attackonyoumu · 10 years
this blog has been inactive for a while now because i moved back to my main - it’s almost 75% anime nowadays so if you want to, you can go and follow x
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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Each workout lasts the length of the song paired with it. So put on your sports anime playlist and let’s go!
You don’t need ANY equipment for this routine - heck, you can do this in bare feet and pajamas if you want to! It doesn’t take much room, either, so it’s perfect if you’re stuck in a tiny dorm or otherwise small living space.
Try to rest as little as possible between each move to finish when the song does. If you find yourself wanting to quit, don’t give up! Remember, Onoda didn’t quit when he had to pass 100 other racers to reach the rest of Sohoku, and neither did Seirin when they were facing Yosen and it seemed like all was lost. Push yourself to be the very best you can be!
Cardio: Yowamushi Pedal - "Be As One" Strength: Kuroko no Basket - "Fantastic Tune" Freestyle: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - "Rage On" Launch: Haikyuu!! - "Tenchi Gaeshi"
And if you’ve still got energy left and feel like you can keep going, feel free to hit the bonus round:
Cardio Burnout: Shingeki no Kyojin - "Guren no Yumiya"
It’s not sports anime, but you will feel like a total badass who can slay Titans by the time you’re done.
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
i’ve seen a lot of people looking for english translations of the kagerou days novels lately, so i made a list of everything i’ve managed to find
none of the following has been translated by me, i only made this list for my own reference, and i thought sharing it could be of help to anyone who’d like to read the novels but doesn’t know where to find them ◡‿◡✿
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
NAGISA: Let’s say if each of us was a girl and we were to go out with someone in this group, who would you pick? MAKOTO: Huh? HARUKA: Why did the topic suddenly turn to that? REI: I have absolutely no idea. NAGISA: It’s a hypothetical question! MAKOTO: Why did talking about lunches turn to talking about dating? NAGISA: Because Rei-chan said [imitates REI] ‘A man who cooks is popular.’ So I was wondering, if we were girls, who would we pick? REI: That wasn’t an imitation of me, was it? NAGISA: I sounded just like you, didn’t I? REI: No. NAGISA: [imitates REI] No. MAKOTO: Pfft! NAGISA: I would pick… hmm… I wonder… Not Rei-chan. You seem to get too hung up by details. REI: What are you saying, Nagisa-kun? You’ll find no partner more perfect than I am. NAGISA: Eh? Really? But Rei-chan, you’ll definitely be a huge nagger. Always telling me not to spill things or to tuck my shirt in, and stuff. REI: Me, a nagger? Listen. I have confidence in my memory, so I would never forget special days like birthdays. I can cook, and manage my time so I would never be late for a date. I would research beforehand the places we’d go, and even research the best path to take to the restaurant where I’ve already put in a reservation, so I would be the perfect escort for my date from start to finish. I would make a date enjoyable, leaving nothing to be desired. MAKOTO: H-Haru… did you just think that Rei sounded like an infomercial? HARUKA: How could you tell? MAKOTO: [laughs] Because I thought so too. NAGISA: Then, Rei-chan, who would you want to go out with among the guys here? REI: Myself, of course. [pause] NAGISA: That’s… um… That’s very sad. HARUKA: Really sad. MAKOTO: Don’t say that. That’s who Rei is. REI: Makoto-senpai… you’re not helping… NAGISA: Then what about you, Mako-chan? Who would you go out with? MAKOTO: Me? Well, let me see… hmm… I’ve been with Haru since we were kids, so I feel relaxed around him, and Nagisa is a cheerful person, so I have fun being around him, and Rei is upright, so I feel like I can expect him to take really good care of me… You all have your good points. Hmm… I can’t choose. [All three sigh] MAKOTO: Eh? Huh? What’s wrong, guys? NAGISA: What do we call that kind of attitude again? MAKOTO: Eh? HARUKA: Wishy-washy. MAKOTO: Ehh?! REI: Makoto-senpai… You’re going to be in trouble one day… MAKOTO: Wha– why?! HARUKA: Being too nice brings the worst results. MAKOTO: Not you too, Haru! NAGISA: Then what about you, Haru-chan? Who would you choose? HARUKA: …Makoto. MAKOTO: Me?! HARUKA: It just seems easiest. REI: That’s your reason? NAGISA: Ehh, you picked Mako-chan? REI: Well, Makoto-senpai is kind and he seems likely to treat the person he dates with respect. NAGISA: Hey, Haru-chan! If I was your boyfriend, I’ll cook mackerel for you for breakfast every morning! HARUKA: I choose Nagisa. MAKOTO: Ehhh?! NAGISA: Yay! REI: Haruka-senpai’s decisions all center around mackerel… MAKOTO: I lost to mackerel…
Translation credit
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
the tv size of Kimi Janakya Dame Mitai or as I’d like to call it: “the really funky opening song to Geksho”
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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Never seeing you again is going to be so lonely... Lucy.
