he/it || Just here for the Spine love ⚙️🩶
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atlas-the-clockwork-weirdo · 5 months ago
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Fandom OC Ask Meme
⟢⋱⟡☾ a collection of asks for OCs belonging to specific fandoms
How does (canon character) feel about your OC?
How does your OC feel about (canon character)?
Has your OC ever made (canon character) laugh? / What about cry?
Do your OC and (canon character) ever cross paths?
Which canon character annoys your OC?
What canon character gets annoyed by your OC?
Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?
Which canon character doesn’t respect your OC whatsoever?
Which canon character does your OC respect a lot?
Which canon character does your OC not respect at all? Why?
Which canon character is pissed off by the general presence of OC? (we all have those people)
Does your OC have a crush on anyone?
Who would probably have a crush on your OC?
Who would your OC most likely to get a puppy-crush on? (but it can’t be the cc they’re actually shipped with!)
Who would your OC say is their best friend?
Who would call your OC their best friend?
Who has brought your OC to tears before?
Who has your OC made cry?
Is there someone your OC didn’t like at first, but then got along with later?
Is there someone your OC liked at first, but then grew to dislike?
Who does your OC hate?
Who does your OC love? (platonic)
Who does your OC love? (familial)
Does your OC love anyone? (romantic)
Has your OC ever had to let a canon character down easy?
Has your OC ever been rejected by a canon character?
Did your OC bear witness to anyone’s full character arc?
What is the worst thing your OC does in their story?
What is your OC’s ‘‘darkness moment’’ in the plot?
What is your OC’s redemption moment?
Is there a canon character that your OC needs to ask forgiveness towards?
Is there a canon character your OC needs to forgive?
Is there anyone who your OC would die for?
Is there a canon character who would die for your OC?
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atlas-the-clockwork-weirdo · 6 months ago
Important Lyrics
The Spine x OC (Atlas)
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They're in the library, The Spine is perched at one of the desks, heaps of papers on it and an overflowing waste basket sitting on the floor beside said desk.
Atlas is perched on an armchair nearby, a copy of White Fang in his hands as he slowly reads through it.
The Spine just wanted an extra person to be in the vicinity while he works, so Atlas just relaxed in his peripheral. Body doubling wasn't uncommon for the two of them, nor was the low humming of the Spine's voice mumbling the lyrics he's testing out as he writes.
The Spine pushed his chair back a foot and picks up his guitar from where it rested next to the desk. He plucks a couple chords, adjusts the strings and tests a couple more chords, humming all the while.
The Spine perks his head up towards his boyfriend, "Atlas?" He asks. Atlas rests the book in his hands on his legs and turns to face The Spine. "Yes?"
"I'm stuck on some lyrics, would you mind helping me out?" The Spine asks, looking a little sheepish. Atlas shrugs, "Well, I'm not a writer and I'm not as good with music as you and your siblings, but I'll try." Atlas says, making The Spine smile at him.
The Spine starts strumming his guitar and humming, then turns to singing, "But you don't like that way that I feel...It's the way that makes you feel worse all of the time...And I know that it's not okay for you...And it's not for me and is for you...So sorry about all of these things that you didn't sign up for..." For a moment, Atlas got lost in The Spine's voice. It's only when he stops that Atlas realises this is where he's hit a metaphorical wall.
Atlas hums the tune again, taking a moment to think. "Didn't sign up for..." He sings, trying to copy The Spine's tone. "How about..." He pitches his voice to the note, then sings, "And I don't wish the pain on you." His voice wavers slightly but he gets the point across.
The Spine perks up again, "I like that! Then... It's so sore. I've been honest to fault..." He sings, adding new lyrics, then waiting for Atlas' input once again.
Atlas hums once again, then sings, "But it doesn't help... I know that it hurts..." He tries and can see a light flicker on in The Spine's mind. "And it hurts and it keeps on hurting..." The Spine continues, a bright smile on his face making Atlas smile as well.
