atzbabyy · 2 years
hi guys!!!! just wanna say i’m so sorry for not being active😭 i came back and then disappeared again🥲
just wanted to come and say it’s because of my exams!!! i’m about to take my a-levels (which are like the top level exams in england - gets you into university😬) so rn my days are a blur of school, revision and heartstopper lol,, but i will be back!! i have to admit uploading will be VERY slow, at least while i’m revising/taking exams, but i will be back. i promise :D
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atzbabyy · 2 years
guys. i quit my job earlier this month and now i’ve just discovered ateez are coming to london in may???? the same month my exams start?????? they’re really not making this easy for me
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atzbabyy · 2 years
hii i heard requests are open and this is my first time requesting so im sorry if there are any mistakes (also english is not my first language so im sorry about that too) 😣 can i request 33 and 37 with wooyoung? i would be very happy if you decide to write it. also can i be 🌱 anon?
thank you! hehe
hi anon!! of course you can be 🌱 anon! (sprout)
i’ve finally written your request, hope you enjoy🥰 find it here
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atzbabyy · 2 years
Good Morning | JWY ~ Dohwan, Kyunghwa
genre: fluff
phrase(s): 33; “stop being a baby hog!” & 37; “I love you both so so much!”
age: Dohwan = 4 / Kyunghwa = 1 week
warnings: none
“Dohwan-ie!” Wooyoung squealed, making your son scream with laughter.
You squeezed your eyes shut before opening them again. You rolled over and saw your baby girl with her eyes opening, squirming in her cot.
“Good morning,” you whispered, the sound of your husband and son laughing and playing still able to be heard throughout the house.
You stretched before climbing out of bed. Doing your hair and sliding on your slippers first, before heading over to Kyunghwa’s cot and un-swaddling her, lifting her up into your arms.
You carried her over to your bed, the blanket had been shoved over to one side so there was more than enough space to lay her down to change her nappy.
“Did you sleep well, baby girl?” you asked, cooing at her sleepy, bunched-up face.
You quickly changed her nappy, disposing of the dirty one on your way out the room.
“Let’s go and say hi to Daddy and Dohwan, Kyunghwa-ya.”
“Kyunghwa!” Wooyoung gasped, upon hearing both of you approach, “Dohwan-ah, let’s go say hi.”
“Mummy!” Dohwan giggled, running to you and hugging your legs.
“Good morning, baby,” you smiled, patting his hair.
“Stop being a baby hog!” Wooyoung exclaimed, now you had both children surrounding you.
Giggling, you handed Kyunghwa over into his arms.
You bent down and kissed Dohwan’s head as he whined, lifting up his arms to signal that he wanted to be carried.
“No, baby, Mummy can’t carry you,” Wooyoung said, “she’s too weak, still.”
You frowned, still sore from giving birth to Kyunghwa only one week ago, “I’m sorry, Dohwan-ie.”
“But you carried Kyunghwa!” he whined.
“Because Kyunghwa’s tiny!” you exclaimed, “only this big! And she doesn’t weigh much at all.”
Dohwan sulked, walking off back into his bedroom.
You pouted, looking to Wooyoung.
“He’ll be okay,” Wooyoung reassured you.
“Okay,” you sighed, “I’m gonna make breakfast.”
Wooyoung nodded, before talking loud enough that Dohwan could definitely hear him in the next room, “wow, Mummy’s making breakfast! I wonder what she’s going to make for us!”
“Well, I think I’m gonna make pancakes,” you said, walking over to the kitchen, playing along with Wooyoung’s plan.
“Woah, and Kyunghwa doesn’t get any! Not a single pancake! All for me, Mummy and Dohwan-ie. Oh, if Dohwan’s going to join us for breakfast.”
“Daddy! Look at this toy!” Dohwan exclaimed, running out his room.
You chuckled, beginning to make the batter as you watched Dohwan try and un-obviously assure the two of you that he will be joining you for breakfast.
“Mummy, are you making pancakes for Kyunghwa?” Dohwan asked, coming into the kitchen.
“No, baby,” you shook your head.
Against Wooyoung’s plan, Dohwan looked concerned.
“I think she needs to eat,” he said.
You giggled, leaning down and kissing his cheek, “it’s okay, baby boy. She’ll eat, but she doesn’t eat food like us. She only has milk.”
“Oh,” Dohwan said, “okay.”
