atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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        “  aren’t you the  ULTIMATE  gentleman barnes  ,   hmm ?  ”    the familiar lilting lift of her grin pops on the corner of her lips  ,   but underneath the humor  ,   daisy does appreciate it  .   she’d trust him with her life  ,   time and time again  .    “  so much  .   fitzsimmons got married  .  coulson and may ?  totally  a thing  .   and mind control soap ?  all coulson  .  ”    a laugh  ,   head will be thrown back  .     “  absolutely  .   seeing you on a sugar high is one of my favorite pastimes  .  ”  
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      “always try to be. my ma raised me right.” if anything it was ONE of the things that bucky could at least hold onto. one of the things that hadn’t been taken from him. a low whistle sounds as he listens to her list off various things. clearly he was very behind on everything. “ya’ really miss things when you ain’t around all the time. figured may and coulson would eventually BITE that bullet. i’ll have to congratulate fitzsimmons on the marriage if they ever come ‘round here. do i even want to know the story behind the soap??” considering it was coulson -- probably. “for you, maybe. ain’t always a blast for poor ol’ me.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
“Well this is clearly not France here.” She said and looked around. Everything looked so different, and she was a life again that was also a big question why she was. Was she getting some kind of second chance? But she don’t wanted that without Francis. 
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     “ah -- not quite, no. different country.” it was more than a little concerning that all of this was still happening. no one had answers, no one seemed to know much of anything. bucky was just as uncertain as everyone else around. “you’re in america. chicago, to be exact. somehow we’re in the 1920′s.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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          “ do you know where i can get a deep dish pizza? ” bee clutches onto her growling stomach. apparently she’s in chicago, even though it looks kinda like those old-school cities. she isn’t sure how she got here, but she sure could eat right now. “ i tried using yelp on my phone but there’s no signal anywhere ! ”
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      was it obvious whenever a person came from the more modern time?? extremely. needless to say, it was a curious sight to see. “hate to break it to ya’ but that won’t be invented ‘till the 40′s. kinda stuck with what ya’ get in the 20′s. and the whole wifi and service ain’t gonna work here. we didn’t really have any of that.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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“this doesn’t seem right,” tony mumbled to himself as he looked at the engine of the car he was toying with, a frustrated frown on his face as he picked up his tools and took apart part of the car’s engine. “fuck, if i was back home this would have been so much better, i do not have the right tools for this shit– this fucking century doesn’t have the right tools for this,” he said to himself as wiped the grease from his cheek, not noticing the person from behind him.
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     all of this frustration was completely understandable. this century wasn’t for everyone, especially when coming from modern times. it didn’t bother bucky in the slightest given that this was what he was used to. “guess things can be a bit easier in present time if ya’ ain’t use to all of this. maybe i can look at it, see what i can do.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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   “really? what changed?” they asked, not really considering that it might be rude. pidge glanced down at their scribblings, letting out a sad exhale. “things are different here than they were back home, or even up in space. here i don’t have my tools, or my friends, or my brother to help me. i’m just … grasping for anything that might be helpful.”
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     “it was used to do some pretty bad things on me.” details weren’t going to be given willingly. those were memories that bucky tried to erase despite them managing to come to the forefront of his mind more often than not. “you’ve been to space?? i know a few people from there myself. but... i get it. all of this isn’t easy to handle. you gotta do what makes ya’ feel the most comfortable.” 
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
‘ we should change those bandages. ’ daisy
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     no, he wasn’t particularly happy about it all. even a super soldier could get hurt. sure there was the whole faster healing thing but it wasn’t like any of them were invincible. bucky was more frustrated at himself for getting hurt in the first place. he was supposed to be on his guard always. sighing, he debated whether or not to put up some kind of fight but settled against not doing so. if bucky knew anything it was that daisy wouldn’t put up with his stubborn head. he’d learned that quickly enough. “pretty sure they’re healin’ up just fine but sure. though i’m startin’ to think this might just be one of your excuses to get my shirt off.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
‘ i didn’t mean to worry you. ’ marinette
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      hardly meant that he wasn’t going to worry. that was just how things went. bucky had always been a bit of a worry wart ever since he could remember. protecting people had always been his goal in life until that had been RIPPED away from him by force. now he had the choice. this world had never been a safe one, and though he was more comfortable than most within this time period, none of it still added up. so he was on the lookout, waiting to see when the pin would finally drop. “i know ya’ didn’t, but i still worry. this place ain’t right an’ none of us know exactly what’s going on. i just wanna keep you safe, but i can’t do that if you’re sneaking about. i don’t want to see ya’ hurt, okay??”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
❝ what can I say? I’m a badass. ❞ from Peter !!
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       a raised brow, he attempts to keep a straight face. “is that so??” he drawls out. the other seemed so certain, so confident. it was good to see in young heroes. bucky knew fully well how this world could be -- how harsh and cruel. he’d been like that once. “well, by all means i ain’t gonna doubt ya’. guess i’ll be takin’ your word for it.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
❝ Did you hear that scream? ❞
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     he had. remaining silent, bucky continued to listen should the screaming continue or start up all over. when nothing came of it after a few minutes, his attention turned back towards the archer, giving a short nod. “sounded close by, not too far from us. how ‘bout we go check it out?? make sure no one’s hurt.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
❝ I’m not a little kid now. ❞ from marinette!
