astro-obsessed · 1 year
The Signs + Random Places..
Aries: the buzz of excitement & wild nights at a Las Vegas casino
Taurus: the coziness & warmth of a country cottage in the Cotswolds, UK
Gemini: the fast paced electricity of New York City in the summer
Cancer: the southern hospitality & familiarity of Tennesee
Leo: the glitz, glamour & backstage anticipation on Broadway
Virgo: the sterile, organized and perfectionism of a cosmetic surgery clinic in LA
Libra: the beautiful, calm & balanced vibes of Goa, India
Scorpio: the mysterious, dark & hidden secrets of London’s East End
Sagittarius: the diverse, cultural explosion of Bombay, India
Capricorn: the ambition, the drive & competitive atmosphere of Harvard
Aquarius: the science, knowledge and courage of the Kennedy Space Center
Pisces: the tranquil dreaminess of laying under the Aurora Borealis (nothern lights) in beautifully scenic Norway
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astro-obsessed · 2 years
Sun Sign Patterns Masterpost
1-1 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Aries Taurus - Taurus Gemini- Gemini Cancer- Cancer Leo- Leo Virgo- Virgo Libra- Libra Scorpio- Scorpio Sagittarius- Sagittarius Capricorn- Capricorn Aquarius- Aquarius Pisces- Pisces
- with a 1-1 relationship (love or friendship) you will be tempted to magnify your own virtues & failings. Constant effort required to encourage the positive qualities and be tolerant of the negative.
2 - 12 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Pisces Taurus- Aries Gemini- Taurus Cancer- Gemini Leo- Cancer Virgo- Leo Libra- Virgo Scorpio- Libra Sagittarius- Scorpio Capricorn- Sagittarius Aquarius- Capricorn Pisces- Aquarius
- with a 2-12 relationship, you will feel as though you have many lessons to learn from this person, there is an inexplicable compassion for one anothers mistakes & weaknesses.
3 - 11 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Gemini & Aquarius Taurus- Cancer & Pisces Gemini- Aries & Leo Cancer- Taurus & Virgo Leo- Gemini & Libra Virgo- Cancer & Scorpio Libra- Leo & Sagittarius Scorpio- Virgo & Capricorn Sagittarius- Libra & Aquarius Capricorn- Scorpio & Pisces Aquarius- Aries & Sagittarius Pisces- Taurus & Capricorn
- 3-11 relationships may seem as though you have alot of differences but these will have little or no effect on you both. Strong tie of friendship whatever the association. There is mutual trust & ease communication here. Not always, but frequently, there will be a mutual obligation that brings you together. Any disagreements are quickly resolved.
4 - 10 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Cancer & Capricorn Taurus- Leo & Aquarius Gemini- Virgo & Pisces Cancer- Libra & Aries Leo- Taurus & Scorpio Virgo- Gemini & Sagittarius Libra- Cancer & Capricorn Scorpio- Leo & Aquarius Sagittarius- Virgo & Pisces Capricorn- Aries & Libra Aquarius- Taurus & Scorpio Pisces- Gemini & Sagittarius
- not always, but surprisingly often, you’ll feel a noticeable tension or conflict in the presence of those born listed opposite your own. There is a sense of disapproval from either one or both of you. One person may grow restless because of the disciplinary attempts of the other. Always some degree of mental & emotional restriction.
5 - 9 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Leo & Sagittarius Taurus- Virgo & Capricorn Gemini- Libra & Aquarius Cancer- Scorpio & Pisces Leo- Aries & Sagittarius Virgo- Taurus & Capricorn Libra- Gemini & Aquarius Scorpio- Cancer & Pisces Sagittarius- Aries & Leo Capricorn- Taurus & Virgo Aquarius- Gemini & Libra Pisces- Cancer & Scorpio
- with a 5-9 relationship (friend or lover) often you’ll find easy empathy, mental stimulation, emotion affinity (or romantic fulfillment) with those listed opposite your own sign. There will be strong sympathy between you & misunderstandings will usually not be severe or lasting. Chances for harmony are excellent and a happy relationship on a permanent basis is more effortlessly achieved than with any other sign.