“I love you both so, so much; you know that right?” you asked, pulling him into a hug.
“Okay, Mummy,” he said.
You laughed, “good boy. Why don’t you help Daddy set the table, okay? This will be ready soon.”
“Will do, Mummy!”
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atzbabyy · 3 years
20 Weeks | SMG ~ Hyunsik
genre: angst, fluff
summary: in which you and Mingi are fighting and you feel a pain in your stomach
age: Hyunsik = fetus (5 months)
warnings: miscarriage scare
“Mingi, where have you been?!” you exclaimed.
“You said you’d have a half day today! I’ve just had to cancel the doctors appointment we had!”
“Why did you cancel? Why didn’t you just go without me?” he shrugged.
“Because you said you’d take me! I can’t get there by myself! Also because I care about you and I want you to see our baby?!”
Mingi sighed, “I’m sorry. I forgot.”
You scoffed.
“What?! I said I’m sorry! I got caught up recording, I’m sorry, okay?! Jesus christ.”
“Ya, what the fuck, I’m just disappointed okay?! You don’t have to shout at me!”
“You’re shouting at me!”
“Because you forgot our appointment! This is 20 weeks, Mingi. This is the crucial one! If he’s not healthy now then that’s it!”
“You seriously couldn’t have got the bus or somthing?”
“I was waiting for you, Mingi! You didn’t even call!”
“How could I have called when I forgot it was even happening?!”
“Jesus christ, do you even care about our son?!”
“Of course I care! Don’t fucking tell me that I don’t care, I’ve bought you everything you wanted so far!”
“Yeah, but how many appointments have you been to?! None so far, Mingi! You haven’t even heard his heartbeat yet!”
Mingi shook his head, “I don’t need this, I just got in, I wanna relax, not have a fight.”
He strolled casually through the living room and slammed the door to his office.
You sighed, your breath shaky before a sudden pain shot through your abdomen.
“Ah, ah,” you hissed, “Mingi-ya!”
“I’m working,” he called.
You shook your head, lifting up your skirt slightly as you felt something running down your leg. Blood.
“Mingi! I’m bleeding!”
“What?” he called, suddenly running out of his office.
He saw you standing there, skirt still bunched up as blood trickled down your leg.
“Mingi-ya,” you cried, tears beginning to fall down your face.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll take you to the hospital right now, let’s go,” he exclaimed, wrapping his arm around your waist to help you walk and grabbing his car keys as you left the house, “it’s okay, it’ll all be okay.”
“Mingi, I’m so scared,” you breathed as he climbed in the drivers seat, speeding off in the direction of the hospital.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry my love. I didn’t take you to the doctors today, if I’d have taken you, maybe they’d have found something–”
“Stop it. We don’t know for sure that this is… what we both think it is, right?”
Mingi nodded, holding his breath, “right.”
“Okay, let’s have a look,” the doctor said, spreading the gel across your exposed stomach before using the wand to see the ultrasound.
You gripped Mingi’s hand tightly, closing your eyes and burying your face into his neck.
“It all seems to be alright, Mrs Song,” the doctor smiled, “your son has moved position so his feet are now at the bottom of your stomach and his head at the top. This excessive movement is probably the reason for both the pain and the bleeding. Hopefully in the remaining 20 weeks, he will move back, but we’ll keep an eye on it and it should be alright.”
You let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding, almost sobbing with relief.
“Is this him?” Mingi asked, pointing at the screen, yet not letting go of your hand.
The doctor nodded, “yes. So his head is here, and his feet are here.”
“Wow,” Mingi breathed, “our son.”
You smiled, looking at Mingi as he looked at the screen, his eyes dripping with love.
“Can we hear his heartbeat too?” you asked, also looking to the screen.
The doctor moved the wand until the sound began to come through.
“There it is.”
Mingi gasped, looking to you with tears in his eyes, “oh my god. I’m so sorry Y/N, this is amazing.”
You giggled, “it’s okay. He’s healthy, see? Everything’s okay.”
