astroveritas · 1 year
Public announcement:
I’m sorry I haven't been here much. I've been dreadfully sick and then things happened between myself and some irl friends so, I've been depression napping on top of that. I've also been ignoring my assignments. It's been rough. I hope that tomorrow I can actually begin functioning. Thank you all for the patience and support you have given me. 💖
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astroveritas · 1 year
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Tough words spin in the astrologer's mind aimlessly as shooting stars. She's never had a difficult time reading any of her personal scripture, but this particular new book was proving to be a grander undertaking than any other literature she's ever had her hands on. A 'tsk' leaves her mouth as she's forced to seek outside help. What a nuisance. Part of her knows she'll never let herself live this down. She's supposed to be a genius after all. But two heads were always better than one, right? So, she seeks help from the only person who seems to never have a problem comprehending words on paper.
❛ Alhaitham... This humble astrologer seeks your aid. ❜
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astroveritas · 1 year
hurr, hurr i’ll be on later tonight to write. uwu
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astroveritas · 1 year
it's not much, but it's honest work.
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astroveritas · 1 year
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Her once-focused meditation on the stars is broken by the soft words of an individual outside her door. Interesting, she hadn't been expecting anyone, but fate always delivers us to some new and interesting paths at times. It's by design that this stranger is here. Part of her already feels the answers she must bestow. Mona opens her door and steps outside to meet the gaze of her visitor. The interesting factor of the situation is rising by the minute. Judging by this person's clothes, they've come from very far. ❛ My service? Well, as long as one is respectful, I shall not decline. I was merely meditating. 'Tis no disturbance to unveil what the stars ordain. Tell me, what is it that you seek to know? ❜
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“excuse me… miss astrologist, can i request your service?” patiently waiting, stands a tall man from inazuma. having read her columns, kai knew of her skills in writing and hydromancy alike. “if you’re busy… no worries..” his voice is as calm as anemo, a summers breeze long awaited. / @astroveritas
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astroveritas · 1 year
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Her delicate yet proud smirk falls to the ground with the mightiest of silences. It's replaced with a mouth ready to scream, to pierce straight to the heart. Fists shake as she bravely mouths off to the insolent god before her. ❛ YOU RUNT! That's heavy talk for someone so, obviously motherless as you. What a shame she didn't teach you how to dress or to have any manners at all. Tell me, do you need a little hug and advice on fixing the atrocity you wear? ❜ With that, the smirk returns vivaciously. Mona feels incredibly satisfied and now she wonders what will happen next. It'd be awfully dull if she didn't gamble her experience every now and then. It's hard to hold back the laughter in her chest.
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𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲  𝐟𝐞𝐰  𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬  𝐢𝐧  &&  he  already  wanted  to  silence  that  insufferable  woman.  pointing  out  clothing  when  she  is  barely  dressed  herself.  truly  . . .  people  of  Mondstadt  are  finding  newer  ways  to  disappoint  him.  his  brow  can’t  help  but  to  raise  at  her  idiotic  question.  quite  bold  to  be  questioning  his  clothes  when  she  is  barely  wearing  any.  that  hat  holds  enough  material  for  a  dress,  yet  covers  up  nothing  important.  ❝  are  you  so  depraved  you  find  decent  trousers  odd  to  wear?  honestly.  ❞  Scaramouche  huffs  in  reply,  giving  her  a  small  chance  to  reconsider  annoying  a  god  like  some  pest.  ❝  I  don’t  know,  but  since  you’re  already  wasting  my  time,  look  into  the  future  &&  find  out  𝘪𝘧  𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦  𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭  𝘢𝘴  𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘵  𝘢𝘴  𝘢  𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘬.  ❞
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astroveritas · 1 year
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Her mouth was quick to complain with a high-pitched whine. 500 mora? Did she even have that kind of money lying around? She was quick on her heels, hands diving into her pockets to take her coin purse from the realm. Digits worked carefully to unpin the purse, eyes focusing on the contents of it. Mona shook the little blue bag -- a few lone coins rang. It wasn't even close to enough. It was 69 mora to the letter. Not a mora more. A pout built itself on her face, ruining her beauty. Ocean blue eyes shift and tear up, the look of a poor astrologist down on her luck was now complete.
❛ I only have 69 mora... ❜
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HAD HE MADE ANY INDICATION of leaving? perhaps so, the constant holding her at an arms length under the guise of protecting her from the fury of the archons that had seemed to follow him throughout the years. but it's hard to reason that with such pleading eyes burning into his soul.
not only that, but she had asked them to stay. few had done so in dainleif's lengthy lifespan. imagine it, staying, building a life with someone, being loved and cared for. however the blond knows their fate and such a delightful ending is not in the cards.
" 500 mora and i will consider staying. "
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astroveritas · 1 year
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“In this vast sea of stars, there are stars for you, for me, for everybody. What are the chances of one star encountering another? Are these encounters not the most wonderful miracles in all of destiny? …I don’t know.
But within Teyvat, the stars in the sky will always have a place for us.”
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astroveritas · 1 year
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❛ I really need to start listening to people when they tell me things. You don't look anything like I expected you to. For example, what are those? ❜
Thin, index finger jolts at the ready, pointing to the shorts on the person opposite her. Mona sighs, eyes rolling before her hands come to rest upon her hips. There's a thousand things she could say here, but really, that was the first thing on her mind to truly shine. Her lips offer a mocking smile thereafter.
❛ And I'm supposed to worship you when you look like this? How silly of you. ❜
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astroveritas · 1 year
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❛ If you want to go, I'll be really lonely. ❜
The words fall from her lips as a pained whisper, a tiny confession of more held deep down. Mona places her hand on her chest, a subconscious way of guarding the jewel inside from breaking. She stands before the only other person who has ever understood the term 'fate' as personally as she has. In the time that they've spent this close, she has found herself with a pool in her stomach with a sea of unidentified feelings swirling in it. She wishes she had the time to name them, to think of them. The world is far too cruel, forcing her to expedite everything and say things like a child would. Embarrassment bleeds through her, but she hopes his ears listen. That he finds it appealing to come back or even more so --- to stay.
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astroveritas · 1 year
*gives ur muse a sunflower 🌻*
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astroveritas · 1 year
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mona’s starry night
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astroveritas · 1 year
tag dump .
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astroveritas · 1 year
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#𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚜. - - 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼 .
private. independent. mutuals and dash only. MONA from GENSHIN IMPACT as loved by HANABI.
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