The Spine keeps strumming, then says, "then the chorus once again." And continues on to the chorus. "All the little pieces make up so much sense in the distance... fragmented to the point..." Atlas adds a second voice as they sing together, "...Of is it possible..."
Their eyes meet as they continue together on the chorus, "Hot on the trail of a real fine life...this could be what it means to be alive...can't be too sure, but it feels the right way...love is infinite like sun rays!" Their voices mesh together beautifully and they can't help the giggles they let out afterwards.
The Spine smiles gently, "That sounds great... Thank you, love." Atlas smiles back before The Spine turns to write down what they had just come up with.
Walter Worker Chelsea walks by them at that exact moment, "You two sound great together!" She comments, making Atlas vent extra steam from fluster. He didn't know there was anyone else in the library and now he feels a little embarrassed for trying to sing.
The Spine just smiles from his desk, looking relaxed.
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atlas-the-clockwork-weirdo · 8 months ago
Hall of Wires
Spine x Oc
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The Hall of Wires is known for a lot of reasons. Some call it spooky and downright refuse to go anywhere near it, even taking entire flights of stairs just to not have to walk past the closed door.
Others claim it is Walter Manor's brain, as if the house had a mind of it's own, powered by some matter core in the basement or something.
For the automatons though, it was simply the place where you'd find The Spine if he wasn't anywhere in immediate sight. The Spine liked to disconnect his head from his chassis and hang around the maze of wires in his snake form as a way to relax and recuperate from the energy the other people in the house had.
That's why it didn't even remotely strike Atlas as weird when he entered the room, closing the door quietly, that The Spine's headless chassis was standing in perfect form by the opposite wall. While he does know The Spine can disconnect from his body, he's never really seen it with his own eyes, so he pries his attention away from the chassis and up to the wires, weaving and spooling all along the ceiling.
"Hello Atlas," a voice says behind him, making him jerk in fright before turning around. Thankfully, it's just Qwerty being their usual self. "The Spine is expecting you, I'll call him down," they say before their screen pulls up and disappears into the hord of wiring again. He only lets himself wonder for a short moment how the two of them navigate this mess of spiderwebbed wires before something twitched in his peripheral and he turned to face it.
Spine hung from a thick wire that was lowering towards the floor, snake body wrapped around it for support. "Howdy darling," he says happily as Atlas steps closer.
"Evening dear," Atlas greets back, gently taking hold of The Spine's chin and placing a quick, soft kiss on his lips. The Spine kissed back and smiled.
"Are you sure you're okay to spend the night in here?" The Spine asks, just double checking while another three thick wires moved down from the ceiling, weaving and looping to form something like a swing.
"I wouldn't have agreed if I wasn't sure," Atlas answered, taking the proximity of the wire swing as an invitation to sit down on it. He's careful and slow to put his whole weight on them, but does still find himself surprised when his feet leave the ground and he doesn't immediately return to it.
The Spine smiles gently as the wires lift both of them up into the mass of other wires in the air. Atlas soon learned that the ceiling was far higher than he thought initially and there was a lot of room for movement among the wires.
The wires stop moving once they reach a certain height. What appears to be a hammock made from weaved wiring is there and seems oddly comfortable. Spine moves off the wire he's been holding onto and slithers into the hammock.
Atlas carefully tests the weight capacity of the hammock before he puts his whole weight onto it. It gives way slightly, but not enough to be worrisome. The Spine gives him a patient smile, letting Atlas take things at his own pace.
Once Atlas moves to the center of the wire hammock, he sits down, getting comfortable among the humming and general noise that permeates the Hall of Wires. The Spine slithers over once Atlas had settled and moved up to rest on Atlas' shoulders, making himself comfortable as well.
They spent the next couple hours just relaxing and talking about anything and everything, until eventually they both drifted into stasis together. Atlas would never admit it, but that was the best sleep he'd gotten since his creation.
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atlas-the-clockwork-weirdo · 10 months ago
Me and my Baby
Spine x Oc
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It had been a crazy day filled with setting up for the performance tonight. Atlas had helped wherever he could, carrying sound equipment and helping set up the lights. He wasn't performing, so he could afford to spend his energy on helping set things up.
