right now.”
“You do realize who you’re talking to right? You’re asking me to keep it PG? Not in your wildest dreams.” He laughed and pretended to fall, but kept a tight grip on her legs so she wouldn’t really. “Is that a promise?” He snorted and looked back at her. “You wouldn’t really. I have to be our transportation, I can’t have little old ladies staring at my dick.”
She squeaked, holding onto him and glaring at him. “Why are you actually the worst?” She questioned, keeping her arm locked around his neck. Aubrey snickered, almost imagining the sight. “Aw, little old ladies need a show too. Let them oogle your dick. They deserve some eye candy, they’re all one day closer to becoming best friends with the Grimm reaper.”
“That’s even more reason to not let them ogle my dick. It’s pretty impressive,” he said with a deadpan. “I think it might have had you shaking at one point. They can’t handle the raw power.” He couldn’t hold it back and burst out laughing. “Alright I’m done, that’s a sinister direction this conversation is going in.” He grabbed their comics and made his way to the front of the store and started digging out his wallet. The cashier looked up, a little bored at first and then excitedly yelled “Parks and Rec!” Dan snickered and nudged Aubrey with his elbow as he paid, the intercom advising of their flight boarding in a few minutes.
Aubrey shrugged, knowing he’d feel it but not see the expression that crossed her face, amused and happy. “I still stand by them needed to see a proper dick before being seen off into the afterlife, you gotta be their penis angel, Dan.” Snickered, she tightened her legs around him excitedly, babbling about not being able to wait to get on the plane and read her books, thanking him mid ramble. She rested her chin on his shoulder and let her eyes close, only peeking up when she’d heard the cashier yell out parks and rec. “That’s me. That delightful bitch that married Andy Dwyer.” There was a wide grin that crossed her face, “He’s been upgraded to raptor trainer and guardian of our galaxy, but he’s a good long distance husband.”
“He traded her for a raptor is what she means but it’s ok she’s got a new plaything now. She’s making me her pack mule.” He snickered and handed her back her comics. “I know you, you’re going to read them all in the first few minutes. Pace yourself so you have something for the flight home,” he laughed. The cashier pushed a pen at her and asked excitedly for an autograph. Dan was a tiny jealous that he wasn’t asked for his but he figured he’d live. “A delightful bitch, that’s your calling card,” he said as he readjusted her legs on his waist and started back down the terminal with her. “Why don’t people want my autograph? Maybe I should be flashing grannies, be their cock god. I’ll be appreciated then,” he laughed hard, looking back at Aubrey somewhat adoringly. “You called me a penis angel, I’m never forgetting this day. I can show you heaven again in your hotel room. You can kneel at the altar. I’m running out of religious references.”
“He’s right, I do have a new plaything and what a good one he is.” She grinned, pressing her cheek against his and smiling widely at the cashier. “If you haven’t watched you should watch us on legion, this Guy is the greatest.” Aubrey took the paper, scribbling ‘thanks for letting Dan buy me comics. You’re cool, I guess’ signing her name beneath the quirky message and waving goodbye. “Cock god.” She snorted, “I mean I get all my roles by flashing people so I highly advise it.” Aubrey joked, leaning forward and pressing her lips quickly to the corner of his mouth. “Oh my sweet penis angel, I’ll repent and confess all my sins to you.” She laughed, sucking in a breath, “but hey if you want me to get on my knees for you, you got it.”
He sucked in a deep breath, his ears turning pink at the kiss to the corner of his lips and her cocky words. “You can open your mouth up and take your communion; take the light of the lord into your body. In various holes,” he said trying to stop laughing long enough to get it out. “God am I gonna go to hell?” He turned and looked at her, cringing and shaking his head. “At least if I’m going I know the owner, and you’ll probably put me up in a penthouse suite with a bottle of champagne upon my arrival.”
“You know what’d really be wild.” Aubrey looked at him, in all seriousness, really thinking about it for a moment. “Blowing someone in the confessional of an abandoned church... maybe fucking in said confessional.” She shrugged her shoulders, still thinking about it before bursting out in laughter. “You’re right. You’d be privileged in my kingdom. I can’t deny you the goods.” She leaned forward, sighing loudly not having even gotten on the plane yet but already ready to be off in Japan.
“Well. I’m definitely looking up abandoned churches in Japan. Google don’t fail me now,” he murmured voice a little strained as he laughed, imagining taking her hard and fast at the front of the church pews. “You’d make sure I had all the premium channels too. HBO and all that in my penthouse.” He shrugged and the next part he added in a whisper against her ear “And your pretty little lips wrapped around me each night. What a great host you’d make.” He snorted and grabbed his bag, putting his comics inside and holding her bag up to her. “We have about two minutes we might be able to manage the fastest quickie of our lives,” he teased.
She tugged lightly on his collar, smirking before bringing her lips down to dust soft kisses along the soft skin of his neck. “Japan’s about to be my favorite place, daddy.” Aubrey pulled back laughing, she unhooked her legs from around him and let her feet hit the ground, linking her arm through his. “I don’t really think they’d let you carry me onto the plane, so I might as well start walking.” Her eyes lit up, mischief present in the light brown hues, grinning, “We could try, but it’d really be a shame if we missed our flight, I do really want to go to Japan. Maybe I’ll actually consider that mile high club invitation. We just... gotta time it right.
“Japan was my favorite place the second you mentioned I could have a real kiss when we get there,” he replied, blushing at the feeling of her lips on his neck and he whispered back a “careful. I’m trying very hard to be good and tossing you down on a baggage claim and having my way with you is probably a bad idea.” As she moved to the ground, he missed her warmth immediately but the tease of her voice, the playful suggestion had him grinning at her, all smug and content. “We can cause a distraction. Or I could grab a blanket and just have a repeat of last night in the car.” He snickered and they started boarding, Dan letting her go in front of him. He tried hard not to make eye contact with anyone as he found their seats, his anxiety at being cramped up in the plane spiking. He swallowed and put his bag up, offering to store hers too. “Can I be on the inside? Less people. More cuddling. Happier Dan.” He smiled softly.
“I’m sure you’re already thinking of ways to distract.” She laughed, rolling her eyes playfully at him. “I’m not going to cum in an airplane seat. The Uber’s nice leather seats was bad enough. I’m not encouraging this.” She wondered if the uber driver knew it was them last night, and if he was angry for having to clean up their mess in his backseat the following morning. Wondering if Dan’s rider rating was going to suffer because ‘girl the guy was with came on my nice leather seats’. Aubrey looked over to him when he spoke to her, instantly picking up on his discomfort and nodded her head. She reached out to touch his arm, smiling up at him. “Yeah, sit on the inside, it’ll be more comfortable that way anyway.” She slide her hand down his arm, sliding her hand into his and lacing their fingers together, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“The Uber’s seats will live because that might be the best thing I’ve ever seen you do.” For some reason as her hand found his arm, sliding down to grab his hand it was like warmth all over and he felt a little better, if not completely alright. He squeezed back and gave her a warm smile. “Thanks.” He sat down and pushed up the armrest in the middle she could lean on him and he spread out a couple of comic books to read. Settling in against her, he couldn’t help himself and he leaned over to kiss the top of her head.
“Uh huh, probably the most action they’ve ever seen, but your rider rating is going to suffer from it and really, that guy was probably so pissed.” She couldn’t help but laugh when she remembered how the uber blatantly ignored the two in his backseat. Only acknowledging them to remind them of the fact that they were still in public and very much around other people. Feeling him relax had Aubrey’s momentarily stiff boys melting into him. She didn’t like when he’d get upset or instantly go rigid, it wasn’t //her// Dan and she always felt better after comforting him. Sliding into the seat beside him she nuzzled into his side, planning a short nap before anything. After all, they had quite a bit of time to go. Another man slid in beside them, not a member of the festival, though many of their fellow celebrities were scattered around the plane. The man was friendly, introducing himself to them and mentioning that they were a very cute couple and reminded him of his wife and himself way back when. Aubrey leaned up to whisper in Dan’s ear. “Mile high in the bathroom it is... later... now I really can’t let you finger fuck me in front of this old man. He’s too nice.”
Dan felt himself blushing, laughing a little as the man talked about what a sweet couple they were. And her wondered if that’s how they’d always look to the outside world, with her hand in his, comics spread across their laps, his head resting on top of hers. He shook his head, trying not to think on it too much and as Aubrey leaned up to whisper in his ear, he snickered. “Aww you afraid you can’t be quiet enough? I’d like to see you try to be discreet,” he whispered with a smirk. “With me being the only one knowing you just came all over my hand..” he coughed and pulled back, giving her a smug smile. “You just let me know when you wanna make a break for the bathroom then,” and he subtly moved their linked hands to his lap, letting her feel that he was half hard. “This is your fault, you created a monster alright?”
Aubrey smiled at the old man, thanking him and telling him that Dan was her best friend, but not further correcting him on anything else. She smiled politely and nodded her head at him, telling him to have a good flight before she’d placed her head back on Dan’s shoulder, closing her eyes. She had the ability to snap into being kind, most times around her elders considering her parents would probably have a heart attack if she was ever disrespectful to one... with the exception of the ones she worked with. “Are you challenging me?” She murmured, a grin spreading across her cheeks, growing even wider when she’d felt him against her hand. “Oh, so your buddy down there can’t wait until you’ve got me pressed against the bathroom wall and taking me from behind? Hard and fast. You know, cause we’ve gotta be quick and efficient. Can’t hog the bathroom. Maybe you can eat me, though. You’ll probably need something good after all this airplane food.”
He nearly choked on his own spit. “So you’re saying you’re gonna taste better than the first class steak dinner? If so, I’m into that.” The pool of arousal in his stomach was almost distracting and he pressed her hand harder to his bulge in his jeans, wanting some friction but then relenting when he looked over and noticed the nice old man. “You’re the worst tease.. maybe I’ll just take it slow and take my sweet time licking your pussy...Just to see you beg me for it,” he whispered in her ear. He groaned and the fasten seatbelts sign lit up. “I’m not gonna be able to nap now, might as well use me as your pillow,” he sighed but he was sure to give her a soft smile, a rather adoring look on his face. If he was really exasperated it could never be with her. “I’m glad you bought comics with me. It’s a very ‘us’ thing to do.”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” She laughed, her fingertips gently ghosting over him when he’d moved her hand. Despite his relenting, probably because of their passenger neighbor beside him, she let her hand wander a little. Moving closer to him again and gently stroking him through his jeans. She shook her head, “Can’t do that, remember.” Aubrey clicked her tongue at him, moving her hand a little more deliberately against him, “We have to be courteous of our fellow passengers who might also need the potty.” She laid her head on him comfortably, her body curling into his as best she could. “Mmm, I very much planned on it. Don’t take pictures of me sleeping and put them online, I’ll kill you. But, correction. You bought me comics, which thank you for. I’m going to read all of them as soon as I wake up from my plane nap.”
He bit his lip, his hips rocking up against her hand and he closed his eyes with a small huff of sexual frustration. “Fine, hard and sloppy fuck against the wall it is. I’ll just have to save the good shit for the abandoned church after all, you heathen.” As she snuggled up to him, he gently wrapped his arm around her, his hand coming up to play in her hair. “I’ll draw a penis on your face and Snapchat it. Or just wait until you start drooling. This sweater was very expensive so if you drool, you’re cleaning it up,” he snorted.
“Mmm, you know just how to talk to a girl.” She grinned, her head still resting against him and eyes shut gently. “You’re making me reconsider this nap, maybe as soon as our little old man friend falls asleep we can run off for bathroom use. Though, you might have to distract the flight attendants long enough to make them think I’ve used the bathroom and headed back.” Aubrey smirked, her imagination taking over and clearly envisioning this little plan she had been concocting. “Then you can sneak in and fuck me till my legs are shaking again. So good.”
He groaned and pressed the heel of his hand to his bulge, urging himself to calm down and not be so noticeable. “You’re clearly a succubus.” He shrugged and laughed softly, “Even if it was my initial plan. Tell me, do all demons look that good in red lipstick or are you just special?” And he wondered how she’d managed to flip it around on him. Instead of him whispering all the filthy things he wanted to do her, it became her teasing him instead. He smirked. He’d put the ball back in his court somehow. “I’ll sneak in and fuck you so hard I’ll have to shove my jacket in your mouth to keep you quiet. I bet that’s a kink isn’t it? Gagging?” The plane started to take off before he could whisper anything else in her ear and he gripped her hand hard. He’d never admit he was afraid of flying but there was an irrational fear of it but as soon as they were up, he was just fine.
Aubrey’s eyes scanned the rows nearby, anywhere they were in easy eye shot of. Their passenger buddy was quick asleep beside them and everyone else close by was either engrossed in some reading tons portable game, some sleeping even. She smirked, her free hand coming up to grip his jaw, tilting his face towards her. “It might be just a me thing, I don’t know. But at least your jacket won’t suffer lipstick stains since makeup was the last of my worries this morning.” She looked from his eyes to his lips, feeling his hand tighten around hers. “Calm down, ugly.” Aubrey whispered, pushing her lips onto his hard, giving him a brief kiss.
He watched her looking from his eyes to his lips and he could t help but lick his own, hoping she’d maybe kiss him. When she did he made a soft muffled noise and nipped at her bottom lip as she pulled away, wanting more. “My only worries this morning were damn we don’t have time for a round two do we.” He smiled softly and pulled her close. “Can I ask you something? Why did you stop me on Christmas? I thought you really thought I was ugly,” he laughed. “You’ve since proven me very wrong but I didn’t do anything to turn you off did I?”
Aubrey’s hand dropped from his jaw, looking over to him with a soft smile before facing ahead at the back of the seat in front of her. She wasn’t quite expecting him to ever ask her why she stopped and if she was honest, she really didn’t have a good enough reason to give him. It was stupid, especially when she’d gone for it not even two days later. “I, Uh...” she looked at him, blushing lightly and looking down into her lap, “you were really into it with your kids all day... and I just, I don’t know. You were just super dad mode.”
He snorted out a laugh. “Super dad mode? I guess I could see that. I was still joking about plowing you in the same room so I could see why that would be a little disorienting.” He smiled and stroked her thigh. “I thought there was something wrong with me honestly. But I’m glad it was just an Aubrey moment. That’s what I’m calling every awkward thing that happens. An Aubrey moment.” He laughed and tugged her towards him so he could lean against her. “Wanna make a break for the bathroom now or give it at least until the stewardesses will be too tired to give a shit?”
Aubrey eyed him, raising an eyebrow at him. “You really that impatient, huh?” She questioned, patting his thigh lightly. She shrugged her shoulders, inching her hand up his thigh, moving closer and closer to his crotch. “Most people around us are either sleeping or too engrossed in their stuff, I think I can play a little. Let’s give our stewardesses some time to quit doing their jobs.” Her fingers flicked at the button on his jeans, pulling a fleece blanket out of her carry on with her free hand. “It should tide you over, hm?”
Dans eyes went wide and he felt his mouth drop open before he clicked it shut. “I.. you mean.. yeah. Yep. Ok.” And he shifted, his legs falling open wider. “You’re an angel. A literal angel. That I want to debauch in various positions and surfaces later but for now you’re an angel.”
She glanced at him, biting her lip she pulled a comic out and set it up so she’d look like she was reading. Her fingertips dipped teasingly into the waistband of his boxers, “why don’t you read something and keep entertained?” Aubrey kept her focus on the book in front of her, smiling as she half assed read through the panels. Her hand curled around his shaft, her fingers moving slowly along him.
Dan grabbed blindly at a comic, spreading it across his lap and pretending to read, his eyes not moving across the page as the only indication he wasn’t reading. He let out a soft exhale as her fingers found his cock, trying hard not to push his hips up. “How’s your book?,” he managed to get out, biting on his lower lip.
She hummed, moving her hand, “Mm, it’s getting good.” Aubrey answered, wanting to laugh a little at him trying to make small talk with her. Her thumb slid up to rub the tip of his cock, shifting to disperse his precum onto him to use as a makeshift lubricant, her hand sliding easier along him. Setting a steady pace, she added a little bit of pressure. “Just shut up and read your book, Dan.”
“Yeah?” He bit back a soft moan at the slick pressure of her hand around his sensitive head. He was dripping precum, not even ashamed of how bad he wanted it. “You liked me talking last night.” He said with a half smile, his grip tightening on the pages of the comic, crinkling a little before he smoothed it out. It was so good, made better by the thought of being caught.
She tsked at him, smirking, “You need to be gentle with those pages. You’re gonna ruin that book.” Aubrey moved her attention to his face, watching his expressions change as she moved her hand on him. She flipped up her tray, leaning over closer to him, “stay quiet... okay?” Squirming a bit in her seat, she maneuvered to duck under the blanket. She tugged his pants enough to pull his cock out and wrap her lips around him, her tongue swirling around his tip before sinking her lips further onto him.
“I’ll get you another one,” he said breathlessly. He knew she was watching him and he blushed, trying hard to school his features into something normal but his jaw was clenched tight, and he breathed in hard through his nose. But as she flipped up the seat tray he almost complained at the stopping of her motions on him but then she was whispering something and he barely realized she told him to stay quiet before her soft lips on his cock had his brain almost short circuiting. He did make a small moan in the back of his throat and he hissed out a quiet, “Aubrey, fucking hell.. fuck.” His fingers fisting in the blanket.
She hummed against him in response, sure that he’d feel the vibrations of her protests, but continued regardless. Her hand still worked the areas her mouth had yet to reach. Leaning forward and hollowing her cheeks out as she bobbed her head. Aubrey’s tongue dragged along the underside of his cock, her hand working at the base. Sucking hard as she moved her lips further, feeling his tip hit the back of her throat, moaning softly, she shifted her mouth up bringing it back down and repeating her motions.
The vibrations of her moans made him practically melt into the seat, his hand fisting in her hair under the blanket. He tugged lightly and closed his eyes, before he realized he couldn’t just lay back and moan softly at her lips, he had to be quiet. When he hit the back of her throat though, he really did whimper quietly and his hips shifted, enough to gag her really and he rubbed her scalp in apology. “Fuck, I’m gonna..” he panted softly, trying to be discreet.
The feeling of his hands gripping and pulling at her hair had her practically mewling. Her hands moving, and taking him into her mouth completely. Her tongue swirling around him, shifting upwards against and sucking hard against the head of his cock. She pulled her lips off of him, keeping her hand moving, “Hey, cum for me. Wanna taste you.” She grinned at him before she sank her lips back onto him, massaging his length with her tongue.
And that was all it took, her playful smile and her soft lips wrapped back around him and he was biting his lower lip, his head pushed back against the headrest as he came. He tugged her hair as he spilled down her throat and he wanted so badly to moan, but he just caressed her jaw instead, breathing a little erratically. “Fuck, Aubs. Goddamn,” he whispered as he came down from his high. Her words still playing in his head ‘wanna taste you’ and he sighed heavily.
Aubrey swallowed around him, dragging her tongue alongside him and taking up every bit that she could. Cleaning him up as thoroughly as she could before adjusting him and buttoning his pants back up. When her head popped back out from underneath the blanket, she grinned wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. “Couldn’t give you a proper round two,” She started smiling at him, “We’ll do better at the hotel, yeah?” Tilting her head at him and leaning forest again to kiss his lips lightly, this time not bothering to check if anyone had been looking in their direction.
He gave her the most adoring, awe inspired look, his eyes half lidded from his orgasm and he smiled goofily at her before returning the kiss, a little embarrassingly clingy and not wanting to pull back but he did before anyone saw. But his hand found her jaw and stroked her soft skin. “If this wasn’t a proper round two, then I’m terrified of what you can come up with at the hotel. But I’ll tell you now the cleaning are ladies are gonna hate us. And our trash can full of used condoms. They’re gonna think we’re filming porn or something,” he snorted. “You’d make a sexy porn star.”
She patted his thigh, leaning back into his side and resting her head on his shoulder. “Proper round two is ending the drought in my pussy.” Snickering, she tilted her head up to look at him, the grin still spread wide across her face. Shrugging her shoulder against him, Aubrey lifted her hands in a ‘whatever’ motion. “We could be, who knows. They don’t have to know.” Playfully, she gave him one of her looks, before her expression changed thoughtful. “Of acting shits out on me at least I am filthy enough to make porn.”
“Consider the drought lifted. I’ll bring the flood. That actually sounded much nastier than I intended,” he laughed. “Sounds like I’m about to pressure wash you down with cum.” He leaned his head back on the headrest and he regarded her with an amused but sleepy smile. “We could make some private videos. I know you need something to get you through those lonely nights in your silky robe. I’m a good friend, I’ll help.”
Aubrey snorted, trying to keep down her laughter. She gave him an incredulous look, shaking her head at him. “That reminded me of those scenes in scary movie where Anna Faris’ character always gets jizz blasted. God. I am not sure I want to experience that, but hey, I’m ready for you to bring on the flood, at least you’ll be able to cure your thirst too.” She snickered, curling her hand around his wrist and tugging him down between her legs. “Too bad I’m wearing workout pants and not a skirt or something, no easy access.”
“I could always cum in your hair, make it a scene like that one movie ‘something about mary’ where she styled her hair with it.” He laughed hard and tried to stifle himself imagining Aubrey with her slicked back. “I’ve been blue balled for days, if you think I don’t have a lot to give per se, you’re wrong. Noah will have to put the animals on the ark again.” As she tugged on his wrist, slipping between her legs, he rubbed softly at the thin fabric. “No easy access, but I could always go at it like a teenager; over the clothes. Or, there is a blanket you know,” he smirked.
“Come out of here with Lenny hair.” She snickered, shaking her head. When he’d applied a bit of pressure between her legs she let her head lull back against the headrest. Aubrey’s lips parted and her eyes slid shut, the hand that was curled around his wrist tugging harder. “Blue balled?” She questioned with a laugh, “Why? Cause of me?” She hummed, her fingers sliding over his and guiding his movements a little more forcefully. “You can do whatever you want.”
“No I was blue balled because of the thought of Robert deniro of course it was you,” he snorted quietly and shoved the blanket into her lap, his fingers slipping under the waistband of her workout pants. “You really got off on that hm? You’re soaking wet,” he whispered into her ear with a soft laugh, his thumb rolling slow deliberate circles against her clit. “Maybe you should try reading. You look a little anxious.,” he added with a smirk and handed her a comic book with his free hand.
“I can’t believe I’m letting you finger me on a fucking plane.” She frowned softly, her eyes shut and lips parted. Her fingers curled around the blanket, letting out a slow exhale. Aubrey shook her head, rejecting the book, “Uh uh, I’m good.” She focused on the feeling of his fingers against her and keeping her breathing steady. Her lower lip caught between her teeth, a quiet sound escaping her.
He watched with baited breath, the way her cheeks turned pink and the way she hit her lip. He hadn’t remembered ever thinking someone looked so good as he curled his fingers, slipping them into her and pumping them slowly, wanting to watch her pleasure build on her face. “You sure? You look a little flushed, darling.”
She hummed, a soft “ooo” sounding past her parted lips, shifting a little in her seat. She raised her hips, involuntarily rocking into his hand, desperate for any kind of friction. Aubrey shook her head, letting out a breath. “No, babe.” She sucked in sharply, her voice shakey. “I’m good, just... just, really...” She paused, moaning quietly. “Relaxed.” Aubrey could feel goosebumps rise on her skin, his movements feeling so good against her, she wanted more. She wanted him. Wanted him between her legs, moving hard and fast. She wanted his hands moving across her skin softly, her firm enough to leave her bruised and feeling good. “Dan...” She whispered, opening one eye, “As soon as we settle into our rooms I want you to fuck me so good.”
He watched her rock her hips, wishing he was buried deep in her, biting at the soft skin of her neck that was on display as she relaxed back into the seat. Her words were what made him suck in a deep breath and he moved his hand faster, his fingers reaching deeper, roughly pumping them in and out and he worried for half a second that he’d be too obvious with how his arm moved trying to give it to her hard. “Oh fuck, I’ll wear you out babe, that’s a promise. Make your legs shake.”
She took in a shaky breath, her eyes closing again. His name dripped past her lips, low and raspy. She could feel the way her legs began to tremble and her toes curl in her shoes. Aubrey’s teeth bit hard against her lower lip, arousal pooling low in her belly. Everything was so hot and she felt the heat tight in her stomach, unraveling and snapping. Her eyes squeezed shut, swearing she was seeing stars. A low moan, followed by a soft whimper as she came around his fingers.
He laughed, his eyes amused and full of affection as he watched her moan his name softly. It was incredibly erotic, feeling how she tightened around his fingers, hot and messy as she came. He pulled her closed and kissed the top of her head as he withdrew his fingers and stroked her thigh instead. “Was that good? You feel better? At least until we get to our rooms?”