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atzbabyy · 3 years
hey guys, gemma here just letting you know that you too can follow my private instagram account if you want to😃
over at @gemma.ftw on instagram, it is private, i will have to accept you but i promise i will
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atzbabyy · 3 years
Hiii! How are you?? I just wanted to let you know I went to sleep yesterday reading your writings and I was thinking that Wooyoung would record family cooking videos. He would often bring his kids to the kitchen and, sometimes, he liked to share this moment with all the world 🥺 (would probably keep his wife away from the kitchen because "it's daddy and kids time! It's enough they look exactly like you already *pouts*")
If you don't mind me asking, what are your thoughts on that? 😊
this is so cute lol, i think that 100% he'd love to do things with the kids and just completely kick his wife out and be like 'no this is daddy time'😭😭 in the nicest way possible he just wants you to rest but yes 100% i see this is so true😭😭🤧
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atzbabyy · 3 years
List of My Anons
let me know if i have forgotten any!! you can become an anon at any time by adding an emoji at the end of your ask
🪐 / saturn anon
🌱 / sprout anon
🌹 / rose anon
💎 / diamond anon
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atzbabyy · 3 years
Hey dear! I just found your blog and I am so happy, please stay well! Can I request something from your ateez dad project for Mingi with the numbers 22, 24, 27? Thank you so much ❤️🙏🏻
hi!! just under a year later, here’s your request😅🥰 hope you enjoy!❤️
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atzbabyy · 3 years
Maknae | SMG ~ Soobin, Hyunsik
genre: fluff
phrase(s): 22; “coffee isn’t good for you when you’re pregnant, but god I need some caffeine” & 24; “my feet are so swollen!” & 27; “you’re pregnant, that’s all, you look beautiful”
age: Hyunsik = 3 / Soobin = fetus (9 months)
warning: talks of labour, pregnant!reader
“Are you comfortable?” Mingi asked, starting to get his stuff out of the hospital bag.
You nodded, “I’m not even in that much pain, I don’t know why we’re here. It’s only cause he’s being a wriggle-butt.”
Mingi chuckled. Luckily for the both of you, due to your youngest son moving position only days before your due date, you were located in a massive private hospital room, with a bed for Mingi as well.
“I hope Hyunsik’s okay,” you pouted, smoothing the bedsheets over your baby bump.
“He loves hanging out with Nayeon and Woohyun,” Mingi said, “and we both trust Seonghwa with our lives.”
You laughed, humming, “my legs hurt so much. And my feet are so swollen.”
Mingi pouted, walking over and sitting on the edge of your bed, resting his hand on your bump, “it’s okay, baby, it’ll be over soon. Any day now!”
“Hmm, I hope so. Coffee isn’t good for you when you’re pregnant, but god I need some caffeine,” you whined.
Mingi laughed, leaning forward and kissing your lips, “so that’s no to trying again for a daughter, then?”
You rolled your eyes, shoving him away, “absolutely not.”
Chuckling, Mingi grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss to the back, “I’m joking, I’m joking. I couldn’t be happier with our two boys.”
“I genuinely don’t enjoy being pregnant, too!” you laughed, “Yunho’s wife said she liked it. She’s crazy, I just feel so gross all the time! Look, and now I have to spend days in a hospital gown.”
“Stop being dramatic!” Mingi scolded, “you’re pregnant, that’s all, you look beautiful every single day. You glow, baby.”
You rolled your eyes, “sure.”
Mingi smiled, “and you’re talking as though pregnancies the worst part. You’re about to give birth.”
You laughed, playing with Mingi’s hand, “as long as everything goes right during birth, I don’t mind. I just want him to be healthy. I don’t like that he’s turned round.”
“I guess it might be a C-Section,” Mingi shrugged.
You fake cried, grabbing tighter onto your husband’s hand.
“It’s okay,” he chuckled, scooting closer to you and rubbing your bump gently before pressing a kiss to your head, “I’ll be by your side the whole time, hmm? And then we get to go and introduce Hyunsik to his little brother, our little Soobin-ie.”
You smiled, “he’ll be such a good big brother.”
Mingi nodded, “and that’ll be it. Our family.”
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atzbabyy · 3 years
MY YA! CHINGU-YA! WELCOME BACK! OMG! I almost forgot I requested this to you! Thank you!
no surprise if you did forget it has literally been over a year😭😭😭 i’m so sorry!!! hahahahaha
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atzbabyy · 3 years
Heyyyy :D Just wanted to say good luck with your exams and everything. And don't worry about not posting for a while 😌 take care and stay safe, love ya bae- 🌹 anon
hello!! thank you so much🥰🥰 it seriously has been A WHILE😭
i havent taken my exams yet but i currently have covid and so am at home AND have just finished a 5000 word essay i’ve been doing for six months!!! so you know feeling good😷😌🤪
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atzbabyy · 3 years
Oh my gosh! I wanna request that imagine from anon! Bora bringing home and introducing her first boyfriend and the brothers (and San) interrogates him. That would be very funny.
hi!! hahahahaha just to remind you this was literally requested in February 2021🤡
BUT I DID IT😭😭😭 finally, find it here!