He watched from backstage as the show began, Rabbit, Spine and Zer0 introducing themselves and the crowd going wild. He loved watching them from backstage, because he got to see the whole show clearly and without worrying about the crowds. He doesn't do well with crowds.
He made sure to keep out of sight while still watching, quietly laughing at the jokes he's heard so many times, the playful banter and sibling (twin?) rivalry that they displayed on stage. They started up the bit about love, inevitably leading into Honeybee.
He cringed at the malfunction, still unsure if that was scripted or not and he'd rather not ask Rabbit directly. Chelsea and Camille came skittering past him with that damn giant wrench and he couldn't help the mild shiver running through him.
Once they fixed the problem and had some pantomime tea, with the Walter Workers staying on stage, the song continued. The brief interlude follows and they start up Me and My Baby.
Atlas stands on the very edge of the shadows backstage to watch Spine through the whole song, enjoying hearing his vocal range jump from higher notes to beautifully deep. If anyone saw him, they'd think he was swooning over his boyfriend. Maybe he was, who could blame him?
Chelsea and Camille looked beautiful as well, twirling and dancing around the stage so effortlessly. He shook his head, thankfully they had underskirts under those uniforms. His attention turns back to the Spine and how well practiced his movements were with the two Walter Workers.
Backing up while they moved one way, turning to face the other, backing up again to centre stage. Twirl around him, one disappears off stage and the other would head over while he moves his guitar out of the way, then he dips her with ease at the end of the song.
At least, that's how it's supposed to go. They seem to have a different idea this time. Once one disappears behind the stage curtains, she comes to a stop beside Atlas, giving him a sweet smile. He offers her a smile back, not sure what for, but anyway. Then she's behind him, pushing on his lower back, trying to get him to go on stage.
He planted his feet and gave her a strange look, but she just smiled sweetly again. He shouldn't be on stage, this isn't right. He wasn't even dressed up to be anywhere near a stage. She's insistent though and whisper-yells at him to just go! And to do a twirl if he could.
The lights momentarily blinded his green eyes and he could feel his core stirring in worry. Why were they doing this? They weren't public about their relationship yet. The other Walter girl twirls past him to behind stage and he figures it's now or never.
He does a little twirl like they usually do and takes The Spine's outstretched hand. Spine smiles at him and he can feel all his worries melting away. The Spine pulls him in and he goes willingly, tucking in against Spine and placing his hand on his shoulder, like he's seen the Worker do countless times on stage.
The Spine's free hand comes to rest on his mid back and he goes along with the movement as Spine dips him backwards. Admittedly, he's been a little jealous of the girls for being on stage and being able to dance with Spine, now he feels so light and fluttery, he could stay in the moment forever.
Naturally, they had to part, but for a moment, their green eyes met each other's and the blue and green lights from their cores mingled between them in the steam on stage. Spine straightened them both up from the dip and before Atlas could scurry off stage, Spine's grip on his hand pulls him slightly again.
The Spine places a gentle kiss to his knuckles and he can't help the flustered steam coming from his cheek vents at the gesture. Atlas didn't let go immediately, bringing Spine's hand up to kiss his knuckles in return. They shared a gentle smile before Atlas made his way backstage again, trying to get his boiler to calm the hell down.
Thankfully, Camille already had a chair nearby for him, because he didn't think his knee joints would hold him. He sat down and focussed on the singing voices on stage and the crowd going crazy. He doesn't want to know how this little stunt is going to go down with the fans and social media.
One of the Workers hand him a bottle of water as they pass him at some point and he refills his boiler, thankful he finally managed to calm down his overheating systems.
"You knew about that?!" He asks Spine as they're packing in the bus the next day.
"Of course! It was my idea!" The Spine happily states, helping move a heavier speaker.
"And when was that discussed?" He isn't even mad, still just shocked. They didn't even tell him, but it ended up fine in the end.
"Yesterday morning, while everyone was setting up. I asked Chelsea and Camille what they thought of the idea. I didn't think they'd already implement it last night, but it went swimmingly!"