Half lidded, her gaze remained set on him. A soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips, tilting her head to the side. “You weren’t aiming for the mile high club this flight? Or are we waiting until the next one.” She teased, her voice just barely above a whisper. Aubrey’s breathing evened out a little, sighing at the feeling of his fingers moving along her thigh, “You know it was good. You and your talented fingers.” She teased, cheeks still flushed as she leaned back into him. “So good I’m ready for a nap... and then maybe taking you up on a round in the bathroom. We just gotta time it to passenger naps too.”
He preened a little bit as she told him his fingers were talented. “You know I’m still aiming for it,” He snickered and as he slipped his hand from under the blankets he subtly licked his fingers clean. “You nap, god knows we needed it. We were up late enough,” he said with a bright smile, his ears turning pink. “We’ll wait til everyone is out of it and sneak out. We’re like teenagers. Oversexed and brave.”
“Mmmhmm.” She hummed, shifting to lay her head on his chest. Aubrey brought her legs up and curled into a ball, keeping close to Dan. “Oversexed and brave, But definitely really tired.” She grinned, nuzzling into him and sighing contently as his warmth engulfed her. “You worked the hardest this morning, carrying me around everywhere. You must be tired too. Aren’t you? Go to sleep, we’ll mile high it after our much deserved naps.”
He curled close to her, playing with her hair and he yawned, laying his head on hers. “I worked hard last night too. I’m pretty sure my neighbors know. But yeah, I’m definitely in the post blowjob haze of sleepiness,” he laughed. “It’s never hard to carry you around,” he added softly and pulled the blanket up. “Get some sleep babe.”
0 notes
aubreypara-archive · 6 years
NYE cast party ~ Aubrey and Dan ~ 12/31/2017
It had been nearly a week since she and Dan had seen each other in person, nearly a week since the Make Out™️ incident and honestly, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. So maybe that was why she’d avoided hanging out with him, though, they still spoke. She’d still text him like normal, except things were slightly less explicit. Aubrey plucked a glass of champagne off one of the waiter’s trays, quickly downing one before grabbing two more, and meandering through the crowd of cast and crew. She spotted Rachel, coming up to her and striking up small talk, asking if she had seen Dan. Rachel laughed, shaking her head at her friend, “I’m surprised you two didn’t come together, you’re usually attached at the hip in true Lenny and David fashion, except, you both actually like each other.” Aubrey chuckled, a little uneasily, like each other maybe too much, she thought. “Yeah, I haven’t seen him in a bit. I miss him.”
Dan has been trying not to think about the makeout incident all week, but it was seared into his brain and he’d admit that on lonely nights, restless in bed, he may have thought on it too much. And he usually felt guilty, at least guilty enough to keep the conversations less explicit and more pg13. He’d missed her badly though and as he made his way into the party, grabbing a glass of champagne, he smiled warmly as he saw her standing near Rachel and talking. It was warm and the Christmas lights were still strung up, the whole place aglow with colors and streamers and bright silver and fold decorations, and yet she was the most breathtaking sight in the room. He made his way over and placed a hand over her eyes from behind. “Did someone speak of the devil? Because here he appears.”
Aubrey’s hands instantly went to cover his and it felt like a jolt of electricity was coursing through her fingers at just the gentle touch. Pulling his hands off her face, she turned to smile at him warmly. It was instant and involuntary the way she had just jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck in a quick hug. “I guess that whole summoning thing really does work, we were just talking about you.” She downed what was left of her third glass of champagne. Rachel nodded, “Yeah, your little parasite here was mentioning that she missed you.” And that comment made Aubrey blush, almost sink into herself, considering it had been mostly her that had avoided Dan since their moment. “Yeah,” She nodded, “Guess I really can’t go long without terrorizing you.”
Her arms around his neck felt like electricity and he leaned into the hug, his own free hand coming to rest low on her back, his fingertips bunching a little in the material of her dress. If Rachel noticed, which she raised an eyebrow for a second, she didn’t say anything. He had missed her terribly, wanting to see her but not sure how to ask her to come over, and his own self esteem had taken a hit, his confidence wrecked enough that he hadn’t wanted her to see him unshaven lounging around the house in pajamas and his reading glasses so he hadn’t mentioned her coming over. But here with her next to him it was like a missing part of him was put back together. “I usually can only be summoned by the words “free alcohol” so consider yourselves very honored,” he teased and kissed her cheek. “I missed you too,” he whispered before he pulled back and addressed Rachel. “She’s less like a parasite and more like a service animal that keeps me from running into things in my messy apartment.”
When they separated, she moved her hands to adjust her dress in the back, double checking to make sure it hadn’t ridden up or anything. Aubrey and Rachel sharing a look and shaking their head at him, “Well.. there is free alcohol here.” Aubrey shrugged, stepping away for a moment to grab three, bigger glasses, for them. “Wine this time, they got the good shit… as per usual.” She grinned, taking a sip. “I’m going to head over to the dance floor.” Rachel waved at the two, taking her wine glass with her, and twirling off. Aubrey stood a little closer to Dan, nudging his side with her elbow. “Did you purposely decide to go the fashionably late route?”12/25/17, 8:27 PM
“Hm this is the good shit. I wouldn’t wanna see this bar tab,” he laughed as he sipped. He waved Rachel off and then all his attention was focused on Aubrey, hyper aware of her standing so close, her arm nudging him and he laughed shrugging. “Full disclosure? I changed three times. So it wasn’t planned but I just didn’t feel.. I don’t know attractive in anything so I finally just said fuck it, go anyway so you can see your best friend and enable her to sing karaoke and maybe spit loogies on the people celebrating in the streets.” He laughed hard and gave her a soft look, a little shy but just glad to be with her again.
Aubrey frowned at him, raising an eyebrow, “You look good in anything you wear dummy.” She was genuine in what she was saying, despite calling him ugly all the time, she thought he was the exact opposite of what her silly pet name for him was. She was a little upset that he hadn’t come out sooner for that reason, but she was glad that he was here. “I’m glad you’re here now.” Aubrey leaned her head on his shoulder, “I can’t go getting into trouble without you, we’re a team.”
His eyes lit up as he asked her, “Yeah? You think so?” And as she laid her head on his shoulder, he reached up to pat her hair. “The dream team. Dumb and dumber.” He snorted and nudged her. “You’re dumber by the way. You’re much prettier than Jim Carrey though I’ll give you that. You look gorgeous tonight. Almost nice enough to sacrifice my Rachel Ray, but only just there.” He smirked at her and tossed back his wine. He wasn’t sure if it was the wine or her comment about him looking good in anything, but he felt much better, warm and loose and confident. “Wanna go see what kind of food they sprung for? I dare you to eat caviar.”
“I just call you ugly to call you ugly, you’re actually hot as fuck.” She looked up at him, the sincerity evident in her face. Aubrey snorted, giving him a playful shove. “I’ll take your compliment, even if you called me dumb, but that’s okay, I know I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.” She joked around, knowing that anything he’d tossed at her was all in good fun. “I am not eating fucking fish eggs…” she trailed, looking over to him, “unless you eat it with me. I’m not going into the nasty alone”
He felt this warm pool of arousal in his stomach at her mention of him being hot as fuck. So maybe it wasn’t that she wasn’t into him on Christmas. Maybe it just wasn’t good timing, or she didn’t wanna ruin the friendship. But at least it wasn’t a lack of attraction. And he snorted. “You know I’m kidding right? You’re actually an evil mastermind.” He playfully grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together as he drug her with him to the food. “I’ll try it and if we hate it, we spit it out in that plant over there.” He giggled. “Deal? Besides we both know I’d go into the nasty with you. Any type of nasty honestly. You know all about my filthy mouth at this point,” and he winked, holding out a tiny spoon of caviar. “Bottoms up?”
“I’m glad you acknowledge the fact that I’m the brains behind this evil operation of ours.” She grinned, sliding her hand into his and swinging them between them. It was nice, feeling his hand back in hers again and everything falling back into their normal playfulness. “I don’t know if I want to try it.” Aubrey admitted eyeing the dish suspiciously. “It looks fucking gross.” Reluctantly she picked up a spoon, taking less than half of a spoonful into her mouth, making a face and shaking her head. She tugged his hand hard, pulling him towards the plant and spitting it out. “I hate you, that was nasty.”
He followed suit, taking a bite by his was significantly larger and he gagged, following her to the plant and spitting it out. They got a few stares as he took a napkin to his tongue and scraped. “I hate me too. Ugh. If you’re gonna puke I’ll hold your hair,” he joked. “I need whiskey. Or something strong enough to burn my tongue.” He snickered and wrapped his arms around her playfully. “Come take a drag on the balcony with me?” He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. “I’ll let you wear my suit jacket if it’s cold.”
“We’re going for some whiskey first.” She protested, pulling him over to the bar and ordering drinks for them. She was glad that the station had bought out an open bar for everyone who worked on the show, more than ready to pound back more drinks than she could possibly handle. After all, wasn’t that what ending the year out with a bang meant? When the bartender slid the drinks towards her, attempting to make a pass at her that she’d ignored, she took Dan’s drink and handed it to him, taking a sip of her own. “Lead the way. I might at some point have to take you up on the suit jacket thing. I feel like I’m wearing a sparkly napkin.”
He laughed as she pulled him to the bar though he couldnt help the pang of jealousy as the bartender hit on her and he moved closer to her, not subtle at all. He knocked his back and asked for one more drink his eyebrows raised at her. “Sorry I’m getting hammered tonight, I gotta get a good head start.” As he grabbed drink number two, he placed his hand on her lower back, leading her through the crowd. “Yeah well it’s a beautiful napkin. You make dinnerwear look good,” he snickered as he started pulling his coat off and wrapped it around her shoulders as they made it onto the balcony amidst happy cheers at their arrival. He waved at some drunk crew members and one of them, a girl threw herself into a hug with him and he stood her back up, shaking his head. “Better slow it down maybe,” and he looked at Aubrey and made a face. “Omg that’s so cute your wearing his jacket!” She squealed at Aubrey.
“I’m many more drinks in than you, catch up.” She grinned, encouraging his drinking. On their way out to the balcony, she snagged two more wine glasses, handing him one and taking a sip of her own. “I’m just trying to not flash the world my panties. Can you imagine? We’ve got photographers everywhere.” Aubrey snickered, smiling up at him gratefully when he’d placed his jacket on her. She gripped at the lapels, pulling it closer to her and snuggling into his jacket, taking in his scent. She blinked, watching the girl stumble onto him and felt something weird bubble up in her tummy, whatever it was she didn’t like it. At her shrill squeaking of Aubrey wearing his jacket, she merely nodded. “Yeah he can’t have me dying. He needs me for spell casting on all the basic bitches that come tumbling into his life.”
Dan was sipping his wine and legitimately spit it out, cackling and squeezing his eyes shut. He wiped his mouth on the back of hand and gave Aubrey the most adoring amused smile and the girl huffed, waddling in her high heels back to her friends. “I lost it. You’ve ruined me for any other woman. Who else is going to save me being groped by a drunk college girl?” He held a cigarette out to her and pulled her close to him, taking in how pretty she really did look. And he added a flirty, “You don’t have to flash the world your knickers. You can just show me instead. I have to confess I’m wearing the sloth boxers.”
The alcohol had been catching up with her, just when she thought she was fine, it started to surface. But thankfully she was a high functioning drunk and wasn’t about to topple over in her heels any time soon. Part of her felt bad, watching the girl wobble on her feet, “I bet she’s gonna fall face first and eat tile.” Aubrey spoke as she watched the girl huffing to the friends, obviously talking about her because she’d quickly snapped her head in the opposite direction when she noticed Aubrey looking at her. She turned to face him, gripping onto his tie and pulling him down to her, “Wouldn’t you like to know what kind of panties I’m wearing… I’ll give you a hint, they’re black like my soul.”
Her words shot straight to his cock and he set his wine glass down, acutely aware of her hand wrapped around his tie. “Oh really? Is this like the price is right? If I guess close I get a prize? Because I’m gonna say they’re also lacy.” He snickered and took a drag off his cigarette, leaning his head back and blowing the smoke away from her. “I’d laugh if you were actually wearing granny panties,” he laughed and smiled at her. “So do I win anything? Maybe a mixer? A new tackle box?”
Aubrey rolled her eyes, looking up at the sky, snorting obnoxiously at his granny panties comment. “I’ll have you know, granny panties are blessings sometimes, but in this dress? No. You’d see them through this and I am not about that.” She spoke very matter of fact, no girl wanted their panty line showing through a banging dress, especially not at a work party. She shrugged her shoulders, leaning back against the balcony, letting go of his tie, “you’ll have to wait and see, maybe.”
“Yes its a very slinky dress. Not the kind for panty lines.” He took another drag and put it out, glancing up at her from under long lashes and adding, “Though it is the kind of dress that should be crumpled on a bedroom floor.” He snorted, smirking at her and leaned over the railing, looking down at the city below him. “We should have come out here to spit the caviar out. Aubrey Plaza, looking so classy in her sparkly napkin spitting fish eggs onto innocent people. That’s a vision.”
“So you can put your imagination to work, I’ll confirm they’re lace.” She grinned, turning now so that she could look over at the by passers. Aubrey watched the lights of camera flashes go off, no doubt another wave of paparazzi trying to catch as much of the cast as they could. “I wouldn’t have survived running all the way out here with that fancy trash in my mouth.” She laughed, subtly moving a little closer to him, their shoulders brushing. “But I would have loved spitting some out on those camera demons down there. You think they can see us from up here?”
The confirmation of lace made him smirk and he raised his eyebrows. “Oh yeah? So I’m right on the money then. I better get the grand prize.” He looked down and flipped them all off, sticking his tongue out. “I don’t know if they can but I’m hoping they caught that. We could always put on a show like last time.” And he nudged her cheek with his nose, before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. “There,” He said softly, his breath coming out in quicker little warm huffs of nervous air, the cloud of white in the cold air floating away from them. “That oughta tide them over you think?” And he shifted, nudging her with his shoulder. “At least until we can come back out armed with something to drop on them.”
“Patience.” Was all she said, a plan brewing in her head. She’d spent a lot of time thinking about that kiss at Christmas, wondering how far they would have gotten if she didn’t stop him. Blushing when his lips pressed against her cheek, she had to force herself to shrug it off mentally. Had to remind herself that she was in control of the situation and that he wasn’t going to turn her into putty in his hands, that it’d be the opposite. “Probably. I’d say we can dump the rest of my wine over but… we don’t waste alcohol, that’s a no no.” She said, wagging her finger and drinking what was last of it. Aubrey heard the girl from before chattering loudly with her friends watching them oogle Dan from a distance. “Looks like you’re a popular man, I wonder which you they like best, David or Beast?”
He snorted and shook his head. “Probably either. Just wanna go home with a celebrity that has money to blow.” He made a face and finished his drink. “I’m not interested. They couldn’t handle the beast anyway,” he laughed and bumped her once more. “Too kinky. They’d cry if I pulled a knife on em.” And with that he took her glass from her. “We don’t waste free alcohol and we don’t waste an open bar. Wanna get another drink?” The girls were still giggling and he felt awkward, leaning closer to Aubrey. “Maybe I look funny, maybe that’s it. Is my suit ok?”
Aubrey just shrugged, making a squeaking sound as she giggled over the knife thing. “Dan, I think most girls would probably cry if you pulled a knife on them.. there’s just a select few who are fucked up enough to be willing to let you slice their panties off or something.” She bit her lip, thinking about it for a moment, the cool blade barely grazing her skin as it tore apart lace panties. “You’re right. We need to get more. My buzz is wearing off and I need to be drunk come midnight.” She took his hand, walking backwards and facing him as they walked past the group of girls. Aubrey shook her head, “Definitely because you look really hot and not funny. Stop thinking you look funny.”
“Those are the kind of women that make the world go round though,” he sighed wistfully and laughed, placing a hand on her lower back once more, his fingers grazing her ass and he quickly moved it up, trying to be a gentleman. But now he couldn’t stop thinking of slicing her sexy black lace panties off slowly. As she pulled him along, he stumbled a little after her but he laughed, the way she was holding his hands and walking backwards to talk to him making him feel warm and like the center of her world. “Yes ma’am, I’ll stop but only because you sound bossy like you might cut me and it’ll only get me excited.” And as they made it back inside, he didn’t even ask for his jacket back, waiting until she just got tired of it. “Two whiskey sours please,” he ordered this time and leaned in telling her, “He’s been checking you out. So much for me being the only popular one here,” he snorted. “Think he wants that cat woman scene from Ingrid goes west? “
She pulled her upper lip back, doing that hissing thing she usually did, bursting out into laughs shortly after. She let go of one of his hands when they’d reach the bar, hopping up into one of the seats. Aubrey pulled on the hand she still held, pulling him close to her so he was standing between her legs, kicking the side of his legs gently with her heels. “Oh, good choice. I say we pound back lots of really hard drinks and then suffer tomorrow.” She smiled at him, not having noticed the bartender checking her out this go around because her attention was solely on Dan. Aubrey nearly spit out her drink, worried that it almost came out through her nose. “The cat woman…. she was one my most pg scenes… I’ve gone worse. Oh my god.”
When she tugged him between her legs his mind immediately reminded him of the last time he was between her spread legs, her heels digging his lower back and urging him to rock against her harder and he took a huge gulp of his drink to try and focus. “We always knock back drinks and suffer, let’s not ruin our track record. Undefeated.” As Aubrey almost spit her drink he felt his mouth go slack staring at her in awe. “Wait that was pg? You have worse? Are you gonna tell me which ones?”
She shook her head, momentarily turning her attention to the man behind the bar for another round of drinks. Taking back her whiskey and slamming the glass on the table, yelling “Anooothhhaaa!!!” Thor style. Licking her lips, she turned her attention back to him. “No.” Aubrey responded, smirking, “if you wanna know that bad you can google all my movies and then watch them all. But I do nightly suggest watching all of them by yourself… and by ‘by yourself’ I mean without children.”
“You absolute heathen. You can’t just slam the whiskey glass down, this is nice stemware. I can’t take you anywhere,” he laughed, leaning into her slightly, more tipsy than before as he pushed his drink away too, motioning for another. She was stunningly gorgeous, her red lips tantalizing and he stopped himself from leaning in as she teased him. “Oh so these are movies I should watch alone with a bottle of lotion then is what you mean.” He placed his hands on the bar on either side of her. “You are filthy. I’d ask how you got typecast as filthy but I know better, I’ve seen your texts and heard your mouth.” And felt it.
“If Thor can do it, then so can I.” She protested, taking this next drink a little slower. She held the glass, looking at the residue of her lipstick, wondering if it had smudged at all. Aubrey shrugged, “Are you planning on whacking it? Then yeah… I’d say make sure you’ve got some lotion. It’s as porn-esque as a movie can get and still make it to theaters.” She looked at him, her grin widening, casually adding in, “That and I sometimes flash people at auditions, but hey. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”
“I never plan on wanking but I need to be prepared. I find a new kink once a day so it’s possible,” and he bit his lower lip, before giving her a brilliant smile. “You flash directors, paparazzi, innocent bystanders. I think you just get off on showing everyone your knickers. If you ever wanna flash a friend, you know my number. And I’ve never had my phone hacked,” he snorted.
“That reminded me of the time I was going to wear one of those choker collars for a Halloween costume one year… and accidentally tightened it too much and choked myself. My eyes teared up and I couldn’t tell if it was because I couldn’t breathe or if I was just really turned on. Long story short, that’s how I found out I would be down with being choked in bed.” Aubrey would have felt her knees buckle beneath her if she was standing. His smile was bright and beautiful and she wanted to grip his tie again and pull him into a forceful kiss… but she had to behave, had to build him up and wait for the right moment. “You know I troll when sending ‘nudes’… but for you, I might make an exception.”
His mouth dropped open as she spoke and he couldn’t help it. He was laughing, tipping his head back and wiping his mouth on his hand where he’d almost spilt his drink. “Oh my god. That’s one way to find out. That is the most Aubrey story you’ve ever told me.” He laughed, leaning into her more. “I’m literally picturing you pulling it off and going ‘well fuck’ “ her smile was intoxicating. What he wouldn’t do to kiss her, tangle his hand in her hair, maybe fuck her im a bathroom stall but he told himself to get a grip. Though when she teased him, his eyes lit up in excitement, his whole body feeling warm. “Yeah? Well don’t worry, I won’t share it if I do. I don’t share well.” he said low and amused.
“That’s sorta how it happened.” She shook her head, though it seemed like a very comical story, it was true. That’s exactly how she’d uncovered that kink, one she’d yet to explore. Aubrey slide off her seat, wobbling just a little on her feet, but she lifted her hands up to hold onto Dan, dreading herself with him. “I trust you wouldn’t share. Especially not if you’d be privileged with the real stuff and not the crease of my knee or something.” She leaned forward brushing her lips against his just barely, quickly enough that no one would have noticed. “Let’s dance. Then eat, besides that bull shit caviar we haven’t eaten all the other good food.”
And he helped her up, a little wobbly on her heels and he laughed, helping her stay upright. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Besides who would I share it with?” Suddenly he was holding his breath, her lips pressed to his for a split second and he gave her an incredulous smile. Maybe she was just thanking him for helping her off the barstool but he felt warm regardless. “Of course, dancing and good food. But nothing after midnight, gremlin. You mean you don’t wanna try escargot?” He laughed stupidly and made his way with her to the dance floor, holding her hands and walking backwards this time. “I’m a terrible dancer. I almost killed Emma Watson trying to waltz. I’ll try not to step on your toes though, but white British boy has zero rhythm.”
“This is karma for making fun of the girl who couldn’t walk in her heels.” Aubrey groaned, leaning forward to press her forehead against Dan’s shoulder. Her hands still gripped his tightly as he moved with them, leading her over to the dance floor. She tilted her head up for a quick moment, only to address him, making a disgusted face and shaking her head. “Fuck no I’m not eating snails, what the fuck Dan.” She smiled at him, though. Knowing he’d been joking. “I want French fries and chicken fingers. That’s drunk food. Maybe a milkshake.. and some takis, just for you. Maybe I should just eat all your favorite things so I can taste like them…” She trailed, looking up at him with unfocused eyes and her lower lip caught between her teeth. Aubrey wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder as she swayed gently, a little unsteadily. She leaned up slightly to whisper into his ear, “You look really good tonight.”
He wrapped his arms around her as they swayed to the music and he laughed at her cravings but the mention of wanting to taste like his favorite things definitely had his attention. “Takis are excellent,” he said against the shell of her ear as they danced, “But I know from experience that you taste great without going to those lengths,” He snickered. “But I’m sure we could make a milkshake happen.” Her lips so close to his ear made him shiver and he whispered back, “Yeah? Thank you. So do you. That sparkly napkin does you justice. But then again you could probably wear a paper bag and still look beautiful.”
Aubrey laughed, shaking her head at him. “You’re too kind.” She grinned, tugging gently on his tie. Taking in a breath, she laid her head on his chest and swayed with him. “You’re not all that bad at dancing.” She mentioned, feeling comfortable leaning against him, her spinning head a little calmer as she followed his lead. “Or we could get milkshakes after this… maybe. Or some other kind of milkshakes. Who knows,” she shrugged, her arms hanging loosely around his neck.
He swayed to the slow song, some r&b slow song and he laughed. “I’m only good because I’m not trying to bump and grind. Or have you twerking on me because I’ll admit have no idea what to do in those situations.” Everything was warm and soft as he stuck close to her, her head tucked under his chin. “Is that a euphemism? Are you really wanting milkshakes or implying we should find out if you taste like a milkshake? Or are you implying we need to make them so the boys come to our yard?” And he laughed, tipsy and relentlessly happy and amused. “This is fun. I’m glad I came out. And that you did too.”
“Are you saying you don’t want me to twerk on you?” She questioned, eyes wide. Having half a mind to turn around and sway her hips against his, but it would have taken too much effort and she was comfortable where she was at. Everything was so soft and good and she was pretty sure he was half the reason she was still standing upright. Aubrey shrugged, “Don’t know, could be anything. Guess we’ll have to find out, or… you’ll have to find out.” She grinned, nuzzling her face into his neck, her teeth nipping gently at his skin, humming happily against him. “I was banking on you coming. I would have left sooner if you hadn’t.” She admitted, her voice soft and just loud enough for him to hear her.