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atzbabyy · 3 years
Interrogation | CS ~ Bora
genre: fluff
summary: Bora bringing her first boyfriend to meet her brothers and dad
age: Bora = 16 / Wook = 20 / Hae & Bok = 22 / Hana = 24
warnings: none
“I promise, Woohyun, you have nothing to worry about,” you said.
“You say that, mum,” Bora sighed, rolling her eyes, “you’ve met Woohyun. Not even dad has, let alone Oppas.”
“Thanks for the confidence, babe,” Woohyun laughed.
“I’m serious!” she whined, “and call me babe in front of my family and you’re dead.”
Woohyun looked slightly nervous for the first time, “o-okay.”
“Stop stressing you two! We’re here, okay?” you said.
Having met Woohyun several times since taking Bora on their first date, you knew he was a harmless teenage boy, however your husband and several adult sons may not be able to see that far when it came to their precious princess Bora.
You parked the car in front of the restaurant, the three of you stepping out and Bora taking Woohyun’s arm. Walking in, you spotted your boys sat in the corner.
“Come on,” you beckoned, giving them a wave.
They all stood up on seeing you walk over, puffing their chests whether on purpose or not.
You walked over and pressed a kiss to San’s lips, patting his chest, “stop it. You look stupid.”
He ignored your comment, smiling at his daughter and offering his hand to Woohyun.
“Boys, this is Woohyun. Bora’s boyfriend.”
Bora smiled sheepishly, taking Woohyun’s hand and pulling them down to sit.
The rest of the boys all sat.
“So Woohyun. How old are you?” Hana asked.
Bora rolled her eyes, “how old do you think?!”
“Um,” Woohyun started, “I’m 16.”
“How old are you?” Wook whispered to Bora.
Bora burst out laughing, “guys! Did anyone hear that?! He needs to be exposed for that!”
“What?! In my head you’re still like 4!” Wook stammered.
Hae laughed, “Wook-ah, leave the interrogation to us.”
Bora snorted while laughing, her brother’s comment having sent her into a fit.
“Cute,” Woohyun smiled.
San sighed looking to you as you gave him a smug smile.
“Say it,” you said.
San shook his head, “not yet.”
Bora opened her menu, “Woohyun, you’d love this one, I promise.”
“Okay,” he smiled, before leaning in and whispering, “baby.”
Bok cleared his throat, “so Woohyun, what do you do?”
“While I’m still in school at the moment, obviously, but I- uh, I help out at a children’s taekwondo class at weekends.”
San looked at you with a devastated impression.
“I love him,” he whispered.
You laughed, “I told you so, you big baby. Guys, dad likes Woohyun, you can all leave him alone.”
Woohyun beamed, bowing slightly, “thank you. My mum is a big fan of Ateez, by the way.”
“Oh yeah, he can stay.”
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atzbabyy · 3 years
hi guys :DD
this is not gonna be the update you guys wanted akshskdhs but i just wanted to come on and officially say that i’m going on a hiatus for a little while (wow, what a shock! /s) i’m in my last year of school rn so there’s a lot! with exams and uni applications, this blog hasn’t been a priority for me and i’m really sorry. i just wanted to officially say i’m on a hiatus so i’m not just abandoning you guys :(( hopefully i’ll be back soon! might post sporadically but dont expect much, i’m really sorry!
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atzbabyy · 3 years
If I requested a scenario and I made it super specific would it annoy you at all
no not at all!!! i can’t promise that it’ll be exactly what you want/have in mind but it actually helps me when the request is very specific!!😅
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atzbabyy · 3 years
hi!!! i just wanted to tell you to keep on writing!!! you are amazing! everytime i read your writings, it makes me really happy!!! thank you for making me happy!!!!
hi!!! you’re so sweet love, this has really touched me !!! :(( /pos
thank you so much sweetie,, i promise i’m not far away😭😭 i’m just trying to get through🤠
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