He sighs and gets on the bus, Spine following after him. Rabbit and Zer0 were still off somewhere and the humans were dealing with the last couple things around the venue.
"Where did you disappear to after the performance though?" The Spine asks as he takes a seat beside Atlas.
"The roof. You know I don't do well with crowds and I definitely was not joining you lot at the meet and greet thing," He grumbles.
Spine smiles, wrapping an arm around Atlas' back to pull him close, "Maybe you should get used to it. I'd like that to be a permanent change to the performance, and maybe eventually you could join the meet and greets and even end up performing with us on stage!"
As enticing as that offer sounded, he wasn't going for it. Too much of everything, too much attention on him, too much expectation and too many people. Just too much.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. No one wants to hear an outdated transatlantic accent singing on a modern stage," He shuts the idea down. At least, he tried to shut it down.
"You may just be surprised!" The Spine chuckles, giving him a side hug.
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atlas-the-clockwork-weirdo · 10 months ago
It's Pride Month! What better time to start writing gay little robot fics!
For background, Atlas is my oc and The Spine belongs to SPG and it's creators.
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First Kiss
They've gone on several dates at this point, only half of them unsupervised or not stalked by The Spine's siblings, but the two of them pretend they don't know about either of those two things. It's a lovely sunny day and they'd chosen to take a walk through Balboa Park for this particular date.
Not many people were around on account of it being the middle of a work day and those that were, were unperturbed by the two automatons. Spine's silver plating reflected the sun and Atlas couldn't help but admire the beauty of the taller. Their pinkies were linked between them, arms swaying gently as they walked.
The intermittent shade of the trees they walked by helped them not overheat in the summer sun and soon they passed a cart that was selling bottled drinks. They stopped by it and The Spine bought two bottles of water, handing one to Atlas once he paid.
They found a bench in the shade of a large tree and sat down to drink. "It's been a while since I've been at the park for anything other than our performances," The Spine commented, unscrewing the bottle cap.
"It is a lovely day to not be working for a change," Atlas answered, tired but in a good way. He tried to undo the cap on the bottle, but the rust in his hand joints made the fine motor control a bit of a challenge.
Spine noticed him struggling somewhat and held his hand out, palm up, as an offer to help him. Atlas lets out a quiet sigh and steam vents from his cheeks in slight embarrassment, but he holds the bottle out to Spine to unscrew the cap.
He gave a thankful nod to Spine and both of them started drinking the water, filling their boilers and feeling relief wash over them when the water cooled their systems. Perhaps they should slow down for a few moments.
They talked for a while, careful of too blatant displays of affection. Atlas wasn't much bothered by his bisexuality or who witnessed it, but The Spine was a little more secretive about his masculine partners. He wasn't embarrassed of them or anything, just a little less forward and Atlas respected that.
With that being said, as the sun started slowly drifting off the horizon and it turned to dusk, Spine had shifted, as if his joints ached or something, and placed his arm on the bench behind Atlas' shoulders. Atlas gave him a smile that conveyed he knew what The Spine was doing, but he shifted to lean into his side anyway.
They sat there for a while after that, watching the lights come on and the people milling about start heading home. They should probably head back to the Manor as well, but they were comfortable for the time being.
A light nearby in the park turned on, casting through the leaves of the tree above them and leaving them in an ethereal glow. Their eyes connected and they felt as if time slowed down, leaving just them in this bubble they resided in.
The Spine leaned closer, Atlas closed his eyes, their lips met in the middle, soft, chaste and sparking lightning in their minds. They stayed close together when they parted, holding onto the moment so they could process it.
Both of them were venting steam heavily, flustered or shy, neither of them were sure. The light from their eyes reflected in the steam and both of them moved in for another kiss, a little longer this time, silicone lips soft and inviting.
They'd both be beet red if they had the ability to blush. This time, when they parted, Spine held out his hand in an offering, and Atlas accepted it. They walked back to Walter Manor, hand in hand with wide smiles and a shy look about their eyes.
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