“If you twerk on me you’ll only be met with disappointment that I can’t put it down or whatever stupid saying they have . But please, grind away. Make me look like a badass in the club with the baddest bitch.” He laughed and his hand slid down her back, right above her ass and he playfully pulled her closer, his hips pressed to hers. The feeling of her teeth on his neck though had him sucking in a shaky breath, his body flooding with warmth and arousal and he wondered if she could tell. “I wouldn’t have come at all if you weren’t going to be here. I missed you,” he said softly once again, melting into her touch.
Aubrey tilted her head up, her fingers gripping against his jaw momentarily. Her eyes were unfocused, but they remained on his, regardless of how fuzzy things looked. Moving her hand, her fingertips grazed lightly against his skin, a slight frown pulling at the corners of her red lips, “You shaved.” She pouted, tapping at his cheeks, but then, she smiled. “You still look good, but scruffy Dan is my favorite Dan.” Sighing, she removed her hand and looped it back around his neck, wondering if anyone had been paying any close attention to them and their intimate moments. “I’m sorry I just kinda left..” Aubrey looked up at him, one of those soft, vulnerable expressions on her face. The kind that made very rare appearances.
“It was getting a little too scruffy,” he laughed softly. “Don’t worry, I’ll grow it back out. As long as scruffy Dan is your favorite I’ll make it happen.” He shivered under her touch, her warm hands on his jaw and then his neck and he felt his fingertips tighten in her dress, before he smoothed the fabric back out under his hand. Her soft words and her even softer eyes caught his full attention. And she looked sincere and vulnerable and it was rare. He’s only seen her unguarded like that when he was upset, with his kids mother and the crowd at the store and he knew it was genuine. There was no way he could be upset so he placed a finger on her soft lips, smiling warmly at her and he replied, low and intimate, “It’s ok. You had things to get done and you made me breakfast. Which was sweet of you. I’m not upset and you have nothing to apologize for, alright sweetheart?”
Aubrey glanced up at him through her eyelashes, her lips pressed together in their signature pout. Her gaze flicked from his eyes, to his lips, and back, finding herself a little mesmerized by the bright blues. She wanted to lean up and kiss him, her self control dissolving under his stare, but she had a plan and she had to keep to it. Smiling, she shifted a little in his hold, pulling off his jacket and swinging it back around over his shoulders. “It’s getting a little hot in here, could be just you, but I’m a little hot.” She grinned, tugging on the lapels to help him straighten the jacket out before melting back into him.
He looked down, watching her straighten his lapels and he was overcome with the urge to lean forward, tug her into a deep kiss but he stopped himself. “Oh it’s just me? What if you’re also just making it hot in here? That red lipstick could have the whole room shrugging off their coats, “ he teased with a warm laugh. The song changed and it was something slow and sexy, bedroom music honestly and he swayed with her, realizing the bartender had looked over wistfully and he winked. “This is baby making music isn’t it. I guess we better get to it. I’ll just take you by the punch bowl, try not to make a mess.”
“Yeah? You like it?” She grinned, but her smile lasted only momentarily before she was making one of her hideous faces at him. Aubrey looked up at him laughing, one of her hands resting on his shoulder. “C’mon Dan, just put a baby in me right now.” She laughed, tugging him over towards the punch bowl, “They’ll just have to CGI my belly out for Lenny cause she doesn’t roll that way, bro.” Pausing, she looked at him, her eyes bright, “You know they had to do that for Gal during Wonder Woman? Crazy, right? I’m sure they can edit out a baby bump for me.” She was joking, obviously, but her cheeks still burned a shade of pink just thinking about adding another baby to Dan’s army of heathens.
“It’s a nice shade what can I say,” he said with a shrug, still looking at her lips, licking his own. He laughed as she tugged him towards the punch bowl. “Someone’s eager to ruin everyone’s punch. If I pull out, I’ll aim away from the drinks.” He held her hands tightly as he watched her talk animatedly about the baby bump. “Well you know Lenny is technically supposed to have been a middle aged man. So I would suppose that would make it a bit odd,” he laughed and he couldn’t help the smile as he watched her cheeks turn a shade of pink and maybe there was something to this teasing after all. Regardless, she looked adorable and he he couldn’t look away, smiling at her like an idiot, his eyes lit up with amusement. “I am making a soccer team don’t forget. You give me another and I’ll make you assistant coach. Or maybe just ask you to be a cheerleader and wear some skimpy little skirt. Yep that’s a plan.”
“Technicalities. He’s already a woman, kinda… nonbianary, so what’s it matter if Lenny gets a baby bump anyways? Just adds more weirdness to the show. Maybe we should pitch that.” She was rambling, and her words were clear and coherent, but she spoke a little louder and a little faster. The Puerto Rican in her coming out, no doubt. She laughed, tilting her head to the side, and tsking, “I can’t wear a slutty outfit around the kids, I’m way better behaved than that….” Aubrey trailed, her hand reaching up to tug on his tie a little again, “Maybe in the bedroom… I could do that for you.” She winked, turning around to pour some punch, “You’d like that, right?”
“I’d die of a heart attack probably but yes until my untimely demise I think I’d like that. You troll,” he added and accepted the punch, taking a sip. “We’ve got a few minutes until midnight.” He noticed and he blushed, hoping maybe they’d kiss or something. “You ready to ring in the new year telling me about your lingerie preferences? You’ve piqued my interest. Because I am.” He laughed and wrapped his arms around her again, tipsy and a little more openly affectionate than maybe he should be but he couldn’t care, didn’t care what anyone around them thought of how close he was, smiling like an idiot.
“Dan, if Robert Deniro didn’t have a heart attack during filming Dirty Grandpa, I have full faith that you won’t have a heart attack.” She laughed, her head tipping back. She took a sip of the punch, half expecting it to had been spiked and being thoroughly disappointed that it wasnt, but she supposed something had to be nonalcoholic. “You wanna hear more? Cause I’ve got a pretty extensive collection, but maybe it’d be best if i just showed you. Description wouldn’t do them justice.” She teased, her eyes following his facial expressions trying to read him.
“You don’t know, I’ve also never seen you naked. It could be too much. Like when professor x goes into cerebro without a helmet. Or like god speaking to you. It short circuits your brain.” He watched her laugh, the long lines of her neck so stunningly pretty that he could only stare, fascinated at how she moved. “I uh. I would be more than ok with a view of this collection. Words are overrated,” he laughed. And he was looking into her eyes, realizing she was studying him as much as he was her, and breathed out, “You know how beautiful you look when you laugh?” And his fingers curled around her wrist, his thumb stroking the soft skin there. “I’d die if I didn’t get to see you laugh at least once every other day.”
“Would you want to?” She asked and this was the alcohol talking at this point. Not that she wasn’t always bold and flirty with him, but this was on another level. She quickly added on a, “I mean, DeNiro hasn’t seen me naked either, but he was close to it.” Aubrey blushed at his compliment, always a little bit awkward when it came down to it, “You wouldn’t die.” She smiled, raising an eyebrow at him, “You’d just get into a lot less trouble.” Aubrey looked over to a small group of their cast members, looking over the the TV that was playing the ball drop, counting down the seconds until midnight.
“I think we’ve established that I very much want to..” he blushed and ran his hand through his hair, remembering how he told her he wanted to fuck her senseless basically. At the raise of her eyebrow, he raised his own. “A lot less trouble but also a lot less fun. Who else will push me at high speed in a shopping cart?” He pulled his attention reluctantly from her gorgeous lips and eyes to their cast mates and crew, and he excitedly tugged her closer to the tv to watch the ball drop. “I’m shooting a streamer in your face,” he laughed and grabbed a little play confetti gun off a table, but truly he wanted a kiss and was determined he’d plant one on her.
Aubrey smirked, not responding to his comment, though, she’d wanted it too. “You’re right, your life without me would be boring and you’re much better off with me by your side.” The smile on her face widened and she stumbled a bit as he pulled her towards their co-workers. She stopped one of the passing waiters, plucking the last two champagne glasses off his tray, and handing one to Dan. She tugged him over towards a less crowded area, but still around their friends. “Five seconds to the new year.” She grinned, chanting the countdown with the rest of the people in the room.
His hands felt sweaty as he clutched the champagne. She’d told him countless times tonight that he was hot, that he was attractive. She’d nibbled his neck and kissed him for a split second. She would most likely kiss back if he kissed her at midnight. And he wrapped his arm around her waist, also happily counting down the last few seconds. As the ball dropped and confetti rained down on the streets outside, everyone set off their streamers. He shot his into the air and, ecstatic and tipsy and just so happy to be with Aubrey, holding her close, he looked down at her lips and licked his own. He took a deep breath and was leaning in for a soft kiss, just a press of lips to hers, electric like the first time and he didn’t want to stop but after a few seconds he was pulling back with a brilliant smile on his face. “Happy New Year, Aubrey.”
Aubrey smiled into his lips, frowning the moment he’d pulled away. “Happy new year, Dan.” She’d murmured, looking up at him. She turned for a minute to glance at their friends, all caught up in celebrating and their loved ones to really pay them much attention. She took a step closer to him, her hands fisting in the fabric of his shirt and leaning up, her lips colliding roughly against his. She’d given him a forceful push against the wall, her lips sliding from his to his jaw, leaving behind the bright red smears of her lipstick.
When his back hit the wall, he let out an oof of surprise, quickly swallowed by her kiss, which was followed closely by a “fuck” as she moved to his jaw. His hands moved to her backside, dangerously close to sliding under the fabric and he moaned softly. “Aubrey, god what are you.. nevermind don’t stop,” and he was lost in how it felt to have her take control for a moment. He couldn’t believe she had pushed him against a wall to make out, it was surreal but all his doubts that she wanted him completely faded.
“Wasn’t really planning on it.” She mumbled, her lips still moving across his skin. Her hands still fisted in his shirt loosened and her fingers moved to hook in the belt loops of his pants, pulling him in closer to her. Aubrey’s mouth slid back up to his, her tongue sweeping across his lower lip. She wanted him to touch her, to do something. So one of her hands unhooked from his pants and moved to curl around his wrist, giving him a tug. “Please.”
Her desperate “please” had him growling in the back of his throat as he kissed her, his lips parting under hers, the kiss messy and sloppy and good. One hand moved to her hips, gripping roughly and he rolled his own hips against her, already half hard from the way she’d tugged him forward from his belt loops. His other hand tangled in her hair, tugging the silky strands to get a better angle on the kiss, his tongue sliding against hers like he was mapping out exactly how she felt and tasted so he wouldn’t forget. This was really happening and he moaned, not wanting to break the kiss but he pulled back so he could breathe out against her lips, “My place or yours? We can beat the traffic if we go like right now.” He looked down at her with bright eyes, smiling hopefully.
“Wherever we can get to the fastest.” She panted, her gaze half lidded. She rested her elbows on his shoulders, her fingers curling in the ends of his hair, giving the strands gentle tugs. There was a smile on her face, completely sure of the fact that her lipstick was smeared, but she didn’t care. She almost preferred it that way. Aubrey moved again, her impatience seeping all the way down to her core. She took his hands in hers and tugged, pulling him along as she ducked out of the building. “The faster we get to where we’re going, the better.” She wanted to put her hands on him again, to drag her lips down his neck and scrape her teeth along the sensitive skin, but she controlled the urges, careful to stay away from paparazzi cameras.
“My place then?” And he practically melted as she played with his hair, tugging lightly. Her lipstick was smeared but it looked so seductive and he knew it was all over his jaw and neck, but he didn’t want to hide it as she tugged him outside into the cold air. They managed to make it to the street, and he laughed, pulling her close as he took out his phone to get an Uber. “You have no idea how much I’ve been thinking about this,” he whispered into the shell of her ear, lacing his fingers in hers. He wanted to kiss her and mark her and push her up against a parked car but he held back. It only took a couple of minutes for the Uber to arrive though and he pushed her playfully into the backseat, climbing in practically on top of her. He really wanted to be good, he really did, but one look at her and he was pulling her into another heated kiss, his hands exploring her body, one slipping between her legs and gently caressing her inner thigh.
She hummed, nodding her head and agreeing with him. Her hands were subtly gripping at his clothing and when he’d pushed her into the uber, her body connected with the backseat, a slew of drunken giggles bubbling past her lips. Aubrey’s hands reached out to grip his sides, her legs parting to accommodate for his body, pulling him between them. She whimpered lightly at the soft touches of his fingertips on her inner thigh, tilting her head back with a heavy exhale. She held herself up by her elbows, leaning against the door, “I can’t wait for you to fuck me like you said you would the other night.” She grinned, leaning up to push her lips back onto his.
He smirked into the kiss, bracing himself on the leather seats of the car and pressing against her, bunching her dress up around her hips. He was halfway to unzipping his pants, forgetting where they were when he heard the Uber driver cough and he stopped, looking down at Aubrey and giggling, moving off of her but staying pressed close. “Ok so we should probably wait for me to fuck you senseless but..” and he slipped his hand between them once more, his fingertips moving aside the damp lace of her panties, his thumb sliding against her, feather light and he nipped at her neck. “Is this ok? God you’re so wet,” he whispered.
“Oh fuck.” She groaned, her head accidentally bumping against the window. She nodded, mumbling something about it being more than okay and rocked her hips up slightly into his touch. It felt so good and she was mentally cursing herself for having stopped him before, but this was good now and she didn’t want to wait much longer. Aubrey’s eyes shut gently, and she mumbled to him, “He’s just mad he’s driving people around and not getting laid.” Her hand curled around his wrist and she bit down on her lower lip. “Uh huh, so wet. Touch me.” She demanded, her grip tightening a little.
He snorted at her assessment of the Uber driver. “He just wishes he was going home with you. Lucky me hm?” At her encouragement, he took in a sharp little breath. He was so hard he hurt. With a soft little moan, he kissed her neck, his teeth grazing her soft skin as he slowly worked her clit with his slick fingers. “You like that? I can’t wait to fucking wreck you. “ And with that he slid two fingers into her, curling them to press against her spot expertly. “You’re so tight ugh you’re gonna kill me aren’t you?” And he was desperate to hurry up and get to his place.
Her jaw dropped, a low moan escaping her. Aubrey blindly reached, her hand gripping against his thigh before shifting upwards. Her hand scooter upwards until she was hovering above him, palming him through his pants. She grinned, her head leaning back against the head rest. She nodded slowly, “I might, but not until after. I’m not ready to gone girl it and fuck a bloody corpse.” Her words came out staggered between heavy breaths and moans. Aubrey leaned her head up, eyes unfocused, but gaze towards the back of the drivers seat. “Do you know how much longer we’ve got?”
“I shouldn’t be moaning at you talking about blood and boning but here I am.” He snickered before letting out a soft moan, her hand on his cock, even through thin fabric of his dress pants making him gasp. “We’ve got probably a couple more minutes,” he whispered as the driver was steadfastly ignoring them. “Enough time for me to make you cum at least once before I fuck you..” he trailed off and tugged her bottom lip, kissing her once more, his fingers moving faster against her. “Cmon Babe,”he mumbled against her lips.
She made a soft noise, her hips rocking into his hand and shamelessly riding his fingers. The movements of her hand on his cock went from erratic to a complete stop, her hands moving to clap over his cheeks and pull his face in closer to hers. She moaned loudly into his mouth, trying to best to keep it somewhat hushed, but ultimately failing. “God, fuck Dan.” Aubrey threw her head back her stomach tightening and her eyes screwed shut, panting hard as she felt the heat overcome her entire body.
“God you look so beautiful when you cum, fuck,” he whispered and as he sat back on the seat, he groaned, praying to every god that they’d hurry up and get to his place. He slipped his fingers from her gently, smoothing her dress back down and he gave her a heated look, eyes half lidded as he sucked his fingers messily, and leaned over to whisper in her ear, “better than a milkshake honestly.” It felt like an eternity but the car stopped and he literally tossed a $100.00 bill at the driver and helped her stumble out after him, laughing and kissing her up against the brick building of his apartment complex. “Sorry, I just had to, you have no clue what you do to me,” and he fumbled in his pants pocket for his keys.
She laughed, more of a soft chuckle than anything but his comment of her tasting better than a milkshake was comical in this situation. She hummed, giggling as she held onto his hand tightly, stumbling after him. “Watch it, I’m drunk and in heels.” Aubrey teased, her eyes lighting up instantly when he pushed her up against the bricks, “Push me around any harder and I’ll get even more excited.��� She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his hungrily, not wanting to wait much longer. “Hurry up!” She groaned, moving to grasp his shoulders and jump up, her legs curling around his waist.
He laughed, happily carrying her down the hall to his apartment. Stopping every few feet to get a better grip on her thighs, pushing her to the wall and kissing her hard. He finally managed to get the front door open and he gently put her down onto her feet. This is beautiful,” he said as he gripped her dress, “But it needs to be off like now,” he said with a laugh, kissing her neck as he tugged down the zipper.
Aubrey shrugged her dress off, stepping out of it and reaching down to unbuckle her heels and kicking them off. She moved her hands to Dan’s shoulders, pulling his suit jacket off and making quick work of loosening his tie, hardly waiting before she was gripping his shirt and pulling him towards his bedroom. She reached back, blindly searching for the door knob as she leaned up to place messy kisses on his face. She used her grip on him as leverage to push him down onto the mattress and crawl on top of him. “You fell right into my trap you know?” She grinned, whispering close to his ear, “I’ve been planning this New Years seduction bullshit since the day after Christmas.”
It was a blur of clothing as she pulled her clothes off, revealing the sexiest lingerie he’d ever seen on someone. He nearly groaned and whispered, “You’re like.. a minx. And I’m a little tipsy so it sounds corny but god you’re a fucking minx.” And he let it a shaky exhale as she tugged him by his shirt to the bedroom. He gripped her hips hard, his fingers slipping under the edge d her lace panties before he was toppling backwards, the kiss broken with a trail of saliva and a quick oof. He was rock hard, and as she crawled onto him, he gripped her ass, rocking his hips up against her. “Wait you did? You wanted to.. you wanted to be with me tonight?” He looked over at her, his smile bright and incredulous. “I’ve never been happier to be trapped then.”
“You’re so dumb.” She laughed, looking down at him affectionately. Her fingers plucked at the buttons of his shirt, carefully and slowly pushing it open, tugging and urging for him to pull it off. And without giving it much thought, she finished up loosening his tie and tossing it across the room, her lips clumsily connecting with the corner of his mouth. She rocked her hips into his, moving a little more forcefully and deliberately, her hands curling gently around his neck, giving him a light squeeze. “Right into my trap… daddy.” She grinned, tapping her fingers against his neck.
His fingertips traced her thighs, wanting to feel as much of her skin as he could but at her sloppy kiss and her hands wrapping around his neck, he looked up at her with wide lust blown eyes, his cheeks pink and he licked his lips. “Oh god Aubrey, just let me fucking ruin you, please?” Pulled her down for a rough kiss, gripping her side and flipping her under him, rolling his hips hard against her and grabbing her wrists in his hands, holding them over her head. “Fuck,” he whispered and dug in his drawer looking for a condom.
She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer to her much like she had that first night. Raising her hips and mimicking his motions, rolling up against him. Her head tipped back and sinking into the pillows as she let out another moan. Aubrey pulled at her wrists, pushing them against his hold on her. “In my bra.” She laughed, looking up at him with a wide smile. “I came prepared, I told you I had a plan…. now, hurry up, I want you to fuck me so hard that your name is the only one i remember.”
He spluttered for a moment. “You brought a condom. In your bra. You’ve been talking to me all night, with a condom in your bra,” he laughed and slowly unhooked her bra, pulling it off with ease and tossing it on the floor and grabbing the condom triumphantly. He moved off her just enough to unzip his pants and shoved them down and off before settling back between her legs. “Babe, if the neighbors didn’t already my know my name, they’ll know it tonight.” He smirked and nibbled on her ear as he rolled on the condom. “Gonna have you screaming my name. Now.. say please?” And he teasingly rubbed the head of his cock against her. “Tell daddy how bad you want it.”
“Yeah and let me fucking tell you, deciding which ones to buy was fucking hard. Next time you’re getting them… once we go through this pack. I’m no condom expert.” She laughed from underneath him, glad that even if it was messy and spontaneous, that they were still playful and comfortable with each other. She knocked his sides with her knees, smiling wide. “You gonna fuck me or what Dan? Come on, I’ve been waiting long enough.” Her hands slid up his abdomen, tracing light patterns along his skin, only stopping when she’d reached his neck again, giving a tight squeeze. “Please daddy, I want you to fuck me so hard I can’t walk right tomorrow. Don’t make me wait more.” She whined, leaning up to trail her lips up his jaw.
“Do I look like I’m a condom expert either? We can just trial and error until we find some that work. ‘Her pleasure’ is next but I don’t know if we’ll need the extra help,” he laughed and it was wild that they were about to fuck and he was about to have her moaning and writhing under him but he could still joke, they still had that playful banter. “Oh hell, just.. just keep you hands there ok?” He gasped at her lips on his jaw and he slid into her slowly, filling her completely and he groaned at how tight she felt. “Fuck, you won’t be moving period when I’m done with you,” and he started a steady pace, gripping her thigh and settling her leg higher on his waist to deepen the angle of his thrusts.
“You have a penis. You’re more of an expert than I am.” She laughed, the sound transitioning not so smoothly from a laugh to a strangled moan. Her hands on his neck tightened, squeezing hard and sliding her lips over his. Her teeth grazed his lower lip before biting him playfully. “Mmm, daddy, please.” Her voice shook, breaking the monotone of her usual demeanor. Aubrey’s lips moved across his skin, sucking and nipping and leaving behind little bruises, when she reached his shoulder she sunk her teeth into the juncture between his shoulder and neck, groaning loudly as he moved against her. “Harder daddy.”
“And I have three kids so I’m not a great condom expert,” he laughed against her lips. Hearing her moan, her normal well developed demeanor slipping up, it was like an achievement and he wanted to see her come undone, and definitely wanted to hear her whine and writhe under him more often. He sped his thrusts up, slamming into her hard enough to rattle the headboard against the wall. “Yeah? You like it like that? Fuck,” he choked out, panting with the effort to fuck her and focus even with her hands wrapped tight around his neck. “You’ve been such a bad girl, teasing me all night. Gotta punish you somehow.”
“You’re… right…” She trailed off, still laughing, but then mustered up the most serious look she could. “I’m not trying to catch a baby yet, Dan. Be careful or I’ll kill you.” Her tone was playful, and though she did mean the not being ready for a kid thing, she trusted he’d be cautious and even then, she had birth control. Aubrey’s hands slid from his neck, her nails digging into his skin and dragging down his back, his name pouring from her lips and her voice growing increasingly louder as he went. “Oh god, Dan.” She dug her heels into his back, thrusting upwards and trying to keep pace with his quick rhythm. “Mmm daddy, you’re so good.” Her back arched into him, mewling beneath him.
“Fuck.. Aubrey oh god. You’re so tight and good and fuck..” He babbled, biting his face in her neck and nipping at her skin, sweat starting to dot his skin. Everything was hot and slick and perfect and he moaned, his thrusts more frantic and he gripped her hips hard, pulling her back to meet his deep thrusts. “Youre so much better than I could have imagined.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but the words died on her tongue almost instantly. She bit down on her lower lip, hard enough to draw blood, her lips red, still smeared from her lipstick and swollen. Aubrey slid her hands back up his back, dragging her nails up his skin before reaching up to card her fingers through his hair. She moaned, louder, her legs beginning to shake slightly and her toes curling. His name rolling off her tongue, so naturally. “God… Dan, fuck.”
“Yeah that’s it Aubrey,” he panted, voice low and wrecked. “Say my fuckin name so you don’t forget who fucked your brains out tonight.” And caught her lips in a rough kiss, smearing her lipstick more and completely satisfied with the red swollen color as she bit her lips when he pulled back. Her legs quivering under his hand as he gripped her thigh was more than he could take and he growled, grabbing her hands and holding them above her head once more. “Cum for me, wanna see you completely ruined.”
“God you sound so fucking sexy.” Aubrey groaned, pushing her wrists up in his grasp. Her eyes closed and her breathing increased, the heat that looked low in her abdomen curling tighter and tighter. Her moans were louder, more strangled as she struggled to breathe right, her chest heaving and all she could think about was how good he was pounding into her. Begging him to move harder, faster. “Dan… Daddy.. Fuck.” The movement of her hips becoming more erratic as the arousal snapped, throwing her head back and letting out a louder moan, closer to a scream. Her body shaking beneath his, “ohmyfuck” words strung together.