6 - 8 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Virgo & Scorpi Taurus- Libra & Sagittarius Gemini- Scorpio & Capricorn Cancer- Sagittarius & Aquarius Leo- Capricorn & Pisces Virgo- Aries & Aquarius Libra- Taurus & Pisces Scorpio- Aries & Gemini Sagittarius- Taurus & Cancer Capricorn- Gemini & Leo Aquarius- Cancer & Virgo Pisces- Leo & Libra
- in a 6-8 vibration pattern, you will have some problems in communicating with these individuals. Yet, you’ll be oddly intrigued by the puzzling charisma and powerfully drawn into its spell. If the tie between you is a love relationship, you’ll feel an irresistible sexual attraction toward the individual. If it is a friendship, there is some shared interest in the supernatural- death, birth, reincarnation, adoption & all spiritual matters. There may be times when this person will seem secretive. There may be a desire for one of you to willingly serve the other with little or no resentment. Under this pattern, service given will always be repaid by the fascination of the association itself.
7 - 7 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Libra Taurus- Scorpio Gemini- Sagittarius Cancer- Capricorn Leo- Aquarius Virgo- Pisces Libra- Aries Scorpio- Taurus Sagittarius- Gemini Capricorn- Cancer Aquarius- Leo Pisces- Virgo
- not always, but frequently, you will be either physically attracted to- or secretly admire & respect- those of the OPPOSITE SEX born under the sun sign opposite your own. This is because these individuals possess the qualities of character & personality traits that you lack. The attraction and urge to imitate are strong. However, you may feel uneasy, envious of or strongly competitive with these individuals of YOUR OWN SEX who were born under your opposite sign.
- excerpts from the book Love Signs by Linda Goodman, you can purchase this on Amazon.
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astro-obsessed · 2 years
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RCW 114, Dragon’s Heart
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astro-obsessed · 2 years
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To the Carina Nebula l CosmosAstroArt
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astro-obsessed · 2 years
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The Owner: VIRGO • Aquarius • Sagittarius • Capricorn • Aries
Chrissy: LEO • Scorpio • Cancer • Taurus • Pisces
Smiley face: Gemini • Libra
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astro-obsessed · 2 years
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The Owner: VIRGO • Aquarius • Sagittarius • Capricorn • Aries
Chrissy: LEO • Scorpio • Cancer • Taurus • Pisces
Smiley face: Gemini • Libra
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astro-obsessed · 2 years
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The Owner: VIRGO • Aquarius • Sagittarius • Capricorn • Aries
Chrissy: LEO • Scorpio • Cancer • Taurus • Pisces
Smiley face: Gemini • Libra
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astro-obsessed · 4 years
how does a 7-7 sign pattern turn negative
can manifest as jealousy, competitiveness and a general sense of unease around those with the opposite sun sign to you
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astro-obsessed · 8 years
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Dec. 3 - Celestial.
(I'm sorry the lighting is kinda crappy, its a dark navy blue-green colour.)
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astro-obsessed · 8 years
I would love to know what colorstrology says about my birth date. ❤ ♡ ❤ ♡ December 3. Thank you!
Posting now! ❤️
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astro-obsessed · 8 years
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the struggle of being into astrology
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astro-obsessed · 8 years
Sun Sign Patterns Masterpost
1-1 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Aries Taurus - Taurus Gemini- Gemini Cancer- Cancer Leo- Leo Virgo- Virgo Libra- Libra Scorpio- Scorpio Sagittarius- Sagittarius Capricorn- Capricorn Aquarius- Aquarius Pisces- Pisces
- with a 1-1 relationship (love or friendship) you will be tempted to magnify your own virtues & failings. Constant effort required to encourage the positive qualities and be tolerant of the negative.
2 - 12 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Pisces Taurus- Aries Gemini- Taurus Cancer- Gemini Leo- Cancer Virgo- Leo Libra- Virgo Scorpio- Libra Sagittarius- Scorpio Capricorn- Sagittarius Aquarius- Capricorn Pisces- Aquarius
- with a 2-12 relationship, you will feel as though you have many lessons to learn from this person, there is an inexplicable compassion for one anothers mistakes & weaknesses.
3 - 11 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Gemini & Aquarius Taurus- Cancer & Pisces Gemini- Aries & Leo Cancer- Taurus & Virgo Leo- Gemini & Libra Virgo- Cancer & Scorpio Libra- Leo & Sagittarius Scorpio- Virgo & Capricorn Sagittarius- Libra & Aquarius Capricorn- Scorpio & Pisces Aquarius- Aries & Sagittarius Pisces- Taurus & Capricorn
- 3-11 relationships may seem as though you have alot of differences but these will have little or no effect on you both. Strong tie of friendship whatever the association. There is mutual trust & ease communication here. Not always, but frequently, there will be a mutual obligation that brings you together. Any disagreements are quickly resolved.
