Cats in the City
42 posts
A Clangen blog for cats trying to survive in a world not made for them
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astray-clangen · 4 days ago
Moon 7
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“All that’s left to do is to find some more cobwebs for you, bring you water-soaked moss, catch us both something to eat…” Moonstar ticks each item off on her claws, recounting the list in her head for the sixth time since waking. She’s been going over it since the sun rose, making sure she won’t forget anything her brother may need while she’s out. “Are you feeling okay?” She asks, reaching a paw towards his cobweb-covered flank. “Does it hurt at a–”
Fogfreckle’s tail easily flicks up between them, blocking her paw. She leaves it hanging awkwardly in the air between them for a heartbeat, confused, unable to tell if he had done that on purpose or not. “Really getting into that leader mindset, huh?” Her brother mews, and though there’s a slight smile to his mouth, his words fall flat as they reach her ears.
On purpose, then.
Moonstar blinks at him, trying to remember where her thoughts had gone before they’d been so succinctly cut off. “I’ve got to stay on top of things with my deputy out of commission, yeah?” She mews lightly. Her neck fur prickles with unease as the smile drops fully from Fogfreckle’s face.
“Yeah.” His voice is painfully blank. He turns his muzzle away from her, as if the boulders crowding in around them are somehow more interesting to look at. “S’pose so.”
Moonstar fidgets from paw to paw, unsure of the sudden tension stifling the two cats in the crammed space. She runs through her mental list yet again, turning each item over in her head like smooth pebbles to see if any of the contents could have pricked at her brother in a way she hadn’t considered. Try as she might, she can’t figure out how the term ‘water-soaked moss’ would have been able to turn his mood sour.
“You’re being really brave about this,” Moonstar starts, switching tactics. Her brother is still staring blankly into the darkness, turned away from her. “Sticking it out through the pain like this. I know it must hurt.”
She reaches out a paw once again, intending to rest it against his flick, but his ears flick backwards and he pushes himself out of reach. Her paw drops, the confusion at his attitude starting to morph into a hurt that yanks at her like brambles.
“I’m not a kit anymore, Moonstar.”
“...Yeah, I know,” Moonstar mews slowly, feeling like she’s padding on thorns. “You’re– you’re my deputy! You’re–
“Could you just leave me alone?” Fogfreckle curls into a tight ball, wrapping his tail over his nose. His shoulders are sharp in the dim light that issues from the crawlspace entrance, the fur along the back of his neck spiky and agitated. Moonstar frowns at the shape of him in the gloom.
If he doesn’t want her emotional support, fine. She swallows down the ball of hurt that is lodged in her throat like a bird bone and lets it out with a rough sigh. Screw her for trying to be helpful. He can rot, for all she cares, as long as he stays here and stays out of trouble.
She stalks towards the entrance of their makeshift den, shoulders brushing the boulder above her. “I’ll go get your moss.”
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astray-clangen · 5 days ago
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them darn spring-break students causing a ruckus on the beach
oh wait tide's what-
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astray-clangen · 6 days ago
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[ Moon 4 ] [ Longdays ] [ Part 1/2] ] ⊲ [ First ] | [ Previous ] | [ Next ] ⊳
[ ??? has healed from his claw-wound. ] [ The Strays don't have enough prey for next moon! ] [ ??? catches the scent of a red fox. Tracking it, he finds the animal feeding on tallfolk scraps...] [ Proceed ] ⊲ [ Do not Proceed ] [ ??? realizes that Freckle would put her life on the line for him. ]
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astray-clangen · 9 days ago
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Moon 0.1
i cant get over clangen ever. ive had this idea for months. im using this comic to practice drawing and comic skills! the story is mostly improv! inspired and based on the clangen game on! this is clangen but with a twist that i hope will be fun! the cats have magic :)
Better read on ComicFury!
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astray-clangen · 9 days ago
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Prologue cast ^w^
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astray-clangen · 10 days ago
Is her name Freckle or Frecklepaw?
Officially in universe, for now she's just Freckle as she was named by her mom <3 But woops 😅 I copy paste some of the descriptions directly from the game / my spreadsheet where I'm recording the game events and missed a few instances of where it calls her Frecklepaw (which I try to edit to Freckle) Thank you for pointing it out haha 😘
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astray-clangen · 12 days ago
🔮 Which cat is the most superstitious?
For either Moonstar or Fogfreckle; 🌷Quirks or other mannerisms?
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Asks are from this ask game!
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astray-clangen · 13 days ago
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[ Moon 3 ] [ Longdays ] [ Part 1/1 ] ⊲ [ First ] | [ Previous ] | [ Next ] ⊳
[ Freckle gathered mullein and mallow this moon. ] [ Freckle thinks it's funny how closely ??? protects his fresh-kill. ] [ ??? Is repairing one of the camp walls ] [ Freckle overhears ??? saying something kind about her. ]
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astray-clangen · 15 days ago
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A late thank you for all the kind words on this ask! Y'all are too dang sweet 🥹🫶
Featured kitties and kind word sayers from left to right are: Mapledash of @whirlclan, Mousethorn from @cutieclangen, Gutterrat from @gutterclan, Oliveshade from @ranchclan, Clawstar from @direclan, ??? from @astray-clangen, and Greyswoop from @boughclan-clangen!