He let out a strangled moan, his eyes squeezing shut. “Aubrey, fuck. God.” He couldn’t take it, the way she was shaking and moaning and begging. He never thought he’d hear her beg but now that he knew how sexy she sounded, he felt like he was going to explode. He thrust harder, and as she came, clenching down hard on his cock he was following her over the edge, one hand fisting in the sheets and the other in her hair, muffling his climax in her soft swollen lips. “Holy fuck, Aubrey. God,” he moaned out as he tried to catch his breath, his hips stilling, keeping him buried deep. “I’m so glad you planned to seduce me because this was the best idea you’ve ever had,” he laughed and pecked her lips.
Aubrey’s body still shook beneath him, tiredly moving her hand up to push his hair back. She smiled wide with her kiss swollen lips and leaned up to kiss him softly. “Uh huh, I’m full of great ideas.” She laughed, closing her eyes. With her knees bent, she nudged his sides. “You know what’s not a good idea? Having to take that long ass flight to japan tomorrow and I’ve hardly packed, but honestly I can’t fucking move and I don’t think I’ll be doing much moving tomorrow either.”
He laughed, nuzzling against her face and kissing her jaw, her neck, then her collarbone. “Yeah but we’ll live. I’m tossing clothes in a bag and as far as moving goes, we’ll take Tylenol and drink water. We’ve had worse hangovers I’m sure.” After a moment, he sighed contentedly and pulled out, tossing the condom over the edge of the bed. “And if I wrecked you, like you literally can’t walk from taking my cock, then I’ll just smugly carry you around the airport,” he snorted and wrapped his arm around her. “I’ll give you a piggyback.”
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aubreypara-archive · 6 years
Christmas with the kids ~ Aubrey and Dan ~ 12/25/2017
It was panic Doomsday™️ and Aubrey sat in the middle of her bedroom floor on top of a pile of clothes. Half her closet had been pulled out and tossed, and she had a little less than an hour before Dan was expecting her over. Luckily, her makeup routine was quick and easy. It was her usual, the dark smudged eyes, it suited her. She’d finally decided on a pair of high waisted jeans, a cropped blouse, and a pair of boots before she realized she had fifteen minutes to spare.
Gathering up her keys, small backpack, and Dan’s gift, she skipped out the door. Speed demoning all the way into Dan’s neighborhood, nearly running every red light in her path. She turned off the car, letting her head fall back on the head rest and taking in a deep breath. She was just meeting his kids, this wasn’t a big deal… but for some reason it felt like one. After a few more breaths, Aubrey made her way up to his door, knocking obnoxiously. “Open up, ugly!!!”
Dans kids were playing in the living room, watching a movie and he was busy stressing; about his hair, his clothes, his outfit and he sighed, giving his grey sweater one last look in the mirror. He was almost embarrassed to admit he’d kept the scruff Aubrey had liked. “Dad someone’s yelling outside,” Willow called out and he laughed, shaking his head as he made his way out of the bedroom. He snorted as he answered the door. “Sorry were not Mormon. We’re good. We have the lord in our house. I found him in a piece of toast actually, it’s uncanny,” he teased as he stood in the doorway, keeping her outside. “It’s cold isn’t it. I bet you’d like to be in here where I am.”
It probably wasn’t her best idea, not bundling up appropriately, but she was going to suffer for the aesthetic. She wore a thin jacket over her outfit, planning to shed it once she was inside, considering it didn’t really go all that well with her outfit, but she needed some sort of warmth. “Dan I swear to fu-“ Aubrey paused, remembering his children were within earshot inside and that she had to be on her best behavior, turning on the censored version of her that she typically only held when she was around kids. “Someone tell their dad to quit being so mean and let me in before I freeze. I’m a fun little elf and I just came to play!” She spoke loudly, giving a hard playful shove and squeezing in past him and into the warmth.
As she squeezed past him to enter he dipped his head, saying low and playfully against the shell of her ear, “You can play with me if you want, my bed is your bed.” He knew he had to be on good behavior mode around the kiddos but couldn’t help but get that quip in. “Fine come inside if you must. It’s like inviting a vampire into your home; you’re not sure if it was a good idea but you wanna live dangerously. “ he made his way into the living room and picked up Eden who up to this point had been scooting across the floor on her little butt, holding a dinosaur. “This is Aubrey,” he cooed to her, eyes bright as he looked over at Aubrey. “Can you say Aubrey?” He laughed and held Eden out for her to hold. “This is Eden. She’s a nuisance but the sweetest one.”
She shivered, his warm breath hitting her skin in the most delicious of ways. Shaking her head she pulled off her cardigan and tossed it to the side. “Be quiet.” She laughed, cautiously making her way in, noticing the two older ones sitting in front of the tv watching something. Aubrey’s face lit up when Dan held the baby out to her, unbeknownst to most of the world, she was a sucker for kids. “Hi Eden,” her voice was a little softer, still holding it’s trademark monotone, but a little sweeter as she held the baby, bouncing her lightly on her hip. “Woah, super cool dinosaur, this one must be a brachiosaurus, huh?”
Dan snorted. “Her vocabulary is very limited. I don’t think she has a clue what brachiosaurus means but look she’s smiling at you so I guess that means she likes you.” He went to the kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee for them both. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you had a heart, Ms Grinch.” He smiled at her as he handed her the coffee. “Or maybe it’s just for my brood. and sometimes me,” he added, his expression open and sincere. “Ok meet the rest of the kiddos. This is willow,” he pointed at her and she waved, a huge smile on her face. “And this is Aubrey.” Who waved also immediately asking, “Do you wanna watch Frozen?”
She rolled her eyes at him, “I know that, but that doesn’t mean they don’t retain things at this age. These are the most important ages in terms of development.. As-dummy.” She had to keep reminding herself not to let a swear word slip, which was rather difficult when they were her favorite words, maybe she’d switch it up and go Spanglish on him for the day. “I like kids.” Aubrey shrugged, smiling down at Eden, still bouncing her. She followed him, using her free hand to wave at the other two, “Hey Willow… And Aubrey, woah, that feels weird, saying my own name. My name’s Aubrey too.” She grinned, moving to individually greet both children. When his son had beamed up at her asking if she’d watch Frozen with them she instantly agreed. “Yeah, I like that movie. It’s cute. Your dad reminds me of that obnoxious snowman, Olaf right?” She snickered, taking a seat on the floor beside them, still holding Eden in her lap.
He couldn’t help the pang of …. something.. in his chest as he watched her bounce Eden on her hip and the way she was with his other two. She did seem like a natural and suddenly he wondered why she’d never had children. But as soon as she mentioned him he mock glared at her, reaching a hand out to shove at her shoulder. But Aubrey was agreeing laughing as he nodded his head. “Oh I see. I guess everyone wants me to hand out coal this year.” He laughed and as the kids settled back down he leaned over to whisper in her ear once more. “You’ve been here 10 minutes and already being a bad girl. You wanna be put over daddy’s knee?”
She turned to Dan’s son, and the child she’d already nicknamed ‘name twin’ and smirked. “He wouldn’t, I wouldn’t let him. Don’t listen to him, he’s just mad cause he doesn’t wanna be the dopey snowman.” She turned to Dan with a grin on her face, almost challenging him to contradict her. Aubrey shivered when he’d whispered to her, her cheeks turning pink and her body warming up almost instantly. She shot him a glare, shifting a little. “I think the only one here who should be getting coal is you, bud.”
“The snowman is the worst part of that movie. I can’t believe you all.” He sipped his coffee, a content look on his face. The way she looked at him, challenging, made him tilt his head huffing a short laugh as he added, eyes full of mischief, “Maybe. I probably deserve it. But maybe you don’t want coal. Maybe you want something else hard stuffed in your stocking.” He laughed, his coffee sloshing a little as he did. “Sorry I couldn’t help myself. I’ll behave.” He looked down at Eden on her lap who was bouncing and he leaned forward, back into daddy mode. “Cmere, snotty. Your onesie is all bunched up,” and he tugged it down, with all the pride of a new dad that wanted his kids to look good for company. “Dad when can we do presents?” Willow asked excitedly. “Do we have any for Aubrey?” He hummed in affirmation. “We do. We can open some now.” And right as he was about to get up, his text alert went off. He looked at it with wide eyes, a little confused. “I uh..” he faked a smile for everyone.
“Olaf was the best part! I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Aubrey grinned, leaning up to tug on his arm gently. It was weird, how easily she fell into something playful with him, especially around his kids, but maybe that’s what made it weird. She smiled at his interaction with Eden, she’d never really seen him around his kids. Always assuming that he was always a heathen. She set Eden down carefully before standing, giving him a look, “Everything alright?”
Aubrey’s voice cut through his irritation and his face softened as he looked up at her. “I’m uh. Can I see you for a second? In the kitchen?” And he picked Eden up, just wanting to hold her as he made his way into the kitchen. She made babbling noises, tugging on his sweater and he held her, stroking her back as he bounced her on his hip. “So my ex wife was supposed to split Christmas with me. I have them this morning, she takes them this afternoon. But she’s not gonna pick them up until tonight. She’s caught up in her new beau and his family.” He was angry and the words tumbled out. “Her own kids! It’s Christmas what the fu.. what is she thinking,” he corrected himself. “She fought me. Sooo hard for custody and I see them one week a month and this is how she’s gonna act?” His eyes were wet and he ran a hand through his hair. With a bark of a laugh he added, “the closest thing to a mom they have today is you. And I’m thankful you’re here right now because I need you,” he admitted softly. “Sorry, this isn’t what you signed up for today. I’m good. I’m just.. annoyed is all. We’ll still have a good Christmas. I love having them so having them all day is fine with me.”
She nodded, following him into the kitchen. She hadn’t ever seen Dan look that distressed before and if she was being honest, it worried her. Aubrey leaned against the counter, watching him with Eden, despite looking upset, the interaction between the two brought a smile to her face. The actress shook her head, she frowned, making a slight tsking sound. Pushing off the counter, she neared his cutlery drawer, pulling out a knife, a wicked smile on her face, “We have an option. I can stab her.” All joking aside, though, she neared him patting her arm gently. “But hey, I don’t mind hanging out with them. I can run out and get a ginger bread cookie house kit thing. We can watch movies and decorate cookies. It’ll be good. Besides, I’m sure we’ll be more fun.”
Eden took a moment to tug his sweater again, bouncing excitedly. She wanted to go to Aubrey and he laughed as she leaned forward in his arms, her little hands stretched out at her. Aubrey’s wicked smile, the knife in her hand made him laugh, his stress melting away. “I won’t encourage it but I won’t discourage this plan either.” He snorted and relented. “Yes light of my life you can go to Aubrey. Pushy little thing,” he added and as he moved to transfer her to her arms, he pulled Aubrey in for a quick hug. “Thank you,” he murmured against her ear. “We have some good movies and I’d be forever thankful if you’d get a gingerbread house. I’ll even pour you a glass of wine after they leave as your reward. Maybe I’ll even order Chinese if you’re extra good and promise not to spill it on my couch.”
Aubrey smiled at the baby, quickly taking her into her arms without protest. She cooed at the little girl, eyes lighting up when she’d babble back. She returned Dan’s momentary embrace, shaking her head at him. “I don’t need any kind of reward. It’s for the kids.. and you. Just think of me as like a Christmas fairy godmother, or something. Only.. a weird one that doesn’t wear a frilly dress or have bubbly magic. Just dark magic… capable of murder.. someone might die.” She laughed, pressing her lips to the small child’s head before handing her back. With her pointer finger she tapped Eden’s nose, playfully. “I’ll be right back, gonna go buy some cookie decorating kits!” And with that she skipped out, waving to the older two, tossing that same “be right back!” At them.
“You’re the anti fairy,” he laughed and took Eden back. Something about her saying it was for the kids, and him, had him feeling that weird butterfly feeling again. “Thanks you’re the best and even if I tell you YOIRE the worst tomorrow just remember I said it once.” They waited for Aubrey to head back and in the meantime Dan was covered in princess bows, some of his hair in a braid while he sat on the floor, Eden scooting across the living room with a stuffed bear. Willow was screeching as he tickled her, Aubrey laughing and yelling “me next Dad!” He heard the door open and he looked up with a smile at Aubrey. “Hey you wanna be a pretty princess? I bet you’d clean up real nice. Super girly. Maybe a tutu.”Aubrey had come back in, a reindeer headband she had impulse bought, sitting on her curled hair. She snickered, looking Dan up and down for a moment and letting out a low whistle. “I take it this masterpiece was all you, Willow?” She grinned, setting the bags of cookie decorating items on his kitchen counter. 
Aubrey came back into the room, taking a seat beside Dan, her hand reaching up to tug gently on one of the braids. “Looks good, though, I don’t think I’d look that good. This is a one of a kind Stevens look.” She smiled brightly at the kids, “But now that I’m here, who wants to build gingerbread houses and trains and decorate the little people of our cookie town? Eden can eat some icing. I bet she’d love that”
Dan gave her such a deadpan look. “I’m beautiful. Aren’t I Aubrey?” He laughed and gave her a grateful look, peeking in the bag. “This is wonderful, thank you.” Eden gurgled her appreciation and Dan helped unbox most of the goodies. What followed could be described as chaos. He was sure there was icing on every surface of his living room, sticky on the carpet and their hair, Dan putting some right on Aubrey’s nose. But they were laughing and smiling and Dan couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun as a family. He swallowed hard, watching his kids play with Aubrey. And again he couldn’t stop the way his heart swelled at how good she was for them. Maybe she could come around on his weeks with them more often. They were onto movies and possibly baked goods when he looked over at Aubrey, a goofy smile on his face. “You know you saved the day. Like my own personal rudolf,” he laughed as Eden snuggled closer to her on the couch. “You ever want kids? Of your own?”
Aubrey was having a hard time wiping the icing off her hair and Willow’s both of them had been caught up in a tiny war, ending in them sprawled out on the floor in a fit of giggles. She’d tossed a cookie over at Aubrey and lost it when Eden had toppled over on one of the houses, screeching something about their own little baby Godzilla. Things had calmed down enough and she was sandwiched in the couch between Aubrey and Eden, her arms wrapped around both as she cuddled the little one. When Dan spoke to her, her attention turned to him and she shrugged, “I don’t know, I guess maybe some day. With the right person.” She smiled softly and nodded, patting Aubrey’s head when he’d asked her if she’d be coming to hang out more.
“So you mean you Satan? So you can have literal hell spawn right?” He snickered and wrapped an arm around Aubrey, his other hand reaching out to gently pat Edens fat little leg. “Yeah Aubrey can come around more. Kick all out butts at a board game maybe. Or go to the zoo. Doesn’t she look like a monkey?” He asked his kids who giggled. “Oh presents. Did you wanna open the last ones from daddy and Aubrey?” He asked as he stood up and went to grab the three gifts she’d wrapped. He plopped then on the floor and said, “Dig in guys.” And watched the wrapping paper fly. They were so ecstatic with their gifts and he laughed happily, catching Aubrey’s eye. “You know she helped pick those out right?”
“How’d you know? I’m just waiting to have children as demonic as me.” She laughed, grinning widely. Her cheeks almost hurt from how much she’d been laughing and smiling. She leaned into him a little, as best she could considering there was a barrier of children between them. As soon as he’d mentioned the gift, she watched the kids fly, immediately grinning and thanking them for the gifts. Aubrey shook her head at Dan, “it was all your dad. He told me what you guys wanted, I just tagged along.”
“That’s a scary thought. Aubrey 2.0 running around in the world. They’d look like monkeys too.” He snorted. As the kids opened the gifts he looked over at Aubrey. “Nah don’t let her lie. She helped me. Especially with the pretty case for your tablet.” Willow and Aubrey ran back to the couch, throwing themselves on either side of her and hugging her tightly. He watched with a bright smile, leaning against the doorframe. It was so weird, watching it. It was almost domestic but it was cute. And all he wanted to do was kiss her again and he immediately mentally told himself no, to stop thinking on it. He ran his hand through his hair. “You guys wanna help bake some cookies? Get you all hyped up on sugar before mom picks you up?” He said with a bright smile and a laugh, motioning to the kitchen. “Also Aubrey, I got you something else when the kids leave. Will you stay a bit?”
“Imagine. I don’t even think I want to imagine it.” She laughed, truthfully the prospect of being a mother was frightening. She knew she was good with kids and if it came down to it, she’d make it through, but she was still uncertain about it all. Aubrey shook her head again, “It was all him, he’s just deflecting…” She stopped, her arms wrapping around Willow and Aubrey when they hugged her, giving the children a tight squeeze. “I think cookies is a good idea, otherwise your dad and I will eat them all and I think that’s bad for business so we’re gonna need some help.” She smiled, getting up and patting their heads, “Yeah, I have a few things for you too… I was planning on terrorizing you a little longer.”
“Who said you were eating any? You mean I’ll eat them all by myself,” he teased and pulled out all the pans and cookie sheets. “Ok who wants sugar cookies?” As Aubrey entered the kitchen, he moved behind her, placing his hand on her back and asking, tilting his head and saying privately, “When they leave, you want some wine or just coffee?” He gave her a soft smile and his fingers dipped under her shirt, right above her jeans. “Dad, can we stay the night with you guys?” He looked over at Aubrey’s hopeful face and he replied with a smile, “Not tonight but how about on my week with you, we can ask Miss Aubrey if she wants to have a sleepover?”
“Um.. me? I will literally fight you for cookies. And I’m sure my new friends would help me, right?” She turned her attention to the kids, smiling brightly at the and prepping the pans Dan had taken out. She shivered, feeling his fingertips ghost along her skin, involuntarily pressing back into him. “Mmm, wine. I’m not trying to stay up all night.” Aubrey answered, her voice quiet and just for him. She felt a smile pull at her lips, wider than before when Aubrey had asked if they could stay with them, “Yeah, we can do a sleepover next time you guys are with good ole dad here.”
“Alright Aubrey are you like an 80 year old man at a dog race? Good ole dan, my money’s on Ole dan. Who says good ole anymore?” He teased and as before he pushed away he added, giving her a playful shove, “Wine it is,” he said quietly just for her. “So you don’t wanna stay up all night? What if Santa brought you something worth staying up for, like gettin filthy with me?” He glanced over as the kids were pulling the cookie dough apart.
“I love old people. Leave them alone. They are a blessing to this earth.” She gave him a pointed look, her voice taking on that playfully serious tone it often held. She hummed, almost as if she was thinking about it, considering it… and part of her was. Part of her wondered if he’d ever be more than just all bark no bite and what would transpire from it, but then another part of her didn’t want to risk it. “I think you need to behave a little better while your kids are here.” She half heartedly scolded him, “You can be naughty all you want later, but remember Santa’s watching you extra close right now.”
“They’re a blessing when they don’t go 20 mph in the fast lane with a turn signal on,” he scoffed. He smirked as he helped them put the cookies in to bake and took a spot by her once more, gently shoving her shoulder with his. The kids sat at the breakfast bar playing with their new toys and he whispered back,” he sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re up jerking off all night. I’m already getting coal, might as well raise the stakes.” And the way she had hesitated, before falling into her comfortable playful routine, it had made his heard pound faster. Maybe they could cross a line. After all they already had in a way. Eden began crying and he went to the living room to pick her up. “Ohhh it’s not so bad shhhhh shhh daddy has you it’s ok. Yes you’re ok,” he cooed as he lifted her up and she giggled.
Aubrey rolled your eyes, “Speak for yourself, ugly. I’m an angel.” She maneuvered around his kitchen comfortably, after all, she was rather familiar with it. Setting the timer on the oven, she shooed the kids back into the living room, glancing at the wall clock for a moment. Time had flown by and she wondered if that cheesy saying was right, it certainly felt that way now. Aubrey stood by Dan, leaning forward to make a few funny faces at Eden, “Why so sad baby?” She cooed, picking up a toy off the floor and booping her nose with it.
He laughed as she booped her nose, Eden cooing happily back and she reached for her again. Dan sighed. “You stolen my daughter. You’re like the baby whisperer.” He tickled her little feet, laughing. “Don’t her fat legs look like the Michelin man?” The kids came running back in a few minutes later, waiting on cookies and he was busy playing with Eden and Aubrey and didn’t realize the front door had opened. “Daniel?” He ex said with a frown on her face as he looked away from Aubrey and Eden, the adoring expression on his face fading fast. “Ok kids, it’s time to go.” Willow frowned. “Can we at least get cookies first, they’re almost done?”
Aubrey cringed at the woman’s voice, it was somewhat shrill and a little harsh on the ears. She bounced her legs, still holding Eden in her lap. And when Willow began to protest about the cookies, she started to feel a little bad. She set Eden down on the carpet, giving Dan a look before getting up. “Hey, I’m going to go check on those.” She awkwardly breezed past Dan’s ex and into the kitchen, checking on the timer. The cookies would be finished in two minutes and if his ex could wait that long, she could probably package them up for the kids in a Tupperware container to go. “Uh… they’ll be done in like, literally two minutes… I can pack them up… if you’d like?”
“Yes please,” Dan called out to her, giving her a warm smile. “Hey babes, I’ll see you soon ok? I love you all very very much,” he whispered as he kissed each of their heads. He handed Eden to his ex with a frown, the sadness already eating at him. He made his way to the kitchen. “Thank you. Sorry, she’s not very sociable. Or reliable.” They followed and she leaned on the counter, watching Aubrey. “So who are you?” Dan snorted and replied, voice sharp and jaw set in annoynance, “The woman who’s been playing mother to our kids today because you couldn’t be arsed.” And she looked pissed but she held her tongue, instead shaking in anger and grabbed the Tupperware.
Aubrey visibly tensed at the way she’d spoken to her, but decided it would be for the best if she hadn’t fueled the woman who was now in front of hers. “Me? I’m Dan’s personal voodoo, witch doctor.” Her tone holding that deadpan seriousness, as opposed to the lighter tone she’d held with the kids all day. She peeled back her lips, giving the woman a wicked grin, her hands curling around a knife that was beside her, blindly stabbing it into one of the cookies, her gaze remaining on her. “I don’t think I caught your name, I’m Aubrey, but most people refer to me as a heathen or demon.” She shrugged, winking in Dan’s direction.
“Sounds appropriate,” she replied, eyeing the knife and giving her a disgusted look. “Alright we need to go. Dinner is waiting at home. You can have cookies after.” And the kids ran up to Dan, hugging him tight. “I love you,” He whispered and kissed their heads once more. They moved to Aubrey next, hugging her right. “Bye! See you again soon!” And they were ushered out the door. And Dan stood by the counter, looking down, feeling lost already. But as he looked up and saw Aubrey, his heart stopped hurting as much. “Hey so ready to uh. Hey frisky? And I mean open your sexy lingerie I got you?” He laughed, but he was sure she could tell he was having trouble not being dad anymore. He was just Dan.
Aubrey hugged them, waving goodbye to them as she left. His ex didn’t bug her, she had thick skin and was rather used to people finding her weird or unsettling, it was just trademark to her now. She turned to him, putting the knife down and taking a step closer to him, closing in most of the space between them. Her hands curled into the fabric of his shirt. “You gonna take me right here on this counter?” She teased, smiling at him. She noticed his shift in demeanor and just wanted him to cheer up. “Sexy lingerie, huh? Can I break it in tonight?”
“I would take you in such a manly rugged way, but there’s the Rachel Ray. The real love of my life, behind you.” He laughed and let his head drop to her shoulder. “Only if I can rip it off.” He laughed, the tension leaving his body, already cheerier with her company. “I almost lost it when you said the voodoo thing. and the knife. That was brilliant. Gold star for you,” He snickered.
Aubrey shook her fist, “Curse you Rachel Ray, a real twat swat.” She laughed, gently patting his head. Placing her hands on his cheeks she lifted his head up so he could look at her, “You can’t rip it off if you don’t give it to me, so I’m going to have to see this lingerie so we can get to business.” Aubrey shook her head, laughing again. “It was impulse. She seems like a real cunt rocket and for a minute I thought she was going to tell the kids they couldn’t have the cookies so I needed to put on my scary face.”
“Cunt rocket? That’s very creative. Though I thought those were those tiny vibrators that go to like crazy speed settings? Am I wrong?” He suddenly really liked being close to her, loved her hands on his face and he blushed. “Nah if she’d have said that, you would have seen an epic screaming match. I was holding it back for you and the heathens. But your scary face I think worked just as well.” He pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes going unfocused before he playfully shoved her towards to the living room. “Ok wine and presents. It’s not lingerie I’m afraid but you’ll probably get some use out of it.” He poured two glasses of wine and followed her to the living room, grabbing the box as he went.