4 - 10 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Cancer & Capricorn Taurus- Leo & Aquarius Gemini- Virgo & Pisces Cancer- Libra & Aries Leo- Taurus & Scorpio Virgo- Gemini & Sagittarius Libra- Cancer & Capricorn Scorpio- Leo & Aquarius Sagittarius- Virgo & Pisces Capricorn- Aries & Libra Aquarius- Taurus & Scorpio Pisces- Gemini & Sagittarius
- not always, but surprisingly often, you’ll feel a noticeable tension or conflict in the presence of those born listed opposite your own. There is a sense of disapproval from either one or both of you. One person may grow restless because of the disciplinary attempts of the other. Always some degree of mental & emotional restriction.
5 - 9 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Leo & Sagittarius Taurus- Virgo & Capricorn Gemini- Libra & Aquarius Cancer- Scorpio & Pisces Leo- Aries & Sagittarius Virgo- Taurus & Capricorn Libra- Gemini & Aquarius Scorpio- Cancer & Pisces Sagittarius- Aries & Leo Capricorn- Taurus & Virgo Aquarius- Gemini & Libra Pisces- Cancer & Scorpio
- with a 5-9 relationship (friend or lover) often you’ll find easy empathy, mental stimulation, emotion affinity (or romantic fulfillment) with those listed opposite your own sign. There will be strong sympathy between you & misunderstandings will usually not be severe or lasting. Chances for harmony are excellent and a happy relationship on a permanent basis is more effortlessly achieved than with any other sign.
6 - 8 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Virgo & Scorpi Taurus- Libra & Sagittarius Gemini- Scorpio & Capricorn Cancer- Sagittarius & Aquarius Leo- Capricorn & Pisces Virgo- Aries & Aquarius Libra- Taurus & Pisces Scorpio- Aries & Gemini Sagittarius- Taurus & Cancer Capricorn- Gemini & Leo Aquarius- Cancer & Virgo Pisces- Leo & Libra
- in a 6-8 vibration pattern, you will have some problems in communicating with these individuals. Yet, you’ll be oddly intrigued by the puzzling charisma and powerfully drawn into its spell. If the tie between you is a love relationship, you’ll feel an irresistible sexual attraction toward the individual. If it is a friendship, there is some shared interest in the supernatural- death, birth, reincarnation, adoption & all spiritual matters. There may be times when this person will seem secretive. There may be a desire for one of you to willingly serve the other with little or no resentment. Under this pattern, service given will always be repaid by the fascination of the association itself.
7 - 7 Sun Sign Pattern
Aries- Libra Taurus- Scorpio Gemini- Sagittarius Cancer- Capricorn Leo- Aquarius Virgo- Pisces Libra- Aries Scorpio- Taurus Sagittarius- Gemini Capricorn- Cancer Aquarius- Leo Pisces- Virgo
- not always, but frequently, you will be either physically attracted to- or secretly admire & respect- those of the OPPOSITE SEX born under the sun sign opposite your own. This is because these individuals possess the qualities of character & personality traits that you lack. The attraction and urge to imitate are strong. However, you may feel uneasy, envious of or strongly competitive with these individuals of YOUR OWN SEX who were born under your opposite sign.
- excerpts from the book Love Signs by Linda Goodman, you can purchase this on Amazon.
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astro-obsessed · 9 years
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504K notes · View notes
astro-obsessed · 9 years
leo and aquarius
leo: prove that you love me
aquarius: I can't prove it, but I'm...
aquarius: never gonna give you up
aquarius: never gonna let you down
aquarius: never gonna turn around and desert you
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astro-obsessed · 9 years
Zesty like a lemon square: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Rare like a cinnamon bear: Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Magical like a caramel apple: Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces
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astro-obsessed · 9 years
the signs as christmas songs
aries: santa claus is coming to town // jackson 5
taurus: baby, it's cold outside // bing crosby & doris day
gemini: it's beginning to look a lot like christmas // johnny mathis
cancer: let it snow! // dean martin
leo: last christmas // wham!
virgo: have yourself a merry little christmas // judy garland
libra: all i want for christmas is you // mariah carey
scorpio: the christmas song // nat king cole
sagittarius: jingle bell rock // bobby helms
capricorn: santa baby // eartha kitt
aquarius: winter wonderland // richard himber
pisces: white christmas // bing crosby
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astro-obsessed · 9 years
Sun Leo, Venus Virgo.. Confused lol
signs most to least likely to not realize they’re flirting when they are
*check Sun and Venus
Virgo Capricorn Pisces Cancer Aries Taurus Aquarius Sagittarius Scorpio Gemini Leo Libra
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