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astray-clangen · 15 days ago
omggg thats my lil freckle!!!! I'm SO soft you would draw her QwQ <333 and to hear you're invested in the story!!!! she looks so soft and adorable, I love your style!!!!! its so shaped and friendly<333
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here we are! a mix of requests + ppl i’ve seen on this blog + clans i’ve been reading lately haha. from left to right and top to bottom: ospreystorm from @the-tale-of-stingrayclan - all the designs in this clan are so lovely!! and each lil character is such a personality, osprey in particular has my heart ;u;
freckle from @astray-clangen - bc she’s adorable and i am INVESTED with the story rn, the artist’s designs are <333 im in love
valleydance from @caterpillarclan - my bby,,,my shayla,,,you already know how much i adore her bestie and if ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HER I’LL CRY
lakefrost from @a-song-upon-the-waves-wishclan - who i fear i didn’t do enough justice bc long furred cats intimidate me but she’s such a lovely fluffer i couldn’t RESIST. bicolor-eye baddie
fallenpaw from @rising-from-the-ruins - lowkey my fav design rn in all the clangens im reading, such a raggedy gal, im a sucker for calico colors
honeystar from @ranchclan - such a sweetie WITH FRECKLES!! he is so SHAPED too like his cheek fur ok diva
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astray-clangen · 17 days ago
CW: death, drowning, body depicted
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<prev. beginning . next>
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astray-clangen · 19 days ago
This is a very interesting concept! Also, I like the detail in the latest moon of the clouds being shaped like cats. Can’t wait to see more :)
Thank you so much!! 🥰 I hope people enjoy the little snippets of life my comic pages focus on moon by moon, I love being inspired by the events of clangen but I also feel artistically I don't want a lot of text or space taken up by writing out the clangen text onto the comic pages themselves, so I hope it makes sense when I pair them in the description.
Plus I think I got lucky with the events I did get in this story, it allows for a slow build up of little moments between the two titular characters in this fun city setting before things get too crazy 😏 I have a lot of lore and world building though thats for sure :3c
And thank you!! I love adding little details all over the place in pages to add a little bit of vague storytelling!! Like what freckle might be thinking about, or how there's cat toys in the den and little plants all over the place in this city and lil details like that are my fav 😍
Thanks again for reading and taking the time to send me a message 🥹🫶
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astray-clangen · 20 days ago
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[ Moon 2 ] [ Newlight ] [ Part 1/1 ] ⊲ [ First ] | [ Previous ] | [ Next ] ⊳
Events: [ Freckle is grossed out by something ??? did.] [ ??? remembers something nice that Freckle did.] [ ??? was given wild garlic as treatment for claw-wound. They will heal sooner. ] [ ??? Is thinking about how awful kittypet food must taste ] [ Freckle is cloudwatching ] [ Try as she might, Freckle can't quite remember the exact shape of the ragwort leaves, and she isn't going to harvest from plants she hasn't confidently identified. Better safe than sorry, as they say. ]
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astray-clangen · 23 days ago
SOMEONE HELP THEMMMMMMMMMM I’m manifesting anything good to happen to them rn cause they deserve it
and for the ask game:
🐀 for both cats!
🤝 for the author!
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he literally never stops daydreaming about mice in game
🤝 If you could collab with any other clangen creator (or just want to shout out your favorites), who would it be?
OH MAN THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD ARTISTS HERE!! I'm open to collabs with anyone (I don't bite!) but some of my bestest friends (even if we're only friends in my head) I'd love to collab with are basinclan, ranchclan, direclan, cutieclangen, tidalclan, boughclan-clangen, astray-clangen, cycloneclangen, featherclan, gutterclan, canary-clan, and castaway-clan! I love this community, and I'd be down to collab with anyone who is interested 🫶 (and I think crossover events are so fun and cute!)
Asks are from this ask game!
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astray-clangen · 23 days ago
ITS HIM!!! my lil guy!!!! He looks SO good and grumpy here, all of them were drawn SO well I love their faces so much. Thank you SO much for drawing him!!!! Saves this and stares at it forever<33
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"Let's all be grayscaled" said everyone, while Ginger and Ripple had airpods on.
Badgepach is from @nettleclan-clangen
??? Is from @astray-clangen
Clonwi is from @circus-clangen
Gingapa is from @direclan
Monsta is from @nimbusclan
Ripolcla is from @echoes-in-echoclan
(typos in name for comedic charm, in order they're Badgerpatch, ???, Clownwish, Gingerpaw, Moonstar and Rippleclaw)
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astray-clangen · 23 days ago
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Our founders 🍀
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astray-clangen · 24 days ago
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Prologue - Part 1
never made a comic before, lets see where this goes :>
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