“Isn’t it though. Well, she’s not the good kind of cunt rocket.” Aubrey shrugged, pushing herself off the kitchen counter and heading over into the living room. She dug around in her bag pulling out a few things that had been neatly wrapped, two of them being books he’d been talking about and in the other a box of sloth printed boxers. “What a bummer, guess we can’t have frisky fun.” She grinned, sitting on the couch and holding the gifts out to him. “Honestly, two of these are average… one of them is fucking great. Open them, open them!”
“We can still have frisky fun. Just get creative. No lingerie but it means less to take off,” He snickered and he sat next to her, taking the box and sipping his wine. His own badly wrapped box laid beside him and he handed it to her. He had gotten her a silky sexy robe that for all accounts could have been lingerie but it had skulls all over it. It had seemed to be her kind of aesthetic. And the other was an adorable grumpy cat beanie. “I’m afraid mine aren’t wrapped super nice but you’ll still like it. I think they’re not too average.” And he tore the paper off his gifts, appreciatively looking over the books. “Thank you, these are wonderful and definitely thoughtful. I needed a new book badly.” And as he opened the boxers he let out an ugly laugh. “Sloths! I love these wow you’ve taken it to a new level of awesome.” He beamed at her, eyes bright and adoring. “Thank you.”
She beamed, allowing him to open his gifts first and laughing at his reaction to the boxers. “I needed to add to your goofy boxers collection, it might just turn into a new gift tradition.” She moved to tear the wrapping paper carefully, grinning when she’d seen the beanie, placing it on her head and doing her signature head tilt pose. She moved to the next gift, snorting when she pulled out the robe. “I think this counts as lingerie.” She snickered, holding the robe close to her, feeling the soft and cool material. “I just gotta get naked for you and put this on.” Aubrey laughed, “I love it, thank you!” She leaned forward wrapped her arms around him tightly.
“I figured it was your aesthetic; sexy with a touch of fun gothic vibe,” he laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around her, resting his head on top of hers. “Thank you for today. I haven’t had a Christmas this fun in years and it’s honestly thanks to you.” And he pulled back, studying her face, looking at her lips and realizing how close he was. And he didn’t want to let go, so he kept her close, smiling softly at her, the moment weirdly intimate.
“Sexy,” She threw her head back in laughter, taking in a breath and shook her head. “I think you need to look up the meaning of sexy, you’re confusing it with awkward, but, I do like it very much. It’ll come in handy if I’m ever in the business for seducing the fuck outta someone. But until then, it’ll be just me n my cute robe.” Aubrey licked her lips, not moving away from him, but not speaking. It was… a weirdly comfortable silence, yet part of her still squirmed, feeling a little restless. She dropped the robe into her lap, her hands reaching up to rest on his cheeks, grinning, “You kept the scruff.” She said, licking her lips and patting his cheeks.
“I did. Just for you,” he added low and a little intimate, his lips inches from hers and he leaned into her hand on his cheek, rubbing his scruffy cheek against her soft palm. “You definitely don’t have trouble seducing the fuck out of someone,” he whispered and then that was it. That last of his bit of self control and he was reaching up, his hand on her neck and pulling her towards him, his lips colliding with hers in a messy desperate kiss. His hand found its way into her hair and he was tugging, urging her to open her mouth and deepen the kiss.
She smiled softly, “It looks good on you.” And before she could say anything else Dan had pulled her to him and her lips had melted into his. Her hands slid from his cheeks to loop loosely around his neck, leaning forward into him. Aubrey gasped as he tugged at her hair, her mouth falling open and her tongue sweeping across his lower lip. She was moving her mouth on his, desperate to take in his taste. She moved, giving him a push and toppling over with him. “Is that what happened?” She mumbled into his lips, “I seduced you?”
“You’ve been seducing some since day I think,” he mumbled back, before taking her lower lip between his teeth and tugging lightly. Her lips tasted like sugar cookie and wine and he was completely hooked. His hands moved to her her hips and in one smooth motion, he’d rolled her under him and gripped her thigh, pushing her legs open and settling between them, his hips rolling against hers. With a desperate little moan, he pulled away from her lips long enough to look down at her and whisper, “You have no idea how bad I want you right now.”
When her back hit the carpet, she pulled her lips from his, arching her back into him and rocking her hips up into his. The friction was delicious and she only wanted more, her lips parted and a soft whine slipping past them. Her hands moved to grip at his cheeks, forcefully bringing his lips back down to hers, kissing him hard. Her legs wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his back to pull him in closer to her. “Show me,” she breathed out, only pulling away far back enough to speak.
He captured his lips in another rough kiss, losing himself in how she felt, so warm and soft, yet demanding and knowing exactly how she wanted him to rock against her, his cock straining painfully hard against his zipper. He wanted more friction, more anything. He shoved her shirt up, wanting his fingertips against her heated skin and he couldn’t stop exploring her body, a soft growl in the back of throat as his hands slipped to her ass, gripping hard and he slid his fingertips under the waistband of her jeans teasingly. “Yeah? Wanna take these off hm? So I can fuck you until you don’t even know your own name?” He mumbled against her lips.
She pulled her lips away from him, a moan tumbling past her plump lips, tangled with a heavy exhale of his name. She bit her lip, pushing her hips up into his, rolling them into him, anything to feel him pushed up against her. Another steady flow of moans escaping her as she arched her back into his body, her hands fisting into the fabric of his t-shirt. Aubrey was lost in it all, lost in the feeling of his warmth engulfing her and the heat pooling in her belly. He made her feel foggy and blurry, and her panties were undoubtedly getting wetter by the second. It was almost hard to remember this man had been in full on dad mode less than an hour ago… And that’s what made her stop. “Dan.” Aubrey groaned, giving him a light push. “We can’t.. shit, we can’t do this, Dan.”
He pulled back like he’d been scalded and he looked down at her, panting, eyes wide. For a moment he worried he’d hurt her or upset her and he whispered, “what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Are you ok or?” And his eyebrows knit together in concern and he pulled back, running a hand through his hair and rolled off of her. “I’m sorry,” he whispered and tried to ignore his throbbing cock, adjusting his jeans and groaning softly. “I shouldn’t have..”
She shook her head, sitting up. “No.. it’s… it’s fine.” Panting she’d been trying to catch her breath. Her lips were burning and she just wanted to launch forward and push him back down, but she’d shook that off. Standing, Aubrey smoothed out her top, picking up her discarded wine glass and setting it on the coffee table. “I.. I should go. It’s late.” She paused, offering him a smile, her head still buzzing and she wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the intensity of their kiss. “I, um.. I had fun with you and the kids.”
“Yeah… I did too. I meant it.. thanks for saving the day.” He coughed and suddenly he felt self conscious. Maybe it was him then. Maybe he was still a little pudgy or she wasn’t attracted to him. Her soft smile at him though had his heart melting again. At least she wasn’t pissed at him and he blurted out with a hopeful look, “Don’t go? It’s late.. you can stay. Take my bed, I’ll sleep out here. And be a perfect gentleman. I won’t even snore,” he said with a short huff of a laugh, hoping she’d say yes. He didn’t want her to leave on that note.
Aubrey thought about it, she’d been drinking and cops were always heavy on the road during the holidays. He had a point… it was late and with her luck she’d probably get stopped. She nodded, “I.. don’t want to just take your bed from you.” By this point she’d settled back on the floor sitting beside him. Reaching forward for her hat and robe that had been all tossed aside in the midst of their kissing. “They’re good kids and you’re a good dad. It’s a shame your ex came in guns blazing to take them.” She frowned, recalling how upset he’d looked when they left. “You deserve more time with them.”
He frowned and plucked at the carpet. “I’m ok. Take it, please. My couch is a nice couch after all. I’d rather know for a fact you’re safe and not out on the roads. There’s a lot of drunk drivers.” He gave her a soft smile, wanting to just curl into her if he was honest. He wanted to cuddle and know it was ok that he hadn’t fucked up but he stayed where he was. At her admission that he was a good dad he blushed softly. “I uh. I’m used to her shit sadly. I’m just thankful she’s never been able to turn them against me. I would like more time with them.. I’ve thought of trying to do another custody hearing. They deserve more.”
She let out a soft sigh, looking over to him and squeezing his shoulder. “They do, they’re special kids. And you.. you don’t deserve to be ‘used’ to her shit.” She frowned, looking over at him but not quite meeting his gaze. “You should. You should try to fight for more time with them, at least a fifty, fifty share.” Aubrey clutched his gifts to her chest, “I’ll stay tonight. Thank you.” She nodded, yawning a bit. The busyness of their day catching up with her, “I think.. I’m going to head to sleep. Goodnight Dan.” She gave him that smile that was reserved for just him, leaving forward to affectionately run her fingers through his hair before turning and making her way over into his bedroom. She’d stripped down to her bra and undies, slipping on the robe he’d gotten her. The fabric cool and soft against her skin, she tightened it around her and crawled into his bed.
He swallowed hard, a lump in his throat. “Thanks. I .. I’ll fight her for them. They’re the most important part of my life,” he said softly and as she leaned forward and ran his fingers through his hair, giving him the same smile that made his heart race that she always gave him, he felt better. At least things weren’t ruined. Even if it wasn’t the same. “Ok goodnight, sweetheart,” he said as he pulled himself off the floor not bothering to put up his wine glass. He sat on the couch, looking down at her boxers she bought him and he laughed, changing into them and curling up with the book she got him as well. His glasses were on the table and he put them on trying to not think about how heated it had been, her skin on his and her lips soft as a feather. He groaned and put the book down, turning off the light to sleep. His body was still wired but he tried to relax until he finally passed out.
Aubrey curled up and hugged his pillows close to her. She shut her eyes and took in a few deep breaths, shifting and rolling and trying to get herself comfortable. An increasingly difficult task when his scent was literally everywhere and all she could think about was how good it felt to feel him rub up against her and how badly she wanted to feel him close to her again. How badly she’d really wanted him to fuck her until she forgot her own name like he said he would. The pressure and heat in between her legs still uncomfortable but she couldn’t bring herself to give into things. She didn’t want things to fall apart between them and she certainly didn’t want to stand in between him and his children. They needed him… and he needed them just as much. Groaning, Aubrey swung her legs to the side of the bed, tired and just wanting sleep. She’d grabbed his comforter, dragging it over to the living room with her and laying down beside him on the couch. She draped the blanket over them both and curled into him, pulling his arm up and wrapping it around her.
He wasn’t sleeping well, he’d just slept for only a few minutes, cold and missing Aubrey’s warmth already when he felt something warm cover him and he blinked blearily, his glasses still in the way and he tossed them as he realized she was laying beside him. He snuggled into the pillow and with a feeling of warmth in his chest, he wrapped his arm around her, reminiscent of that last time on the couch. He could smell her hair and her soap as she curled close to him and he was content again, his fingers twining with hers.
The second he’d responded and wrapped himself around her she’d found sleep. She was comfortable and warm, and Dan made her feel good and fuzzy, she wanted to stay like this, regardless of whatever reservations. Aubrey didn’t wake up again, not until morning and she laid still wrapped up in his warmth for a little while longer. After a bit she shifted, untangling herself from him carefully and heading into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast, leaving a little note for him on the counter before she’d changed and left.
He woke sometime the next day, but he reached for Aubrey and she wasn’t there. He sighed softly, and opened his eyes. She must have left when she got up. He groaned and sat up, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. But when he got there, breakfast was on the counter and looked great. He laughed and smiled, shaking his head. “She really made me food.” And then he noticed the note on the counter. After reading it, he felt his smile get bigger. So yeah even if he had put the moves on and it hadn’t worked, that maybe he wasn’t her type, he was sure she wasn’t upset. They’d get back to normal. He just had to stop thinking about her and her perfect lips and perfect laugh and warm body. And the way she moaned and arched her back under him. He sighed. He was well and truly fucked.
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aubreypara-archive · 6 years
Christmas shopping + first kiss ~ Aubrey and Dan ~ 12/22/2017
Dan lit a cigarette as he cut someone off in traffic, clearly not excited to go shopping this close to Christmas. But at least Aubrey agreed to be company. he hadn’t seen her since the Cuddling Incident ™ and he was glad things were normal. He had been thinking about it a lot, her scent still on his sheets and pillows and he sighed as he blew smoke out the window. As he pulled up at her place, he put out the cigarette and popped a piece of gum in his mouth. He looked down self consciously at his green sweater and jeans, hoping he looked alright. Which was weird because he normally never cared what he looked like with her. but regardless, he got out and knocked on the door, running a hand through his hair. 
Aubrey had been inside, chasing around her dogs and terrorizing her cat. A usual moment in the Plaza household, checking the time, she’d realized Dan would be arriving soon. So she opted on leaving her pets alone, letting them rest as she plucked her boots off the floor and slid them on. She looked in the mirror smoothing out her ridiculous grumpy cat sweater, but deemed it was a good choice nonetheless. Slinging her small backpack over her shoulder, she instantly moved towards the door, upon hearing the knock, a wide smile on her face as she pulled it open. “Ready for your Santa duties, feo? I’m here to be your little helper elf.”
He snorted. “You’re going out like that? You know we’re not actually at the north pole, people are going to see you.” He joked as he gently pat her shoulder. “Cmon then, maybe Santa will let you sit on his lap later if you’re good.” He led her to his car, opening her door for her and brushing up against her slightly as he moved back out of her way. “I’m tempted to buy you elf ears while we’re out.”
“Uh, Dan. I am grumpy cat. I am literally her voice. It’s only pertinent that when in the holiday spirit, I embrace her spirit.” She spoke in a matter of fact tone, the motions of her hands playful as she explained her reasoning behind it to him. Lifting her finger up in a ‘one second’ motion, she pulled off her bag and pulled out a Santa hat, placing it on his head. “You got it, Santa. I’ll be an extra good girl so I can sit in your lap and tell you all the presents I want.” Aubrey snickered, climbing into the passenger seat and buckling up. “Do it, I’ll wear them. Do you know what you’re getting?”
“You brought me a santa hat. You think I’m old and fat, I get it.” He laughed as he pulled away from the curb, on the way to an outdoor shopping center that most likely would be crowded this time of year, but it was his last resort. “You can sit on Santas lap and tell him about the new vibrator you want and I might make it happen. I mean santa.” He snorted as he looked over at her, but his breath caught in his throat. She looked so happy and carefree and for some reason the way the light hit her face, she looked gorgeous, even in her stupid sweater. He swallowed. “I have no idea what I’m getting. Something for Willow Aubrey and Eden. I know Eden is too young to fully grasp Christmas but I just want them to have more presents. I feel like I haven’t done enough this year,” he admitted in a rare moment of seriousness. “I just want it to be a good Christmas.” He quickly shook it off and changed the subject. “You look funny enough without elf ears, maybe we’ll pass on those so people don’t think we’re cosplaying a lord of the rings book." 
“That and I figured, why not get festive. Besides, I feel like the more shit we wear.. maybe we won’t get recognized.” Aubrey shrugged her shoulders. It wasn’t that being stopped by the occasional fan bothered her, it was more so the paparazzi being annoying and prying when they’d be busy doing things, important things. It was like they couldn’t ever catch a break. She looked out the window, nodding her head and licking her lips. “How old are they?” She asked, looking back over to him, her head tilting to the side, confused, when she’d noticed he was already looking in her direction. “I mean I’ve see them in passing… but I’ve never really met your kids. I could help if i knew the age ranges we’re working with.” She smiled at him and shook her head, “I think they’d know I’m not trying to be Frodo or something if you’re Santa. Get with it.”
"I mean who knows we could be doing an epic crossover. Besides you’d be Pippin. Not Frodo. I’d be Frodo.” He looked away and back to the road. “Well Willow’s 8, Aubrey is 5, and Eden is 1.” With a soft smile, he looked over at her once more adding, “Thank you for coming with me. I didn’t want to deal with people alone. I needed a partner in crime to help me insult people subtly as we go. Besides you’re a child at heart, you can buy for a kid. Although I am getting your gift too so you’ll have to at some point look away. Don’t worry, it’s not Victorias secret.” He looked for a parking spot in the crowded lot and cursed. “I hate everyone except you Aubrey,” he whined. And it was true, she was the only one safe. It was hard to not stare at the way her lips looked as she licked them and he sat for a moment, not moving and not turning off the car. 
“Ding dong! You’re wrong!” She sang, leaning over slightly to poke his nose, “I’d be Gollum, the terror in your life.” Aubrey sat back, trying to imitate the voice, chanting ‘my precious’ over and over again. She was clearly in a good and open mood, something that came rare but she chalked it up to the infectious holiday season… that and spending time with Dan, she was always a little lighter when they spent time together. “You could totally get Aubrey one of those life size landspeeders… you can get me one too, I don’t exceed the weight limit, I’ve checked. Your kid and I can race. I’d win, obviously.” She snorted, amused with how irritated he was with the lack of parking and plethora of shoppers, all packed around and crowded around the various stores. “You did this to yourself. You could have shopped online or you know… ahead of time.”
“You on a landspeeder is not the kind of chaos I need in life,” he snorted. “My kid would be even worse. He’s a terror. You’re both vying for terror of my life. You’d win though. I’m sure.” He got out and shoved his hands in his pockets as he waited on her. “Ok so don’t judge me. I’d rather get trashed every night than Christmas shop. This is partially on you,” he said with a bright teasing smile. “Cmon lets shop. You can hold all my bags like a pack donkey,” he laughed hard and held his arm out for her link hers with his. 
“I actually think it’d be a lot of fun. Little Aubrey and I would be the greatest land speeder racers in all of history!” She gracefully accepted his arm, linking hers through his and tugging him in a little closer to her. “No, if I get tired you’re piggy backing me. I hope you can prepared for this. I’m just here to guide you so you can be the best Santa there ever was.” Aubrey smiled, knocking into him. “What do they like.. your kids? You know? It helps to kinda narrow it down a little.”
“If you die on a landspeeder, I’m making sure "Dan told you so” is on your gravestone.“ He laughed and playfully tugged her along to a toy store, cringing as he looked inside. "Well they like toys. Willow wants a tablet. Aubrey wants anything star wars. And Eden would probably be ok with some more stuffed animals.” He looked down at her, again struck by her how nice her smile was and his heart raced a little faster. “I’ll only piggy back you if find a way to push through these peons. Then it’s a deal.” 
Aubrey rolled her eyes at him, an exasperated sigh slipping past her lips. “I can’t die on one, they’re totally safe. You know like those battery powered toy jeeps we had as kids…. I had a Barbie one….. I hated it.” She gave a squinty glare in the general direction of the clumps of people in front of them. Spotting a couple conversing sweetly in front of a toy display, young parents, no doubt trying to pick out the perfect gift for their child. Then to the left, two mothers arguing over the last giant pony on the shelf, she’d caught wind of one of them saying she’d been there first as they tugged the toy back and forth. An amused smile pulled at her lips, nudging Dan and nodded her head in the direction of the two women. “We need a game plan in case that happens to us. You’ll be our distraction against the moms, just get all flirty and smirky at ‘em and I’ll take the toy and run.”
“I can’t imagine you owning anything Barbie,” he said as he rolled his eyes. “But I can imagine you running people over with the toy Jeep.” As they started into the crowd, he reached for her hand lacing their fingers together and helping her to maneuver down the isle with the stuffed animals. “So you’re saying you want me to hit on the MILFs,” he teased with a sharp laugh. “I cannot lower my standards even for a toy.” He picked out a giant unicorn and held it up to her. “This is cute right?”
“I hated it, but I did run my sister over with it. I also tried running away in it rugrats style, but the battery died halfway up the road.” She laughed, making a surprised yelp kind of sound when he’d laced their fingers together. Looking down at their hands, she moved her gaze back up towards him. “Is this so I don’t get lost or something?” Aubrey laughed, keeping up a playful notion, not really wanting to admit to herself that she did kinda like the feeling of him holding her hand. “It’s the only way, Dan. Do it for your kids. Tell her you’re the beast and you can show her a good time or something. I take the toy and run and then you can run for it. You’ll be golden.” She eyed the unicorn, biting her lower lip, “It’s very… uh, pink.” She cringed a bit looking at the thing, knowing that as a child she probably would have enjoyed the toy…. torturing it and taking permanent markers to the poor plush, but Dan’s daughter was nothing like her, so she assumed the child would like it. “A normal little girl would like it. So, yeah it’s cute.” She laughed, shaking her head.
He snorted. “It’s either we hold hands or I put one of those awful backpacks with the monkey tail on you that parents use on their heathen so they don’t run off. Come to think of it, you’d be fairly adorable in one of those.” He stuffed the unicorn under his arm with an amused smile at Aubrey. “You just have this thing for me being Beast don’t you. You’re thinking about the size of my…” and he stopped himself as a little girl waddled over and grabbed a bear off the shelf. He looked at Aubrey and snickered. “We shouldn’t be allowed around impressionable children. Alright well pink it is,” he laughed. “Ok now a tablet. That’s easy.”
Aubrey shook her head at him, the smirk on her face signaling that she had something ready to go. “Mmm, daddy don’t think I’m ready to be kink shamed in public like that yet.” She whispered, tugging his hand a little closer to her. She laughed, raising an eyebrow at him. “You’re disgusting and I can’t be seen with you. Get your head out of the gutter, ugly.” She followed him towards the various tablets, “Well you have options… with more options piled on top. Don’t think it’ll be all that easy. Parental controls?”
As she whispered ‘daddy’ at him and tugged on his hand, he couldn’t stop the quick but hot flare of arousal and he shivered a little, biting his lower lip. Her hand was hot in his and he didn’t want to let go so he’d just need to get a fucking grip instead. “My head is always in the gutter. It’s a way of life. You signed up for this so you’ll very well just have to deal with me in public,” he laughed and as they found the wall of tablets he sighed, his free hand coming up to rub his eyes. “You pick. Technology overwhelms me. Maybe an iPad with parental controls. Pick a nice case too?”
Aubrey tapped her chin, looking over the various tablets, paying closer attention to the Apple ones. She read off all the special features each one had, picking the one that had a parental control option that could be paired up with Dan’s phone. “You can monitor this one through an app even when you’re not around. Seems like a good option. I mean, not that your ex would let her surf the dark web, but shit happens.” She pulled his hand again, maneuvering them towards the cases and she let go for a moment to slide through two older women who had been standing in the way. “Sorry.” She deadpanned, aware of the dirty looks they’d both given her but shrugging it off as she surveyed the heavy duty cases. She picked up a purple one that was accented in pink, also picking up the last screen protector on the shelf. “This should be good?”
He snorted. “She barely watches her, so it’s entirely possible. That sounds good to me. Easy enough to understand an Apple product.” But as she let go of his hand he had a pang of disappointment for a moment, only shaken away as he laughed at the two women staring after Aubrey. “I need to bring you out more, force you to shove old women out of your way on a daily basis. It’ll be a good workout. Almost as good as if you just went home with me.” He gratefully took the case and protector and said with all sincerity, “Thank you. I’m not good with this stuff.” He ran a hand through his hair again, already getting a little anxious in the crowd. “Just one thing left and were out of here. Before I reenact that office space copier scene on a bunch of basic bitches.”
Aubrey shrugged her shoulders, “It’s what I’m here for, to help.” She snickered at his words, looking over at the two women who were most likely talking amongst themselves about her. Her tone raised a little higher in pitch, making sure the women would hear her. “You mean take me home like to your private gym? Like the bedroom.” She wiggled her eyebrows, holding in a laugh when she heard one of the women gasp in surprise. Aubrey took Dan’s hand, quickly moving to the Star Wars aisle of the toy department, which had been, for the most part wiped out. “You okay?” She asked, squeezing his hand gently, shifting her body a little closer to his and laying her head on his shoulder. “Breathe, we still gotta find your other clone something.”
He giggled at the response, his cheeks heating up. The he imagined her in his bed again, and he almost choked. Aubrey tugged him down the right isle and he could only be tugged along, the noise and the heat, all the bodies that pressed against him almost too much. He felt her squeezing his hand and he looked down at her, his eyes going wide as she laid her head on his shoulder. Her concern was genuine and he felt warmth in his chest at the idea. “My clone,” he snorted. “I’m ok. I’m breathing. Let’s just grab it and go.” He found a few of the last Rey action figures and he grabbed it. “Gotta make sure he starts crushing on the tomboys early in life.” He smiled down at her, a little more normal now. They made their way to the front, paying for their toys and he sighed, his hand in his hair again making it stand up on end.
She lifted her free hand to pat his chest gently, looking over his features to make sure he’d actually meant what he said. She flashed him a satisfied smile when he’d started joking with her again, “She is cute, though. He’d have to be a fool not to crush on Rey.” Aubrey smiled, though she was still a little worried about him, but figured things would settle once they’d made their way out of the store. She kept her hand in his, noticing he was still a little distressed. “Is this all you needed? If you’re stressing we could go, maybe there’s somewhere less… packed?” She knew it was unlikely, but she really did just want him to feel comfortable.