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       of course he knew that. logically. didn’t seem to change the fact that bucky would still be protective. he knew that all too well -- didn’t want to always see others go through hell as he had. that was a personality trait he wasn’t about to let go of anytime soon. “you’re not, and i know that. i do. but ya’ can’t fault me for wantin’ to be concerned. ain’t about to change the fat that i worry. as uncool as that might be. show ya’ care, right?? and i care. last thing i wanna see is you gettin’ hurt in some way, shape, or form.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
❝ This is the third time I’ve been kidnapped this WEEK. it’s getting old. ❞ from daisy!
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     he’d be more concerned had be not been fully aware of just what daisy was capable of doing. there was no doubt in his mind that everything had been perfectly handled already, each and every time. “gives ya an excuse to kick some ass at the very least.” a grin, and then bucky is nudging her playfully. “i’m always down to teach some people a lesson if need be. bet you and i can come up with a plan should a next time happen and teach ‘em a lesson.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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   “weird is the title of my life story,” they joked. truly, they had been through any and everything one could imagine—which SUCKED. “i’ve never learned to just let it happen, i guess. i need to understand something before i can learn to live with it. i’m not that kind of person.” they always had a burning desire to learn, to understand, to decode things. math and science were their native tongue, and when they didn’t understand, they went insane. “it just makes it a little easier for me to … exist.” 
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    that much he could relate to. life never seemed to stop throwing punches no matter what happened. typical, really. “i can understand that one. used to be the same myself. big into science, always trying to explain things.” guess things changed once you lost all autonomy of yourself for decades on end. “you gotta do what ya’ gotta do to make that easier. ‘sides there has to be some sorta explanation for all of this.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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           “  it’ll happen again over my dead body  .  ”    daisy’s perhaps being a bit dramatic  ,   but she does  mean  these words and hopes he takes it to heart  .   she’s lost one  too many  people to mind control  ,   whether that be through aliens or robots or nazis  .   a chuckle  ,   she’s always a whole lot brighter around bucky  .     “  don’t be so excited  ,   barnes  .   you’re gonna need to be  SITTING  down for this catch up session  .   it includes space  ,   robots  ,   end of the world  ,   and mind control soap  .  ”   wide grin  ,   she’ll lead him to the kitchen  .    “  but first ?  snacks  .  ”  
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      “ain’t gonna let THAT happen over mine.” sure as hell wasn’t about to lose anyone else. but he understood the sentiment better than anyone else. he’d do just about anything to avoid ever going through that suffering. “damn, i got that much to catch up with?? seems you’ve been REAL busy since the last time we saw one another. gotta say the mind control soap caught my interest. that’s new.” he’s more than happy to follow along with her. “gonna get my sweet tooth goin’ again?? still blame ya’ for that one.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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      “ well  ——  SHIT, toto. “   he ran a finger through tousled hair, his voice loud enough for anyone in the vicinity to hear.   “ we sure as hell aren’t in kansas anymore. “
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      “more of a MILD mannered reaction to it all.” not that he could blame a single person for freaking out about this sort of situation. it was...odd. even for him. “you’re in chicago, i’m afraid. an’ for some reason we’re back in the 20′s.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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     “  no ,  it  just  doesn’t  make  any  sense.  think  about  this  SCIENTIFICALLY  for  a moment ,  would you?  there’s  absolutely no  scientific  or  rational  reason  for  us  to  be  stuck.  ”  pidge  lets  out  a  heavy  sigh  as  they  scribble  on  the  loose  piece  of  paper  before  them.  “  if  you  calculate  the — ”  it’s  only  then  that  they  realize  this  probably  isn’t  making  any  sense  to  the  other — it  never  does.  “  going  right  over  your  head ,  isn’t  it?  ”
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    she was right. none of this did make any sense, but then again had anything in his life ever made any sense?? a world that had magic and gods in it, nothing really seemed to phase the other these days. this wasn’t exactly his FAVORITE thing in the world -- knowing that he was trapped in a place with no idea to get out. at the very least he still had his memories. “nah, i get tryin’ to figure this all out. but from where i come from ya’ learn to adapt to the weird.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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‘  hey!  hey,  you!  ’  there’s better,  more mannerly ways to come by someone’s attention,  molly.  now,  with the five dollars she’s got,  you’d think that she’d buy something better..  something necessary–  like food,  but no.  she’s going to add to the collection of hats she’s got  &  buy a hat.  in one hand,  she’s got a grey,  knitted hat with bunny ears that she can position however she’d like  &  in the other hand is a grey  &  white faux fur hat with a dogs ears  &  snout coming off of it,  complete with eyes.  ‘  which one?  ’
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     he can’t ignore the voice, try as he might. it’s clearly young, and though bucky would much prefer to be alone at the moment, he was hardly going to turn someone so young down. shifting, he turned around, eyes settling onto the young girl before him. his attention is drawn to the hats the moment the question is asked, blue eyes softening. “now that seems to be a difficult choice. both would be very nice, i think. but i gotta admit i always had a soft spot for dogs. think that’s the one.”
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atragicsoldier-blog · 5 years
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Rey was happy, even if she wasn’t with her friends anymore, she had made a life for herself. She hurried home from the store, groceries (food! she had endless food now!) clutched in her hands. Not paying attention to where she was going she bowled into another person, a not so lady like swear leaving her as she crashed to the ground. “Kriff, are you okay?” 
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    one of the perks of being a super solider?? nothing really phased him these days. not that it had really been much of his choice, but bucky wasn’t about to go down that road of thought. so when he felt someone ram into him, he glanced down at the girl, concern crossing his expression. “i’m fine. it’s you i would be more concerned over. are you okay??” he questioned, holding out his flesh hand to help the girl up.
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