atbreakofdayarising · 10 years
You don't think I can help? [sniffles]
[scoffs] Stop your crying. I don’t need your help, I need a man’s help.
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
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[isn't welling up no what are you talking about] I-I...I want to help.
Get the hell away from me, then! [he bares his teeth and tries to shoo her away] You’re no use to me!
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
I-- I don't know any! I'm sorry! I...I'm sorry! [she flaps her hands agitatedly, not knowing how to help him]
Yes, goddamn it! Get me to the nearest doctor!
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
But valuable, monsieur. Thank you for your input.
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I would say pink but I’ll pick pink over blue any day so I’m afraid my opinion is biased. 
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
Hm...the pink ribbon or the blue ribbon...? The pink...or the blue...?
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
Oh mon dieu! Do you need a doctor, monsieur?!
*holds his bloody shoulder and mutters to himself*
They should have just killed me. It would be better than this, truthfully.
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
Who are you waiting for, monsieur?
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[late night, roughly 2 AM]
[James sets down his glass.  A half empty bottle sits next to him on the table]
"Third night in a row…  If that lad doesn’t show up with it soon I guess I’ll just sell the swords to the National Guard…"
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
You're a military man, monsieur?
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That would be a more diplomatic response to conflict, I do suppose. Perhaps you ought to place a suggestion in the ears of the higher-ups.
Ahhh.  Sounded familiar, never heard the full legend though.  [sets the bottle down on the bench, leans back and crosses his leg onto his knee.]  And truth be told, I barely know how to read.  It’s not like the army ever enjoyed the thought of having educated men in its ranks.  Could you imagine?  Whole lines of men who can fully realize just how stupid of an act they’re doing for a man they’ll never even get a chance to meet?  [chuckles].  Then maybe we could watch two princes slap one another down instead of sending us in.
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
Mmm, quite; he stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity and in punishment Zeus tied him to a rock, cursing him to have an eagle peck out his liver each day, only for it to grow back before the dawn broke and the torture to resume, if you'll pardon the description of such brutalities leaving my mouth, monsieur. Not very pleasant, but it's a nice story. It's a shame you haven't the time to read, monsieur. I find it to be quite relaxing.
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[Holds up his bottle] Getting better by the sip.  Can’t say I’ve heard of Mary Shelley though, haven’t really had much time to read as of late.
[sets bottle down]  Nor do…  I really know who Prometheus is.  That’s the one who got tied to a rock right?
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
It's quite alright, monsieur. Oh, this? Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, or, the Modern Prometheus, monsieur. It is quite interesting. Most enjoyable. Are you having a nice day?
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[Looks down from the park bench, holding a bottle of whiskey.]
…  Sorry.  Didn’t even realize you were there miss…  [leans over slightly, squinting at the words.]  If I may, what are you reading anyway?
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
[she's just casually sitting there reading her book]
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Do you mind? You're blocking the light.
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
I'm an...acquaintance of his, yes. ...Oh, mon dieu, I cannot keep that up; I never believed I'd ever utter those words, it sounds so official~ He is my friend, monsieur, but alas, I'm afraid I don't know where he lives. Please accept my apologies, monsieur...Courfeyrac...? This may get confusing. In that it already has.
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I’m afraid he does.
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And who might you be mademoiselle? And would you happen to know where my brother lives- since you seem to be somewhat acquainted with him?
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
Brother, monsieur? I did not know Monsieur Courfeyrac had a brother.
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I’m trying to find my brother, Lucien de Courfeyrac- or just Courfeyrac. 
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
[holds her cat in the carry-basket higher up] Oh, mon dieu, don't say such things when there are cats around; it only encourages brutality, and she's wearing a new bow...
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Rats! Everywhere!
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
But deep thought can often plague a mind to the point of unrest, monsieur! Have you no concern for this? Do not give up hope, monsieur, if there is even the slightest chance of finding solitude.
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Bonsoir, Paris
People and their carelessness and nothing else, Mademoiselle. Unfortunately, I have yet to find myself a quiet place, although maybe I should just give up my hopes for tonight.
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
Oh, not at all, monsieur, I am quite used to my questions going unanswered. Really? Whatever could have caused a usually quiet place to become loud? Have you found a new place of contemplation or has your quest been fruitless?
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Bonsoir, Paris
Forgive me, I didn’t intend to be rude. To be quite honest, I was just trying to find a place to think, on this strange evening, as my usual place of contemplation has become unusually loud today. 
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atbreakofdayarising · 11 years
That is what I have found, monsieur, yes. One finds one's self in parts of the city one would not otherwise venture towards, and becoming friends with people who I would never dream of otherwise approaching. It has been beneficial, monsieur, you are quite correct. You did not, however, answer my question.
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Bonsoir, Paris
Calling it a flaw would be foolish, mademoiselle, if you pardon me. Curiosity can be very beneficial, actually. 
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