He made it out into the sunshine again, holding the bags in one hand and her hand in the other. He looked down at her and smiled softly, taking a few deep breaths. “I’m good now. Honestly. Just having you here helps. Just uh. I need a second to catch my breath.” And he took in how her hair shimmered in the sunlight, how her stupid sweater complimented her skin tone and her lips were this adorable pout he couldn’t stop looking at. How hadn’t he noticed before? These little things?
She nodded, allowing him to take the time he needed to compose himself. Her gaze followed the people who were rushing to get last minute gifts, watching a couple argue, “I wonder if it’s cause he got her the wrong size panties or bra or something.” She laughed, looking over to Dan, “Are boyfriends supposed to know that? Like are you guys supposed to be knowledgeable in bra sizes too?” Aubrey quirked an eyebrow at him, watching him stare intently at her and suddenly she felt a little self-conscious under his gaze. “What?”
He realized he had been staring and he quickly tried to deflect from the fact. “You’ve got something on your face..” he took his hand from hers and gently slapped it in the middle of her face playfully. “Right there,” he laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling in pure happiness and he laced their hands together again, tugging her towards a cafe a few storefronts down. “You mean men are supposed to know about bra sizes? Sweetheart, we can’t even help take them off.” He snorted and looked down at her chest. “I feel like you’ll slap me if I guess your bra size wrong. But I’m going with a C cup.”
She laughed, whacking his hand away and for a moment she wondered what they looked like to the outside world. If anyone had been watching them, what would they have thought was going on between them. “You’re stupid.” She countered, glad that he was visibly feeling a lot better. “I don’t know I was asking, that girl seemed pretty pissed at her boyfriend.” Aubrey shook her head, snorting at his very wrong guess. “I guess this bra must just make them look great cause, you’re overestimating me with my A cup and presidency of the itty bitty titty committee.”
He snorted as he led her to the cafe, finding a seat outside. He placed the gifts on the chair next to him and pulled her chair out for her. “Just because they’re not massive jugs, Aubrey, doesn’t mean they’re tiny. Though I’ll admit, that bra does nice things. Is it a push-up?” He asked with a brilliant smirk as he leaned across the table at her, his eyebrows raised, head tilted in amusement. “By the way I figured we’d get a coffee. You can get food too if you’d like. On me.”
She nodded a thank you at him and took a seat, looking over the menu. “I can do with this size. I’m privileged and can go braless whenever i want and not have to worry about them. Good job, a real bra expert.” She shrugged and then laughed a little. Aubrey was about to toss a sexual quip his way when she was suddenly interrupted by someone coming up to their table. “Are you guys dating?” The man asked, his friend behind him snapping a photo of the two.
Dan was completely into flirt ™ mode about to continue the bra conversation but as they were interrupted, he blinked up at them, eyes wide and a little annoyed, the flash catching him off guard. “Excuse me, you’re interrupting my meal. That’s what we in England call ‘rude’” he laughed incredulously as someone else came waltzing over also with a camera in hand. “Are you fucking kidding..” the first man didn’t relent. “You guys look cute, are you having a good date? Give us a kiss yeah?”
Aubrey had been used to the cameras in her face, it was the same way anywhere she went with any costar of the opposite sex. Her face had relaxed to its usual ‘mean’ look, blankly staring at the small crowd of paparazzi that had caught wind of them. She shrugged her shoulders, shifting in her seat so that she was now kneeling. Carefully, she’d pushed the glasses of water and menus aside, one hand planted firmly at the table as she leaned forward. Her eyes flickered from Dan’s eyes to his lips, the hand that wasn’t holding her up, moving to press against his cheek. Giving him a small smile that only he’d notice, she closed the space between them, pressing her lips against his.
Dan watched her lean across the table , met her smile with a small smirk of his own, and he knew it was coming but it was still a shock as her lips met his. It was supposed to be taking the piss, just a joke, to throw them all off but it was like electricity flowing through him. His lips felt like they physically hurt with how much he wanted to deepen the kiss and he gasped a little and also leaned forward, one hand coming up to cup her jaw. He kissed her deep, the pressure of her hot soft lips on his intoxicating, his tongue playing along her lower lip, begging for her to open her mouth.
Aubrey felt the corners of her lips tilt upwards in a smile, glad that he’d decided to play along with her rather than push her away. She could feel her heart thump so rapidly in her chest that she could have sworn she could hear the quick, unsteady beats. A little caught up in the moment, she parted her lips allowing him access. She was still lucid enough that should could hear the men talking and camera flashes clicking away. She’d heard one man mention that he’d seen it coming and another counter it with a ‘no way, I thought he’d go for Rachel. She seems more his type.” Her fingers curled into the ends of his hair, giving him a playful tug before she pulled away from him, her teeth catching onto his bottom lip. “Well, you guys got your kiss.. can you… go away?”
He could hear chatter behind him, but he couldn’t focus on anything more than Aubrey’s lips, the way his tongue pressed to hers. Her fingers in his hair made him moan and he slid his hand from her jaw down her neck, his thumb rubbing soft circles on her skin. But then she was pulling away and before he could stop, he tried to lean forward and kiss her again but he quickly took in a shocked little breath as she tugged his lower lip and sat back in her chair, addressing the paparazzi. Opening his eyes he was breathing fast, looking into her eyes. “Yeah. You got what you came for..” and so did I, his brain supplied. He shook his head, lips curving into a smile. “Wanna take the coffee to go?”
Aubrey watched most of them disperse, a few hanging around to catch a couple shots of the pair as they left. It was part of the job, something she’d always told herself. And if she’d let it bother her, then her work wouldn’t really be worth it. So instead, she’d always opted to mess around with them a little. “Probably our best idea…” She trailed, looking over to him, her cheeks probably tinted pink from how heavily things had escalated, only originally intending a chaste peck. “Did you get everything you needed? We can just head back and wrap them, I have wrapping paper.”12/22/17, 1:01 PM
“If this is our best idea, I’m afraid we’ve peaked. There’s no going up from here. Only down,” He laughed, catching his breath. He could still feel her lips on his as he licked them, tasting her still. He knew it came with the job but he’d only been relatively Hollywood for maybe a couple of years. If that. And was rarely captured by photographers. But e figured if this was how they handled them each time he could get used to it. “Do they do this a lot?” He asked as he gathered his things. “And yeah, we can wrap them at your place. Although I think we’ll have time keeping your pets off the wrapping paper,” he laughed. “I could wrap you up. Put a little bow on your head. And on Christmas you can sit under my tree, fully naked except the bow. You have to stay like that though until Christmas.”
“I’m sure we’ll live…” She trailed, her eyes flickering up towards his. Aubrey shrugged, it wasn’t always so bad for her, but it happened, frequently enough that she knew how to handle it. “It’s not an every day thing, if that’s what you’re asking.” She brought the warm to-go cup to her lips, taking a sip. “Enough to know to just fuck with them. No use in getting mad.” She laughed, shaking her head at him. Of course she’d help in wrapping the gifts for his kids, but his other comment made things feel normal again. “Careful there, speak any louder and they might want another kind of show.”
“Think though, we could sell tickets. Make bank. Then Christmas would really be something else. I’d demand you wear the Santa hat though while I pound you on a cafe table. It’s like genre porn.” And with that it was like the weird spell of their kiss was broken and things were normal again. Except he was still thinking on it, wondering if they’d ever do it again. He quickly shook his head. He laughed softly and linked her arm with his getting their coffee from inside and heading back to the car. “So basically you’re saying I should fuck with them each and every time. Got it. The Aubrey Plaza celebrity playbook.” He loaded the gifts into the backseat and started the car, handing her the aux cord as he pulled away. “Don’t play trash.”
“I think we’d need to be mindful of the children in the area and probably move them to a private room and not defile the cafe table.” She snickered, getting in the passenger seat as he put the gifts away. Aubrey nodded, “There’s no use in getting mad if it’s going to happen, I’ve figured it’s best to just, troll them. Though, I can’t say I’ve ever kissed someone to get them to fuck off.” She laughed, looking over to him. She held the aux cord in her hand, not sure what to play. Right now the only thing in her hand was a plethora of cheesy love songs and she wasn’t about to do that…. so instead… she played some creepy death metal. “You did this… remember.”12/22/17, 2:41 PM
He looked over at her incredulously “You’re such a fucking weirdo. I love you so much for playing fucking thrasher death metal in my dad car. I look cool now to passerby’s and that’s what matters in life. Is how cool we are.” He put his shades on as they drove eventually pulling up out front of her place. “So is your living room couch a better place to define you whilst wearing a Santa hat?”
Aubrey just turned to him, straight faced and hissed while hating her teeth at him. “You’re a cool dad, hip dad, punk dad, Emo dad… Furry dad.” A set of giggled tumbled past her lips and she let her head fall back against the head rest as she laughed. She hummed, nodding her head. “Sounds good, Santa. You gonna fuck me real good? I���m pretty sure I taste better than cookies.” A smirk played at her lips, but the inside of her head was exploding with the thought of it. The feeling of his fingertips digging into her thighs, she shifted in her seat, pressing her legs together in attempts to alleviate the sudden heat that pooled in her abdomen.
“Careful, naughty girls don’t get presents. Even if they do taste like sugar,” he teased though it went straight to his dick, and he awkwardly shifted, trying to not draw attention to it. He imagined her on the couch, head pressed back into a pillow and smirking at him like she always does. He coughed quickly and turned off the car, looking over at her. “Plus haven’t you heard if you talk nasty like that, you gotta eat soap? I’m looking for the bath and body works when we get inside. You deserve it.” He opened his door and got out, grabbing the bags from the back seat.
Aubrey rolled her eyes at his soap comment, quickly protesting as she unbuckled and hopped out of the seat. “You set me up!!” Her feet hit the pavement with a soft thud as she dug her keys out of her backpack. “You’re just as guilty you nasty turd biscuit.” There was a smile on her face, one of those that only appeared when she had something planned. “But don’t you worry, I’m gonna get you back real good.”
“If the goal was to make me not worry, you definitely didn’t nail it.” He laughed and followed her to the apartment. “I always forget you have actual taste in your apartment and it’s not like that hideous dream apartment.” He plopped down in the center of the room, being familiar and comfortable in her place. “Ok start wrapping. I’ll supervise and by that I mean I’ll just watch you bend over while I drink a glass of wine.”
“Good, I’m glad you’re worrying. It’s coming and it’s good and you’re not going to expect it.” She laughed, pulling the wrapping paper out form where she’d previously tossed it. Her small tree housing a plethora of neatly wrapped gifts. Aubrey rolled her eyes, “What would you do without me? How did you even survive without me?” She questioned, measuring out enough paper for the action figure, starting off small and easy. “Uh huh, go ahead, Dan. Get tipsy, makes my job so much easier.” She winked.
He snorted and asked, head tilted in amusement, “it’s coming it’s good and you’re not going to expect it… so I’m cumming? How nice of you to make sure it’s good for me.” He helped her with cutting the wrapping paper before traipsing to the kitchen and pouring two glasses of wine. “How does it make it easier?”
She wiggled her eyebrows, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Aubrey leaned forward, careful not to crinkle or crease the paper as she began to fold it meticulously. Taping the sides and smoothing out the paper over and over to make sure it was just right. “Because, tipsy Dan is clueless. Come sit next to me. You’re going to label them in your handwriting because I’m not doing everything.”
“But they’re from you too, you can totally write on them,” he whined. “Just put from dad and Aubrey.” He laughed and sipped his wine, downing most of it in one go. “I’ve gotta drive, I can’t be too clueless.” He smirked at her and uncapped the marker, gently dabbing it on the end of her nose. “Now you’re like an adorable reindeer.”
“They’re from you, dummy. I didn’t buy them. I just helped you pick them.” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye as she picked up the unicorn, trying to figure out how to wrap it. “It’s not like I’m going to kick you out.” Aubrey laughed, standing and looking around for a box to fit the stuffed animal into. She returned, propping down on the floor and packaging the stuffed animal, adding in some colorful tissue paper and scrunching up her nose as she worked on getting it wrapped. “Hey!” She protested, taking the marker from him, “You’re supposed to be labeling them, not drawing on me.”
He laughed and scooted closer, drawing whiskers on her. “I could always have done worse. I could have drawn a penis on your cheek with the words ‘dan was here’ with an arrow pointing to your mouth,” he said as he stuck his tongue out slightly in concentration, finishing the last whisker on her cheek. When e was done he pulled back and realized how close he was, his face just inches from hers. His eyes went to her lips again and he almost leaned forward. It would have been so easy but he quickly caught himself and scooted away, labeling the presents. “Here,” he said softly and added “and Aubrey” to the gifts. “You helped me pick them out. That’s just as good as buying them.”
“I hate you.” She murmured, sitting still and allowing him to draw on her despite her weak protests. She shifted her gaze, looking off to the side where her dogs laid curled up beside one another. Aubrey looked back at him, feeling her cheeks heat up at their close proximity and just how cute he looked concentrating on his ‘art’. Part of her wanted to dig her fists into the fabric of his sweater and pull him close, but she shook it off, what happened earlier was a joke. “Do you want to go ahead and set the tablet up before wrapping it…? Setting the controls and pairing it to your phone and the screen protector and all that stuff?”
“You love me. Don’t deny it.” He looked down at the tablet and shrugged and before he could stop to think on it, he looked up at her with wide hopeful eyes and blurted, “Maybe you could come over on Christmas. Help me set it up then and meet the kids and all.” His heart was thudding weirdly and he didn’t get it. It was just hanging out, they did all the time. “They’d love to hang out with you and Christmas is a little dull on my end. No cousins or anything for them to play with.”
She nodded, finishing up wrapping the tablet. It was when Dan spoke that her hands stilled and her attention snapped back to him immediately. She’d seen his kids before, briefly in passing when his ex had dropped them off on set for his week with them. Though, she never approached them due to being in her zombie-esque makeup and not wanting to frighten them. Aubrey smiled at him, “Yeah…” she paused, trying to think of something to say, “I mean, obviously you have great taste in fun friends, so of course I’ll come. Besides you wrote ‘from dad and Aubrey’ on all the gifts so I guess they gotta know who Aubrey is.”
He laughed and blushed a little, his hand coming up to the back of his neck. “Yeah, you have a point there. I have the best taste in friends,” he said and added after a moment, sincerely, “Thanks for going with me today. And ya know. Not laughing at my weird social anxiety attack. And teaching me how to deal with annoying photographers.” And then he was looking at her lips again, wanting to close the distance and kiss her stupid. To push her down on top of the wrapping paper and see what she sounds like when she moaned. And that’s when he sat back and stood up, taking his wine glass to the kitchen. “You want anymore sweetheart or will the party Aubrey come out?”
“Plus, you’re coming with me to terrorize my parents, so it’s only fair.” She smiled at him, genuinely and sweetly. The kind of smile that really only he got to see. “You don’t have to thank me, Dan.. that’s what friends are for. And I’d be a real asshole if I would have laughed at you or abandoned you for that. I’m only half an asshole, I wouldn’t have done that. Not to you.” Aubrey shook her head, her cheeks getting a little warmer at his comment about the paparazzi. “Just passing on knowledge, you know. I’ve never kissed someone to shut them up, but hey, it worked.” Things felt a little.. awkward after that. She wanted to kiss him again and all their casual sex talk only made it worse. Anytime he’d give her a hypothetical scenario, she’d wonder what it’d feel like if his hands really did roam her body. “It doesn’t take two glasses of wind to take me down, Dan. Give me a little bit more credit!!”
“I’m giving you credit in that I’ve seen party Aubrey and she springs up out of nowhere.” He refilled his glass and brought it to her, handing it to her. “You’re sweet sometimes, you know it? When you wanna be,” and he smiled softly and picked at the carpet before he decided to lay down on his stomach and stare up at her. “This is comfy. Gives a lot of support. Maybe we should have marathon sex on the floor of your parents place. Really terrorize them.” He knew he should go soon, the mounting chores at home in the back of his mind but he wanted to test it once more, to hear how she’d react to their hypothetical sex life.
“She comes out specifically after three shots or five glasses of wine… or three really strong cocktails. Come on, Dan, I know when she likes to come out and play.” She watched him drink and shift, the way he laid down on her floor. Aubrey found herself wanting to kiss him again, in the most innocent of ways. To feel his lips moving against hers and to feel him moan into their kiss every time she’d tug on his hair. “That’s really taking it home. I guess it works, though. My mom did always say, ‘go big or go home’. Now we have to.”
“Well it’s just your luck that I happen to be pretty big, so we don’t have to go home,” he snickered and reached out, letting his hand smack her thigh. “Why is your floor so much better than mine? Come here,” he urged and tugged at her thigh wanting her to lay down with him. “You probably could withstand five cocktails because full disclosure, when I make yours I make half the glass just alcohol.”
“You know, guys who make constant references to their side are usually over compensating for something.” She teased, her tone light and playful, as she flashed him one of those looks. Aubrey had hoped he knew she was just messing around with him, after all, she had accidental first hand knowledge and a pretty good idea of how big he was, considering his dick had been pressed against her ass the majority of the morning during their cuddle incident. “You’re so thoughtful. That’s why you’re my favorite bartender.” She grinned, leaning over him, a hand on his cheek.
“Oh yes,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “I’m overcompensating. That’s why I drive an Acura and not a Jaguar. Blow me.” He playfully shoved her shoulder. As she leaned over him, her fingers warm against his cheek, he leaned into the touch, rubbing his face against her hand. “You feel that five o clock shadow? That’s what makes a good bartender; a lack of giving a fuck.” She looked pretty from this angle and he sighed, a warm smile on his face. He could get used to this. Her hands on him. “I always feel like a kid at the end of a sleepover when I have to leave your place,” he admitted.
Aubrey gave him one of those overly animated motions of hers, shrugging her shoulders. “Hey man, I’m just saying.” And part of her wanted to add that she didn’t really think that of him, that he’d actually had a rather impressive size… from what she could tell. But that was, weird. And she was trying her hardest to block out what her felt like pressed so close to her. “The scruff works for you. Keep it.” She smiled, and this time it was a genuine compliment, not her teasing him or just talking out of her ass. “I never make you leave! That’s your own fault.”
His face flushed pink at her comment, his eyes wide. “Thanks. I’ll uh. Keep it.” He smiled brightly at her and reached up, playing with a strand of her hair. “It’s my own fault that I’m a bachelor and let my laundry pile up to the ceiling and my dishes rot in the sink. I wonder why you ever come over,” he snickered. “You and your OCD arse. Maybe we should be on a home makeover show. Pretend to be a couple, get free renovations. Argue about where we’ll put out sex dungeon on live tv.”
“And to think you really care about your Rachel Ray dishware. Tsk, tsk.” She wagged her finger at him, grinning widely. Aubrey licked her lips, watching him play with her hair, for a moment hoping he’d give the strand a tug. Wondering if she’d follow suit and crawl on top of him and kiss him hard. “That’s not a bad idea. My apartment is great so obviously we’d have to work on yours… and you would have to keep it clean.” She snorted, “just imagine. But daddy it has to be somewhere the kids can’t access it.”
“I care about my dishware, just not enough to clean it. “ he snickered and leaned up, nipping at her wagging finger. “You apartment isn’t the cuddling apartment though. It doesn’t have the same coziness of my chaos. Admit it. I have nice sheets though.” He looked up at her, eyes full of mischief as he added, “Keep calling me daddy and see what happens.” And then he was turned on and this was a bad idea ™ so he sat up and ran his hand through his hair, giving her a heated look he tried to disguise but wasn’t sure if he succeeded. “I dont want to leave. I’m like a child,” he laughed, deflecting as best he could.
“You need to! Or I’m going to come over and break them all.” She warned playfully. Aubrey yelped, pulling her hand back and clutching it to her chest, a glare set on her face. “Asshole!” She reaches for ward and gently slapped his cheek, “Bad boy.. but yeah, I guess your sheets are cozy.” Shrugging her shoulders, she smirked, instantly accepting his challenge. “Daddy, daddy, daddy.” She chanted, a grin on her face. “Well, I’m not telling you to leave.”
He gave her an exasperated look but laughed. “Are you trying to kill me? Knowing you, the answer is probably.” He pulled her into his arms, messing up her hair. “So I don’t have to leave? Does this mean I can stay rent free and eat all your food and sleep in your bed? And not at the foot like a dog, I demand a human spot in bed. I’ll only wet the bed once a week.” Preferably wrapped up with her but he didn’t say it.
“My ultimate life mission is to kill you, I thought you knew that. We’ve been battling the inevitable all along.” She laughed, allowing him to pull her into him. Her body melting into his, she hummed lightly, contently. “Are you going to be this comfortable if I let you stay? You got me fucked up on this cuddling bullshit, I hate you.”
He laughed hard, his eyes bright with amusement. “So you do have a heart it’s just hidden under layers and layers. That are unveiled with some snuggles. You’re a pussy Aubrey,” he teased and then relented, adding. “You’ve got me fucked up on cuddling too. I’m not cuddly. I’m manly and sexy and rawr,” he said with a fake little roar. “You’re ruining my bad boy rep.”
Aubrey rolled herself over, shifting to straddle him, her hands gripped against his shoulders. Leaning down, she huffed, shaking him lightly. “Don’t you ever tell anyone, it was a moment of weakness.” She grinned, her shakes stilling, but still hovered closely above him. “What bad boy rep? I can’t ruin what you don’t have.”
“Excuse me, I am plenty bad. I smoked a cigarette earlier with my sunglasses on. Instant bad boy reputation.” He gripped her hips, his thumb slipping under her sweater and rubbing soft circles against her skin. “What are you gonna do if I tell? I’m gonna call TMZ right now,” he said with mock glee.
Aubrey bit her lip, caught off guard by the feeling of his thumbs rubbing against bare skin. She had to fight the urge to rock her hips into his and her the friction going, instead opting to continue verbally teasing him. “Oh, yes. You’re right. My bad. Total babe, bad boy status. I am so sorry I didn’t acknowledge it before.” She looked down at him, a glare set on her features. “I’ll never cuddle with you again.”
He bit his bottom lip and tried not to bust out laughing; everything about how she was holding him down was doing so much for him but the way she glared at him and threatened to withhold cuddling had him beaming up at her. “You’re a filthy liar. Don’t act like I wasn’t the greatest pillow you’ve ever had. As a matter of fact, I was gonna see if you wanted to maybe lay on the couch for a while, watch a movie, do some more incognito secret cuddling before I have to go home and prepare my apartment for my heathens. But I guess I’ll just get up and go,” and he tried to sit up with her on him and managed to push her back and into his lap, his hands still on her waist. “So. Are you a filthy liar or not?” 
She had to think about it, take a moment to really consider the pros and cons of what he was offering up here. On one hand, she’d get to experience the Wonders™️ of cuddling again and on the other, she’d let him win… and that was something she could not allow. Stubborn as always she shrugged her shoulders. “If you leave that’s your loss, you’re missing out on cuddles and movies. After all, you did say you didn’t want to leave so.”
“How do you do that? Turn it around on me?” He sighed and patted her thigh. “Ok up. I’ll concede to the couch and a movie for a while.” He helped her shift off of him and moved the couch, sprawling across it and giving her a cheeky smile. “Cmon. Cuddle your man. It’ll be just like an episode of Gilmore girls: wine cuddling talking about boys. “
“You just want to cuddle.” She batted her eyelashes at him innocently, getting to her feet. “… I want to watch Trolls.” She said, nothing but seriousness in her voice as she watched him settle himself on her couch. Aubrey smiled to herself, taking a seat on the edge before she laid down, curling her body against his. “My man? Since when?”
“It’s possible.” He laid down next to her and wrapped an arm around her. “Since I decided we were an episode of Gilmore girls. Don’t you ever watch bad tv melodramas? damn Aubrey get with it. We can’t be friends if you won’t watch shit like gossip girl with me.” But the thing was, he knew she would. They could do anything together and it was fun and it confused him, that he wanted to spend all his time with her.  He watched the tv for a while, afraid to move his arm. “I probably need to go,” he mentioned a while later, his breath warm near her ear and he almost kissed her head, but pulled away at the last second, his lips barely brushing her hair.