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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“Thank you for what you did. That was very nice and thoughtful of you.”  How am I supposed to respond to that?! “Uh, yeah. Sure.” I mumbled as I walked away from him. As soon as he was out of my sight I went to one corner and I saw my reflection from the glass window that I was as red as a tomato. 
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
imagine them reading mean tweets:
"I wish that Eren Jaeger stayed dead when he got swallowed by that titan. Armin would have made a better protagonist."
"I can’t believe Sasha Braus made the top ten of her class, considering she has a potato for a brain."
"Jean Kirstein looks like a mule—a horse faced ass."
"Mikasa Ackerman should choke on her dumb red scarf."
"I think I saw Captain Levi, but it could have just been a toddler learning how to walk."
"Annie Leonhardt’s nose is so big, you could tie it to the end of a fishing rod and catch the whale that swallowed Jonah."
"Fuck Erwin Smith."
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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English is not my native language so im so sorry if there are mistakes ^^’
submitted by frikigreen
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
Web Survey Dissects the Popularity of Kagerou Project
Favorite songs, song elements surveyed
Kagerou Project is a franchise spanning the music, literature, manga and anime spheres that tells the story of a group of people with magical abilities in their eyes. A sprawling, complex series, it can be a little hard to understand, so the Japanese pop culture site Kai-You conducted a survey to unravel what draws fans to the series. It focuses on the songs, which are the original incarnation of the franchise. 2,105 fans responded.
What is the first Kagerou Project song you heard?
"Kagerou Days" dominated the answers with 1,148 votes, even though it’s the third song in the series. Each other song had roughly equivalent responses. The second place spot went to "Souzou/Kuuzou Forest" (120 votes), while "Mekakushi Code" came in third place (103 votes).
What do you like most about Kagerou Project songs?
Melody (702 votes) and music videos (685 votes) were fairly close. 453 respondents chose lyrics. The remaining bar shows “other” responses.
Additionally, respondents commented that “characters’ individual feelings appear in the songs,” “Kagerou Project songs are all connected into one story,” and “you can interpret the lyrics your own way,” further elaborating on the series’ appeal.
Choose your three favorite Kagerou Project songs.
1. “daze” (853 votes, 13.51%) 2. “Lost Time Memory” (759 votes, 12.02%) 3. “Summer Time Record” (641 votes, 10.15%) 4. “Yobanashi Deceive” (596 votes, 9.44%) 5. “Outer Science” (457 votes, 7.24%) 6. “Children Record” (347 votes, 5.49%) 7. “Yuukei Yesterday” (328 votes, 5.19%) 8. “Shounen Brave” (278 votes, 4.4%) 9. “Ayano-no Koufuku Riron” (228 votes, 3.61%) 10. “Kagerou Days” (206 votes, 3.26%)
"daze" claimed the top spot for this question, even though it’s a brand-new song (it was released on June 18). It distinguishes itself from its peers by being sung by an actual singer, MARiA of the group GARNiDELiA.
Choose the song you’d like to see Jin perform live.
Again, “daze” took the top spot with 770 votes. Far behind it in second place was “Summer Time Record” (191 votes), while “Lost Time Memory” occupies the #3 position (186 votes).
What vocal artist would you like to collaborate with Jin?
This was a free response question, so answers were all over the place. Kai-You chose to spotlight Nagi Yanagi, supercell, 96neko, Fukase of Sekai no Owari, perfume, Dragon Ash, Kashitarō Itō, Soraru, Konomi Suzuki, Hyadain, Sachiko Kobayashi, the voice actors from the anime, May’n, Nana Mizuki and Jin himself.
Which media would you like Kagerou Project to spread to next?
It seems that video games are the logical next step for Kagerou Project, as 1,319 respondents voted for it. The second spot goes to audio drama (406 votes), while 290 people voted for “other” media. (The green bar represents musicals.) Kai-You notes that line stamps were especially popular among the “other” votes.
A special voice actor event, Make a Mekakucity, will be held on August 14 and 15 in Tokyo’s Shibuya Public Hall. Jin, LiSA, Kohta Matsuyama of BYEE the ROUND, Aki Okui, MARiA and Lia will be present. Tickets go on sale on July 26, although advance sales are available to customers ofMekaku City Actors DVDs.
[Via Kai-You]
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
If my pick up lines don’t woo them, my eyebrows will!
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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Be ready for a world of hurt
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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I have a theory
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attackonyoumu · 10 years
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