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aubreypara-archive · 6 years
Drunk cuddles ~ Aubrey && Dan ~ 12/18/2017
Aubrey made a quick stop at the gas station before heading over to Dan’s knowing that even if he’d ordered take out that they’d both end up craving snacks in their drunken stupors. She made her way towards the check out counter with an armful of chips and various types of candy, letting them fall onto the counter with a slight smile on her face. The actress shrugged lightly when the cashier gave her a confused look, “Crazy night. Party, party. Wooh.” Her usual deadpan laced into her almost playful tone. She pulled out her phone, texting Dan to inform him that she was a few minutes away and came bearing snacks. Upon arrival, she twisted the bags around her wrists, coming up to his doorstep and knocking obnoxiously with her free hand. “OPEN THE DOOR UGLY!!”
Dan had changed into a pair of jeans and tshirt, already starting on the wine and looking longingly at the takeout. But he was trying to be a good host and instead he sighed and sat on the sectional, propping his feet up as he sipped his wine. The loud banging though signaled Aubreys arrival and he couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not ugly and we both know it, why must you fight it so much!’ he called out as he made his way to the door, opening it and rolling his eyes. "You brought enough food for an army. I appreciate that. ” He stood aside as he let her in and let her to the kitchen. “You want white or red wine?" 
Aubrey had made her way into his home, everything obviously familiar to her. She didn’t wait around on him or awkwardly trail behind, instead she sped up and dropped the bags onto the counter. She started to pull out the snacks and set them out neatly for their consumption. “I call you ugly out of love, not because I think you’re ugly.” She lifted her hand to swat at his shoulder lightly, “Don’t roll your eyes at me. That’s my trademark… Not an army, I brought enough for drunk Dan and Aubrey to not bitch about wanting snacks, because I know them.” She hummed, looking up at the ceiling and feigning a thoughtful expression. “Surprise me. At the end of the day it’s all the same.”
He chuckled as he listened to her talk and poured the wine. “Listen we know it’s all the same at the end of the night but we have to pretend to be classy at least for the first 30 minutes, you absolute fucking heathen. This is a dinner party.” He turned around and handed her a very full glass, gulping his own down in two swallows and leaning on the counter. “You got takis right? For snacks? I wanna see if you can keep your cheetoh fingers off my couch this time,” he snorted and poured himself another glass.
“You act like we’re classy people… I walk around vomiting dick jokes, does that really scream classy to you?” Aubrey grinned, brining the glass to her lips and taking a large swig. Rolling her eyes, she pulled the takis out of the bag and tossed them at him, “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t include these in the drunk snack list, huh?” She paused, letting out an exasperated sigh. “When are you going to let that go? I was DRUNK!! And it was your fault that time. I was trying to be good and you were all no Aubrey, drink more. And then what happened? You got gremlin Aubrey.”
He gasped and held his hand over his heart. “I’m glad you reminded me. No food or alcohol after midnight for Aubrey, I don’t feel like recreating gremlins.” He moved away from the counter, grabbing the wine bottle, and padded towards the living room knowing she’d follow. “I’m never letting it go because my couch still hasn’t recovered. You’re a permanent part of it now.” He flopped to the sectional and motioned to the food. “Dig in.” He turned on the tv and started a horrible hallmark Christmas romance movie and was actually looking at the screen as it started with a serious expression, so sincere in his movie choice.
Aubrey shook her head, a laugh tumbling past her lips. It was difficult to make her really, genuinely laugh, but Dan had a knack for it. “I’m glad that I could be of service to you and remind you that I’m a monster and need to be kept under control after a certain hour.” She licked her lips, finishing up what was left in her glass and picking up her speed to take the wine bottle from him and give herself a refill. “Food and alcohol, the only way to my heart… Well.. the most innocent way to it, anyway.” She snorted, nudging him with her elbow. Aubrey plopped down onto his couch, crossing her legs beneath her and reaching for one of the food containers. “Are we actually going to watch these… Or are we going to end up doing our version of netflix and chill? Cause I can’t really see myself sitting through this entire thing without trying to fight you.”
"The most innocent way huh? The other way to your heart lays with your six vibrators I’m sure. Can I be the best man at the wedding?” he snorted and poured another glass, trying to get a good buzz going fast and he plopped food on his plate. He gave her a look as he pulled away from the tv, pouting as he did. “You don’t like poorly written romantic comedies? I thought we were friends Aubrey.” After a moment, he relented an handed her the remote after slurping up his noodles in a very frat boy way. “Here. Pick something that isn’t trash. Ooh maybe real housewives,” he said with all seriousness. 
Aubrey sent him a side eyed glare, her lips tilting up in a bit of a smirk. “I’m sure you’d like to know.” The girl shrugged, allowing herself to sink back into the cushions for a moment. “You know, it’s not so much the vibrators, I mean, talented fingers might just do the trick too.” She shrugged nonchalantly, glancing at him briefly. “No, it’s not the tv. It’s I can’t sit still for longer than a certain amount of time and we’ll probably end up on the floor with me winning a fight… I don’t make the rules, just follow them. It’s the way it is, Dan.” Having chugged down her second glass, Aubrey discarded use of it and reached for the bottle, taking a few sips. “Maybe dream you was trying to tell you something… maybe you don’t want to fuck a lady. Man, I should have brought my vibrators.”
He choked on his wine, sputtering for a second. “Are you saying I’m gay?” he wiped his mouth on his hand and laughed, tipping his head back on the couch and smiling at her. “I’ve fucked guys Aubrey. It’s not that great. I much prefer ladies. But talented fingers, you might have a point.” He grabbed the bottle from her, taking a swig too as he set his emty glass down. “You think you’d really win a fight? Its my tv Aubrey. Try me,” he challenged with a smirk and grabbed the remote as well. 
“Hey, I’m not judging. I wuv you either way.” A wide grin made its way onto her face. She reluctantly let him take the bottle, taking another quick gulp before handing it over. “Oh scandalous, but.. I think you’re wrong, I mean, I think dick is much better than pussy, but hey.” Aubrey leaned forward and set her plate down on the coffee table, turning her body towards him. There was a bit of a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she inched closer to him. “I don’t mean fight you over the tv fuckass. I mean physically fight you out of restlessness.”
“You’re wrong but I’m always right so it doesn’t bother me,” he said with a shrug. “Oh you’re gonna fight just to fight? You come to my house, ruin my classy dinner party and fight the host hm?” he laughed as he leaned forward, his face inches from hers. “Well. Go ahead. Fight me, if it helps you with your restlessness. We both know you lose in mortal kombat anyway, I’ll just take you here too.” He laughed and raised his eyebrows, waiting. 
Aubrey huffed, faux anger flashing across her features. “Oh, you’re going down, feo. You think you can handle me, huh?” She questioned, licking her lips as she moved a little closer. She placed her hands on his chest, giving him a firm enough shove to push him off the couch. Aubrey followed with quick reflexes, pouncing on top of him, her hands fisted in his t-shirt. “You can’t beat me. I’d win this fight fairly.” She grinned, her face inches away from him.
He giggled like an idiot and grabbed her shoulders, trying to flip her but she was surprisingly strong and he huffed, looking up at her with wide blue eyes. He realized how very close she was to him and he couldn’t help but look down at her lips, her breath warm against his face. He licked his lips and stopped struggling under her for a moment. “I think you’re stronger than you look,” he huffed out, his voice low and a little strained. 
The alcohol had caught up with her. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and she could feel her body heat increase in the slightest. Aubrey hummed from above him, her grip on his shirt loosening and her hands sliding slowly up his chest. She brought her lips close to his ear, “I know, that’s my secret weapon.” Aubrey pulled back, laughing loudly, her hands moving again, this time wrapping loosely around his neck, fingers drumming lightly against his skin. “I win, I win, I win!” She chanted.
He felt his skin heat up, his cheeks turning pink and flushed and he wasn’t sure if it was the wine or the way her fingers wrapped around his neck like they were made for him but he coughed lightly, closing his eyes and grinning like an idiot. “You win, I concede.” He felt a shiver run down his body at their closeness and that’s when he realized he was pretty turned on, the way her fingers played against his sensitive skin of his neck. He quickly had to get up, to not let her know how turned on he was. She was in the perfect position to notice any second now and he coughed again, blurting out, “I think your prize should be more wine. I’ll get another bottle?”
She was pleased with his surrender, but not with how quickly it came. A little disappointed, she stuck out her lower lip in a pout. “I thought you’d put up more of a fight.” Her fingers loosened and she’d let go of him, her hands planted on his chest for a moment. His quick suggestion of more wine was welcomed with a vigorous nod, rolling off of him and sprawling out onto the floor. “I call rematch, though, after this next bottle. You didn’t even try.”
He stumbled to the kitchen, sliding a little in his festive Christmas socks. "I’ll put up a better fight in a while,” he called back as he sighed deeply, steadying himself on the counter. She knew all his kinks, why was he worried? She probably wouldn’t care if he popped a boner but the worry was real all the same. What if he made it weird? He waited for himself to calm down and found another bottle, closing his eyes in relief. “Ok I’ve got white wine. And its not even midnight yet,” he snorted and came back, tipping it up to his lips and taking a huge swig before he flopped on the ground next to her. “here, drink this and don’t bitch when I put on lifetime,” he laughed and handed her the bottle after taking another long swig. 
“No fun, Dan. I’m disappointed, rematch now.” She took the bottle from him and sat up. Aubrey was careful in her movements as to not spill the liquid, her lips attached to the bottle. She shifted back into her previous position, just sitting above him. “Open.” She tipped the bottle a little, signaling she was going to pour some into his mouth. “I wanted to play and you totally let me down. So. Rematch.”
He raised his eyebrows and laughed hard. “Ok pour it, bartender.” He opened his mouth, letting some drizzle down the side. As long as she didn’t choke him again, he figured he’d be ok. Maybe. He shook his head. “Alright then, you’re on.” He reached up and tickled her sides, the bottle of wine getting knocked to the side and he righted it quickly, pushing it out of the way. He tried to roll her under him and realized again that she was quite adamant to win. “god what did you do? Put lead in your pockets or something? How are you this strong?” he grunted. 
Aubrey’s hands were gripped against his shoulders, holding him down. She shook her head, “I’m not that strong, you’re going easy on me. I think you just like being down there.” She bit her lower lip, her smile still etched on her face. “Is that it, Dan? You just like being under me?” Aubrey teased, her body buzzing from the alcohol burning through her system. “Come on, do something.” She challenged, lifting her hands off him. “Don’t just let me win.”
He huffed out a breath, shifting under her. Her words went straight to his dick and he blushed lightly, hoping she wouldn’t notice his pink cheeks. “I’m just a pushover if I’m honest,” he said softly, an incredulous smile on his face. “You wanna go? We’ll go,” he added with a soft growl as he rolled his hips and managed to budge her, laughing as he flopped to the rug. “There…” he panted as he grabbed her wrists and held them in one hand above her head. “you asked for it. I didn’t go easy. You ready to admit defeat? Wave your white flag?” he snorted and grabbed the wine bottle in the other hand, tipping some into his mouth and holding it at her lips and offering a sip. 
“There he is.” She grinned, her eyes half lidded as she looked up at him. Everything was sort of fuzzy and their movements were slow. Yet still, she leaned up as best she could and shook her head, denying the alcohol for a minute. Aubrey’s lips hovered in close to his, grinning, she closed her eyes. “Whatcha gonna do, Dan? It ain’t over yet, I haven’t surrendered.” She shifted, parting her legs slightly to wrap them around his waist. Aubrey shook her wrists in his hold, “Don’t make me plaaaayy diiirrttyyy!!”
He swallowed hard and rolled his hips trying to dislodge her. “You playing dirty could mean an elbow to the face. I’m officialy frightened,” he teased and with a quick movement, he let go of her wrists and instead went straight to her sides, tickling her hard and relentlessly. “Cmon. Say uncle. Or daddy, that works too. I’ll take pity as soon as you admit defeat." 
Aubrey’s legs unhooked from around him, squirming beneath him and laughing. Her hands swatted at his in attempts to get him to stop before an idea clicked in her head at his words. “Oh no… you just made things worse for yourself.” She spoke between laughs and labored breathing. Trying to regain composure, she took in a deep breath, interrupted by the slew of giggles that escaped her, but she still managed to steel herself for a moment. Her hands moving to press against his cheeks, looking up at him innocently and wide eyed. “You want me to play the daddy card?” She hummed, one hand sliding up to tangle her fingers in his hair and give a light tug. “Huh, daddy? Playing dirty isn’t always violent.”
His mouth fell open of it’s own accord and his eyes closed, a soft moan leaving his lips involuntarily at Aubrey’s hands tugging his hair. ‘ Daddy’ sent a rush of warmth through him and he felt his face heat up again. “Never let you into a UFC ring,” he rambled to try and distract himself. “You cheat. You’re a filthy cheater and I win by default.” He shrugged. “You’re like a spider monkey,” he laughed and rolled off her with a huff and looked sideways at her from the floor. “I’m very drunk,” he commented.
Aubrey shrugged from her place on the floor. She seemed to be melted into the carpet. She’d let out a soft noise of disapproval when the warmth that he provided had rolled off her body along with him, covering up the disappointment with a quick quip. “Mm, nope. I won. I didn’t give up, you gave up.” Aubrey turned her head to smile at him, her eyes shut. “No shit… we’re both.. very drunk. And it’ll be midnight in five minutes so if I’m getting cut off I’m chugging down the rest of this.” She sat up and reached for the bottle, taking down what was left of it.
He chuckled and watched her finish. He took a few deep breaths, grabbing the pillow off the couch and placing it over his crotch strategically. “You’re like a frat boy at a house party. I can’t even chug like that, you champ.” He snorted and finally got up, going to the kitchen and grabbing the takis. “Ok then I’m devouring these. Then.. maybe we should sleep. Like put on a movie in my room and sleep because I’ll fall asleep on the floor.”
“Gremlin Aubrey might throw up if she eats anything.” She made a face, sticking her tongue out at him. Aubrey pulled herself up to her feet, padding her way into the kitchen and grabbing two glasses of water. “We should probably… rehydrate a little before bed too. Try to lessen the blow of our inevitable death tomorrow.” She beside him on the floor, holding his cup for him. “Depending on how bad it is you might be stuck with me not leaving your bed until our bad decision punishment wears off.”
He took the water gratefully and downed the glass in record time. “It’s fine. I’m not leaving either. I’m gonna just become one of those people on the Telly, “my 600 lb life” and just live my life from my memory foam mattress,” he snorted and leaned over on her shoulder laughing. “That’s more funny to me than it probably is,” he sighed and unsteadily made his way to his feet. “Come on sweetheart, lets lay down,” he murmured, eyes unfocused as he looked down at her.
She nodded her head, bringing herself up, a little unsteady on her feet. Aubrey shook her head at him as he laughed, though the soft smile that crept onto her face was enough to express her amusement with him. “We’re going to sink into your memory foam mattress and never leave because we are idiot sandwiches and are going to be dead tomorrow.” She tugged off her flannel top and discarded it on his living room floor, remaining in her tank and jeans. “Lead the way, pal. I’m ready to lay down.”
He laughed hard and doubled over. “Idiot sandwiches oh my god,” He wheezed. “Ok ok I’m good. Let’s sleep.” He ended up taking her hand without thinking and led her to his room, before he let go and he took a running leap at the bed. He wanted to kick his jeans off so bad but he sighed and looked over at her, holding his arms out like a child. “Cmere, lay with me,” he begged.
It was endearing, almost, how fast his flip switched. Aubrey glanced down at their hands, squeezing his lightly as she followed him into his bedroom. It wasn’t like she needed him to lead her there, she’d been in there plenty of times before, but she humored him. “You’re such a baby.” She laughed, flashing him a smile. “Are you going to sleep in those?” She quirked an eyebrow at him, referring to his jeans. “Why are you making yourself suffer? That’s not going to be comfortable.” Aubrey spoke as she pulled down her jeans, stepping out of them and shedding off her tank top. “I can’t sleep in this stuff.” She mumbled, crawling onto the mattress beside him.
His eyebrows went up and he loooked away quickly as he watched her pull her clothes off. “I uh…” and he figured fuck it. She was already drunk and half naked and he wasn’t gonna sleep in jeans if he didn’t have to. He tugged them over his hips and tossed them over the side of the bed. “I’m a big baby sure but the key word here is big.” He was silent a moment and looked over at her as she crawled onto the bed. “I was making a reference to my dick size.”
“You’re so stupid.” She laughed, pulling back the blankets and crawling nestling herself beneath them. Aubrey rolled over to face him, rolling her eyes playfully. “Literally the dumbest person I’ve ever met…” she trailed, shoving her hand in his face and laughing. “But the good kind of dumb. Like my favorite kind of dumb. So you’re not so bad.”
He snorted, laughing hard and licked her hand as she put it in his face. “I’m glad I’m your kind of dumb. You’re the dumbest girl I’ve ever met. But the good dumb like a golden retriever.” He giggled and fluffed his pillow. After a moment he added, “And also really beautiful.” he got comfortable and looked over at her, taking in her smile and her pretty features. “The prettiest.” He whispered and reached out, tapping her nose. “But still a dumbarse kink gremlin.”
“I can’t believe you insulted a dog.” Aubrey grasped dramatically, her hand clutching her chest. She’d drew in a breath, keeping it held when he began to compliment her. Tilting her head a bit, confused at his sudden change in demeanor, though her cheeks flushed nonetheless. “Fuckass. Leave me and my kink Gremlin ways alone.” She giggled, pulling the blankets over her head. “You’re horrible.”
“I’m never leaving your kink gremlin ways alone. I’m sorry but you signed up for this when you befriended me.” He laughed and tugged the covers back down. “I’m horrible, I’ll admit,” he said through a yawn. “I’m telling everyone I had Aubrey Plaza in my bed.” He closed his eyes and scooted closer, his face inches from hers and he let his feet touch hers. “And the mattress didn’t even dip under her. You’re a demon. A cute one. Ok I’m done, I’m sloshed and rambling. Goodnight sweetheart,” he said quietly.
“People are really going to think we’re fucking then…” She yawned, hugging the pillow to her. “A cute demon. Maybe… maybe.” Her eyes closed, still humming, still intent on fighting sleep just to talk to him. “Hmmm, not yet.” Half asleep, she scooted closer to him, fucking under his arm and resting her head against him. “Why are you like a fucking space heater? So warm.” She mumbled sleepily, curling into his side.
He grunted softly in surprise at the feeling of her warm soft body against his. He tensed for a moment and then finally relaxed, giving into how good it felt to be close to her. “You’re the space heater, space jam.” He was half asleep, his breathing evening out but he didn’t wanna lose this, whatever this moment was. He nuzzled his face into her hair and let out a soft sigh. “I .. I . I don’t know. I’m warm. It’s nice. You’re nice,” he breathed out.
She shook her head against him, her movements slower, sluggish. “I’m not nice.” Aubrey’s fingers drummed against his chest, moving slowly and dragging lazy patterns against his skin. “You’re my best friend. You know that?” Her voice was soft and heavy and laced with sleep. “I gotta be mean to you, gotta keep you on your toes.” Her eyes were shut, and she slowed her movements before stopping all together and falling asleep.
He smiled, lazy and half asleep as he whispered, “You’re my best friend too.” He sighed and played with her hair. “I know. I like you mean because I know you’re actually nice. And you do care.” His fingers stopped moving as he fell asleep, wrapped up with her in the blankets. He remembered waking up during the night, her lips inches from his and felt them brush together, a short quick brush and it was warm and soft, his heart beat skipping faster. He fell back to sleep and didn’t wake up until morning when he light filtered in from under the bottom of the curtain. He groaned and meant to roll over but he realized he was entangled with a warm and very naked body. His eyes fluttered open and he saw Aubrey, her hair in his face and his arms trapped under her own, their hands laced together. He saw a bra strap and he laughed. Had they just stripped down and gotten into bed? He should move. But she was so warm and soft and his hand felt right in hers and her hair smelled like vanilla and honey.
Aubrey groaned in her sleep, pushing her body back into his and taking in his warmth. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, not quite ready to wake up yet. “Go away sun.” She murmured in her sleep, her breathing still soft and steady. Letting out a huff, one eye popped open, “I’m not moving.” Aubrey declared, not quite registering that she had been tangled and snuggled up with Dan.. half naked and without a doubt extremely hung over.
“If I move, the room moves way too fast,” He croaked out. The way she had shifted though pushing back into him had warmth spreading up his spine and he rolled his hips, pressing more firmly against Aubrey. “Fuck I’m gonna die. I’m never drinking again.” It took a moment to really sink in. Aubrey was half naked in his arms. He coughed and laid there unsure if it was better to move or to stay still.
She made a soft sound when she felt him press up against her. Despite being the next day, she could still feel a slight buzzing in her veins and she wasn’t sure if it was their close proximity or if she was still slightly drunk. “You’re lying.” Aubrey groaned, a hint of a smile evident in her voice. “You might not drink for the rest of this week… but you’ll do it again. As if you could pass up your buddy ole pal.” She’d loosened her grip on his hand, slowly pulling hers from his, but remaining in his embrace. “I don’t think I can move.”
He felt drunk still as he buried his face into the pillow. “Fuck. I can’t. I don’t think I can either. Im gonna live in a monastery. No alcohol, no hangovers.” ‘No sex’ his brain supplied and he groaned, his hips pressing to her backside and he blushed as he realized she would have felt his cock pressed to her. What the hell, he’d never had this problem before with her.
Aubrey bit her lip, keeping herself quiet. She couldn’t blame him for the odd predicament they were in, nor did it really bother her. It wasn’t a surprise and they were both still riding on the aftermath of all that wine. “Liar, liar.” Her tone held as much humor and sing-song as it could, still fighting off the pulsing headache that threatened hitting her the moment she moved. “Bad decision city is going to attack if I move… so I can’t.. I’m stuck in your bed to avoid instant death. But still, you’re lying. You won’t give up drinking.”
“You’re right I won’t.” He sighed. After a few moments of laying in the bright sunlight he spoke up. “I um.. I don’t remember what we did,” he admitted, voice soft. “I think we just went to sleep. I don’t think we… you know. I mean.. I was sloshed I couldn’t have gotten it up anyway,” he added quickly, though he was aware it was up right now. “I think we just made bad decisions and drank little water,” he laughed softly.
“No…” She paused, clearing her throat, “We didn’t. Pretty sure I’d know and I don’t think I would have bothered putting any clothes back on if we did.” Aubrey laughed a little at his concern, her hands moving to clutch her head. “Just don’t move. I can’t move… and I’m comfortable. Can we just… stay here until this passes?” An incoherent string of swear words tumbled out tangled between a loud groan, “please?”
He nuzzled into the nape of her neck once again, her hair tickling hose nose not exactly caring at this point if she thought it was weird. His head was hurting so bad but the rest of him was warm and comfy at least. He gently took her hand and stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, soothing motions as he sighed out and sweared. “Yeah. Yeah let’s just. Wait til we feel better. It’s ok, we’ll feel better in a couple of hours,” he murmured and closed his eyes again. “I hate us sometimes,” he said with a weak laugh.
She breathed out, her eyes were shut and she was trying to focus on anything that wasn’t the incessant pounding of her brain against her skull. The softness of Dan’s motions was enough to cause goosebumps to rise on her skin and she wondered briefly if this was how it had always been for them. Or if maybe it was just the hangover lowering her defenses and leaving her vulnerable to him. “I don’t even think it was the kink goblin that made an appearance last night,” She laughed lightly, “it was the party goblin and I don’t know which one is worse at this point.”
He snorted and replied, “definitely the party goblin. And I think she’s a rung or two higher on the bad decisions ladder. I don’t even know what my party persona is but he was bad news bears also.” He shifted, holding her closer. It was weird. Part of him wanted to pull away, to not get this personal and close and another part of him wanted to wake up with her again. He swallowed and wrapped his leg over her hip. “Ok go back to bed because light and sound are too much.”
Aubrey raised an eyebrow when she felt his leg swing over her, laughing. She rolled to face him, grinning and then quickly giving him a playful shove. “You’re lucky I’m dying. Or I would have pushed you off the bed…. even if it’s your bed.” She paused for a moment, thinking. “Were we completely obliterated for our first official sleepover? I’m upset now. We didn’t get to have pillow fights or makeovers.”
“We can do it next time. Make me pretty, Aubrey. Paint my nails and talk about boys please. And I’ll be supplying non alcoholic drinks,” he said with a groan but opened one eye and smiled at her. “And please I’d destroy you in a pillow fight.”
It was instinctual, almost, the way she swiftly rolled over and onto him. She mimicked their position from the night before, a wicked grin on her face, only a little duller due to the pounding of her head. “I think I remember me winning fighting you last night. What makes you think you’d win a pillow fight?” Aubrey questioned, her eyes squinted and head tilted to the side. “We could talk about boys… sure. Like I dunno, Captain Kirk is pretty hot.”
“Captain Kirk? That’s disgusting,” he giggled and immediately held his head. “Fuck, you can’t make me laugh.” He placed his hands on her hips slowly. “If I was sober I could have won,” he said with a playful tilt of his head.
“What do you mean that’s disgusting? What the hell, Dan? Shatner is handsome… and new Kirk, Pine is hot too.” Aubrey leaned forward, her face set in its usual grumpy stare. “I think you need your eyes checked.” She reached up to grip his cheeks, moving in a way that made it look like she was going to kiss him, instead biting his nose. “You wouldn’t have won. Stop lying to yourself.”
“Pine is not that hot. You need your eyes checked.” He held his breath , his heart beating faster as she leaned down. He thought for sure she was about to kiss him and his eyes widened, confused and hopeful but she bit his nose and he barked out a surprised laugh. “I didn’t know I’d brought home a new puppy. No face nipping. Bad girl,” he said voice low and rough from sleep. “I would have won. Let me have this.”
“Uh, but he is.. he’s like.. the sun. You can’t look at him right cause of how hot he is.” She continued with her teasing, watching his expressions change as she moved closer. A grin broke out when she sat up, throwing her head back and laughing childishly. This softer side of her making it’s rare appearance. “I’m part wolf or something, remember?” Aubrey teased, “bad girl…” she looked down at him, her voice lowering an octave, “careful there, might get me all excited.”
He was fascinated by the way she laughed, looking soft and sweet. “So that was you howling last night?” With a snort he added, “If ‘bad girl’ gets you wet then I’m pretty sure spanking you would make you spontaneously combust. ‘Here lies Aubrey, she was a kinky fuck’.” he laughed and gently tugged at her wrists, wanting her to lay back down. “I need warmth, come back. I also need more sleep and about 5 cups of coffee.”
“Yeah. I was calling out to my brethren so we could kill you in your sleep.” She whispered, her tone was even and flat, and expression serious. “I thought we’ve already established this? Me being a kinky fuck. But, the kink goblin is currently dormant. She’s all bark no bite right now.” Aubrey allowed for him to pull her down, rolling off of him and settling into the space beside him. “Do I even do anything for warmth? I’m always cold.”
He laughed. “You wanna kill me in my sleep? That’s a bit harsh considering I fed you last night. You’re the opposite of man’s best friend. Bad girl,” he teased again. As she rolled off and curled back into his side he closed his eyes and pulled the blanket up higher. “You may have a cold black heart but believe it or not your skin is quite warm.”
“Keep calling me bad girl and you’re gonna regret it.” She rolled back over turning her back to him and getting comfortable. Aubrey pushed back, her body flush against his, taking in his warmth. He’d had a point, hear radiated off their bodies and despite it feeling a little like they were crossing a line, she couldn’t bring herself to mind it. “I have no heart… and now I get why nakedness fights off hypothermia or whatever. I also get the appeal of girls being stupid and annoying their boyfriends into this cuddling bullshit.”
Her body felt so good against his and he held his breath until she was comfortable. He was warm as content again and he wrapped an arm around her. It felt domestic and it was just still too early for his brain to comprehend it all. At her words he scoffed. “Are you really telling me you’ve never cuddled? Or understood the appeal? You really do have no heart, grinch.” His breathing started to even out again and he sleepily added, “You’ve got too many nicknames. Grinch, goblin, demon, gremlin, gorgeous, loser, the list goes on.”
“It’s not the first time I’ve cuddled.” She rolled her eyes, knowing her couldn’t see her, but she figured he could have imagined that reaction from her. After all, it was something like second nature to her. “I just never liked feeling suffocated. And last time I was with someone was like a million years ago during the summer and I fucking hate being hot. But it’s cold, so it’s different.” Aubrey gripped onto his arm with her hand, pulling him in closer to her. “All of those start with the lowered G… is that like a sign or something? Am I a true thug? A real gangsta?”
He giggled. “A true gangsta. The real OG.” Hearing her talk about being suffocated but somehow she didn’t feel that with him made his cheeks heat up and he had no idea why. “Well its a good thing it’s cold then. And that I’m too hungover to move,” he breathed out and buried his nose in her hair again, his breath puffing out over her neck. “ ‘m so warm. ‘snice “
She hummed, the sound coming out sounding slightly like a purr. “Are you saying if you could move you’d leave me here to freeze?” Aubrey pushed her elbow back, poking him wherever she managed to reach. “I meeeaaannn,” she extended her words, moving so she was on her back now, looking up at the ceiling and then glancing to him. “I could totally get up and find warmth elsewhere.”
He frowned, giving her a look and pulled her closer. “Don’t. I mean you could but… don’t.” And he hated himself a little for how needy that came out. He was a little embarrassed and he blushed, coughing and quickly deflecting as he stroked her skin, “I mean even if I wasn’t hungover we both know I’m a lazy fuck and I’d rather spend time with you than some other annoying peon so no I wouldn’t leave you here to freeze. Besides if I left you here alone you’d probably destroy my house like a new puppy with separation anxiety.” He laughed and grinned widely. “Ripping couch cushions, peeing on the carpet.”
“I like how in every single one of these anecdotes I’m like a puppy to you. But.. I guess I had it coming when I bit you.” She laughed, not fighting him when he pulled her into him. Instead she allowed him to tug her and pull her into any position he deemed comfortable. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure if she could get up without wobbling and possibly falling over on her first try. So opting to stay in bed until full recovery seemed like the best decision. “I’d probably destroy something you loved most. Your most prized possession.”
He snickered. “So you’d destroy my cock, that’s a little forward, Aubrey.” He gently tapped her hip. “That or my Xbox which I can actually see you shoving cookies into.” With a soft sigh, he pressed his face into the pillow. His head was pounding but not as bad as when he first woke up.
“There you go again, Dan. You and those sexual fantasies of yours. We really need to get you laid, bud.” She grinned, pushing her ass up against him and wiggling slightly. “If i was going to waste cookies… i would be wasting them destroying something you love because I live to make you suffer, so yeah, that sounds about right.” Aubrey rolled around a little, squirming in his grasp, not quite staying still. It was mostly to annoy him, more than anything. “You can’t go back to sleep, I’ll be bored.”
He felt a tug of arousal in his stomach as she wiggled against him and he unconsciously rolled his hips, grinding against her. “I get laid.. sometimes.” He rolled his eyes. “How can you be hungover and bored at the same time? You’re a menace to society.”
Aubrey let out a heavy exhale, doing her best to mask the sudden moan that threatened to escape. She hadn’t been expecting him to push right back against her… she hadn’t been expecting much of anything, maybe digging his fingers into her hips in an attempt to get her to quit. And now that she thought about it, she wasn’t sure if that would have been any better. She cleared her throat, remaining quiet for a minute, before responding to him. “I’m a menace to your life. It’s my job.”
“Your job is literally to be my parasite. It’s fitting.” He laughed. “I like you in my life.. even if you do call me ugly. I’ll have you know I even shaved for our classy dinner party and you didn’t even notice.” he added with a snort. “Rude ass.”
Aubrey reached back, patting his cheek. A grin making its way to her face and just as quickly, she rolled over to look at him. “How sweet. All that for me?” Her usually wide set eyes were squinted, the sunlight still annoying, but a little less harsh. “How handsome, just, you know don’t tell anyone I complimented you while half naked in your bed.”
He preened a little under her touch and her compliment and he nodded. “Deal. I won’t speak a word as long as you don’t tell anyone my boxers have ducks on them.” He smirked at her and added, “You know what else is your job?” He playfully put his hand over her mouth. “To sleep and let Daniel Stevens sleep so that he may inevitably get sloshed again in the near future.”
Aubrey laughed, lifting the covers and peaking underneath them. “You have ducks on your boxers? I wasn’t like paying attention but, oh my god.” Her laughter only grew louder when she’d looked and noticed them, dropping the blanket, her gaze returning to his face. “Scouts honor, I’ll keep quiet about your duck boxers.” Her eyes widened, curing her fingers around his wrist and pulling his hand off her mouth. “I guess I could go for a nap.”
“You won’t mind if I don’t put a lot of faith in that scouts honor,” he laughed and scooted as close as he could. “You guess you need a nap? You somehow feel less miserable than me because there’s no guessing here. I’m fucked.”
“Mmm. I might be a little offended. Give me some credit here. I won’t tell anyone about your duckie boxers.” She murmured, allowing him to nuzzled into her and melt in his embrace. Aubrey probably should have gotten up by now. She’d been thinking about it, probably should have gotten redressed and told him they just needed water and food, but she enjoyed her place. “I mean, we’d feel better if we drank some more water and ate.. then napped.”
He sighed hard and cracked open an eye to look at her again. “But that requires so much effort. Snuggling however, does not. It only requires that I don’t pop a boner and we’re good to go.” Truthfully he was teasing but he didn’t want to let go, afraid that whatever moment this was wouldn’t happen again. Which scared him that he was scared to lose this in the first place.
“Then I guess all the hard work is covered by you, huh?” She had to laugh, honestly it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal if something did happen. She knew that shit happened, and more than anything it was warranted considering they were both half naked in his bed. “One more hour… maybe two. Then, and I hate I’m being the voice of reason but, we gotta be responsible adults.”
“Hard. Har har very funny.” He groaned. “I don’t wanna be responsible. Adulting sucks.” He glared at her. “You traitor. The one time you wanna be responsible and it’s at a time when I feel like I was hit by a semi truck.”
She rolled her eyes, sighing loudly at him. “I’m telling you that you’ll feel better after everything. Besides,” Aubrey grinned, patting his cheek, “after the nap you should be mostly brand new.”
“Mostly is the key word,” he quipped and closed his eyes again. “Alright I trust you. Lead me into responsible adulthood.”
“Well first I’m leading you into a nap, apparently.” She drew in a deep breath, letting her eyes flutter shut. Aubrey reached for his hand and laced their fingers together, pulling his arm close to her. “After this nap, though… I vote we postmates all the greasy hangover food and probably shower…. separately,” She paused, feeling her cheeks heat up, “And marathon a bunch of horror movies… listen, I know it’s Christmas time but it’s always a good time to watch scary movies, okay?”
At her mention of showering, he felt himself blush and for half a second his exhausted brain gave him a mental image of them showering together instead. He swallowed audibly. “Your life is a horror movie. No surprise that you’d rather watch that than something festive you weirdo but yeah that’s good,” he said, amused, as he started to fall back to sleep. Without thinking, in his sleepy haze he brushed his lips to her shoulder and sighed contentedly as he drifted off, his hand going slack in hers but not pulling away.
“Because I’m a witch, obviously. Plus we can still be festive, there’s Christmas horror movies.” She could feel him relax behind her and she knew it was only a matter of time before he’d pass out. Aubrey tensed a little under the feeling of his lips graze her skin. She chose not to think too much of it, after all he was tired and hungover, it was probably just a force of habit from when he did have someone sleeping with him. It didn’t take her long to follow suit and fall asleep. A couple hours later Aubrey had awoken, not surprised that she’d gotten up before him again, but this time she really had to pee and Dan had her trapped in his arms. She squirmed beneath him, nudging him gently. “Dan I have to pee… of you don’t let me go I’m gonna fucking pee in your bed.”
His eyes fluttered open at Aubrey’s nudging and his brain took a second to function. When he did finally comprehend what she’d said, he laughed and rolled on top of her. “Does that help? If I just lay right on your bladder.” He figured he’d get punched so he quickly rolled and sat up. “Yes I know you’re like an adorable Labrador or something but if you pee in my bed you’re cleaning it up.”
“I’m going to fucking kill you.” She muttered, bringing her hands up to his shoulders and shaking him before he rolled off. Aubrey quickly rolled and sprinted off toward his bathroom, slamming the door, yelling something about Dan being a stupid asshole as she did so. Finishing up, she made her way back to him, reclaiming her spot, but instead of laying she sat Indian style. “It would have been no one’s fault but yours if I did. But luckily for you I’m very well potty trained and can’t just pee out of spite like that. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
He was sitting Indian style as well, blankets bunches into his lap and he laughed. “Why would you pee out of spite? Who says you know what’ll be a good way to get back at someone? Peeing on their things. You’re like Cujo, not a sweet puppy.” After a moment he gave her a pointed look. “Ok well if you wanna go start on breakfast or shower you can.” He very specifically didn’t want to get up with her in the room. “I uh. Have to pee too so ..” he made a shooing motion at her with a smile.
“I was ten, Dan.” She shook her head, smiling at the memory that she was about to launch into storytelling about. “I was on a road trip with my parents and they didn’t want to make a pit stop. So I was like I’ll show you fuckers. And tried to piss myself but I could not.” Aubrey looked over to him, quirking an eyebrow at him. “Well… since you have to use the bathroom.. I guess I’ll start up breakfast and then shower. Considering I can’t really do that with you in there.”
“Oh my god. This explains a lot about you I think. It all goes back to that time you were ten and needed to pee.” He tilted his head and shrugged. “I mean you could do that in there but is it really a good idea? Do couples do that? Like one showers while the other one pees? I’ve seen movies like that but I just can’t fathom peeing in the same room.”
“Oh my god, you’re so right!” She placed her hand over her chest as she got up, spotting one of his t-shirts on the floor, she picked it up. “You’ve cracked the code to the secret of my personality… also, I’m borrowing this. Less effort than finding the rest of my clothes.” Aubrey slid his shirt on over her head and leaned against the door frame. “Greasy delicious hangover breakfast coming up. Damn. We might as well just have had sex, this is the ideal morning after.”
He laughed and blushed, watching her move around in his shirt, her bare legs long and sexy, the barest hint of the curve of her ass under the hem. He looked away quickly and couched. “Good theory but if we’d had sex Aubrey, I doubt either of us would be out of the bed. Much less eating greasy food. Ok I’ll meet you in the kitchen. I’m gonna erm. Shower real quick.”
Aubrey laughed, shaking her head, “Uh, you don’t know that.” The idea of it all rather comical. He had a point, if they’d had sex She more than likely would have stuck around sleeping a little longer than she had this morning. “You don’t know my post sex habits. For all you know I could eat like five burgers and fries every time.” She shrugged, pushing herself off the door frame and waving her hand as she walked off, “Have fun, don’t die in there.”
“If you ate five burgers and fries each time, I doubt you’d be able to fit through the door.” He snorted and as she walked off, he called out, “I imagine you as a bowl of cereal post sex eater actually.” Starting the shower, he considered taking care of himself but it felt weird after laying so close to her. So instead he turned the water as cold as he could get it. A few minutes later he come out, dressed in sweats and a hoodie as he made his way into the kitchen. “It smells good in here.” He almost accidentally wrapped his arms around her quickly realizing this was in fact not a morning after and instead he leaned on the breakfast bar. “It’s almost like you actually know how to make edible food.”
Aubrey shrugged, already more than halfway down the hall. She could have tossed a quip back and told him the rigorous ‘work out’ kept her fit, instead she just dig through his fridge and pantries. She originally considered ordering the food, but set herself to work on making pancakes, eggs, hash browns and bacon. “If I didn’t know you, I’d be offended. But I’ll take your half assed compliment, ugly.” Aubrey turned for a second, giving him her attention. “Just be thankful I didn’t burn your house down… have I ever told you about the time I blew a hole in my microwave?”
He started the coffee maker and sat down, watching her work for a second until her comment threw him. He laughed and gave her an incredulous look. “How do you do this? The things you do? Ok tell me. How did you blow a hole in a microwave and please leave my microwave alone this morning.”
Aubrey finished up, setting things onto plates and rummaging around for syrup and other condiments. She leaned back against the counter and laughed, “Listen, I’m just… not smart, sometimes.” She started, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly at him. “I put a fucking pasta tin in the microwave and didn’t know you couldn’t… so, it burnt a hole in the door, window thingie. I mean, I learned my lesson. I’m not gonna blow a hole in yours.”
“You could blow something of mine,” he quipped as he poured them coffee, knowing that she liked hers black. He handed her the cup and smirked. “Too early for sex jokes?” He dug into the food a moment later and moaned. “I’m in love with you. Stay and cook all the time. Never let me alone in the kitchen again.”
She opened her mouth to toss back another joke, clearly caught off guard for a moment before responding. “Excuse me, Dan but it’s breakfast time and meal time blowjobs are usually reserved for dinner so I can be dessert.” Aubrey winked, her hands curled around her mug of coffee, keeping eye contact with him while taking a sip. She took a seat beside him, “Oh no, you’re not allowed to be in love with me now. You insulted my cooking earlier.”
He drank his coffee and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, too tired to be pulling out table manners. He snorted and motioned to the fridge. “Dessert hm? I have a can of spray whipped cream..” he ate his food quickly, piling another pancake on his plate. “I only insulted it because I’m an asshat. We both know this.”
“You saying we take this back to the bedroom?” She raised an eyebrow, eyeing him for a moment. It didn’t take long for her to burst into laughter, clutching her stomach as she imagined the train wreck the two of them would more than likely cause. “I’d end up sticky in all sorts of ways and I’m not sure that’d be super fun. Maybe only if there was shower sex promised afterwards.” Aubrey nodded her head, agreeing with him. “You are an asshat. The worse kind too.”
“There could be shower sex but after hearing how you blew a hole in the microwave I’m afraid to let you near my super nice shower. It’s the walk in kind with like the rain type head,” He waggled his eyebrows. “I can’t say I’d trust you to not like I don’t know grab it and break it.” He finished his coffee and pushed his plate back, inhaling his food practically. “Thank you. From you that’s a compliment,” he said with a wink.
“I’m appalled that you think I’d purposely break a shower like that. Removable head, too?” Aubrey brought her legs up on the seat, her coffee mug on the table and her arms wrapped around her legs. “So unfun, I totally would have let you unclothe me and fuck me on the kitchen table right here, a real party pooper, dude.” She joked, flashing a smile, before eating a couple bites of her food. “I need to switch the mean back on, no more compliments.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s removable but I could be wrong. Then again you’d have more use for it than me,” he said with a smirk. As she mentioned fucking on the table, his felt his eyebrows raise, his mouth falling open slightly before he barked out a laugh. “You’re a filthy liar. You wouldn’t let me even if I was the life of the party.” He moved off the barstool and refilled his coffee cup. “Awww I was getting used to ‘sensitive sally’ aubrey. I’ll guess I’ll have to tell everyone she only feigns being mean to me.”
“I’m so mad you’ve been holding out on me. And to think I could have just been getting off in your shower instead of hanging out with you.” She watched his expressions change, biting her lower lip to keep from cracking up with him. She shook her head, speaking up to protest. “Oh no, totally. Especially if you were the life of the party. Right here, on the table. Like push the plates and all the shit to the floor. Mhmm.” Aubrey nodded her head, “Definitely would have let you.” She shot him a look, “You do that and you’re a dead man.”
“Do you know how much I paid for this dishware?! This is Rachel Ray you don’t just push it to the floor,” he snorted as he got up and went to the coffee pot and poured her another cup. “I’d make you balance precariously on the edge while I plowed you. It would be a game, don’t break a cup or plate or daddy won’t let you cum.” He laughed hard leaning on the edge of the counter.
“My bad, I didn’t realize you liked dishware more than you like vagina… then again, after that dream you told me about, I should have seen it coming.” She teased, smirking at him from behind her coffee. Finishing up the dark liquid, the way he spoke about their hypothetical fucking brought a wave of excitement. Her blood bubbled in her veins and she could feel her cheeks tingle with heat. Aubrey rolled her eyes, snickering, “Too bad it ain’t happening, //Daddy//. Seems like you’ve put a lot of thought into this.”12/20/17, 9:22 PM
“I like dishware and vagina. Notice I never said I couldnt frik frack you, just that you can’t break my dishes like an angry ex, you heathen.” Just the thought of her calling him daddy, naked and legs spread on the counter with him in between was enough to make him practically choke on his coffee. He quickly shook that thought away. She was his friend, his gross friend he talked nasty shit with, but still his friend. He motioned to the living room. “I always put a lot of thought into sex. It’s why I’m such a freak in bed. Cmon now, wanna go horror movie it up?” He flopped on the couch turning on the tv.
“Loser.” Aubrey laughed, watching him move and leave the room. She picked up the plates, physically incapable of leaving things out of place. It was a habit she’d picked up from her overly OCD, Puerto Rican mother. “Pick something good. Don’t let me down.” She called from the kitchen, setting things up to load his dishwasher. “You care so much about your dishware.. and yet.” Aubrey teased, drying her hands off on his t-shirt as she walked into the room. “You’re lucky I have a fucking crazy mother who would flip any time something was out of place, you slob.”
He snorted. “I’m a man. I’m allowed to be a slob. You’re just as bad just in other ways. Admit it.” He smiled smugly, shrugged and put on Cabin in the woods. “We’d die first because we’d probably be the nerds that run off drunk into the forest and try to get frisky on a bed of leaves.” He stretched out on the couch.
“Other ways, how?” She questioned, clearly interested in what Dan had been hinting at. She gave him a look as she settled herself, curling in on herself and setting her chin on her knees. “I am not bad at all. I clean up after myself all the time.” Aubrey set her cheek on her knees, smiling at him. “Hate to, uh, shatter your ego or something. But who said I’d be running off to get frisky with you?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Just other ways. Don’t put me on the spot, I can’t concentrate. I’m still hungover.” He glanced over at her and smiled. “Honey, I don’t write the script. I’m just an actor. You know you’ll be making out with me in a haunted forest. Gettin that spooky dick. Try to tell me it’s not exciting. “ he pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and spread it across them.
“Spooky dick.” She repeated slowly with a laugh. “Alright, well, when you put it that way, then yeah, it’s exciting. You know me, a sucker for some spooky dick. Even if it’s yours, I guess.” Aubrey stretched her legs out, shifting so that she was laying down, placing her feet in his lap. “You’re saying that after that nap and breakfast and coffee you’re still not better?”
“Even if it was mine? I’m sorry I know you meant especially.” He automatically started to rub her feet, his fingers playing along her arches as she laid with her feet in his lap. He tilted his head in thought. “I feel better, just not 100%. Thanks for breakfast by the way,” he said quietly.
She didn’t respond to his comment, too distracted with the way his fingers moved along her feet. She involuntarily let out a soft moan, sinking even further into the couch cushions. “You don’t have to thank me. You let me get weird and soft with you in your bed… pretty much naked. I mean, that’s what friends are for, right?” Aubrey responded, her arm swinging slightly as it dangled off the couch. She was comfortable and didn’t want to move, so she lifted a hand and pointed a finger at him threateningly, “Which.. I will not hesitate to kill you if you tell anyone.”
He giggled at her moan, just watching her lay back and enjoy. “We did get weird and soft together in my bed half naked didn’t we? True friends do that all the time. Luke Evans and I cuddled every day during beauty and the beast,” he joked. With a mock disgusted look at her, he added, “oh no I can’t say a word. It’s my reputation too. I can’t have anyone thinking I’m a pansy.”
“Uh huh.” She mumbled, her eyes drooping shut. She was a bit lost in the motions of it all and wondered if to outside eyes their recent interactions seemed off. “You didn’t cuddle Hermione? I’m disappointed in you. Gaston is alright, but he’s still a douche. Come on now, Belle was your leading lady.” Aubrey cracked a smile, stretching her arms out above her head and wiggling her toes in his lap, “Yeah, yeah. Not a pansy.. yet, you were so so down to stay in your bed and cuddle.”
“She wasn’t my type. I go for the douchey ones that literally rip my ego to shreds.” He laughed and worked higher up her legs to her calves, his fingers almost professional in their motions. Then again, he was a decent escort for a long time. Tricks of the trade he supposed. He wondered if she’d stop him anytime soon. He definitely wouldn’t have done this with any other friend. “Ok so don’t even try and say you weren’t down. You’re just as much of a pussy if you deny it.”
“So that’s why you’re friends with me. You like being abused.” She laughed, knowing that their teasing was all in good fun. And honestly, she hoped he knew that when she was being mean to him it was all joking. Soft sounds tumbled past her plump lips, involuntarily. Aubrey bit down on her lower lip, keeping the sounds as contained as possible. “I was going to get up at one point and you stopped me.” She reminded him, “Didn’t want me to leave you all alone you baby.”
“Of course. I love being your punching bag.” He laughed but gave her a softer look, his bottom lip between his teeth. “I’m kidding. I like our verbal sparring. And sometimes physical. I can’t believe you choked me,” he snorted and as he worked his hands higher, reaching just below her thigh he stopped, patting her leg gently. “Ok it’s a little true but you relented pretty easily.” He was blushing and he knew she could tell. “What are you doing before Christmas? I was hoping we could grab lunch maybe and finish our shopping?”
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